Esau – Past, Present and Future

Esau – Past, Present and Future. The Apocalypse in Obadiah “Edom, in the prophecies concerning the restoration of Israel’s kingdom in “the latter days,”

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Page 1: Esau – Past, Present and Future. The Apocalypse in Obadiah “Edom, in the prophecies concerning the restoration of Israel’s kingdom in “the latter days,”

Esau – Past, Present and Future

Page 2: Esau – Past, Present and Future. The Apocalypse in Obadiah “Edom, in the prophecies concerning the restoration of Israel’s kingdom in “the latter days,”

Esau – Past, Present and Future

Page 3: Esau – Past, Present and Future. The Apocalypse in Obadiah “Edom, in the prophecies concerning the restoration of Israel’s kingdom in “the latter days,”

Esau – Past, Present and Future

The Apocalypse in ObadiahThe Apocalypse in Obadiah“Edom, in the prophecies concerning the restoration of Israel’s kingdom in “the latter days,” is representative of the enemies of Jacob, banded together under the guardianship of Gog, who is then the Chief of the House of Esau. Obadiah had a vision of this Confederacy, occupying a similar relationship to Israel hereafter, that Edom did in the typical times of the prophet. Obadiah has placed on record the sentence that “Every one of the Mount of Esau shall be cut off by slaughter for ever, and shame shall cover them, because of their violence against Jacob;” that as Edom has drunk upon Yahweh’s holy mountain, (where also they revel to this day), so shall all the nations drink, and they shall be as though they had not been: for that upon Mount Zion shall be deliverance……” Bro. John Thomas – Eureka Vol. 1 pg. 46

Page 4: Esau – Past, Present and Future. The Apocalypse in Obadiah “Edom, in the prophecies concerning the restoration of Israel’s kingdom in “the latter days,”

Esau – Past, Present and Future

The Great Conflict of the ApocalypseThe Great Conflict of the Apocalypse

The false prophetHe who is “faithful and true”

Number of the Beast – 666The Redeemed – 144,000

Mark of the BeastSeal of the living God

God of the EarthGod of Heaven

City of Sodom & EgyptThe Holy City

Babylon the GreatNew Jerusalem

Seven hilled cityMount Zion

A drunken harlotThe Bride

The BeastThe LambRomeZion

Jacob/Israel Esau/Edom

Page 5: Esau – Past, Present and Future. The Apocalypse in Obadiah “Edom, in the prophecies concerning the restoration of Israel’s kingdom in “the latter days,”

Esau – Past, Present and Future

Bro. Thomas on Bro. Thomas on Isa. 41:11-16Isa. 41:11-16“This has never come to pass since it was recorded by the prophet; for hitherto Jacob has been under the heel of Esau, whose metallic Image stands unbroken upon its feet of iron and miry clay. The work of the Second and Third Angels is to grind to powder the various metals of which it is composed; and to do the work so effectually that no place be found for the things they represent (Dan. 2:35Dan. 2:35).”

Bro. Thomas – Eureka Vol. 5 pg. 50

Page 6: Esau – Past, Present and Future. The Apocalypse in Obadiah “Edom, in the prophecies concerning the restoration of Israel’s kingdom in “the latter days,”

Prophecy of the Prophecy of the Latter DaysLatter Days

28 But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days.

35 Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together….

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Nebuchadnezzar’s ImageNebuchadnezzar’s Image





Iron & clay

Babylonian EmpireBabylonian EmpireBC 606-539

Medo-Persian EmpireMedo-Persian EmpireBC 539-334

Grecian EmpireGrecian EmpireBC 334-67

Roman EmpireRoman EmpireBC 67-AD 476

Modern Europe

Page 8: Esau – Past, Present and Future. The Apocalypse in Obadiah “Edom, in the prophecies concerning the restoration of Israel’s kingdom in “the latter days,”

Esau – Past, Present and Future

Esau and Nebuchadnezzar’s ImageEsau and Nebuchadnezzar’s Image Esau was the fore-runner of all

anti-Semitic nations who seek to destroy Israel.

Gog (Russia) unites the territories of the four world empires to form the image power.

The head (thinking power) is Babylon (Catholicism of the latter days).

