era=Leaber. I. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Mr;. J. VOL BROCK, Editor. Suter las second class matter April , 1910 at the, 1. ,tofmce at F'rank)intOl La.. under L the Act .,f Congress of Mareh 3. 179. Advertising Rates on Application Address all Communications to Era-Leader, Franklinton, La. Advertisements and subscriltions will be continued at rcgiular rates tn- tii all past indebtedness is paid up. _________________ ~ di SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 A YEAR Franklinton, La.. June 1. 1916 u sp Hon. Jess Johnson of Boga- i lusa, who gassed the legal exam tit ination for the State Bar several j weeks ago, was formally intro duced to tlhe court here on Mon- fo day and is now an acknowledged h( and heartily welcomed member at of the Washington Parish Bar. o0 Mr. Johnson has had an un- usually successful life for a young man, having gone to Wash- c ington, D. C., immediately after t finishing his University course In Louisiana, and as Secretary to Senator Ransdall had a very broadening experience in his as- sociation with men of affairs, while at the same time taking his law course. He established himself in the Magic City after his return from Washington, and while serving as Clerk of the City Court has been gaining practical experi- ence in his profession which starts him now in his practice at a decided advantage and we hope and prelict for him a successful future. B, l. Mliller NalTonal Con* a- mitteemnan. d S B, M. Miller popular in the courts of St. Tammany and Washington Parishes, was made ' National Democratic Committee- man from this district, this action C meeting with hearty approval of the entire section represented and proving specially gratifying to this parish at large and Frank- linton in particular where Mr. Miller has such a host of friends and is held in such high esteem ~ I"".7 As 'Tlhe Editor See' It. Be: What are we doing for this town? What are we doing to ' push it along, to make it somel- thing more than Just a dot on till tnap? Ask yourself the wquesti 1n or first. and then ask oithers, ;anld 01 keep on asking until wp t loat b the cause of our backward:"' thee and take steps to remedy the de- Bg( feats. This is nrot a drifting <wg, a at and the town that is content to d just drift ailong will soon leairn le that there i, no place left in e which to even drift. It is not a bh lack of brains, h o'nuse our p'I- h ple are blessed with an abund- bc ance. It may be, however, thiat we lack the initiative that is nea W cessary to keep pace with the more thriving 0ant prosporous communities of the country. If so, we should at once correct oIIr fault and move forward. W should grasp every opportunit' for improvement und expansi' that I rose its itself, and whto. there are none in 8ight w t should go out and hunt temen. t Driftinz will accomplish nothilIL but to bu y u betemath the n- thuias u anid pr lsperity oft our neighbor. Now who wants to drift? Not you, we hope. Mt. Hermon Notes. Mt. Htrmn,t I.;., Maty 27 Editor Era-Leuter: \It. Hermon still hiobl tit0 progres-ivo spirit. On So to day evening the I t h) thi re wo a meeting of the rieniv patrons 1f th N HIt. E1,- school relretiv to vtih-dislt Agricultural High Scell)-t it wv - unanimOusl' agreed to vote anll other five mill tax to su)pport til measure which is about assurel The members of tlhe Mt. Ier mon Methodist chu chi have :ir rangeI to meet to make plan- for the moving of the church t town. Misses Ella and Lucille Con- par nerly with their brothers, Thos. and Lampkin motored down g from Tylertown this morning in their Overland car and spent the day with Mrs.,O. E. Brock and attended service at the Metho- dist church. Miss Ella will spend the week with Mrs. Brock- 311 Misses Minnie and Evie Miller went to Kentwood last Thurs- day to attend the closing exer- of cises of the Kent wood High 14 fSchool. SMrs. Rosa Ott and her daugh- Ster, Mamie, are visiting in New 6 Orleanus and Bogalusa. 3 Mrs. M. IJ. Magee of Hiackley 8 and her Imotiier, Mrs. Wilson, of o I Portiaid, Oregon, spent a few (l;iys w-ch Misses Edith and n Bessie Ott. 1 Mri. Annie Smith, wife of 3 Mir. Rodney Smith and daugh- t(' of MrI. and Mrs. L. D. Snell, ] )F Mt. Hermon, jierd last Friday uiorning in the hospital at Jack-1 Id son, Miss. The remains were, brought to Ledi' on hiie N. 0. G. N. near her hune anu buried in Sthe Cemetery at the Centerville .+Baptist church of which she was to a member. Rev. Murray con- Sducted the funeral rites. She n leaves a husband, four sons, It three daughters and three brothers to finish life without "nd- her. She was 47 years old, lit born and reared in Mt. Hermon, 0t where she has a large circle of th relatives and friends who sym- t pathize with the bereaved ones. 0uW Leland. N1otice. Notice is hereby given that a bill 0 will he introduced in the General As- scembly to refund to 'T. J. Simmons, of sheriff oIf '.'l hin2ton Parish, La., the stin of $lOi,50() paid into the state ' tr uasu;. for t enclit of the conserva- II tion conrnisiofn on hunters' license. in for sea'rn 1,J14-11,11, through error. J In ti: I)litrie'.r Court of the United - SState: for the I'aster n I)istrict of it the ;ros r' of I)or'sey I Flanders I if InkrotiL 0re .t Ir tankruNtr.y. ,'.1 ' nur4 of I or";ey E. i :r e, (l. n .n ay of M1ay. 1611; o n',i in the I )btrict .. ". '1 -- ';taeS for the I ''I,'luiiatna, arehi jjlh' t '-' + , WJI'i~ IilI.flli~It 11' aj.. a h 1 'i[IL1 o ile thn 1i~i~i 9,t .~ I44'9''I 9p019. andol ot 'IIth 01 of .If i0 at1: a.r io'h tot of his IN3:t- r wht,;t rranlt''l' 11 al,' <' ,c.'" . ;,1',ser ly of the tbanki.,; :s :r,,; ,,< ld. and ,'I tihll ta e ;1,0 :11,l' p)ertiinent a,.' ,.' "f ;r;, hit thw pmr - m' uotion3 of t11, I,+-t )I, +r''at. of llaid1 1'- ;, t" ale. and tabuji '1" r h thter things as the law mua r.qi r11 anti a+ may n' he brought be't'ir themn. t WM. A.1IELL, Referee. 