Essay Debat

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  • 8/11/2019 Essay Debat


    Increase Gun Control Legislation

    Crime and guns. The two seems to go hand in hand with one another. But are the two

    really associated? Do guns necessarily lead to crime? And if so do laws placing restrictions

    on firearm ownership and use stop the crime or protect the citizens? These are the questions

    many citizens and lawmakers are asking themselves when setting about to creategun control


    Guns are extremely powerful weapons. They can cause destruction, harm or even

    death. They can be used to defend and protect or to threaten and kill. Any way you look at it,

    guns are powerful tools, not only physically but socially. Because the guns have some

    harmful risks, the goverment have to control their distribution.

    Gun control doesnt mean the goverment is going to take the guns away or ban them.

    It means several types of guns will not be available. For example, a war zone gun like AK-47,

    SS-1, and M-16 should not be available in general public because it is not used to sport

    purpose. Gun control would put more restrictions on who can buy and own a gun because

    some people are in the right conciousness to own a gun. Manufacturers should be required to

    make all guns child proof. While guns are accesable to anyone, the guns violence still

    happen. Also, while more guns legislation is needed, the already existing law on the state

    and national level have to be strictly enforce.

    Besides taking the guns away from common citizens in order to supposedly ensure

    their safety, one of the other main purposes of the gun control laws is to ensure that guns do

    not reach the hands of criminals. Not only that, but also controlled the age of a guns buyers.A person must be 21 or older with normal psycholigical condition to purchase a handgun and

    for bussiness purpose, the remaked law can controled the terms of guns distribution. It means

    that persons who engage in the business of buying or selling firearms must be licensed and

    including the law of handling and storing guns.

    In the USA theres 2nd amandement, Right to Bear Arms , has a clear meaning.

    But, some people dont know what the text really says. It says : A well regulated militia,

    being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to bear arms, shall not be

    infriged. This means that a militia has the right to bear arms to protect country in emergency

    situation. The 2nd amandement never says that private civilians hve the right to bear arms.

    If guns could be regulated more by banning certain weapons, requiring deeper

    background check, and make harhser penalties for those who have breaks the law. So, it

    could make the number of guns violence like homicide and suicide would start decreasing.

    And finally, the country condition will be safer.