Essays on Peace: Violent Solutions Ssc/ssc

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  • 8/14/2019 Essays on Peace: Violent Solutions Ssc/ssc





    by Judyth Vary Baker


    VIOLENT SOLUTIONS: USING SSC/ssc addresses the problem ofidentifying and dealing with the dark realm of violence and aggression that existsin nascent form within every human being, and in the societies in which human

    beings function. It helps explain why psychopaths and sociopaths can attain somuch power over normal human beings, to their detriment.

    Their power causes wars, famines, genocide, and misery.How they create rage, fear and the desire for revenge in normally peace-loving

    people has been studied all too carelessly. We need to thoroughly understand howsuch human disasters as World Wars I and II came about, and how a small countrysuch as Iraq could be peremptorily invaded, conquered and decimated by a super-

    power convinced inaccuratelythat Iraq was planning to use weapons of massdestruction.

    Regarding Iraq, as the adage goes, Follow the money. But past the crudematter of profit made by a military-industrial complex ensconced in a militaristicstate that did not mind draining away the treasures and killing off the youth of itsown people, past the hype and propaganda that created the fear and acquiescence

    among the people, causing them to support that invasion, and allow their ownfreedoms to be stripped away, we must ask ourselves, Why did the leaders choosewar, and why did their people allow such cruel leaders to remain in power?

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    Briefly, before continuing, we must understand what a psychopath is. Anyonewho believes that Hitler was a normal person has not inspected the life of this man.His goal was to rule the world, and, inspired by his leadership, millions of Jews, aswell as Gypsies, dissidents and misfits were turned into laboring slaves, starvedto the state of skeletons, then gassed to death. The smoke from Hitlers ovens,consuming heaps of human bodies, rose up to smite the very nostrils of God.

    Many leaders are mini-Hitlers who lead their people into war, promoteeconomic chaos, and abet the breakdown of their nations society through theiractions. Therefore, every student and citizen should become familiar with Hitlers

    brand of warped thinking, which (usually secretly) is all too often shared by thepsychopaths and sociopaths in todays world who have gained leadership over thesheeple. Such toxic leaders can be identified by their support of war, their use oftorture, their crass disregard for the economic and medical burdens of their people,

    and their penchant to limit civil rights and freedoms in the name of nationalsecurity. Hitlers thinking, in essence, is their thinking. Here are examplesstraight from the mouth and mind of Hitler:

    Any alliance whose purpose is not the intention to wage war issenseless and useless.

    Anyone who sees and paints a sky green and fields blue ought to besterilized.

    By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a peoplesee even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise.

    Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage,

    assassination. This is the war of the future.

    How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think.

    Humanitarianism is the expression of stupidity and cowardice.

    I do not see why man should not be just as cruel as nature.

    I use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few.

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    If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will bebelieved.

    It is not truth that matters, but victory.

    Success is the sole earthly judge of right and wrong.

    The day of individual happiness has passed.

    The very first essential for success is a perpetually constant andregular employment of violence.

    Universal education is the most corroding and disintegrating poisonthat liberalism has ever invented for its own destruction.

    Should the reader consider that Hitlers thoughts were peculiar just unto himself,we should examine the thoughts of another famous killer of humans, the Sovietdictator, Josef Stalin:

    Death solves all problems - no man, no problem.

    It is enough that the people know there was an election. The peoplewho cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votesdecide.

    One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic

    Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in hishands and at whom it is aimed.

    I trust no one, not even myself.

    Gratitude is a sickness suffered by dogs.

    The only real power comes out of a long rifle.

    We don't let them have ideas. Why would we let them have guns?

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    Those are the thoughts of men without a conscience, who might be calledsoul-less. Today, we continue to endure new instances of the Hitlers,Stalins, Rasputins and Maos among us, whose influence can cause the deathsof millions.

    On a smaller scale, from serial murderers and secret societies, to thepowerful forces of secret agencies run by governments, parasitic,pathological snipers also walk among us, destroying lives and devouringsouls, property and families. The charismatic personalities of their equallyheartless leaders hide their true characters behind smiles, smooth words, andslick promises. The words evil and monster come to mind, thoughopportunities to do great evil may be few and far between, since normal

    people in the population or government do put up some roadblocks. Theseare usually laws, put into place by thinking, normal human beings.

    To fit the law to the purposes of evil, they must be weakened or skirted,often by the use of Supreme Court dicta or announcements of nationalsecurity emergencies that necessitate the curtailment of some former freedomor liberty. Thus, private emails and phone calls of ordinary citizens inAmerica and abroad are now routinely monitored and copied by the U.S.government. And it is suddenly permissible, with anti-corruption laws re-interpreted to allow huge corporations to give unlimited financial support toU. S. electoral candidates. And the installation of easily-rigged electronicvoting machines, manufactured by only a few companies, all of which enjoysuspicious links to major political parties, is accompanied by the abolition ofhand-counted paper ballots.

    Our enemies within are found not only in our governments, but whereverthey can find a niche of power: they crave prominent positions in religions,and all too often are found steering the courses of important banks,investment companies, universities, medical complexes, insurancecompanies, and military operations.

    You know who they are when their scams, deceptions, cruel decisionsand lies are finally uncovered. By then, it is often too late. The appropriationof violence and aggression to win --at all costs-- is conducted withoutconscience by these

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    individuals, who influence groups, communities, and nations by any and allmeans to further their private purposes. Most social or mental problems thatare not caused by heredity, birth trauma, and disasters are caused by thesewalking time-bombs.

    They can be classified as to how dangerous they are via their capacity toproduce mass violence or aggression (including the revolt of the citizenryrises against them) or if they are able to turn the strength of the citizenryagainst real or manufactured enemies in a series of wars that never lead totrue victories: the purpose of such wars is to consolidate their power over the

    people, who always fear to change leaders in times of trial, or to make moneyfor themselves or their friends. In addition, the rush of satisfaction theyreceive, if they can remain in charge of so much power, is itself intoxicatingto them.

    The higher in society they stand, the more damage they can do.

    Sometimes our children are taught that there is no such thing as 100% goodor 100% evil. All evil leaders and their minions want people to believethat. Dont.

    Violence, secrecy and aggression are their tools. To depose them tostop their increase of power to stop their access to power -- anunderstanding of how to perceive the signs and signals that precede outbreaksof violence and aggression can eliminate or reduce their influence, and canlead us to the real perpetrators. Its a matter of learning their language, theirsecret signs and symbols, and how they communicate with each other.

    Chapter One: Why Worry About Secret Signs and Symbols?

    Of course, controlling and identifying evil leaders who bring war andsuffering depends on what information is available and who is reporting theinformation. If a riot occurs, we generally rely on newscasts with livereportage. We try to evaluate the information available. However, we are at

    the mercy of the reporter and the agency/company offerings us theinformation. It may be colored or distorted by any number of factors whichmust be considered. Thanks to cell phones and Twitter, today we haveaccess to some unfiltered news and events that help the truth to survive even

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    the most clever official version spins. In June, 2009, the President of Iran,Ahmadinejad, stated that Iran is the most stable country in the world. Thatwas the official version of matters. But citizens photos taken a few days,and posted on a CNN blog, and elsewhere, later displayed the truth: riotswere going on in the streets, protesting rigged election results.

    It is preferable to assess the potential for violence or aggression beforethe event occurs. By doing so, we may have time to choose from a widervariety of strategies to use to divert, diminish, or avoid the violent event.SSC Theory provides useful tools to help us identify the signs, signals andsituations that suggest potential or imminent violence and aggression.

    Of course, not all leaders are evil. Not all leaders offer blatant lies.Benevolent leaders of courage and mettle have often risen to the challengesto rule with wisdom and compassion. Winston Churchill and President JohnF. Kennedy come to mind. Contrast the expressions of Winston Churchill

    and John F. Kennedy with those weve already read by Hitler and Stalin:


    All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in asingle word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.Although prepared for martyrdom, I preferred that it be postponed.

    Battles are won by slaughter and maneuver. The greater thegeneral, the more he contributes in maneuver, the less he demandsin slaughter.

    Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is alsowhat it takes to sit down and listen.

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    Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfils thesame function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to anunhealthy state of things.

    Do not let spacious plans for a new world divert your energies

    from saving what is left of the old.

    Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.

    I am prepared to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is preparedfor the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.

    John F. Kennedy:

    The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society;

    and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secretsocieties, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings.

    And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can dofor you; ask what you can do for your country.

    The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate,contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive andunrealistic

    War will exist until that distant day when the conscientiousobjector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warriordoes today.

    If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot savethe few who are rich.

    Tolerance implies no lack of commitment to one's own beliefs.Rather it condemns the oppression or persecution of others.

    Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.

    Domestic policy can only defeat us; foreign policy can kill us.

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    If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set theartist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him

    Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet. Weall breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. Andwe are all mortal.

    Evil people and their organizations communicate with each other inways that keep the normal person ill-informed or ignorant. Then,fewer obstacles are placed in their paths. Secrecy has always been partof human society, from keeping a birthday party secret, to joining areligion that was declared unlawful (such as when Christians formedchurches despite Imperial laws forbidding it). Some secret societies

    operate on what they believe are ancient principles and information toenlightenment or powers that ordinary people should not know. Theelitism in secret societies and in certain esoteric religious rituals can beappealing. People like to belong and a secret society can make amember feel very important and special. Sometimes salvation.Heaven, great riches, or power in government is also linked to thefellowship developed through secret societies. Some societies exist to

    perpetrate violence and revolution, often patterning their handshakesystems, special symbols, and special ways of speaking after long-established secret societies in their midst, or to which they also happento belong. Just because some evil leaders who happen to be Masons

    and meet to devise evil deeds in a Masonic lodge does not mean thatall Masons are evil. However, the patterns, signs, symbols, and places

    to meet are thus readily available to those who might not be quite sobenevolent or well-meaning. Keeping that in mind, lets look at a fewtypical examples of symbols and garments used in secret societies andreligions:

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    To better explore the many paths that lead to violence andaggression, we must learn some basic terminology. . SSC stands for Standard Speech Community. It signifies thespeech, common culture and habits, and thinking of the dominant,normal people in any given society, group or organization . sscstands for substandard or subordinate speech communities. sscsignifies the speech, common culture and habits, and thinking of aminority, which may or may not be recognized by the much larger andseemingly (not always) dominant SSC populations. Most little sscmembers are simply a minority sub-group. Examples are white

    basketball players, movie stars, Chicanos, pregnant, unmarriedteenage girls, owners of pit bulls, rich widows, math teachers,or blind people.

    Be aware that the little ssc can be a very good thing for the SSC.

    Being different provides variety, growth and flexibility to the SSCmajority. We need our artists, musicians, writers, poets, scientists,explorers and gifted, benevolent leaders. But a little ssc group mayalso represent something quite sinister, such as all people whotorture, all wife-beaters, or people willing to blow themselves upto kill others.

    Their language will twist the truth as perceived by the SSC and mayinclude Orwellian doubletalk (Slavery is Freedom, War is Peace,etc.). Their language to the SSC may claim that their evil or immoralacts are legal, whereas Martin Luther King, Jr., asks us to rememberthat Everything Hitler did was legal. We have a modern example:

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    In an interview earlier thisweek, Vice President Cheney admitted topersonally approvingthe torture of high-profile detainees. In a new interview with theWashington Times, Cheney stridently defended the Bushadministrations torture policies, saying, I feel very good about

    what we did. I think it was the right thing to do. He addedemphatically that he would do exactly the same thing again.Cheney specifically defended the morality of torture,suggesting that it would have been immoral for the UnitedStates to nottorture: I think it would have been unethical orimmoral for us not to do everything we could in order toprotect the nation against further attacks like what

    happened on 9/11,. ..Rather than keeping us safe, former FBIspecial agent Jack Cloonan warned that Cheneys torture

    policies will lead directly to another domestic terrorist attack:

    Based on my experience in talking to Al Qaida members, Iam persuaded that revenge in the form of a catastrophic attackon the homeland is coming; that a new generation of jihadistmartyrs, motivated in part by the images from Abu Ghraib, is,as we speak, planning to kill Americans; and that nothinggleaned from the use of coercive interrogation techniques will

    be of any significant use in forestalling this calamitouseventuality.

    Cheney appeared unconcerned about thepossibility ofbeing held legally responsible for what many are calling anadmission ofwar crimes.
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    He insisted that waterboarding was not torture, andexplained, We spent a great deal of time and effort gettinglegal advice. However, speaking on MSNBC last night, Sen.Carl Levin (D-MI) said, You cant just suddenly changesomething that is illegal into something that is legal by having alawyer write an opinion that saying its legal.

    Ref: Cheney Defends Torture: It Would Have Been UnethicalOr Immoral For UsNotTo Torture by Ali Frick, Dec 18th,2008,

    Those among us who are evil, mentally ill, and dangerously differentindeed have their own special way of communicating to the outside world,

    and they will put a linguistic spin on the most evil of agendas to justify theiractions. An introduction to The Language of Nazi Genocide, by Thomas P.Kaplan, reminds how the spin of language can lead a nation (SSC) tocommit mass murders against a targeted segment (ssc) of its own


    In the Nazi genocide of European Jews, words preceded,accompanied, and made mass murder possible. Using amultilayered approach to connect official language to everydaylife, historian Thomas Pegelow Kaplan analyzes the role oflanguage in genocidehow the perpetrators constructeddifference, race, and their perceived enemies; how Naziagencies communicated to the public through the nation's

    pressThe Language of Nazi Genocideaddress[es] thearchitecture of conceptual separation between groups and themeans by which social aggression is disseminatedoffer[ing] amodel for comparative studies of linguistic violence, hatespeech, and genocide in the modern world.

    SSC/ssc Theory can teach the reader a wide variety of SSC/ssc-relatedskills, such as how to interpret graffiti, how to predict if property values in
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    an area are likely to rise or fall, how to help make a company moreprofitable, and which stocks are likely to rise or fall, because violence,aggression and certain socioeconomic factors are all closely related. Is yourchilds school safe? What about your neighborhood? Was the Iraq Warnecessary? Will a War on Terror stop terrorists, or create more of them?

    Once you know how to use SSC Theory, you will be able to helpothers to learn and the potential for violence and aggression in this nation(and hopefully elsewhere) will begin to diminish as diplomacy, educationand communication improve. Remember: approximately 94% of humansare normal, according to statistics suggested by the research of Polish

    psychologist Dr. Andrew Lobaczewski and a host of associates. In a worldwhere natural disasters also bring misery to human beings, and where deathand suffering is a common curse due to the frailties of the flesh, we dont

    need 6% of the population cooking up even more troubles for us. But theydo. Its that 6% or so of the population itself an ssc that ruins everything.And they tend to gather together in governments. It is likely that a largegovernment is composed of at least twice as many psychopathic/sociopathicindividuals. They are moths drawn by the flame of glory, power and money.Lobaczewski, in his book Political Ponerology the study of evil in politics

    calls such ssc individuals the Pathocracy. Sick, slick leaders!

    Why Worry? Can the ssc Pathocracy Hurt me?

    Today I live in hiding, but the book about my past (Me & Lee), and how Iwas influenced by evil people myself, is safely in the hands of a good

    publisher. I have done my duty. This present book is based on what Ilearned in my sufferings, trials, and travels, about what its like to live undera cloud of SSC disapproval, about what its like to be part of an ssc(subordinate ) community, when I was once an SSC (dominant) communitymember. I have learned, firsthand, how it feels to be exposed to potentialviolence, and it has made my book all the better for it.