The Catholic-Russian alliance cements the image together.

Page 9: Esau – Past, Present and Future. The Apocalypse in Obadiah “Edom, in the prophecies concerning the restoration of Israel’s kingdom in “the latter days,”

Esau – Past, Present and Future

““El Elyon” and Armageddon – El Elyon” and Armageddon – Ps. 83Ps. 83 Ps. 83Ps. 83 contains the title El Elyon – vv. 1 & 18vv. 1 & 18.

El Elyon first occurs in Gen. 14Gen. 14 (4 times) – context is a type of Armageddon.

The context is of a confederacy of nations determined to destroy Israel – vv. 2-5vv. 2-5.

Vv. 9-12Vv. 9-12 refer to Gideon’s overthrow of the Midianites and to the destruction of Jabin and Sisera – both are types of Armageddon.

Ten nations are listed – represents “all nations” who come against Israel – Zech. 14:1Zech. 14:1.

Page 10: Esau – Past, Present and Future. The Apocalypse in Obadiah “Edom, in the prophecies concerning the restoration of Israel’s kingdom in “the latter days,”

Esau – Past, Present and Future

Ps. 83Ps. 83 and Nebuchadnezzar’s Image and Nebuchadnezzar’s Image V.6V.6 – “The tabernacles of Edom

(Babylon the Great), and the Ishmaelites (Muslim- Ezek. 38:5Ezek. 38:5); of Moab, and the Hagarenes;

V.7V.7 - Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre;

V.8V.8 - Assur (Assyria = Russia – Isa. 10:24; 30:31; 31:8; Mic. 5:5Isa. 10:24; 30:31; 31:8; Mic. 5:5) also is joined with them: they have holpen the children of Lot.”

Page 11: Esau – Past, Present and Future. The Apocalypse in Obadiah “Edom, in the prophecies concerning the restoration of Israel’s kingdom in “the latter days,”

Esau – Past, Present and Future

The context of The context of Isa. 63:1-6Isa. 63:1-6 Preceded by Isa. 62:10-12Isa. 62:10-12 – a call for Israel to

prepare to receive its Messiah. Followed by Isa. 63:7-19Isa. 63:7-19 – Yahweh’s mercy

returns to Israel who plead for forgiveness – this is post-Armageddon.

Isa. 63:1-6Isa. 63:1-6 is clearly therefore a reference to the events of Armageddon and beyond.

The Jews have returned “in ignorance of the Messiahship of Jesus” (Elpis Israel pg. 445) hence it is they who enquire, “Who is this that cometh from Edom?”

Page 12: Esau – Past, Present and Future. The Apocalypse in Obadiah “Edom, in the prophecies concerning the restoration of Israel’s kingdom in “the latter days,”

Esau – Past, Present and Future

Who is this that cometh from Edom?Who is this that cometh from Edom?

Christ and the Saints come into the Land from Sinai via Mount Paran, the Arabah and Seir – Deut. 33:2; Ps. Deut. 33:2; Ps. 68:4,1768:4,17.

However, Edom and Bozrah are typical names in Isa. 63:1Isa. 63:1.


Mount Paran


Page 13: Esau – Past, Present and Future. The Apocalypse in Obadiah “Edom, in the prophecies concerning the restoration of Israel’s kingdom in “the latter days,”

Esau – Past, Present and Future

The Deliverance of JacobThe Deliverance of JacobThere are two stages to the deliverance of Jacob:1. Christ will “save the tents of Judah” first

immediately after Armageddon – Zech. 12Zech. 12.2. Elijah will lead the Second Exodus for 40 years

to recover all Jews outside the Land – Ezek. 20Ezek. 20.

The Second Exodus of Israel

40 years

Judah saved


Stage 1

Stage 2

Page 14: Esau – Past, Present and Future. The Apocalypse in Obadiah “Edom, in the prophecies concerning the restoration of Israel’s kingdom in “the latter days,”
Page 15: Esau – Past, Present and Future. The Apocalypse in Obadiah “Edom, in the prophecies concerning the restoration of Israel’s kingdom in “the latter days,”

Esau – Past, Present and Future

Treading the winepress aloneTreading the winepress alone Isa. 63:3Isa. 63:3 speaks of the Multitudinous Christthe Multitudinous Christ –

Christ and the saints who are with him - Zech. Zech. 14:5; Ps. 149:6-914:5; Ps. 149:6-9.

