ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ANNUAL REPORT2009 · ISO 14001:2004. This is an international standard which sets the requirements for an Environmental Management System. ISO 14001:2004

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Page 1: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ANNUAL REPORT2009 · ISO 14001:2004. This is an international standard which sets the requirements for an Environmental Management System. ISO 14001:2004


Page 2: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ANNUAL REPORT2009 · ISO 14001:2004. This is an international standard which sets the requirements for an Environmental Management System. ISO 14001:2004

Using and working for nature

Table of Contents

Introduction 1

Environmental Protection Policy 2

Legislation in the field of environmental protection 3

Environmental Management System ISO 14001:2004 4

Main Company activities and their impact on the environment 4

Waste Management 9

Management of chemical substances 10

Fuels and electrical energy 11

Environmental Protection Programme 2009 of Sofiyska Voda AD – Achievements review 12

Sofiyska Voda AD’s Environment Protection Programme 2010 16

Page 3: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ANNUAL REPORT2009 · ISO 14001:2004. This is an international standard which sets the requirements for an Environmental Management System. ISO 14001:2004

Sofiyska Voda AD is the biggest water supply and sewerage company in Bulgaria, servicing about one-fourth of the population of the country. The Company took on the management of water supply and sewerage systems and networks within Sofia Municipality in October 2000, after signing a Concession Agreement.

The assets maintained and operated by Sofiyska Voda AD are the water supply and sewerage networks and facilities, including potable water treatment plants and wastewater treatment plants. The Company provides high-quality services to customers, following the principles of sustainable development and caring for recovery and protection of the environment.


Environmental Protection Annual Report 2009 | 1

Our environmental responsibilities

Page 4: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ANNUAL REPORT2009 · ISO 14001:2004. This is an international standard which sets the requirements for an Environmental Management System. ISO 14001:2004

Environmental Protection PolicyAs the activities of the Company impact directly on the components of the environment they are managed in an environmentally friendly way.

The Company is ecologically responsible and it implements a purposeful ecological policy. Sofiyska Voda AD provides high-quality water supply and sewerage services, using natural resources rationally. The Company works to reduce to a minimum the harmful impact on the environment affected by its activity while complying with the legal requirements concerning its basic activity, particularly environmental protection. Other environmental activities of the Company are to reduce to a minimum the quantities of waste generated by the Company and promotion of initiatives for recycling and re-using. Sofiyska Voda AD effectively manages the risks of negative impacts not only on the environment but also on occupational health and safety.

The continuous improvement of the knowledge and skills of employees, customers and stakeholders concerning environmental protection enables Sofiyska Voda AD to take actions in order to implement the environmental protection policy at all levels in the Company.

The implementation of an effective system for selection, qualification and motivation of the staff for establishing a positive culture of environmental protection, are other important steps towards achieving the ecological objectives of Sofiyska Voda AD. The Company actively cooperates with the respective competent bodies, environmental organizations

and all interested parties in solving the problems related to environment protection.

Environmental objectives

The management of Sofiyska Voda AD sets the general and specific objectives of the Company regarding environmental protection. They are set in line with the approved Environmental Policy and the strategic development of the Company. These are the basis for drawing up the Environmental Protection Programme.

General environmental objectives

To reduce environmental impact resulting from the water <intake process and to preserve and improve surface and ground water sources, especially the ones located on the territory of protected areas and areas with special management regime.

To constantly provide high-quality water to customers, <taking into consideration environmental impact resulting from related activities.

To maintain high quality of the potable water provided <to customers and continue the implementation of the water loss reduction programme.

To improve the quality of surface and ground water by <maintaining, building and connecting the sewerage network to the wastewater treatment plant.

To maintain and manage the activities related to the <Company’s assets, protecting the environment from their harmful impact and raising their effectiveness.

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To reduce the consumption of electricity and fuel and <to use them effectively in order to improve air quality and the environment.

To reduce the use of chemicals and consumables, to <reduce waste generation resulting from the activities of the Company, as well as to continue to apply the different methods for waste utilisation.

To exchange and provide crucial environmental <protection information to customers, Company employees and other stakeholders.

Based on the general environmental objectives, specific and measurable objectives have been set for each level of the Company structure, and a Programme for their achievement has been prepared.

The Programme specifies the responsibilities at each level and the respective positions in the Company responsible for achieving general and specific objectives, within an agreed time frame. The Programme is approved by the Chief Executive Officer of Sofiyska Voda AD.


The management of Sofiyska Voda AD is responsible for the implementation of the Environmental Protection Policy. Each year the Policy is reviewed and updated work plans and programme are prepared.

The long-term environmental objectives of the Company are included in the business strategy of Sofiyska Voda AD.


All Company employees are informed of and committed to achieving the objectives of the environmental policy. The policy is available in the Customer Service Centres and on the web site of the Company.

Legislation in the field of environmental protectionLegislation and authorization registry

Bulgarian environmental legislation is to a great extent in line with EU legislation.

The changes in environmental legislation which have taken place over the past year have not led to significant changes in the environmental policy of the Company.

Based on the requirements of the environmental legislation and the environment management system, Sofiyska Voda AD has prepared and maintains a registry of the laws, bylaws and authorization regimes related to the activity of the Company and particularly to the environment.

In 2009 the registry has been updated after each amendment to a law, bylaw and/or authorization regime against each legislative act, the obligations of the Company have been described.

