high quality, concentrated, pure marine lipids to suit your patient’s needs essential fatty acids essential fatty acid range Condition Specific Products Strength Highly Purified Clinically Effective Results Improved Patient Compliance Metagenics is a Practitioner Only range. This document is for Practitioner distribution only.

essential fatty acids - Be Healthy · essential fatty acids essential fatty acid range Condition Specific Products Strength Highly Purified ... This is why our liquid fish oils can

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high quality, concentrated, pure marine lipids to suit your patient’s needs

essential fatty acids

essential fatty acid


Condition Specific Products

StrengthHighly Purified

Clinically Effective Results

Improved Patient


Metagenics is a Practitioner Only range. This document is for Practitioner distribution only.


Metagenics - The Highest Technology in Purified Fish Oil

Molecular Distillation for Purity and Concentration of Fish OilsThe Metagenics range of concentrated omega-3 fatty acid formulas represents the highest technology in purified fish oil. This results in a final product that exceeds industry standards in purity from common contaminants including:

•Mercury and other heavy metals



All Metagenics fish oils are produced through an advanced molecular distillation process to ensure purity, batch consistency and effective clinical results. This process includes the following steps:

•Crude oil extraction from selected freshly-caught saltwater fish.

•Molecular distillation under vacuum at low temperature to extract only the desired oil fraction and leave behind any pollutants.

•Winterisation – cold condenses, saturates and clarifies the oil.


•Addition of antioxidants to protect from oxidation or rancidity.

Nitrogen FlushingFish oils are easily oxidised to lipid peroxides that may increase free radical damage and be detrimental to health. Testing of Metagenics fish oil products shows negligible levels of peroxides (see Figure 1).

At Metagenics we go a step further to ensure stability while the bottled product is waiting to be consumed. Heat, light and exposure to oxygen can all contribute to the oxidation of oils. To protect from air exposure, the air is replaced with nitrogen during two stages of manufacture for enhanced purity:

•Storage vats of fish oil are nitrogen flushed to protect stored fish oil from oxidation. They are also sealed from light and kept in a temperature and humidity controlled TGA approved manufacturing plant.

•The bottles of fish oil liquids are nitrogen flushed to ensure stability until opened. This is why our liquid fish oils can be stored below 30°C until opened and then must be refrigerated.

Friends of the Sea Friends of the Sea is a not-for-profit organisation aimed at conserving marine habitat and ensuring sustainable seafood. It is an international body which audits its certified products under independent international certification bodies against criteria following the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) guidelines. We are proud to have a number of our fish oil products certified under this system.

These products are identified by the logo on our packaging.

Figure One: Metagenics Fish Oil Testing Standards

Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICPOES)

Contaminant Metagenics EFA Products Australian Standard

PCBs (polychlorinated biphenols) < 0.09 mg/kg < 0.5 mg/kg

Solvents: dioxins, PCDDs, PCDFs < 0.2 pg/g Not specified

Heavy metals

< 0.1 mg/kg arsenic< 0.025 mg/kg lead

< 0.01 mg/kg cadmium< 0.005 mg/kg mercury

< 1 mg/kg arsenic< 0.5 mg/kg lead

< 0.5 mg/kg cadmium< 0.5 mg/kg mercury

Pesticides: DDT, DDD, DDE, HCB < 0.01 mg/kg Complies to British Pharmacopoeia

Peroxide value (PV) < 5 meq/kg < 10 meq/kg

Anisidine value (AV) < 20 meq/kg < 30 meq/kg









Origin of Oil

Purification and Concentration

Testing and Purity

Purity of FinishedProduct

Patient Compliance

Great Value

Clinical Efficacy

Applications for the Metagenics fish oil rangeThere are a number of functions essential fatty acids can perform. This is why the Metagenics fish oil range encompasses so many products; each with a specific purpose.

In healthy people, supplementation with essential fatty acids may:

•Temporarily relieve the pain and inflammation from arthritis.

• Improve mood and cognition.


•Assist in the maintenance of triglycerides within the normal range.

•Help maintain cardiovascular health.

•Assist in the improvement of general wellbeing.

Nitrogen Flushing


Omega-3 Fatty AcidsThe principal dietary source of omega-3 fatty acids is alpha-linolenic acid(ALA).Inahealthypersonthisisconvertedintotheactiveeicosanoids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). However, this conversion depends on enzymes that are prone to interference from metabolic problems caused by a variety of lifestyle factors, such as:

•Diets rich in sugar, alcohol or trans fats from processed foods



•Stress and ageing

•Viral infections and other illnesses

This means that in the majority of people the conversion is limited. Therapeutically, it is much more effective to supplement with EPA and DHA from fish oil directly.

