Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience

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Page 1: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience
Page 2: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience

Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience dating back to 47 years.

Erikli Profile

Page 3: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience

What we aim to learn from the survey?Let's talk about it briefly…

How many people uses our products ? Which promotion we can do ? What our customers want?

Page 4: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience

Why customer prefer erikli water ? Which material customer want for water? Which erikli product customer prefer to buy? How often does customer buy water? How much money customers are spent for

water? What should be time service? Which communication customer prefer to

use ? Which issues should give important for water ?

Page 5: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience

We have done studies for increase of our company income.

For this condition we did market search and survey.

Then, answers from survey results were evaluated.

Page 6: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience

According to first question result, %85 people prefer us. In addition, many customers chose the carboy.

First QuestionWhich water brand do you prefer?A) Erikli B) Hayat C) Saka D) Madran E) Pınar F) Sırma G) Others:______

Page 7: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience

Why Erikli?Erikli, full to the brim with all the tastes of Uludağ... Geological stratifications of Uludağ, formed throughout thousand of years, add to the spring water natural minerals which are a must for your health. Those who have already experienced the soft taste of Erikli keep on to experience this unique taste for years.

Erikli, natural health warrantyErikli, obtained from the very source at 2,300 m altitude at the summit of Uludag, and bottled without touched by human hands, offers you and your family the best, natural health warranty, and is offered for your use in a complete safe and reliable way, through specific analyses carried-out on every bottling stage.

Page 8: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience

Erikli, Turkey’s Champion of Customer SatisfactionErikli holds the champion title for Customer Satisfaction during the last five consecutive years, according to results of Turkey Customer Satisfaction Index measurements, not only in bottled water sector, but in entire sectors.

Erikli, leading brand of national bottled water sectorErikli shares with its consumers and customers the experience that has been accumulated in bottled water sector, by amalgamating it with unconditional customer satisfaction philosophy; and perhaps this is the major cause of Erikli's daily consumption by nearly 3 million people.

Page 9: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience

Erikli, the most powerful and efficient distribution networkErikli products are distributed to thousands of sales points through hundreds of dealers and service points, and with a well organized and systematized distribution network, and are exported within the scope of international platform, to Germany, England, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Austria, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates and many other countries, through foreign distribution channels, and “Erikli” PET products are offered to consumers’ credits in these countries.

Erikli, the most credited bottled water enterprise of Turkey

Researches conducted by “Capital”, one of most renowned economy publishings of Turkey; show “Erikli” as the most reliable bottled water enterprise of Turkey since 2001, for 9 consecutive years.

Page 10: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience

Our the presentation involves 3 main titles. These are attaining customer loyalty, retaining customer relationships, and acquiring new relationships.

Page 11: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience
Page 12: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience

One of the our target is customer loyalty. We determine our gold members with help fourth

questions results.Fourth question

How often do you get water in your home?

A) 1 time Per day B) 3 times per weekC) 2 times per week D) 4 times per week

E) Others:_____

Page 13: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience

We obtained number of our gold members with help 4.question results.The our number of goal members 8 people.

Therefore, we decided to apply some strategies for our customer loyalty (gold members).

These strategies

We consider the gesticulate policy to our loyal consumers.

Our customers' first time ordering save into the database.

Page 14: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience

* Next, we have plan to give as a carboy promotion regularly every year on the same date.

* Moreover we offer customers the opportunity. If customers order over be 120 bottled at 1 year then we will implement from 60TL discount or nestle like the food package.

Page 15: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience

WHY 60TL ? (According to the market resource, we obtained some informations of this sector)

1 carboy = 3tl profit ( 3tl profit is achieved from one carboy)

120x3=360tl profit 1 loyalty customer = 360tl profit for 1 year.

360/ 6 = 60tl (we plan to make the promotional rate of 1 in 6. Thus, our profit does not fall too.) In we opinion it is good value.

We determined the following strategies according 2.7.9.ve13. questions

Page 16: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience

Second question

Which is the reasons for your choosing the brand?

A)Price B)Service C)Ratios of Contents SectionD)Taste E)Brand Reliability F)Others:______ Seventh question

What should be the maximum delivery time?

