Eponyms Grays

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  • 8/13/2019 Eponyms Grays


    Achilles tendon: the calcaneal tendon. Achilles in Greek Mythology was slain by a wound in his vulnerable heel inflicted by Paris in the Trojan War.Adamkiewicz's artery: the largest anterior medullary feeder artery to theanterior spinal artery. It varies in level, arising from the lower (T9-11) posterior

    intercostal, the subcostal, or less frequently the upper, lumbar (L1-2) arteries.Most often occurs on the left side.

    Allen's test: test of sufficiency of the blood supply to the hand by compressionand release of the ulnar and radial arteries and observation of the colour changeof the hand. . Ammon's horn: the hippocampus. . Andresen lines: structural lines within dentine, representing incremental linesthat run more or less perpendicular to the direction of the tubules. Theyrepresent an incremental period of about 1 week and are best visualized whenlongitudinal ground sections are viewed between crossed polars.. Arantius' nodules: small nodules in the free border of the aortic valves.. Argyll Robertson pupil: pupil reacts to accommodation but not light. Occursin neurosyphilis.

    Arnold-Chiari malformation: congenital brain stem and cerebellar herniationthrough the foramen magnum. . Auerbach's plexus: autonomic nervous plexus between circular andlongitudinal layers of muscle of the intestine. . Babinski's sign: upgoing plantar response in pyramidal tract disturbances. . Baillarger's bands, lines, striae: visible striations seen in sections of thecerebral cortex. . Bankart's lesion: detachment of the anteroinferior glenoid labrum and damageto the humeral head, leading to recurrent dislocation of the shoulder. . Barr body: chromatin mass in the nucleus of female cells.. Barret's oesophagus: abnormal columnar ('gastric') cell lining of the loweroesophagus, with risk of development of adenocarcinoma.

    Bartholin's: ducts and gland - the sublingual salivary gland and its ducts;glands - the greater vestibular glands on either side of the vaginal orifice. . Batson's vertebral venous plexus: the valveless vertebral venous veins thatcommunicate with the prostatic venous plexus and explain the readiness withwhich carcinoma of the prostate spreads to the pelvic bones and vertebrae. . Battle's sign: bruising over the mastoid process developing two or three days

    after fracture of the posterior cranial fossa.

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    Bellini, ducts of: orifices of the renal tubules. . Bell's palsy: viral infections of the facial nerve.

    Bergmann cells: glial cells of the cerebellum. .

    Bernouilli effect: fluid flowing through a tube of varying diameter travelsfastest and exerts the largest lateral pressure at its narrowest point.

    Betz cells: large pyramidal cells of cerebral cortex. . Bezold's abscess: subperiosteal temporal bone abscess. . Bichat's buccal fat pad: the buccal pad of fat - corpus adiposum.. Billroth's cords (or tubes): sex cells in the developing ovary.. Birbeck granules: small cross-striated granules first reported in the Langerhanscells of the epidermis. . Blaschko lines: pattern adopted by many skin lesions. . Bowman's: anterior limiting lamina - anterior elastic membrane of thecornea;capsule - sheath surrounding the renal glomerulus;glands - glands in the olfactory mucosa. . Broca's: diagonal band - a fibre tract in the basal forebrain;area - speech area of cerebral cortex. . Brdel, bloodless line of: the line of division between the areas of kidneysupplied by the anterior and posterior branches of the renal artery. . Brodmann's area 17, area 18: primary visual cortex. . Bruch's choroidal basal lamina: basal membrane of the choroid. . Brunner's glands: duodenal glands lying deep to the muscularis mucosae. . Buck's fascia: the penile fascial sheath. . Cajal, interstitial cells of: nerve cells of the superficial layer of the cerebralcortex. . Calot's triangle: triangle bound by the liver, common hepatic duct and cysticduct. . Carpenter's syndrome: mental retardation, acrocephaly and syndactyly relatedto, but genetically distinct from, Alpert's syndrome. . Carabelli's cusp or tubercle: an occasional fifth tubercle lingual to the antero-medial cusp of the first upper molar tooth.

