“If it’s good , it’s wonderful. If it’s bad it’s experience… no regrets.” -Drake May 20 2013 Volume 1, Issue 1 Letter To Me 2 Top Ten Songs of My Lifetime 2 Newspaper Reflections 2, 6 Reflections on Achieve- ments 3 Reflections on Memories 4 Time Capsule 4 Reflections on People 5 Magazine Reflections 3, 6 Art Reflections 5, 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS Inside this issue: Erika Langhals I chose this quote as the theme for my portfolio. It exemplifies everything I want to live my life by— enjoying the good in life and learning from the bad. Be- neath the words lies the meaning that everything good in life should be treat- ed as if it is the most won- derful thing to ever occur. You must cherish all the happiness in your life, but not ignore the short- comings. If anything less than satisfactory happens you should not let yourself get down, but learn from the experience. The quote stands for being thankful for the greatness in life while never regretting your mistakes. Mistakes should be treated as a learning ex- perience and never over- looked.

Erika's Senior Val Portfolio

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Erika Langhals

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Page 1: Erika's Senior Val Portfolio

“If it’s good , it’s wonderful. If it’s bad it’s experience… no regrets.”


May 20 2013

Volume 1, Issue 1

Letter To Me 2

Top Ten Songs of My Lifetime


Newspaper Reflections 2, 6

Reflections on Achieve-ments


Reflections on Memories 4

Time Capsule 4

Reflections on People 5

Magazine Reflections 3, 6

Art Reflections 5, 6


Inside this issue:

Erika Langhals

I chose this quote as the

theme for my portfolio. It

exemplifies everything I

want to live my life by—

enjoying the good in life and

learning from the bad. Be-

neath the words lies the

meaning that everything

good in life should be treat-

ed as if it is the most won-

derful thing to ever occur.

You must cherish all the

happiness in your life, but

not ignore the short-

comings. If anything less

than satisfactory happens

you should not let yourself

get down, but learn from

the experience. The quote

stands for being thankful

for the greatness in life

while never regretting your

mistakes. Mistakes should

be treated as a learning ex-

perience and never over-


Page 2: Erika's Senior Val Portfolio

These ten songs have a lot of sig-

nificance in my life. I have always

loved music and have grown up

listening to most of these songs on

a daily basis. Each song is really

catchy in its own way and I know

just about every word to them all.

The songs contain wonderful

memories and give me a sense of

self. Throughout my lifetime all of

these songs have been on VH1’s

Top 100 so they were very popular

over the years. I could not imag-

ine my life without these top 10


family, as well as the United

States as a whole, became con-

scious of the fact that people are

not automatically safe if there are

police around. Shootings can

happen anywhere and claim any

victims, regardless of the pres-

ence of safety patrol officers, the

location, or the population.

Soon after this tragic event,

many states passed stricter gun

laws for fear of further mass

shootings. (200)

family, even though we were

roughly 590 miles west. We were

planning a visit to Washington DC

for fall break in mid-October, but

the shootings negatively influ-

enced our decision to travel to the

US capital city. Purposefully

avoiding the danger in DC, we

visited Toronto, Canada instead.

Not only did the shootings change

our vacation plans, they also gave

us a new perspective on communi-

ty safety and gun control. My

In October of 2002, John

Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd

Malvo partook in a killing spree,

thorough and heavily-planned.

Over a span of 23 days, Muham-

mad and his accomplice, Malvo,

shot and killed 10 people and in-

jured 3 others. These spontaneous

shootings occurred in the Wash-

ington DC Metropolitan Area and

affected numerous people, more

than just the residents of that area.

This event personally affected my

Dear 13 year old Erika,

I am you at 18 and I

am writing to you to advise you

on the next 5 years to come.

Right now, you're probably still

upset that you had to switch

from St. Louis de Montfort

Catholic School to Riverside

Junior High, but don’t be.

Although change is difficult,

this change is definitely for the

better. Allow yourself to make

new friends in your classes, but

please stay in touch with your

SLDM buddies. Like the Girl

Scout saying always said—

“Make new friends, but keep

the old…”. Treasure the

friends you make this year,

because not all of them will

still be there by your side in 5

years. If you’re worried about

looking good and wearing

makeup every day, which I

personally know you are, just

know that in high school no

one will care. Don’t worry

about what others think of you

right now or even in the near

future because once you get to

high school you will find

friends who love you through

thick and through thin.

Friendships can last a lifetime.