    My life story is available on the Internet and on film, such as in thebanned Hstory Channel documentary by Nigel Turner The Love Affair

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    Baker which is available at my official website,( as well as on some 35 other websites at

    present, though efforts to remove it from access to the people were originallysuccessful. Living my life since speaking out, as a witness who knew theaccused assassin of President Kennedy the innocent and much-malignedLee Harvey Oswald -- has been an experience past words. Even though thetragic events of 1963 happened many years ago, it is still not an easy task totalk about any of it, let alone write about it. Even after all these years, I caninstantly feel the terror, the choking sensation in my throat, the grip oftension, and my thoughts become grim, just remembering how Lee Oswald,my lover, was murdered before my eyes on national television. Our story isto be released in 2010 by Trine Day. Another good website, handled byauthor Edward T. Haslam, at, hasmore information on how his book,Dr. Marys Monkey, is inextricably

    related to my own book.Lee Oswald was gunned down in the hands of the Dallas police less than

    a day after being charged with Kennedys murder, and intelligent peopleunderstood that this silencing of a witness was suspicious. Those who tookthe time to investigate the matter quickly realized that the government wassomehow involved in Kennedys death, despite official versions in manythick volumes that were created to quell suspicions and fears. For many,that was sufficient. But others refused to let the government get off the hook.

    Ever since several fine books hit the public square between the eyes--James Douglass fine book,JFK and the Unspeakable Why He Died andWhy It Matters Dr. James Fetzers books on the Zapruder film, Jim Marrsfine workCrossfirethe Plot that Killed Kennedy , and Douglas P. Hornesfive flawless books --Inside the ARRB-- we have all the evidence we need to

    prove that Kennedy was killed in a Coup detat. We now know the USGovernment, investigating itself, could never come to that conclusion, ofcourse. Therefore, a cover-up of massive proportions resulted that continuesto this day. Fancy, well-funded websites put up evidence even about me

    that when closely investigated makes us realize that they are using littlessc techniques to convince the unwary that Oswald killed JFK.
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    Just as Dick Cheney can stay out of jail, despite his ordering the illegaltorture of prisoners of war prisoners cleverly re-named as detainees sothey do not quite fall under the Geneva Accords that forbid torture to

    prisoners of war-- so do the real killers of Kennedy and their heirs remaininnocent through clever language and even more clever TV specials.

    But eventually, truth conquers.It conquers even in the JFK matter, because those who did the cover-up

    back then (LBJ, Nixon, certain members of the Secret Service, military,CIA, FBI, etc.) eventually did other evil things that revealed their truenature. America was degraded and cursed with the Vietnam War, theshootings at Kent State, the murders of Martin Luther King, BobbyKennedy, Malcolm X and then came Watergate, the resignation of a sittingPresident for corruption, more wars, anbdmore destruction of the U.SConstitution, including the fact that killing a President was made a federal

    offense meaning that only the US Government can investigate suchassassinations. If the FBI or CIA ever removed another President byassassination, and then is ordered to investigate it, another Oswald willsurely be found to cover up the crime.

    I doubt that any president since Kennedy has been left unwarned totoe the line or else.

    I think I can understand, because of the JFK-Oswald experience, whatchallenges stood before the people who endured the experience of 9/11 in

    New York. They had to find a way to cope with depression, fear and anger.And they lived a tense existence for months, not knowing what mighthappen next.

    The shock factor is enormous. The anxiety is relentless what willhappen to us next ? What can I do to protect myself? What about my lovedones? Where will I work tomorrow? Will I survive to work tomorrow?The effects of such uncertainty, the memories and nightmaresthe fear thatdescends deep into the human psyche -- is almost unspeakable.

    On November 22, 1963, our entire country was also immersed in grief,shock and anger and particularly, people were encouraged to hate theapparently lone perpetrator of the crime-- Lee Harvey Oswald, a supposed

    lone nut and outcast. A nobody, a loser. The leader of our nation was

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    slain by this loser-nobody figure JFKs brains were blown out.Something else died that day in America, too. We might call it Americasinnocence as a people. The linguistic spin on put Oswald resembles thesame tactics used to convince Germany that all its Jews deserved execution.

    Notice this famous letter about how to handle the public that was writtenas soon as Oswald was silenced yes, the word silenced is actually used

    blatantly used, in fact, in this memo It's important to understand that fromthe very beginning, officials of our government did not want a trueinvestigation and made every attempt to "make the public satisfied thatOswald was the assassin."

    There may be no other document that makes the point more clearly that therewas no interest in a true investigation by the highest federal authorities.Issued mere days after the assassination, this memo, written by Walter

    Jenkins, is a result of J. Edgar Hoovers advice. Note that Hoover told usthat he and Katenbach were working on wording the memo properly:

    Hoover himself wrote a glaringmemothat reads:

    "The thing I am most concerned about, and so is Mr. Katzenbach, ishaving something issued so that we can convince the public thatOswald is the real assassin." (HSCA, vol 3, pp 471-473. This memowas apparently prepared by Hoover at 4 pm.) [note the word real]A third memo written by the FBI's Courtney Evans on November 26thmentions that Hoover himself drafted the Katzenbach memo. (North,

    "Act of Treason")

    Memo from Nicholas B. Katzenbach, Deputy Attorney General

    November 25, 1963


    It is important that all of the facts surrounding President Kennedy's Assassinationbe made public in a way which will satisfy people in the United States andabroad that all the facts have been told and that a statement to this effect be made


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    1. The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not haveconfederates who are still at large; and that the evidence was such that he wouldhave been convicted at trial.

    2. Speculation about Oswald's motivation ought to be cut off, and we should havesome basis for rebutting thought that this was a Communist conspiracy or (as the

    Iron Curtain press is saying) a right-wing conspiracy to blame it on theCommunists. Unfortunately the facts on Oswald seem about too pat-- too obvious(Marxist, Cuba, Russian wife, etc.). The Dallas police have put out statements onthe Communist conspiracy theory, and it was they who were in charge when hewas shot and thus silenced.

    3. The matter has been handled thus far with neither dignity nor conviction. Factshave been mixed with rumour and speculation. We can scarcely let the world seeus totally in the image of the Dallas police when our President is murdered.

    I think this objective may be satisfied by making public as soon as possible acomplete and thorough FBI report on Oswald and the assassination. This may runinto the difficulty of pointing to inconsistencies between this report andstatements by Dallas police officials. But the reputation of the Bureau is suchthat it may do the whole job. The only other step would be the appointment of aPresidential Commission of unimpeachable personnel to review and examine theevidence and announce its conclusions. This has both advantages anddisadvantages. It think it can await publication of the FBI report and publicreaction to it here and abroad.

    I think, however, that a statement that all the facts will be made public propertyin an orderly and responsible way should be made now. We need something tohead off public speculation or Congressional hearings of the wrong sort.

    Nicholas deB. Katzenbach

    Deputy Attorney General


    Note that Mr. Moyers is still alive today, and in November, 2003, alongwith other important persons, deposed strident personal objections to theHistory Channel for allowing showings of British producer Nigel Turnersthree groundbreaking new documentaries The Smoking Guns, The

    Love Affair (my story and Lees) and The Guilty Men the last threeepisodes (7,8, 9) of the popular and long-standing The Men Who Killed

    Kennedy series. A committee of historians was quickly assembled and

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    appeared on The History Channel condemning the episodes as inaccurate,after lawsuits were threatened. However, none of us who were featuredwitnesses in the documentaries were contacted, none of our evidence wasviewed, and no questions were asked of us in any form at any time prior tothe condemnations issued. The documentaries, now known as the BannedHistory Channel Documentaries on the Internet, were never seenhenceforth in the Land of the Free, even though they were originallyscheduled to air several times a year until 2013. Over 50,000 orders for thedocumentaries on DVDs were canceled and the money returned. Thecourageous Nigel Turner saw his reputation libeled and his career as a

    producer muddied on the Internet as: The Man Who Brought Shame to theHistory Channel. My life threatened, I was eventually forced into exile. Asfor Nigel Turner, his silence since 2003 has been unbroken.

    However, some people had made copies of the banned documentaries,

    which are now an underground sensation on the Internet through YouTubeand similar outlets.

    The death of John Kennedy was a hard blow from which American neverquite recovered, due to cover-ups and lies. The government was no longertrusted.