EICOSAPENTAENOIC ACID (EPA):EPA is an essential nutrient required for proper biochemical functioning. EPA must be consumed in the diet, or in supplement form, to assure an adequate supply.

Clinical benefits

• Inflammatory conditions: helps to regulate the arachidonic acid cascade, reducing inflammatory eicosanoid formation. Inhibits COX-2,IL-1andTNF-alpha.

•Mood regulation: may help maintain normal healthy mood in patients under stress.

DOCOSAHEXAENOIC ACID (DHA):Our bodies naturally produce some DHA, but not enough to ensure proper biochemical functioning. Therefore, preformed DHA must be consumed in the diet, or in supplement form, in order to assure an adequate supply.

Clinical benefits

•Cardiovascular health: helps maintain normal, healthy blood lipid profiles.

•Central Nervous System: DHA plays a crucial role in the growth and functional development of the central nervous system in infants, is essential to the healthy functioning of the adult brain and may assist in cogntition.

Omega-6 Fatty Acids LinoleicAcidistheprimaryomega-6fattyacid,whichgetsconvertedintogammalinolenicacid(GLA).AlthoughmostWesterndietsdeliveranexcessoflinoleicacid,oftenitisnotconvertedtoGLAbecauseof metabolic problems caused by poor diet, smoking, pollution, stress and disease. The best approach to ensure optimal health is to eliminatethesefactorswherepossibleandtosupplementwithGLA-richoils such as evening primrose oil. However, it is important to balance GLAintakewithadditionalomega-3oilstohelppreventitsconversionto pro-inflammatory arachidonic acid.

Fatty Acids

Figure Two: Essential Fatty Acid Metabolism

Omega - 6 Omega - 3

Pro-Inflammatory Anti-Inflammatory

Linoleic AcidLA C 18:2 n6

Alpha-linolenic AcidALA C 18:3 n3





Stearidonic AcidC 18:4 n3

Eicosatetraenoic AcidETA C 20:4 n3

Eicosapentaenoic AcidEPA C 20:5 n3

Prostaglandins (PG2)Leucotrienes (LTB4)

Thromboxanes (TXA)

Prostaglandins (PG3)Leucotrienes (LTB5)

Thromboxanes (TXA3)

Gamma-linolenic AcidGLA C 18:3 n6

Arachidonic AcidAA C 20:4 n6

DihomoGamma-linolenic Acid

C 20:3 n6


MetaPure EPA/DHA CapsulesHighly Purified and Concentrated Marine Lipids

MetaPure EPA/DHA LiquidHigh Purity, Low Reflux, Concentrated Fish Oil

Contents:60(12days),120(24days)and240(48days)capsulesOrder Code:MP60(60capsules),MP120(120capsules)and MP240(240capsules)Storage: Store below 30°C

In healthy people, EPA/DHA has been shown to or may:

•Temporarily relieve the pain and inflammation from arthritis.1 • Help maintain cardiovascular health and assist in the maintenance

of triglycerides within the normal range.2,3

• Capsules contain citrus/berry flavour reducing fishy aftertaste.

Each capsule contains:Concentrated Omega-3 triglycerides-fish 1.0 gEquivalentEicosapentaenoicacid(EPA) 400mgEquivalent Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 200 mg

Directions: Adults: For cardiovascular health: Take 1 capsule daily with meals.

For assisting the maintenance of triglycerides: Take 5 capsules daily with meals.

For temporary arthritic pain relief: Take 5 capsules daily with meals.

Contents:100mL(20days),200mL(40days)and500mL (100 days) liquidOrder Code:MEPAL(100mL),MEPAL200(200mL)and MEPAL500(500mL)Storage:Storebelow30°C.Afteropeningstoreat2°Cto8°C.(Refrigerate. Do not freeze.)

In healthy people, EPA/DHA has been shown to or may:

•Temporarily relieve the pain and inflammation from arthritis.1 • Help maintain cardiovascular health and assist in the maintenance

of triglycerides within the normal range.2,3 • Easy, once a day prescribing to improve compliance.

Each 5 mL (one metric teaspoon) dose contains:ConcentratedOmega-3triglycerides-fish 4.6g

Equivalent Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) 1.9 gEquivalent Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 930 mg

Directions: Adults:Take5mL(onemetricteaspoon)daily.

For cardiovascular health:Take1.25mL(1/4metricteaspoon)daily.

