Això és una recopilació de totes les escoles de la 3a edició de la Llegenda dels 5 Anells. Els llibres inclosos són el llibre bàsic, l'Art del Duel, els Senyors de la Guerra (amb el respectiu document web), la Cort (amb el respectiu document web) i la Màgia, Pregaries i Tresors, Els 4 Vents i Lleialtat i Llibertat. Com que hi ha llibres que no han estat traduïts mai al castellà (ni ho estaran), la recopilació l'he feta en anglès, que és l'idioma que tinc en la major part de llibres. En “breu” faré un resum traducció al català de les escoles. Els dojo hi apareixen perquè sortien als llibres citats i jo tenia la intenció d'adquirir el llibre de l'Imperi Maragda (que és on apareixen les normes de com funcionen) i apuntar-los també tots. A hores d'ara encara no he aconseguit el llibre, o sigui que no tinc gaire clar com funcionen, però la recopilació ha estat feta i, per tant, presentada. A l'hora de permetre o no escoles, cal tenir en compte que des de la 1a edició fins la 3a hi ha uns quants canvis en els clans (n'hi ha que desapareixen, n'hi ha que es formen, n'hi ha que hi eren però no se'n diu res i n'hi ha que s'uneixen a algun altre clan). He intentat posar l'any (segons el calendari Isawa) d'aquest canvis però segur que me n'he deixat algun. Així, les coses que duguin una data, és que a més a més d'un spoiler , s'hauria de mirar què hi passa en aquell any amb aquell clan. Algunes escoles, a més a més, els he canviat lleugerament el text de la seva història/funció en el clan per a poder-les fer encabir en un marc temporal més ampli. La parafernàlia legal seria que tota la informació que hi ha a partir d'aquesta pàgina és propietat dels seus creadors (Alderac Entertainment Group) o dels concessionaris locals (Edge, en el cas espanyol). Jo només m'he limitat a copiar-ho en un sol document. Marcus Welvy Barcelona, Juny del 2012

Escoles, Sendes i Dojos (GM) L5A 3a edició

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Guia de les escoles de 3a edició de Llegenda dels Cinc Anells

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  • Aix s una recopilaci de totes les escoles de la 3a edici de la Llegenda dels 5 Anells.

    Els llibres inclosos sn el llibre bsic, l'Art del Duel, els Senyors de la Guerra (amb el respectiu document web), la Cort (amb el respectiu document web) i la Mgia, Pregaries i Tresors, Els 4

    Vents i Lleialtat i Llibertat.

    Com que hi ha llibres que no han estat traduts mai al castell (ni ho estaran), la recopilaci l'he feta en angls, que s l'idioma que tinc en la major part de llibres. En breu far un resum traducci al

    catal de les escoles.

    Els dojo hi apareixen perqu sortien als llibres citats i jo tenia la intenci d'adquirir el llibre de l'Imperi Maragda (que s on apareixen les normes de com funcionen) i apuntar-los tamb tots. A hores d'ara encara no he aconseguit el llibre, o sigui que no tinc gaire clar com funcionen, per la

    recopilaci ha estat feta i, per tant, presentada.

    A l'hora de permetre o no escoles, cal tenir en compte que des de la 1a edici fins la 3a hi ha uns quants canvis en els clans (n'hi ha que desapareixen, n'hi ha que es formen, n'hi ha que hi eren per no se'n diu res i n'hi ha que s'uneixen a algun altre clan). He intentat posar l'any (segons el calendari Isawa) d'aquest canvis per segur que me n'he deixat algun. Aix, les coses que duguin una data, s

    que a ms a ms d'un spoiler, s'hauria de mirar qu hi passa en aquell any amb aquell clan.

    Algunes escoles, a ms a ms, els he canviat lleugerament el text de la seva histria/funci en el clan per a poder-les fer encabir en un marc temporal ms ampli.

    La parafernlia legal seria que tota la informaci que hi ha a partir d'aquesta pgina s propietat dels seus creadors (Alderac Entertainment Group) o dels concessionaris locals (Edge, en el cas

    espanyol). Jo noms m'he limitat a copiar-ho en un sol document.

    Marcus WelvyBarcelona, Juny del 2012

  • Crab

    Basic Schools

    Damned Berserkers (Bushi) (Master of War)A warrior of the Damned lives with hopelessness, but also a peculiar kind of hope. More likely

    than not, they are condemned to eventual madness or an early death by the Taint (and in the Crab lands. the former leads mercifully to the later) and they have no chance of ever recovering the full measure of their humanity. At the same time, however, the Crab have found a way for their contaminated warriors who have not succumbed entirely to serve the Clan and defend the Empire. In spite of their doom. they may yet achieve something of worth with what is left of their lives.

    The Damned are organizationally distinct from the Berserkers, but the two are often spoken of in the same breath because their military functions are similar and more importantly, because they both fight with little expectation of living to fight another day - or indeed, any desire that they should do so. Hence. their School is generally known as The Damned Berserker School. even though they cannot enter a State of escalated rage, as can the Hida Berserkers.

    Although they are trained first and foremost as shock troops who will fight with little regard for their lives, among the first things things a Damned Berserker learns are techniques that will slow or even prevent the spread of the Taint within them. However, this is mainly an expedient to increase their military value rather than a purely humane measure. The best fate one of the Damned hopes for is to die well, exchanging his life for as many of the enemy (preferably a Tainted enemy) as he can manage.

    Benefit: + 1 WillpowerHonor: 1.0Skills: Battle, Hunting, Kenjutsu, Lore: Shadowlands, Medicine, Meditation, any one Weapon

    Skill.Outfit: Katana. wakizashi, bow and 20 arrows (any type), any two weapons, light armor, red body

    paint. I finger of jade, kimono, traveling pack, 1 koku.Special: Though Damned Berserkers cannot become enraged like those from the Hida Berserker

    School, Hida Berserkers that become Damned Berserkers may count their ranks in the Damned Berserker School as additions to their Berserker School Rank. This School possesses only three ranks: very few Damned Survive long enough to learn all three.

    TechniquesRank 1: Burning the ShadowYou have learned a series of herbal and meditation techniques to slow the corruption tainting your

    body. Once per month you may make a Void/Meditation Roll against a TN of 30 in order to reduce your Shadowlands Taint by 1 point. You may add your Skill Rank in Medicine (Herbalism) to the result of this roll. You may not attempt this roll more than once per month, whether you succeed or not. You may not reduce your Taint below 1 full Rank or below 1 Point. You may not remove Taint from someone else.

    In addition, your fierce hatred of your own corruption has begun to turn your Taint outward, allowing you to add your Taint Rank to the result of all your attack and damage rolls. You may add twice your Taint Rank to your TN to Be Hit against Tainted opponents.

    Rank 2: Turn the Dark Lords BladeYou walk the razor's edge between embracing your Taint and using it as a weapon against evil.

    You may permanently gain 1 point of Shadowlands Taint to gain an additional attack each round for the next 3 rounds. If this attack is directed against a Tainted opponent, you lose the point of Shadowlands Taint as long as you personally kill your opponent within those 3 rounds. While making any contested rolls, attack rolls, or damage rolls against a Tainted foe, your Raises are not

  • limited by your Void Ring or Skill Rank. Finally, you gain a bonus equal to twice your Taint Rank to the total of all attack and damage totals. This replaces the bonus gained at Rank 1.

    Rank 3: Shot at the DarknessAt this point, you are likely nearly Lost. but this will not stop you from giving your death

    meaning. You gain a number of Free Raises equal to your Taint Rank on attack rolls against all Tainted opponents. On a successful attack against a Tainted opponent, you may double the number of Wounds inflicted. When you do so, however, you gain a full Rank of Taint. You gain a bonus equal to 3x your Taint Rank to the result of all attack, damage and Bugei Skill rolls. This replaces the bonus gained at Rank 2. You also gain a bonus equal to 3x your Taint Rank to your TN to Be Hit against Tainted opponents.

    This replaces the bonus gained at Rank 1.

    Hida Berserker (Bushi) (Master of War)No Clan has suffered at the hands of the Shadowlands as have the Crab. Two of their Families the

    Hiruma and the Kuni have lost their ancestral lands to the minions of Fu Leng at various points. And among individual Crab, there is scarcely a warrior who has not lost a friend or a relative to combat against the great enemy. Some have lost so many among those who were close to them that the endless war against the Shadowlands has left them entirely bereft. It is those who have nothing left to anchor them to this life who can channel their grief and rage into the Way of the Berserker.

    The education of Hida Berserker entails relatively little weapons training, considering that his sole purpose is to fight for the Crab with no regard for his own safety. Instead Berserkers are taught meditation techniques that allow them to channel their powerful emotions into sheer battle lust, directing their rage and grief against the enemy.

    Benefit: +1 StaminaHonor: 1.5Skills: Athletics, Defense, Heavy Weapons (Tetsubo), Hunting, Kenjutsu, Lore: Shadowlands, any

    one Bugei Skill.Outfit: Katana, wakizashi, any two weapons. light armor, red body paint, kimono and sandals,

    traveling pack, 3 koku.

    Technique: Fury of HidaWhenever you engage in combat, you may enter an enraged state as a Simple Action. While

    enraged. you ignore Wound penalties for a number of rounds equal to your Earth Ring x3, plus 1 round per School Rank. You still suffer the Wound points, but you suffer no penalties because of them. Further, you may roll and keep n number of extra dice equal to your School Rank when rolling attack and damage. This reflects your ability to channel your rage into your attacks. However, focusing all your energy on Inflicting punishment renders you more vulnerable. All damage rolls made against you receive a +2 bonus to the total.

    When you are not in an enraged state, you gain a bonus to your TN to Be Hit equal to your Fire Ring plus your School Rank. At any time. you may come out of your enraged state by making a Raw Willpower Roll against a TN of 20. If you succeed in calming your rage, you lose all bonuses and penalties granted by this technique while in the enraged state. If you calm your rage within 100' of an enemy, you may not reenter the enraged state for the rest of the day.

    At Rank 3, you gain an additional attack per round.At Rank 5, you gain another additional attack per round, but only while in the Full Attack posture.

  • Hida Bushi School (Bushi) (Core Book)The Hida Bushi School teaches one of the oldest and proudest fighting styles in all of Rokugan.

