1 Steam Auto Gas & Antiques Inc. ---- Est. 1965 ---- December 2015 Newsletter Cookstown, Ontario Wishing all of our members a Merry Christmas And a Happpy New Year Executives: To be announced. Steve McCabe (519) 942 – 4597 Norm McLean (705) 436 – 6904 Dwight McQuarrie (705) 721 – 4146 Gordon McQuarrie (705) 721 – 4146 Murray Ross (705) 458 – 4793 Keith Williams (705) 730 – 3856 Early this November, our club held its annual election. Always an important event, this year had extra significance in that seven positions were made available, leaving the possibility that drastic changes to the appearance of our board could occur. This was very much the case, as only one outgoing director returned to be a part of the new board. The four outgoing members holding three year terms were President Doug Black, first vice Bill Vernon, second vice Keith Williams and Director Diane Braniff. Elected into these positions were Keith Williams, Steve McCabe, Dwight McQuarrie and Henry Eggenoor. The single outgoing member holding the two year term was Director Ted Braniff (deceased). Elected into this position was Liza Frampton. The two outgoing members holding one year terms were Fred Richardson and Tom McCallister. Elected into these positions were Norm McLean and Gordon McQuarrie. Our new board, consisting of twelve members total looks as follows: Ray Cook, Shirley Corbyn, Club Election News Henry Eggenoor, Gary Frampton, Liza Frampton, Wayne Lowdon, Steve McCabe, Norm McLean, Dwight McQuarrie, Gordon McQuarrie, Murray Ross and Keith Williams. This board, at their first Directors Meeting this December 14th will decide amongst themselves who shall make up the executive. We congratulate our newly elected Directors and wish them the best of luck in their endeavours. We hope that this board can work together, work hard, share and debate new ideas and continue to direct this fine club toward success. Important Upcoming Dates Regular Meeting: December 7 th (Bring your favourite treat as well as your musical instrument for a ‘Jam Session’ with fellow members) Directors Meeting: December 14th/2015 No Regular Meeting: January 2016 Directors Meeting: January 11/2016 Regular Meeting: Febuary 1/2016 Directors: Ray Cook (905) 473 – 5104 Shirley Corbyn (705) 357 – 2531 Henry Eggenoor (705) 331 – 1735 Gary Frampton (905) 806 – 6593 Liza Frampton (905) 806 – 6593 Wayne Lowdon (905) 833 – 5299

Est. 1965 ---- Steam Auto Gas & Antiques Inc.steamshow.ca/NEWSLETTERS/Dec. Newsletter.pdf · Steam Auto Gas & Antiques Inc. ... very much the case, as only one outgoing director

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Steam Auto Gas & Antiques Inc. ---- Est. 1965 ----

December 2015 Newsletter Cookstown, Ontario

Wishing all of our members a Merry Christmas And a Happpy New Year

Executives: To be announced.

Steve McCabe (519) 942 – 4597 Norm McLean (705) 436 – 6904 Dwight McQuarrie (705) 721 – 4146 Gordon McQuarrie (705) 721 – 4146 Murray Ross (705) 458 – 4793 Keith Williams (705) 730 – 3856

Early this November, our club held its annual election. Always an important event, this year had extra significance in that seven positions were made available, leaving the possibility that drastic changes to the appearance of our board could occur. This was very much the case, as only one outgoing director returned to be a part of the new board. The four outgoing members holding three year terms were President Doug Black, first vice Bill Vernon, second vice Keith Williams and Director Diane Braniff. Elected into these positions were Keith Williams, Steve McCabe, Dwight McQuarrie and Henry Eggenoor. The single outgoing member holding the two year term was Director Ted Braniff (deceased). Elected into this position was Liza Frampton. The two outgoing members holding one year terms were Fred Richardson and Tom McCallister. Elected into these positions were Norm McLean and Gordon McQuarrie. Our new board, consisting of twelve members total looks as follows: Ray Cook, Shirley Corbyn,

Club Election News Henry Eggenoor, Gary Frampton, Liza Frampton, Wayne Lowdon, Steve McCabe, Norm McLean, Dwight McQuarrie, Gordon McQuarrie, Murray Ross and Keith Williams. This board, at their first Directors Meeting this December 14th will decide amongst themselves who shall make up the executive. We congratulate our newly elected Directors and wish them the best of luck in their endeavours. We hope that this board can work together, work hard, share and debate new ideas and continue to direct this fine club toward success.

