20.06.22 Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego - ESF support for inclusive entrepreneurship in Human Capital Operational Programme 2007 - 2013 Brussels, 27.06.2013

ESF support for inclusive entrepreneurship in Human Capital Operational Programme 2007 - 2013

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ESF support for inclusive entrepreneurship in Human Capital Operational Programme 2007 - 2013 Brussels, 27.06.2013. Priority 6. Labour market open for all Grants for start ups + training + advisory + bridge support 148 thousands of grants , 150 thousands of jobs created - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: ESF support for inclusive entrepreneurship in  Human Capital  Operational Programme 2007 - 2013

21.04.23Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -

ESF support for inclusive entrepreneurship in

Human Capital Operational Programme 2007 - 2013

Brussels, 27.06.2013

Page 2: ESF support for inclusive entrepreneurship in  Human Capital  Operational Programme 2007 - 2013

21.04.23Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -

Regional support for inclusive entrepreneurship

Priority 6. Labour market open for all

• Grants for start ups + training + advisory + bridge support

• 148 thousands of grants, 150 thousands of jobs created• 26 thousands grants for the youth• 3,4 thousands grants for the disabled• 13,2 thousands grants for the elderly people (50-64)

Conclusion: low skills level, specific, additional needs, dependancy on support causes that they fail when support stops

• Additional 115 mln Eur for the youth support

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21.04.23Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -

Regional support for inclusive entrepreneurship

Priority 6. labour market open for all

• From 2012 pilot project enabling the repayable loans for the people who wish to establish a business – 41 mln Eur allocation (loans up to 12 000 Eur)

• Contracting financial intermediares in the regions

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21.04.23Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -

Regional support for social economy

Submeasure 7.2.2. Support for social economy (172 mln Eur)

• Building the support system for SE institutions on the regional level – appointing on the way of call for proposals the institutions (at least 2 in the region) which provide:

- legal, bookkeeping and marketing services- Advisory centres / points, social economy incubators- Training on how to start up and conduct social economy entity- Building local partnerships for SE development- Promotion SE as a source of employment

These institutions are called Social Economy Support Centres

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21.04.23Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -

Regional support for social economy

• Establishment of social cooperativesSupport for natural and legal persons planning to start up social cooperative through at least 2 instruments:

- Advisory (for individuals and groups) and training in terms of starting and conducting social cooperatives (before and after signing the contract)

- Grants for starting up or accessing to social cooperative (up to 20 000 PLN/5 000 EUR/ per person)

- Granting bridge support for 6 / 12 months from signing a contract (grants and advisory)

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21.04.23Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -

Regional support for social economy

• From 2012 pilot project enablig loans for developing social enterprise -7,5 mln Eur

• 250 loans in 2013 – 2015 for up to 60 months with additional consulting services

• Max ammount : 25 000 Eur, the interest was calculated for 0,5 % of the discount rate (currently 2 %)

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21.04.23Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -

Regional support for social economy

Beneficiaries:• Ngo’s conducting trade activity• Social cooperatives• Religious organisations• Public companies and companies with limited liability – running non

profit, transfering income onto statutory goals

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21.04.23Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -

Achieved indicators

Number of Social Enterprises established (300)

0 131

Number of SE entities supported by SESC (6801)

12 7700

Number of people supported within SE entities (33 000)

305 111 700

2008 2012

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Result indicators:•Number of jobs created in the social economy sector with support from the ESF (aim: 7000) – 1500 (achieved in 2011),

•The share of own revenues of the social economy entities in the overall value of their income (aim: 30%) – 45% (achieved),

•Number of SESC supported by ESF 2 years later in the business – 26/44

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Development of the Measure 7.2.2.

Diagnosis:• Number of appointed social economy support centres was bigger

than assumed output indicators• Short life (one year in that role) of supported SESC


• 1 SESC per subregion• Financing will address already existing SESC and last no shorter

than 24 months• Sustainability will be checked 2 years after closing the project

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• Multidimentional and integrated support (training, grants, advisory, partnership)

• Promotion of SE• Influencing regional authorities, strategies, long term planning• Building local/regional coalitions for SE development


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• Regional financial means dispersed among too many SE entities (SESC)

• Short life of SESC – dependancy on ESF financing• Low quality of services – the expectations of SE entities not

met• Lack of quality standards for SESC


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21.04.23Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -

• National Programme for Social Economy Development (longterm policy document) enabling more effective and coherent support of SE till 2020

• Building on up to date experience – 3 types of services (modules)

- Local animation – public – social partnerships, social participation

- initial training and advisory on how to establish social enterprise (in cooperation with the local labour offices) + incubation and tutoring

- professional services (legal, financial, marketing, management, innovation) by acredited institutions


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• Revolving financial instruments

• Common monitoring system

• Quality standards

• Policy coordination

• Favourable environment for SE development


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21.04.23Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -

Department for ESF Management e-mail: [email protected]

[email protected]

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