Clinical Benefits: •A meta-analysis of 17 randomised, controlled trials assessed

the effectiveness of EPA and DHA in relieving joint pain and inflammation: The results reported a significant reduction in joint pain intensity, joint swelling, morning stiffness and the number of painful and/or tender joints at a dose of 2.7 grams per day.1 EPA and DHA exert anti-inflammatory and pain relieving actions via the following mechanisms:

- Suppression of COX-2 expression and the inflammatory cytokines interleukin(IL)-1alphaandtumournecrosisfactor(TNF)-alpha.5

- Inhibitionof LeukotrieneB4 (LTB4) and reduced serum C-reactive protein levels shown in in vitro and clinical trials.6,7,8

•2.6 grams of EPA and DHA has been shown, in a randomised, placebo controlled study of 138 healthy males, to assist in the maintenance of triglycerides within the normal range. The study reportedasignificantdifference in triglyceride levelsby14% in thegrouptaking2.6gofEPAandDHA.Thestudyindicatedthattherewasa direct correlation between increased dosage and improved results.2

•A randomised, double blind, placebo controlled trial measured the mood and cognitive effects of fish oil:After35days,2.4gramsof EPA and DHA was associated with an improvement in brain functions associated with attention, particularly those involving the cortical processing. There was also a significant improvement in mood states including anger, anxiety, fatigue and confusion.4

•High quality, purified fish oil: Metagenics Fish Oils are sourced from small, cold water fish using eco-fishing practices. The fish oil is molecularly distilled to ensure purity, stability and compliance with low levels of contaminants. In accordance with our leading stance on quality and purity, we have ensured that the fish oil concentrates are well below the Australian allowable levels of heavy metals, pesticides and solvents.

Free from corn, dairy protein, lactose, eggs, gluten, wheat, nuts, yeast, soy protein, starches and salt. Free from artificial colours and flavours.

Free from corn, dairy protein, lactose, eggs, gluten, wheat, nuts, yeast, soy protein, starches and salt. Free from artificial colours, flavours and preservatives.

•Smallpelagicfish,primarilysardinesandanchoviesfromtheoceansnearSouthAmerica and Africa















Origin of Oil

Purification and Concentration

Testing and Purity

Purity of FinishedProduct

Patient Compliance

Great Value


•ConcentratedDHAcapsulesandliquidforsupportinghealthytriglyceridelevelsandthecentral nervous system


Clinical Efficacy

Proudly supporting the


Contents: 200mLliquid(40doses) Lemon/RaspberryflavourOrder Code: OCKStorage:Storebelow30°C.Afteropeningstoreat2°Cto8°C.(Refrigerate. Do not freeze.)

Omega 3 has been shown to or may:

•Assist normal development in young children.1

•Provides EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids. •Unsweetened lemon/raspberry flavour fish oil for optimal


Each 5.0 mL dose (one metric teaspoon) contains:Fishoil-natural 4.5gEquivalentEicosapentaenoicacid(EPA) 817.5mgEquivalentDocosahexaenoicacid(DHA) 545mg

d-alpha-Tocopherylacetate 12.4mgEquivalentd-alpha-Tocopherol 16.9IU

Directions: Shake well before use. Mix into juice or water, or take directly off the spoon. 0 to 2 years old:½metricteaspoon(2.5mL)oncedaily.2 to 5 years old:1metricteaspoon(5mL)oncedaily.5 to 12 years old: 1metricteaspoon(5mL)twicedaily.

Clinical Benefits:•Essential fatty acids are important for healthy nervous system

development. DHA may help support the neurological development of children and support the cell membrane integrity.2,3

•Purity and flavour: Omega Care for Kids marine lipid supplement has been manufactured to ensure optimal purity, stability and compliance. The unsweetened lemon/raspberry flavour helps to mask any unpleasant, fishy aftertaste and to overcome compliance issues in children.

Free from corn, dairy protein, lactose, eggs, gluten, wheat, yeast, soy protein, starches and salt. Free from artificial colours, flavours and preservatives.

Proudly supporting the

Omega Care for KidsNatural Source of Omega-3 Oils

Omega Brain Care for KidsNutrients for Healthy Brain Development and Function

•High DHA, phosphatidylserine and vitamin D3 formula for brain development and cognition.1,2,3

•High potency and purity, once daily dosing for increased compliance.•Refreshing, peppermint flavour to eliminate fishy aftertaste.

Each 5.0 mL dose contains:Concentrated Omega-3 triglycerides - fish 2.3 g

Equivalent to Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) 209 mgEquivalent to Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 1.0 g

Lecithin(Soy) 1.7gEquivalent Phosphatidylcholine 575 mg

Lecithinliquid–soyphosphatidylserine–enrichedsoy 750mgEquivalent Soy Phosphatidylserine 150 mg

Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) 20 µgEquivalentVitaminD3 800IU

Directions: Shake well before opening.Children 1 to 4 years:Take2.5mL(½metricteaspoonorbymeasuringcap).Children 5 to 12 years: Take5mL(1metricteaspoonorbymeasuringcap). Take once daily.