    Taught at dozens of individual dojo throughout the Crab lands, the Hida fighting style favors raw strength and boundless tenacity over subtlety and grace. The Crab style is immediately recognizable for it's reliance on both heavy weapons and heavy armor. A true Hida warrior feels naked if not encased in steel.

    Some would call the Hida berserkers and in fact many (particularly the students of Razor's Edge Dojo) submit to the red haze of madness in battle. For most Crab, however, anger is merely a tool to be used sparingly. A Crab warrior endures the attacks of his enemy with stolid patience, releasing his rage once the enemy has become exhausted by his impressive defenses. While the Hida do not use the misdirections of the Bayushi School, they seize any advantage that an enemy presents. When threatened, a Hida bushi shows no mercy, striking with overwhelming force the instant opportunity presents itself.

    The Hida fighting style is particularly well suited for the Crab Clan's primary enemy the Shadowlands Horde. Often outnumbered by foes with unknown abilities, a Hida's only option is to weather the storm until the time comes to strike. The Hida style is ideally suited to this, allowing a warrior to avoid or absorb attacks that would pulverize a lesser warrior.

    Unlike many schools that focus primarily upon the katana, the Hida School encourages the use of heavy weapons such as the tetsubo and ono. Not only are these trademark Crab weapons quite effective against many Shadowlands creatures, but many Hida bushi prefer not to sully their ancestral swords with the blood of Fu Leng's bestial minions. Naturally the Hida School also insures that all of its students have passing familiarity with the enemy it is their duty to combat, so all Hida students have some knowledge of Shadowlands Lore.

    Benefit: +1 StaminaHonor: 1.5Skills: Battle (Specific Enemy: Shadowlands), Defense, Heavy Weapons, Jiujutsu, Kenjutsu,

    Kyujutsu, Lore: Shadowlands.Outfit: Katana, wakizashi, bow and 20 arrows (any type), any two weapons, heavy armor, one

    finger of jade, kimono and sandals, traveling pack, 5 koku.

    Techniques:Rank 1: Way of the CrabYou are adept at tapping into the innate strength of Earth within yourself. You may add your Earth

    Ring to the total of any attack and damage roll in melee. You may ignore the TN penalties for wearing heavy armor for all skills except Stealth.

    Rank 2: The Mountain Do not MoveYou have the extraordinary tenacity for which the Crab are famous. Any time you suffer Wounds,

    you may spend a Void Point to make a Raw Earth roll vs a TN equal to the number of wounds suffered, before the Wounds are inflicted (thus you do not suffer additional TN penalties due to the damage). If you succeed, you suffer no Wounds from the injury. Your Earth is increased by your School Rank when resisting Knockdown.

    Rank 3: Two Pincers, One MindYou may make an additional attack per round. You gain two additional Void Points beyond your

    normal maximum that may only be spend to activate The Mountain Does Not Move or The Mountain Does Not Fall. These may be restored in the normal manner for Void Points and do not allow you to call additional Raises.

  • Rank 4: Fury of HidaThe TN bonus you gain from any armor is doubled. If an opponent attacks you (whether

    successful or not) you may roll and keep an additional die on any attack and damage rolls against them on your next turn.

    Rank 5: The Mountain Does Not FallFrom this point forward,the amount of Wounds in each of your Wound Ranks is doubled. You may

    spend a Void Point to ignore all wound penalties (including Out) until your next turn. You gain another Void Point that may only be used to activate The Mountain Does Not Move or The Mountain Does Not Fall.

    Hida Wrestler (Bushi) (Art of Duel)The Crab Clan train their warriors in the practical details of warfare, the plain mechanics of

    fighting and killing. In most cases, this involves intense practice in the use of the Clan's trademark weapons, as well as how to remain fast on one's feet even in heavy armor. But some Crab bushi choose to follow a slightly different path, one that specializes in unarmed fighting -particularly the art of crippling or even killing an opponent through aggressive grappling, holds and throws.

    However, the Hida Wrestler School is by no means alien to the mainstream of Crab warrior training. Hida Wrestlers do not neglect weapons practice by any means, and when they go into battle, they equip themselves as would any other Crab warrior. Their School is instead an offshoot of standard Hida Bushi School arms practice that has taken on a life of its own over the course of the ages, sustained by tales about the Kami Hida that have long been part of Crab Clan legend. It began with sensei who took a particular interest in how a warrior should handle himself in his last extremity -stripped of his weapons, and forced to fight with his bare hands. As repulsive as it seemed to grab and strike a thing of the Shadowlands with one's bare hands, surely it was better to learn how to do so effectively than surrender oneself to destruction. Crab jiujitsu masters who succeeded them expanded on their work, eventually turning this last resort into something of a virtue.

    Hida Wrestlers who survive to retirement generally become sensei after their soldiering days end, passing on their knowledge so that their art will flourish for at least another generation. The more gifted among them, however, often enter advanced sumai training (see New Advanced School: Hida Sumai) and find a second career at court, competing in the wrestling tournaments that so delight the courtiers and nobles. In fact, it is not unknown for promising young Crab Wrestlers to be plucked from active duty, even from the Kaiu Wall garrison, for sumai training, in the hope that they will develop into yokozuna who will gain prestige for the Clan.

    Wrestlers have always been and will always be a distinct minority among Crab bushi it is not an overwhelmingly popular career path. However. they do have the respect of their fellow Crab, as their particular brand of jiujitsu has become an accepted form of dueling within the Clan.

    Benefit: +1 Agility Honor: 1.5 Skills: Athletics, Defense, Jiujitsu 2, Lore: Shadowlands, Stealth (Ambush), any Bugei Skill. Outfit: Katana, wakizashi. bow and 20 arrows (any type), heavy armor; one finger of jade, kimono

    and sandals, traveling pack; 5 koku.

    Techniques Rank 1: The Claw StrikesAll Hida bushi learn how to find the power of Earth within themselves, and Hida Wrestlers are no

    different. You receive a bonus equal to your Earth Ring to your Jiujitsu Rolls; to all rolls related to initiating and maintaining a Grapple; and to the DR of any unarmed attack. Also, you may ignore the TN penalties for wearing heavy armor for all Bugei Skills.

  • Rank 2: The Mountain does not Move Though a Hida Wrestler's training marks a departure from the way that most Crab bushi follow, he

    is still a Crab warrior and the extraordinary tenacity for which they are famous is still his by inheritance. Any time you suffer Wounds, you may spend a Void Point to make a Raw Earth Roll against a TN equal to the number of Wounds suffered. You make this roll before the Wounds are inflicted; thus, you do not suffer additional Wound penalties due to the damage. If you succeed, you suffer no Wounds from the injury. When resisting Knockdown. you receive a bonus to your Earth Ring equal to your School Rank.

    Rank 3: Snapping the ArmThe Hida Wrestler School teaches the importance of ferocious speed and quickness in unarmed

    combat, as well as strength and willpower. You may make an additional attack per round, but only if both attacks use your Jiujitsu Skill. Also, if you control a Grapple at the beginning of your turn, you may disarm your opponent as a Simple Action.

    Rank 4: Sideways StepTraining in this particular style of unarmed combat gives you the quickness to avoid your enemy's

    blows all together, even when wearing heavy armor. When in the Attack posture, you receive a bonus to your TN to Be Hit equal your Reflexes + Jiujitsu. When you are in the Full Defense posture, this bonus is equal to twice the total of your Reflexes + Jiujitsu. These bonuses supplement any bonus you may receive from using the Defense Skill.

    Rank 5: the Mountains does not FallYou may spend a Void Point to ignore all Wound Penalties (including Out) until your next turn,

    and (after the Void Point spend) for the remainder of the skirmish the number of Wounds in each of your Wound Ranks is doubled. You gain another Void Point that may only be used to activate either The Mountain Does Not Move or The Mountain Does Not Fall.

    Hiruma Scout School (Bushi) (Core Book)The Hiruma Scout School has the strangest history of all the Crab dojos. The Hiruma style has

    endured the destruction of the family's dojos on several occasions, each time adapting with the tenacity that is its students' hallmark. The current incarnation of the Hiruma style scarcely resembles that practiced by scouts even a few generations ago. Though the Hiruma family has found a greater measure of stability in recent generations, none can truly say if the family is safe living so far beyond the protection of the Kaiu Wall. In another decade the techniques may be entirely different or may not exist at all.

    When a Hida Bushi confronts battle with the stubborn determination of a mountain, a Hiruma Scout is the wind around that mountain. The Hiruma are masters of stealth and misdirection. A skilled scout can vanish into the deepest Shadowlands for weeks at a time, returning with no trace of Taint. They are strange, solitary figures who venture into the hellish plains because they are their home: they will not surrender it even to a mad god.

    A Hiruma Scout begins training in the Shadowlands at an early age. With such an unforgiving classroom, it is not surprising that the Hiruma are among the stealthiest scouts in all of Rokugan. Tempered by the merciless Shadowlands, they services are often sought by generals of other Clans. After all, a warrior who can pass undetected through the lands of an Oni Lord would be of inestimable value in scouting a human enemy's position. The Hiruma rarely entertain such invitations. Their home may not be a welcoming place, but they will be damned before they abandon it.

  • Benefit: +1 StaminaHonor: 2.0Skills: Athletics, defense, Hunting, Lore: Shadowlands, Stealth (Sneaking) 2, any one weapon

    Skill.Outfit: Katana, wakizashi, bow and 20 arrows (any type), ashigaru armor, black body paint, one

    finger of jade, kimono and Sandals, traveling pack, 2 koku

    TechniquesRank 1: Dance the Razor's EdgeYou are lithe and agile. You can move normally while in the Full Defense Posture and may add

    your Stealth Skill Rank to your TN to Be Hit. You are skilled at survival and can make that food, water and jade rations last twice as long as normal.

    Rank 2: Strike Like the WindHiruma are patient, evasive fighters. You gain a Free Raise on any attack roll against an enemy

    who has not yet successfully struck you during a skirmish, either because they missed, were not aware of you, or were attacking your allies instead. Additionally, any time an enemy attacks you and misses, you may add your Fire Ring to your TN to Be Hit against them for the rest of the combat. Your enemy may spend a Void Point to cancel this bonus.

