Episode 5 – Siege at Asgard

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  • 8/3/2019 Episode 5 Siege at Asgard


    Episode 5 Siege at Asgard

    Story by:

    Edition by

    Ana Tinoco and Paul Santos

    : Ana Tinoco


    Thors greatest enemy attacks the Asgard. Anaxenite and Joan help Thor s troops

    defending the city but not everything goes as they were expecting.


    October 9, 2011

  • 8/3/2019 Episode 5 Siege at Asgard



    From Episode 4 Uninvited Guests

    *Anaxenite and Joan left Thors palace after Ana had refused Thors offer for them to spend

    the night at his place.*

    *Its early morning Anaxenite and Joan are on their way to the battlefield.*

    *Joan its very silent thinking about what happened during the last night party at Thors:

    Amora to the spy - You fool! How could you get drunk!? () Theres no apologize that can

    save your sorry ass from Loki now!

    AnaXenite - Thor! You let him get away! Now he knows everything and will tell Loki!

    Thor - Relax. The entire plan was a ruse. I knew Loki would send spies. I wanted to

    influence the route he would take on his way to city.*

    ***End of Montage***


    Joan Ana who is Amora and whats her relationship with Loki? ... Gods you seem so

    comfortable around Thor, you deal with him like he was just another mere mortal *when

    she notices Anas uneasiness she stoops.*

    Anaxenite I know you have lots of questions and doubts and you have the right to get

    answers I just dontknow if Im prepared to bring up the past all over againand you know

    me as the person I am now I dont want you to look me in a different.

    Joan Ana you are what you are today because of your past, all the tough situations you

    have gone through made you the warrior you are now, and I dont mean only your combat

    skills but your heart.

    Anaxenite *humorously, trying to conceal her embarrassment* - Now, now Joan youre not

    gonna get all mushy over me are you? *punches Joans arm playfully*

    Joan eheh wouldnt dream of it! When youre ready to tell me your story you will I wont

    pressure you.

    Anaxenite *smiling* Thank you. Answering to one of your questions Amora is a powerful

    sorceress who works for Loki, Thors brother; he gave her her powers after I have left hisfold.

    Joan *asks curiously* Do you know Amora I mean in person?

    Anaxenite Yes, lets just say we are not the best of friends.

    Joan *ironically* Is that so?

  • 8/3/2019 Episode 5 Siege at Asgard


    AnaxeniteShe holds a huge rage towards me, because she thinks I stole Thors favour

    from her.

    Joan Oh, so its only a matter of jealousy?

    Anaxenite Yes... what she aspired the most was Thors favour because of his power his

    fathers preference and not only... (well cant blame her for that, he does look good...ohstep out of it Ana! She slaps herself mentally).

    *Shes so out that she doesnt even hears Joan calling her.*

    Joan Ana...Ana! You there?

    Anaxenite uh yeah?

    Joan You hearing this?

    Anaxenite Yes. Seems we are going to have a rather huge workout soon. We are getting

    to the battlefield.

    *Unaware to the other mortal ears but Anas Thorwhispers.*

    Thor Glad you came! Now ready to kick some ass?

    Anaxenite *chuckles but them grows serious again* - Of Lokis followers? Always! *grins*

    Joan Did you say something?

    Anaxenite Just thinking out loud...


    *Cut to a tall slender man in green with the Enchantress on the hill overlooking the battle


  • 8/3/2019 Episode 5 Siege at Asgard


    *Men in heavy armor riding in on black horses with some pulling catapults on large wheels.

    Trolls carrying maces and on leashes made of metal being led on foot. Myriad of beasts, notrecognizable to earthlings, being led or ridden on into battle. Loki turns to Amora.*

    Loki *in a gravelly voice* - Are they coming?

    Amora - Everything has been set into motion my lord.

    Loki - Good! We must not delay any further!

    Amora - What of the frost giants? Are they going to join us in battle?

    Loki - I have other plans for them.

    Amora - With due respect my lord we cannot possibly penetrate the fortress without them.

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    Loki *with a stern look* - Do not dare question me again Enchantress. I will stricken you of

    your powers should you do so again.

    Amora *looking down* - Forgive me my lord.

    *A field General in black armor approaches, bows, and then speaks: Lord Loki, everything is

    into position. The men await your orders.*

    Loki - Very well General. Aim the catapults at the gates and fire upon them!

    *General gives the order. Large stones are set ablaze and fired at the Gates of Asgard. Loki

    turns with a grin and vanishes in a fiery ball of smoke*

    General to the Enchantress - Why did he go? Is he not going to see the battle through?

    Amora - No he is not. Question him again and your life will be forfeit.