    On 9/11, 2001, America was struck a hard blow again. Americans who had almost felt immune to troubles elsewhere in the world havingignored the portents all around them that SSC Theory predicts ---were oncemore immersed in sudden grief, shock and anger. Particularly did thegovernment strive to convince the American people to hate the perpetratorsof the crimecalling them outcasts, religious fanatics, nobodies, and bornlosers who ruthlessly hijacked planes filled with innocent people andrammed these planes into the World Trade Centers twin towersthesymbol of American pride and prosperity that went up in flames and killedthousands.

    The Pentagon, too, was also attacked, and much of it, too, was engulfedin flames. We did not know if the White House or the Empire StateBuilding or the Sears Tower or Golden Gate Bridge might be next to go.With the collapse of those twin towers, and the engulfing paroxysm of

    billowing smoke and flame that crushed and incinerated thousands ofinnocent civilians who had never harmed anyone, something broke in us

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    again. We felt it. We sensed it. We lost another aspect of innocence: thatour way of life would persist and endure. Our sense of identity and securitywas deeply damaged.

    Note that symbols in America were struck the tallest buildings in thecountry, and the most important military symbol in the country. The identityof America was under attack.

    Because Americans with truthful information cannot trust theirgovernment, conspiracy has become a dirty world in Washington, D.C.Citizens are polarized: those who are patriotic believe the governmentsofficial version. Those who do not are suspected of being unpatriotic,cynical, and paranoid. Due to fear, the doublespeak-named Patriot Acttook numerous civil rights and privacy rights from Americans, fraught asthey were with fear.

    The western world now draws close to deciding that the billions whocleave to the Muslim religion are ssc to us. But, horror of horrors theyare learning to feel the same way about us. To them, WE are the ssc.

    The most important aspect of this change has been the growth of afundamental distrust and even hatred of those of a different religion, of adifferent culture --- and our very human, very drastic responses, including,for America, agreeing to wage war on Iraq, led to that decision by thedoublespeak habits and lies of leaders such as Dick Cheney and the Bushclan. How former British prime Minister Tony Blair can avoid being calledTony B-liar remains to be seen.

    A crisis culture attractive to a horde of fanatic religious extremists,whose goal is the elimination of infidels and America, and a rise amongmany Americans to never trust a Muslim is now daily fanned into flame

    by those whose lust for war, power, prestige and glory does not consider thecost in human lives.

    It is the dreaded seed of the Mother of All Wars.It is the titanic clash between ssc and SSC forces that threatens a

    worldwide resumption of the Crusades, this time capable of engulfing us alland destroying the world. Many Muslims are taught that innocents can die

    and its okay, because they will go to paradise, whole the infidels will goelsewhere. So what does it matter if the planet becomes uninhabitable?

    First on the list for annihilation, we are told, is Israel:

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    Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, promisedWednesday at a meeting with Mauritanian President Mohamed OuldAbdel Aziz that Israel would be annihilated soon. Abdel Aziz waswinding up a two-day visit to Iran aimed at strengthening bilateralties. According to the Iranian state-runFars News Agency (FNA),Khamenei said the region would soon witness annihilation of theZionist regime. He added that the timetable for the destruction woulddepend on the functioning of the Islamic countries and Muslimnations.Khamenei controls Iran's foreign policy, including its nucleartechnology development andits uranium enrichment program.

    Iran's Supreme Leader: Zionist Regime to be Annihilated by Hana Levi Julian


    Chapter Two: THE SSC/ssc THEORY

    Can lives be saved? Can sane diplomacy and truthful rhetoric achievewhat bombs and torture have failed to achieve? Will there ever be peace inthe world again? Will we ever return to the dream of true democracy and ofuntrammeled human rights for all? Frankly, not unless the ssc and SSC

    theory is properly applied, with due understanding, as well, of the dire factsbehind psychopaths and how they can take over and control societies, whichthey accomplish either through secret organizations, or by gathering thoselike unto themselves, employing their own ssc inner organization, which

    presents to the SSC majority those smiling faces and assurances thateverything they decide to do is legal and best for the country.
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    Seen that smile before?Some sayings of Mao Zedong, Revolutionary Communist Chinas supreme

    leader: Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics withbloodshed.

    There is in fact no such thing as art for art's sake, art that standsabove classes, art that is detached from or independent of


    War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get ridof the gun it is necessary to take up the gun.

    To read too many books is harmful.

    What we have in excess is women. So if you want, we can givea few of those to you, some tens of thousands. Let them go toyour place. They will create disasters. That way you can lessenour burden.

    Waris the highest form of struggle for resolvingcontradictions

    We Communists oppose all unjust wars that impede progress,but we do not oppose progressive, just wars. Not only do weCommunists not oppose just wars, we actively participate inthem.
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    Every Communist must grasp the truth, "Political power growsout of the barrel of a gun."

    Revolutions and revolutionary wars are inevitable in classsociety, and without them it is impossible to accomplish anyleap in social development

    The mindset that allows us to accept violent solutions to achieve peaceis similar to treating symptoms instead of causes in medical practices. Itgenerates more money to treat symptoms than to prevent the disease.Similarly, it generates more income, prestige and power for some -- toconduct war rather than to pursue pathways to peace.

    So long as it is preferable to hold summits rather than to attack theproblem at its roots, so long shall we live with terrorists, with suicidebombers, and with jihad.
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    Change must begin with the youngest in society: the children who bangtheir heads against their sacred books and mindlessly repeat sacred texts arelearning beehive society thought patterns: they will mindlessly act todefend, with their lives, whatever principles they are taught to defend. Ifthey are taught to think instead of to react, to question instead of tomindlessly obey, to live instead of to become martyrs, there will be nofodder for the proponents ofjihad. Remember that for believers, the sacredwords of a Bible or a Quran are all SSC -- The moral voice of the people.Another example of the moral voice of the people the SSC voiceforrevolutionary Communist China was Chairman Maos Little Red Book.Slogans and aphorisms from the book were memorized and used to justifyall manner of action against those who were considered ssc because theywere intellectuals, teachers, artists, writers, anti-communist, disliked

    persons, or simply too different: the enormous purge was called, in typicalssc doublespeak language, the Cultural Revolution. Paul Craig Robertswrote a book review (Red-Color News Soldier,by photographer LiZhensheng and published in 2003 by Phaedron Press)that deftly recountshow some 65 million Chinese citizens were deemed ssc -- and thus wereeliminated by those who identified themselves as SSC during Maosreign:

    Mao Zedongs Chinese Cultural Revolution came to an endin 1976Unless they are students of foreign affairs, fewAmericansare [now] familiar with Maos third and finalviolent assault upon China.By 1949 when Mao consolidated powerin China, massacres ofcapitalists and landowners had become everyday events.Maos second assault on China was the Great Leap Forward,organiz[ing] China into a network of peoples communes.The result was the total disruption of agriculture, causing afamine that killed more than 20 million people.In 1966 Mao launched the Cultural Revolution. It was anassault on the Communist Party and on all authority except
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    Maos. The great leader felt that policy failures and endlesskillings had demoralized the old party cadres, causing them tolose their revolutionary spirit.

    Maos solution was to set millions of youths (Red Guards)on their elders to purge the Communist Party with humiliationand murder. It was glorious to beat people to death, said GirlsMiddle School student Liu Tingting, whose high rankingfather,Chinese President Liu Shaoqi was purged and allowed todie in prison of medical neglect.

    The madcap enterprise was partly captured on film byphotographer Li Zhensheng[whose] fortunes rose and fellwith the Cultural Revolution. To survive as a news

    photographer in Harbin, he had to organize his own group ofRed Guards. When he was denounced by a competing group, hehad the wits to hide his photographs, which Phaidon calls asecret archive hidden for 40 years.Lis photos graphically capture the emotional pain of thehumiliation inflicted by young punks on powerful men,governors and Communist Party First Secretaries, some ofwhom were veterans of the Long March.Still others show enemies kneeling, hands tied behind their

    backs, waiting to be shot in the back of the headIt is chilling that Mao could so easily move a vast tradition-

    bound society to outrageous and immoral acts of destruction.Historic treasures were destroyed along with people.