    Rank 3: Fire and ShadowYou now, add twice your Stealth Skill to your TN to Be Hit (replacing the Stealth bonus from the

    Rank 1 Technique). If you possess a Skill that pertains directly to a specific enemy (either Lore (Shadowlands) or Know the School), you may add your Skill Rank to all attack and damage rolls against that enemy.

    Rank 4: Harness the WindYou gain a number of Free Raises equal to your School Rank on all Athletics, Hunting and Lore:

    Shadowlands rolls. You may now make an additional attack per round.

    Rank 5: Veil of SpiritsWhen making Stealth and Hunting Skill Rolls your 8's and 9's explode as well as 10's. If you are

    in the Shadowlands or possess Way of the Land for your current location, 6's and 7's explode as well. This effect may be used only once per die per roll. Thus you roll an 8 then re-roll a 9 on the same die, it only explodes once. If you roll an 8 then re-roll a 10, the 10 explodes normally.

    The Kaiu engineer School (Bushi) (Four Winds)Though many families are renowned for their fine crafts, none are quite so admired as the Kaiu

    family of the Crab. Masters of Armor smithing, Weapon smithing, engineering and siege-craft, their talents are unparalleled in Rokugan. Their craftsmanship can be seen in the solidity of the Kaiu Wall, the beauty of the Imperial Palace and the gleaming edge of a Kaiu Blade.

    Benefit: +1 IntelligenceHonor: 2.5Skills: Battle, Craft: Armor smithing, Craft: Weapon smithing, Engineering (Siege), Kenjutsu,

    Lore: History, TrapsOutfit: Katana, wakizashi, heavy armor, drawing paper and pens, kimono and sandals, scroll case,

    surveying tools, traveling pack, 3 koku

  • TechniquesThe Kaiu Engineering School does not teach a set progression of Techniques like most rokugani

    schools. Instead, the Kaiu offer a number of areas of study, each vital to the Crab's ongoing struggle against the Shadowlands. Each time a Kaiu Engineer gains a new Insight Rank, he may choose one of the abilities listed below. These abilities are sequential: a Kaiu Engineer with the first level of the Path of the Anvil may choose to learn the second level of that path or the first level of another path, but he may not select the third level of the Path of the Anvil until he learns the second. Each of the following paths is based on one skill that the Engineer gains as part of his school training.

    Path of the Anvil (Armor smithing)Rank 1You can modify armor to suit the needs of its wearer. This requires one hour of work for light

    armor, two hours for heavy armor. With a successful Craft: Armor smithing roll (TN 15 for light armor, 25 for heavy armor), you may increase the armor's TN to Be Hit bonus by 5. These adjustments are temporary. The armor must be adjusted again after one week to retain the bonus. A given suit of armor may bear only one adjustment from a Kaiu armorer at a time. When making any Craft: Armor smithing check, you gain a Free Raise for every rank you possess on the Path of the Anvil. These Raises must be dedicated toward improving the item's quality.

    Rank 2You can now adjust armor (in the same manner as the Rank 1 Technique: TN 25 for light armor,

    35 for heavy armor) so that it confers one of the following benefits: +1k0 to Initiative; the armor's bonus to TN to Be Hit bonus increases by 10; one Free Raise on Intimidation or Courtier rolls when wearing the armor; or the TN penalty imposed by heavy armor is reduced by 2.

    Rank 3You can now adjust armor (in the same manner as the Rank 1 Technique) to confer a Carapace

    Rating of 2. Additionally, you can work on a single suit of armor for one week and make any of the benefits offered by the Rank 1 or 2 Techniques a permanent feature of the armor (the armor may bear only one such feature at a time).

    The Path of War (Battle)Rank 1When coordinating men in battle, you know how best to distribute troops for maximum efficiency.

    Troops taking direction from you in combat gain a bonus to their Initiative and Battle rolls equal to triple your Rank in this Path. You may confer this bonus on a maximum number of troops equal to your Insight Rank x 5. Additionally, you gain a free Emphasis for the Battle Skill for each Rank you possess in this Path.

    Rank 2Tactics come easily to the trained mind. You gain a +5 bonus on all Tides of Battle rolls in mass

    combat.Rank 3A true leader's skill shows not in his own accomplishments, but through the accomplishments of

    those who follow him. During any combat, you gain a number of additional dice equal to your Insight Rank. These dice may be granted to any person under your command and may be used to roll an extra die on any Skill roll. No individual may receive more than one such die per round.

    The Path of Steel (Weapon smithing)Rank 1You can temporarily enhance a weapon, honing its edge to a fine point or adjusting its balance for

    maximum impact. This confers a number of Free Raises equal to triple your Rank in this path. These Raises may be used at any time when someone attacks with this weapon, one per attack roll, but once a given Raise is used its benefits are gone. It requires twenty minutes of work and a Craft: Weaponsmith roll vs. TN 15 to grant this bonus. A weapon may have no more than one bonus

  • conferred by this school at a time. When making any Craft: Weapon smithing check, you gain a Free Raise for every Rank you possess on the Path of Steel. These Raises must be dedicated toward improving the item's quality.

    Rank 2You may instill additional rolled or kept dice into a weapon's Damage Rating. It requires twenty

    minutes of work and a Craft: Weaponsmith roll vs. TN 25 to grant this bonus. The maximum number of additional rolled dice equals your Rank on this Path. Two rolled dice can instead offer the benefit of one kept die; choose which enhancement you instill when you make the roll. The effects of this enhancement fade after one day.

    Rank 3You may now enhance a weapon (as in the Rank 1 technique) to reduce any creature's Carapace

    rating by 2 for one day. A weapon so enhanced will ignore Carapace 4 for a single strike if its wielder expends a Void Point, or will cut through up to three inches of stone or steel if its wielder expends a Void Point. Additionally, you can work on a single weapon for one week and make the benefit offered by the Rank 2 Technique permanent (the weapon may have only one such benefit).

    The Path of Stone (Engineering)Rank 1You are skilled at planning construction projects. Fortifications, buildings, or other constructions

    you plan or oversee have their building time reduced by 10%. This is cumulative if multiple engineers are coordinating on a project, with a maximum of a 30% reduction. You gain a Free Raise on attack rolls when operating any siege weapon. When making any Engineering check, you gain a Free Raise for every rank you possess on the Path of Stone. These Raises must be dedicated toward improving the final construction's quality. Additionally, you gain a free Emphasis for the Engineering Skill for each Rank you possess in this Path.

    Rank 2Fortifications you construct confer great protection on their defenders. Characters defending a

    fortification built by a Kaiu Engineer of Rank 2 or greater in the Path of Stone roll an additional die on Defense Skill rolls. Any siege weapon you operate has its range increased by 25%.

    Rank 3Engineers who devote their training to architecture are capable of truly amazing accomplishments.

    You gain five Free Raises on all Engineering rolls. Any siege engine you operate rolls two additional dice for damage.

    Kuni Shugenja School (Shugenja) (Core Book)One of the strangest and most misunderstood shugenja schools in the Empire, the Kuni, are often

    painted as madmen too deeply obsessed with the mysteries of the Shadowlands for anyone's good. Strangely, many Kuni would admit this is not too far from the truth.

    It is the duty of all Crab to stand as the first defense against the Shadowlands. As the spiritual leaders of the Crab Clan, it is thus a Kuni's duty to protect the souls of the Crab from corruption. To properly do so, the Kuni must understand the supernatural forces that fuel the Shadowlands. Every time a Kuni stares too deeply into the darkness he loses a piece of himself, but so long as he returns with the knowledge others need to fight the Shadowlands, this is an acceptable sacrifice.

    While the Hida, Hiruma and Kaiu give their lives on the Wall, the Kuni sacrifice their souls for the knowledge their cousins need to survive. Though the Kuni are less numerous than most shugenja families, more Kuni have fallen to the Shadowlands Taint than all other shugenja families in the Empire combined. None are more disturbed by this fact than the Kuni themselves, who fervently police themselves for signs of corruption.

    The Kuni shugenja school focuses on the purity of Earth magic, washing away taint with the pure tenacity of stone. Wards and bindings are common spells, as is any magic that detects or destroy minions of the Shadowlands. Purifying magic that protects their Crab brethren from corruption or

  • deception is also popular. None truly understand the Shadowlands as the Kuni do, for none ore bold (or foolish) enough to look so closely.

    Most Kuni shugenja are keen and analytical and strike outsiders as cold. The first lesson a Kuni learns is that Kansen, the evil counterparts of the Kami, seem drawn to unseemly outbursts of emotion. A wise Kuni guards his feelings, lest he show any weakness that might be used against him. Relaxing is not an option, save in the holiest of temples. Kansen tend to swarm invisibly to Kuni shugenja, always eager to cause the downfall of another who sought Fu Leng's secrets too clumsily.

    Benefit: +1 WillpowerHonor: 1.5Skills: Calligraphy, Defense, Lore: Shadowlands 2, Meditation, Spellcraft (Maho), any one

    Weapon Skill.Outfit: Wakizashi, any two weapons, one finger of jade, kimono and sandals, scroll satchel,

    traveling pack, 3 koku

    Affinity/Deficiency: The Crab Clan values determination, strength and stability and the Kuni are no different. Thus they possess an Affinity for Earth. They have a Deficiency in Air magic, representing their distaste for deception.

    Technique: Gaze into shadowAny spells that have specific unique effects on Shadowlands Tainted target listed in their

    description (such as Tomb of Jade) cost one fewer point when learned as Innate Abilities. Any time a Kuni casts a spell on a target known to possess the Shadowlands Taint, he gains a Free Raise. all Kuni Shugenja begin with Jade Strike as an Innate Ability.

    Spells: Sense, Commune, Summon, Counterspell, Jade Strike, plus 3 Earth, 2 Fire, 1 Water.

    Kuni Witch Hunter (Bushi) (Masters of War)Though the Kuni are the Crab's shugenja Family, their elite Witch Hunters do not restrict

    themselves to accepting only shugenja into their ranks. Fighting the enemy requires a strong sword arm as well as intellect and the gift of speaking with the kami. Down through the ages, the Witch Hunters have developed their own training regimen for bushi who wish to join them in their work. Over the course of time it has solidified into a school unto itself. with small dojo at both Shiro Kuni and the Kuni Tower at Shiro Hiruma.