Important Upcoming Dates

Regular Meeting: December 7th (Bring your favourite treat as well as your musical instrument for a ‘Jam Session’ with fellow members) Directors Meeting: December 14th/2015 No Regular Meeting: January 2016 Directors Meeting: January 11/2016 Regular Meeting: Febuary 1/2016

Directors: Ray Cook (905) 473 – 5104 Shirley Corbyn (705) 357 – 2531 Henry Eggenoor (705) 331 – 1735 Gary Frampton (905) 806 – 6593 Liza Frampton (905) 806 – 6593 Wayne Lowdon (905) 833 – 5299


I do hope everyone has enjoyed this Fall season. Be sure to make the most out of this great weather we have been given… it won’t last forever, Winter is almost upon us! A concern was recently brought forward regarding the Newsletter that I feel needs to be addressed to all of our members. The concern regarded alterations made to a submission. Put simply, all submissions made to this Newsletter may be subject to editing if necessary. Submissions are often edited for spelling errors, grammar, structure and in some cases length. If ever there is confusion over the message being conveyed or the facts, I consult with the individual making the submission to “get the story straight”. This editing process is in place to maintain a high standard of quality for all of those that receive and read this Newsletter. Having recently marked our 50th Anniversary, I feel it is important that all members strive for excellence so that we may see another 50 years as a club. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Phone: (905) 729 – 4461 Jeff Blaney – Newsletter Editor Email: [email protected]

Newsletter Update

Meeting Minutes Directors Meeting – July 2015 The carving of the “Totem Pole” at our 50th Anniversary show was discussed. The cost will be $750.00, however there will be an additional charge of $125.00 if the carver supplies the wood. The overall design of the Totem is up to us. If members wish to have their name placed on a plaque (mounted on the pole) the cost will be $50.00. This will offset some of the costs. A discussion was held regarding water for the show. A trailer with a jet pump would supply the club with enough water over the course of the weekend. The cost of this service would be $500.00 Thanks to Ted Brown for supplying the mugs bearing our 50th Anniversary feature on them. These mugs are for sale at a cost of $10.00 each. These mugs provide a 100% profit for the club. Round participation plaques for 2013 are being produced to replace the rectangular ones. If anyone wishes to have theirs replaced return your rectangular plaque to Shirley and she will see that you receive a round one. A safe has been purchased from Cosco at the cost of $929.00 plus tax. This safe has been placed in the electrical area of the shower building. The club’s archives have been placed within it.

Regarding our club kitchen, the floor is now complete. A final clean up is still required. Thanks to all of the members who helped out with this project. A 240 gallon tote will be purchased at the cost of $100.00 and placed at the sawmill. Keith Williams is going to purchase an air compressor for the club for $150.00 Keith Williams has been allotted $300.00 for calcium required for the show. Wayne Lowdon has reported that 4 Steam Engines are confirmed for the show, however they may be as many as 7. A change table for infants was purchased and was placed in the lady’s washroom.

Regular Meeting – September 2015 Liza Frampton has hats and sweaters for sale from the souvenir booth. If you are interested in any merchandise speak to Liza. Fred Priest spoke about a possible bus trip to view the George Tackaberry collection near Kingston. A minimum number of people will be necessary to make the trip feasible. Fred will continue to investigate the details Ray Cook spoke about the car show being held at the club grounds. A vote was held to determine which foods should be served to attendees.

3 2015 Banquet Report

This past September, our club held its annual banquet at St. John’s Presbyterian Church in Bradford. A wonderful time was had by all. In addition to the delicious dinner, several other events took place that made for a memorable evening. Pins were presented for members aged 70 plus with 10 years of good standing. Awarded these pins were Keith and Elaine Drury, Ray and Grace Cook, Tom and Ann Stam and Louis Theriault. Trophies and plaques were handed out as well. Our Earl Rowe Trophy (given to a member who has made outstanding contribution to the club) was awarded to Murray Ross. Congratulations Murray, it was well earned. Pat Abernethy presented the Scholarship Award to Junior Member Julian Frampton. Congratulations Julian! Anson McQuarrie took time to speak about the well-known, long time member Russ Somerville. Anson spoke about the working models Russ built, plus his 1924 Model T “Dr’s Coupe” which he built from scratch. This item has taken “many a trophy” over the years. Russ was thanked for participating in our show and helping us put on our 50th Anniversary. Keep up the good work! Ellen Hickson announced that she had a table set up with the Memorial Board, Memorial Book and 50th Anniversary Cake on display. These items were available to view by all. Ellen Hickson wanted to thank everyone who stopped by and took a look. As with any club get together, a draw was held. Fred Priest sold tickets for a model Case tractor and Paper Tole Blue Jay Picture, both donated by Secretary Shirley Corbyn. The model tractor was won by Elaine Drury, the picture by Tom Cobo. Overall, this draw raised $123.00. There was an auction held at our Banquet as well. Wayne Lowdon volunteered to auction off a variety of items that were donated. A bench grinder donated by Ted Brown and purchased by Roy Hastings brought $45.00. A jug of Maple Syrup donated by Tom Cobo was purchased by Murray Ross for $90.00. A set of wrenches was donated by Anson McQuarrie and purchased by Norm McLean for $45.00. For $20.00, Pat Abernethy purchased a “Road Side Set” that was donated by Bob Dike. Finally, a needle-point created by Jean Frampton was purchased by Bob Dike for $105.00. Many thanks to those who donated items.