    ***End of battle scene 1***



    *Two boys, one raven hair the other blonde, practicing with wooden swords in thecourtyard of the palace at Valhalla. The blonde boy, age 10 shows more prowess and

    skill than the smaller dark haired boy also age 10. A towering man stops the fight

    before it gets too rough.*

    Heimdall: - Good! That is enough for now! *Walks over to the boy with golden hair andplaces a hand over his shoulder* You show much promise Thor. The All-Father would be

    proud. You are big for your age, and since your brother Loki can barely keep up, I thinkit would be wiser to fight the young squires to hone your skills.

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    Young Thor - Thanks master Heimdall. I will keep that in mind.

    **A dark haired girl walks up to the courtyard entrance in the distance**

    Heimdall - Look! There is your girlfriend Sif! I think she wants to speak to you!

    **Young Loki laughs. Thor blushes**

    Young Thor - Awww, stop teasing me master.

    **Thor runs off to meet the girl and they walk off together. Heimdall turns to Loki**

    Heimdall - Loki, come with me I wish to speak with you.

    Young Loki *frowning* - Yes master Heimdall.

    Heimdall - Let me see what you have in your pocket.

    Young Loki - You mean this pocket?

    *Loki shows Heimdall that his pocket is empty.*

    Heimdall - Not that pocket. The hidden pocket in your vest. Always the master of

    deception with you.

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    *Lifts Lokis vest and removes a coin*

    Heimdall -You got this out of your fathers dresser didnt you? Loki you ought toknow better than this.

    Young Loki - Yes master, I just wanted to have a better look at it and keep it for

    awhile. I would have returned it I swear.

    Heimdall *examines the coin closely then addresses Loki*- I cant say I blame you.Its a nice looking coin and in pristine condition. A facsimile of your fathers profile

    on one side and the eye of Odin on the other, the most powerful, a precious jewelkept in the All-Fathers palace. Legend says it has a power that cannot be matched.

    Young Loki - Yes, that is why I am very fond of it.

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    *Cut back to battle.*

    *Loki's armies continue to bombard the city gates*

    *Inside the gates the townfolk start to fight back they defend themselves with bows and

    arrows hitting and killing some of loki's men then outside the city walls; a men yell battlecries


    ***Battle scene 2***

    *Loki's armies continue to bombard the city gates.

    *Inside the gates the townsfolk start to fight back.*

    *The townsfolk defend themselves with bows and arrows that hit its target and kill some of

    Loki's men.*

    *From outside the city walls warriors yell their battle cry.*

    *Thor flies in the sky with his hammer leading the armies.*

    *Anaxenite and Joan join the armies on foot.*

    *Ana and Joan fight back to back using swords.*

    *Anaxenite is very concerned about her friend for shes still green when it comes to fighting.

    Joan has become proficient with the Baleadoras, but this weapon is not ideal for the

    Heimdallsmiling: Tell you what. If you were to return it to your fathers dresser before

    night fall I wont utter a word of this to him and your mother. Agreed?

    Young Loki: Agreed!

    Heimdall with a wink: Now run along!

    ***End of Flashback***

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    battlefield. Joan doesnt get along very well with a sword, but she does enjoy the bow and

    has good aim. She caught on pretty fast from Anas lessons and she loves hunting.*

    Anaxenite *breathing hard* Joan lets go! You know what we have to do now!

    Joan - *signs* Yeah.

    *Ana and Joan are shown climbing a hill.*

    *Joan shoots arrows from her bow.*

    Anaxenite Ok be right back.

    Joan - Good luck!

    *Ana mounts her horse. She is camouflaged by the thick woods that surround the

    battlefield; rides at full speed towards the foes field.

    She gets to a clearing where three of Loki soldiers can be seen they spot her.*

    Solder 1Its the Champion of Asgard!

    Solder 2Yes! Its her!

    *Ana dismounts.*

    Solder 1 rushes to Ana My lady its done.

    Anaxenite Good *grins* How much longer?

    Solder 1Its about to happ..

    *A huge explosion is heard its the storehouses of Lokis men, all the provisions and

    weapons stored are burning.*

    *Another explosion is followed by another*

    Anaxenite I take that these are the catapults huh?

    Solder 3 comes running Officer! The catapults they are falling!

    Anaxenite or were the catapults *grins*

    *Ana and the three solders get out from hiding to observe whats happening down the hill.*

    The catapults are falling apart,

    Loki soldiers screams of terror are heard as large pieces of the catapults fall over them and

    the fire consumes them.*

    Anaxenite *with a devilish smile* says to the soldiers Nice work you can get back to your

    posts, dont want you to be identified by Loki.

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    Solder 1 (officer) *bows with his right hand over his chest in a fist* - Yes my lady.

    *The solders leave*

    *Ana takes another long look at the battlefield, she has an anguished look on her face,

    obviously struck by past images.*

    Anaxenitewell what has to be done, has to be done

    *Ana mounts her horse and gets back to where she left Joan*

    When Ana is getting to the place where she had left her friend she hears a piercing yell and

    sees Joan falling to the ground.

    Anaxenite Joan!!!! (Please gods no!) *rushes even more* as we.