    Charcot's artery of cerebral haemorrhage: lenticulostriate branch of middlecerebral artery.

    Chassaignac's carotid tubercle: the prominent anterior tubercle of the

    transverse process of the sixth cervical vertebra against which the carotid arterycan be compressed.

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    Clara cells: bronchial cells secreting surfactant. . Clarke's column: basal nucleus in posterior horn of spinal grey matter.

    Claudius, supporting cells of: supporting cells on the floor of the cochlearcanal of the inner ear. . Cleland's ligament (transverse retrovascular ligament): thin fibres passingfrom the lateral surfaces of the interphalangeal joints to the skin of the fingers. . Cloquet's node (gland): lymph node in the femoral canal.

    Colles': fascia - continuation of Scarpa's layer of abdominal fascia;fracture - fracture of the lower end of the radius with dorsal displacement. . Cooper's pectineal ligament: thickened periosteum on the penten.

    Corti, organ of, or rods of: auditory hair cells of the cochlea. . Couinard's segments: the segments of the liver. . Cowper's glands: the bulbourethral glands. . Crouzon's syndrome: craniofacial dysostosis. Premature closures of cranialvault sutures, maxillary hypoplasia and ocular and aural anomalies.

    Cullen's sign: bluish discolouration at the umbilicus from extravasated blood inruptured ectopic pregnancy and pancreatitis - an uncommon physical sign. . Cushingoid syndrome: the syndrome produced by glucocorticosteroid excess. . Cuvier's duct: termination of the cardinal vein in the fetus. . Darkschewitsch, nucleus of: posterior commissural nucleus.

    Deiters': phalangeal supporting cells - outer hair cells in the organ of Corti;nucleus - lateral vestibular nucleus of the vestibulocochlear nerve. . Denonvillier's fascia: fascia separating the prostate from the rectum.. De Quervain's disease: stenosing tenovaginitis of the tendon sheath ofabductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis.

    Descemet's posterior limiting lamina: posterior membrane of the cornea.

    Diss, perisinusoidal space of: space between the venous sinusoid and thehepatic cells.

    Douglas, pouch of: rectouterine peritoneal pouch. . Drummond, marginal artery (or arch) of: the anastomoses between the ileo-colic, right colic, middle colic, left colic and sigmoid arteries (the arch of Roilan

    is the part of this arch between the middle and left colic artery). . Dupuytren's contracture: contraction and fibrosis of the palmar (and

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    occasionally the plantar) fascia. .

    (von) Ebner's: glands - serous glands in relation to the circumvallate papillaeon the dorsum of the tongue;lines -incremental lines of dentine.

    Edinger-Westphal nucleus: midbrain nucleus containing preganglionicneurons destined to synapse in the ciliary ganglion; it lies close to the nucleus ofthe oculomotor nerve. . Erb-Duchenne paralysis: the result of injury to the C5 and C6 roots of the

    brachial plexus. . Eustachian: tube - the pharyngotympanic tube;valve - inferior vena caval valve in right atrium.

    Fallopian: aqueduct or canal - canal for facial nerve in the temporal bone;tube - the uterine tube. . Fallot's tetralogy: congenital heart disease comprising pulmonary stenosis,right ventricular hypertrophy, ventricular septal defect and over-riding of theaorta.

    Fordyce's spots: small mucosal cysts of cheeks, lips and tongue. . Forel's fields (decussation): ventral tegmental decussation between the red


    Frey's syndrome: sweating in distribution of auriculotemporal nerve triggered by eating ('auriculo-gustatory sweating') after injury to the facial nerve. . Froehse, arcade of: arcade between the two layers of supinator; it transmits the

    posterior interosseous nerve. . Froriep's ganglion: inconstant ganglion on posterior aspect of hypoglossalnerve. . Galen's: nerve (ansa galeni) - branch of the superior laryngeal nerve to the

    recurrent laryngeal nerve;(deep galenic venous system) vein - the great cerebral vein.

