農曆新年求恩彌撒及團拜茶聚 一月二十八日農曆丁酉年大年初一,永援聖母堂在上午九 時舉行新年中文求恩彌撒,堂區教友超過百多人踴躍參與 ,大家心中祈求天主在新的一年賞賜各種恩惠,彌撒後派 發紅封包,也表示對教友的祝福 ! 隨後大家到上禮堂開始新春團拜茶聚,這活動由牧靈關愛 組負責統籌策劃,一星期前已預先準備各款賀年食品,有 年糕、蘿蔔糕、芋頭糕、馬蹄糕、油角、糖環、笑口棗、 芋蝦等,當天更有明火富貴粥,連同教友們帶來食品有蛋 糕、各類甜品和生果,可謂食物豐富,美不勝收。 大家可能參與不同時間的主日彌撒,今天的新春團拜能聚 首一堂,更適逢天氣回暖,大家互相問候和祝願,喜氣洋 溢。牧靈關愛組分送食品給各教友,很快坐滿十桌和其他 擺設的座位。首先由堂區委員會代表聖堂向大家拜年,神 父也祝賀和求天主降福我們,其他教友相繼說出吉利話語 ,雞年的鼓勵詞句。牧靈關愛組組員更為教友帶領唱新年 歌 : 恭喜,恭喜及天主的祝福。 禮堂上張貼的揮春很有意思,也講述當時的情境 : 春風報 暖融和樂、主賜平安祐世人。 我們祈求天主賜給福祐之餘,希望大家不忘感恩和讚美天 主的光榮。 John So, Pastoral Care Team OLPH [email protected] 2017-02-19 1

農曆新年求恩彌撒及團拜茶聚 - myolph.org Echo-43-2017-02.pdf · 麥神父更將別人剛剛送給他的茶葉蛋 轉送給這位新領洗教友。麥神父對別人的關懷總是無微不至。當教友們與麥神

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Page 1: 農曆新年求恩彌撒及團拜茶聚 - myolph.org Echo-43-2017-02.pdf · 麥神父更將別人剛剛送給他的茶葉蛋 轉送給這位新領洗教友。麥神父對別人的關懷總是無微不至。當教友們與麥神


一月二十八日農曆丁酉年大年初一,永援聖母堂在上午九時舉行新年中文求恩彌撒,堂區教友超過百多人踴躍參與,大家心中祈求天主在新的一年賞賜各種恩惠,彌撒後派發紅封包,也表示對教友的祝福 !


大家可能參與不同時間的主日彌撒,今天的新春團拜能聚首一堂,更適逢天氣回暖,大家互相問候和祝願,喜氣洋溢。牧靈關愛組分送食品給各教友,很快坐滿十桌和其他擺設的座位。首先由堂區委員會代表聖堂向大家拜年,神父也祝賀和求天主降福我們,其他教友相繼說出吉利話語,雞年的鼓勵詞句。牧靈關愛組組員更為教友帶領唱新年歌 : 恭喜,恭喜及天主的祝福。

禮堂上張貼的揮春很有意思,也講述當時的情境 : 春風報暖融和樂、主賜平安祐世人。

我們祈求天主賜給福祐之餘,希望大家不忘感恩和讚美天主的光榮。 John So, Pastoral Care Team

OLPH [email protected]


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大會除枱獎外,更有50多份獎品,分兩次抽出幸運兒。最後由牧民議會主席朱樂安致謝詞,他指出大會是由多個善會的成員分擔各項辛勞的工作,才使晚宴得以成功舉行,在下也有同感,使我們能享受一個歡樂晚上。謹向當晚表演者和所有工作人員致敬,祈主賜福給各主內弟兄姊妹。 Tony Wong


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Emily Chan, Echo Editor



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丁酉雞年 丁酉雞年

喔喔喔喔. . . . . ! 恭祝大家丁酉年身體健康,主寵日增 !喔喔喔喔. . . . . ! 恭祝大家丁酉年身體健康,主寵日增 !