'ude Lancaster Drops Dead11 ,popular Jurist Mourned by Host of Washington Parish Friends. Court Term Cut Short. On Tuesday evening at the Co fBurris Hotel, Judge Lancaster ' died suddenly of heart failure. Ju The Judge seemed to be feelingfl unusually well and was in high g spirits, goodraturedlly joklinle WV with a bunch of his friends at the DE time death struck him. He had just finised his suppel', then A went to his room for a blank te form which he carried into the bi hotel lobby and seated himself tl at the desk presumably to make at out the draft for his month's a salary, when without a word or a c a sound he fell forward and was a caught by two friends who were v r taling with him at the time. I ie They laid him on a couch right t i at hand and loosened his collar i Sin an attempt to revive him, but t " after a single gasp the pulse s' was still, death being instanta us neous. The body was prepared by e the undertaker and was remov- m ed on the early morning train to Covington interment t;I in place there at 3:30 \Vednes daIy. A large number of the late 1 .Judge's warm 1 )ersonal friends fromin both Flranklinton and o 13 galusa drove thru by aUtol')bLil ' 13,n Wednesday to attend the fu- lot neral. SJudge Lancaster was District 10 1 AttorneY for this district one term when he became greatly A( Sbeloved and very popuhlr with f the people of Waslhington Parish e and Judge Burns withdrawing1 s at the next general election, Lanr a a caster made the race for Judge s s and was elected by an iover 4 e whelming majority. As Judge a . he has kept the affection of a it the people and has won uni- r versal praise and admiration for e ut the manner in which he has con- se ducted the affairs of the court. a He is deeply mourned by th e Deople of this town ;ud parish by and heartfelt sympathy is ex ,vw tended his sorrowing wife and to family in their great loss. Notice.-I expect to pplpy for 11 e pardon. JamEs \\dt ICU Fallg H add. B M1 State Tax Sales of Immovable Bog'lu Property. L 0 S(Continued from first page.) Town of FranklintonlColored. cor of l TC Dyson, lots 3. 4, 5. 6 in hik E H . 315. e Franklinton . ... 20.20 ne sec S Fourth Ward-White. 1' ,I Ada Adams, 10 a, e hf of e hf 1 \ r-i of nw see 20-3-1 3 . ....... .30 T Lrrai h Robert Adams, hf a iii lot 4 sec C L 14-3-13............ .... 3.15 secl h- MO Adams, 20 1, S hfseotnw GDo sec 20-3-13.... ..... .... 8.15 G Jon r M. E Adams, 160 a, 1w hr 47. G r 3.13.........5.20 Jn Garvi v \1 Emile Adams. 80 a, a hf se r of ,of lot 3 sec 20 and in hr 37.3-13- Mr .... ............ 10.75 tOW"t ad W J Byrd, 148 a, w hf of nw of 'W r nw sec 20. e Iihf of ne lot 1 sec 19, M a in n hf of ne sec 13, all in 3. B"o of 3,13................ 25.05. C h- JH Byrd, 40 a in sw of 1w set - 11 Al, 15-4,12........ ... .... 11 .Su ai' lay RF Breland, 6 a in .- c 3,"3.13 nfB" ck- known as the lHaudry clar .. 7.20 Mi rs ere Louis Blackwell. 40 a in sec 34, i 4,13..... . ... i w n H F. Huffoaan, 11 a in hr 40.3 ille 14, Banksto;i add....... l A G Jones. 3 a e hf of a 3, was nesec 28,3,1:3.... ... on' Jacob Jenkins. 37 a in hr 3)9.4 She 12, acq of (leo Jenkins, 1 a in ns, Rio....................7.7b4 Iree 1 Keaton, 6 a, lots 2, 3, sec 25, S tout 4,13.............. ... 4.35 tw. Ad, I HK Manning, 2 a in se of sw,I sec 25,3,13............ .... 4.h0 ( of Owen McCann. 20 a in e hf seeII a 32,3,18, acq of h h wallace.. 5.410 .J yY" James Newton, 4 a in se of s ' . nes. sec 22,3,13...... 2... .1. and. Newt Pierce, 117.1H8 a, n I ai i a sw and sw of nw wne 30,4 13 17 .30 1 Wm Spears, 25) is so cr ol4lit'f a bill 40,1.13.. . . .. ' 0 i As- Mm Tolley, I 1-2 . 1;Ml)t :R i e nons, of L .\ Jenkins . .... 4.8 La., Est n C williams, 84 a, lots 1. state 2'in se; 11,4,12, 81( a. fr see 6c 4, erva- I 13, 571 a in hr 43,3.13-14, 247 a ad' ctnse, in hr 39,4,13, 4 a niear Rio acclq cl I 0or. J w Mizell, 2 a in sec 21,3,14, lots ad 2 to 8, blk 22 in Rio... ... 59.:0 Jnited 1 11 d et of Fourth Ward-Coloretd. anders Ellery Hart, 20 a, w hf of ^i of se sec 28,3,1.. . .. Chas weston, : a in see 7.,1 ey E. acq of J D Riley ....... ... SAI). judged d t ay. Town of Rogalusa-WhIlil. U. the .1 F Adam s, I a in lot .1 sao' II. na, are 8 8 ietil H A lattni e4t, 10 a i no A n 'r11 ne see 1,3,188, 11 a in aw f "t sw I. N"I a sec 15.8.183.. ... . 8 O '1 " ' Mrs. Ii N Atants, n :t in Admtlao to.lw. town, n (i S b'r,, s (Ihits Sloti'. *hdall............. , "lc't J B Anderson, I S h 7 Riclaitrd - son 2nd add to Bog........1 II f the W K Anders on. 1 1 I, 15 It 2wt blf. a nd add to Bog ......... .. T. h L Ii ' ,i- A E Ayc' .1.:, 1 1 by survey ott 'ale - n border drive. aLcII lby R B Me tlthin * Call.................7 0 Bogalusa Mill & Supl'1Y Co. I 1 eteree. on the cor of, Carolina ave and Austin street II Bog, i in nw BoI Jc on nW car If 1Ontario an1d Shen- i nw niodia st, 1 1 ill w iozg' north of 1 CoIuriiK creek, acq of .1 oe Datoilt) see Mrs. 11 IF Burns, hf in w hf -tt Soe sq 2 at \VrWi'rnrin .4 ' C.1 Blanchari. l 11, 14 J b 1 1' 1 add, 14.15 I 2 se al d 21. E W .1 Boydd 1 a ill seC 13,8,1 Adamstown .... .. ; T"' '1' A Byrom. hIt 13 b 7 n i'g SGaspelr BaIcc, I 5.' Ih 9f j ;ul'l r Levi Carls'', I i;,7 b 4 n i neII S Cowgill, 1 1,2,:) . I 9 13,14 and a two thirds I 15, 1 1 and e third 1 19,, b 151 n nog. 2 4:3.20 lots in R town.... .... Arabella ('u.llonm, I a in cor see s t 10.11 and 14.,3,13 ......... 2.00 LC E A Coop'jr. hf a in sec 15,3,13 Ly Adamsto ... ....... . h .1 HCas 3idy & D E Sheridan, 170.26 a. s hi of nw, II hf of sw i sec 21,.11. 14.80 a n hf of ne of sa of nr to of so sec 1,4,11, 41.10' n a ne niw sec 1,4,12. 75 a se of ne a sw no see 1,4,12 less 7.30 acres, ,r 40.34 a sw sw see 6,4.12, 121 a ni Shf of nw se of nw sec (, 4 12, S0 a sW of sc so of sw sec 6,4.12, 40 of a no of ow sec 6,4,12, 25 a 14 -frl ni- w hf of sw sec. 7. 12"'' a in ne part for sw see 7,4,12, 80 a s hf of se see on. 8,4.12, 9.85 a. gw of sW see 8.4,12, iit. 75 a ne of ne and nw of nie see rt 18.4,12. 29 a. 12 sec 17,4,12, 107 ,e a ne of ne lots 1 to 4 sec 17,4.1"2, ish s0 a 13 se of ne sec 18,4, 12. :;0 i ex 14 sac 1,4, 12....... .... 121.2> and Frank Ctalaron, 17 b 11 no'g Terrace ........ .. .... ....- r, a. '2 (1 laroro C' )e, I iSh e P ad.. 3,-I lot Mra. O () Dunlap, 1 1 0x150 b 32 0 1.heP add ........... 00 M Fallgot 4 . and Godett, 1 14 b 8 P of si H add... .. 