Clinical Benefits:•DHA may help to support the development of a normal, healthy

brain:1 DHA is required for cognitive development and is essential for cell membrane flexibility and healthy synaptic function.4 DHA is an integral component of neural membrane phospholipids to help modulate functional activity in cortical attention networks of the brain.5

•Phosphatidylserine may help to support normal healthy brain and nervous system function: The human brain contains high levels of phosphatidylserine, a precursor to acetylcholine which may be involved in memory.6

•Highly purified and concentrated DHA for clinically effective results: Metagenics Fish Oils are sourced from small, cold water fish using eco-fishing practices. The fish oil is molecularly distilled to ensure purity, stability and compliance with low levels of contaminants. In accordance with our leading stance on quality and purity, we have ensured that the fish oil concentrates are well below the Australian allowable levels of heavy metals and pesticides.

Free from corn, dairy protein, lactose, eggs, gluten, wheat, yeast, starches and salt. Free from artificial colours and preservatives. Contains steviol glucosides.

Contents: 90mLliquid(18doses)Peppermint flavour Order Code: OBCK Storage: Storebelow30°C.Afteropeningstoreat2°Cto8°C.(Refrigerate. Do not freeze.)

Proudly supporting the

Metagenics recognises the rise in childhood diseases. To help raise awareness for the management of these conditions we are proud to announce our major sponsorship of the Mindd Foundation.

The Mindd Foundation is a not for profit Health Promotion Trust set up and run by a team of patients, medical doctors and healthcare professionals. Mindd aims to promote improved care for a range of acute and chronic health disorders. The Advisory Board members of the Mindd Foundation includes Dr Martha Herbert, Dr Elizabeth Mumper, Dr Nancy O’Hara, Dr Anthony Underwood, Michael

Fenech (PhD, CSIRO), Dr Robyn Cosford, Dr Frank Golik and Dr Marilyn Dyson as well as many other dedicated practitioners, parents and patients.

The Mindd Foundation understands the importance of nutritional medicine and supplementation for childhood health, especially the significance of the quality and purity of supplements. That is why The Mindd Foundation has chosen Metageincs as a major supporter to help them provide quality nutrition, education, support and advice.

Metagenics is excited to be affiliated with Mindd and we look forward to our association helping more children and their families live happier, healthier lives.


Omega Brain PlusSupports a Healthy Brain and Cognitive Function

Contents: 60(10days),120(20days)and 240(40days)entericcoatedcapsulesOrder Code: MEPA(60capsules),METAP(120capsules)and MEPA240(240capsules)Storage: Store below 30°C

In healthy people, fish oil has been shown to or may:

•Temporarily relieve the pain and inflammation of arthritis.1

•Assist the maintenance of triglycerides within the normal range.2

•Enteric coated to reduce fishy after taste.

Each capsule contains:Concentrated Omega-3 triglycerides - fish 1020 mg

Equivalent Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) 300 mgEquivalent Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 200 mg

Directions: Adults: Take 2 capsules three times daily. Children two to 12 years: Take 1 capsule three times daily.

Clinical Benefits:•A meta-analysis of 17 randomised, controlled trials assessed

the effectiveness of EPA and DHA in relieving joint pain and inflammation: The results reported a significant reduction in joint pain intensity, joint swelling, morning stiffness and the number of painful and/or tender points at a dose of 2.7 grams per day.1 EPA and DHA exert anti-inflammatory and pain relieving actions via the following mechanism:

- Suppression of COX-2 expression and the inflammatory cytokines interleukin(IL)-1alphaandtumournecrosisfactor(TNF)-alpha.3

• 2.6 grams of EPA and DHA has been shown, in a randomised, placebo controlled study of 138 healthy males, to assist in the maintenance of triglycerides within the normal range. The study reportedasignificantdifference in triglyceride levelsby14%in thegrouptaking2.6gofEPAandDHA.Thestudyindicatedthattherewasa direct correlation between increased dosage and improved results.2

Free from corn, dairy protein, lactose, eggs, gluten, wheat, nuts, yeast, soy protein, starches and salt. Free from artificial colours and flavours.

Contents: 190mLliquid(19days)PeppermintflavourOrder Code: OMBPStorage:Storebelow30°C.Afteropeningstoreat2°Cto8°C. (Refrigerate. Do not freeze.)

Ingredients in Omega Brain Plus have been clinically shown to or may help to:

•Support normal, healthy brain development and function.1,2 • Improve memory in people with age-related cognitive decline.3 •Sustainably sourced* tocotrienols for DNA protection.4

Each 5.0 mL dose contains:Concentrated Omega-3 triglycerides - fish 2.3 g

Equivalent Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) 209 mgEquivalent Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 1.0 g

Lecithin 1.5gEquivalent Phosphatidyl choline 520 mg

Lecithinliquid-soyphosphatidylserine-enrichedsoy 750mgEquivalent Soy phosphatidylserine 150 mg

Tocotrienolscomplex-palm 80mgCholecalciferol 12.5 µg

Equivalent Vitamin D3 500 IU

Directions: Shake well before opening.Adults:Take5.0mL(1metricteaspoonorbymeasuringcap)twicedaily.

