Episode 7 - Amora

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  • 8/3/2019 Episode 7 - Amora


    Episode 7 Amora

    Story by:

    Edition by

    Ana Tinoco and Paul Santos

    : Ana Tinoco


    Joan is severely wounded from the siege in Asgard and Anaxenite struggles with thememories of her dark past as she goes into battle against Lokis forces.


    December 31, 2011

  • 8/3/2019 Episode 7 - Amora



    From the Episode 5 - Siege at Asgard

    JoanAna who is Amora and whats her relationship with Loki? ...

    Anaxenite -..... Amora is a powerful sorceress who works for Loki, Thors brother; he gaveher her powers after I have left his fold.

    Joan Do you know Amora I mean in person?

    Anaxenite Yes, lets just say we are not the best of friends.

    AnaxeniteShe holds a huge rage towards me, because she thinks I stole Thors favour

    from her.

    Joan Oh, so its only a matter of jealousy?

    Anaxenite Yes... what she aspired the most was Thors favour because of his power his

    fathers Odin preference and not only...


    *Men in heavy armor riding in on black horses with some pulling catapults on large wheels.

    Trolls carrying maces and on leashes made of metal being led on foot. Myriad of beasts not

    recognizable to earthlings, being led or ridden on into battle.

    Lokito Amora *in a gravelly voice*: Are they coming?

    Amora: Everything has been set into motion my lord.

    Loki: Good! We must not delay any further!

    Amora: What of the frost giants? Are they going to join us in battle?

    Loki: I have other plans for them.


    *Loki's armies bombard the city gates.*

    *Inside the gates the townsfolk start to fight back.*

    *The townsfolk defend themselves with bows and arrows that hit its target and kill some of

    Loki's men.*

    *From outside the city walls warriors yell their battle cry.*

    *Thor flies in the sky with his hammer leading the armies.*

    *Anaxenite and Joan join the armies on foot.*

    *Ana and Joan fight back to back using swords.*

  • 8/3/2019 Episode 7 - Amora



    A Solderrushes to Ana My lady its done.

    Anaxenite Good *grins* How much longer?

    SolderIts about to happ..

    *A huge explosion is heard its the storehouses of Lokis men, all the provisions and

    weapons stored are burning*

    *Another explosion is followed by another*

    Anaxenite I take that these are the catapults huh?

    *Another Solder comes running* Officer! The catapults they are falling!

    Anaxenite or were the catapults. *grins*


    *Ana mounts her horse and gets back to where she left Joan.*

    When Ana is getting to the place where she had left her friend she hears a piercing yell and

    sees Joan falling to the ground.

    Anaxenite Joan!!!! (Please gods no!) *rushes even more* as we

    ***End of Montage***


    Anaxenite Joan!!!! (Please gods no!) *rushes even more*

    *Ana dismounts her horse and kneels beside Joan.*

    *Joan was hit badly by an arrow, shes still conscious and moans.*

    JoanAna I

    AnaxeniteShhh dont talkIts going to be ok *trying to control her emotions*

    *Joan passes out, Ana checks her vital signs and then removes the arrow from her friendsbody and tries to stop the bleeding with a cloth*

    Anaxenite There. *looking at her horse* Now I need to get you out of here


  • 8/3/2019 Episode 7 - Amora


    ***Battle scene 3***

    *Meanwhile in the battlefield.*

    *Lokis forces continue their siege on the city. The battlefield littered with the fallen on both

    sides. Amora has used her magic to weave a mist which adds to the confusion. Thor flies in

    low spinning his hammer to clear a way for his army. Whenever he comes to a foe or beast,he thwarts them with a blow of his hammer. Thor continues to clear the way until he gets

    knocked back by a gigantuan cave troll.*

    Thor *to himself*: Umph, he hits as hard as a mountain!

    *Another troll approaches from the back*

    A familiar voice yells: Look out my lord!

    *The troll is distracted by a puny man brandishing a sword almost as big as him. Thor uses

    this to his advantage to elbow the creature in the gut, and to throw it over his shoulder to

    knock down the first troll.*

    Thor:Sergeant Lir! Youre going to get yourself killed! How you ended up in my army, and

    achieved the rank of Sergeant I will never know! Seek higher ground!

    Sergeant Lir: Yes, my lord!

    Thor: Not that way!

  • 8/3/2019 Episode 7 - Amora


    *Sergeant Lir is almost hit by an opposing soldier, but before he is struck he unwittingly

    stumbles to the grown, causing the assailant to miss. Thor summons his hammer and uses

    it to strike down the enemy. Thor is again airborne once the hammer is back in his hand. He

    swoops in to lift Sergeant Lir to a nearby hill.*

    Thor: You stay here and survey!

