ETH 125 Cultural Diversity Week 2- Implicit Association Test

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  • 7/29/2019 ETH 125 Cultural Diversity Week 2- Implicit Association Test


    You have completed the Native American - European American IAT.

    Your Result

    Your data suggest a slight association of Native Am. with Foreign andWhite Am. with American compared to White Am. with Foreign and Native

    Am. with American.

    Thank you for your participation. Just below is a breakdown of the scores generated by

    others. Most respondents find it easier to associate White Am withAmerican and NativeAm with Foreign compared to the reverse.

    This test measures the

    association between the

    social group 'Native

    American' and the

    attribute 'American'.Inherent in the name of

    the group itself lies the

    information that NativeAmericans are the

    original inhabitants of the

    continent of North

    America. The history of

    the group in the United

    States is unique in that a

    native population has

    rarely experienced its

    fate in modern history. In

    testing this association

    we are prepared for the

    ironic possibility that Native Americans may not be as strongly associated with their own

    land as are the European-ancestry groups who displaced Native Americans from much oftheir original territory.

    We have explicitly chosen to represent the category 'America' via icons and examples that

    are not biased in favor of White America -- for example, we do not use the American flag

    or monuments that are explicitly the creation of White Americans. You randomly receivedone of two versions of this task. One uses natural scenes from the American landscape

    that can easily be associated with Native Americans; the other uses names of cities and

    states in which the names have Native American origins (e.g., Seattle). The selection of

    these stimuli provides full opportunity to reveal an association between Native Americansand their country.

    Many of the questions that you answered on the previous page have been addressed in

    research over the last 10 years. For example, the order that you performed the responsepairing is influential, but procedural corrections largely eliminate that influence (seeFAQ

    #1). Each visitor to the site completes the task in a randomized order. If you would like

    to learn more about the IAT, please visit theFAQs and background informationsection.

    You are welcome to tryadditional demonstration tasks, and we encourage you to register

    (easy) for theresearch sitewhere you will gain access to studies about more than 100

    topics about social groups, personality, pop culture, and more.',%20'NativeAmInfo',%20'SCROLLBARS=YES,RESIZABLE=YES,WIDTH=500,HEIGHT=650');
  • 7/29/2019 ETH 125 Cultural Diversity Week 2- Implicit Association Test


    FAQs||Research site||Demo site||Project Implicit Home

    Copyright IAT Corp.


    This distribution summarizes 44,878 IAT scores for the American-Native task completed betweenMay 2002 and May 2006. The dark bars indicate faster sorting ofWhite Am with American and

    Native Am with Foreign, gray bars indicate faster sorting ofWhite Am with Foreign and Native

    Am with American. The bar height indicates the number of people who scored within that range.

    The IAT effect (a D score) has a possible range of -2 to +2. Break points for slight (.15),

    moderate (.35) and strong (.65) were selected conservatively according to psychological

    conventions for effect size. Scientific reports of the IAT D effect are available inGreenwald,

    Nosek, & Banaji, 2003andNosek, Greenwald, & Banaji, 2006.

    Copyright IAT Corp.