Education Resources Curriculum and Quality Improvement Service Establishment Improvement Plan 2017 - 2018 Canberra Primary School

Establishment Improvement Plan 2017 - 2018 · Individual pupil records (app) Tracking of attainment records Pupil work Forward plan review To create a broad, balanced and progressive

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Page 1: Establishment Improvement Plan 2017 - 2018 · Individual pupil records (app) Tracking of attainment records Pupil work Forward plan review To create a broad, balanced and progressive

Education Resources

Curriculum and Quality Improvement Service

Establishment Improvement Plan

2017 - 2018

Canberra Primary School

Page 2: Establishment Improvement Plan 2017 - 2018 · Individual pupil records (app) Tracking of attainment records Pupil work Forward plan review To create a broad, balanced and progressive

Education Resources

Curriculum and Quality Improvement Service


1. Establishment 3 Year Improvement Plan Overview

2. Establishment Strategic Improvement Plan

3. Establishment Operational Improvement Plan (Action Plan)

4. Establishment Maintenance Plan

Page 3: Establishment Improvement Plan 2017 - 2018 · Individual pupil records (app) Tracking of attainment records Pupil work Forward plan review To create a broad, balanced and progressive


Overview of Establishment 3 Year Cycle of Improvement Plan Priorities Sessions:

Strategic Priorities 3 Year Cycle




To create a broad, balanced and progressive curriculum plan for literacy and numeracy, which takes account of

As 2017-18 but with a focus on closing the gap, particularly at P1-3, listening &

Consolidation of work done in 2017-19 with an emphasis on evaluating progress over time

National Improvement Framework Key Priorities

Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy;

Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children;

Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing; and

Improvement in employability skills and sustained positive school leaver destinations for all young people. National Improvement Framework Key Drivers HGIOS 4 and Early Learning and Childcare Indicators SLC Education Resources Themes

School leadership

Teacher professionalism

Parental engagement

Assessment of children’s progress

School improvement

Performance information

1.1 Self Evaluation for self-improvement

1.2 Leadership for learning

1.3 Leadership of change

1.4 Leadership and management of staff

1.5 Management of resources to promote equity

2.1 Safeguarding and child protection

2.2 Curriculum

2.3 Learning teaching and assessment

2.4 Personalised support

2.5 Family learning

2.6 Transitions

2.7 Partnership

3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion

3.2 Raising attainment and achievement/Securing children’s progress

3.3 Increasing creativity and employability/ Developing creativity and skills for life and learning

Transforming Learning and


Implementing Curriculum for Excellence

Meeting the Needs of all Learners’, GIRFEC and Statutory Duties

Skills for Learning, Life and Work

Professional Learning

Leadership (Change and Improvement)

Page 4: Establishment Improvement Plan 2017 - 2018 · Individual pupil records (app) Tracking of attainment records Pupil work Forward plan review To create a broad, balanced and progressive


the need for assessment to drive learning and focuses on Closing the Gap; particularly at P4-7.

To improve pupil wellbeing and their ability to reflect upon their wellbeing needs

To audit existing practice in family learning and develop new approaches (Including LC priority)

talking, pace, challenge and differentiation

Audit current practice in DYW and develop a school strategy

Audit the Expressive Arts curriculum and create a coherent, progressive programme

Audit current practice in Languages 1 & 2 and develop a plan for the implementation of Spanish in P5-7 (LC priority)

Audit current practice in the social subjects and technologies curriculum and create a coherent, progressive programme

Review current approaches to personalised support and further develop

Page 5: Establishment Improvement Plan 2017 - 2018 · Individual pupil records (app) Tracking of attainment records Pupil work Forward plan review To create a broad, balanced and progressive


Strategic Improvement Planning for Establishment Session: 2017-2018

Strategic Priority


Intended Impact Measures of Success Actual Impact

To create a broad, balanced and progressive curriculum plan for literacy and numeracy, which takes account of the need for assessment to drive learning and focuses on

Increase levels of children achieving expected levels in literacy and numeracy (all organisers) Narrow the gap for those children in receipt of FME.

Increased attainment Monitoring – Forward plan discussion, Class visits/observations Peer visits

National Improvement Framework Key Priorities

Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy;

Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children;

Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing; and

Improvement in employability skills and sustained positive school leaver destinations for all young people.