200 B M Fordoche, I 11-12 b 11 12.1 Bogaiulue Terrace .......... 2.75 L L 0 c'uidry, 1 21,22 b 84 n Bog S 1.......3.25 lot W V Ganes. 2 1 in Jones add at 1 cor of 10th ave and A sts...O5.00 An EH 'Hughes 8 a e hf of nw of the ne see 2,,3, 13...... ...... 4.3: 1 1' ,1 Hull 6 a in hr 41,3,13.. 5.55 4a H W Iinote, 1 19,20 b 5, Bog ) Terrace............. .. " 458 SC L Jourdan, 1 a in ne of swG jsec 15,3o13.. 5..18 , seol5,3,1 3... . .......... naG V DB Jar el 1 1 corof 10th and SG Jones add... . ..... 3.80 GR .Jarvis, Id a in Adamustownl o Gradeda road, e Pucket, a M 38 Jarvis ........ .. ... 3 SMrs G R Jarvis, 1 a in Adams- 5 towln, e C a IHillebrew, sGS 1^ o PC Sw Mrs, Lattell...... . . . 7.5 Mrs M W Kirtland, bb 1 . Bog... ..... . 2.45 .5 C K Krnght, 40a he of se see 3, L)~. -,~) 11 . o Mrs 1 F Little, 1 1I and 2 b 11 1 n Bu ... (i.00 13 1 13 l Bg . ... .. -20 Mrs Rosa :atlg, three-eigbts a in w h' of ii(no see 15.3,13.... 4,55 . -' 1 E Lattidll, 1 a in sec 15, , r. anmL b n........ 2.45 MINr E .1 Lowe, bf a ii see 14.3, I13, 'cq of FE Entrican....500 :ed Morris, hf a in sec 14,3,13 Sm.town...... 5.65 in 11rs l)aisy Martin, lots 4,5, 6, .7h 4 ep add........... -2 .45 S Mirtello, lots 6,7 b 1 be- tween 4th and -th strts e P add L Cco ..... .... .... _ ...... 9.80 M MI I' Lp'orter, lot b 9J. e P add SA .... .. .2.90 ard .1I Purvis, lots 42,43,44, b 30 SE no Hog 1 7.00 nol HC~g ...... . --- 1 VR1 .j I) Reid. ;o, 5,7,S h 14, L T R a - W ((...... ......... .... ;.. nad< II I" Sihaip, 5 a in see 22.3,13 I I)nhain: addc . ...... 9* Hii S C Strat smarfl' , 8 a in Se of SW Frar sec 22,,1 .. .. ........ 10.10 p Mrs. I E Starns, lots 16,17 b 2 see 2 I' 11 add........... .. 17.75 Jo Alfred Turner. lot 1s b li e P add ....... ... ....... .00 5, ' Mrs C W White, lot 1is b 7 r 1 add ...................... 00 LP R) Mrs HE Willis, lots 13.14 D s. add........... ..... 12.60 lan Town of 3ogalusit-Colored. 21, Y0 11 ' Bell, lot 1,2,3, b 4, sub ' 1:1I )iv 1) no. 2(,, seo R add.... ".90 Sea j liley Berry. 1 lot in It 2nd add ....... . .. ...... 3.20 ) Mitchell Bailey. 1 a in ie of se sec 11,,1 M O 1.) add ...... 7.40 1 'Joh lulin Davis, I lot in PrestQ1n %,1 adld, e of Columbia RoLad .... 3.68 j S AbrinaiI BrownI, lot 1, 2 b 28 l 1i" T' U. add1 ................ 4.10 I Iea rlen I)ozen, lot 12 in Pres- " tol): a(1(1 ...... .... .... 2' of (1 Chas Hubbard, lots 11, 12 b 22, ........ .... 5.90 1 .1 I:uclas Hamilton, lot 1 b 3 R . 211nd dd .............. l Willie Kelklea. 1 lot as survey Sin hr 0,.13, aeq WP Richard- 2I', 7. ........ ........ I 1 1 Alec Lowe, I lot in seO 11,3.13. 13,80 John Mouton. lots :19,l11 b 1 l q nw nod ;.......... .. I,.( 14 A Pwtt~n l i. . 17 ""f :in ;t iii sec 11,2.1:1 actci`l O C) lh.uIt 2.7: Mabel Piece lot .- )~ 1'( ft X :s ty 1 1 .se 8 ne t: 1 1 , I. :I I 1 I t oe, II ,h I la11 11 11 in . 1 ( 10 ;tell ..... ii.e . .I lt ree' i d, 5, at i ,f u ~tI- e I .c, ' ISt 1t"i . . 1.:: lFeift er \ l a id- n :lii :7. ; 2 it Ile t' e .C ,, 1. 4 . ... . . ... :i.11 Ii 9e i, l .l. li. -1, Mrs 1 : I: Afl1; " , r ain ll Rosa Breela 9:il, ;-, in s 1,1 1 il I Rosa a f Ii Estn F ran k S mit\V . e . . 2i k Tra w earl fliker, 11) : \' Wn c o l,: .:.I .................... i? of I >al hilly-I~ 1,- ti1"al ... lv. ne E (' W liehif, l2t19 anJ' .)5 U I fli inipts s Angie............... art C C Connerly, lot .19 b 9 Anite =eC. ... ........ ... 1 5.:3(1 1" S ('oinerly Sr, 6,00 a in hi' 495,0.-0.1,1 ., -0 a in sw cur ui' hr 4i7, 1,14 , '0 )iei Howard ton i r 1,1 1, 0 a it hr 57,1.14 61.61 a in HP cor see 21,1,14, lots 2'3, 284,283 b 31, 2 a in s Angie.90U.:) Mrs TS Connerly, 10 a in ll 52,1,14 in Angie, lots 255,28 b 31 lot lot 252, 253,254,2S8,288,289..h0 o : 32 Angie.. .... . . 1.1e Mrs E A Chiles, SO a hf of se .) ~10.5.5 lin of sec 3,1,12 .. .. ....... lin ) Wr P Corkern, 39 a in sec 2;, 2 . S12.n WP Knight, eGSL Co., s. 5LT Corkern ... . . r.:DU ad SSEFord, lot 69,70 b 6 e hf of 5 lot 218 b 23 Angie. . .20 .'. t Mrs Emily Ford, lot 67,68 b 6 0 Angie, 1 lot fronting Main st, on ad f the cor s of S P Sones.... .10.1 ST M Freeman, hf a in s Angli 5 4 a in s Angie e and s by Joe Bar, wN 0 lN R........ 9,40 :3 Mrs Anna L Gann, 371 a in hr S48,49.50,2,14, known as Shady 7Grove plintation, lots 110-11 Var- nado, lot 75 b 4 Angie.. . 28.20 . d Ben Hager, lot 35 in S Angle, 80 Wv ...... ......... .10 w S 1rs. E M Jourdan, 62 a in hr V38,2,12, new GSL Co... 8.75 Eliza Ann K(ennedy, 19 a n Co ,WW Wallace, eG S L Co, sonth a 2 Pierce ... .. . . S5 Milton Miley. 45 a in se part of 4 sec 6,2,13... . ' John Miley, 320 a s hf of see 3, 2,2 ,1 .... .. .. 20.90 1 Mrs. M J Mohlir, lots 121,122 b In 11 Angie........ ...... 7. H A M1cMilliaf, 17 1.2 a In pL 52,1,1.1, nR M Pope. e .1 A Pope o, w C R Pope....1......1 and. E F Melnnis, lots 133,134 b 11 del ................ oft' Angie.... am 1 TE ipope, 320 a s hf of hr 56, 5 el .2for ,144............... a I1 M Pope, 20O a s hf of hr 51, p 1,14. 21.4" a in hr 52,1,14, 3 lots if angie. . ........ 26. Fletcher Seal, 35 a in sec 23.1, 1 1' n WO Blackwell, e s w G S nL L Co..... ........... Mrs Omeade Seal, 80 a n M1rs S A Joiies, w J Simmons, e Lon- pi0 ard Owens .......... .. 50 ) Sallie Z Smith, lots 212,213 " Varnado .. 4. . .. .. Walter Stewart, lot 122 in Var- nado... .. .. . o3 . . Fifth Ward Colored. Bill Foster. 30 a. nI waiter Green, e V Frank Foster, w wash Glover.... . t 0 ' 1 Galloway heirs, 40 a. ne of ne 2 see 2,1,13..................... e 5 J1ohn A Galloway, 40 a so of ne see P 2,1,13.......... ............... S K Galloway, s0 a. n hf of ne 5CC 10 5 4...C 11 Sarah Mlagee 20.45 a see 1-1-14 n N H Sarah Nltte S)na jcI.-JI )0 L Ploughman e i Ford s mary'1'hI T -ii D as .................. I........ .0 30 Self 40 a in hr 42-2.1 n Sl m 0 ilannon s Toin Fornea w Sl S amusin .1im Thompson "i a pt , wi s Co 21, pt w of sw of nw sie 2N-I-I4 12.1) ib I'rank Weary. I.) a in hr 33-1-14 n- 10 +Seal. e I harry......-...... .... ' I id Sixth waViid-White. 20 O It barber. 21 a. in e lf Of so *'. 