    Sergeant Lir: But my lord, I would be more useful to you on the battlefield!

    Thor: Getting killed is not useful!


    * Thor is flying off to join the battle when he spots his chosen Kneeling over a body

    He goes there only to find Ana holding her injured friend with an anguish look on her face*

    Thor Ana? What happened to Joan?

    Anaxenite*doesnt look at him shes about to cry but holding back the tears* - Its my

    fault I shouldnt have left her alone.I shouldnt have even brought her into this war.

    Thor*Puts his arm around Anas shoulder.* Its not your fault. Let me take her to a safe


    *Thor takes the two women to his temple.*

    *A healer is taking care of Joan.*

    Healer Its a very serious injure, I cant tell how far the internal damages go.

    *Anaxenite looks very troubled.*

    Joan *regaining conscience* - Ana! *weakly*

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    Anaxenite *rushing to her friend* - Joan! How are you feeling?

    Joan Oh dunno just like Ive been struck by something in my chest *chuckles but then


    AnaxeniteKeep still, youre going to be okay; Ill be right here with you.

    JoanNo! *of Anas confusing look speaks with some difficulty* - Listen you are needed in

    the battlefield, that people need you, your strength, skill and determination to keep their

    spirits up.

    Thor She is right Ana. We need as many soldiers as possible.

    Anaxenite Thats a first, since when do you agree with each other?

    JoanI might not like his guts that much but if he somehow cares for you Im happy about


    Anaxenite *grabs Joans hand* - Okay Ill be back later, and when I come back I wannasee you all feisty again to bug me. *trying to light up the moods*

    Joan *chuckles* - Ill be right here. Go! Good luck.

    *Anaxenite leaves with Thor.*


    *Ana in the battlefield fights fiercely; her inside rage building up as she kills too many to

    count using her swords, as she thinks of her injured friend and as images of her past cross

    her mind. Ana runs through another warrior*


    *Ana is seen walking the fields brandishing her newly acquired weapon. She is

    enveloped by a cold mist. As the mist clears, a shadowy figure stands before her.*

    Loki - I couldn't help from overhearing what you just said.

    Anaxenite - Typical! You gods like sure do eavesdrop. Care to tell me what I had for

    breakfast this morning?

    Loki *is not amused but continues* - You are right to say you don't need Thor and

    Amora to become a great warrior.

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    *Ana thoughts are interrupted.*

    Male voice So we meet again Champion of Asgard.

    *Ana turns around, its a tall and build up man*

    Anaxenite *her eyes widen, it is Lokis General* - Vidar Tr!

    Vidar Tr Oh glad to know you still remember me!...You know Im happy youre still

    alive, Id hate not having the pleasure to finish you off myself

    *With this he attacks Ana, who blocks his sword with hers.*

    *Its Anas turn she strikes him with such strength that Tr has difficulty blocking her blow*

    Anaxenite *mockingly* Whats the matter Amoras toy boy cant do it without the

    girlfriends help huh?

    Anaxenite - And I suppose you're going to say I need your help?

    Loki - Not exactly. I was the one who saw your potential remember? I can see the

    blood lust in your eyes. Your greatest glory is on the battlefield.

    Anaxenite - I'm listening horns.

    Loki - You have the skills I need. I can put you in command of my armies. Together we

    can conquer all realms for greater glory! For Valhalla!

    Anaxenite - My my! We do have lofty goals don't we?

    Loki - They are obtainable goals. My father Odin is too soft. Valhalla needs to be ruled

    with an iron fist! It's the only thing that can help her from falling prey to invaders. The

    frost giants!

    Anaxenite - Admirable horns. I'm game, but I refuse to be your Queen!

    Loki - Queen? I have no use for such weaknesses. Now come! We must start at once!

    *Loki conjures up a mist that envelopes the both of them and they vanish*

    ***End of Flashback***

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    *Hes very pissed off now, and attacks with all the strength that he possess and starts

    gaining vantage over Ana, though what he has of powerful strength, she balances with

    agility and skill, she fights like if her both swords were the extension of her arms in perfect


    Tr strikes at Ana who is able to block his sword once again but he kicks her in the stomach

    and she loses her balance falling on her back and losing her weapons. When Tr prepares to

    run her through, she regains her senses and grabs his legs making him fall down with a

    thud. Ana gets up quickly grabs her swords, steps on Trs right hand making him drop his

    weapon, kicks him in the head, barriers the tips of her swords in the ground each one in

    opposite sides near his neck crossing her arms*

    Anaxenite Im gonna die but not today and specially not by your hand!