Therefore, my greatest advice

to you is to cherish everyone in

your life because you are lucky

to have them and they are

lucky to have you. (210)

Letter to Me

Top Ten Songs of My Lifetime (in no specific order)

“...shot and killed

10 people and

injured 3 others.”

Page 2 Er ika Langhals Volume 1, I ssue 1

Nelly- “Hot in Here”

Chris Brown- “Run


Usher- “Yeah”

Britney Spears- “I’m a

Slave 4 U”

Christina Aguilera-

“Genie in a Bottle”

*Nsync- “It’s Gonna

Be Me”

Backstreet Boys- “I

Want It That


Destiny’s Child-

“Say My Name”

Spice Girls-


Justin Bieber- “One


Newspaper Reflection #1 http://www.crimemuseum.org/Washington_DC_Sniper

*Nsync’s album titled No Strings

Attached was released in 2000

Page 3: Erika's Senior Val Portfolio

Personal Reflections on Achievements

Magazine Reflection #1

In the past 18 years

of my life there was once mo-

ment of triumph that I will

never forget. During sopho-

more year, the Regional Cham-

pionship track meet was only

my fourth time competing in

the 300-meter hurdles, ever.

Both my best friend on the

team, Jasmin, and I competed

in Heat 1 for the race. We

knew we needed to perform

our best so that the competi-

tors in the second heat would-

n’t beat us out for State. I was

pining for second, knowing

Jasmin would beat me no mat-

ter what, so when the race be-

gan I did my best to stay right

behind her. Throughout the

entire stretch of the race I felt

strong: I used near perfect

form, came down off each

hurdle quickly, and knew I was

running fast. I crossed the

finish line in second place,

after Jasmin, and soon realized

that we both made it to the

State Championships! Just the

feeling of knowing I would

have the opportunity to run at

the State Meet in Bloomington

excited me. I have never been

more proud of myself or more

thankful for the hard work I

put in throughout the season.

Making it through Regionals

made me realize what persever-

ance and dedication can lead

me to. (209)

(my greatest triumph) so I was

confident I would return again

that year. My race did not go

as planned, as many things in

life do, and I was shocked. I

placed fifth in the hurdles, one

spot away from advancing to

Regionals. I was so sure I was

going to make it that the only

thing I was able to do after

finishing was cry. It wasn’t just

crying though, I was uncon-

trollably shedding crocodile

tears in between deep gasps in

desperation. I have, to date,

never been more upset. Coach

Goodwin was the only person

who was able to console me.

He, and the event, made me

realize something that I will

forever follow. When circum-

stance like that occur I have 3

options— I can let it define

me, let it destroy me, or I can

let it strengthen me. (204)

In life, there are al-

ways times of desperation,

failure, and unhappiness—they

are inevitable. Though they

may seem negative while they

are occurring, the significance

of these moments can ulti-

mately be positive. The mo-

ment of despair I can recall

most easily was the Sectional

Track Meet my junior year.. I

had made it to State in the 300-

meter hurdles the previous year

rehab center and was seen by

multiple paparazzi attempting

to attack a paparazzo’s car with

an umbrella. Spears only

stayed in rehab for a month.

Then began another set of

spiraling events that made her

infamous for unseemly public

behavior. One of these events

was the 2009 VMAs. I remem-

ber this event clearly because I

watched the awards on TV in

anticipation for viewing what

was said to be Britney’s

Pop singer, Britney

Spears, began her dramatic fall

in 2006 when divorce and cus-

tody battles with husband,

Kevin Federline, overcame her

life. One of the most shocking

things Spears was caught doing

during her decline was in Feb-

ruary 2007 when she ventured

into an LA hair salon and

shaved all her hair off herself,

after the employee refused.

Soon after, she continually

checked in and out of a Malibu

“comeback performance”. She

performed her new single,

“Gimme More”, and made an

utter fool out of herself. She

seemed not entirely “there”

and lip sang the entire song

while trying to dance (not suc-

ceeding). Britney Spears was,

before her downfall, one of my

favorite musical artists and role

models. What happened to her

made me realize the pressure

that is put on celebrities and

that not all of them can handle

it on their own. (214)

Page 3 Er ika Langhals Volume 1, I ssue 1

My Greatest Moment of Triumph

Define, Destroy, or Strengthen


Page 4: Erika's Senior Val Portfolio

Throughout high

school, I have met numerous

people who impacted my life,

some who are currently my

friends and some who were

only acquaintances. After leav-

ing Fishers High School, I will

miss these people the most

because nearly everyone I’ve

encountered over the last 4

years has played a valuable role

in my life, and just knowing

that these cherished people

may no longer be around once

I leave frightens me. I intend

on trying extremely hard to

keep my best friends after I

leave, but what about the

countless other friends I have

made during high school?