4 ) L - ,arl'eI, 30 a ,ce 4-3-Il . . .0 1 w 11nIan. 40 a in re 3-31. I' r Ihult't I pi1 IV t S l In, ;)jj Lit/n jtmnkinls 68I J L Fisher. '11 a 1n hr 39-3-1I. i r ishi r,r rier rd. w t t' river . t:Li 1 l nktlins ac t i lt jnkin,....... . & ini I e I~tl I . I(( cnl in ( l l. S \lec minilI 3 a in .ei .4-l2, o of no i n rr: e, amnd w by Lill ; 22........... . """" 90 El I) Sheridan, ; 1- s s S4- l. less 12 a.............. jf) I Sturdi ant. 25 a in a o" n' '1e0 2i.H-1.......... .... I , "? itm, *( SO , rutS.. u a in r ra. 1- 1rd I m n (m i ( uII.,i' } , ( (i Ibm'l em I1 1 seC 103-i......... ....... " l.80 Non.bR~uentf . ir" .l ci!ikhau .2. I . oT . Ih lrn rt u u ....... .... ... ..... '_'. "> . or u- (,I .2.1),i I hu C' rcl. J t . 1 S I tlto . 1 9 ;ni~ (20 lob 11' i I .. ...... . 2.;:- 11F f Ot rnYdtart, h;11 it In V 13, I;.1 1. I i . a 1 1 n' Sey 1 Ole. t' .... 1Y.. II ; 4 1 . I a-l '. ', . 1 -l ate' l *i i\ I . .. I 1 .)) 1 \lil I iranort 1. 2 in h 1.1.1:; lu l I t \1~ t1 114, Tn .'"I15 11"I.... 2 _ ...................... I 1I. t14 irk. 1 a. n 1l' t &. 75 11 ................ ............ 2Out ). 1 I T Mc4. Iar V. Ii1 1, Ttl. M . ,\ 11n I1-- 0 \~ h 11h0. 1ag- lotVIk )t 23 tO '" 1' .1. i, n .... a... .t... .......... . >I) 1, 1 al .h Ikkit. I a rorn in... 1.1on Stouilo It 1 ' ' 'ad25 .Jo.i.. K.... ........ .. t , lk 4 i. l 1,,, . .. . . . . . .... 1.`5 li 1 \I Ieo s,. lot, 1. 2. h I;lo', 1Ter 1.`5 ~ ) 1 I'' Moll y. lot 1111 i 14, lilt :I; t I; Go w1 lotw t, ,I l " I . 1 u.. ... .. ... . . .. : . 1 . .. : ' 22 l 1 I. P a a I . l t I", 11 . 1. -E 1l.')na:1 tt 1,G' eht l. 1 a itn lot 4. sIC S.7 l .1 .1 .: ...... .. .... .... ..... ...... ' .111 tl \`' L \c rle'reury. lot, 1:0 to 1.0 and 1711 to I18 . 1) 1-19. lat 'c'r!'ck. Iot; :.13 to -' I it. to 31) n Bo) ,alu-,a.... . . .. ' ".i1 4" 'Jostephlinl Porter, '_ a tlruntni! aloner d Ma avl. k. I' adda. lot ti It '_ . v I' add \\' It l'i~tt. 12 a in 1 .1,10 art of .1 nI .\lfordtl, It and illt t in \arnier- ton acj J w1 warnm . . . ... .19.30 .IA hods.lot 12 b .J SE 1: ad :3.50 fil um1h n l als. `0 a. o Lihal f fnw see :.1.11... ....... .. 1 .15 .1 K 1Rich. lot 6 b 2.. lacklcv .1.5 Toml Sharl, lo 110x104 !t it Angie, lot 4. ilk 1.. lot 3 I 1 io ... 1 .S Est )Dort SiEth. .12) a, a lf of hr 57 1.11. .... .................... 1.54 \' in Sulivan. lot 4 b 224 n Frank- linton... ............ John Sam. 3 a in nw cor hr 41.2.14 1,95 Antonio Tomipetello. lot 1 b e P add..... .. .. .. . indr Varnado. 28 a in se cor br 44,2 f r j i ................... . .. .3.45 SA A white. lot 1 . 7, L A P add 5.75 Aridel Walker, lot 6 b 13 Denham add l....................... 1.0 '' G 11 Zner. lots 7, b 7 b Ter 1.90 e Sheriffs suipplement. e w ) jarrel. 544 a In se of se see 15.2. 0 13, as per survey, book 22 p ti70.. 2.40 r HA inoak, lot 29 b 132 nw no. 1.90 yS j warren est, 251)0 a in hr 39,1.10 j S bates, I lot and impts sec 15,3,13 Adamstown .. .. . .. 2 m .Sarah Hart. 53.26 a in hr 41.1,14, n, LU w D Alford. s Tone brown, w mininnie Peters...........................75 5 1 w jones, 765 a, w Ihf of se sec 11.2, 14...............................12,25 n mrs A U Alford. 46 a. sw of ne see th i.J14............. ...-....... 4.55 35 Tony Nicholea lot 3 b 19 e & 48.75 wf in Gerald, .54 L. a A IBesr, e & s, gs 1 co. wE A onea,1. -... , 5.60 Claudie Cralin. lot b 5 nog tet 1 70 eC Sones . moody lot 261 b 28 Angie 2.00 30 0 T Temple. 80 a, s bf of sw see 10, b. ..... .... ....... . 12.40 S1L w mcl)ougall. V int in 100 a in see 9.4.11, frl hr 54,3,10 and impts.... 8.85 hr TERMS OF SALE. )pe On said day of sale I will sell such portions of said property a.s eachi debtor will point out, 80 and in case the debtor will not point out suf- ticient property, will at once, without further 11 delay. sell the least quaintity of said property 110 of any debtor which any bidder will buy for the anmount of taxes, inmterest andtl costs dlue by said 5,delbtor. The sale will be without appraisenlent Sfor cash in legal tender monley of the United f,.) States. and the property sold shall he redeem- able at any time for the space of one year by 57, paying the price given with 20 per cent interest, its costs and penalties added. T. J. simmon. - Sheriff and Ex-Officto Tax Collector. .75 NoTICL TO MORTUAO% CREDITORS. In confortmity with Section 63, Act 65n, 1888, notice is herel given to all iart es holding ilortgags o n real cstate located in the 'arish rof 'a i fgtot, La.. onl which taei for the year 15 have not en paid, tlht I will begin the sale of' Mani in the 'Cotn of Fraitklinttot, Par- j ~h of Wathiglot, La., o Saturday, June 10. :1011. at II o'clock a. it,, and that a number of picces of pIopert i) dtelitnquent are now be ig autvertinitl iii I his lewspr in eonforn ity with the law; 1 Irearatlry to such sale the at. tentiot of mtortgage creditors is espi lally calledlto these adlvert isemttettts of tux sales, and they arie wactllin lo tak such steps prior t, the sale as imay tie ne'espctY to protect tllheir rights. T. J. SIMMONs, Sheriff and Ex-Officio Tax Collector. List of delinquent taxes due fol parties callirg my attention to any errors in said list. Respectfully, T. .1, Simrnnl is, Sheriff & Ex-Officiu Tax Collector Estray Notice. Third Wl ard Jlstice Court, Parish of Washtingtoll, S~t;tt of La, Notice is hereby givnii that there htas beet'n st idvel Itorio inc the un- I dersign( d atit rt'y M. Ml. K night, a I freeholtdt iitzit of tit' tith ward, par- ish of Washington, state of Louisiana, and who Iying by toe first duly sworn According to law. (1e, ses and says that tot more than six months last past ttere has heen roaming at large at the near residencet o alliant a cer- titain cow delscribetd as follows: UOne redt and white pided cow, 'arkiied crop Land utnder hit in right tI ,car, uslnner hit and upper square in left etar; about tour e cars old. On Saturday. 1J tilt(1 3. 191i, at 11 o'clock a. in., unless reclaimed 0by tile owner, .Lnd all cost paid, will -sell same to the highest bidder at 5 public auctioni. Terms of sale: All cost to be paid in cash on day of sale, n the balance on six months credit, the purchaser to furnish his note with ap- Sproved scunrity, payable to the Parish S 'T1reasturie of Washington Parish, La. This May 2, 1916. " J. E. B'atitman, 4ustice of e Pcace,

