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Part - A - Answer All Questions (5X 2= 10)1. What is the Corollaries of Carnot theorem?2. Write the expression for COP of the heat pump and refrigerator.3. Name two alternative methods by which the efficiency of Carnot cycle can be increased.4. Why Carnot cycle cannot be realized in practice?5. What are the processes involved in Carnot cycle.6. Write the two statements of the Second law of thermodynamics.7. Define the term COP?8. What is the difference between the heat pump and refrigerator?9. State Carnot theorem.10. Why a heat engine cannot have 100% efficiency?Part B (1X15=15)11. (a)A Carnot heat engine cycle, works at maximum and minimum temperature of 1000C. and 40C respectively. Calculate thermal efficiency and work done if Qs=1010kJ (b) A reversible heat engine operating between reservoirs at 900K and 300K drives a reversible refrigerator operating between reservoirs at 300K and 250K.The heat engine receives 1800kJ heat from 900K reservoir. The net output from the combined engine refrigerator is 360kJ.Find the heat transferred to the refrigerator and the net heat rejected to the reservoir at 300K.

12. (a) Briefly explain the following (i) Heat engine (ii) Refrigerator (b) A heat engine of 30% efficiency drives a heat pump of COP=5.The heat is transferred both from engine and the heat pump to circulating water for heating building in winter. Find the ratio of heat transfer to the circulating water from the heat pump to the heat transfer to the circulating water from the heat engine