Collaboration and consultation (list stakeholders):



Staff and partners

National Improvement Framework Key Drivers HGIOS 4 and Early Learning and Childcare Indicators

SLC Education Resources Themes

School leadership

Teacher professionalism

Parental engagement

Assessment of children’s progress

School improvement

Performance information

1.1 Self Evaluation for self-improvement

1.2 Leadership for learning

1.3 Leadership of change

1.4 Leadership and management of staff

1.5 Management of resources to promote equity

2.1 Safeguarding and child protection

2.2 Curriculum

2.3 Learning teaching and assessment

2.4 Personalised support

2.5 Family learning

2.6 Transitions

2.7 Partnership

3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion

3.2 Raising attainment and achievement/Securing children’s progress

3.3 Increasing creativity and employability/ Developing creativity and skills for life and learning

Transform Learning and

Teaching/Implement CfE

Meeting the Needs of all Learners’, GIRFEC and Statutory Duties

Skills for Learning, Life and Work

Professional Learning

Leadership (Change and Improvement)

Page 6: Establishment Improvement Plan 2017 - 2018 · Individual pupil records (app) Tracking of attainment records Pupil work Forward plan review To create a broad, balanced and progressive


Closing the Gap; particularly at P4-7.

Assessment in literacy and numeracy results in pupil need being addressed quickly Improved teacher confidence and consistency of approach results in high quality teaching and learning experiences Increase in levels of professional discussion in relation to attainment and moderation activities Interventions are very well matched and responsive to pupil need

Learning conversations Pupil work Observations of pupil engagement Monitoring and tracking of attainment Pupil target setting records Standardised and formative assessment results Intervention records Use of benchmarks

Improve pupil wellbeing and their ability to reflect upon their wellbeing needs

Pupil wellbeing is of a high quality All members of the community can support application of the Wellbeing indicators (SHANARRI) to improve pupil wellbeing Pupil learning experiences in HWB and RME are highly effective in supporting wellbeing

Learning conversations Pastoral support/records Observations of pupil engagement Wellbeing surveys Pupil achievement Use of benchmarks

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Audit existing practice in family learning and develop new approaches

Increased staff awareness of and engagement with the principles of high quality family learning Identified families are more engaged with the work of the school resulting in positive gains for their children Pupil learning experiences are enhanced by the involvement of parents/carers Parents/carers confidence to support their child’s learning is increased

Parental engagement records For identified families improvement is evident with reference to the five key data sets (attendance, attainment, exclusion, engagement, participation) Monitoring activity demonstrates higher levels of engagement and motivation e.g. library use increases, higher levels of engagement in class etc. Tracking of attainment and achievement – teacher judgements at identified points in session Staff plan, assess and evaluate family learning opportunities as an integral part of practice Learning conversations Focus groups Parent/carer survey

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Strategic Improvement Planning for Establishment Session: 2017-2018

Pupil Equity Fund Overview

Allocation: £31200

National Improvement Framework Key Priority Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children. Contextual analysis:

Of our 188 pupils none live in SIMD 1 or 2, however 19% are in receipt of Free School Meals. These children are present in all stages although there is a higher proportion this year in some senior stages. We know that not all parents in P1-3 claim Free School Meals as all children at these stages are in receipt of a free meal through the Scottish Government initiative. We therefore encourage an individualised approach to identifying children who will be the focus of our Pupil Equity Fund interventions. In terms of the attainment gap, children are less likely to meet expected CfE levels within this group across every category except reading at Primary 1. Whilst we are performing very well compared to SLC and National averages at Primary 1 and Primary 7, this is not the case at Primary 4 where we are not achieving in line with SLC and National averages. Careful analysis of figures shows that this is particularly the case for children in receipt of Free School Meals, with some of the biggest gaps at the Primary 7 stage. In addition, Canberra does not have a nursery and as a result our children are exposed to a wide diversity of learning experiences before beginning school, making early intervention and the development of early literacy, numeracy and social skills key factors in addressing Closing the Gap at Primary 1. Combined with the fact that a higher proportion of children in some stages are in receipt of Free School Meals and at Primary 4 we are not achieving in line with SLC and National averages, we intend to have a two-pronged strategy focusing initially on senior stages and early intervention at Primary 1. We plan to target this gap through our Raising Attainment priority. In terms of other measure of the gap: Engagement in after school clubs and activities is tracked for FME children and it is noted that only 44% attended extra curricular school clubs and activities and that only 34% attended the Primary 7 residential excursion. Family engagement in learning is shown to significantly improve children’s attainment and life chances. Our data shows however that families of children receiving FME are much less likely to attend parent reporting and learning events. We plan to target these gaps through our Family Learning priority which will involve bespoke planning for individuals and working with partners beyond the school. Attendance for some pupils in receipt of Free School Meals is lower than lower than average and is impacting negatively on their attainment and this will be addressed through our Family Learning and Raising Attainment priorities.