Authorization regime

As a Water Supply and Sewerage (WSS) company with clear environmental objectives, the Company meets the requirements of EU and Bulgarian legislation in the field of environment protection.

In view of the requirements of the environmental legislation, Sofiyska Voda AD has been issued the following permits:

10 permits for water consumption for potable and <domestic needs for 26 water sources in accordance with the Water Act;

3 permits issued to the wastewater treatment plant <(WWTP) in Kubratovo and the potable water treatment

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Our environmental responsibilities

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plants (PWTP) in Bistritsa and in Pancharevo for discharging wastewater into a water body in accordance with the Water Act;

1 permit for temporary storage and transport of waste, <issued in accordance with the Waste Management Act;

1 permit for operation of Bistritsa Wastewater Treatment <Plant, issued in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act for storage of chlorine in excess of 10 t.

In 2009, Sofiyska Voda AD was reissued with two permits for discharging into a surface water body final effluent from the sludge treatment process at Bistritsa PWTP and process water from Pancharevo PWTP. The permit for temporary storage and transport of waste was amended and supplemented, adding a new site for waste-related activities. The list of waste generated through the Company activities was updated. A permit for water consumption for potable and domestic needs was amended.

Environmental Management System ISO 14001:2004Sofiyska Voda AD has implemented an Environmental Protection and Management System in accordance with ISO 14001:2004. This is an international standard which sets the requirements for an Environmental Management System. ISO 14001:2004 is recognized worldwide and sets requirements on how organizations identify, manage and control activities which impact the environment.

The implementation and maintenance of an Environmental Protection and Management System in Sofiyska Voda AD during 2009 has ensured continuous process. This process helps to reduce to a minimum the risk of pollution and other negative impacts on the environment and to use resources efficiently in order to increase the effectiveness of Company activities.

The Environmental Management System has provided the Company with mechanisms for adequate assessment of all risks and planning activities aimed at improvement of key environmental indicators.

In order to maintain the environmental management system, a training course was held in 2009. Тen new auditors from

different Company units were trained for conducting the planned internal audits. Sofiyska Voda AD successfully passed a first annual control audit by Bureau Veritas.

Main Company activities and their impact on the environmentSofiyska Voda AD provides water supply and sewerage services to a population of over 1.5 million living on 1,345 km2 of Sofia Municipality. The Company also provides raw water to ViK – Sofia District, Samokov town, Borovets resort and several populated areas in the District. The Company provides treated water to Bozhurishte town as well as non-potable water for industrial needs.

The main activities of Sofiyska Voda AD are as follows:

Abstraction of raw water from surface and ground water <sources;

Treatment of raw water and fulfilment of the potable <water standards;

Provision of potable water to consumers; <

Operation, maintenance and extension to the Sewerage <system;

Wastewater treatment; <

Discharge of the treated wastewater into the Iskar River, <the recipient water body.

In 2009 Sofiyska Voda AD invested almost BGN 52 M of the BGN 240 M envisaged over the 5 year period 2009-2013. BGN 28.5 M of it was invested in construction and reconstruction of water supply networks and facilities, BGN 15.9 M in construction and reconstruction of sewerage networks and facilities, and BGN 8.1 M in wastewater treatment.

Water supply

The sustainable management and use of water sources is particularly important for Sofiyska Voda AD to ensure both the water volumes needed by its customers and minimal impact on the environment.

Water sources

The water supply system operated by Sofiyska Voda AD is fed by three dams (Iskar, Beli Iskar and Kokalyane), 24 river catchments, 11 catchments and 1 water source for industrial needs – Pancharevo Weir.

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The majority of the water sources are located on the territory of Rila National Park and the territory of Vitosha Natural Park

The Iskar Dam is the largest dam in Bulgaria both in terms of area and volume. Currently this dam is the main water source for the water supply to the city of Sofia, (80% of the total supplied water volumes). The water from the dam reaches the treatment plants through two impounding mains. The Iskar main is connected to Bistritsa PWTP and the Passarel main is connected to Pancharevo PWTP.

The Beli Iskar dam was commenced in operation in 1948. It is one of the main water sources supplying water to the capital city via the Rila main and ensuring 19% of the potable water for the city. Only 1 % is supplied from smaller sources.

From the beginning of the Concession in 2000 Sofiyska Voda AD achieved a reduction in the total volume of water supplied from the sources.

In accordance with the requirements of water use permits the Company ensures the ecologically necessary minimum water volume in rivers after water intake facilities.

In accordance with the legal requirements of the Sanitary Restricted Areas (SRA) around the water sources and facilities for water supply, SRA designs have been prepared for 30 of the water sources.

To date the procedures for establishment of SRA for 3 water sources, including the Iskar Dam, Beli Iskar Dam and Vitoshka Bistritsa river catchment, have been completed. Over the past year another 1.20 km of the fence for the security of the Iskar Dam SRA was constructed. With regard to the procedure for establishment of an SRA at Kokayane Dam (Weir) there was a public discussion in 2009 about its design with the population of the region.

In December 2009 the Municipality of Sofia – Vitosha region issued 13 public municipal ownership deeds for 10 water sources with their relevant zone designation for the SRAs.

In order to maintain the water sources in good ecological condition, last year alluvial material was removed from 2 river catchments and mechanical cleaning and disinfection of 10 big and 41 smaller reservoirs was undertaken.