    Gartner's duct: paravaginal duct; mesonephric duct remnant.

    Gennari's, stria (white line) of: characteristic line in occipital visual cortex. . Gerdy's tubercle: the attachment of the ilio-tibial tract to the proximal tibia.

    Gerota's fascia: the renal fascia; encapsulates the perinephric fat.

    Giacomini's band: band on surface of the uncus. .

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    Glisson's capsule: the fibrous capsule of the liver.

    Goethe, ossicle of: the incus (an auditory ossicle). . Golgi: complexes or apparatus or bodies - network of intracellular elements;

    cells or neurones - GABA-ergic cerebellar interneurones;corpuscles - tactile end organs in skin and muscle.

    Graafian follicle: the ovarian follicle.. Grayson's ligament: fascial fibres which pass from the lateral sides of the

    phalanges volar to the neurovascular bundle. . Grey Turner's sign: bluish discoloration in the left loin caused by extravasated

    blood in acute pancreatitis - an uncommon physical sign.

    Guerin's fracture: a LeFort I level fracture of the maxilla (see below).

    Guyon's canal: canal for the ulnar nerve and vessels; defined medially by the pisiform, and posteriorly by the flexor retinaculum.

    Haller's cells: infraorbital ethmoid cells (synonym: orbitoethmoidal cells)which may be specified as either anterior or posterior ethmoid. They may lielateral to the infundibulum and then open in to the middle meatus. They growinto the bony orbital floor and may obstruct the ostia of either the ethmoidinfundibulum or the maxillary sinus during endonasal procedures. . Harris's growth lines: transverse juxta-epiphyseal lines of long bones seen onX-ray and representing temporary growth arrest. . Hartmann's pouch: dilatation above the neck of the gallbladder - a

    pathological entity produced by a contained gallstone. . Haversian systems, canals: spaces in the compact tissue of bone.

    Henle's: layer - outer layer of cells in the root sheath of a hair;loop - the looped portion of the renal tubule. . Hensen: node of - thickening at the site of the first formation of the primitivestreak;supporting cells of - in the organ of Corti (see above) to the outer side of thecells of Deiters (see above). . Hering-Brewer reflex: lung stretch reflex mediated by the vagus. .

    Hering's canal: fine terminal ductules lined by cuboidal epithelium, linking theintralobular bile canaliculi with bile ducts in the portal canals.

    Heschl's transverse temporal gyri: gyri on temporal lobe of brain. . Heuser's membrane: the parietal hypoblast layer.

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    Hilton's law: nerves crossing a joint supply the joint, the muscles acting on theoint and the skin overlying the joint. .

    Hirschsprung's disease: megacolon resulting from congenital absence of

    autonomic ganglion cells in distal contracted segment.

    His: bundle of - the atrioventricular bundle of the heart;furcula of - an inverted U which appears in the central wall of the developing

    pharynx. . His, septum intermedium of: part of the primitive atrial septum. . Hoboken's valves: valve-like projections in the vessels of the umbilical cord. . Hofbauer cells: ellipsoid cells in chorionic villi.

    Holden's line: transverse skin crease at the groin caused by flexion of the hip.

    Horner's syndrome: ptosis and pupillary constriction following interruption ofthe sympathetic supply to the eyelid and pupil, respectively.

    Howship's lacunae: absorption spaces in bone. . Humphrey's ligament: meniscofemoral ligament - Humphrey described thisligament as running from the lateral meniscus to the posterior cruciateligament. . Hunter's canal: the subsartorial canal. . Huschke, foramen of: deficiency in the floor of the bony part of the externalauditory meatus, which usually closes by the fifth year, but may persistthroughout life.