Page 9: Establishment Improvement Plan 2017 - 2018 · Individual pupil records (app) Tracking of attainment records Pupil work Forward plan review To create a broad, balanced and progressive


Project/Priority (details of what you are doing and who

you are targeting with additional intervention)

Amount Details of Spend How will you provide evidence of impact?

To create a broad, balanced and progressive curriculum plan for literacy and numeracy, which takes account of the need for assessment to drive learning and focuses on Closing the Gap; particularly at P4-7.


Catch Up Literacy

Training of 3 members of staff

Tracking of attainment records

Pupil evaluations Forward plan review

SMT observations of learning ASPs

Learning logs Pupil work

To create a broad, balanced and progressive curriculum plan for literacy and numeracy, which takes account of the need for assessment to drive learning and focuses on Closing the Gap; particularly at



Magnetic Boards

Ongoing phonics assessment Tracking of attainment records

Forward plan review SMT observations of learning

Pupil work

To create a broad, balanced and progressive curriculum plan for literacy and numeracy, which takes account of the need for assessment to drive learning and focuses on Closing the Gap; particularly st



PM Benchmarking 2

Tracking of attainment records

Pupil evaluations Forward plan review

SMT observations of learning ASPs

Learning logs Pupil work

Page 10: Establishment Improvement Plan 2017 - 2018 · Individual pupil records (app) Tracking of attainment records Pupil work Forward plan review To create a broad, balanced and progressive


To create a broad, balanced and progressive curriculum plan for literacy and numeracy, which takes account of the need for assessment to drive learning and focuses on Closing the Gap; particularly at



Numeracy training

(Lynda Keith)

Staff evaluations

Forward plan review Tracking of attainment records

SMT observations of teaching & learning

Pupil work

To create a broad, balanced and progressive curriculum plan for literacy and numeracy, which takes account of the need or assessment to drive learning and focuses on Closing the Gap; particularly at



32 Google Chrome books

Charging trolley for chrome books Head phones

Pupil evaluations

Tracking of attainment records

To create a broad, balanced and progressive curriculum plan for literacy and numeracy, which takes account of the need for assessment to drive learning and focuses on Closing the Gap; particularly at



Clicker 7 site license

Successmaker site license

Individual pupil records (app)

Tracking of attainment records Pupil work

Forward plan review

To create a broad, balanced and progressive curriculum plan for literacy and numeracy, which takes account of the need for assessment to drive learning and focuses on Closing the Gap; particularly at



Early intervention resources

Tracking of attainment records

Baseline assessments Forward plan review

SMT observations of learning Learning logs

Pupil work

Page 11: Establishment Improvement Plan 2017 - 2018 · Individual pupil records (app) Tracking of attainment records Pupil work Forward plan review To create a broad, balanced and progressive


To create a broad, balanced and progressive curriculum plan for literacy and numeracy, which takes account of the need for assessment to drive learning and focuses on Closing the Gap; particularly at



ASN literacy resources

Tracking of attainment records

Pupil evaluations Forward plan review

SMT observations of learning ASPs

Learning logs Pupil work

To create a broad, balanced and progressive curriculum plan for literacy and numeracy, which takes account of the need for assessment to drive learning and focuses on Closing the Gap; particularly at



Mental maths resources

Tracking of attainment records Pupil evaluations

Forward plan review SMT observations of learning

ASPs Learning logs

Pupil work

To improve pupil wellbeing and their ability to reflect & act upon their wellbeing needs


5 x Lockerbie Manor residential trip

Pupil wellbeing survey

Pupil evaluations

Audit existing practice in family learning and develop new approaches


Supported study

Resources for family learning events Creche for family learning events

Levels of engagement and motivation e.g. library use increases, higher levels of engagement in class etc.

For identified families improvement is evident with reference to the five key

Page 12: Establishment Improvement Plan 2017 - 2018 · Individual pupil records (app) Tracking of attainment records Pupil work Forward plan review To create a broad, balanced and progressive


data sets (attendance, attainment, exclusion, engagement, participation)

Operational Improvement Planning (Action Plan) for Establishment: Canberra Primary Session: 2017-2018

Strategic Priority 1: To create a broad, balanced and progressive curriculum plan for literacy and numeracy, which takes account of the need for assessment to drive learning and focuses on Closing the gap for P4-7.