era=Leaber. I. 'ude Lancaster Drops Dead11 · Rosa Ott and her daugh-Ster, Mamie, are visiting in New 6 Orleanus and Bogalusa. 3 Mrs. M. IJ. Magee of Hiackley 8 and her Imotiier,

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Page 1: era=Leaber. I. 'ude Lancaster Drops Dead11 · Rosa Ott and her daugh-Ster, Mamie, are visiting in New 6 Orleanus and Bogalusa. 3 Mrs. M. IJ. Magee of Hiackley 8 and her Imotiier,


Mr;. J. VOL BROCK, Editor.

Suter las second class matter April , 1910

at the, 1. ,tofmce at F'rank)intOl La.. under L

the Act .,f Congress of Mareh 3. 179.

Advertising Rates on Application

Address all Communications to

Era-Leader, Franklinton, La.

Advertisements and subscriltions

will be continued at rcgiular rates tn-

tii all past indebtedness is paid up._________________ ~ di


Franklinton, La.. June 1. 1916 u


Hon. Jess Johnson of Boga- i

lusa, who gassed the legal exam tit

ination for the State Bar several j

weeks ago, was formally intro

duced to tlhe court here on Mon- fo

day and is now an acknowledged h(

and heartily welcomed member at

of the Washington Parish Bar. o0Mr. Johnson has had an un-

usually successful life for a

young man, having gone to Wash- c

ington, D. C., immediately after tfinishing his University course

In Louisiana, and as Secretary

to Senator Ransdall had a very

broadening experience in his as-

sociation with men of affairs,

while at the same time taking his

law course.He established himself in the

Magic City after his return from

Washington, and while serving

as Clerk of the City Court has

been gaining practical experi-

ence in his profession which

starts him now in his practice at

a decided advantage and we hope

and prelict for him a successful


B, l. Mliller NalTonal Con* a-

mitteemnan. dS

B, M. Miller popular in the

courts of St. Tammany and

Washington Parishes, was made '

National Democratic Committee-

man from this district, this action C

meeting with hearty approval of

the entire section represented and

proving specially gratifying to

this parish at large and Frank-

linton in particular where Mr.

Miller has such a host of friends

and is held in such high esteem~ I"".7

As 'Tlhe Editor See' It. Be:

What are we doing for this

town? What are we doing to '

push it along, to make it somel-

thing more than Just a dot on till

tnap? Ask yourself the wquesti 1n or

first. and then ask oithers, ;anld 01

keep on asking until wp t loat b

the cause of our backward:"' theeand take steps to remedy the de- Bg(

feats. This is nrot a drifting <wg, aat

and the town that is content to d

just drift ailong will soon leairn lethat there i, no place left in e

which to even drift. It is not a bh

lack of brains, h o'nuse our p'I- h

ple are blessed with an abund- bc

ance. It may be, however, thiat

we lack the initiative that is nea W

cessary to keep pace with the

more thriving 0ant prosporous

communities of the country. If

so, we should at once correct oIIr

fault and move forward. W

should grasp every opportunit'

for improvement und expansi'

that I rose its itself, and whto.

there are none in 8ight w t

should go out and hunt temen. t

Driftinz will accomplish nothilIL

but to bu y u betemath the n-

thuias u anid pr lsperity oft our

neighbor. Now who wants to

drift? Not you, we hope.

Mt. Hermon Notes.

Mt. Htrmn,t I.;., Maty 27

Editor Era-Leuter:\It. Hermon still hiobl tit0

progres-ivo spirit. On So to

day evening the I t h) thi re wo

a meeting of the rieniv

patrons 1f th N HIt. E1,-

school relretiv to vtih-dislt

Agricultural High Scell)-t it wv -

unanimOusl' agreed to vote anll

other five mill tax to su)pport til

measure which is about assurel

The members of tlhe Mt. Ier

mon Methodist chu chi have :ir

rangeI to meet to make plan-

for the moving of the church t


Misses Ella and Lucille Con- par

nerly with their brothers, Thos.

and Lampkin motored down g

from Tylertown this morning in

their Overland car and spent the

day with Mrs.,O. E. Brock and

attended service at the Metho-

dist church. Miss Ella will

spend the week with Mrs. Brock- 311

Misses Minnie and Evie Miller

went to Kentwood last Thurs-

day to attend the closing exer- ofcises of the Kent wood High 14fSchool.

SMrs. Rosa Ott and her daugh-

Ster, Mamie, are visiting in New 6

Orleanus and Bogalusa. 3

Mrs. M. IJ. Magee of Hiackley

8 and her Imotiier, Mrs. Wilson, of o

I Portiaid, Oregon, spent a few

(l;iys w-ch Misses Edith and n

Bessie Ott. 1

Mri. Annie Smith, wife of 3

Mir. Rodney Smith and daugh-t(' of MrI. and Mrs. L. D. Snell, ]

)F Mt. Hermon, jierd last Friday

uiorning in the hospital at Jack-1

Id son, Miss. The remains were,

brought to Ledi' on hiie N. 0. G.

N. near her hune anu buried in

Sthe Cemetery at the Centerville

.+Baptist church of which she was

to a member. Rev. Murray con-

Sducted the funeral rites. She

n leaves a husband, four sons,

It three daughters and three

brothers to finish life without

"nd- her. She was 47 years old,

lit born and reared in Mt. Hermon,

0t where she has a large circle of

th relatives and friends who sym-t pathize with the bereaved ones.

0uW Leland.


Notice is hereby given that a bill 0will he introduced in the General As-

scembly to refund to 'T. J. Simmons, of

sheriff oIf '.'l hin2ton Parish, La.,

the stin of $lOi,50() paid into the state 'tr uasu;. for t enclit of the conserva- IItion conrnisiofn on hunters' license. in

for sea'rn 1,J14-11,11, through error. J

In ti: I)litrie'.r Court of the United -

SState: for the I'aster n I)istrict of

it the ;ros r' of I)or'sey I Flanders

I if InkrotiL 0re.t Ir tankruNtr.y.

,'.1 ' nur4 of I or";ey E. i:r e, (l. n .n ay of M1ay.1611; o n',i in the I )btrict

.. ". '1 --';taeS for the

I ''I,'luiiatna, arehi

jjlh' t '-' + , WJI'i~ IilI.flli~It11' aj.. a h 1 'i[IL1 o ile thn

1i~i~i 9,t .~ I44'9''I 9p019. andolot 'IIth 01 of .If i0

at1: a.r io'h tot of hisIN3:t- r wht,;t rranlt''l'

11 al,' <' ,c.'" . ;,1',ser ly of the

tbanki.,; :s :r,,; ,,< ld. and,'I tihll ta e ;1,0 :11,l'

p)ertiinent a,.' ,.' "f ;r;, hit thw pmr -

m' uotion3 of t11, I,+-t )I, +r''at. of llaid1 1'-

;, t" ale. and tabuji '1" r h thter thingsas the law mua r.qi r11 anti a+ may

n' he brought be't'ir themn.

t WM. A.1IELL, Referee.

'ude Lancaster Drops Dead11,popular Jurist Mourned by Host of

Washington Parish Friends.

Court Term Cut Short.

On Tuesday evening at the Co

fBurris Hotel, Judge Lancaster 'died suddenly of heart failure.

JuThe Judge seemed to be feelingfl

unusually well and was in high g

spirits, goodraturedlly joklinle WV

with a bunch of his friends at the DE

time death struck him. He had

just finised his suppel', then A

went to his room for a blank te

form which he carried into the bi

hotel lobby and seated himself tl

at the desk presumably to make at

out the draft for his month's a

salary, when without a word or a c

a sound he fell forward and was a

caught by two friends who were v

r taling with him at the time. I

ie They laid him on a couch right t

i at hand and loosened his collar i

Sin an attempt to revive him, but t

" after a single gasp the pulse

s' was still, death being instantaus

neous.The body was prepared by

e the undertaker and was remov-

m ed on the early morning train to

Covington interment t;I in

place there at 3:30 \Vednes daIy.

A large number of the late 1

.Judge's warm 1)ersonal friends

fromin both Flranklinton and o 13

galusa drove thru by aUtol')bLil ' 13,n

Wednesday to attend the fu- lot

neral.SJudge Lancaster was District 10

1 AttorneY for this district one

term when he became greatly A(

Sbeloved and very popuhlr with

f the people of Waslhington Parish

e and Judge Burns withdrawing1

s at the next general election, Lanr a

a caster made the race for Judge s

s and was elected by an iover 4

e whelming majority. As Judge a

.he has kept the affection of a

it the people and has won uni-

r versal praise and admiration for e

ut the manner in which he has con-

se ducted the affairs of the court.

a He is deeply mourned by th e

Deople of this town ;ud parish

by and heartfelt sympathy is ex

,vw tended his sorrowing wife and

to family in their great loss.