Water supply network

The operation and maintenance of the water supply network is crucial to the achievement of the Company objectives for responsible use of the available water resources and protection of the surface and ground water. It encompasses the management and maintenance of a number of assets in order to provide sufficient volumes of high-quality water to customers.

At the beginning of its activity Sofiyska Voda AD took on the operation of 2,722 km of water supply network. Over the following years an assessment of the assets in the Concession Area was made and additional water mains were found.

To date Sofiyska Voda AD maintains and operates 4,174 km of water supply network.

The Company encourages its contractors to apply the modern trenchless technologies when this is technically possible. This is a way to reduce to the possible minimum trench works, air pollution and disruption of road infrastructure and also to reduce the inconveniences experienced by pedestrians and vehicles.

The water loss reduction resulting from the investment programme implementation, the use of modern materials and the methods applied lead to more efficient use of the natural resources and have positive economic and social effects.

BGN 28.5 million was invested in 2009 for the extension and reconstruction of the water supply network.

220 225 230 235 240







Water volumes abstracted from all water sources over the last three years (M m3/year)

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Our environmental responsibilities

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Potable water treatment

In order to ensure potable water quality and meet the requirements set in the European and Bulgarian legislation, potable water is treated in two potable water treatment plants – Pancharevo PWTP and Bistritsa PWTP – with a total treatment capacity of 11.25 m3/sec. Bistritsa PWTP is the biggest and the most modern and reliable potable water treatment plant in Bulgaria.

In 2009, the reconstruction and modernisation of the Chlorination Station with Pancharevo PWTP was undertaken and a detailed design for the reconstruction of the Chlorination Station at Bistritsa PWTP was prepared in compliance with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act.

Sewerage and wastewater treatment

Sewerage network

The extent and condition of the sewerage network in the capital city are crucial to the protection of surface and ground water in the region as well as public health. The sewerage system in Sofia is combined. The main trunk sewers of Sofia follow the route of the rivers running through the city.

The length of the sewerage network within the Concession Area, accepted for operation and maintenance by Sofiyska Voda АD is 1,483 km.

Sewerage services are provided to 97 % of the city part of the territory of Sofia Municipality and part of the populated areas of Bankya, Kremikovtsi, Vrazhdebna and Botunets. The remaining areas in the villages, with less than 2,000 population equivalent have cess pits and septic tanks.

In parallel with the implementation of projects for new sewerage construction, the Company completed in its investment programme for 2009 projects for surveying and improving the technical and operational parameters of the existing sewerage network.

At present the length of the sewerage network maintained and operated by Sofiyska Voda AD is 1,528 km. In order to comply with the environmental legislation, activities continue for connection of new customers to the sewerage system. In 2009, about 7 km of new sewerage network was constructed and rehabilitated.

Wastewater treatment

The wastewater of Sofia is drained by gravity through a combined sewerage system and discharges to Kubratovo WWTP, where it is treated just before being discharged into the Iskar River. The treatment plant was commissioned in 1984 with a design flow of 480,000 m3 of wastewater per day




155 160 165 170 175 180




Potable water volumes treated over the last three years (M м3/year)

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and is the biggest one on the Balkan Peninsula. It covers 600 decares and has been designed for two-stage (mechanical and biological) wastewater treatment plus sludge treatment.

In order to comply with EC Directive concerning urban waste water treatment a project financed under the ISPA Programme of the European Union commenced in 2009. The project being for reconstruction of the primary and secondary sedimentation tanks at Kubratovo WWTP and construction of a third stage for removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from the wastewater of the capital city. EUR 29,980,600 has been envisaged for the construction works.

Sofiyska Voda AD implements a long-term project for reducing of emissions of greenhouse gases and participation of the company in trading with quotas of these emissions. The project started in 2004 when the required documentation was initially developed. The project activities encompass treatment of sludge generated in the treatment plant and subsequent production of heat and electricity. The biogas generated in the process of sludge anaerobic stabilization contains high concentration of methane. The methane is one of the gases with the highest potential (21 times higher than the carbon dioxide) in terms of the greenhouse effect at its release in the atmosphere. The reducing of the emissions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere allow credits for emission reduction to be traded through the Carbon Fund of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

The essence of the project is replacement of the existing low-technology process of sludge treatment with a high-technology process of sludge anaerobic digestion and in this way the energy released at wastewater treatment process is effectively used. The project includes reconstruction of the raw sludge pump station, rehabilitation of 4 anaerobic digesters, a new scheme for sludge recirculation, new system for stirring and biogas extraction, reconstruction of the gasholder, and also delivery and installation of new co-generation unit.

In addition to the gas emission reduction, the project results can be systemized as follows:

The whole volume of primary and secondary sludge is <thickened, dewatered and anaerobically stabilized;

Reducing the risk of diseases due to neutralization of <pathogenic microorganisms in the sludge;

Reducing the odour; <

Option for more effective sludge utilization; <

As a result of the operation of the CHP installation, the <needed electricity, supplied from the NEC, is reduced;

The amount of fuel needed for the plant is reduced. <

The emission reduction is realized in several directions:

Reducing the open release of CH <4 from the drying


Reducing the open release of CH <4 from sludge depots;

Reducing the CO <2 emissions due to the replacement of

the solid fuel-based production of electricity;

Reducing the CO <2 emissions due to the replacement of

the solid fuel-based production of heat.