National Improvement Framework Key Priorities

Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy;

Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children;

Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing; and

Improvement in employability skills and sustained positive school leaver destinations for all young people. National Improvement Framework Key Drivers HGIOS 4 and Early Learning and Childcare Indicators SLC Education Resources Themes

School leadership

Teacher professionalism

Parental engagement

Assessment of children’s progress

School improvement

Performance information

1.1 Self Evaluation for self-improvement

1.2 Leadership for learning

1.3 Leadership of change

1.4 Leadership and management of staff

1.5 Management of resources to promote equity

2.1 Safeguarding and child protection

2.2 Curriculum

2.3 Learning teaching and assessment

2.4 Personalised support

2.5 Family learning

2.6 Transitions

2.7 Partnership

3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion

3.2 Raising attainment and achievement/Securing children’s progress

3.3 Increasing creativity and employability/ Developing creativity and skills for life and learning

Transform Learning and

Teaching/Implement CfE

Meeting the Needs of all Learners’, GIRFEC and Statutory Duties

Skills for Learning, Life and Work

Professional Learning

Leadership (Change and Improvement)

Page 13: Establishment Improvement Plan 2017 - 2018 · Individual pupil records (app) Tracking of attainment records Pupil work Forward plan review To create a broad, balanced and progressive


Key Actions (How) *Lead Person *Timescale *Comments


Implement North Lanarkshire Programme from P1-P6 including spelling/phonics, reading and writing

Implement, review and evaluate

writing planners and assessment

programme for writing, devised

in 2016-17

Literacy co ordinator Identified members of literacy working party Whole staff

August – May

Audit digital literacy and create a

school Digital Literacy Strategy



October – December

Use SLC audit tool

Develop a consistency of

approach across the school in

the delivery of Effective

feedback, AiFL, Reading

strategies and the use of HOTs

HT TLC leader Whole staff

August – December At identified times throughout the year – peer visits/SMT observations/TLC meetings


Further train staff in approaches

to the teaching of numeracy

Train staff in the use of

Heinemann Active Maths

Roll out Heinemann Active

Maths to P5 & P6

HT and Numeracy co ordinator

August – June

Lynda Keith training


HAM training – tbc.

Page 14: Establishment Improvement Plan 2017 - 2018 · Individual pupil records (app) Tracking of attainment records Pupil work Forward plan review To create a broad, balanced and progressive


Review, evaluate and develop

mental maths approaches and



Plan literacy and numeracy

taking account of the


Provide opportunities for

professional dialogue which take

full account of the benchmarks

Increase parent/carer awareness

of the benchmarks

Increase pupil awareness of the


Train staff and implement SNSA

in literacy and numeracy at P1,

P4 & P7

Literacy co ordinator & members of the literacy working party HT and numeracy co ordinator Whole staff Pupil Council

At key planning points throughout the session At planning feedback meetings throughout the session and at moderation meetings Pupil presentation September parent event Ongoing throughout year

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Operational Improvement Planning (Action Plan) for Establishment: Canberra Primary Session: 2017-2018 Strategic Priority 2: To improve pupil wellbeing and their ability to reflect upon their wellbeing needs

National Improvement Framework Key Priorities

Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy;

Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children;

Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing; and

Improvement in employability skills and sustained positive school leaver destinations for all young people. National Improvement Framework Key Drivers HGIOS 4 and Early Learning and Childcare Indicators SLC Education Resources Themes

School leadership

Teacher professionalism

Parental engagement

Assessment of children’s progress

School improvement

Performance information

1.1 Self Evaluation for self-improvement

1.2 Leadership for learning

1.3 Leadership of change

1.4 Leadership and management of staff

1.5 Management of resources to promote equity

2.1 Safeguarding and child protection

2.2 Curriculum

2.3 Learning teaching and assessment

2.4 Personalised support

2.5 Family learning

2.6 Transitions

2.7 Partnership

3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion

3.2 Raising attainment and achievement/Securing children’s progress

3.3 Increasing creativity and employability/ Developing creativity and skills for life and learning

Transform Learning and

Teaching/Implement CfE

Meeting the Needs of all Learners’, GIRFEC and Statutory Duties

Skills for Learning, Life and Work

Professional Learning

Leadership (Change and Improvement)

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Key Actions (How) *Lead Person *Timescale *Comments

Further develop the use of the wellbeing indicators (SHANARRI) to assess and improve pupil wellbeing.

Implement, review and evaluate HWB programme in Food & Nutrition, Substance Abuse.