Notice.-I expect to pplpy for 11 e

pardon. JamEs \\dt ICU FallgH add.

B M1State Tax Sales of Immovable Bog'lu

Property. L 0

S(Continued from first page.)

Town of FranklintonlColored. cor of

l TC Dyson, lots 3. 4, 5. 6 in hik E H

. 315. e Franklinton . ... 20.20 ne sec

S Fourth Ward-White. 1' ,I

Ada Adams, 10 a, e hf of e hf 1 \

r-i of nw see 20-3-13 . . . . . . . . .30 T Lrrai

h Robert Adams, hf a iii lot 4 sec C L

14-3-13............ .... 3.15 secl

h- MO Adams, 20 1, S hfseotnw GDosec 20-3-13.... ..... .... 8.15 G Jonr

M. E Adams, 160 a, 1w hr 47. G r

3.13.........5.20 Jn Garviv \1 Emile Adams. 80 a, a hf se r

of ,of lot 3 sec 20 and in hr 37.3-13- Mr.... ............ 10.75 tOW"t

ad W J Byrd, 148 a, w hf of nw of 'W rnw sec 20. e Iihf of ne lot 1 sec 19, M

a in n hf of ne sec 13, all in 3. B"o

of 3,13................ 25.05. C

h- JH Byrd, 40 a in sw of 1w set - 11

Al, 15-4,12........ ... .... 11 .Su ai'

lay RF Breland, 6 a in .- c 3,"3.13 nf B"

ck- known as the lHaudry clar .. 7.20 Mirs

ere Louis Blackwell. 40 a in sec 34,

i 4,13..... . ... i w

n H F. Huffoaan, 11 a in hr 40.3

ille 14, Banksto;i add.......l A G Jones. 3 a e hf of a 3,

was nesec 28,3,1:3.... ...

on' Jacob Jenkins. 37 a in hr 3)9.4

She 12, acq of (leo Jenkins, 1 a in

ns, Rio....................7.7b4Iree 1 Keaton, 6 a, lots 2, 3, sec 25, S

tout 4,13.............. ... 4.35 tw.

Ad, I HK Manning, 2 a in se of sw,Isec 25,3,13............ .... 4.h0 (

of Owen McCann. 20 a in e hf seeII

a 32,3,18, acq of h h wallace.. 5.410 .JyY" James Newton, 4 a in se of s ' .

nes. sec 22,3,13...... 2... .1.and. Newt Pierce, 117.1H8 a, n I ai i a

sw and sw of nw wne 30,4 13 17 .30 1

Wm Spears, 25) is so cr ol4lit'f

a bill 40,1.13.. . . .. ' 0

i As- Mm Tolley, I 1-2 . 1;Ml)t :R i e

nons, of L .\ Jenkins . .... 4.8La., Est n C williams, 84 a, lots 1.

state 2'in se; 11,4,12, 81( a. fr see 6c 4,erva- I 13, 571 a in hr 43,3.13-14, 247 a ad'

ctnse, in hr 39,4,13, 4 a niear Rio acclq cl I

0or. J w Mizell, 2 a in sec 21,3,14, lots ad

2 to 8, blk 22 in Rio... ... 59.:0Jnited


et of Fourth Ward-Coloretd.

anders Ellery Hart, 20 a, w hf of ^i

of se sec 28,3,1.. . ..

Chas weston, : a in see 7.,1ey E. acq of J D Riley ....... ... SAI).

judged d t ay. Town of Rogalusa-WhIlil.

U. the .1 F Adam s, I a in lot .1 sao' II.na, are 8 8ietil H A lattni e4t, 10 a i no A

n 'r11 ne see 1,3,188, 11 a in aw f "t sw

I. N"I a sec 15.8.183.. ... . 8 O '1

" ' Mrs. Ii N Atants, n :t in Admtlaoto.lw. town, n (i S b'r,, s (Ihits Sloti'.

*hdall............., "lc't J B Anderson, I S h 7 Riclaitrd -

son 2nd add to Bog........1 II

f the W K Anders on. 1 1 I, 15 It 2wtblf. a nd add to Bog ......... .. T. h L

Ii ' ,i- A E Ayc' .1.:, 1 1 by survey ott'ale - n border drive. aLcII lby R B Metlthin * Call.................7

0Bogalusa Mill & Supl'1Y Co. I 1

eteree. on the cor of, Carolina ave and

Austin street II Bog, i in nw BoI Jc

on nW car If 1Ontario an1d Shen- i nw

niodia st, 1 1 ill w iozg' north of 1

CoIuriiK creek, acq of .1 oe Datoilt) see

Mrs. 11 IF Burns, hf in w hf -tt Soe

sq 2 at \VrWi'rnrin .4 '

C.1 Blanchari. l 11, 14 J b 1 1' 1

add, 14.15 I 2 se al d 21. E

W .1 Boydd 1 a ill seC 13,8,1

Adamstown .... .. ;T"''1' A Byrom. hIt 13 b 7 n i'g

SGaspelr BaIcc, I 5.' Ih 9 f j ;ul'l

r Levi Carls'', I i;,7 b 4 n i neII

S Cowgill, 1 1,2,:) . I 9

13,14 and a two thirds I 15, 1 1and e third 1 19,, b 151 n nog. 2

4:3.20lots in R town.... ....

Arabella ('u.llonm, I a in cor see st 10.11 and 14.,3,13 ......... 2.00

LC E A Coop'jr. hf a in sec 15,3,13

Ly Adamsto ... ....... .h .1 HCas 3idy & D E Sheridan,

170.26 a. s hi of nw, II hf of sw

i sec 21,.11. 14.80 a n hf of ne of

sa of nr to of so sec 1,4,11, 41.10'n a ne niw sec 1,4,12. 75 a se of ne

a sw no see 1,4,12 less 7.30 acres,

,r 40.34 a sw sw see 6,4.12, 121 a ni

Shf of nw se of nw sec (, 4 12, S0

a sW of sc so of sw sec 6,4.12, 40

of a no of ow sec 6,4,12, 25 a 14 -frl

ni- w hf of sw sec. 7. 12"'' a in ne part

for sw see 7,4,12, 80 a s hf of se see

on. 8,4.12, 9.85 a. gw of sW see 8.4,12,

iit. 75 a ne of ne and nw of nie seert 18.4,12. 29 a. 12 sec 17,4,12, 107

,e a ne of ne lots 1 to 4 sec 17,4.1"2,ish s0 a 13 se of ne sec 18,4, 12. :;0 i

ex 14 sac 1,4, 12....... .... 121.2>

and Frank Ctalaron, 17 b 11 no'g

Terrace ........ .. .... ....-r, a. '2 (1

laroro C' )e, I iSh e P ad.. 3,-I lot

Mra. O () Dunlap, 1 1 0x150 b 32 01.heP add ........... 00 M

Fallgot4 . and Godett, 1 14 b 8 P of si

H add... .. 200

B M Fordoche, I 11-12 b 11 12.1

Bogaiulue Terrace .......... 2.75 L

L 0 c'uidry, 1 21,22 b 84 n Bog S1.......3.25 lot

W V Ganes. 2 1 in Jones add at 1

cor of 10th ave and A sts...O5.00 An

EH 'Hughes 8 a e hf of nw of thene see 2,,3, 13...... ...... 4.3: 1

1' ,1 Hull 6 a in hr 41,3,13.. 5.55 4aH W Iinote, 1 19,20 b 5, Bog

) Terrace............. .. " 458

SC L Jourdan, 1 a in ne of swGjsec 15,3o13.. 5..18, seol5,3,13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . naGV DB Jar el 1 1 corof 10th and

SG Jones add... . ..... 3.80

GR .Jarvis, Id a in Adamustownlo Gradeda road, e Pucket, a M 38Jarvis ........ .. ... 3

SMrs G R Jarvis, 1 a in Adams-

5 towln, e C a IHillebrew, sGS 1^ o PCSw Mrs, Lattell...... .. . 7.5

Mrs M W Kirtland, bb 1

.Bog... ..... . 2.45

.5 C K Krnght, 40a he of se see 3,L)~. -,~) 11 .