一時聯想雞嗚跟耶穌與伯多祿的對話,在若望福音中預言伯多祿背主 :一時聯想雞嗚跟耶穌與伯多祿的對話,在若望福音中預言伯多祿背主 :西滿伯多祿問耶穌說 :「主 ! 你往那裏去 ?」耶穌回答說 :「我所去的地方,你如今西滿伯多祿問耶穌說 :「主 ! 你往那裏去 ?」耶穌回答說 :「我所去的地方,你如今不能跟我去,但後來卻要跟我去。 」伯多祿向他說 :「主 ! 為什麼現在我不能跟你不能跟我去,但後來卻要跟我去。 」伯多祿向他說 :「主 ! 為什麼現在我不能跟你去 ? 我要為你捨掉我的性命 !」耶穌答覆說 :「你要為我捨掉你的性命嗎 ? 我實實去 ? 我要為你捨掉我的性命 !」耶穌答覆說 :「你要為我捨掉你的性命嗎 ? 我實實在在告訴你 : 雞未叫以前,你要三次不認我。」在在告訴你 : 雞未叫以前,你要三次不認我。」

反省在我應付家變時,我也曾作過放棄做基督徒的打算,加上家中每一成員都患反省在我應付家變時,我也曾作過放棄做基督徒的打算,加上家中每一成員都患上難以痊癒之症,我舉首問蒼天,問天主 : 你想我怎樣 ? 你要我怎樣 ? 就在那時候上難以痊癒之症,我舉首問蒼天,問天主 : 你想我怎樣 ? 你要我怎樣 ? 就在那時候我想到伯多祿三次不認主的經歷,難道我會走那段路嗎 ? 那些日子,我心力交悴我想到伯多祿三次不認主的經歷,難道我會走那段路嗎 ? 那些日子,我心力交悴,魔鬼時刻纏繞著我,我只有不斷祈求,希望天主加以眷顧,給我支持吧。真的,魔鬼時刻纏繞著我,我只有不斷祈求,希望天主加以眷顧,給我支持吧。真的,祂絕不放棄,並派了位「陳皮梅」女士來拯救我,主力的叫我再去聖堂,自此,祂絕不放棄,並派了位「陳皮梅」女士來拯救我,主力的叫我再去聖堂,自此我盡力去參與彌撒,內心對天主逐漸不抗拒,並開始熱心去參加朝聖之旅,特別我盡力去參與彌撒,內心對天主逐漸不抗拒,並開始熱心去參加朝聖之旅,特別到默主哥耶一行,天主啓迪我的心,聖母給我撫慰,所以在患難中千萬不要氣餒到默主哥耶一行,天主啓迪我的心,聖母給我撫慰,所以在患難中千萬不要氣餒。

在求學階段及執業「人之患」時都是在天主教學校庇護下仍是崗守的教徒,一旦在求學階段及執業「人之患」時都是在天主教學校庇護下仍是崗守的教徒,一旦有了家庭,繼而移民,更不成話了,總被各種藉口包庇,逐漸連主日也不去接近有了家庭,繼而移民,更不成話了,總被各種藉口包庇,逐漸連主日也不去接近天主 ! 回想那是多令天主傷心,更體會耶穌預言伯多祿對他是何等的傷刺呢 !天主 ! 回想那是多令天主傷心,更體會耶穌預言伯多祿對他是何等的傷刺呢 !

新春期間,各人都喜氣洋洋,趕忙去弄糕點,趕忙去團拜,可別忘了要光榮天主新春期間,各人都喜氣洋洋,趕忙去弄糕點,趕忙去團拜,可別忘了要光榮天主啊 ! 我承認是天主的寵兒,能有機會去把家庭再組織,其中原原本本都由天主安啊 ! 我承認是天主的寵兒,能有機會去把家庭再組織,其中原原本本都由天主安排和帶領,事無大小都來得出奇的順利。排和帶領,事無大小都來得出奇的順利。


Teresa Chow, Echo Editor


Page 6: 農曆新年求恩彌撒及團拜茶聚 - myolph.org Echo-43-2017-02.pdf · 麥神父更將別人剛剛送給他的茶葉蛋 轉送給這位新領洗教友。麥神父對別人的關懷總是無微不至。當教友們與麥神

Father John Make passed away peacefullyon February 8th 2017.