    Production was disrupted, and the economy sank.Lis photographs show assemblies of hundreds of thousands ofChinese youths with right arms raised in Hitler-like salutes, butwith fists clenched, shouting nonsense slogans. It is astonishingthat these Red Guard brigades formed suddenly without yearsof organization and brainwashing.

    The National Socialists in Germany had to indoctrinate andtrain their Hitler Youth. Soviet efforts at indoctrination

    persisted for decades with mixed results.
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    Many have speculated how Germany, a leading nation of

    learning and science could be overcome by propaganda. Butthat is what happens when government can tell lies and not bechallenged, whether for reasons of power or patriotism. Whengovernments can lie, citizens are no longer safe. That is whygovernments must be held accountable to truth.The Cultural Revolution was unique. It was undertaken byuncontrolled youths. Red Guard units fought one another forsupremacy. Li describes the denunciations which destroyed somany people as freewheeling settling of scores and as

    accusations of often specious content under the guise ofideological purity. Once the process began, the only way toavoid accusations was to strike first.The Cultural Revolution is reminiscent ofStalins Great Terror.Stalins secret police were under pressure to round up evermore enemies or to be arrested themselves for protectingenemies with inaction. The insane momentum resulted instreet sweeps in which everyone who happened to be on thestreet at a given moment was swept away into the gulag

    [at] the 11th Party Congress in 1981, a resolution was issued(ellipses omitted): Practice has shown that the culturalrevolution did not in fact constitute a revolution or social

    progress in any sense. Chief responsibility for the grave error ofthe Cultural Revolution, an error comprehensive in magnitudeand protracted in duration, does indeed lie with Comrade MaoZedong. In his later years far from making a correct analysis ofmany problems, he confused right and wrong and the peoplewith the enemy. Herein lies his tragedy.

    And that of his 65 million victims.
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    We should now be able to see that the 20th and 21st century ushered inthe deaths of untold millions by means of war, largely due to the leadershipof men who caused their governments to urge them to war and murder.Ordinary people were inspired to fight enemies and kill the ssc for theirleaders, ideologies, religions, or the good of the country. How easily theSSC majority is led into devastating and horrifying wars! How readily they

    believe what their government tells them! Yet we need to be governed. Weneed the protection of government. So what can be done?

    I offer the labor of two decades in developing and applying the SSC

    theory to provide us with some strategic new methods to help us accessthose resources that can help us avoid war in favor of other strategies. It was

    painful to see Barack Obama, the U.S. President who was elected to office inthe hopes that he would restore many lost freedoms t Americans, pull troopsfrom Iraq, and stop the war in Afghanistan. With dismay, though hed beenawarded the Nobel Peace Prize, Americans who were sick of war andendless infringements upon their liberties witnessed their hope accede tothe demands of his generals to move an additional 30,000 troops intoAfghanistan and extend the intrusive expansion of spying and snooping

    powers of his predecessor over the American people. Obama spent weekswith his Generals in the War Room. Scarcely can peace be hammered out oreven mentioned in such a room.

    We must learn new ways to deal with the threat and prospect of war.Violent solutions only create more violence. It is a lesson of history thatmust be remembered. The problems ofjihad, suicide bombings, and guerillawarfare now entered a phase where technology allows a single individual totake many lives in the space of a moment.

    We must learn to assess the severity of the state of our emergencies,

    which presently involves the alignment of nations against each other in thename of survival. We must also learn how to protect our minds andspirits from the arguments and clever SSC talk of evil leaders, forinevitably, we will again be challenged to deal with future events of violenceand aggression that are certain to again assail us. It is the toxic fallout with

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    which we can be poisoned terminally this nuclear reaction of ours to9/11. Only a clean wind can change this toxic future.

    We must also learn how to discern the signs of the times. Above all, wemust construct educational strategies capable of reaching the enemy andchanging his/her mindset. It is this strategy that will be the most effective,in the long run. Surges of soldiers into Afghanistan will merely repeat thescenarios of bloodshed that have ruled there for decades. Education alone along with practical reforms that rid the government there of its war-hardened and mentally sickened warlords and corrupt leadership can winthat war. Actually, the only certain winners, at present, will be military-

    industrial arms manufacturers and drug cartels, if the past is repeated (as itseems to be so endlessly).

    Only a new way of thinking and learning , using well-communicatedideas and concepts, can stop the creation of brainwashed suicide bombers,for example. Babies are not born that way. The price of a single, modernwar plane is more than we will probably ever spend bringing education to amass of potential suicide bombers. Yet only by reaching the minds andhearts of these young would-be martyrs, and those who think as they do,can we assure a future without terror and suffering for ourselves. Plow the

    poppies under, spend a billion dollars on schools and farmers, protect themas they grow their new cropsits not impossible, but it isnt glorious and itmakes no money for war-oriented nations whose lobbyists want war tocontinue, if possible, forever. Because peace does not produce wealth forwar-loving industries, there will always be objections in this century tostopping wars, and there will always be a plethora of excuses for startingnew ones.

    Nevertheless, wherever it is allowed, teaching people in communities tolisten to the language of their leaders, using SSC and ssc principles, whichinclude exposing young minds to the concepts of tolerance, acceptance of

    different religions and philosophies, and a fresh respect for artists, writers andhumanitarians (instead of movie stars, political heroes, and sports figures)may help them find better leaders. They may learn how to recognize the evilleaders among them. Then wars may be prevented. Coups may be stopped.

    Evil leaders of the sort typified by Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe can bestopped from gaining power. Regarding deeply entrenched, evil leaders suchas Mugabe, all we can do is expose the bitter truth about them to the people.

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    Throughout this book, we will apply SSC/ssc theory not only to the timeperiods of 1963 and of 2001, in order to learn about the nature of violence,aggression, and all the affiliated situations giving rise to these expressions ofhostility, but also to other time periods that can teach us lessons we shouldhave learned long ago, lest we repeat history.

    It is my fervent hope that by learning SSC/ssc theory and how to apply it,that you will profit by it. I also recommend that this theory should becomefamiliar to diplomats and leaders - including businessmen and celebritieswho can influence the masses so easily. Leaders at every level -- includingour military and political analysts will find the SSC/ssc theory practicalevery day. Police, medical personnel, EMTs, teachers, ministers,counselors and firefighters should also read this book. It will help them tolearn how to better identify and cope with the threats and signals of violenceand aggression that are sure to come. Those evil masters of deceit who

    might appropriate the theory for themselves, will have to remember thatpeople will begin to think -- past mere rhetoric and smiles and words -- toanalyze the reality behind the masks: are we being motivated by fear, terrorand need, or will this kind of leadership make the world become more

    peaceful? On every level, the answer must be more peaceful.

    Finally, teens and college students should be taught about the SSC/sscconcepts that drive them to want to belong or to conform to whatotherwise, they would not, even to the point of doing drugs, dropping out ofschool, or joining vicious gangs. High school teachers can apply manySSC/ssc principles to interpret the signs and signals that most often occur

    before violent acts are committed. They will then be better able to choose asbetter course in efforts to de-fuse the problems.

    Remember, I have personally experienced both sides of the SSC/ssc wayof life. I have seen how Official Versions whether in religion, or indescribing a Presidents death are used to influence millions.Its time to learn how to stop the decline of civilization, before its too late.


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    How did suicide bombers get that way?SSC theory is applicable to many kinds of problems and situations, both

    foreign and domestic, which may concern us. It can interpret conditionsand trends. It can analyze the source and nature of tensions and pressureson family members, on personnel in the workplace, on gang membersroaming the streets. It can be used to assess potentially violent factors inschools, prisons, and so on, extending to ways to apply its analytictechniques not only to individuals or communities, but also to cities, states,and nations. In the case of suicide bombers, we will first examine thesituations that induce them to choose martyrdom. Then we will concernourselves with a broad description of the education they currently receive.Finally, we will discuss how to use SSC Theory to deliver the kind ofeducation that is needed to change their ssc-influenced mind-set.

