lan 2mm 5an 2mm EPIDENDRUM AMARUENSE Hágsater, Collantes & E.Santiago THE GENUS EPIDENDRUM PART 5 5mm ¡mm Plate 805 ICONES ORCHIDACEARUM 8. 2006

Epidendrum Amaruense

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Epidendrum amaruense La nueva orquídea de Huancavelica

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5an 2mm

EPIDENDRUM AMARUENSE Hágsater, Collantes & E.Santiago




Plate 805


Page 2: Epidendrum Amaruense

EPIDENDRUM AMARUENSE Hágsater, Collantes et E.5antiago, sp. nov.

Type : PERU : Huancavelica: Prov. Tayacaja, Dist. Huachocolpa: Bosque de Amaru, 2450 m, 22 febrero 2005, Benjamín Col/antes 1001. Holotype: USM! (llIustration voucher.) Isotype: MOL!

Epidendro jativae Dodson sim ile sed foliis brevioribus, floribus luteis usque viridi-ochraceis, petalis latioribus ovatis, labello reniformi bilobato, recedit.

Hierba epífi ta, monopodial, ramificada, 17-20 cm de alto. Raíces de la base del tallo inicia l, carnosasf delgadas, blancas, 1-2 mm de grosor. Tallos sencill os, donde cada tallo nuevo se origina de los entrenudos apicales del ta lo anterior, tipo caña, teretes, delgados, erectos, rectos; el Ixincipal 10-11.5 x 0.3 cm, los secundarios 4.5 -5.7 x 0.25 cm. Hojas 8 en el tallo principal, 4 en las ramificaciones, distribuidas hacia la mitad apical del tallol alternas, articuladas, suberectas; vaina tubu lar, 9-14 x 2-3 mm; lámina linear lanceolada, redondeada, bilobada y ap iculaaa, margen entero, 2.5-4 x 0.3-0 .4 cm . Bráctea espatácea ausente . Inflorescencia apical, racemosa, arqueada, corta, florece una so la vez, 1 cm de largo; pedClnculo corto1 terete, delgado, recto, 4 mm de largo; raquis terete, delgado, recto, 6 mm de largo. Brácteas florales ca. de la mitad de largo del ovario, linear triangulares, acuminadas, 4 mm de largo. Flores 4-8, simuTtáneas, no resupinadas; color amarillo a verél e ocráceo, el margen ae los sépalos teñidos de rojo parduzco, dorsalmente cobrizo, antera blanco verdoso; sin fragancia. Ovario terete, delgado, no inflado, no ornamentado, 10 mm de largo. Sépalos extendidos, libres, romboide ovados, subagudos, 3-nervados, margen entero, dorsalmente lisos; el dorsal 5 x-:3 mm' los laterales obl icuos, 4 x 5 mm. Pétalos extendidos, libres, ovados, subagudos, 3-n ervados, margen entero, 5 x 4 mm. labelo unido a la columna, entero, reniforme, bilobado en el ápice, margen dimin utamente papiloso; ecalloso, provisto en la base de 5 qui llas carnosas, paralelas, romas, cortas, 5 x 8.5 mm. Columna arq ueada en la base con respecto al ovario, arriba recta, gruesa, corta, con una cavidad ventral a la cual se accesa por una hendidura larga y angosta; 4 mm de largo; las alas ap icales rectas. Clinandrio corto, margen entero. Antera ren iforme, 4-locu lar. Polinios 4, ooovoides, lateralmente comprimidos, subiguales; caudículas suaves y gran.!llosas, más largas que los polinios. Rostelo apical, hendido. Nectario poco profundo, sin penetrar el ovari O, amplio, 1150. Capsula no vista .

Epiphytic¡ monopodial, branching herb. Roots from the base of the basal stem, fleshy, thin, w hite. Stems simple, the new stems orlginating from a subaplcal internode of the previous stem, cane-liKe, terete, thin, erect, straight. leaves 8, d istributeéf throughout the apical half of the stem, alternate, articu late, suberect; sheath tubu lar(' blade linear-I anceolate, rounded, bilobeéf, margin entire. Inflorescence ap ical, racemose, arch ing, short, flowering on y once; pedunde short, terete, thin, straight; racllis terete, thin, straight. Floral bracts about half the length of the ovary, linear-t riangu lar, acuminate. Flowers 4-8, simu ltaneous, non-resup inate, yellow to ochre-green, the marglll of the sepals tinged w if h brownish-red, dorsally copp'er-colored . Ovary terete, thin, smooth. Sep'als spreadlllg, free, momboid-ovate, subacute, 3-veined, margin entire dorsally smooth; the lateral sepals oblique. Petals spread ing, free ovate, subacute, 3-veined, margin entire. [ip united to the column, entire, reniform, apex bilobed, margin minutely pap ilfose; ecallose, provided at the base w ith 5 fleshy, parallel, rounded, short, keels. Column arch ing at the oase with respect to the ovary, then straight, th ick, short, with a ventral cavity w hich is accessed through a long, narrow slit· the apical w ings straight. Clinandrium hood short, margin entire. Anther reni form( 4-celled. Pollinia 4, ooovoid , lateralfy compressed, subequal ; caudides 50ft and granulose, longer than the pollinia. Roste lum ap ical, sli t. Nectary shallow, w ithout penetrating the ovary, w ide, smooth.