    A Kuni Witch Hunter bushi receives all of the Witch Hunters' accumulated wisdom about recognizing the Shadowlands Taint and how to defeat opponents contaminated by it. These lessons prove useful whether a Witch Hunter bushi serves in the Crab Armies, or as part of a team of Inquisitors investigating more subtle manifestations of the Taint.

    Benefit: +1 AwarenessHonor: 1.5Skills: Athletics, Defense, Hunting, Medicine (Herbalism), Lore: Shadowlands, any two Bugei

    SkillsOutfit: Katana, wakizashi, one finger of jade, jade pendant, kimono and sandals, traveling pack, 3


    TechniquesRank 1: To Strike the DarknessThe Witch Hunter learns how to block out all distractions when facing an enemy. You gain a

    bonus to your Initiative Rolls equal to twice your Air Ring. When attacking an enemy with the

  • Shadowlands Taint, you need only call 2 Raises to gain an additional attack on him (instead of 4 Raises)

    Rank 2: To See the DarknessThe Witch Hunter becomes attuned to the signs of Elemental corruption. When interacting with

    others, you can make a Contested Awareness/Etiquette Roll against the target to see if he shows any indications of being a potential maho-tsukai or shows any psychological signs of the Taint. By calling a Raise, you can prevent the subject from realizing he has let something slip. Additionally, if you spend a Void Point, you can make an Awareness/Lore: Shadowlands Roll against a TN of 25 to sense the presence and proximity of the Taint anywhere within 150'. You cannot sense Taint in specific individuals, but you do gain a general idea of where it is.

    Rank 3: To Ride the DarknessThe Witch Hunter's particular understanding of the Taint gives him insight into how best to kill a

    Tainted foe. When making an unarmed or melee attack, you keep an additional number of dice equal to the target's Shadowlands Taint Rank. You may also spend a Void Point to reduce your Wound Rank Penalty by your School Rank for the duration of the current skirmish. Finally, you gain a bonus equal to your Earth Ring to your TN to Be Hit.

    Rank 4: To Repel the DarknessA Witch Hunter resists the effects of maho and can protect others from this foul magic. Anyone

    attempting to use maho against you, or anyone with at least 1 Shadowlands Taint Rank who tries to cast a spell on you, must call an additional number of Raises equal to your School Rank. You may spend a Void Point and make a Willpower/Lore: Shadowlands roll against a TN of 25 to grant an ally within 10' the same protection for 1 round. The spellcaster must still match your School Rank, not the protected ally's. You can call Raises to protect additional allies or to extend the protection for additional rounds at 1 Raise per ally or round.

    You gain an additional attack per round.

    Rank 5: To Shatter DarknessThe Witch Hunter cuts down Tainted enemies with devastating power and inflicts excruciating

    pain on the corrupted. When attacking a target with at least 1 Shadowlands Taint Rank, you gain a number of Free Raises equal to your School Rank that can only be used to increase damage or gain an additional attack. If you kill someone with at least 1 Shadowlands Taint Rank, it does not count as an attack for this round. Additionally, whenever you make a successful attack roll against an opponent with at least 1 Shadowlands Taint Rank, you may spend a Void Point to increase the opponent's current Wound Rank penalty by 10.

    Toritaka Bushi School (Bushi) (Masters of War) (1125 CI)When the Falcon Clan merged into the Crab, the Crab gained a small. but to them quite unique

    pool of manpower for their armies.Because of their small numbers, Toritaka bushi are mostly scattered throughout the Crab armies.

    They are found in greatest concentrations in the elite archery units known as the Falcon's Strike, which the Toritaka themselves help to train. They also populate command staffs out of proportion to their numbers, from which they may be dispatched to wherever their particular talents are needed.

    Benefit: +1 WillpowerHonor: 2.5Skills: Animal Handling (Falcons), Hunting, Kenjutsu, Lore: Spirit Realms, Meditation, Spears

    and a second Rank in either Animal Handling or Hunting.Outfit: Katana, wakizashi, light armor, kimono and sandals, traveling pack, 2 koku.

  • TechniquesRank 1: The Falcon's EyesYou gain 1 Free Raise per School Rank on all your Perception Rolls. You may also attempt to

    detect the presence of any creatures with the Special Quality Invisible (see Creatures of Rokugan: Third Edition) within your line of sight by making a Raw Perception Roll against a TN equal to the creature's Air Ring x5. Finally, you gain a bonus to your attack and damage rolls equal to your Water Ring.

    Rank 2: Falcon Tales FlightUnderstanding the swift movements of the falcon gives you the advantage of quickness over your

    opponents. You gain a bonus to your Initiative Roll equal to twice your Perception. You gain 1 Free Raise per Rank of Perception on any attack roll against an opponent with lower Initiative.

    Rank 3: The Falcon's WingsYou gain an additional attack per round. You gain a bonus to your attack and damage rolls equal to

    twice your Water Ring. This replaces the bonus gained at Rank 1.

    Rank 4: Vigilant & StrongYou no longer need to make a Raw Perception Roll to detect the presence of creatures using the

    Special Quality Invisible if those creatures are within 100' of you. Also, you may make a Contested Perception Roll against the Air Ring of any opponent within 30' to negate any darkness or blinding effect that may hamper you from seeing him or it. You must be aware of the opponent's presence to use this ability. Finally. you gain a bonus to your Initiative Rolls equal to 3x your Perception. This replaces the bonus gained at Rank 2.

    Rank 5: Claws of the FalconYou may spend a Void Point to ignore any Carapace rating or Special Qualities that reduce or

    avoid Wounds or the probability of being hit by a physical attack for one opponent of your choice. This effect applies only to your melee attacks, but it lasts for the duration of the skirmish. Additionally, you gain a bonus to all your attack and damage rolls equal to 3x your Water Ring. This replaces the bonus gained at Rank 3.

    Yasuki Courtier School (Courtier) (Core Book)Thought the Yasuki family is now divided between two Clans, only those Yasuki who consider

    themselves Crab may attend the Yasuki Courtier School. Crane Yasuki prefer to attend the more prestigious Doji Courtier School, in any case.

    The Yasuki are master negotiators, thought their area of expertise is merchant transactions. Its students are smugglers, consummate hagglers and wily traders and the Yasuki Courtier School is sometimes called "the Yasuki Merchant School" by both its students and its detractors. While members of the Yasuki school feel no shame in engaging in commerce (after all, their actions directly benefit the Crab Clan's defense of the Empire), others consider their techniques unbecoming of samurai. This suits the Yasuki well enough. After all everyone needs something and sooner or 1ater everyone realizes that that the Yasuki have what they need.

    Yasuki agents maintain a presence in every large port throughout the Empire and most of the small ones. They keep on good terms with other powerful mercantile families such as the Doji, Yoritomo and Ikoma by always staying one step ahead of the economy. Before the sake shortage in Ikoma lands begins, the Yasuki already have several barrels loaded on a ship, ready to offer to the Lion at a 'special discount'. Though the Yasuki have earned a reputation as smugglers and dishonest traders, it is rare that anyone comes away from a negotiation with a Yasuki without feeling than he got precisely what he wanted at last until the Yasuki is safely back on a ship bound for Crab lands.

    The only family that truly dislikes the Crab Yasuki is, strangely enough, the Crane Yasuki. The

  • Daidoji family never forgave the Yasuki family for abandoning the Crane Clan. When Daidoji Hachi was proclaimed the new Yasuki daimyo and took the Yasuki name, many Daidoji followed suit, intent on absorbing the renegade Yasuki into their Clan of origin and burying all memory of their defection. When Hachi ended the Yasuki War by swearing fealty to both the Crab and Crane C1ans, most former Daidoji kept the Yasuki name but returned to the Crane Clan. Though the Crane Yasuki continue to serve their dual aligned daimyo, they never pass an opportunity to prove their superiority to the Crab Yasuki. For their part, most Crab Yasuki despise their Crane counterparts, but would never shame their daimyo by acting too openly against their cousins.

    Naturally, both Crab and Crane Yasuki are masters of moving subtly against a hated rival.

    Benefit: +1 PerceptionHonor: 1.5Skills: Commerce (Merchant), Courtier, Deceit (Lying), Etiquette (Bureaucracy), Stealth, anyone

    low Skill, any one Bugei SkillOutfit: Wakizashi, any one other weapon, courtly dress, one finger of jade, kimono and sandals,

    traveling pack, 10 koku

    TechniquesRank 1: Way of the CarpA Yasuki brings a unique blend of suave charm and brazen Intimidation to every social encounter.

    The consummate gambler, a Yasuki is always prepared when his opponent raises the stakes. Any time you are involved in a Contested Social Skill Roll, You gain a Free Raise for every two raises your opponent declares. You lose no Honor for conducting trade in public. You may add your Water Ring to the total of any School Skill Rolls

    Rank 2: Shimmering ScalesA Yasuki is rarely caught in a lie or stuck with the short end of a negotiation. If you fall a

    Contested Deceit or Commerce roll, you may spend a Void Point to make a second roll. If this roll succeeds, the initial attempt is still a failure but has a neutral effect. That wasn't a lie just now, you merely misspoke and they believe you. A customer who would have walked away in disgust at a high price instead considers purchasing your goods for a lesser fee. Essentially the first roll results in a stalemate, though additional attempts can be made. You also gain a number of Free Raises equal to your School Rank on all Uncontested Commerce Skill Rolls.

    Rank 3: Wiles of the CarpA Yasuki always knows what the customers want, even if they aren't certain themselves. You may

    spend a Void Point to make a Contested Willpower roll with anyone you are talking to. If this roll succeeds, the target reveals something that he desires. Note that what he desires is not necessarily relevant to you or attainable by you. The target does not realize his admission. If you make a Raise, he reveals something he desires that you can provide (or, if you can truly provide nothing he wants, you learn that instead)

    Rank 4: Treasures of the CarpA Yasuki guards his treasures closely -and his most precious treasure is the truth. Any time

    someone makes Raises on a Contested Social Skill Roll against you involving Commerce or Deceit he must make two Raises to gain the effects of one. This includes attempts to see through your lies and flattery as well as attempts to lie to or seduce you in turn. You may add twice your Water Ring to all rolls to all rolls involving Willpower.