    While SSC Theory is based on a set of perceptual, sociolinguistic andpolitical concepts of utility to sociologists, political scientists and culturalanthropologists, it can also be of great value to anyone capable of readingthis book.

    SSC Theory will help you cope with the problems of violence andaggression that seem to beleaguer us as a people. We desperately need tounderstand the root causes of violence and aggression, how incidents ofviolence and aggression can be predicted, and whether these incidents can bede-fused, diffused, or diverted. Signs and signals always precede acts ofviolence and aggression at every level, if only we learn to note them.We also need to learn how to de-fuse situations, how to reduce conflicts,how to diminish differences between people.

    While instances of unnecessary violence and aggression have alwaysbeen with us, and we know instinctively that something ought and should bedone to reduce the incidence and severity of such events, we rarely acquirethe skills or knowledge needed to make a difference. Our wise men andelders are too often propped-up television personalities and elected

    government officials with whom we have little personal contact: we are

    mini-islands, surrounded by swirling events over which we often feel

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    we have little control. We do not know who controls the leaders we see.Beyond our personal concerns lies the global situation. The goal of

    world peace is not necessarily a hopeless one. Nor does control of theactions of individuals or of the actions of armies --- automatically have toinvolve reducing all expressions of aggression or violence to a state whereall that remains of free expression that is legal is mere ritual, or enforced

    behavioral patterns such as government-run demonstrations.

    Presently, punishment of the perpetrator(s) of violence and aggression isgenerally a hit-or-miss matter relying on chance and/or the perceivedweakness or inferiority of the social influence that can be exerted by theindividual/group responsible for the evildoing. We usually think we know

    whether a meted punishment is fair or not, but even in this matter, ourjudgment is based on the quality and quantity of information we perceive,

    or, rather, are able to perceive, for the media is basically dependent on thegovernment for its information, and if it wants to enjoy access in the futureto government sources of information, it will act as the courtiers did in the

    presence of Kings centuries ago: basically, push the official Versions ofthings, if you dont ant to get blackballed and cut off. Hence, media is thegenerally the paid prisoner of a government..

    In fact, anyone can be labeled an assassin or a saint by the wayinformation concerning that person is selected and distributed. After all, wedont have time to collect such information ourselves. We must rely on thesummaries of those dedicated to that pursuit. Unfortunately, governmentinformation is usually classified as SSC even if it is created by evil sscleaders. Rarely do all the facts emerge: favorable reports to buttress thegovernment are always in SSC language, and balance is considerednecessary for even the most obvious news reports.

    Thus, media scarcely dared call waterboarding torture, since the USgovernment sanctioned its use. The idea that it was fair to show bothsides of the waterboarding question is an indictment of our newsreportage system. This torture was invented by the Spanish inquisition. Itwas condemned in Nuremberg. To argue whether or not the method is

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    torture only demonstrates that showing both sides of an argumentcreates arguments where none should exist. Torture is ssc. It will always bessc. Its use by a supposedly SSC government is evidence that thegovernment was corrupted by ssc influences. Evil influences. Period.

    Because we usually end up basing most of our judgments on the mosteasily accessible information, we can accept most major media reportage as

    being fair simply because it will use quotes from both sides of asituation, even when the situation is manifestly ssc. By doing so, we are

    persuaded that the situation is not as evil as we first thought, when in fact,it has never ceased to be just as evil as it always was.

    Only when we have been somehow personally involved in an incidentmight we gain the motivation to add salient details to the official, reportedversion. Anyone who has been waterboarded under the circumstances of

    being an actual prisoner, blindfolded and strapped down, in the hands of the

    enemy, can understand its full import and impact.Though we often suspectfor such is human nature-- that some vital

    information is being disregarded in favor of something else that is selectedto represent the truth ---- and while we may resent this slicking over ofwhat would complicate the matter too much for a newspapers headlinesummary, usually we have no reason to want to do anything about thematter. We are kept busy, exhausted, dumbed-down, and all but illiterate,for too much real knowledge is indeed a dangerous thing.

    We tend to view the products of investigative news gathering, undergroundnewspapers, secret meetings, and other strategies employed to obtaindeliberately withheld information involving risks for those so engaged, asactions also casting suspicions on the character and honesty of those who

    pursue such secret or probing activities. They are surely ssc! They are notmajor media! They are therefore more difficult to believe.

    The impact of Twitter and cell-phone photography on a spontaneously-witnessed news event, such as an earthquake disaster, is that everyoneknows these are SSC-generated. If police brutality is shown, no amount ofSSC official versions will cover it up. Thus, public outrage when RodneyKings hideous beating by police went relatively unpunished by the SSC

    which then revealed its ssc corruption.

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    But independent reporters and witnesses are swimming upstream, oftenwithout progress, and if they have questioned the Authorized Version ofsomething important, the chances of their opinions being repeated to the

    public are minute in comparison to the mass and welter of material aimedagainst them. One hint that the so-called ssc opinion is valuable, when itcomes against an entrenched but false SSC official version, is whether ornot name-calling is employed against them. Another tactic is to create anssc division for them. For example, anyone who questions the OfficialVersion of the Kennedy assassination was first called an assassination

    buff. Think about somebody looking into the causes of the Holocaustbeing called a Holocaust buff it wont happen! Yet the official versiondefenders use name-calling such as this against those interested in studyingthe Kennedy assassination.

    The next step is to create an ssc name for such a group Currently,

    official version defenders are calling these people conspiracy theorists asif conspiracy can only exist in theory. By creating an ssc oddball name, thegroup is then able to be vilified more easily because it is not SSC.

    The final step is to condemn this ssc activity by some kind of additionalpunishment. Consider the recommendations of Cass Sunstein, an Obamaadministration official (SSC sanctioned):

    On page 14 of Sunsteins January 2008 white paper entitled ConspiracyTheories, the man who is now Obamas head of information technologyin the White House proposed that each of the following measures will

    have a place under imaginable conditions according to the strategydetailed in the essay.

    1) Government might ban conspiracy theorizing.

    2) Government might impose some kind of tax, financial or otherwise, onthose who disseminate such theories.

    Thats right, Obamas information czar wants to tax or ban outright, as inmake illegal, political opinions that the government doesnt approve of. Towhere would this be extended? A tax or a shut down order on newspapers

    that print stories critical of our illustrious leaders?And what does Sunstein define as conspiracy theories that shouldpotentially be taxed or outlawed by the government? Opinions held by themajority of Americans, no less.

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    The notion that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone in killing JFK, aview shared by the vast majority of Americans in every major poll overthe last ten years, is an example of a conspiracy theory that the federalgovernment should consider censoring, according to Sunstein

    A 1998 CBS poll found that just 10 per cent of Americans believed thatOswald acted alone, so apparently the other 90 per cent of Americanscould be committing some form of thought crime by thinking otherwiseunder Sunsteins definition.We could imagine circumstances in which a conspiracy theory becameso pervasive, and so dangerous, that censorship would be thinkable, hewrites on page 20No surprise therefore that Sunstein has called for re-writing the First Amendment as well as advocating Internet censorship andeven proposing that Americans should celebrate tax day and be thankfulthat the state takes a huge chunk of their income.

    The government has made it clear that growing suspicion towardsauthority is a direct threat to their political agenda and indeed Sunsteinadmits this on page 3 of his paper.

    Note that years ago, the question was not Did Oswald act alone? asthe author of the above opinion wrote, but Did Oswald kill Kennedy?Time has now eroded the question to automatically include Oswald as a

    possible shooter, though originally the question was whether he should havebeen considered involved at all. That is the power of endlessly repeatingquestions in new ways to undermine an opinion. Should there ever have

    been a question such as Is waterboarding torture? Of course not.In some police-state-run societies, even to associate with people who

    question the Authorized Version is to brand oneself a potential rebel orrevolutionary. They are all ssc. In some social systems, censure andimprisonment are used to stop the flow of contraband information. Evenwhen contraband information surfaces, the public doesnt necessarily knowhow to deal with it. After all, it is always ssc. Suspicious. Not official!Is the new information from a truly reliable source? Who gathered it? Are

    these people pure as driven snow? What is in it for them? Perhaps theyhave a vendetta against the government? Maybe theyre really anarchists.

