Deploying stuff. :rocket: Changing configuration files. :wrench: Introducing new features. :sparkles: Updating the UI and style files. :lipstick: Performing database related changes. :card_file_box: Work on CI build system. :construction_worker: Work about Docker / Container. :whale: Writing bad code that needs to be improved. :hankey: Explored alternative implementation / do not use. :hand: Fixing CI Build. :green_heart: Writing code drunkenly. :beers: :tada: Initial commit. :arrow_up: Upgrading dependencies. :bookmark: Releasing / Version tag. :bookmark: Releasing / Version tag. :bento: Adding or updating assets. :chart_with_upwards_trend: Adding analytics or tracking code. :speech_balloon: Updating text and literals. :wheelchair: Improving accessibility. :globe_with_meridians: Internationalization and localization. :twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merging branches. :boom: Introducing breaking changes. :rewind: Reverting changes. :heavy_minus_sign: Removing a dependency. :construction: Work in progress. :memo: Writing docs. :heavy_plus_sign: Adding a dependency. :fire: Removing code or files. :page_facing_up: Adding or updating license. :truck: Moving or renaming files. ...delivery ...features ...reliability ...ideas ...changes ...value ...infrastructure ...integration Expressive Commits… Manage Create Fixing a bug. :bug: Adding tests. :white_check_mark: Improving structure / format of the code. :art: Improving performance. :zap: Fixing typos. :pencil2: Removing linter warnings. :rotating_light: Updating code due to external API changes. :alien: Updating code due to code review changes. :ok_hand: Critical hotfix. :ambulance: Addressing Web / Browser. :web: Addressing Server. :satellite :mute: Removing logs. :loud_sound: Adding logs. :hammer: Refactoring code. :checkered_flag: Addressing Windows. :green_apple: Addressing iOS. :penguin: Addressing something on Linux. :bulb: Documenting source code. :package: Updating compiled files or packages. :apple: Addressing macOS. :robot: Addressing Android. :small_red_triangle: Starting to use gitmoji in commit messages. :small_red_triangle_down: Stopping to use gitmoji in commit messages. ...flaws ...quality ...stability ...gitmoji ...platform ..for Better Code. Refine Fixing security issues. :lock: 3. bend 3. bend 3. bend 3. bend 1. fold inside 1. fold inside 1. fold inside 1. fold inside 2. fold inside 2. fold inside staple staple staple staple v.1.0.1 gitmoji Triangle brought to you by the guys from v.1.0.1 gitmoji Triangle brought to you by the guys from

essive CommitsÉ Expr - Gitmoji Triangle Cheat Sheetgitmoji.com/static/download/gitmoji-triangle-a4.pdf · d_Þle_box: :car % ork on CI build system. W ion_worker: :construct & ork

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Page 1: essive CommitsÉ Expr - Gitmoji Triangle Cheat Sheetgitmoji.com/static/download/gitmoji-triangle-a4.pdf · d_Þle_box: :car % ork on CI build system. W ion_worker: :construct & ork

Deploying stuff.:rocket:


Changing configuration files.:wrench:


Introducing new features.:sparkles:

✨Updating the UI and style files.:lipstick:


Performing database related changes.

:card_file_box:🗃Work on CI build system.


Work about Docker / Container.

:whale:🐳Writing bad code that needs

to be improved.


Explored alternative implementation / do not use.


Fixing CI Build.:green_heart:

💚Writing code drunkenly.:beers:


:tada:Initial commit. 🎉

:arrow_up:Upgrading dependencies. ⬆

:bookmark:Releasing / Version tag. 🔖

:bookmark:Releasing / Version tag. ⬇

:bento:Adding or updating assets. 🍱

:chart_with_upwards_trend:Adding analytics or tracking code. 📈

:speech_balloon:Updating text and literals. 💭

:wheelchair:Improving accessibility. ♿:globe_with_meridians:Internationalization and localization. 🌐

:twisted_rightwards_arrows:Merging branches. 🔀

:boom:Introducing breaking changes. 💥

:rewind:Reverting changes. ⏪

:heavy_minus_sign:Removing a dependency. ➖

:construction:Work in progress. 🚧

:memo:Writing docs. 📝

:heavy_plus_sign:Adding a dependency. ➕

:fire:Removing code or files. 🔥

:page_facing_up:Adding or updating license. 📄

:truck:Moving or renaming files. 🚚







Expressive Commits…


Fixing a bug.:bug:


Adding tests.:white_check_mark:

Improving structure / format of the code.


Improving performance.:zap:

⚡Fixing typos.:pencil2:

Removing linter warnings.:rotating_light:

🚨 Updating code due to external API changes.


Updating code due to code review changes.


Critical hotfix.:ambulance:

🚑Addressing Web / Browser.:web:

🕸 Addressing Server.:satellite


:mute:Removing logs.🔇

:loud_sound:Adding logs.🔊

:hammer:Refactoring code.🔨

:checkered_flag:Addressing Windows.🏁

:green_apple:Addressing iOS.🍏

:penguin:Addressing something on Linux.


:bulb:Documenting source code.💡

:package:Updating compiled files or packages.


:apple:Addressing macOS.🍎

:robot:Addressing Android.🤖

:small_red_triangle:Starting to use gitmoji in commit messages.

🔺:small_red_triangle_down:Stopping to use gitmoji in commit messages.


...flaws ...quality




..for Better Code.


Fixing security issues.:lock:


3. bend3. bend3. bend3. bend

1. fold inside1. fold inside1.







2. fold inside2. fold inside

staple stap

lestaple st


v.1.0.1gitmoji Triangle

brought to you by the guys from

v.1.0.1 gitmoji Triangle

brought to you by the guys from