    Rank 5: All That You Have Is MineYasuki are quite adept at pressing their advantage over a needy customer. If you posses something

    that someone legitimately desires and you make it clear that you possess and can supply the object

  • of their desire, then you roll and keep additional dice equal to your School Rank on all Contested Social Skill Rolls against that individual. This benefit is immediately lost if your target finds another way to obtain his desire. Thus rarer commodities ("I hear that you need help arranging a decent marriage for your son") are preferable to common items ("Would you like a g1ass of water?)

    Yasuki Taskmaster School (Bushi) (Masters of War)The Yasuki are what passes for a courtier Family within the Crab, but their long experience as

    merchants, running caravans the length and breadth of the Empire, also required that they understand the use of force and discipline, of chivvying one's underlings into line. The Yasuki Taskmaster School began among Yasuki caravan guards who developed it while keeping heimin bearers and beasts of burden alike alert to their tasks.

    Over time, Crab generals found that these Yasuki bushi, unconventional though they were, made effective lower-level officers, especially for units with a lot of inexperienced soldiers and ronin mercenaries. The Crab have always used Yasuki Taskmaster bushi as officers in ashigaru units. These days, it is not unknown to find Yasuki Taskmasters as gunso or even chui in the Reserve Army charged with whipping fresh faced Bushi into shape. They are even more common in the garrison of the Castle of the East, which consists largely of soldiers demoted and removed from their units for disciplinary reasons.

    Benefit: +1 WillpowerHonor: 1.5Skills: Athletics, Defense, Deceit (intimidation), Jiujitsu, Kenjutsu, Lore: Shadowlands, anyone

    Bugei Skill.Outfit: Katana, wakizashi, whip, any two weapons, light armor, kimono and sandals, traveling

    pack, 6 koku

    TechniquesRank 1: Fear as GiftThe Taskmaster learns the fine art of cowing those weaker than himself. You gain a +1k0 bonus to

    all attack rolls and Deceit (Intimidation) rolls against those with lower Willpower. You gain a bonus to your Initiative Rolls equal to your Willpower.

    Rank 2: Taking the GiftYou may activate this Technique as a full-round action. Once on, it stays activated until you take

    another action. If an opponent hits you while this Technique is active, you may immediately attack that opponent once; this attack automatically hits.

    You may not call any Raises on this attack. You gain a bonus to this attack's damage roll equal to 3x your Willpower. You also gain a +1k0 bonus to all damage rolls against those with lower Willpower.

    Rank 3: Giving the GiftYou may taunt or insult anyone opponent who can understand you (even while you are attacking

    or doing something else), making a contested Willpower/Deceit (intimidation) roll with that target. If you succeed, you may add the amount by which you succeeded to the result of all attack and damage rolls against that opponent in the following round.

    You gain a bonus to the result of your Initiative Rolls equal to twice your Willpower. This replaces the bonus gained at Rank 1.

  • Rank 4: Fears BaneYou gain an additional attack per round. Also, you gain a +2k0 bonus to all attack, damage and

    Deceit (Intimidation) Rolls against those with 1ower Willpower. This replaces the bonuses gained at Rank 1 and Rank 2.

    Rank 5: Test of MightYou have mastered the arts of fear and Intimidation to the point that they are a part of your very

    being. Opponents attacking you suffer a penalty equal to twice your Deceit (Intimidation) skill rank to their attack and damage rolls against you. Once per round. you may spend a Void Point after an opponent makes a damage roll against you to reduce the total by 3x your Willpower, down to a minimum of 1 Wound suffered.


    Champion's Guard (Bushi) (Masters of War)While some Hida Elite Guardsmen who accumulate experience and seniority move on to senior

    command and staff positions in the Crab armies, others who are particularly renowned for their prowess as fighters graduate to the Champion's Guard. Champion's Guardsmen are among the very finest single combat warriors that the Hida Bushi School produces. Their duty is among the most important of any Crab bushi, for they are entrusted with the lives of the Clan Champion and other of the Clan's most important personages.

    Technique Rank: 5Path of Entry: Hida Bushi 4Path of Egress: Hida Bushi 5Special: Must have taken the Path Hida Elite Guard

    Technique: Hida's ChosenAll Hida Elite Guardsman learn to channel the legendary power of the First Crab and those who

    have learned this lesson especially well are recruited into the Champion's Guard. You may gain a bonus equal to 3x your Defense Skill Rank to both your damage rolls and your TN to Be Hit. This bonus replaces the bonus gained through the Hida Elite Guard Path (see p. 59 MoW)

    It is also the case that your duty demands you devote yourself absolutely to defending the 1ives of whomever has been placed in your charge. This is not a demand for pointless self-sacrifice: to the contrary, the inspiration you draw from Hida inspires you to succeed in the pursuit of your duty no matter what the hazard. The Hida, after all, may fight and bleed, but they do not fall.

    At any point in a skirmish, you may select a single person or creature. As long as you are within 30' of that person or creature and he/it is alive, you may reduce any Wound Penalties that you suffer by your Willpower + Defense Skill Rank. Under these circumstances, you also gain a bonus to your TN to Be Hit equal to your Willpower+Awareness.

    Crystal Master (Shugenja) (Prayers & Treasures)The Crystal Masters are a small sect of shugenja, no more than a dozen in any generation and are

    in high demand because of their ability to damage Shadowlands creatures who are immune to most conventional means of attack, sometimes even to jade. The first Crab to develop what eventually became the Crystal Master technique was a young Kuni Utagu, who spent several months studying with the Crooked Tail tribe of the nezumi. The Crooked Tail was a xenophobic group, haunted by bitter experience with the power of the Lying Darkness. The tribe was familiar with the power of crystal, indeed it lived near a large crystal outcropping and as it gradually grew to trust young Utagu, he was able to learn a few of their secrets. Utagu never revealed how he did it, but he was

  • able to adapt a few of the nezumi practices to the traditional rokugani form of magic (for more about nezumi magic, see Creatures of Rokugan: Third Edition, Chapter 3). Very few shugenja can master the exotic and obscure practices which Utagu pioneered - hence the sect's low number - but the Crystal Masters are always welcome on the Great Wall.

    Technique Rank: 3Path of Entry: Kuni Shugenja 2Path of Egress: Kuni Shugenja 3

    Technique: Essence of PurityThe so-called Crystal Masters have learned to focus the power of the kami through the pure

    essence of crystal, enhancing the kami's ability to strike at the corrupt and Tainted. When in possession of any piece of pure crystal at least as large as an adult human's finger, you may focus your spells through it. Doing so allows any spell to affect its target as if its effect was both jade and crystal, causing full damage both to creatures of the Shadowlands and to agents of the Shadow Dragon or the Lying Darkness.

    Dead-eyes Berserker (Bushi) (Masters of War)The so called Dead-Eyes Berserkers are the elite of the Crab Berserker warriors. They have

    mastered the most difficult meditation techniques taught by the Hida Berserker School, demonstrating an unusual talent for shaping the mind and channeling their mental processes. But in most cases, they are also remarkable for the degree of their personal loss to the ravages of the Shadowlands.

    As a result, the Dead-Eyes Berserker achieves a State of rage in battle that is so pure that it is, ironically, almost entirely unemotional. His mind clears of everything except his battle fury; all traces of emotion are redirected into the task of killing the enemy. Rage, in this sense, is not an uncontrolled flame, but a cold, inexorable anger that rises from nowhere and disappears just as swiftly. A Dead-Eye Berserker is, in this sense, an engine of death, made so by his extraordinary training and the terrible burdens on his soul.

    There are those who pity the Dead-Eye Berserkers. The Crab know better: they pity their enemy's.

    Technique Rank: 3Path of Entry: Hida Berserker 2Path of Egress: Hida Bushi 1

    Technique: Endless RageThis Technique counts as a rank of the Hida Berserker School. At the beginning of each round,

    you may forsake any number of bonus dice you would gain to your attack and damage rolls as a result of your Hida Berserker School Techniques. Instead, you gain 1 Free Raise to all Athletics, Battle, or Investigation Rolls for each die not gained. If not used by the end of the round this free Raise is lost.

    Falcon's Strike (Bushi) (Masters of War) (1125 CI)The Falcon's Strike are squadrons of skilled archers deployed along the Kaiu Wall. Part sentry,

    part scout and part elite bowman, the Falcon's Strike fill a long-standing need in the Kaiu Wall garrison for first-rate missile troops who can deliver reliably accurate and steady fire under the most adverse circumstances.

    Warriors selected for the Falcon's Strike train at the Sharp Eye Dojo, a school set up and jointly operated by the Hiruma and the Toritaka. They accept bushi from a wide variety of backgrounds and warriors from various Crab Families fill their ranks. Among them, however the Toritaka are most noted for their uncanny speed and accuracy with just about any kind of bow.

  • Technique Rank: 2Path of Entry: Toritaka Bushi 1, Hiruma Scout 1, or Hida Bush 1Path of Egress: Same School at 1 Rank higher

    Technique: Spotting the PreyTraining by Toritaka sensei known for their keen vision has sharpened your senses, enabling you

    to pick out targets and line up shots at vital areas quickly and surely under pressure. You gain a bonus to all Kyujutsu Skill Rolls equal to your Perception and a number of Free Raises equal to your Void Ring. You also gain a bonus to all damage rolls resulting from a successful use of the Kyujutsu Skill equal to your Perception+Void Ring). Finally, you gain a bonus to all Raw Perception

    Rolls equal to twice your Air Ring.

    Falcon's Wings (Bushi) (Masters of War) (1125 CI)The Falcon's Wings are the runners who are responsible for communication between the various

    garrison units of the Kaiu Wall. Although their role undoubtedly requires courage and endurance, they are selected not so much for their warlike skills as for their speed afoot. The vast majority of them are quite young, many fresh from their gempukku. Most Falcon's Wings runners are mustered out before they reach their mid-20's, before they 1ose a step to advancing adulthood.

    The Falcon's Wings draws its members from all of the Crab bushi Families, although historically, most have come from the Hiruma and they move on to become Hiruma Scouts when their time as messengers is up.