o Mrs 1 F Little, 1 1I and 2 b 11 1n Bu ... (i.0013 1

13 l Bg . ... ..-20 Mrs Rosa :atlg, three-eigbts a

in w h' of ii(no see 15.3,13.... 4,55

.-' 1 E Lattidll, 1 a in sec 15,, r. anmL b n........ 2.45

MINr E .1 Lowe, bf a ii see 14.3,

I13, 'cq of FE Entrican....500:ed Morris, hf a in sec 14,3,13

Sm.town...... 5.65

in 11rs l)aisy Martin, lots 4,5, 6,.7h 4 ep add........... -2 .45

S Mirtello, lots 6,7 b 1 be-tween 4th and -th strts e P add L Cco

..... .... .... _ ...... 9.80 MMI

I' Lp'orter, lot b 9J. e P add SA.... .. .2.90 ard

.1I Purvis, lots 42,43,44, b 30 SEno Hog 1 7.00nol HC~g ...... . --- 1 VR1

.j I) Reid. ;o, 5,7,S h 14, L T R a- W

((...... ......... .... ;.. nad<II I" Sihaip, 5 a in see 22.3,13

I I)nhain: addc . ...... 9* HiiS C Strat smarfl' , 8 a in Se of SW Frar

sec 22,,1 .. .. ........ 10.10 pMrs. I E Starns, lots 16,17 b 2 see 2

I' 11 add........... .. 17.75 JoAlfred Turner. lot 1s b li e P

add ....... ... ....... .00 5,' Mrs C W White, lot 1is b 7 r 1

add ...................... 00 LP

R) Mrs HE Willis, lots 13.14 D s.add........... ..... 12.60 lan

Town of 3ogalusit-Colored. 21,Y0 11 ' Bell, lot 1,2,3, b 4, sub '

1:1I )iv 1) no. 2(,, seo R add.... ".90 Seaj liley Berry. 1 lot in It 2nd add

....... ... ...... 3.20 )

Mitchell Bailey. 1 a in ie of se

sec 11,,1 M O 1.) add ...... 7.40 1'Joh lulin Davis, I lot in PrestQ1n %,1

adld, e of Columbia RoLad .... 3.68 jS AbrinaiI BrownI, lot 1, 2 b 28 l 1i"

T' U. add1 .. .............. 4.10 IIea rlen I)ozen, lot 12 in Pres- "

tol): a(1(1 ...... .... .... 2' of(1 Chas Hubbard, lots 11, 12 b 22,

........ .... 5.90 1

.1 I:uclas Hamilton, lot 1 b 3 R

. 211nd dd .............. lWillie Kelklea. 1 lot as survey

Sin hr 0,.13, aeq WP Richard- 2I',

7. ........ ........

I 1 1 Alec Lowe, I lot in seO 11,3.13.13,80

John Mouton. lots :19,l11 b 1 l qnw nod ;.......... .. I,.(

14 A Pwtt~n l i. . 17 ""f :in ;t iii

sec 11,2.1:1 actci`l O C) lh.uIt 2.7:

Mabel Piece lot .-)~ 1'( ft X

:s ty 1 1 .se 8 n e t: 1 1 , I. :I I 1 I t

oe, II ,h I la11 11 11 in. 1 (10 ;tell ..... ii.e .

.I lt ree' i d, 5, at i ,f u

~tI- e I .c, ' ISt 1t"i . . 1.::lFeift er \ l a id- n :lii :7. ; 2 itIle t' e .C ,, 1. 4 . ... . . ... :i.11Ii9e i, l . l. li. -1,Mrs 1 : I: Afl1; " , r ain llRosa Breela 9:il, ;-, in s 1,1

1 il I Rosa a f IiEstn F ran k S mit\V . e . . 2i k Tra

w earl fliker, 11) : \' Wn c o l,: .:.I



of I >al hilly-I~ 1,-ti1"al ... lv.

ne E (' W liehif, l2t19 anJ'.)5U I

fli inipts s Angie...............

art C C Connerly, lot .19 b 9 Anite

=eC. ... ........ ... 1 5.:3(1

1" S ('oinerly Sr, 6,00 a in hi'495,0.-0.1,1 ., -0 a in sw cur ui'

hr 4i7, 1,14 , '0 )iei Howard ton

i r 1,1 1, 0 a it hr 57,1.14 61.61

a in HP cor see 21,1,14, lots 2'3,

284,283 b 31, 2 a in s Angie.90U.:)

Mrs TS Connerly, 10 a in ll52,1,14 in Angie, lots 255,28 b 31 lotlot 252, 253,254,2S8,288,289..h0 o :32 Angie.. .... . . 1.1e

Mrs E A Chiles, SO a hf of se.) ~10.5.5 lin

of sec 3,1,12 .. .. ....... lin

) Wr P Corkern, 39 a in sec 2;, 2.

S12.n WP Knight, eGSL Co., s.

5LT Corkern ... . . r.:DU ad

SSEFord, lot 69,70 b 6 e hf of

5 lot 218 b 23 Angie. . .20 .'.t Mrs Emily Ford, lot 67,68 b 6

0 Angie, 1 lot fronting Main st, on adf the cor s of S P Sones.... .10.1

ST M Freeman, hf a in s Angli5 4 a in s Angie e and s by Joe

Bar, wN 0 lN R........ 9,40 :3

Mrs Anna L Gann, 371 a in hr

S48,49.50,2,14, known as Shady7Grove plintation, lots 110-11 Var-

nado, lot 75 b 4 Angie.. . 28.20 .

d Ben Hager, lot 35 in S Angle,80 Wv

...... ......... .10 w

S 1rs. E M Jourdan, 62 a in hr

V38,2,12, new GSL Co... 8.75

Eliza Ann K(ennedy, 19 a n

Co ,WW Wallace, eG S L Co, sonth a2 Pierce ... .. . . S5

Milton Miley. 45 a in se part of

4 sec 6,2,13... . '

John Miley, 320 a s hf of see

3, 2,2 ,1 .... .. .. 20.90

1 Mrs. M J Mohlir, lots 121,122 bIn 11 Angie........ ...... 7.

H A M1cMilliaf, 17 1.2 a In pL

52,1,1.1, nR M Pope. e .1 A Pope o,w C R Pope....1......1 and.

E F Melnnis, lots 133,134 b 11 del................ oft'

Angie.... am 1TE ipope, 320 a s hf of hr 56, 5 el

.2for,144............... a

I1 M Pope, 20O a s hf of hr 51, p

1,14. 21.4" a in hr 52,1,14, 3 lots

if angie. . ........ 26.

Fletcher Seal, 35 a in sec 23.1, 11' n WO Blackwell, e s w G S nLL Co..... ...........

Mrs Omeade Seal, 80 a n M1rs

S A Joiies, w J Simmons, e Lon- pi0

ard Owens .......... .. 50

) Sallie Z Smith, lots 212,213 "

Varnado .. 4. . .. ..

Walter Stewart, lot 122 in Var-

nado... .. .. . o3 . .

Fifth Ward Colored.

Bill Foster. 30 a. nI waiter Green, e

V Frank Foster, w wash Glover.... . t

0 ' 1 Galloway heirs, 40 a. ne of ne

2 see 2,1,13..................... e

5 J1ohn A Galloway, 40 a so of ne see

P 2,1,13.......... ...............

S K Galloway, s0 a. n hf of ne 5CC

10 5 4...C11 Sarah Mlagee 20.45 a see 1-1-14 n NH Sarah Nltte S)na jcI.-JI)0 L Ploughman e i Ford s mary'1'hI T -ii

D as .................. I........ .030 Self 40 a in hr 42-2.1 n Sl m

0 ilannon s Toin Fornea w Sl S amusin

.1 im Thompson "i a pt , wi s Co

21, pt w of sw of nw sie 2N-I-I4 12.1)

ib I'rank Weary. I.) a in hr 33-1-14 n-

10 +Seal. e I harry......-...... .... ' I

id Sixth waViid-White.20 O It barber. 21 a. in e lf Of so *'.

4 ) L - ,arl'eI, 30 a ,ce 4-3-Il . .