To many of us he was not just a priest. He was the founding leader of our Parish, our mentor, friend, and in some ways

our grandfather. You will forever be missed!

“Earthly ideals are fading away. I see the ideal life in sacrifice and the ideal of sacrifice in priesthood.”

St. Joseph Sebastian Pelczar

Father John Mak was a caring man and devoted to God. Having arrived to Calgary in 1981, he was the cornerstone in building the Chinese Catholic community and he led the parish up until April 2005 before going to Vancouver and Edmonton. Father Mak was deeply loved by the youngest of children, up to the older adults of the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. These are the fond and precious memories that our Youth Group and Young Adult Group would like to share.

“When I was younger maybe 6 or 7, in the old St. Paul's hall, there was a party where my dad and I went up and sang a karaoke song, "Charlie Charlie Cheep Bom Bom". Father Mak called me that ever since.” Aaron Tsang (YAG Member)

“I remember when I was 5 and it was time for me to pick a saint’s name for my baptism and Father Mak and my mom were deciding on St. Monica, or St Mary. I remember how Father Mak just looked at me and said, “ It shall be Mary.” Father Mak was there for my first Baptism, first Holy Communion, First Reconciliation, and Confirmation. Father Mak played a really important part of my faith Journey. Thank you for being there when I was reaching those precious faith milestones. Thank you for teaching me about the importance of putting my trust in God always!” Peggy Yip (YAG Member)

“Father Mak gave me my name when I was born. I liked it so much I guess, I’ve kept it ever since.” Janette Mi (YAG Member)

“Father Mak welcomed my mom and I into OLPH when we didn't know many people at the church, and looked after me while my mom was studying in RCIA class.” John John Guo(YAG Member)

“My favorite memory of Father Mak was when he mistakenly thought I was dating his great-nephew. The excitement in his eyes lit up his face so much that I should have agreed it was true. Rest in Peace for heaven gained another Angel.” Sharon Tse(YAG Member)

Youth and Young Adult Tribute to Reverend John Mak


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“I was baptized by Father Mak when I was one year old, and later received the Sacrament of Holy Communion and Reconciliation with him as well. My fondest memory of Father Mak is whenever there would be a dinner function and you were sitting at his table, he would always make sure to serve everyone else with the food first before he took a little for himself. Even a small action like that taught me a life lesson to always help and provide service to your neighbours.” Jenny Lam (YAG Member)

“When my grandparents came to Canada, Father Mak made them feel welcomed. He helped them get settled in a foreign land.” Chelsea Lau (YAG Member)

“I only realized this later when I looked at some old photos, but Father Mak was the one who baptized me when I was five. And I remember my baptism.” Sally Cheung (YAG Member)

“I will never forget how Fr. Mak always had a smile on his face and gave us a stern pat whenever we saw him; along with his caring and witty remarks.” Juliana Lau (YAG member)

“I started going to church in my high school years and Father Mak was the first priest that I got to know well. He inspired me not only through his homily, but the way he lived his life and his love for young children and animals has left a very deep impression on me. When I moved to Edmonton, it was by God's grace that Father Mak was serving at the Edmonton Chinese Parish for some time and I got to see his cheerful face again. He even made a nice goldfish pond at the parish and that was such a joy. God planned it so perfectly that Father Mak also witnessed my wedding and that meant so much to me. Father Mak, I will miss you dearly, rest in peace.” Maggie Fung (Chan) (Former YAG member)

“Father Mak officiated William’s parents’ wedding in Montreal before establishing the Chinese Catholic Church in Calgary. His long lasting friendship with both of our families made it feel like it was because of him that we were fated to be together and start a family. We were really blessed to have Father Mak officiate our wedding, as well as have him baptize Nathaniel. We will always remember him for what he did for our family.” William and Teresa Lee (Former YAG members)