Clinical Benefits:•Omega Brain Plus provides 1000 mg of DHA per teaspoon. DHA

is required for brain and cognitive development5 and has been shown to modulate functional activity in cortical attention networks. Ex-vivo research has demonstrated a dose dependent increase in erythrocyteDHAcomposition.A47%increasewasobservedaftera 400 mg dose compared to a 70% increase after 1200 mgsupplementation.7

•Phosphatidylserine (PS) is a key constituent of brain and nerve cell membranes and may help to improve memory in people with age-related cognitive decline.8,9 A double-blind, placebo controlled studyusing494patients,overtheageof65,examinedthebenefitsof 300 mg of PS on men and women with moderate to severe age-related cognitive decline.10 Significant improvements in behaviour and cognitive performance, including memory recall, were distinguished in the PS group, compared to placebo (see Figure Three).11

Meta EPA/DHAHigh Potency Marine Lipids - Low Reflux

Figure Three: Improvements in Memory Recall with Phosphatidylserine Supplementation.16





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25Placebo PS

Baseline 3 months post PS treatment

Cenacchi T, et al. Cognitive decline in the elderly: a double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter study on efficacy of phosphatidylserine administration. Aging (Milano). 5(2):123-33. 1993

Omega Brain Plus represents the latest technology in purified fish oils. The omega-3 triglycerides are purified via molecular distillation then tested for pesticides, heavy metals and solvent residues. The omega-3 triglycerides are sourced from small, cold water fish using eco-friendly practises.Free from corn, dairy protein, lactose, eggs, gluten, wheat, nuts, starches and salt.Free from artificial colours and preservatives. Sweetened with rebaudioside (stevia) and contains no artificial flavours.* Derived from palm oil which is sourced from a member of the Round

Table on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).


Ultra DHALow Reflux DHA Concentrate for Cognitive Function and Heart Health

Ultra DHA LiquidHigh Purity DHA Rich Fish Oil

Contents: 90 enteric coated capsules (22 days) Order Code: UDHAC Storage: Store below 30°C

In healthy people, DHA concentrate has been shown to or may:

• Improve cognitive and neuronal function.1,2 • Support healthy heart function and normal triglyceride levels.2,5 • Enteric coated to reduce fishy aftertaste.

Each capsule contains:Concentrated Omega-3 triglycerides – fish 1.0 gEquivalentDocosahexaenoicacid(DHA) 432.3mgEquivalent Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) 90.5 mg

Directions: Adults: Take 2 capsules twice daily.

Clinical Benefits: •May improve cognitive and neuronal function: DHA is a

predominant component of neural membranes in the brain and the retina. Omega-3 fatty acids including DHA have been shown in a randomised, double blind, placebo controlled trial to improve cognitive function by decreasing mood states such as anger, confusion, and anxiety.1 Adequate dietary intake of DHA is particularly important duringthethirdtrimesterofpregnancyuntil18monthsafterbirthtosupport the brain growth spurt that takes place.2 This assists optimal development of the brain, motor skills and visual acuity in the infant.

•May support healthy heart function: DHA has been shown to improve endothelial function and decrease resting heart rate.3 In an animal study, DHA also demonstrated a reduction in vascular wall thickness.4 In healthy individuals, fish oil containing DHA may assist in the maintenance of triglycerides within the normal range.5

Free from corn, dairy protein, lactose, eggs, gluten, wheat, nuts, yeast, soy protein, starches and salt. Free from artificial colours and flavours.

Contents:100mLliquid(20days)Lemonflavour Order Code: UDHA Storage:Storebelow30°C.Afteropeningstoreat2°Cto8°C.(Refrigerate. Do not freeze.)

•Natural unsweetened lemon flavour. • High quality fish oil to ensure purity and stability. • Easy once a day prescribing, providing 2 g of DHA.

Ingredients:Fishoil – natural (98.0%),Natural Lemon flavour (1.5%), antioxidants– Tocopherols concentrate mixed, Rosemary extract, Ascorbyl palmitate.

Directions: Adults:Take2.5to5mL(1/2to1metricteaspoon)daily.

Nutritional Information:

Benefits:•Highly purified and concentrated DHA for clinically effective

results: Metagenics uses high quality fish oils as a source of EPA and DHA to ensure purity, stability and compliance. In accordance with our leading stance on quality and purity, we have ensured that the fish oil concentrates are well below the Australian allowable levels of heavy metals and pesticides.