The total amount of the emissions reduced in the project period 2007 – 2012 is expected to be about a 700,000 tones of CO

2 equivalent.

The key component of this project is:

Installation for combined heat and power (CHP) generation at Kubratovo WWTP

On 2 December 2009 the installation for combined production of heat and power from biogas system was officially opened. The installation is the biggest in the WSS sector in Bulgaria and is located at Kubratovo Wastewater Treatment Plant. With this project Sofiyska Voda AD has contributed to fulfilling the obligation of Bulgaria to reduce harmful emissions in the atmosphere in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol.




125 130 135 140 145




Wastewater volumes treatedover the last three years (M м3/year)

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In the wastewater and sludge treatment process, 20–25 thousand m3 of gas is produced. The biogas generated in the sludge digestion process and consisting of about 68% methane, 30% carbon dioxide and 2% other gases was previously flared off without being used. The new facility at Kubratovo WWTP consists of three cogenerators. Each consumes 8,000 m3 of biogas per day. The energy generated by each unit is equal to 1,063 kWh of electrical and 1,088 kWh of thermal energy. The work of the cogeneration installation will allow full utilization of the biogas.

This project will lead to improvement of the energy efficiency of the processes in the plant and reduction of the greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere.

The commissioning of the CHP is the biggest ecological project in 2009 of Sofiyska Voda AD. The benefits from this project are not only for the territory of Sofia but also for Bulgaria.


Both the quality of potable water supplied by Sofiyska Voda AD to its customers and the quality of the final effluent discharged from Kubratovo WWTW are controlled by the Laboratory Testing Complex (LTC). In 2009, the LTC successfully completed the accreditation procedure and received the certificate from the Bulgarian Accreditation Body at the start of 2010.

Potable Water Monitoring

The Potable Water Sector of the LTC, is located at Bistritsa PWTP, and analyses the qualities of:

The raw untreated water from surface water sources – <Iskar Dam, Beli Iskar Dam, Kokalyane Dam and 17 river catchments;

The water from ground water sources – 11 <catchments;

The water at the inlets and outlets of the two treatment <plants;

The water at the outlets of all reservoirs. <

The LTC monitors the following parameters: residual chlorine, turbidity, colour, temperature, taste, odour, coli titer, escherichia coli and enterococci. The average of the results is calculated and is provided on a daily data. Hydrological and biological as well as a number of physical and chemical parameters are determined on a daily basis.

Water qualities (physical and chemical plus microbiological) are monitored at 78 permanent sample points on the water distribution system. The number of points, the frequency and type of monitoring are in compliance with Ordinance №9 on the quality of water for potable and domestic needs. The sampling is carried out at 26 points located in different residential quarters of the capital city and 52 points in the remaining populated areas whose administration is part of Sofia Municipality. The continuous monitoring includes the following parameters: colour, taste, odour, turbidity, рН, ammonium ion, nitrites, coliforms and Escherichia coli in 100 ml.

The analyses show that the customers of Sofiyska Voda AD have been provided with potable water of excellent quality.

10 607

6 984

4 178

12 780

9 162

6 253

0 5 000 10 000 15 000




Number of samples - microbiological

Number of physical and chemical and microbiological samples over the last three years

Number of samples - physical and chemical

* Online monitoring was introduced in these years

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Wastewater Monitoring

The Wastewater Sector of the LTC, is located at Kubratovo WWTP and analyses:

The quality characteristics of the crude sewerage at the <inlet of the WWTP;

The quality of sludge generated and separated in the <wastewater treatment process;

The quality of the treated wastewater discharged into <the Iskar River;

The quality of the waste water of Industrial customers <who discharge into the sewerage system.

Monthly reports are prepared, covering not only data on daily and monthly water volumes but also data on the chemical and bacteriological indicators of the inlet and outlet flows at the plant.

The data show that the treatment plant works is in compliance with the standards and accomplishes the long-term objectives for quality of the wastewater at the outlet of the treatment plant.

Waste ManagementIn accordance with the legislation in the field of environmental protection, and in particular waste management, Sofiyska Voda AD has a permit for waste-related activities. The Company is entitled to temporary storage and transport waste at the following sites:

Kubratovo WWTP; <Bistritsa PWTP-Process Water; <Fourteen chlorination stations working with chlorine <gas and eleven chlorination points working with sodium hypochlorite on the water supply network;Sewerage depot; <Central Store; <Boyana Reservoir. <

The waste generated at the sites of the Company is subject to continuous control and taken away by contractors having the respective permits for waste-related activities.

Under a Self-Monitoring Plan, Sofiyska Voda AD keeps all result records of the waste treatment in compliance with all legal requirements. The quantities of waste generated and provided for further treatment are recorded on a monthly basis. Annual reports are submitted to the Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water.

In 2009, the Company activity generated 20 types of hazardous waste and 21 types of process waste. The total quantity of waste generated over the year is 141,500 t. The majority of waste comprises 76,100 t of dried sludge which are processed at Kubratovo WWTP generated in the wastewater treatment process, and 60,700 t of excavated material from civil works.