“Thank you for helping out at church for so many years and helping us grow in our faith. You have taught us how to treat everyone with respect and how to love one another.” Porscha Lau (Former Youth Group Member)

“Father Mak baptized me when I was only about a month old. Thank you for being a part of my journey in getting to know God more.” Vincent Yip (Youth Group member)


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Page 8: 農曆新年求恩彌撒及團拜茶聚 - myolph.org Echo-43-2017-02.pdf · 麥神父更將別人剛剛送給他的茶葉蛋 轉送給這位新領洗教友。麥神父對別人的關懷總是無微不至。當教友們與麥神

Remembering a Passionate Priest

In 1989, just before the June 4th, Tiananmen Square incident in China, my family and I immigrated to Calgary. When we first came, we didn’t have other family members in Calgary and only knew one other family. My parents found there was a Chinese Catholic Church in Calgary, St. Paul’s Catholic Church. This is where we met Father Mak. At that time, the Calgary Chinese Catholic community was not very big so when my family went to church it was very easy for Father Mak to identify that we were new parishioners. He approached my parents and started to get to know our parents. He then started to introduce us to the other parishioners at church. That was the beginning of the many friendships our family has within the church. He would ask the parishioners to see if they can help us if we needed help or have any questions, as we were new to Calgary. He even introduced us to people he knew from outside the church. I was very young then, but when I saw how he took care of my

family, there was this very closest about him that I don’t think words can really describe. He was like another ”Father” to us. He provided an example as to how God would want us to treat others.

Besides being a fatherly figure, he was also quite a perfectionist. After I received my first communion, I helped out the church by being an Altar Server. Father Mak had very high standards of the Altar Servers he wanted things done in a certain way. When it was time for the bigger celebrations like Christmas or Easter, sometimes it can get a bit intimidating being an altar server because Father Mak likes to change things last minute and you would be able tell he was upset if it wasn’t the way he wanted it. So, as altar servers we would always have to be very alert so we know what Father Mak wanted. Being young and didn’t know any better back then, I always thought to myself, why was Father Mak so picky and can he ever make up his mind? Reflecting now, the main reason Father Mak wanted the way certain things done was because he knew that was the way that God wanted it to be done. Even when it was at the rehearsal for my wedding ceremony, Father Mak was still directing making changes as needed trying make the wedding ceremony as perfect as possible. We will never be perfect, but should always try to live our lives as closely as possible the way that God has taught us to live. Father Mak was truly a great example of that.

Father Mak was very dedicated Priest even when his health was deteriorating. Although he should be resting, he didn’t want to retire as the Parish pastor until another Chinese Speaking Priest could be found. He wanted to make sure that the Chinese Catholic Community would continue to flourish in Calgary even after he retires. He didn’t want to just leave and not have a Chinese Speaking Priest at the parish. That

Dear Lord, Father Mak is resting in the comfort of Your Loving Arms. His pain and suffering has ceased and he is in eternity with You. We pray for his family, friends and parishioners, that they may have strength and comfort during in this difficult time. May his soul and the souls of all Faithful departed, through the mercy of God, Rest In Peace. Amen.


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didn’t happen until 2005 and even then he wasn’t fully retired. He was going around where Parishes needed help and he would help celebrate mass for those parishes.

In 2013, I asked Father Mak to be the officiant for my wedding and with no hesitation, he said, “Just let me know the date and I will be there”. I was so happy that he was able to be officiant at my wedding. One thing that I will always remember from Father Mak’s homily at my wedding was “Always trust your Love in God”. At the time, I really didn’t know what it really meant. However, now that I have my own son and family, I think I am beginning to understand what he truly meant. As long as you trust in God’s Love, you will know how to love and be loved. His homily had such a powerful and meaningful message we can all relate to.