Special purpose food.

Free from corn, dairy protein, lactose, eggs, gluten, wheat, nuts, yeast, soy protein, starches and salt. Free from artificial colours, flavours and preservatives.

Servings per package: 20 Servingsize:5.0mL

Per5.0mL Per100mL

Energy 171 kj (41.7cal)

3426kj (833cal)

Protein 0 g 0 g

Fat - Total - Saturated - Trans - Polyunsaturated - Omega-3 fatty acids - Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) - Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) - Monounsaturated

4.6g 93 mg <46mg 4.2g 2.9 g 463mg

2 g 370 mg

92.6g 1.9 g

<921 mg 83.3g 59.3 g 9.3 g 40.7g 7.4g

Average values shown


Ultra EPALow Reflux EPA Concentrate for Mood Support

Ultra EPA LiquidHigh Purity EPA Rich Fish Oil

Contents:90entericcoatedcapsules(18days) Order Code: UEPAC Storage: Store below 30°C

In healthy people, EPA concentrate has been shown to or may:

•Temporarily relieve the pain of arthritis.1 • Improve mood.2 • Enteric coated to reduce fishy aftertaste.

Each capsule contains:Concentrated Omega-3 triglycerides-fish 1.0 g

Equivalent Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) 500 mgEquivalent Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 100 mg

Directions: Adults: Take 5 capsules daily.

Clinical Benefits: •Arthritic conditions: Fish oil containing EPA may help reduce joint

inflammation, temporarily relieve pain and improve joint mobility in arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.1,3 EPA and DHA have been shown to exert their anti-inflammatory action via the following mechanisms:

- InhibitionofCOX-2,IL-1andTNF-alpha.4

- Reduction in pro-inflammatory cytokines by competing with arachidonic acid in cell membranes, a precursor to inflammatory mediators.5

•A randomised, double blind, placebo controlled trial measured the effect of EPA and DHA on improving mood: The results reported a significant decrease in negative behaviour including anger and anxiety and an increase in vigour.2 The possible mechanism to explain the role of EPA in mood improvement is the regulation of neurotransmitters, including serotonin and dopamine.5

Free from corn, dairy protein, lactose, eggs, gluten, wheat, nuts, yeast, soy protein, starches and salt. Free from artificial colours and flavours.

Contents:100mLliquid(20days) Lemonflavour Order Code: UEPA Storage:Storebelow30°C.Afteropeningstoreat2°Cto8°C.(Refrigerate. Do not freeze.)

•Natural unsweetened lemon flavour. • High quality fish oil to ensure purity and stability. • Easyonceadayprescribing,providing1.8gofEPA.

Ingredients:Fish oil – natural,Natural Lemon flavour, antioxidants – Tocopherolsconcentrate-mixed, Rosemary extract and Ascorbyl palmitate.

Directions: Adults: Take2.5to5.0mL(½to1metricteaspoon)daily.

Nutritional Information:

Benefits:•High quality fish oil: Metagenics uses high quality fish oils as a

source of EPA and DHA to ensure purity, stability and compliance. In accordance with our leading stance on quality and purity, we have ensured that the fish oil concentrates are well below the Australian allowable levels of heavy metals and pesticides.

Special purpose food.

Free from corn, dairy protein, lactose, eggs, gluten, wheat, nuts, yeast, soy protein, starches and salt. Free from artificial colours, flavours and preservatives.

Servings per package: 20 Servingsize:5.0mL

Per5.0mL Per100mL

Energy 171 kj (41.7cal)

3426kj (833cal)

Protein 0 g 0 g

Fat - Total - Saturated - Trans - Polyunsaturated - Omega-3 fatty acids - Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) - Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) - Monounsaturated

4.6g 463mg <46mg

3.5 g 2.8mg 1.85g 463mg 695mg

92.6g 9.3 g

<921 mg 69.5g 55.6g 37 g 9.3 g 13.9 g

Average values shown


Meta OilTo Help Maintain Normal Healthy Metabolism

Contents: 200mLliquid(40days)OrangeflavourOrder Code: MOStorage:Storebelow30°C.Afteropeningstoreat2°Cto8°C.(Refrigerate. Do not freeze.)

In healthy people, fish oil has been shown to or may:

•Maintain healthy metabolism.1

• Assist the maintenance of healthy triglyceride levels.2

• Use in conjunction with the Shake It Professional Weight Management Program.

Each 5.0 mL (one metric teaspoon) dose contains:Fish oil - natural 2.1 gEquivalentEicosapentaenoicacid(EPA) 378mgEquivalent Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 252 mg

Sesameoil 1.84gLinseedoil(Flaxseedoil) 465mgd-alpha-Tocopheryl Acetate 11 mg

Equivalent d-alpha-Tocopherol 15 IU

Directions: Shake well before use. Adults:Take1to4metricteaspoons(5-20mL)twicedaily.