Those friends I have accumu-

lated might not be my closest

companions, but I will greatly

miss them upon leaving. The

name-less faces I have grown

to recognize in the halls will no

longer be there, day after day,

when I am in college; there-

fore, I must accept the fact that

I will no longer see a great deal

of these classmates after I leave

Fishers, and I will miss them

all. On the other hand, I will

miss the controlling nature

high school has the least after

leaving Fishers. I am ready for

the freedoms that college

brings and I will not miss the

seating charts, set lunch times,

and strict rules that accompany

high school. (214)

Personal Reflections on Memories

Time Capsule

student-athlete. Having many

different groups of friends is

also something I would like to

be remembered for: I am very

friendly and have always at-

tempted to be nice and courte-

ous to everyone, to see the

good in others and to give them

the benefit of the doubt. An-

other aspect of myself I want

my classmates to recall later on

is my hard-working attitude in

both school and track. I worked

very hard to obtain the academic

and athletic successes I have, and

I want others to remember that

without thinking of me as proud.

One last characteristic of myself I

hope to be remembered for after

high school is my confidence in

myself. I know who I am as a

person and I am not afraid to be

myself around everyone. (210)

After high school, I

hope that my classmates remem-

ber me not for one specific

thing, but for the many things I

am and the many things I repre-

sent. I would like people to re-

member me as a leader who eve-

ryone looked up to and could

count on, for I have been a cap-

tain on the track team for 3

years, and consider this extreme-

ly relevant to whom I am as a

“I would like people to

remember me as a

leader who everyone

looked up to and could

count on…”

Page 4 Er ika Langhals Volume 1, I ssue 1

Gone but Not Forgotten

My 4 best friends and I before prom

2012. They will be the people I

miss most.

The Girl Who Was Memorable

I chose a track baton because it

represents my participation in

track and the 4x400 relay team.

Chapstick would be in my time

capsule because I constantly

use it and hate having chapped

lips. I would put my purple

Iphone charger in the capsule

because it shows my need for

technology as well as my favor-

ite color. My running watch

was chosen because I wear it

everyday and it represents how

time-oriented I am. Lastly, I

would put the tanktop that the

girls in the paint crew and I

made for football season. It

would be in there because

paint crew during football sea-

son was my favorite part of

senior year.

Items in my Time Capsule:

1. Track baton

2. Chapstick

3. Purple Iphone charger

4. Running watch

5. Senior paint crew tank

Page 5: Erika's Senior Val Portfolio

about how it is not the end of

the world when something bad

happens. When I was upset

about track last year I thought

it was the end of the world, but

I can use this song to remem-

ber that it is not. I can also

apply it to my life later on if

something were to happen to a

relationship of mine, like

Drake’s. (206)

tionship, the woman is overly

in love, while Drake is not in

love and needs a change in his

life. He wants to be there for

her and comfort her through

the breakup, but knows it is

not the appropriate thing to do

at this stage in the relationship.

Though I am not ending a

relationship like this, I can still

apply the beginning of this

song to my life. Drake talks

“Doing It Wrong” by

Drake is one of my favorite

songs on his album Take Care.

One of the many reasons I am

attracted to this song is the

lyrics. The lyrics give a mes-

sage that can be applied to not

only love life, like it was in-

tended, but to other parts of

someone’s life. The song is

about a relationship that is

coming to an end. In this rela-

Personal Reflections on People

Art Reflection #1

attempting to perform as well

as she did, subconsciously

competing with her, in school

and out of school. I strived to

excel just as she did, although,

I unknowingly wanted to do

better than her, or beat her, in

everything. I still feel as

strongly about achieving what

she has achieved to this day.

For example, Alicia was in the

top 25 students in her high

school class and I hope to stay

in the top 25 and graduate in

that elite group. The competi-

tive drive I have to be as great

of a student, daughter, athlete,

and friend as she still is helped

me to become who I am today.

Alicia is an amazing role model

for me and I would love to

become as respectful, beautiful,

and hardworking as she is.