There could be many great things that can be said about Father Mak; one thing for sure was that he was a very passionate priest. Father Mak showed us how to live a life fully with Christ by serving those in need. Father Mak’s kindness and compassion for our parish community will always be remembered. I know that Father Mak is now with God. I know that God will continue to watch over him and that Father Mak will be watching over us all. Father Mak, you will be missed forever. Rita Kong

Youth Night In

On January 14th, three missionaries from the Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO) came to speak to the youths and young adults of our Parish. The CCO is a group of missionaries that aim to help university students and young adults to keep and strengthen their faith in God. The speakers, Tim, Minerva, and Dani-elle, left a great and strong impression on the youths and young adults.

One of the speakers Tim shared his life experience of his encounter with God and how he decided to become a mis-sionary right after his graduation from university. Tim's insightful story about his journey to trust and reconcile with God allowed the audience to reflect on their own personal lives and relationship with the Lord. He encouraged us to continue to pray and seek for God’s plan in our lives.

In short, Tim's message was that no matter how much one may sin and mess up in a lifetime, one should not neglect God, but instead turn to Him and ask for help. After the awe-inspiring presenta-tion, the youths and young adults made their way down to the Olympic Oval to go ice-skating. It was truly an enjoyable and relaxing youth night!

Michelle Lee, Youth Group

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Page 10: 農曆新年求恩彌撒及團拜茶聚 - myolph.org Echo-43-2017-02.pdf · 麥神父更將別人剛剛送給他的茶葉蛋 轉送給這位新領洗教友。麥神父對別人的關懷總是無微不至。當教友們與麥神

Recently, I was invited by one of my friends from university to attend a talk at St. Michaels. Father Cristino Bouvette was the speaker that day and he explored on the concepts of religion and spirituality. You may have heard people say: “ I am spiritual but not religious.” What do these people mean?

Attending the talk was definitely a mind-opening experience. It made me realize how we as believers in Christ often forget about what the true meaning of religion is. Although I cannot relay the whole talk in this article, I would like to share a few key points that really stood out to me.

At the beginning of the talk, we were asked to share our thoughts and understanding of what “spirituality” means and what “religion” means. We split the erasable board into two sections and listed some key words that we thought were pertinent to those terms. Under the spirituality section, common terms such as: internal, independent, vague, energy, and man-centered came up. While on the other side, when we looked at the term “religion” ideas of structure, laws, doctrine, teaching, and community came about. Father Bouvette emphasized that in our modern age, people tend to reject the idea of being part of an “organized religion” because there are too many rules, obligations, and traditions that need to be followed. Oftentimes, when an individual breaks the rule like not following the 10 commandments, bad feelings come about. However, spirituality is often interpreted as a more individualized idea. There are no set rules as to how you can be spiritual. This leads people to feel “good “ and not restricted or forced to do something.

However, an interesting point that Fr. Bouvette highlighted in his talk was that we as young

people often forget that religion is tied with justice. With justice, we must do the right thing. As Catholics, we are called to worship God with all our heart, every action we do we do it for him and we should always praise him. That is our duty as a believer in Christ Jesus. Unfortunately, many people may often be confused and believe that if we follow God’s words and do the things he wants us to do, we should get something back from him. Fr. Bouvette stressed having that thought can often lead a person to feel dissatisfied with their religion and beliefs and cause them to deviate or lose track of their faith. However, as Fr. Bouvette stressed that spirituality and religion cannot be divided into two separate entities because religion calls for us to be spiritual. Saint Paul himself encouraged us to live spiritual lives that will bring us closer to God. What are your thoughts about spirituality versus religion?

Peggy Yip, Echo Editor, Young Adults Group

Religion versus Spirituality: Can one exist without The Other?


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On Christmas Day 2016, Father Brian Hubka, poured the holy waters of baptism on the souls of three children: Gabriel, Dahlia and Summer Hayden, as their godparents placed their guiding hands on their shoulders and prayed fervently for this special family who have looked forward to this day for a long time.

I am so grateful to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish and the teaching and sharing of knowledge my grandchildren have received.

You have restored my faith in God. I have been so tormented for so many years now, as I have not been able to get Gabriel baptized, and it has weighed so heavy on my mind and soul for so long. And the Catholic school Gabriel has attended for six years - he was never allowed to read, nor participate in Mass, because he was not baptized. No wonder he hated his religion class and had no interest in it.