97 98 99 100 101




Percentage of compliance of physical and chemical and microbiological samples over the last three years

Percentage of compliance - microbiologicalPercentage of compliance - physical and chemical




1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099




Number of samples of wastewater over the last three years

96.5 97 97.5 98 98.5 99







Percentage of compliance of samples of wastewater over the last three years

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In 2009 the quantity of sludge, which has been utilized in agriculture as a biosoil enhancer, is 68,150 t, including sludge generated in the previous years.

A system of separate waste collection has been introduced. After a contract was signed with Ecopack AD for collection and transport of paper, plastic and glass waste, separate containers were provided for waste collection on all Company sites.

Under the Environmental Protection Act and the Waste Management Act, a Company waste management programme was prepared which is effective until 2013.

The programme covers all identified waste generated as a result of the activities carried out by Sofiyska Voda AD. The ways of temporary storage, transport and delivery of waste to licensed companies for further utilization or disposal are described in line with the legislative requirements in this field. An action plan for waste management has been prepared.

Management of chemical substancesChemical substances used for potable water treatment

Chlorine and aluminium sulphate are mainly used for potable water treatment. The use of these substances depends to a great extent on the quality of the raw water.

Chlorine gas

Chlorine gas is used for potable water treatment at Bistritsa PWTP, Pancharevo PWTP and the reservoirs of the water supply network. Sofiyska Voda AD has a Permit which is checked every year for compliance with the legal requirements for storage and use of chlorine.

Aluminium sulphate

Considerable amounts of aluminium sulphate are used for potable water treatment. Aluminium sulphate is a coagulant which aids the sedimentation process for the removal of solids and undissolved substances in water. It is supplied in a solid form, which is then mixed with water in order that the solution is added to the raw water for treatment.

Aluminium sulphate is not toxic is not harmful to the environment and people’s heath.

Chemical substances used for wastewater treatment

A large quantity of flocculant is used in the wastewater treatment process. It is used during the sludge dewatering process to facilitate the dewatering of sludge. The quantity of used flocculant over the last three years is increased due to raised generated sludge and improving the process of dewatering it.

In 2009, no incident with chemicals was reported to have polluted the environment or damaged human health.




0 50 100 150




Quantities of used flocculant (t/year) over the last three years







0 500 1000




Quantities of used chlorine and aluminium sulphate over the last three years

Aluminum sulphate (t/year)Chlorine (t/year)







0 20 40 60 80




Quantities of wastewater treatment sludge generated and utilized in agriculture

over the last three years

Utilized sludge (THOU t/year)Generated sludge (THOU t/year)

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Fuels and electrical energyElectrical energy

The largest consumers of electricity are the processes of potable water treatment and wastewater treatment, with the majority being used at Kubratovo WWTP.

In 2009, electricity consumption decreased as compared to electricity consumption in 2008, due to the commissioning of more efficient pumps and hydrophores.


The Company has 303 vehicles, over half of which have diesel engines. Most of the Company vehicles are light vehicles and minivans. The remaining are specialist vehicles for example sewerage trucks, excavators and water tankers.

Fuel consumption has increased as compared to the previous year, which is a result of the extended activity of the Company. The use of fuel is controlled by setting limits for employees and installing GPS systems to the vehicles.




24.5 25 25.5 26 26.5




Quantities of consumed electricity over the last three years (GWh/year)

Wastewater treatment plant - 68%

Potable water

treatment plants - 4%


Proportion of consumed electricityover 2009









0 200 400 600




Types and quantities of used fuel over the last three years

Gas (THOU l/year)Petrol (THOU l/year)Diesel (THOU l/year)

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General ecologi-cal objectives

Concrete objectivesDate of

completionObjectives achieved by the end of 2009

General objectives set following the

review of the consid-erable impacts of the Company’s activities

Short-term objectives from the “Report on the Envi-ronmental Protection”

By the end of …

Report on the results achieved accord-ing to the performance indicator.

1. To reduce the envi-ronmental impact resulting from the water intake and to protect and im-prove the surface and underground water sources, es-pecially the ones located on the ter-ritory of the pro-tected zones and the ones with spe-cial management regime.

In order to provide the online control on the supplied water quantities – 5 flow meters are in-cluded in the SCADA.

2009For provision of the online control over the supplied water quantities 9 flow meters were connected to the SCADA.

Construction of 3 km fence se-curing the first zone of the SRA of Iskar Dam. Putting buoys on the water boundary of the SRA.


The permanent fence securing the first zone of the SRA of Iskar Dam was partially constructed as follows: 3.7 km in 2008 and 1.20 km in 2009 from a total of 8.5 km as per design.

1. To be cleaned 4 catchments in Rila mountain and 2 in the Vi-tosha mountain.

2. To be mowed 110 decars lawns at big reservoirs and 60 decars at the small ones.

3. To cur down and transport shrubs and low-growing ve-ge tation at reservoirs “Iztok”, ”Boyana”, “Moderno Predgra-die”.

4. Mechanical treatment and disinfection of 10 big and 41 small reservoirs.


1. 2 catchments in Rila mountain were cleaned from the deposited material.

2. 110 decars of lawns were mowed at the big reservoirs.3. Mechanical treatment and disinfection of 10 big and 41

small reservoirs.

Update and observation of the ecological minimums in the water use permits for 13 water sources in Permit № 3682/24.01.07 for wa-ter intake issued by the MOEW.