    Technique Rank: 1Path of Entry: None: this is an entry-level PathBenefit: + 1 AgilitySkills: Athletics. Defense, Etiquette, Kenjutsu. Stealth, any two Bugei SkillsHonor: 1.5Outfit Katana, wakizashi, tanto, light armor, kimono and sandals, scroll satchel, traveling pack, 10

    koku.Path of Egress: Any Crab Bushi School 2

    Technique: Fleet as the FalconAs a Falcon's Wings runner, your duty is very Simple: Run as fast as you can and as hard as you

    can and cover the ground allotted to you as quickly as possible. Ignore all distractions and do what you must to overcome all obstacles. Just run.

    You gain a bonus equal to your Fire Ring to all Athletics Skill Rolls. except if you are performing an action that would fall under the Running Emphasis (regardless of whether or not you actually have the Running Emphasis). In that case, you receive a bonus to your Athletics Skill Roll equal to your Fire Ring + your Perception.

    Hida Elite Guard (Bushi) (Master of War)The Crab have traditionally skimmed off the steadiest and most skilled of their bushi to serve as

    the Clan Champion's personal bodyguard. Over the centuries, the unit has expanded to encompass a variety of duties in and around Kyuden Hida and in the Hida Family in general. The role of the Champion's body guard detail now belongs to the cream of the Hida Elite Guard, the best of the Hida's best, the Champion's Guard.

    But a posting to the Elite Guard is by no means a purely honorary duty; anyone who thinks of it as a cushy reward for a distinguished career is sorely mistaken. Hida Elite Guardsmen receive rigorous training in the art of fighting on the defensive, particularly in techniques that enable them to strike

  • at their enemy while keeping themselves interposed between the foe and a particular person, location or object. In short, an Elite Guardsmen is schooled to understand that the best defense is a good offense.

    Technique Rank: 4Path of Entry: Hida Bushi 3Path of Egress: Hida Bushi 4

    Technique: Hida's StrengthThe Hida Elite Guardsman has learned to channel the legendary power of the First Crab, adapting

    readily to attack or defense. You gain a bonus equal to 3x your Defense Skill Rank to either your damage rolls or your TN to Be Hit until the next round. You must decide on one or the other at the beginning of each round.

    Additionally, you may spend a Void Point so that for the next 3 rounds your armor gives an additional bonus to your TN to Be Hit equal to its base bonus. However you may not stack this bonus so that you benefit from it more than once at any given time.

    Hiruma Grappler (Bushi) (Art of Duel)Some Hiruma Scouts like the idea of incorporating Hida wrestling techniques into their fighting

    style, especially using unarmed combat techniques that enable them to surprise their opponents in order to subdue or disarm them. These techniques are not terribly useful against oni, who often have natural weapons in unnatural places, but come in handy when ambushing The Lost or bakemono, which one does not wish to kill outright.

    Technique Rank: 3Path of Entry: Hiruma Scout 2Path of Egress: Hiruma Scout 3 or Hida Wrestler 1

    Technique: The Crab's ClawYou receive a bonus to your Initiative Roll equal to your Agility. You also receive a bonus equal to

    your Earth Ring + Agility to your Jiujitsu Rolls and to all rolls related to initiating and maintaining a Grapple. If you control a Grapple at the beginning of your turn, you may disarm your opponent as a Simple Action.

    Hiruma Stalkers (Bushi) (Four Winds)Because the Hiruma lands are so close to the heart of the Shadowlands, the Hiruma scouts are

    constantly in the crucible. Threats were identified and eliminated when possible, defenses prepared against inevitable assaults. Over time, a new sect of scouts developed: veterans skilled at infiltrating the Shadowlands forces and assassinating particularly crafty or powerful creatures before they threatened Shiro Hiruma. These scouts, the Hiruma Stalkers, have even been deployed against occasional human targets.

    Technique Rank: 3Path of Entry: Hiruma Scout 2Path of Egress: Hida Berserker 1 or Hiruma Scout 3

    Technique: Piercing StrikeThe Hiruma Stalkers are proficient hunters who can find the weakness of any target. If you strike

    a foe that is unaware of your presence (and thus has a TN of 5 + armor), you ignore all armor (including Carapace) for your first strike. When you make a melee attack, your target's Carapace

  • Rating is reduced by your Insight Rank. You may add twice your Earth Ring to the result of all Contested Stealth Rolls.

    Kaiu Blacksmith (Courtier) (MoC - web supplement)Kaiu blacksmiths are well known throughout the Empire for their incredible skill and dedication

    to their craft. A Kaiu sword is one of the most prestigious gifts the Crab can offer to another samurai, and the armor produced by their forges is similarly priceless.

    Technique Rank: 2Path of Entry: Kaiu Engineer 1Path of Egress: Kaiu Engineer 2

    Technique: Folds of IronYou may add your Fire Ring to the total of all Craft: Armorsmithing and Craft: Weaponsmithing

    rolls you make. Your Glory gains from crafting armor or weapons are tripled, instead of being doubled. After an ally gives a gift of at least Average Quality that you crafted to another character, they may add the points of Glory they received from giving the gift as a bonus to all their Social Skill Rolls involving the recipient to for the next week.

    This bonus applies only the first time each one of your gifts is given to another character; if that character were then to give the gift to someone else, neither you nor the gifting character would receive any sort of bonus from this technique. You gain a Free Raise on all Social Skill Rolls involving characters that have received weapons or armor that they know you created.

    Kuni Command Staff (Bushi or Shugenja) (Masters of War)Because the stand constant vigil against the Shadowlands and are therefore in perpetual contact

    with the Taint, the Crab armies like to make sure that at least some of their command staff are Kuni Witch Hunters. This is particularly true of the First and Second Crab Armies, which garrison the Kaiu Wall, but every Crab army (with the possible exception of the Army of the East) makes it a point to have Witch Hunter Staff officers on hand.

    A Witch Hunter command staff officer is charged with protecting his commander from any immediate threat presented by corrupted individuals, creatures or objects. The higher up in the army command hierarchy his superior, the more this is true and it is always his standing order on the battlefield.

    But his more important duty is actually to his unit, to function as a sort of human detection and disposal device for the presence of the Taint. It is standard operating procedure for the First and Second Armies that a Witch Hunter staff officer should Inspect all prisoners or unfamiliar individuals taken into custody by that unit - and also to circulate among the ranks on a regular basis, looking for signs that someone in the unit has become infected. The former duty makes a Witch Hunter the most treasured member of his unit at the moment, while the latter inevitably makes him the least trusted. This is a dichotomy to which every Kuni Witch Hunter is well used and accepts without comment or complaint.

    Technique Rank: 3Path of Entry: Kuni Shugenja 2 or Kuni Witch Hunter 2Path of Egress: School of origin at 1 Rank higher

    Technique: Speaking With the DarknessYour training and experience enables you to not only detect the likely presence of the Taint in an

    individual, but it also allows you to determine with reasonable certainty the degree of contamination. You may make a Contested Awareness/Etiquette Roll against an individual with whom you have had direct interaction (speaking, looking directly at him, etc.) for at least 1 minute;

  • if you are successful. you learn the exact extent of the target's contamination, expressed in terms of his Shadowlands Taint Rank and Points.

    Additionally, if you spend a Void Point, you can make an Awareness/Lore: Shadowlands Roll against a TN of 20 to learn the number and assortment of Shadowlands Powers that the target possesses (ie, the total number and the breakdown by Minor, Major and Greater). For each Raise that you call, you may also learn one exact Shadowlands Power that the target possesses, starting with the Minor Powers, then the Major Powers, then the Greater Powers.

    Kuni Duelist (Shugenja) (Art of Duel)The Kuni do not pay much attention to the art of taryu-jiai. As with their warrior brethren, matters

    of a samurai's honor are important, but fighting the foul things of the Shadowlands is always foremost in their minds. Nonetheless, Some Kuni shugenja study dueling arts and the possible use of maho by arcane opponents. As with their never-ending battle against the Shadowlands, they believe that knowing the heart of their foe is the difference between survival and destruction. However, with intelligence coming from the Shadowlands indicating that The Lost's mockery of Rokugani samurai culture has grown in sophistication to include dueling, the time may be at hand when taryu-jiai may become a more important aspect of knowing the foe.

    Technique Rank: 4Path of Entry: Kuni Shugenja 3Path of Egress: Kuni Shugenja 4

    Technique: Point of WeaknessIn the Assessment stage of a taryu-jiai duel, you may receive 3 additional pieces of information

    about your opponent per successful Raise declared on the Awareness/Spellcraft Roll, instead of 1. If you declare no Raises, you still receive 1 additional piece of information on a successful Roll. Also, if you are dueling a Tainted opponent, you receive 1 Free Raise for each if your opponent's Taint Ranks, to be used at any point in the dueling process.

    Tetsubo Duelist (Bushi) (Art of Duel)Duels fought with padded blunt weapons such as the tetsubo are a more common method settling

    disputes within the Crab Clan than classic iaijutsu duels. It is inevitable, therefore, that some of the Clan's bushi would develop this kind of ritualized combat as a minor specialty. They do not revere it as an art, as the Crane do iaijutsu but masters of this form do incorporate some of the standard techniques and philosophy of iaijutsu into their practice. Every Crab family has at least a few such warriors in the ranks, to be called upon when the Family need them.

    Technique Rank: 3Path of Entry: Hida Bushi 2Path of Egress: Hida Bushi 3

    Technique: The Duelist's ArtYou gain a bonus to your Initiative Rolls equal to your Iaijutsu Rank. Also, you must choose one

    weapon from the Heavy Weapon/Axe class in which to specialize. You gain a bonus to Skill Rolls in that weapon equal to your Iaijutsu Rank. When lighting a formal duel using any heavy weapon or axe, you gain a number of Free Raises equal to your Earth Ring (or the duration of that duel).

  • Tsuru's Legion (Bushi) (Four Winds)The brother of the Great Bear, Hida Tsuru, created this heavily armored cavalry unit. Tsuru's

    Legion chases down Shadowlands beasts that bypass the Carpenter's Wall and is a great help to the Crab in Clan warfare. Hida Yasamura and Hida Kuroda have in turn led the Legion after Tsuru's death.

    Technique Rank: 2Path of Entry: Hida Bushi 1Path of Egress: Hida Bushi 2

    Technique: OverrunYou receive a war steed, if you do not have one already. You gain a Free Raise when using a yari.