I must say, it's good to be back to church, after many long years of feeling alienated and very uncomfortable to attend the Catholic Church with my grandchildren. We are all alone in Calgary, and no other Catholics in our life ... No one to teach Gabriel about God, only me. And no one in my family (all are in Saskatchewan) is Christian. I am the only one. Gabriel is very interested in God and very interested to learn.

The window of opportunity for Gabriel to learn about Christ was getting smaller. Soon he will be in his teen years and it will be much harder to influence him. I had been so fearful that something would happen to me before Gabriel got baptized, and he would have no one to teach him about God, about his Savior. Yes, it is so important to me that Gabriel and his sisters know about God’s love and mercy, so they know they aren’t alone in this world.

We are eternally grateful for the generosity of Our Lady of Perpetual Help and the Sunday school teachers, to give us your time and guidance and instruction, in all things related to God’s Word. Once again, I am so glad I stumbled and dragged myself into the church, with tears and sobbing and wailing, begging for help. It took all of my strength to do this, as I’ve felt very rejected, unworthy, and voiceless and angry … But when OLPH offered help … I thanked God for his unending blessing. He is so good ... as I struggle with the duty of caring for my three grandchildren, in this cruel world, I am doing my absolute best not to give up. Tracey Reynaud

The Baptism of my three grandchildren



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2016年 11月,我和太太回到香港探望家人和親友,適逢母親和外母的生辰都在 11月,我們分別為她們慶祝,兒孫滿堂,相聚一起,她們流露著喜悦平安。父親和外父已去世,我們相繼到墓前(骨灰龕)向他們致敬,雖然他們不曾領受聖洗聖事,在這煉靈月我們為他們祈禱。

聖德肋撒堂星期六下午四時有兒童彌撒,彌撒之前兒童參加主日學和慕道班,學習道理和準備聖洗、堅振、領聖體及各聖事的禮儀。之後和父母家長一同參與彌撒聖祭。他們佔了聖堂大部分座位,我很感動他們念的信友禱文:「請為兒童祈禱,求主賜給他們活力智慧,在一個和諧的家庭環境中學習和成長」。祭台上四位兒童帶動,台下教友、家長和兒童起立齊聲答唱和做手勢動作:♪ 願我禱聲♪ (合攏雙手在胸前)♪ 飄往高天♪ (張開雙手舉向上)♪ 懇切望你♪ (雙手在胸前翻開)♪ 側耳細聽♪ (雙手合攏靠在耳邊)大家都感到耶穌基督融合當中。



台灣天主教安老院在台北新北市八里區,很榮幸由前總主教狄剛神父接待,他介紹我們認識幾位修女,她們屬於安貧小姊妹修會 (Little Sisters of the Poor),安老院所有事務全由她們負責,包括院長、行政、財務、廚務、護理、照料長者日常生活及靈修,她們無私的奉獻,照顧弱勢的貧困長者,讓他們心靈富足,棲息有所,在家一般的環境內,完成俗世的旅程。狄剛神父帶領我們觀訪安老院各院友和廳房設施,還在餐廳裡和院友、修女和侍工等共進午餐,又為當月生辰的院友慶祝。我羨慕這寬敞令人悠然的居處,忍不住說希望住到這裡,狄剛神父說:你需要一貧如洗才合資格的。狄剛神父對我們娓娓而談,我們離開時,他依依不捨。若你到台北,定要找機會探訪他和安老院。



高 雄 真 福 山 聖堂 內 的 耶 穌 在 十 字 架 上 張 開 雙 臂



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Page 13: 農曆新年求恩彌撒及團拜茶聚 - myolph.org Echo-43-2017-02.pdf · 麥神父更將別人剛剛送給他的茶葉蛋 轉送給這位新領洗教友。麥神父對別人的關懷總是無微不至。當教友們與麥神