The number was updated and the determined eco-logical minimum for 13 water sources as per Permit № 3682/24.01.07 for the water intake issued by the MOEW was maintained.

Rehabilitation of the fences of the facilities across the Konyo-vitsa Reservoir.

2009 The detailed designed was submitted for approval.

Establishing a SRA at dam Kokalyane.

2009The procedure was delayed due to complaint of the of the owners of property in the SRA.

Environmental Protection Programme 2009 of Sofiyska Voda AD – Achievements review

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General ecologi-cal objectives

Concrete objectivesDate of

completionObjectives achieved by the end of 2009

General objectives set following the

review of the consid-erable impacts of the Company’s activities

Short-term objectives from the “Report on the Envi-ronmental Protection”

By the end of …

Report on the results achieved accord-ing to the performance indicator.

2. To continuously provide high-qual-ity water to the customers taking into consideration the impact on the environment as a result of the rel-evant activities.

Fencing zone I of the SRA at the river catchment Vitoshka Bis-tritsa


A recommendation for construction of a fence with length 1,220 m. No measures were taken for the implementation of the planned civil works as a result of a disagreement of with National Park Vitosha.

Upgrade of the chlorination sta-tions in PWTP Bistritsa and WWTP Pancharevo.

2009The chlorination plant at Pancharevo PWTP was upgraded. A detailed design for chlorination station at PWTP Bistritsa was developed.

Water supply to the villages of Vladaya and Murchaevo–for the prediod 2009-2010 civil works commencement is planned for the construction of impounding structure from the Knyazhevo R.Q. to the village of Vladaya. Preparation of a detailed design and construction of new PS and rising main from the PS to Vla-daya reservoir. Reconstruction of the street mains in the village of Vladaya – ø110–470 m and in the vilalge of Marchevo – ø90–450 m.


In connection with the water supply to the villages of Vla-daya and Murchaevo–for the prediod 2009-2010 the com-mencement of civil work is planned for the construction of impounding structure from the Knyazhevo R.Q. to the village of Vladaya. Preparation of a detailed design and construction of a new PS and rising main from the PS to Vladaya reservoir .The reconstruction of the street mains in the village of Vladaya was completed–ø110–470 m and in the vilalge of Marchevo–ø90–450 m was not completed.

Construction of the remaining 2,440 m from the sewer to PWTP Pancharevo by the end of May 2010.

2009Act 15 was implemented and signed, State Acceptance Committee is to follow.

Observation of the requirements of Ordinance 9/2001 for the po-table water quality.

2009The percent of the samples that are compliant is slightly lower compared to 2008.

UFW for 2009. 2009

In 2009 the total amount of water abstracted from water sources was reduced by 7,108,627 m3 from the 2008 fig-ure. The monthly accounting of the actual volumes of the technological losses included in the UFW calculation com-menced in 2009. There is a trend for the reduction of the UFW compared to the previous years. This is expected to continue in 2010.

Environmental Protection Annual Report 2009 | 13

Our environmental responsibilities

Page 16: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ANNUAL REPORT2009 · ISO 14001:2004. This is an international standard which sets the requirements for an Environmental Management System. ISO 14001:2004

General ecologi-cal objectives

Concrete objectivesDate of

completionObjectives achieved by the end of 2009

General objectives set following the

review of the consid-erable impacts of the Company’s activities

Short-term objectives from the “Report on the Envi-ronmental Protection”

By the end of …

Report on the results achieved accord-ing to the performance indicator.

3. To maintain high quality of the pota-ble water provided to the customers and continue the implementation of the programme for reduction of the losses across the water supply network.

Rehabilitation of 2 pump stations for potable water.

2009 Rehabilitation of one PS Lozen I hoist was made.

Replacement of 10 old and mounting of 40 new hydrophore installations.

20092 hydrophore installations were replaced and 8 new ones were mounted.

Installation of 11 PRV for pressure reduction.

2009 6 PVRs were replaced and 25 new PRVs were installed.

To define 40 DMA. 200928 out of a total of 29 DMZ zones were monitored. At DMA level the work was made for 120 zones – 66% of all.

Accumulating field data, and in-formation processing in the data base: 1,330 manhole shafts to be inspected, Survyeing and updat-ing the drainage coefficient for 1,700 ha, measuring of 50 points for model calibration.

20091,330 manhole shafts were surveyed, 2,162 ha for drainage coefficients, and 38 points were measured for model veri-fication.

4. To improve the quality of the surface and un-derground water through mainte-nance, construc-tion and connect-ing the sewerage network to the wastewater treat-ment plant.

Calibration of 100% of the strate-gic sewerage models. Calibration of 3 detailed models.


As a result of the serios technical problems with the screens for flow measuring, the required number of points were not measured, and thus the detailed models were not calibrated.

Rehabilitation and construction of 5 km of the sewerage net-work.

2009Rehabilitation and construction of 7 km of the sewerage network.

Cleaning about 30 km monthly from the sewerage system.

200928,435 metres on average per month of the sewerage net-work were cleaned.

Rehabilitation of 4 sewerage overflow shafts.

2009 The rehabilitation of 3 overflow shaft was completed.

5. To maintain and manage the Com-pany assets as we protect the en-vironment from their harmful im-pact and improve their efficiency.

Implementation of the capital programme of the LTC, and new methods as well as techniques for water analyses.