    If you are in the Full Attack posture, you may declare a charge as a full-round action. You must charge in a straight line and make an Agility/Horsemanship check with a TN of 20. If it is successful, you gain three Free Raises (plus 2 more for Full attack posture) on the attack and your opponent becomes dazed and cannot perform any actions the next round if he was not in Full Defense.

    Watcher of the Damned (Bushi) (Masters of War)It is not a pleasant thing for a Crab warrior to act against a fellow Crab, but it is also part of the

    Clan's makeup that they do not shirk from doing what they must. It is a Watcher of the Damned's unpleasant duty to observe the Tainted berserkers of the Damned sometimes at uncomfortably close range and inspect them for signs that madness has finally overtaken them. If they find that one of the Damned has succumbed, they are to kill him on the spot to spare him further suffering as much as to terminate the threat that he poses to others. Because of the particular skills and psychological requirements this is a role limited to the bushi of the Kuni Witch Hunters.

    Technique Rank: 2Path of Entry: Kuni Witch Hunter 1Path of Egress: Kuni Witch Hunter 2

    Technique: Compassion and SteelYou may make a Contested Awareness/Etiquette Roll against any individual to see if he shows any

    psychological signs of the Taint (ie if he is losing control of himself to the Taint). By calling a Raise, you can prevent the subject from realizing he has let something slip. In addition, you gain a bonus to your Initiative, attack and damage rolls equal to your target's Shadowlands Taint Rank.

    Yasuki House Guard (Bushi) (Masters of War)The Yasuki House Guard are in part an extension of the Family's tradition of maintaining a crack

    body of caravan guards and drivers (the Yasuki Taskmasters), but also of their desire to attain a measure of dignity within the Crab Clan. The Yasuki House Guard are entrusted with keeping safe both dignitaries of the Yasuki Family and the Family stronghold of Yasuki Yashiki. Their trademarks are watchfulness and exceptional willpower, turning inward upon themselves the Taskmaster's gift for keeping order among others.

    Technique Rank: 3Path of Entry: Yasuki Taskmaster 2 or Hida Bushi 2Path of Egress: School of origin at 1 Rank higher

  • Technique: Mastering the GiftTurning the power of commanding others inward makes you unusually resistant to the attempts of

    others to bend you to their will. You may gain a bonus to your Roll equal to twice your Willpower whenever a Social Skill is used against you. You gain a bonus equal to your Willpower whenever you make a Contested Roll in which stamina or Willpower are the relevant Traits. Finally, you gain a bonus to the result of your Initiative Rolls equal to twice your Willpower.Yasuki Peacekeeper (Bushi) (Four Winds)

    The Yasuki Peacekeepers are Crab magistrates appalled by the banditry, looting and destruction that overcame the Yasuki lands during the recent war against the Crane Clan. The Peacekeepers swore to protect the villages from the ravages of war. Hida Shara, the most famous Peacekeeper and the creator of this Technique, used her considerable skills to successfully guard the profitable Friendly Traveler Village.

    Technique Rank: 1Path of Entry: None. This is an entry-level path.Path of Egress: Hida Bushi 1, Hiruma Scout 1Benefit: +1 AgilityHonor: 2.5Skills: Athletics, Defense, Jiujutsu, Kenjutsu, Lore: Law, Polearms (Sodegarami), any one High or

    Bugei SkillOutfit: As Hida Bushi or Hiruma Scout (your choice).

    Technique: Uphold OrderThe Yasuki Peacekeepers are defenders of the peace, charged with stopping drunk and disorderly

    samurai, fighting off bandits and the occasional Shadowlands force that slip past the Carpenter Wall. You gain a Free Raise to all attempts to Disarm any opponent. You may add your Fire Ring to the result of all Jiujutsu, Kenjutsu, or Polearms rolls.

    Yasuki Quartermaster (Courtier) (Masters of War)Some Yasuki traders serve the Crab armies by making sure that they do not want for necessary

    supplies. This is no small task, as the Crab maintain a huge military establishment that often places a strain on their agricultural capacity. These quartermasters are permanently attached to high-level command staffs and given more or less free rein to make sure that Crab soldiers are properly fed and supplied.

    Technique Rank: 3Path of Entry: Yasuki Courtier 2Path of Egress: Yasuki Courtier 3

    Technique: We Acquire What We MustA successful quartermaster knows how to find what the army needs quickly and how to acquire it

    quickly. Nothing matters except success and if achieving it requires means that are less than completely honorable it is all done in the name of necessity. You gain a bonus to Investigation Skill Rolls equal to your Perception + your Yasuki Courtier School Rank. You also gain a bonus to Deceit Skill Rolls equal to your Intelligence.

    Yasuki Sumai (Courtier) (Art of Duel)The path of a tournament sumai wrestler provides an elite group of Crab bushi with their first (and

    perhaps only) taste of courtly life -whether it is the genteel dignity of a Clan Champion or Daimyo's court, or the splendor of the Imperial Court. Of these, some find within themselves an unexpected

  • talent or proclivity for the courtier's art. These individuals may take some time off from their sumai training to better learn how to handle themselves in a setting where intrigue presents a greater threat than an opponent's Grapple. Some, however, are Crab sumai who fear that they may be reaching the limit of their natural talent, and are angling for a subsequent career as a diplomat or a Yasuki trader. Whatever their motivation, they are always known as Yasuki Sumai, for it is inevitably a Crab Yasuki Courtier who takes him under his wing.

    Technique Rank: 3Path of Entry: Hida Wrestler 2Path of Egress: Hida Wrestler 3 or Yasuki Courtier 1

    Technique: Way of the CarpYasuki sensei sometimes brag that they can teach anyone the particular blend of charm and pure

    bluff that gets them through a negotiation. More often than not, it is a brag that they can back up. Any time you are involved in a Contested Social Skill Roll, you gain a Free Raise for every 2 Raises your opponent declares. You gain a bonus equal to your Water Ring to all Courtier, Deceit (Lying) and Etiquette (Bureaucracy) Rolls.

    Advanced Schools

    Crab Sumai (Bushi) (Art of Duel)If a Crab bushi, for whatever reason. leaves the Kaiu Wall garrison for a career representing the

    Clan as a sumai wrestler, he undergoes rigorous training in a Crab dojo dedicated to the sport. Though no Crab warrior worth his salt would ever truly forget his heritage as a pure and relentless fighter, this sumai training complements these qualities with the peculiar techniques (some of which are unique to Crab sumai masters) and rituals of this sport. In the process, a Crab Sumai develops into a sportsman and an emissary for his Clan, one who is almost as comfortable socializing at court as standing sentry on the Wall.

    Despite the fact that sumai wrestlers lead a lifestyle that some Crab bushi consider soft and degenerate, the Clan respects its sumai. They represent the Clan ably In an arena in which it is traditionally rather weak, and they do so by practicing a form of combat (if a highly stylized and ritualized one). But that isn't to say that it represents a cushy retirement from a warrior's live for a sumai could fall disastrously in his Clan's estimation through bringing dishonor onto the Crab, or even by seeming to enjoy the spoils of courtly celebrity a little too much.

    All Crab Sumai compete at the lowest level of the sport and are treated as jury until they attain 1 Rank in this Advanced School, at which point they become Maegashira. Acquiring the Techniques of the Crab Sumai Advanced School simply reflect greater Mastery of the sport and, in particular, the teachings of their sensei at the Stone Tower Dojo. Acquiring that experience qualifies you to advance within the ranks of the sport itself.

    Rings/Traits: Earth 4, Strength 4 Skills: Athletics 4, Etiquette 1, Jiujitsu 5, Lore: Bushido 4, Meditation 2Advantages: Bishamon's Blessing or Hands of StoneOthers: The Crab have traditionally considered their sumai training techniques to be Clan secrets,

    as their sumai wrestlers put the Clan's prestige on the line whenever they compete in official tournaments. Crab sensei are therefore prohibited -as a general rule- from training wrestlers from outside the Clan. The occasional Badger sumai is allowed to train at the Stone Tower Dojo, but they are the only regular exceptions. Most candidates for this Advanced School have trained in the Hida Wrestling School, but not necessarily all.

    Cannot have the Disadvantage Lame.

  • Techniques Rank 1: MaegashiraYou have acquired sufficient expertise so that you may now compete in sumai tournaments as a

    maegashira; until this point, no self-respecting Hida sensei would allow you to do so. You may spend a Void Point to gain a +2k1 bonus to any Skill Roll involved in resolving a sumai match. Your skills also stand you in good stead outside of the sumai ring; you gain a +1k0 bonus to any unarmed combat Skill Roll, and you gain 2 Free Raise to any attempt to inflict a Knockdown on an opponent.

    Rank 2: SanyakuYou gain a reputation as a practitioner of sumai sufficient so that you may now compete in

    tournaments as a sanyaku. You may spend a Void Point to gain a +2k2 bonus to any Skill Roll involved in resolving a sumai match. This replaces the bonus you received as a maegashira. In addition, as a veteran of the ring, you have mastered the sport's peculiar rituals to an extent that heightens your ability to cope with any situation that requires respect for etiquette. You receive a bonus to any Courtier Skill Roll equal to your Intelligence or Perception.

    Rank 3: YokozunaYou attain the sumai's wrestler's ultimate rank, that of yokozuna, and may compete in the top tier

    of tournaments. You have absorbed almost everything that even the formidable Hida sumai masters can teach you. You gain a +1k1 bonus to any Skill Roll involved in resolving a sumai match, and may spend a Void Point to make that a +3k2 bonus. You have achieved a level of fame and respect that eases your way in courtly society, so you you receive a bonus to any Courtier Skill Roll equal to your Intelligence+Perception. These replace the bonuses you received as a sanyaku.

    Outside of sumai competitions, you receive a +2k0 bonus to any unarmed combat Skill Roll, and you gain 4 Free Raises to any attempt to inflict a Knockdown on an opponent (this replaces the bonus you received as a maegashira).

    Hida Avenger (Bushi) (Four Winds)The Avengers are the Crab's elite heavy infantry, warriors skilled in combating the beasts of the

    Shadowlands. The Avengers embody the character traits most appreciated by the Crab Samurai. These legendary warriors are as tough as the Kaiu Wall itself. The Avengers continue fighting against impossible odds, taking blow upon blow without faltering.