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    Such questions have to accompany information offered from sourcesother than those providing Authorized Versions. Thats why its so hard forAmericans to decide whether or not the Kennedy assassination involved aconspiracy or not, even though our own government had declared that theWarren Commission erred when it concluded that Oswald acted alone in theHSCA investigations. Since then, the ARRBs official analyst, Douglas P.Horne, has compiled new records of evidence released by the ARRB that

    prove beyond doubt that the government killed Kennedy, covered it up, andframed Oswald, which of course I, too, as a witness, know is the truth. Iwas, of course, called names, then attempts were made to prove I was onthe fringes of lunacy, and then, finally, I received death threats and had toleave America for my safetynot exactly how I had imagined to spend mygolden years.

    The first, Authorized Version of the matter the SSC version --wasreleased by The Warren Commission in 1964. Sadly, the report is a thrown-together hodge-podge that does not even have an exhaustive index. In a caseof unsorted detail overkill, we were handed twenty-six volumes ofmiscellaneous data ranging from telephone record logs made to and by

    people who are not otherwise described, to FBI interviews where again andagain the interviewed person says no, they did not know anybody named LeeHarvey Oswald. Nevertheless, in this first, Authorized Version, theconclusion was clear: just one individual, Lee Harvey Oswald, wasinvolved in the slaying of President John F. Kennedy. The fact that theCommission was appointed by the Kennedys successor, that severalmembers were Kennedys mortal enemies, and that their conclusions were

    based on findings by the FBI and CIA both agencies influenced by peoplein high places whom Kennedy had fired, or intended to replace is just thetip of the iceberg of the problems, the cover-ups involved, and the ill-concealed fabricated pieces of evidence used to implicate one lone nutwho we now know was probably the same person Lee credited withsaving the Presidents life in Chicago. Lee Oswald told me he had penetratedthe assassination ring and was working hard, trying to save his life, and that

    he was certain he would be killed for doing so. His prophesy proved correct.So desperate were they to silence this brave man 9this is still labeled an sscopinion!) that Oswald became the first person in history killed on live TV.It had to be done before he had any chance to talk.

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    Even though millions of words have since been written in criticism andeven refutation of The Warren Commissions findings, based on thousandsof records withheld from, or even ignored by, that same commission, theauthority, status, and prestige of the Authorized Version, in SSC Theory,allows us to predict that its findings will always be mentioned first,historically, rendering the findings of later probes as seemingly lessauthoritative, and hence possibly less important. But the truth, currentlyrelegated to ssc status, is being exposed. In the end, the Official Versionmay be mentioned first, but I have no doubt that it will then be refuted. Ihope to live to see that in every encyclopedia. Presently, any evidencetending to exculpate Oswald, inserted into Wikipedia, results in its excision

    by editors who have Official Version ties to defend. I suggest thatWikipedia biographies should not be trusted so long as they can be edited by

    the powers-that-be with impunity.

    That the government changed its conclusion that Lee HarveyOswald acted alone that a conspiracy was probably involved ---asrevealed by the findings of the governments own House SelectCommittee on Assassinations -- remains generally unknown to the

    public. Even today, the media sometimes uses the word assassinrather than accused assassin regarding Oswald. But the general

    public has caught on, even though the public best remembers what itwas first told, and most easily accepts what it was first told. The SSCtheory explains why this phenomenon occurs.

    Beware accepting everything you read generated by internet newsgroupmembers who seem to have endless free hours available to discuss theKennedy assassination or 9/11 online. They might say they proclaim thetruth but their version of the truth can differ from reality. Few of ushave time to check facts -- irresponsibility by some of these individuals

    extends even to deliberate editing or other distortions of original documentsto better suit their beliefs, ideas, or claims. Some newsgroup members act asif they are promoting a religious cause.

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    Remember that history is simply the story as told by survivors orparticipants. The winners get to promote their official version. In mostcases. Ultimately, all accounts of all events are rewritten to support officialSSC versions, even when the original accounts remain well preserved and ondisplay.

    History is always colored by what got preserved and why. Prejudicesexist in every society. Only a portions of what happened is ever saved orretold, and this material is almost always saved or retold in a selectivemanner. The hero at Bunker Hill might be described in detail, whereas theaverage soldiers actions are not. If you had been robbed of $2,500.00,along with a pair of baby shoes, the loss of the baby shoes would probablynot be mentioned in your memoirs.In the consideration of what is preserved, historically, concerning a leadersassassination, great care may be taken to make certain that no hint of hatred

    for the assassinated leader is shown in the facial expressions, actions ordeeds of the person replacing the assassinated leader.

    Hiding hatred before the rivals elimination is not always easy.

    Further, we instinctively understand that the matter is complex: we

    discriminate, for example, between a senseless killing and a carefullyplanned murder to gain power. We try to be aware of the signs and signalsthat constantly flow all around us when an emergency on any level---arises.Had the CIA been alert to the warning of impending violence, according tothe official version, the disaster of 9/11 may never have occurred: but the

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    signals and signs might have been recognized using SSC Theory.Americans have long been barraged with information from media, work,

    and the SSC representing the government viewpoint. But sinceSeptember 11, 2001, life as Americans know it has radically changed.Americans suddenly seem quite vulnerable its civilian population has beenattacked, and more attacks have been thwarted. The traditional rules of warhave changed: not armies, but mere individuals, according to the officialSSC version, have obliterated skyscrapers and changed skylines. In the

    process, these mere individuals immolated thousands of unsuspectingcivilians, apparently without regard to age, sex, race, religion or occupation.The perpetrators were willing to sacrifice their own lives, as well, to attaintheir goals. So goes the story, which with increasing information, becomes

    more and more suspicious as an ssc plot within the SSC state itself.

    But the phenomenon of blowing oneself up for a higher cause has grownexponentially since Americas retaliatory actions. Violence, in fact, always

    begets more violence. But shockingly for Americans, supporters of thosewho blow themselves to smithereens, taking countless innocent lives withthem, are shocked when these suicidal destroying angels are dubbed holymartyrs. Yet it is the usual response of oppressed ssc peple to offer theiorlives against an SSC tyrannical power, as they perceive it.

    Throughout history, ssc martyrs have always come forth to defend theirbeliefs and to seal their testimonies with their blood. They offered the gift oftheir lives to forward important political, social, or religious causes. Humansacrifice voluntarily or otherwise--- has filled the pages of human historywith gruesome examples. Blood sacrifices for such reasons as to propitiatethe gods, or to ensure good crops, or to procure victory in battle, have neverquite vanished from the world. Whether it is the blood of a chickensprinkled over a voodoo shrine, or a suicide bomber whose act of violence isthought to guarantee the bomber a place in paradise, human beings havealways been willing to offer up their lives, or the lives of others, to forward

    their most sacred interests. In our present overcrowded world, never beforecould so few individuals, however, cause so much destruction, their actions

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    cutting so deeply into the fabric of American lives that the very wordsSeptember Eleven produce an unforgettable vision of pure apocalypticterror. Sadly, for many Muslims, these ssc responses are being promoted insome Muslim societies and nations as laudable. The line between religionand politics is thus blurred.

    Americans, as any people in an industrialized nation, are in fact quitevulnerable to the attacks of these ssc martyrs: our cities are unwalled; our

    borders are penetrable everywhere. The skies are as an open sea. TheAmerican people are living under a shroud of dread that has cast a

    pall over their future. They have given up many liberties because of theirfear. They are collectively at risk to give up more. But why? And for howlong? What strategies, what enterprises, what resources do we have whatcan we dowhat can we assemble-- to counter the kamikaze mindset of

    suicide bombers and those who support them??Americans once felt nearly immune from this kind of terror: now,

    however, they have something in common with many other nations whosepeople have been also subjected to similar manifestations of violence againstcivilian targets.