Audit MESH and PE curriculum and create a coherent and progressive plan.

HWB co ordinator and members of working party Health Committee

August – May Identified assessment points throughout the year

Review and develop the RME programme in consultation with the Chaplaincy team.

RME co ordinator Chaplaincy team

August – October

Promote the Rights of the Child across the school community and link to the wellbeing indicators & school vision, values and aims.

PT Rights Committee HT

Weekly assemblies and committee meetings Ongoing communication to parents throughout year

Introduce Growth Mindset across the school community.

HT All staff


Page 17: Establishment Improvement Plan 2017 - 2018 · Individual pupil records (app) Tracking of attainment records Pupil work Forward plan review To create a broad, balanced and progressive


Operational Improvement Planning (Action Plan) for Establishment: Canberra Primary Session: 2017-2018 Strategic Priority 3: To audit existing practice in family learning and develop new approaches

National Improvement Framework Key Priorities

Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy;

Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children;

Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing; and

Improvement in employability skills and sustained positive school leaver destinations for all young people. National Improvement Framework Key Drivers HGIOS 4 and Early Learning and Childcare Indicators SLC Education Resources Themes

School leadership

Teacher professionalism

Parental engagement

Assessment of children’s progress

School improvement

Performance information

1.1 Self Evaluation for self-improvement

1.2 Leadership for learning

1.3 Leadership of change

1.4 Leadership and management of staff

1.5 Management of resources to promote equity

2.1 Safeguarding and child protection

2.2 Curriculum

2.3 Learning teaching and assessment

2.4 Personalised support

2.5 Family learning

2.6 Transitions

2.7 Partnership

3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion

3.2 Raising attainment and achievement/Securing children’s progress

3.3 Increasing creativity and employability/ Developing creativity and skills for life and learning

Transform Learning and

Teaching/Implement CfE

Meeting the Needs of all Learners’, GIRFEC and Statutory Duties

Skills for Learning, Life and Work

Professional Learning

Leadership (Change and Improvement)

Page 18: Establishment Improvement Plan 2017 - 2018 · Individual pupil records (app) Tracking of attainment records Pupil work Forward plan review To create a broad, balanced and progressive


Key Actions (How) *Lead Person *Timescale *Comments

Audit current family learning and parental participation opportunities. Ascertain barriers to participation. Research good practice in family learning Engage in professional discussion with all staff

HT Parent Council Parent cohort

August – December

Use Survey Monkey

Create a working group to develop a family learning strategy and plan Begin implementation of plan

HT Working group members

January - June

Page 19: Establishment Improvement Plan 2017 - 2018 · Individual pupil records (app) Tracking of attainment records Pupil work Forward plan review To create a broad, balanced and progressive


Establishment Maintenance Improvement Planning: Canberra Primary Session: 2017-2018

Key Actions (from previous plans)

Continue to roll our Languages 1 & 2 French programme

Staff training in French to continue

Delivery of Outdoor Learning programme to be implemented by class teachers

Continue to write position statements for all curricular areas

Ongoing implementation and evaluation of reading programme including planning format, assessment and resourcing

Continue to use Standardised assessment to provide data to identify and action pupil need

Continue to track and monitor attainment and achievement in literacy and numeracy – using new SLC programme

National Improvement Framework Key Priorities

Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy;

Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children;

Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing; and

Improvement in employability skills and sustained positive school leaver destinations for all young people. National Improvement Framework Key Drivers HGIOS 4 and Early Learning and Childcare Indicators SLC Education Resources Themes

School leadership

Teacher professionalism

Parental engagement

Assessment of children’s progress

School improvement

Performance information

1.1 Self Evaluation for self-improvement

1.2 Leadership for learning

1.3 Leadership of change

1.4 Leadership and management of staff

1.5 Management of resources to promote equity

2.1 Safeguarding and child protection

2.2 Curriculum

2.3 Learning teaching and assessment

2.4 Personalised support

2.5 Family learning

2.6 Transitions

2.7 Partnership

3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion

3.2 Raising attainment and achievement/Securing children’s progress

3.3 Increasing creativity and employability/ Developing creativity and skills for life and learning

Transform Learning and

Teaching/Implement CfE

Meeting the Needs of all Learners’, GIRFEC and Statutory Duties

Skills for Learning, Life and Work

Professional Learning

Leadership (Change and Improvement)

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Continue to use HGIOS 4 as a self-evalauation tool and introduce to new staff as required; further developing staff skills in using evaluative language

Continue to extend the opportunities for pupils to self-evaluate