    Huxley's layer: the inner layer of cells of the root sheath of a hair. . Hyrtl's anastomosis (loop): occasional anastomosis between right and lefthypoglossal nerves. . Ito, cells of: hepatic stellate cells. . Jackson's membrane: peritoneal fold between caecum or ascending colon andlateral abdominal wall. . Jacobson's organ: the vomeronasal organ.

    Kartagener's syndrome: transposition of the viscera associated with abnormalcilia which results in bronchiectasis.

    Kent, bundle of: the atrioventricular bundle (also known as bundle of His, seeabove).

    Kerckring's valve: valvulae conniventes - the circular folds of the smallintestine (already completely described by Fallopio, see above)

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    Kiesselbach's plexus: site of haemorrhage on nasal septum. . Killian's dehiscence: gap between the attachments of the inferior constrictor ofthe pharynx to the cricoid and thyroid cartilages - site of origin of a pharyngeal

    pouch. . Klippel-Feil syndrome: congenital fusion or reduction in number of cervicalvertebrae. . Klumpke's paralysis: injury to the lowest root of the brachial plexus (T1). . Klver-Bucy syndrome: experimental syndrome in rhesus monkey produced

    by ablation of the temporal limbic system. . Koch's triangle: triangular area in the wall of the right atrium which marks thesite of the atrioventricular node.

    Kohn, interalveolar pores of: pores that link adjacent alveolar air spaces of thelung. . Klliker, nucleus of: substantia intermedia centralis in spinal cord. . Kraissl's lines: lines of greatest tension in the skin.

    Kulchitsky cells: neuroendocrine cells in lung and gut. . Kupffer cells: reticuloendothelial cells of the liver.

    Labb's inferior anastomotic vein: connects superficial middle cerebral veinto the transverse sinus.

    Ladd's bands: congenital bands across the duodenum in volvulus neonatorum.

    Landsmeer's ligament: transverse and oblique retinacular ligaments of thefingers.

    Langer's lines: cleavage or crease lines in the skin produced by thearrangement of the subcutaneous fibrous tissues.

    Langerhans: cells - dendritic epithelial cells;islets of - clumps of insulin-secreting cells of the pancreas.

    Langhans: cells - cytotrophoblastic cells of a chorionic villus lying deep to thesyncytiotrophoblast.Le Fort: classification of maxillary fractures.

    Leydig cells: the interstitial testosterone-secreting cells of the testis.

    Lieberkuhn, crypts of: tubular glands of the small intestine.

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    Lisfranc's ligament: interosseous ligament between the second metatarsal andfirst cuneiform bone of the foot.

    Lissauer, tract of: ascending tract in the spinal cord.

    Lister's tubercle: a prominence on the posterior surface of the distal radius,ulnar to the groove for the tendon of extensor pollicis longus.

    Littr's glands: submucosal glands of the male urethra. . Little's area: site of haemorrhage on the nasal septum. . Lockwood's tails: hypothetical bands interfering with downgrowth of the

    processus vaginalis, resulting in ectopia testis.

    Luschka: bursa of - accessory pharyngeal recess in front of the anterior arch ofthe atlas;foramen of - lateral aperture in the roof of the fourth cerebral ventricle;uncovertebral joints of - small synovial joints on either side of theintervertebral cartilaginous joint in cervical vertebrae C3-7 (between theuncinate process of the inferior vertebral body and the bevelled lateral border ofthe superior body at each level).

    Mackenrodt's ligament: the transverse cervical (or cardinal) ligament of theuterus.

    Magendie, foramen of: the median aperture in the roof of the fourth ventricle.

    Malpighian: corpuscle - splenic corpuscles;layer - deep layer of the epidermis.

    arcello Malpighi (1628-1694),. Regarded as the founder of microscopicanatomy. Meckel's: cartilage - the cartilage of the first branchial arch;diverticulum - the remains of the vitello-intestinal duct.