My sister Alicia has

influenced me in all aspects of

my life. She is five years older

than I am, with an abundance

of life experience and

knowledge. At about ten years

old I realized how significant

my sister was in my life, and

how much I desired to be like

her. I noticed how often my

parents reveled about her and

how remarkable she was in all

aspects of her life. I began

“Alicia is an

amazing role

model for me…”

Page 5 Er ika Langhals Volume 1, I ssue 1

Myself In Terms of Friendship

Friendship consists of honesty, forgiveness, patience, and love. It is continually being there for your friends in their times of need, and in turn, your friends being there for you. My friends and I all under-stand how important these aspects are in a friendship, and that is why I believe I am a respectable friend. I listen patiently, as best as I can, to the trials and tribu-

lations of my friends and attempt to help them work everything out. The ad-vantage of this is that my friends will reciprocate the kindness and patience for me when I need it. Alt-hough being a friend to someone gives one happi-ness and company, it can also have its disadvantages. Frequently, I strive to be a perfect friend, which is ultimately unattainable.

There is this continual pressure to say and do the right thing and be exactly what a friend needs at the time. When my friends are in need of advice they of-ten expect me to say the perfect thing to soothe their problems, when I may not have a clue as to the solution. Though friendship can be difficult, being a fried is utterly worth every struggle for me. (197)

An Amazing Influence On Who I Am


Page 6: Erika's Senior Val Portfolio

Newspaper Reflection # 2

Page 6 Er ika Langhals Volume 1, I ssue 1

Art Reflection #2 On March 15, 2002

my cousin Michelle died in a

car accident in Kentucky, along

with her best friend Ryan and 5

others. I was seven years old

at the time and if I had had a

favorite cousin, it would have

been Michelle. This photo is

one of the gravestone that she

shares with Ryan. It means a

lot to me because even though

she and Ryan were taken from

us, they are still together forev-

er. It reminds me of my love

for her and how much I miss

her. She was not able to see

me grow up in person,

but I know she is always

there looking out for me.

Michelle is one of my

guardian angels, and it is

strange to think I am

almost the age she was

when she passed away.

My family and I visit her

gravesite often, and it is

empowering to see all the

gifts and flowers that

have been placed at it

over the last 11 years.

The stone reads: “A part

of you has grown in me.

And so you see, it’s you and

me together forever and never

apart. Maybe in distance, but

never in heart.” This quote is

important to me because it


shows that even though you

may be physically away from

someone, they can still be with

you in your heart. (226)

Magazine Reflection #2 http://www.teenvogue.com/entertainment/cover-stars/2013-04/justin-bieber

chance to finish, as most always do.

This year 2 bombs went off near the

finish line, shortly after the 4 hour

mark. The number of deaths totaled

to just three, including a boy of only

8 years old. Many were injured by the

bombs: 17 out of the 144 reported

people being treated were critical, 25

were serious, and about 10 had to

receive amputations of limbs. Imag-

ine entering a marathon entirely phys-

ically capable and leaving without

one, or both, of your legs. The attack

was labeled a terrorist attack—not

something you like to hear as a US

On April 15th, 2013 the Boston Marathon

begun as it does every year, but ended in an unex-

pectedly different way. Not every runner had the

citizen after what occurred on 9/11.

This event is very personal to me, even

though I did not know anyone that was

there nor do I run marathons. But at

home, in Indianapolis, there are many

events that are just as big as the mara-

thon—including the Indy 500. Every

year my immediate family, as well as my

extended family, goes to the race. They

could possibly be in danger for some-

thing like the Boston Marathon Bomb-

ings to happen. This event teaches

everyone to be more aware of their

surroundings, and to stick together as

Americans. (221)

twitter followers and millions

of adoring fans, Justin still

wants to please everyone. His

success will continue because

he wants to keep growing as an

artist. He already is “the first

artist ever to have five number

one albums before the age of

nineteen”. Justin Bieber may

be very famous, but he has few

close people in his life. But the

quantity doesn’t matter to him,

it’s the quality he strives for.

Justin Bieber has one

of his biggest tours yet begin-

ning this year. Though he is

under a lot of pressure and will

be doing a lot of traveling,

Justin is intent on remaining

true to himself. He is just like

a normal 19 yea old: he has

countless apps on his phone,

he uses social media constantly,

and is a fan or other musical

artists. Although over the

years he has gain 36 million

He says he only has about 4

people in his phone who he is

in contact with, and that is fine

with him. I am a huge fan of

Bieber for his perseverance

and hard work to get to where

he currently is. I admire his

dedication to his work, family,

God, and fans. (200)

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