Clinical Benefits:•PPARs have been shown to activate thermogenesis and increase

energy expenditure (Figure Five).3 Fish oil has been shown to activate the Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptors (PPARs). The PPARs play a critical physiological role as lipid sensors and regulators of lipid metabolism by reducing fatty acid synthesis, diverting fatty acids into phospholipid synthesis and increasing hepatic uptake of triglycerides.4,5

• In a randomised, double blind placebo controlled trial; fish oil was shown to assist the maintenance of healthy triglyceride levels in normal people: Serum triglycerides were significantly reduced by 14%inthefishoilgroup.2

Free from corn, dairy protein, lactose, eggs, gluten, wheat, yeast, soy protein, starches and salt. Free from artificial colours, flavours and preservatives. Contains sucralose.

Figure Five: The Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptors (PPARs).3

Krill OilOne a Day, Clinically Trialled Krill Oil

Contents: 30 softgel capsules (30 days) Order Code:KRL Storage: Store below 30°C

In healthy people NKOTM krill oil may:

•Help maintain healthy cholesterol levels.1


•One a day capsule to improve patient compliance.

Each capsule contains:Euphausia superba oil (Krill NKOTM) 1.0 g

Directions: Adults: Take 1 capsule daily with food.

Clinical Benefits:•A randomised, double blind, placebo controlled trial was

completed on 120 subjects using NKOTM krill oil. NKOTM krill oil may assist in the maintenance of a healthy LDL:HDL cholesterol ratio in healthy people. After 12 weeks, the group taking 1 g of krill oildailyhada13.4%differenceinmeantotalcholesterol,wherethegrouptaking2gofkrilloilhadan18.1%differenceinmeantotalcholesterol.Additionally,HDLwasalsoaffected(FigureFour).1 Krill oil may also assist in the maintenance of triglycerides within the healthy range in healthy people. The mechanism behind krill oil’s effect on cholesterol may be owed to its unique molecular composition of phospholipids and omega-3 acids.1

•Highly stabilised EPA/DHA with antioxidant properties: Krill oil is high in naturally occurring antioxidant components, such as vitamins A and E and the carotenoid astaxanthin. One of the mechanisms that krill oil may work by is to reduce lipid peroxidation.2 Krill oil may help maintain cardiovascular health in healthy individuals.1 The EPA and DHA found in krill oil are highly bioavailable as they are linked to phospholipids, improving the transport of these fatty acids through the intestinal wall.1,2

Free from corn, dairy protein, lactose, eggs, gluten, wheat, nuts, yeast, soy protein, starches and salt. Free from artificial colours, flavours and preservatives.

Not suitable for patients with shellfish or seafood allergies (krill is a small crustacean).

Figure Four: Krill Oil May Help Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Levels.1



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1 g Krill Oil Fish Oil Placebo



Contents: 60entericcoatedcapsules(20days)Order Code: EFAStorage: Store below 30°C

Omega EFA and Vitamin E has been shown to or may:

•Relieve premenstrual breast pain.1 • Support heart health.2

• Enteric coated to reduce fishy aftertaste.

Each capsule contains:Fish oil – natural 500 mg

Equivalent Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) 90 mgEquivalentDocosahexaenoicacid(DHA) 60mg

Evening Primrose Oil 500 mgEquivalentGamma-LinolenicAcid(GLA) 50mg

d-alpha-Tocopherol 33.6mgEquivalent d-alpha-Tocopherol 50 IU

Directions: For general health and wellbeing: Adults: Take 1 capsule three times daily.For heart health, arthritis, and skin conditions: Adults:Takeupto4capsules three times daily.

Clinical Benefits:•A study of 89 females evaluated the efficacy of evening primrose

oil in relieving breast pain: The results reported a significant 75.64%responsetoeveningprimroseoilat500mgtwiceperday.1 Anadditionalclinicaltrialin66womenwithcyclicalbreastpainalsoreporteda97%responseratewitheveningprimroseoil.3

•May support heart health: Vitamin E has been shown to support the cardiovascular system in healthy individuals by inhibiting platelet aggregation and adhesion, inhibiting smooth muscle cell proliferation and improving endothelial function.2 Omega 3 may also assist in the maintenance of normal, blood lipid levels in healthy people.4

Free from corn, dairy protein, lactose, eggs, gluten, wheat, nuts, yeast, soy protein, starches and salt. Free from artificial colours and flavours.

In-Clinic Promotional Materials

Omega EFA with Vitamin EOdourless Fish Oil, Vitamin E and Evening Primrose Oil for Cardiovascular Health

Also available for your clinic:

• PatientInformationBrochure-OrderCode:BR30.