    Meibomian tarsal glands: the tarsal glands of the eyelid. If blocked they become distended into meibomian cysts. . Meissner's: corpuscles - tactile nerve endings in skin;plexus - submucosal autonomic plexus of the intestine.. Merkel cells (or corpuscles): sensory nerve endings. . Meyer's loop: portion of the geniculocalcarine radiation.

    Meynert, basal nucleus of: part of the 'substantia innominata' of the basalforebrain: contains large cholinergic neurones that project to the cerebral cortex,

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    amygdala and thalamus. . Moll's glands: the ciliary glands. . Monro, foramen of: the foramen between the lateral and third ventricles of the

    brain. .

    Montgomery, glands or tubercles of: sebaceous glands situated in the areolaof the breast.

    Morgagni: columns of - the columns of the anal canal;hernia - congenital diaphragmatic hernia between the sternal and costalattachments of the diaphragm.

    Founder of modern morbid anatomy. Morison's pouch: the right subhepatic space.

    Mller's: cells - neuroglial cells in the retina;muscle - radial fibres of the ciliary muscles.

    Mllerian duct: the paramesonephric duct of the fetus.

    Nabothian cyst: retention cyst of uterine cervix.

    Nissl: granules - basophil granules in cytoplasm of neuronal somata;stain - specific stain for these granules. . Nitabuch's layer or stria: layer in the intervillous spaces of the placenta. . Nuel's spaces: space between outer rods of Corti and hair cells.

    Oddi, sphincter of: the sphincter at the termination of the common bile duct.

    Pacchionian bodies: arachnoid granulations.

    Pacinian corpuscles: end organs of sensory nerves.

    Pancoast tumour: apical carcinoma of the lung involving C8 and T1 nerves,the cervical sympathetic chain and upper ribs.

    Paneth cells: cells at bases of the intestinal crypts.

    Papez circuit: a neuroanatomical circuit mediating emotion, involving thehippocampal formation, mammillary body, anterior nuclei of the thalamus andcingulate gyrus.

    Passavant's: muscle - upper fibres of palatopharyngeus;

    ridge (bar) - projecting ridge, or bar, on posterior wall of pharynx whichappears during swallowing.

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    Petit, canal of: the space between the zonule of Zinn (see below) and thevitreous humour.

    Peyer's patches: lymphoid aggregates in the ileum.

    Purkinje: cells - large neurones forming a single eponymous layer in cerebellarcortex;fibres - subendocardial muscle fibres. . Ramsay Hunt syndrome: herpes zoster involvement of the geniculate ganglionassociated with facial paresis, hyperacusis, unilateral loss of taste, decrease inlacrimation and salivation and otalgia.

    Rathke's pouch: diverticulum of roof of stomodaeum which forms the anterior pituitary gland.

    Reidel's lobe: supernumerary lobe projecting from right lobe of the liver.

    Reinke's: crystals - rod-shaped crystals in the interstitial cells of the testis andhilus cells of the ovary;space - chronic laryngitis with swelling of the membranous part of the vocalcords.

    Reissner's membrane: the vestibular membrane of the cochlea.

    Renshaw's cells: inhibitory interneurones modulating the response of anteriorhorn cells.

    Retzius' lines (or striae): brown lines in the dental enamel.the cave of Retzius - the retropubic space.) Rexed's lamina: subdivisions of cells of spinal cord grey matter.

    Riolan, arc of: the anastomosis between the middle and left colic arteries.

    Rohr's stria: layer of placenta.

    Rosenmller, fossa of: the pharyngeal recess.

    Rosenthal's canal: spiral canal of the cochlea.

    Rotter's node: lymph node between pectoralis major and minor.

    Ruffini endings (bodies, corpuscles): sensory nerve endings, originally

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    described in skin of fingers.