OTHER SPEClMENS: PERU: Paseo: Oxapampa, San Alberto, Cordillera de Yanachaga, 2100 111 , 6 III 1986, van der Werff 8483, MO! Ibid ., 2300-2500 m, van der Werfr8438, USM!

OISTRIBUTION ANO ECOlOGY: Known on ly from the hi.)';her cord illera oriental of the Andes in central Peru, in doud forest, ep iphytic at 2100-2450 m altitude. Flowering from Fe5ruary to March.

RECOGNITION: Epidendrum amaruense belongs to the Diothonea Group and Subgroup wh ich is characterized by the branching plants linear-Ianceolate to oblong leaves, the ap'ex bilobed, racemose, arching-nutant inflorescence membranaceous (Iowers (rarely fleshy), the entire to 3-lobed, ecallose lip w ith the margin erose ano w ithout or w ith 1-1 i:í thin, smooth to erose keels, the column completely free to obliguely uni ted to the I:p, the anther ren ifonn. The species is recognized by the small, non-resup inate, yellow to ochre-green flowers (sepals 4-5 mm Ion.)';) w ith w ide floral segments, the r---------------------..., ovate p'etals 4 mm w ide and the ITp reniform, bilobed. It is similar

/:) .9 , . to Epiaendrum j ativae Dodson w nich shares the non-resupinate

~ A -'Írl' .. :::;:, -' - flowers, but has longer leaves, up to 10 cm long, 1.5 mm w ide, Ih ~~ . ' U ()~);".J,~"_;:;:.D oblong petals, and 1he 3-keeled IIp 3- lobed w lth the midlobe 'J', " '"",Ó ),,~VV'~}\' , ":l ''..;¡ small and Itself bllobed. It 15 yegetatlve ly Similar to Epldendrum

'-,/ '0 ~----' ,.- >/'~T'- cochabambanum Dodson & Vasquez w hlch has linear petals 0.8-e.." ~A,v 1---" ! 1.5 mm wide, and a transversely ellipti c w ith the apex slightly 4-(\)'1 Q~C// '---1, lobed, and forming a w ide throat w lth the column. Epidendrum

.--:~~r 1=0---"- ~ gastrochi/um Kraenzl., also from Peru, has much larger flowers " /,· .. C-~ 1.", ísepals 11-13 mm long) and the lip' is ovate-orbi cular with 6

~ Y0' " ~ "', ~..í \ laminar keels,. has a much longer column (9-1.0 mm long), and

~ \~ __ '/--' ~ ¡J shares the CUrlOUS narrow cavlty on the underslde of th e column , <-J'-/ ! w hich is accessed through a narrow, elongate slit, a feature first , \, A described in the Colomblan Epidendrum c/elstoco/eum Hágsater &

/LJ' ) J ~1 I qantiago and shared by Epidendrum cottoniif/orum [Rchb.f.) \ rJ I ~. '----- / Hagsater.

\(~(f,¡Lj~ ........ ,.. / CONSERVATION STATUS: DD. Data deficient. \' > ..... "''1 ~'. ,. ./'"'---....__ r\

\ .' ,--, " /. , ,J ) ' - ' \. ETYMOlOGY: In reference to the grandi ose Amaru Forest, w here ,\'\~-',L _/ ~ , the pretype was collected. Th e term amaru in the Inca language \ \ y-J,'"('-. \(' ,-,/ " 'c....\ refers to a great seq;?ent, such as the giant Boa or Anaconda found ('~ ¡\...." '(''', ,< '' ~ / in the forest The forest is very ri cn in orchid species, and has ~-'::rr' ,1 I ! " " ...... "" , yielded several new species,

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Authors: E. Hágsater, B, Collantes & E. Santiago IlIustrator: B. Collantes Editors: E. Hágsater & L Sánchez S.

Herbario AMO Apartado Postal 53-123, 11320 México, D.F., MÉXICO ICONES ORCHIOACEARUM 8. 2006. Plate 805