• TearOffPad-EssentialFattyAcids-OrderCode:TOP3

These flyers explain the quality and efficiency of Natural Medicine that you prescribe compared to cheaper, less effective products available in the market place. These flyers help to build strong patient compliance and should be handed to your patients with every Metagenics prescription.



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Product Page Key Descriptor In healthy people, ingredients in this product has been shown to or may: Form Product Highlights

MetaPure EPA/DHA Capsules

5 Highly Purified and Concentrated Marine Lipids.

•Temporarily relieve the pain and inflammation from arthritis. •Help maintain cardiovascular health and assist in the

maintenance of triglycerides within the normal range.•Capsules contain citrus/berry flavour reducing fishy aftertaste.

Softgel Capsule

•EPA:400mg•DHA: 200 mg

MetaPure EPA/DHA Liquid

5 High Purity, Low Reflux, Concentrated Fish Oil.

•Temporarily relieve the pain and inflammation from arthritis. •Help maintain cardiovascular health and assist in the

maintenance of triglycerides within the normal range.•Easy, once a day prescribing to improve compliance.

Liquid •EPA: 1.9 g •DHA: 930 mg •Citrus/berry flavour

Omega Care for Kids

6 Natural Source of Omega-3 Oils.

•Assist normal development in young children.•Provides EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids.•Unsweetened lemon/raspberry flavour fish oil for optimal


Liquid •EPA:817.5mg•DHA:545mg• Lemon/raspberry


Omega Brain Care for Kids

6 Nutrients for Healthy Brain Development and Function.

•High DHA, phosphatidylserine and vitamin D3 formula for brain development and cognition.

•High potency and purity, once daily dosing for increased compliance.

•Refreshing, peppermint flavour to eliminate fishy aftertaste.

Liquid •EPA: 209 mg •DHA: 1 g •Peppermint flavour

Omega Brain Plus

7 Supports a Healthy Brain and Cognitive Function.

•Support normal, healthy brain development and function.• Improve memory in people with age-related cognitive decline. •Sustainably sourced* tocotrienols for DNA protection.

Liquid •DHA: 1.0 g•Soy Phosphatidylserine

150 mg

Meta EPA/DHA Capsules

7 High Potency Marine Lipids - Low Reflux.

•Temporarily relieve the pain and inflammation of arthritis.•Assist the maintenance of triglycerides within the normal range.•Enteric coated to reduce fishy after taste.

Enteric Coated Capsule

•EPA: 300 mg •DHA: 200 mg

Ultra DHA Capsules

8 Low Reflux DHA Concentrate for Cognitive Function and Heart Health.

• Improve cognitive and neuronal function. •Support healthy heart function and normal triglyceride levels.•Enteric coated to reduce fishy aftertaste.

Enteric Coated Capsule

•EPA:432.3mg•DHA: 90.5 mg

Ultra DHA Liquid

8 High Purity DHA Rich Fish Oil.

•Natural unsweetened lemon flavour. •High quality fish oil to ensure purity and stability. •Easy once a day prescribing, providing 2 g of DHA.

Liquid •EPA:463mg•DHA: 2 g •Lemonflavour

Ultra EPA Capsules

9 Low Reflux EPA Concentrate for Mood Support.

•Temporarily relieve pain of arthritis. • Improve mood. •Enteric coated to reduce fishy aftertaste.

Enteric Coated Capsule

•EPA: 500 mg •DHA: 100 mg

Ultra EPA Liquid

9 High Purity EPA Rich Fish Oil.

•Natural unsweetened lemon flavour. •High quality fish oil to ensure purity and stability. •Easyonceadayprescribing,providing1.8gofEPA.

Liquid •EPA:1.8g•DHA:463mg• Lemonflavour

Krill Oil 10 One a Day, Clinically Trialled Krill Oil.

•Help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. •AssistinthemaintenanceofhealthyLDL/HDLcholesterolratio.•One a day capsule to improve patient compliance.

Capsule •Krill Oil: 1 g

Meta Oil 10 To Help Maintain Healthy Metabolism.

•Maintain healthy metabolism. •Assist the maintenance of healthy triglyceride levels. •Use in conjunction with the Shake It Professional Weight

Management Program.

Liquid •EPA:378mg•DHA: 252 mg •Orange flavour

Omega EFA with Vitamin E

11 Odourless Fish Oil, Vitamin E and Evening Primrose Oil for Cardiovascular Health.

•Relieve premenstrual breast pain.•Support heart health.•Enteric coated to reduce fishy aftertaste.

Enteric Coated Capsule

•EPA: 90 mg •DHA:60mg•GLA:50mg•Vitamin E: 50 IU


Essential Fatty Acid Range Summary