Essay Help - Poetry This essay will discuss two poems about relationships from the anthology. In particular, it will demonstrate how the poets ………………….. and ……………………………….use sound, structure, form and language in order to convey (show) their ideas/attitudes about/towards different types of relationships in ‘………………’ and ‘………………’ Both …………… and ……………………. discuss the relationship of (…..what are the relationships?…) eg: parental love/ friendship/romantic love How do they show the relationship? Eg : In Duffy’s poem ‘Valentine,’ she highlights her views of romantic love, through the extended metaphor of the onion. Duffy criticises commercialised love, that St. Valentine’s day has encouraged, she wants a more realistic and ‘honest’ love, conveyed in the line ‘……………………………………………………………………………..’ Similarly/ On the other hand ……………..what is the relationship type in the other poem and how is it shown? Poets use the structure of their poems to help communicate the message or theme of their poems. For example/ To illustrate/ For instance …………….. Structured his/her poem ‘……………’ as............................................................ ....(why did the poet do this? What does it suggest/ convey use language/quotations to back up answer.) Eg: ‘Valentine’ is written in free verse which compliments/ works well with the subject matter because love is unpredictable and has no structure which it must obey. Also, there is no regular rhythm, perhaps to emphasise, the anti- commercial love message it conveys. It could be to suggest an irregular view of love and relationships. The declarations of what she is not going to give, stand out, as does the line ‘I am trying to be truthful’ because it is the only line within its stanza. Duffy may have made these lines stand out in this dramatic way as they sum up her overall attitude towards love and relationships, which is the search for a truly meaningful expression of love.

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Essay Help - Poetry

Essay Help - Poetry

This essay will discuss two poems about relationships from the anthology. In particular, it will demonstrate how the poets .. and .use sound, structure, form and language in order to convey (show) their ideas/attitudes about/towards different types of relationships in and Both and . discuss the relationship of (..what are the relationships?) eg: parental love/ friendship/romantic loveHow do they show the relationship? Eg : In Duffys poem Valentine, she highlights her views of romantic love, through the extended metaphor of the onion. Duffy criticises commercialised love, that St. Valentines day has encouraged, she wants a more realistic and honest love, conveyed in the line ..Similarly/ On the other hand ..what is the relationship type in the other poem and how is it shown? Poets use the structure of their poems to help communicate the message or theme of their poems. For example/ To illustrate/ For instance .. Structured his/her poem as................................................................(why did the poet do this? What does it suggest/ convey use language/quotations to back up answer.) Eg: Valentine is written in free verse which compliments/ works well with the subject matter because love is unpredictable and has no structure which it must obey. Also, there is no regular rhythm, perhaps to emphasise, the anti-commercial love message it conveys. It could be to suggest an irregular view of love and relationships. The declarations of what she is not going to give, stand out, as does the line I am trying to be truthful because it is the only line within its stanza. Duffy may have made these lines stand out in this dramatic way as they sum up her overall attitude towards love and relationships, which is the search for a truly meaningful expression of love.Then do the same for the other poems structure, begin with a conjunction (compare or contrast words) eg: However..Whereas..Also..and use language effectively to show their views on relationships. (Discuss the title, opening sentence and final sentence. Verbs/adverbs/nouns/ pronouns/adjectives etc. and their effect.)Do the same for the other poems language; begin with a conjunction here too.Moreover, imagery can highlight the attitude of a poem and moulds/shapes/creates the tone. In .. for instance, imagery is used to ..(What type of imagery eg extended metaphor, how does the poet make it effective? What is the effect on the reader?)As well as the imagery of poems, the sounds poets create often supports the meaning. (Comment on the alliteration, sibilance, repetition, onomatopoeia etc. and its effect.)Overall/ In conclusion, and convey their ideas about love not only through their descriptions , but also through the sound, structure, language and imagery used in their poems. (How well do they do this? Which of the above is most effective in demonstrating their view on love? How?)