一步一足印 一步一足印

某一夜,我輾轉反側,未能入睡,回憶起我所走過的路,一些片段、一些畫面,就像電影的倒鏡重新播放.... 我彷彿回到兒時長大的地方—澳門,那時家裡窮困,我和姊姊每天都要走一段很長的路去上學,學校在主教山的山腳,我們得沿著南灣的海傍走,本來風景是優美的,美麗的港灣能眺望矗立的教堂,但路途實在遙遠,實在無心欣賞沿途風光,加上當年由於營養不良,曾經試過餓到差點暈倒街頭,後來休息過後,才拖著瘦小的身軀,踏著碎石的小路回家。







Maria Leung, Faith Sharing Group Coordinator

11月27日我們在真福山慶祝將臨期第一主日彌撒聖祭,點亮第一支蠟燭,期待新生王的來臨,我們翻開簇新的經書,開始新的禮儀年甲年讀經,神父給我們講道: 「今天的經文, 叫我們醒悟,不要疏忽基督的來臨,我們或許會覺得新的禮儀年不外是重複每年沉悶的說教,但如果我們能以天主聖言更新信仰,讓聖言指導生活,生活見證聖言,我們每天的生活就如天主恩賜的新生命。」

這11月,我感恩有家庭團聚,親情洋溢;有機會學習安貧小姊妹修女們的無私奉獻服務,感悟拋開私慾偏情,渴求天主聖神。祝願大家在新的一年常以聖言更新生活和信仰。 John So, P.P.C. Councillor

台 北 聖 家 堂 彩 色 玻 璃 透 射 天 光


Page 14: 農曆新年求恩彌撒及團拜茶聚 - myolph.org Echo-43-2017-02.pdf · 麥神父更將別人剛剛送給他的茶葉蛋 轉送給這位新領洗教友。麥神父對別人的關懷總是無微不至。當教友們與麥神


記起我剛從香港移民到加拿大,並定居卡加里,可謂人地生疏,一切從頭開始。那時我沒有去聖堂,任何事都要靠女兒的指引、帶路。若遇到下雪天,更是足不出戶,甚至整個星期都躲在家裏。好不容易待到星期日,女婿開車來接我去超級市場採購日用品和食物,這才有機會出門。 踏在冰雪上走路,真是一步一驚心,恐伯又再滑倒,因為我曾經多次滑倒,手足朝天,因此見到冰天雪地就怕怕。在移民前,有親友對我說: 『移民外國就如一個殘廢的人一樣;又盲、又聾、又啞和跛。』想起當時言語不通,又不會開車,真的應驗了親友的說話。


有一天,彌撒後,教友愛麗絲 (前聖母軍團長) 邀請我加入聖母軍,我沒有立刻答應,因為每月聚會一次的信仰小團體也是在週末上午舉行,並告知愛麗絲,她囑咐我如有聖經分享便不用到聖母軍開會。就這樣一個偶然的機會,我加入了聖母軍,現在屈指算來已有六、七年了。









鄧筱瓊 (Teresa Tang)


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聯想起十多年前,幸得聖母媽媽的召喚 (bro. Andrew是聖母媽媽的代表) ,我入隊了,加入了聖母軍行列。每星期六早上,開一個多鐘頭車來永援聖母堂開會,雖然路遠,但心中充滿喜樂,因為又可以見到那些充滿愛心和信心,及熱情的團友,我們兄弟姊妹一起開開心心地開會和得到神師的指導。能加入聖母軍隊伍心中覺得平安、快樂,這是上主和聖母賜與的恩寵。現在我是退伍軍人了,會繼續為聖母軍祝福和祈禱,希望有朝一日我能歸隊。

紉, Alice Ho


施修女 (聖母軍神師)

反思加入聖母軍多年,感謝聖母揀選了我入伍,與聖母一同工作和祈禱 ; 學習她的謙遜和服從上主的美德。加上得到團員們、“退伍軍人”和神師的關懷、支持、代禱和靈修訓示,提升信仰生活,令我感覺作為聖母軍是一種福氣。