“People” is plural and is rendered “peoples” by the R.V. – refers to the nations.

Blood on garments is a symbol for conquests in war – see the context of Rev. 19:13Rev. 19:13 (cp. Song Song of Solomon 3:6of Solomon 3:6).

These and many other passages show Christ will not be alone in his conquest of the nations.

Page 16: Esau – Past, Present and Future. The Apocalypse in Obadiah “Edom, in the prophecies concerning the restoration of Israel’s kingdom in “the latter days,”

Esau – Past, Present and Future

Rev. 19:11-15Rev. 19:11-15And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

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White = righteousne


Saints in glory

surround Christ

Cloud symbol of multitude – Heb. 12:1

Rainbow = Covenant of peace – Gen. Gen. 9:11-169:11-16

Face as sun represents Christ as manifestation of Yahweh’s glory – Mal. Mal. 4:24:2

Mediterranean Mediterranean nationsnations

Roman Roman Earth = Earth = EuropeEurope

Feet – Saints as Feet – Saints as instruments of instruments of

judgement (fire)judgement (fire)

Page 18: Esau – Past, Present and Future. The Apocalypse in Obadiah “Edom, in the prophecies concerning the restoration of Israel’s kingdom in “the latter days,”

Esau – Past, Present and Future

Babylon and Esau identifiedBabylon and Esau identifiedThey are the plagues which cause Babylon the great city to fall. She falls, because of her wickedness in church and state; and of her sanguinary and merciless oppression of the saints and witnesses of Jesus, and of all the Jews and others she has slain upon the earth (ch. 17:6; 18:24ch. 17:6; 18:24). Jeremiah contemplating the terribleness of these “latter days” says, “Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it; it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble; but he shall be saved out of it. For it shall come to pass in that day, saith Yahweh Tz’vaoth, that I will break his yoke (the yoke of Esau’s house) from off thy neck, and will burst thy bonds, and strangers shall no more serve themselves of Jacob.”

Bro. John Thomas – Eureka Vol. 5 pg. 48

Page 19: Esau – Past, Present and Future. The Apocalypse in Obadiah “Edom, in the prophecies concerning the restoration of Israel’s kingdom in “the latter days,”

Esau – Past, Present and Future

Esau and Jacob in ProphecyEsau and Jacob in ProphecyJer 31:10-11Jer 31:10-11

“Hear the word of Yahweh, O ye nations, and declare it in the isles afar off, and say, He that scattered

Israel will gather him, and keep him, as a shepherd doth his flock. For Yahweh hath redeemed Jacob, and ransomed him from the hand

of him that was stronger than he.”

Page 20: Esau – Past, Present and Future. The Apocalypse in Obadiah “Edom, in the prophecies concerning the restoration of Israel’s kingdom in “the latter days,”

Esau – Past, Present and Future

Jacob – The Parable of IsraelJacob – The Parable of Israel Jacob forced from his home by the hatred of

Esau. Laboured under oppression in the house of

Laban but prospered. Returned to the Land with anxiety because of

Esau. His name changed and greatly humbled

before being redeemed by God from the hand of Esau.

Settled in the Land of Promise in peace.

See the context of Jeremiah 30 & 31Jeremiah 30 & 31

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Esau – Past, Present and Future

Two DreamsTwo DreamsJacob – Gen 28Gen 28 Jeremiah – Jer. 31:26Jer. 31:26

Fleeing in fear of Esau who was stronger than he

Dreams of a staircase to heaven

The Promise confirmed

Assured of protection Awe-struck by Divine

presence Builds a memorial Makes a vow

Confronted by false prophets supported by the king

Dreams of Israel’s redemption

The Promise finally fulfilled

Jacob redeemed Awakens with joy and

sweetness Yahweh memorialised Christ made a vow

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Esau – Past, Present and Future

Page 23: Esau – Past, Present and Future. The Apocalypse in Obadiah “Edom, in the prophecies concerning the restoration of Israel’s kingdom in “the latter days,”

Esau – Past, Present and Future