equipment management solutions - Hastings · PDF fileCat® emsolutions for Construction is a portfolio of technology enabled services focussed on delivering proactive asset management

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Page 1: equipment management solutions - Hastings · PDF fileCat® emsolutions for Construction is a portfolio of technology enabled services focussed on delivering proactive asset management

FOR COnstRuCtiOn

equipment management solutions

Page 2: equipment management solutions - Hastings · PDF fileCat® emsolutions for Construction is a portfolio of technology enabled services focussed on delivering proactive asset management

Cat® emsolutions for Construction is a portfolio of technology enabled services focussed on delivering proactive asset management solutions for our construction customers.

Unplanned stoppages are arguably the most significant contributor to increased risk, production losses and unexpected costs. Put simply, planned maintenance evolutions are safer, more efficient and more effective. Operationally then it is essential to efficiently match planned maintenance evolutions to production demand.

the emsolutions approach focusses on optimising asset performance through effective condition based maintenance plans that are linked to production demand. We achieve this through provision of an integrated suite of services that deliver whole-of-life benefits by considering machine condition, usage and productivity as elements of a holistic system.

these services, based on global best practice and internationally recognised standards, can be applied to any brand of equipment to develop a world class condition based maintenance program that reduces breakdowns, repair times and maintenance costs while creating a safer work environment.

Page 3: equipment management solutions - Hastings · PDF fileCat® emsolutions for Construction is a portfolio of technology enabled services focussed on delivering proactive asset management

Available service levels within emsolutions for Construction include:

seRviCe levels

the base level capability comprising a range of products and services to enable secure and reliable data and telematics connection of your machines.

a range of essential reporting capabilities for your connected machines providing machine health and core utilization information.

a suite of advanced condition monitoring and analysis services that can be tailored to each individual company’s needs, based on combinations of electronic data, fluids analysis data, inspections, work orders and the Cat global Knowledge Centre.

a range of asset management and maintenance services from Hastings Deering to support the execution of your maintenance strategy including field services, assessments, benchmarking, planning and scheduling, backlog management, performance analysis, training, component and parts management.

Delivers turnkey maintenance management and execution services from Hastings Deering for specific processes and activities involved throughout the entire life cycle of the machine.

Page 4: equipment management solutions - Hastings · PDF fileCat® emsolutions for Construction is a portfolio of technology enabled services focussed on delivering proactive asset management

With an emsolutions level 3 package our team of Condition Monitoring Analysts (CMA) use information from multiple data sources to identify potential problems and generate high quality maintenance recommendations before failure. these recommendations are structured to support each company’s maintenance strategy and reduce machine downtime, control costs and schedule repairs more efficiently resulting in optimized productivity.

COnDitiOn MOnitORinG AnD AnAlYsis seRviCes

Page 5: equipment management solutions - Hastings · PDF fileCat® emsolutions for Construction is a portfolio of technology enabled services focussed on delivering proactive asset management

these sources of information include:

eleCtROniC MAChine DAtAelectronic data from connected machines is at the heart of an effective and efficient condition monitoring and analysis process. FluiDs AnAlYsisFluids analysis data from our own Fluids Analysis laboratory or other sources provides valuable information used in the condition monitoring process.

insPeCtiOnsPreventive Maintenance (PM) Checklists, technical Analysis inspection forms(TA-1), Certified Rebuild inspection forms and select Construction checklists can all be captured using the Cat® inspect app to ensure this valuable data is also available to our CMAs.

RePAiR histORYequipment repair history is used for tracking previous work and component life and referenced when assessing an event to help make accurate recommendations.

COMPAnY COnDitiOnsOperating conditions such as grade, road state and climate are an important piece of information also considered by our CMAs in developing meaningful, quality repair recommendations.

BenChMARkinGArguably the most powerful capability of emsolutions level 3 is our access to the Cat Global knowledge Centre for benchmarking performance of a single machine against the entire worldwide operating fleet.

Page 6: equipment management solutions - Hastings · PDF fileCat® emsolutions for Construction is a portfolio of technology enabled services focussed on delivering proactive asset management

the key enabling technology is the unique Cat® eCA application used by hastings Deering personnel to analyse all of the data elements from your machines.

CAt® eCA is an intelligent software application that combines Caterpillar and Cat dealer expertise with field-tested best practices and fleet performance data from around the world, allowing our CMAs to quickly generate recommendations on how to find and fix equipment problems before they become costly failures.

enABlinG teChnOlOGY

Page 7: equipment management solutions - Hastings · PDF fileCat® emsolutions for Construction is a portfolio of technology enabled services focussed on delivering proactive asset management

24 x 7 x 365 COnDitiOn MOnitORinG An emsolutions level 3 package from hastings Deering provides automated 24/7/365 monitoring of your machine’s health.

usAGe BAseD PRiCinG hastings Deering advanced condition monitoring and analysis services are scalable to actual machine usage, so you only pay for the services when the machines are actually in use.

ReAl-tiMe DiGitAl DAshBOARDs in addition to information from our CMAs, customer maintenance supervisors and planners also have access to real-time digital dashboards using the Cat® eCA Protect tool to view alarms and help manage recommendations, tasks and activities.

exCePtiOnsthese are events where data for a machine exceed defined company specific thresholds. Using company based business rules these events can be identified either automatically by the advanced analytical capabilities of the system or manually by the CMA reviewing the data.

FeAtuResReCOMMenDAtiOnsProvided from our CMA to your scheduler or planner, recommendations are a summary of the suggested action for the piece of equipment based on analysis of single or multiple exceptions that enable tracking risk, value, escalation and accountability

GlOBAl knOWleDGe CentRe Caterpillar captures equipment performance and maintenance history from machines across the globe. this information is used to develop new insights and knowledge to improve the performance, health and utilisation of both Caterpillar and non-Caterpillar equipment.

ReCOMMenDeD ACtiOn ARtiCle A document provided to the customer or Hastings Deering field technician recommending the appropriate repair method and parts needed to correct a problem identified on a machine.

Page 8: equipment management solutions - Hastings · PDF fileCat® emsolutions for Construction is a portfolio of technology enabled services focussed on delivering proactive asset management

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