    *With this she takes down both swords beheading him.*

    Anaxenite to one of Thors soldiers You!

    Soldier Yes My Lady?

    AnaxeniteTake this to Lokis witch. *hands him a cloth bag*

    *The soldier looks oddly at it.*

    Anaxenite Just a little gift to Amora. Tell her Anaxenite send best regards.

    SoldierYes Mam! *he leaves*


    *Back to Thors place, Anaxenite sitting next to Joan who is lying on a cot.*

    Female voice How sweet! It was really worthy.

    Anaxenite *defensively* What are you doing here Amora? And do you mean by that?

    Amora - The arrow shot at your pity friend. Oh how I enjoyed seeing you suffer. Its really

    a disappointment that she didnt die, but oh well I get to kill her in front of you which is

    gonna be twice as fun.

    *Ana is not surprised by the revelation*

    Amora - Funny you used to call me witch, now..

    *She creates a bolt of energy in her hands and throws it at Ana, Ana is able to deflect with

    a sword*

    Amora I trained you well but youre still not a match for me.

    Anaxenite At least I dont need magical powers to be a good warrior and I dont need a

    god to back me up.

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    *Amora is filled with rage*

    Amora Oh but youre going to need a lot of back up now if you wanna survive!


    *One morning at Thor's Palace**Sounds of vases breaking, metal hitting the ground and screams of rage are heard*

    Female voice Damn you Thor! How could you do this to me after all I did for you?! I

    fought for you, killed for you! I was more than a general, I was your confident, your

    lover. I even tolerated the whores you brought into your room!! And for what? To see a

    bitch that came from some filthy place stealing everything from me?!! I was supposed to

    be the Champion of Asgardnot Anaxenite!

    Male voice That can change Amora.

    Amora You? What the hell are you doing here Loki? Come to gloat?

    Loki On the contrary my dear. I came to make you an offer. What Thor did with you is

    not fair.

    Amora Oh stop being cynic! Go away, leave me alone!

    Loki Pity, it was a good offer. *prepares himself to vanish*

    Amora Wait! Shoot, what do I have to loseWhats your offer?

    Loki *creates a bolt of energy and keeps it in his hand* - Power! You work for me and

    you will become the most powerful sorceress of Asgard and with this have your revenge.

    Amora *her eyes widen with fascination and ambition* - Cant say Im not interested,

    but working for you? Ive always worked for Thor.

    LokiHe couldnt see your true potential, I can and we are going to be unstoppable.


    ***End of Flashback***

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    *Amora grins and looks directly at Joan. She forms another bolt of energy and throws it at

    Joan, Ana hushes to her friend and holds her friend protectively but the bolt of energy

    disintegrates before reaching them and Thor appears between them and Amora.*

    Amora to Thor *with rage in her voice* - Youll regret this and the fact that you chose her

    over me!

    Thor I regret nothing witch! Anaxenite earned the right to be champion over you! Onething I do regret is us being lovers! It's time for you to leave!

    *Amora is hurt by Thor's words. Vanishes with an angry expression on her face*

    *Thor takes Ana to another room*

    Thor to Anaxenite How is Joan doing?

    AnaxeniteShes getting better thankfully, but still needs a lot of rest, and I dont want

    her near the battlefield, its too dangerous, if something else happens to her

    ThorHush, she stays here and she will be well treated. How about you? Youve been

    fighting nonstop and I dont see you getting any rest.

    Anaxenite First things first, Ill get some rest but later, now I want a feedback from you,

    tell me how are things going, and dont hide anything from me, sooner or later I will find


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    Thor *grins but still cant hide his uneasiness* - Its still very far from ending Im afraid,

    this was only the beginning *he looks down*

    Anaxenite *raises her hand to touch his face making him look at her* - Hey we have been

    doing a good job, I know Loki has a lot more in his sleeve but we know that, you know him

    and how he acts, and thats half way done, right?

    *Thor looks at her signing and she kisses him tenderly in the lips.*

    Thor *surprised* - And what was that for?

    Anaxenite That was for helping Joan. *smiles* Ill go get some rest now.

    Thor What about some company? *grins*

    *She smiles but doesnt turn back at him.*

    Anaxenite *teasingly* - That wouldnt be necessarily resting would it?

    Thor *passes his hand through his hair grins widely* - Guess not

    Anaxenite Good night Thor.

    *Se leaves while Thor stands looking as she goes away*