Gemma Leung

「你們不要憂慮說 : 我們吃什麽,喝什麼,穿什麼? 你們的天父知道你們的一切需要。你們要先尋求天主的國和它的義德,這一切自會加給你們。」

Andrew Chau (輔助團員)

光陰荏苒,加入了聖母軍一幌眼已八年多,我相信是聖母的召喚,培育我的信德,給我磨煉,作為她的工具。很喜歡聖方濟各的和平禱文 (The Peace Prayer of St. Francis) ,我以該禱文作為我靈修的藍本,透過聖母,與主更相近 ; 透過聖母軍的服務工作,更偶爾見到耶穌,心中感到平安喜樂!

Goretti Hung, 聖母軍團長

As soldiers of Mary, we look to our Commander in Chief to feed us, to guide us, to teach us, to cure our ailments, to console us in our griefs, to counsel us in our doubts and to recall us when we

wander. When we are so wholly confided to her care, we may grow in holiness to the resemblance of our elder brother, Jesus. Another objective of the Legion is personal service under the influence of the Holy Spirit for the glory of God and the salvation of souls as its final end and purpose. For this goal we pray daily “…..Grant us a lively faith ( O Lord ) animated by charity, which will enable us to perform all our actions from the motive of pure love of you and ever to see you and serve you in our neighbor;…..A courageous faith which will inspire us to undertake and carry out without hesitation great things for your glory and for the salvation of souls;…..”

Sally Mary Olivieri


Paul Leung

「因為堂區內的一些問題,令我很難受。有些朋友便勸我轉奉基督教。我便這樣答他們:『我是不會轉教的,因為我不捨得離開聖母』。這番說話是我們堂區中一位已故的婆婆私下告訢我的。她對聖母的這份赤子之心,真令人感動,令人羨慕。我相信堂區中有許多教友曾經去過聖母顯現過的地方朝聖,在那裏誠心向聖母求恩,向她謝恩。回來後又有沒有想過要做一位孝順聖母的子女呢?聖母軍給我的感受就是一群願意孝順聖母的子女,願意與聖母一起服侍那隱藏在鄰人身上的耶穌,為他們祈禱,為他們犧牲,甚至為他們受苦。這就是聖母軍的精神。你也願意加入聖母軍,做一位孝順聖母的子女嗎? +JMJ+ Joseph Yip

Joining the Legion of Mary has proven to be one of the best choices in my life. The weekly


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meetings disciplined me and deepened my relationship with our dear Mother Mary. My weekly assignments led me to be in touch with those in need, and thus open my heart to willingly and happily offer my services to them. To feel that I am able to help them is most rewarding. Those are times well spent. My thankful prayer to the Holy Spirit and the Blessed Virgin for leading me to be a member of this wonderful army, the Legion of Mary.

Mary Tsang

2007年之前,我都不知道聖母軍是甚麽組織。那時我太太患有末期腸癌,我每天都要帶她到 Foothill 醫院做化療,直到她去世,故此我是醫院的常客。有一天遇見阮神父,他說我有照顧病人的經驗,叫我加入聖母軍。團長 Andrew 派我到松柏軒服務,接送長者,這是我做聖母軍的工作,如是者便做到現在。

Eddie Chan

新春時節,迴聲全體編輯在此祝各位新春時節,迴聲全體編輯在此祝各位時常平安、喜樂、健康,主寵日增! 盼這新一年,主愛充滿時常平安、喜樂、健康,主寵日增! 盼這新一年,主愛充滿各人生命,大家更能積極多各人生命,大家更能積極多行善事,傳揚主愛,愈顯主榮善事,傳揚主愛,愈顯主榮

。May the Year of the Rooster be filled with prosperity, May the Year of the Rooster be filled with prosperity,

wealth and health to each and every one of you. Thank wealth and health to each and every one of you. Thank you for being a loyal reader of Echo!you for being a loyal reader of Echo!

Editors: Anne Lam, Emily Chan Jenny Lam, Josephine Li, Peggy Yip, Teresa Chow, Winnie Lau


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