The influence of social media on today's life Have you ever thought that the social media have a great influence on our lives? Well, the conclusion is positive, of course. Its effects are both, good and bad, positive and negative, but always present. The Internet and social media networks have absolutely changed our lives today. But there are still many different opinions about which is stronger, the positive or the negative impact on today's life. It's ours to choose if we will take the good examples from the social media, or bad ones. I’d say that there aren't many good examples that we can take from the social media sites. Although there are some things that are really good, they always come in package with consequences that we suffer if we trust the social media too much. One thing that adds to the “good side” for sure is that we can chat with people that are far from us, and stay connected with them for an unlimited time, if we want. At least, that is one of the better things on my list, but what about the fact that most of the people have more conversations on the social media


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The influence of social mediaAn awarded essay written by student

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The influence of social media on today's life Have you ever thought that the social media have a great influence on our lives? Well, the conclusion is positive, of course. Its effects are both, good and bad, positive and negative, but always present.

The Internet and social media networks have absolutely changed our lives today. But there are still many different opinions about which is stronger, the positive or the negative impact on today's life. It's ours to choose if we will take the good examples from the social media, or bad ones. Id say that there aren't many good examples that we can take from the social media sites. Although there are some things that are really good, they always come in package with consequences that we suffer if we trust the social media too much. One thing that adds to the good side for sure is that we can chat with people that are far from us, and stay connected with them for an unlimited time, if we want. At least, that is one of the better things on my list, but what about the fact that most of the people have more conversations on the social media sites than in real life? How disappointing is that? Then, cyber bullying comes to my mind. Many people have experienced that, by text messages or emails or something similar. Rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites, embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles. How can we stop it from happening? I do have a satisfying answer, we can stop it by discovering the good and safe use of social networks. It's good to stay on social networks and see what your friends have been up to. But we should never let the virtual world occupy our entire time.

Many of us have seen the new commercial whose main idea is to protect us from getting distracted while driving. A large number of innocent people have died because of lack of attention on the road. This problem is bigger now than it was in the past. The phones keep us in touch with friends even when our eyes should be fixed on the road. We cant say its the phones fault though. Our lives are more important than texting

For everything in this world as well as for the social media there stays the saying: The greater the power the more dangerous the abuse. It gives us the opportunities for creation and imagination and yet, on the other hand there are twice as many opportunities for misuse. Privacy exposed, distracted while driving , cyber bulling and other not so good things that can happen to you because of that virtual world. You can blame it on the social media, you can blame it on bad luck or on other people, but the truth is, at the end, the choice is only ours.

Vesna Gurbanska

Class IX a

Dedo Iljo Maleshevski Berovo