The night was completed with the fun draw mentioned previously. A special thanks goes out to Pat Abernethy for supplying the punch. I think we were all ready for a cold drink! Thank-you to all who attended. - Shirley Corbyn (Secretary)

Board Looks to Expand Club’s Reach

Members, Non-Members… The Georgian Bay Steam Club has just four days in early August as its foundation. It is a given that we need to expand our functions in either direction of these dates. The workday coffee breaks of this fall have “hatched” two ideas that are worth considering. Both fit within the club charter and both can produce funds for the club. The first idea is to hold a one day agricultural flea market sometime in early May. This event would help to provide those in attendance with the parts needed for that old tractor, engine, implement or any other “works in progress”. What turns up may even be the start of a new project. The second idea is to hold a “competition ploughing instruction day” in the fall, just ahead of the scheduled matches. This event will help to teach those interested the rules, how to compete, etc. It will also provide individuals who have never ploughed before a chance to try their hand. To make these ideas come into fruition, the board needs to know how many people are interested and will subsequently take part. Therefore, all members should pass these ideas on to others, especially the youth (both male and female) and get back to Shirley Corbyn or any other Director for counting. At this moment, all we can do is check and see who is interested. No committee has been set up, and no procedures or rules drawn up. This will be the next step taken if the interest is there. “Make it happen” - Your Board.



We are sorry to report the passing of longtime member Ross Calder.

Our thoughts and prayers are with these individuals

and their family.

Classif ied Advertisements Are you a member with an item you wish to buy, sell or trade? Contact the Editor and have your advertisement

placed here for free!

For Sale: Scale Model – Stuart Oil Field Pump Scale Model – Stuart #9 Engine (Tubal Cain) Contact Janet Rees (905) 836 - 6897 Wanted: Other:

The Windrow

Mrs. Overwate had a deadly gleam in her eye as she entered the butcher shop and said with a withering voice: “Mr. Aichboan, how do you account for the fact that there was a piece of rubber tire in the sausage I bought here yesterday?” “Ah my dear madam”, responded the butcher, rising to the occasion, “that just serves as an illustration of how the motor-car is replacing the horse everywhere these days”. Did you know…? In June of 1919, a 5 Ton Holt “Caterpillar” climbed to the summit of Pikes Peak in Colorado, a distance of 14,109ft, the distance being made in 7-3/4 hours. During the final two miles of the trip snow banks as high as 15ft were reported. The crawler was driven by Lt. Colonel M.A. Champlin, a Holt Sales Engineer and member of the U.S. Tank Corps during WW1. He was accompanied by a Holt expert operator, George Rhodes.

Please be advised that there are several individuals who have not renewed their memberships for this season. Make note that if you have not paid your membership fees for previous years, this will be the last Newsletter you receive. In order to continue receiving your newsletter and your ribbons for the upcoming show, please contact Eileen Stephens, head of membership. If you have any concerns Eileen can be reached by phone at 705-728-7269. Otherwise, please send your information accompanied with a cheque by mail to: Eileen Stephens - Thank you. 75 Burton Avenue Barrie, Ontario L4N 2R5. * As of January 14th/2016 Eileen Stephens’ new mailing address will be: Eileen Stephens 1 Peartree Court Barrie, Ontario L4N 2N7

Expressing Thanks

Thank you to all who participated in our Golden Anniversary Parade. A special thanks to those who helped organize, announce and manage the parade cards. - Carol Warner (Parade Marshall) “Whew”… What a Party! A surprise party it was. Many thanks to one and all who attended my 80th Birthday Celebration, family, friends, club members, etc. Thanks to Wayne Lowdon, Roy Hastings, Ken and Teddy for the great entertainment. Thank-you for all of the beautiful flower arrangements, gifts, cards, phone calls, etc. It was a day I will never forget. Sincerely, Secretary Shirley P.S. – Oh, yes, another pair of work boots. Still no name. Also, my hot dog returned.

Club Memberships