    Santorini: duct of - the accessory pancreatic duct;fissures of - two fissures in the anterior cartilaginous wall of the external

    acoustic meatus;plexus of - retropubic venous plexus giving rise to pudendal vein. . Scarpa's: fascia - the fibrous layer of the superficial fascia of the lowerabdomen;ganglion - the vestibular ganglion. . Schlemm, canal of: canal at junction of the cornea and sclera.. Schmidt-Lanterman incisure or cleft: helical inclusion of glial cytoplasmwithin the myelin sheath of central and peripheral nerves . Schwann cells: the major glial cell of the peripheral nervous system. . Schutz's fasciculus: the dorsal longitudinal fasciculus.

    Scoog's fibres: transverse fibres of the palmar aponeurosis of the hand.

    Sertoli cells: supporting cells of the testicular tubules. . Sharpey's fibres: connective tissue joining periosteum to bone.

    Stahl's deformity: congenital deformity of the ear - broad helix, fossa of theantihelix and upper scaphoid fossa are both absent.

    Stensen's duct: the parotid duct.iels Stensen (1638-1686), Professor of Anatomy, Copenhagen, Denmark.

    Demonstrated the parotid duct at the age of 23. Struther, ligament of: fibrous band (occasionally ossified) running betweenmedial epicondyle and shaft of the humerus.

    Sylvian: aqueduct - midbrain channel connecting the third and fourth cerebralventricles;fissure - the lateral cerebral fissure. . Tenon's capsule: fascial sheath of the eyeball.

    Testut's ligament: radio-scaphoid-lunate connection.

    Thebesian: valve - valve at orifice of coronary sinus;veins - venae cordis minimae of heart.

    Todaro, tendon of: a variable tendinous strand attached to the valvular fold at

    the termination of the inferior vena cava. It forms the superior border of thetriangle of Koch.

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    Towne's projection: positioning of the head in the radiological examination ofthe foramen magnum and posterior cranial fossa.

    Treitz, ligament of: 'suspensory' ligament of peritoneum passing from the rightcrus of the diaphragm to the fourth part of the duodenum. . Trendelenburg's sign: dipping gait due to hip abductor dysfunction, e.g. incongenital dislocation of the hip or paralysis of gluteus medius and minimus. . Treves, bloodless fold of: peritoneal fold adjacent to mesoappendix. . Valsalva, aortic sinuses of: the aortic sinuses.

    Vater, ampulla of: ampulla at junction of common hepatic and pancreaticducts.

    Vesalius sphenoidal emissary foramen: small foramen for emissary veinimmediately anterior and medial to the foramen ovale in the sphenoid bone. . Vidian nerve: nerve of the pterygoid canal.

    Vieussens, anulus of: ansa subclavia of sympathetic nerves.

    Virchow-Robin space: perivascular space in the central nervous system. .

    Voigt lines: the hair tracts

    Voit's nerve: branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve that supplies the saccule.

    Volkmann's canals: osseous canals carrying blood vessels from the periosteum.

    Von Brunn's nests: epithelial masses in the male urethra.

    Waldeyer's: sheath - adventitia of distal segments of the ureter;ring - a ring of lymphoid tissue which includes the palatine, pharyngeal, tubaland lingual tonsils.

    Wallenberg's syndrome: lesion of the lateral medullary region of the brainstem.

    Wernicke's speech area: motor speech area in superior temporal lobe ofcerebral cortex.

    Wharton's: duct - duct of the submandibular salivary gland;elly - the gelatinous connective tissue of the umbilical cord.

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    Whitnall's tubercle: tubercle on the orbital surface of the zygomatic bone.

    Wiebel-Palade bodies: rod-shaped storage granules in endothelial cells.

    Willis, circle of: the arterial anastomosis at the base of the brain.

    Winslow, foramen of: the epiploic foramen leading to the lesser sac.

    Wrisberg's ligament: band attached to posterior cruciate ligament of the knee.

    Wolffian: body - the mesonephros;duct - the mesonephric duct. . Zinn, circle (or zonula) of: hyaloid membrane adjacent to the margin of thelens.

    Zuckerkandl's fascia: the retrorenal fascia.