In 2009 methods for analysis of metal content were devel-oped with the purchased ICP-OES equipment, It helps us detect it in extremely low limits. The methods were part of the scope of the accreditation.

Obtaining accreditation of the LTC from the BAS in 2009.

2009 Accreditation of the LTC from the BAS has been obtained.

Signing of 15 contracts with in-dustrial customers and 90 an-nexes for discharged in the sew-erage.

200927 contracts with industrial customers and 45 annexes for discharged in the sewerage have been signed.

To supply CHP machines and equipment in Kubratovo WWTP with issued use permit by the end of July 2009.

2009Supplied CHP machines and equipment in Kubratovo WWTP with issued use permit.

14 | Environmental Protection Annual Report 2009

Page 17: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ANNUAL REPORT2009 · ISO 14001:2004. This is an international standard which sets the requirements for an Environmental Management System. ISO 14001:2004

General ecologi-cal objectives

Concrete objectivesDate of

completionObjectives achieved by the end of 2009

General objectives set following the

review of the consid-erable impacts of the Company’s activities

Short-term objectives from the “Report on the Envi-ronmental Protection”

By the end of …

Report on the results achieved accord-ing to the performance indicator.

6. To reduce the elec-tric energy and fuel consumption, to use them effec-tively in order to improve the qual-ity of the air and environment.

Rehabilitation of 1 PS for potable water aiming at energy efficien-cy.

2009Rehabilitation of one PS–PS Lozen I hoist is going to be car-ried out in 2010.

Mounting of solar panels at 4 lo-cal reservoirs.

2009 Solar panels at 4 local reservoirs have been mounted.

To complete 70 sites under the project “Protection of PBS (new hydrophores) from freezing”.

200933 sites were completed under the project “Protection of PBS (new hydrophores) from freezing”.

28 company cars use propane-butane.

2009 25 company cars use propane-butane.

To utilize 100% of the sludge pro-duced in 2009 from the WWTP in the agriculture areas, sludge from previous years incl.

2009100% of the sludge produced in 2009 from the WWTP are utilized in the agriculture areas, sludge from previous years incl.

7. To reduce the use of the chemicals and consumables, decrease the waste generating at the performance of our activities, and continue to apply different ways of their utilization.

Execution of the instructions of the supervisory bodies relating to Permit 17/2006 for prevention of big in-house failures and limit-ing the consequence of them.

2009The project has connection with the upgrading of the chlorination plant in PWTP.

To reduce the paper used by 4% compared to 2008.

2009 Reducing of paper use in 2009 is 4% compared to 2008.

Provision of separate collection and supply of all types of waste of the all company activities.


Contracts with authorised companies were signed for the collection and utilization of the waste, generated by the Company’s activities. The Contracts are successfully imple-mented.

Maintenance of EMS and carry-ing out the internal audit by the end of May 2009.

2009Successful completion of two internal audits under EMS. The audits are recorded.

Re-certification of the EMS in compliance with ISO14001 by the end of December 2009.

2009Successful recertification under ISO14001 at the end of No-vember 2009.

8. To exchange and provide important information about the environmental protection with the interested par-ties, customers and employees of the Company.

Participation in 4 initiatives relat-ing to environmental protection and sustainable development.

2009Participation in 7 projects relating to environmental pro-tection and sustainable development.

Participation in 4 initiatives relat-ing to Corporate Social Responsi-bility.

2009Participation in 7 projects relating to Corporate Social Re-sponsibility.

30 visits of pupils and students to treatment plants.

2009 53 visits of pupils and students to treatment plants.

Implemented In implementation Not implemented

Environmental Protection Annual Report 2009 | 15

Our environmental responsibilities

Page 18: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ANNUAL REPORT2009 · ISO 14001:2004. This is an international standard which sets the requirements for an Environmental Management System. ISO 14001:2004

General ecological objectives

Specific objectivesDate of

completionKey performance


General objectives set following the review of the

considerable impacts of the Company’s activities

Short-term objectives from the “Environment Protection Report”

By the end of ...

They are used for measuring the

results achieved

1. To reduce the impacts on the environment resulting from the water intake and to protect and improve the surface and under-ground water sources, es-pecially the ones located within the protected area and the ones with special management regime.

In order to provide online control on the supplied water volumes–connection to SCADA of 4 flow meters and 2 devices for remote management of stop valves (SVs).

2010Number of connected flow meters.

To construct 4 km fence and put signs and place buoys along the water boundary of the sanitary restricted area (SRA) of Iskar Dam as well as to accept the SRA.

2010Km of constructed fence of 1 zone of Iskar Dam, incl. the water boundary.

1. To clean 4 catchments from inwashed material – 400 m³.

2. To mow 110 decares at big reservoirs and 60 decares at small reservoirs. To clear shrubs and low-growing vegetation.

3. To carry out mechanical cleaning and disinfection of 10 big and 41 small reservoirs.

2010Number of cleaned catch-ments and reservoirs.

To observe the ecological minimum for 13 water sourc-es from Permit № 3682/24.01.07 for water intake issued by the MoEW.

2010Observing the ecological minimum.

To carry out a tender procedure for selection of a con-tractor and construction of 450 m fence of Konyovitsa reservoir.

2010Length of the rehabilitated fence.

To establish a SRA at Kokalyane Dam. 2010 Receiving an Order.