    Foremost, Americans feel they must be alert, as a person who might bewaylaid in a dark alley. As Americans, we arent certain what we shouldlook for we have not given much thought to analyzing the signs, thesignals, the clues that can give us an understanding of this new enemy. Norcan we live in a constant state of alert: paranoia is draining. People, too,relax their vigilance when a series of announced threats dont produce theexpected event. The shepherd can call out Wolf! Wolf! without the wolfshowing up only so many times before the villagers cease to take hiswarnings seriously. We must always be concerned that an ssc power-hungrysecret group running the government might create its own disaster toconsolidate and secure its power. Outrageous as that might sound, thosewithout consciences, without souls, if you will, regard normal people asmere statistics. Death is no problem if it means staying in power. Wars helpkeep a government in power: therefore, wars are conducted until the country

    is financially destroyed. By then, the ssc that posed as SSC will be deposed,or else revolution will occur, placing yet another ssc minority in power thatmight be just as corrupt.

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    Wed like to believe that bad things will nothappen, that we do nothave to keep focused on a problem with a corrupt government. Thegovernment, of course, will always have excuses for every heinous act.Still, we would prefer to hope that we can escape disaster. If another attackoccurs, from ssc Muslim fanatics or staged by an ssc-penetrated, corruptgovernment that seeks to keep power through fake terrorist attacks we cansay, maybe it happened in New York, but it wont happen here in Wisconsin.Maybe the Statue of Liberty will be blown to pieces, and therefore oneshould avoid coming near the statue, but nothing will happen to people inSeattle. We would like to avoid even thinking about the danger altogether.And while we do sense that further attacks will probably occur, because thesocio-religious predilection for violence and martyrdom exists in too many

    people who, in plain terms, are dedicated to extinguish our kind of light, we

    try to believe that everything will return somehow to normal.Above all, we are not consider the possibility that our own government

    might have created a disaster such as 9/11. To normal people, the idea ishorrendous.

    But we have made a commitment to war. How did that happen?We have been told that we, as a people are being selected for extinction

    by religiously-motivated bands of terrorists who do not care whatconsequences result. They do not care about their own fate they are in thehands of their God, and they are willing to obey the directives of theirspiritual leaders who tell them that their God wants them to destroy theinfidels, the evil ones, from the face of this planet.The terrorists, we are told, are dedicated to a mission that Allah has giventhem. There is a better world, a lush paradise, awaiting them. Innocent

    persons who die will be taken care of by Allah, too. So why should theinnocent regret the termination of their lives?

    Remember that we attacked Iraq because we were told that Iraq harboredweapons of mass destruction and the terrorists who attacked us, even thoughmost of them came from Saudi Arabia. They also have attacked Israelis.

    A peon written by columnist Dr. Khalil Ibrahim Al-Saadat and

    published in the Saudi-government controlled daily,Al-Jazirha extolled thevirtues of the suicide bomber Abd Al-Baset (who killed mostly elderlyJews who had gathered in a hotel to celebrate the 2002 Passover) with thesewords:

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    You entered silently, with the faith and confidence with whichAllah had inspired you. Despite all the obstacles, fortifications,and security measures, you reached [the appointed place], satdown at one of the tables, talked, told a few jokes, and laughedwith them, and then Allah decreed for you a martyrs death.What heroism, courage and strength almost unmatched on theface of the earth! (http://www.freerepublic05/26/2002)

    The truth of the matter is that because we have chosen war as the methodto handle our problems, we have radicalized ssc Muslims and made them sonumerous that we believe they are the SSC majority in some countries. Infact, because of war, that may be true. For these radicalized ssc/SSC

    masses, only when our infidel-riddled civilization is eliminated from the faceof the earth or radically changed to conform to the demands of ourattackers will the efforts of these heroes to destroy us cease. Wagingwar against them off-turf may distract them awhile, as they blow up thoseamong themselves who refuse to accept their radicalized viewpoints, buteventually, they will cross over to us. Our penchant for torture and droneattacks almost guarantees it.

    In fact, there is really only one permanent way to effectively combatthese scattered singularities that threaten us: we must learn all about them.We must see if any old-fashioned SSC remains intact, subject to reason,diplomatic talks and reconciliation. If the new SSC is our sworn enemy,refusing all negotiations as is the case between Israel and Gaza , thenwere in trouble Then we must focus on identifying the forces and pressuresin their new society that turned them from ssc minorities to SSC they are. Diplomats, not generals, learn how to make peace.

    Finally, we must adopt the proper methods to influence the ssc creatorsand the machinery of the educational processes that delivered these terroristsinto the SSC populations of the world that they hate. Those creators andteachers must be replaced with those who hate war and evil. The ssc

    educational system must be dismantled and replaced with a differenteducational system one that returns the terror-advocating state to a peace-advocating one.

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    Otherwise, additional crops of terrorists will continued to be cranked outof the existing educational systems. What kind of systems are we talkingabout? A Wall Street Journalarticle written by Peter Fritsch a few weeksafter 9/11 titled With Pakistans Schools in Tatters, Madrasahs SpawnYoung Warriors describes how an eleven year old boy has developed inresponse to the ssc-style education he has received from his radicalizedmadrasah:

    The battle for Arshad's heart and mind may be over The 11year-old, who doesn't offer his last name, rises each morning at 4to pray and recite the Koran at the Central Martyrs madrasah in thePakistani capital, IslamabadThe madrasah is free -- and includesroom and board. Following typical madrasah rules, the boyhasn't seen his parents in nine months and probably won't have any

    contact with them for at least another few years.Arshad has learned little about the modern world. A visitor asks

    him whether a man has ever walked on the moon. "This isn'tpossible," the boy answers. What is two times two? Silence. Eagerto impress, though, he announces that dinosaurs exist: "The Jewishand American infidels have created these beasts to devourMuslims."

    The article goes on to explain how this attitude came to be:

    With Afghanistan largely in ruins, and the Taliban havingspecifically decimated the country's schools, many Afghanrefugee children join Pakistani youngsters seeking education inPakistan. But Pakistan, the world's sixth most-populous nation,with 150 million people, will spend only about 2% of its grossnational output on public education this year, one of the lowestrates in the world, according to the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization. Pakistan, as a matter oflaw, promises children a free education, but in many places,

    public schools starved for resources barely function.

    We learn that it is trough education, whether by ssc or SSC, that shapesthese young minds. Heres the result:

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    The nation's hermetic madrasahs fill most of this enormous gap.They are not only a potential source of future jihad warriors,

    but also a bulwark against the evolution of secular [SSC-authors note] institutions in business, government and otherareas.

    REF: With Pakistan's Schools in Tatters, Madrasahs Spawn Young

    Warriors By PETER FRITSCH Staff Reporter ofThe Wall Street JournalOct.2, 2001

    Such children may learn that seeking martyrdom is preferable to bearingthe oppression of unbelievers, and that slaying oneself in the process ofslaying oppressors is both necessary and honorable. TalibanOnline presents

    an internet-accessible discussion of the beliefs of the Taliban. The rhetoricand language involved is typical ssc, posing as SSC by calling on traditionalvalues and quoting past prophets respected by the SSC. Here is an excerptfrom a recent edition:

    Martyrs: The building blocks of nations

    History does not write its lines except with blood. Glory does notbuild its lofty edifice except with skulls. Honour and respect cannot beestablished except on a foundation of cripples and corpses. Empires,

    distinguished peoples, states and societies cannot be establishedexcept with examples. Indeed those who think that they can changereality, or change societies, without blood, sacrifices and invalids,without pure, innocent souls, then they do not understand the essenceof this Deen2 and they do not know the method of the best of theMessengers (may Allah bless him and grant him peace).

    (Extracts from the lectures of Sheikh Abdullah Azzam titled: 'Will of theShaheed' and 'A Message from the Shaheed Sheikh to theScholars')

    In the same publication, a martyrs death is described as a successfuland praiseworthy venture. Since many Muslims object to the idea thatit is permissible for civilians to be killed in suicide bombings, thisarticle in the same publication asks an important question: Dosuicide bombers attain shahadah? (And) (a)re suicide bombings ascarried out by Hamas in Palestine permissible, when carried out in

    public places where civilians are certain to be killed.