.0 1 w 11nIan. 40 a in re 3-31. I'r Ihult't

Ipi1 IV t S l In, ;)jj Lit/n jtmnkinls

68I J L Fisher. '11 a 1n hr 39-3-1I. i

r ishi r,r rier rd. w t t' river .t:Li

1 l nktlins ac t i lt jnkin,....... .& ini I e I~tl I . I(( cnl in ( l l.

S \lec minilI 3 a in .ei .4-l2, o

of no i n rr: e, amnd w by Lill ;

22........... .""""90 El I) Sheridan, ; 1- s s

S4- l. less 12 a..............

jf) I Sturdi ant. 25 a in a o"

n' '1e0 2i.H-1.......... .... I

, "? itm, *( SO , rutS.. u a in r ra. 1-

1rd I m n (m i ( uII.,i' } , ( (i Ibm'l em I1

1 seC 103-i......... ......."l.80

Non.bR~uentf .

ir" .l ci!ikhau .2. I . oT .Ihlrn rt u u ....... .... ... ..... '_'. ">

. or u- (,I .2.1),i I hu C' rcl. J t .1 S I tlto . 1 9 ;ni~ (20 lob 11'

i I .. ...... . 2.;:-

11F f Ot rnYdtart, h;11 it In V 13,

I;.1 1. I i .a 1 1 n' Sey 1 Ole. t'.... 1Y..

II ; 4 1 . I a-l '. ', . 1 -l ate' l *ii\ I

. ..I 1 .))

1 \lil I iranort 1. 2 in h 1.1.1:; lu l

I t \1~ t1 114, Tn .'"I15

11"I.... 2 _ ......................

I 1I. t14 irk. 1 a. n 1l' t &.75 11 ................ ............ 2Out). 1 I T Mc4. Iar V. Ii1 1, Ttl. M .,\ 11n

I1-- 0 \~ h 11h0. 1ag- lotVIk )t 23 tO

'" 1' .1. i, n .... a... .t... .......... . >I)

1, 1 al .h Ikkit. I a rorn in... 1.1on

Stouilo It 1 ' ' 'ad25.Jo.i.. K.... ........ ..t , lk 4 i.

l 1,,, . .. . . . . . .... 1.`5

li 1 \I Ieo s,. lot, 1. 2. h I;lo', 1Ter 1.`5

~ ) 1 I'' Moll y. lot 1111 i 14, lilt :I; t I;

Go w1 lotw t,

,I l " I . 1 u.. ... . . . . . . . .. : . 1 . .. : ' 22 l 1I. P a a I . l t I", 11 . 1.

-E 1l.')na:1 tt 1,G' eht l. 1 a itn lot 4. sIC

S.7 l .1 .1 .: ...... .. .... .... ..... ...... ' .111

tl \`' L \c rle'reury. lot, 1:0 to 1.0 and1711 to I18 . 1) 1-19. lat 'c'r!'ck. Iot; :.13 to

-' I it. to 31) n Bo) ,alu-,a.... . . .. ' ".i1

4" 'Jostephlinl Porter, '_ a tlruntni! aloner

d Ma avl. k. I' adda. lot ti It '_ . v I' add

\\' It l'i~tt. 12 a in 1 .1,10 art of

.1 nI .\lfordtl, It and illt t in \arnier-ton acj J w1 warnm .. .... .19.30

.IA hods.lot 12 b .J SE 1: ad :3.50

fil um1h n l als. `0 a. o Lihal f fnw

see :.1.11... ....... .. 1 .15

.1 K 1Rich. lot 6 b 2.. lacklcv .1.5

Toml Sharl, lo 110x104 !t it Angie,

lot 4. ilk 1.. lot 3 I 1 io ... 1 .S

Est )Dort SiEth. .12) a, a lf of hr 57

1.11. .... .................... 1.54

\' in Sulivan. lot 4 b 224 n Frank-

linton... ............

John Sam. 3 a in nw cor hr 41.2.141,95

Antonio Tomipetello. lot 1 b e P

add..... .. .. .. .

indr Varnado. 28 a in se cor br 44,2f rj i ................... . .. .3.45

SA A white. lot 1 . 7, L A P add 5.75

Aridel Walker, lot 6 b 13 Denham

add l....................... 1.0

'' G 11 Zner. lots 7, b 7 b Ter 1.90

e Sheriffs suipplement.

e w ) jarrel. 544 a In se of se see 15.2.

0 13, as per survey, book 22 p ti70.. 2.40

r HA inoak, lot 29 b 132 nw no. 1.90

yS j warren est, 251)0 a in hr 39,1.10

j S bates, I lot and impts sec 15,3,13Adamstown .. .. . .. 2

m .Sarah Hart. 53.26 a in hr 41.1,14, n,

LU w D Alford. s Tone brown, w mininnie

Peters...........................755 1 w jones, 765 a, w Ihf of se sec 11.2,14...............................12,25

n mrs A U Alford. 46 a. sw of ne see

th i.J14............. ...-....... 4.55

35 Tony Nicholea lot 3 b 19 e & 48.75wf in Gerald, .54 L. a A IBesr, e & s,

gs 1 co. wE A onea,1. -... , 5.60Claudie Cralin. lot b 5 nog tet 1 70

eC Sones . moody lot 261 b 28 Angie 2.00

30 0 T Temple. 80 a, s bf of sw see 10,b. ..... .... ....... . 12.40

S1L w mcl)ougall. V int in 100 a in see9.4.11, frl hr 54,3,10 and impts.... 8.85


)pe On said day of sale I will sell such portions

of said property a.s eachi debtor will point out,

80 and in case the debtor will not point out suf-

ticient property, will at once, without further

11 delay. sell the least quaintity of said property

110 of any debtor which any bidder will buy for the

anmount of taxes, inmterest andtl costs dlue by said

5,delbtor. The sale will be without appraisenlentSfor cash in legal tender monley of the United

f,.) States. and the property sold shall he redeem-

able at any time for the space of one year by

57, paying the price given with 20 per cent interest,

its costs and penalties added. T. J. simmon.- Sheriff and Ex-Officto Tax Collector.


In confortmity with Section 63, Act 65n, 1888,

notice is herel given to all iart es holding

ilortgags o n real cstate located in the 'arishrof 'a i fgtot, La.. onl which taei for the year

15 have not en paid, tlht I will begin the

sale of' Mani in the 'Cotn of Fraitklinttot, Par-

j ~h of Wathiglot, La., o Saturday, June10. :1011. at II o'clock a. it,, and that a number of

picces of pIopert i) dtelitnquent are now be igautvertinitl iii I his lewspr in eonforn itywith the law; 1Irearatlry to such sale the at.

tentiot of mtortgage creditors is espi lally

calledlto these adlvert isemttettts of tux sales, andthey arie wactllin lo tak such steps prior t, the

sale as imay tie ne'espctY to protect tllheir rights.T. J. SIMMONs,

Sheriff and Ex-Officio Tax Collector.

List of delinquent taxes due fol

parties callirg my attention to anyerrors in said list.

Respectfully,T. .1, Simrnnl is,

Sheriff & Ex-Officiu Tax Collector

Estray Notice.

Third Wl ard Jlstice Court, Parish of

Washtingtoll, S~t;tt of La,

Notice is hereby givnii that therehtas beet'n st idvel Itorio inc the un-

I dersign( d atit rt'y M. Ml. K night, aI freeholtdt iitzit of tit' tith ward, par-

ish of Washington, state of Louisiana,and who Iying by toe first duly sworn

According to law. (1e, ses and says

that tot more than six months last

past ttere has heen roaming at large

at the near residencet o alliant a cer-

titain cow delscribetd as follows:

UOne redt and white pided cow,

'arkiied crop Land utnder hit in righttI ,car, uslnner hit and upper square in left

etar; about tour e cars old. On

Saturday. 1J tilt(1 3. 191i,

at 11 o'clock a. in., unless reclaimed0by tile owner, .Lnd all cost paid, will

-sell same to the highest bidder at

5 public auctioni. Terms of sale: All

cost to be paid in cash on day of sale,n the balance on six months credit, thepurchaser to furnish his note with ap-

Sproved scunrity, payable to the Parish

S 'T1reasturie of Washington Parish, La.

This May 2, 1916." J. E. B'atitman,

4ustice of e Pcace,