    The Avenger has intimate knowledge of the Shadowlands and knows the quickest way to defeat many Shadowlands creatures. Though he is primarily skilled in fending off the Shadowlands, in times of war the Hida Avengers are among the first Crab forces to smash into the opposing army.

    The Avenger School shares the mindset of the Hida Bushi School and a great majority of the Avengers are Hida. The vast majority of the Crab Clan Champions have been graduates of the Hida Avenger School. However, they will accept anyone who meets their standards, even if they are out of clan. The few Kuni witch hunters that have joined the Avenger School have had their exploits marked down in history. Even a few ronin who proved their valor on the Wall have been deemed worthy to join their ranks, though they are always first offered fealty to the Crab.

    Rings/Traits: Earth 4, Water 4Skills: Defense 5, Lore: Shadowlands 5, any two Weapon Skills at 5Advantages: Strength of the Earth, Crab HandsOther: You must enter the Shadowlands alone and return with the head of an ogre, oni, or other

    Shadowlands beast no smaller than a man. You may waive the requirement of the Strength of the Earth Advantage by increasing all Skill requirements by one.

  • TechniquesRank 1: Wrath of the CrabThe Avenger can slip the blows of Shadowlands creatures and administer terrible strikes in return.

    Any creature with a Taint rank of at least 1 may not re-roll 10's on damage rolls against you. You roll and keep an extra die of damage against all such opponents. You may add your Earth to the total of all your damage rolls. You gain a number of Free Raises every day equal to your School Rank that may only be used to increase damage.

    Rank 2: Be the WallThe Avenger carries the spirit of the carpenter Wall within him. You may add three times your

    Earth Ring to your TN to be Hit, except during an Iaijutsu duel or when immobilized. When you attack an enemy, his carapace Rating is considered to be reduced by half your Earth Ring (rounded up).

    Rank 3: Hida's TechniqueThe Avenger reaches a nearly supernatural level of toughness, allowing him to withstand

    tremendous amounts of damage. You gain a Carapace Rating equal to half your Earth Ring (rounded up). Your number of wounds per wound Rank is now 3 x Earth. Apply this technique before The Mountain Does not Fall.

    Hida Defender (Bushi) (Art of Duel)Though Crab bushi prefer dueling with the weapons that are their Clan's trademark, they cannot

    and do not neglect practice with the katana altogether. The sword remains the samurai's badge of rank, after all -and besides, if a Crab is challenged to a test of iaijutsu by one of another Clan, it pays to be prepared. With that in mind, the Crab make sure to train at least a handful of specialists in the katana and iaijutsu. When required, it is their duty to represent the Crab in a sword duel, so that their Clan will not appear vulnerable to the Crane or others who value iaijutsu over more practical pursuits.

    Hida Defenders are veteran warriors, taken from the ranks as a reward for distinguished service on the Wall, or perhaps because they have shown an unusual aptitude for, or interest in, the sword. Once they complete this advanced course of training, they may expect a posting much more genteel than Wall duty -perhaps serving as yojimbo to a Daimyo or a Crab ambassador, or even joining the entourage of the Crab Champion. At the very worst, they will hook up with a Yasuki trader as his yojimbo, and such unglamorous assignments are often given to students for a bit of practical experience, and as a break from their studies. Hida Defenders are expected to protect their charges from challenges as well as from brute physical attacks and, of course, to uphold the honor of the Crab among outsiders.

    This Advanced School draws candidates in more or less equal numbers from the Hida Bushi and Hiruma Scout Schools.

    Rings/Traits: Earth 4, Agility 4, Intelligence 3Skills: Etiquette 2, Iaijutsu 2, Kenjutsu (Katana) 4, Lore: Bushido 4Others: Cannot have the Disadvantages Coward or Lame

    TechniquesRank 1: Dictating TermsDuring the Challenge phase of an iaijutsu duel, you may choose to Focus on your opponent's

    Willpower instead of his Agility, Reflexes or Void. You may use your Kenjutsu Skill in place of your Iaijutsu Skill for all rolls involved in resolving the duel.

    In addition, you may not substitute any one weapon Skill for your Kenjutsu Skill when using a katana.

  • Rank 2: Warrior of EarthIn the Strike phase of an iaijutsu duel, you may substitute either your Willpower or Strength for

    your Reflexes when rolling to resolve the attack. You may also force your opponent to substitute either his Strength or Willpower for his Reflexes when it is his turn to make an attack roll against you.

    Rank 3: Become as StoneIn an iaijutsu duel, your TN to Be Hit increases by 5+ your Earth Ring for every successful Focus

    Roll that you make. Your opponent's TN to Be Hit only increase by 5, as per the standard iaijutsu rules. You may also spend Void Points to negate your opponent's raises, at a rate of 1 Void Point to negate 1 raise, up to one-half of either your remaining Void Points for the day or your Earth Ring. whichever is lower.


    [Dojo of Emerald Empire]Razor's Edge Dojo: Hida Berserker, The Damned Berserker, Champion's Guard, Dead-Eye

    Berserker. Hida Elite GuardFirst Strike Dojo: Falcon's Strike, Hiruma Stalker Kuni Wastelands Temple: Kuni Witch Hunter, Kuni Command Staff, Watcher of the Damned

    Far Runner Dojo (Masters of War)Location: White Shore PlainsSchools: Hiruma ScoutPath: Falcon's WingsBenefit: When running, your movement allowance is determined by your Water Ring + your Earth


    Kaiu Engineering Academy (MoW web supplement)Location: Kaiu ShiroSchools: Kaiu EngineerPaths: Falcons WingsBenefit: You gain a bonus to all Engineering Skill Rolls equal to your Intelligence.

    Kaiu Shiro (MoC - web supplement)The forges of the Kaiu are as renowned as they are massive, and their use is often restricted to the

    most skilled of blacksmiths, who operate on a rotating schedule to ensure that no minute of their use goes to waste. In recent years, however, one of the massive forges has been set aside for use in training the most promising of students, an honor that is not lost upon the many applicants the dojo receives each year. It is not so much the forge itself which makes the students of this dojo so special, but rather the years they spend alongside master blacksmiths and craftsmen, many of which will grudgingly offer their advice to the next generation.

    Schools: Kaiu EngineerPaths: Kaiu BlacksmithBenefit: You gain a +1k0 bonus on all Craft skills.

    Sharp Eye Dojo (MoW web supplement) (1125 CI)Location: Valley of the SpiritsSchools: Hida Bushi, Hiruma Scout, Toritaka BushiPaths: Falcons StrikeBenefit: You gain a bonus equal to half your Perception (rounding down) on all ranged attack


  • Crane

    Basic Schools

    Asahina Shugenja School (Shugenja) (Core Book)The Asahina are deeply respected for their devotion to peace. Shugenja trained by the Crane rarely

    venture outside the temples of the Asahina, for many of their lessons require a great deal of silent meditation, introspection and scholarship in noble arts. The Asahina spend a great deal of time crafting beautiful fetishes to protect others and divining the patterns or the future to advise them. Few Crane shugenja travel the countryside except on missions of mercy or diplomacy. The Asahina have a strict pacifist philosophy, often refusing to harm other creatures even when their own lives are threatened. The only sort of enemy this philosophy does not apply to is creatures touched by the Shadowlands the 1iving embodiment of sin that the Asahina find offensive to the natural order. Those who belief the priests of the Crane Clan to be weak have never witnessed the quiet Shugenja angered by the foulness of Jigoku's taint.

    Benefit; +1 AwarenessHonor: 3.5Skills: Calligraphy, Etiquette, Meditation, Theology (Fortunes), any three High SkillsOutfit: Tanto, divination tools (choose one type), kimono and sandals, scroll satchel, traveling

    pack, 10 koku

    Affinity/Deficiency: The Asahina favor subtlety and precision and thus have an Affinity for Air magic. The destructive nature of Fire does not mesh well with their pacifistic nature, so they have a Deficiency for Fire magic.

    Technique: The Souls GraceYou may spend a Void Point to roll additional dice equal to your Honor Rank when casting a spell.

    If you do so, all effects of the spell that are determined by an Elemental Ring are adjusted as if that Ring was increased by your Honor.

    Spells: Sense, Commune, Summon, Counterspell, plus 3 Air, 1 Water, 1 Earth.

    Daidoji Harrier School (Bushi) (Core Book)In all things, the Crane Clan strives for grace and excellence War is no different. Much of the

    Crane's standing army is trained for a time among the Daidoji family, learning their subtle and complex tactics meant to stymie enemies greater in number and sheer force. Though the Daidoji hold nothing in check when in comes to the defense of their homelands, only the most promising and talented students are given a chance to study with the Harriers. The Daidoji Harriers arr an elite division of the Crane army, trained in the arts of scouting, sabotage and surveillance. Few outside the Daidoji family and leaders of the Clan are aware of the groups training and those outside the Clan are never trusted with such information. The Crane do not go so far as to lie about their warriors, but as 1ong as the nature of the Harriers remain uncertain to others, they maintain much of their advantage.

    The existence of the Harriers as a formal group within the Crane is a matter of debate to outsiders, but none can deny the need to prepare for Crane skirmishers and harassers should the Clan be engaged in war. Daidoji Harriers are expected to turn the tide of conflicts nearly single handedly, as Crane Commanders are instructed to count one Harrier able to negate the advantage of fifty or more enemy soldiers. The Harriers are not assassins and do not poison or murder unwary opponents, but feel that attacking armed and readied enemies is always honorable, no matter if the Daidoji is noticed or not.

  • Benefit: +1AgilityHonor: 1.5Skills: Athletics, Battle, Hunting, Kenjutsu, Kyujutsu, Stealth (Ambush), anyone Skill.Outfit: Katana, wakizashi, bow and 20 arrows (any type), tanto, yari, light armor, kimono and

    sandals, waterproofed traveling pack, 10 koku.

    Techniques:Rank 1: Iron FeatherA Harrier strikes from the shadows, cutting down his foes before they can respond. When

    attacking a foe from Higher Ground, while Flanking or if they are unaware of your presence, you roll additional damage dice equal to your School Rank. The Harriers also teach you to react with your mind not your instinct; you may add your Fire Ring to your TN to Be Hit.

    Rank 2: Silent TalonWhen combat begins, you may designate a single opponent. Your TN to Be Hit against this

    opponent is increased by five times your S