To start civil works for fencing zone I of SRA of Vitoshka Bistritsa water intake if funds are provided.

2010 Performance Report.

2. To provide high-quality water to the consumers, considering the impact on the environment resulting from the activities related to this.

Tender for selection of a contractor for Chlorination Sta-tion (CS) at Bistritsa PWTP was stopped by STC.

2010 Annual Performance Report.

Regarding the water supply to the villages of Vladaya and Marchaevo - for the period 2011 the commencement of construction works is planned for the construction of impounding structure from Knyazhevo quarter to the village of Vladaya. Preparation of a detailed design and construction of a new (pumping station) PS and rising main from it to the reservoir Vladaya. Reconstruction of street mains in 2011 in the village of Vladaya – ø110–470 m, village of Marchaevo – ø90–450 m.

2010 Annual Performance Report.

New flexible monitoring programmes of extended scope have been prepared for 2010, with larger number of samples and including effective methods of coop-eration with other departments of Sofiyska Voda AD in cases of non-compliance.

2010 % compliant samples.

3. To maintain high quality of the potable water sup-plied to customers and to keep implementing the programme for reduction of losses along the water supply network.

The work of DMA Department – in 2010 the plans will be again towards reduction of UFW levels. These levels are expected to be achieved with the planned activities (monitoring of 100% of the areas, pressure reduction in the areas where it is required by installation of new PRVs and replacement of old ones).

2010 UFW for 2010.

To replace 5 old hydrophore installations and install 31 new ones.

2010Number of installed new hy-drophores.

To install 33 PRVs. 2010 Number of installed PRVs.

To carry out monitoring of 66 DMAs. 2010Number of established wa-ter metering areas.

Sofiyska Voda AD’s Environment Protection Programme 2010

16 | Environmental Protection Annual Report 2009

Page 19: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ANNUAL REPORT2009 · ISO 14001:2004. This is an international standard which sets the requirements for an Environmental Management System. ISO 14001:2004

General ecological objectives

Specific objectivesDate of

completionKey performance


General objectives set following the review of the

considerable impacts of the Company’s activities

Short-term objectives from the “Environment Protection Report”

By the end of ...

They are used for measuring the

results achieved

4. Тo improve the qual-ity of potable water and groundwater by mainte-nance, construction and connection of the sewer-age network to the waste-water treatment plant.

To measure 1,350 shafts, to inspect 1,900 ha for drain-age coefficients.

2010Report on the inspections of shafts, overflows and sew-ers.

To rehabilitate and construct 10 km sewerage network. 2010Length of the constructed and rehabilitated sewers.

To clean 30,000 m sewerage network per month. 2010Length of the cleaned sew-ers - average per month.

To rehabilitate 4 sewerage overflow shafts. 2010Number of rehabilitated ones (per annum).

5. To maintain and manage the assets of the Com-pany, protecting the envi-ronment from their harm-ful impacts and increasing their efficiency.

To develop methods of analysis of pesticides and other organic pollutants.

2010 Annual Performance Report.

To have two internal audits and a Planned Supervision by the Bulgarian Accreditation Service (BAS)..

2010 Annual Performance Report.

To conclude 40 contracts with industrial customers and 10 annexes for discharge into the sewerage.

2010Number of signed contracts (per annum).

6. To reduce the consump-tion of electricity and fu-els and to consume them efficiently in order to im-prove air quality and the environment.

To reconstruct and modernise PS Lozen II hoist. 2010% reduced consumption of electricity; number of reha-bilitated pumping stations.

To install solar panels at 4 local reservoirs. 2010Number of installed solar panels.

To implement at 32 sites the project for Protection of PBD from Freezing.

2010Number of new hydro-phores; electricity consump-tion data.

To purchase 3 company cars running on propane-bu-tane in 2010.

2010Number of cars on propane-butane.

7. To reduce the use of chem-icals and consumables, decrease the generation of waste by our activities, and continue to apply the different ways of its utili-zation.

To utilize in agriculture 100% of the sludge produced at WWTP in 2010.

2010Quanitites of utilized sludge. Quantities of produced sludge.

To reduce the used A4 paper by 4% as compared to 2009.

2010Number of packs of paper А4 used in 2010.

To continue with the separate collection and delivery of all kinds of waste from the Company activity.

2010Signed contracts with com-panies authorised for waste collection and utilization.

To maintain Environment Management System (EMS) and carry out two internal audits in 2010.


Availability of documenta-tion regarding the system and results of the internal audits.

Successful second Recertification under ISO 14001. 2010Successful Recertification under ISO 14001 – report.

8. To exchange and provide important information about environment pro-tection with interested parties, customers and employees of the Com-pany.

To participate in 4 projects related to Corporate and So-cial Responsibility.

2010 Number of participations.

30 visits by school and university students to the treat-ment plants.

2010Report on the implementa-tion of the programme.

To participate in 4 projects related to environment pro-tection and sustainable development.

2010Number of participations in projects.

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Our environmental responsibilities

Page 20: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ANNUAL REPORT2009 · ISO 14001:2004. This is an international standard which sets the requirements for an Environmental Management System. ISO 14001:2004

Sofiska Voda AD Business Park Sofia, Building 2A Mladost 4, 1766 Sofia Tel.: + 359 0700 1 21 21 (Call Centre) www.sofiyskavoda.bg