A)10 minutes B)15 minutes C)20 minutes D)Does not matter

Page 17: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience

Ninth questionWhich of the following services when you want to benefit from a 24-month commitment, please tick one only?A) Price reduction B) The carboyC) Food Packages D) Garbage BagE) Your wants

Thirteenth questionWhich information do you think should be given more space in advertisements. Please indicate in numbers as you care about? (1:most important)--Health --Price--Taste--Tenure of office

Page 18: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience
Page 19: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience

*Prevent the brand reliability damage of credibility factors. *Do not make extra hikes during the year. * Maintain the quality of service. * Maintain the flavor quality of the water. * The employees raise awareness about the relationship of customers.

Page 20: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience

Gain CustomerGain Customer

Page 21: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience

The most important sources of income of the our company.

As a matter of course, we researched competitors in the company for gain customer.(with the aid of first question)

We have identified some of the steps according to the our survey.

Page 22: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience


Why is preferred erikli

price %11

service %11

taste %39

Brand reliability


Ratios %0

percentage maximum delivery time

10min. %11

15min. %55

20min. %16

does not matter


Must be increase our promotions. So our price to get tempted.

Delivery orders must be within maximum 15 minutes . (should be applied reduce price for delays)

Page 23: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience

3.question Which erikli’s product prefer?

500 ml %5

1 lt %5

2 lt %0

2.5 lt %0

5 lt %22

19 lt %77

Lots of people prefered 19lt. So we need to focus much more on the carboy and 5lt sales.

Because generally , customer buy prefer to carboy for their home. Less than 5 liters options suitable for out of the house. In order to increase overall sales, food packages should given our partner firms.

Page 24: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience

Which information do you think should be given more space in advertisements?(array from 1 to 5)(1= most important)

A) HealthB) PriceC) TasteD) Service periodE) Longevity

Page 25: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience

person Health Price Taste Service period


1 17 1 0 0 0

2 0 5 7 1 5

3 0 9 7 2 0

4 0 0 4 10 4

5 1 3 2 5 7


Health Price Taste Service period


1 %95 %5 %0 %0 %0

2 %0 %28 %39 %5 %28

3 %0 %50 %39 %11 %0

4 %0 %0 %22 %56 %22

5 %5 %17 %11 %28 %39

Page 26: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience

According to result of our survery, we have listed the most important factor for customers. Will primarily take place issues at our advertisements.

Health %95Taste %39Price %50Service period %56Longevity %39

Page 27: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience

percentage Which do you prefer communication.

Sms %0

Internet %5

telephone %100

automatic %0

According to 8. Question, lots of people prefered to telephone for communicate. But, we should prefer to e-mail. Thus, we can reduce of the cost.

We can give an answer to demand with fewer employees. (high speed and low error rate at the mail )

We must direct our customers to e-mail. If we can achieve this state, We need to apply additional discounts that prefer to e-mail for our customers.

Page 28: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience

percentage Which material do you prefer?

glass %66

plastic %34

According to us, %34 is high rate. More than our expectations our customer choose plastic , so after this question, we thought do upselling.

percentage Want to turn your glass bottles in order paying a certain fee

yes %77

no %23

We asked our customer. If we increase price 15% - 20%. Want to turn their glass bottles in order ? Upselling was successful. We provide growth approximately 11%.

Page 29: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience

percentage Which do you prefer when you give 24monthly commitment

Reduce price %62

Electric water fountain %27

Food package %11

Garbage bags %0

Erikli is although expensive, people do not want to give up quality. So prefer to reduce price than electric water fountain from market customer. Other option if we increase loyalty customer rate, We can combine promotions.


Reduce price + Food package

Electric water fountain +Food package

Page 30: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience

To summarize the gain customer;

The great expectations of the market from us.


So, we attached importance to promotional studies. Being active on social media

Increasing the number of advertising

Also, our firm out of the making profit, it gives importance to social responsibility projects. (for example; blue cap) So that, when people take every our product, will be donated to a wheelchair.

Page 31: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience
Page 32: Erikli, leading brand of bottled water sector offers to his consumers the most exquisite and best tasting water of Turkey, together with its experience