State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authorify, Rajasthan 4, lnstitutional Area, Jhalana Doongri, Jaipur-302004 Phone : 0 | 4 l -27 05 633. 27 11329 Ext.361 No: Fl (4)/SEIAA/SEAC-Raj/Secn/Project /Cat 8 (a) B l(376)l ll'12 To, The Majestic RealMarl Pvt. Ltd l-E-19, Shiv Shakti ColonY, Shastri Nagar, Jaipur, Sub: Environment i\4anagernent PIan for Prop6sed Affordable[lor::'ing projectof Majestic Real MartPvt. Ltd.at village Kalwara, opp. Mahapura , Tehsil Sanganer, JaiPur, Rajasthan. Sir, This has reference to your application dated l8,5,ll seeking environmental elearanees forthe abovs pro.ject under Environment tn4anag**rnt .pfan Hoiincation ?006, fhe proposal hasbeen appraised es per prescribed procedure in t-r'rt figr'tt oT provisions under the Environment Management Plan Notification 2006 on the basis of the mandatory documents encloJO *itft the application viz' the questionnaire' Environment Management pran, Environment Manag,ement ptun uno additionar clarifications furnished in response to the observation of the State Level Expert Committee Rajasthan, in itsmeeting held on 23124'2'12' 2. Briefdetails of theProiect: Jaipur, oatea: l'iJ 4 i''i,lY ?'iqD tt.r No. in the listof Schedule / Category: v27. n28,Itzs, n 30, ll3l, & ll32 KhasraNo. - toos, toos. 1t23, tt24, Villaee Kal Mahapura , TehsilSan Location of Projcct Sunendered for roadwideni Net Plot Size 1.8+ 1.8=3.60 Floor Area Ratio 9923.98 Sq.m. (27 '44% 32074.92 Sq.m. (0.886 Pernrissible Height r Prol.it Cost Rs. ZQICI-]g9! tl L4 KLD Sourc€: Cround Water + treated water' Water Requirement & lol2 KVA conte.t.d io4JYVNL Lt9' N"r.r- ProDor",t p,.ovislon oi'CSR activities (Rs. 2l lacs) has been showed separately. Capital Cost 7. I Environment Management Cround Water Recharge Dual Plumbi Sirtdr Energy Utilization Efficient Liehtin Monitoring of Air, Water, Noise & Soil Insulation oflWalls & roof Gr\Dell\SEIAA"SEAC\(EC Files)SEIAA\SEIAA EC secv from l\4ar?0 I ? doc

environment thesis and cyber law

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ll.m. thesis on environmental law and cyber law

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Page 1: environment thesis and cyber law

State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authori fy, Rajasthan4, lnsti tut ional Area, Jhalana Doongri, Jaipur-302004

Phone : 0 | 4 l -27 05 633. 27 1 1329 Ext. 3 61

No: Fl (4)/SEIAA/SEAC-Raj/Secn/Project /Cat 8 (a) B l(376)l ll '12


The Majestic Real Marl Pvt. Ltd

l -E-19, Shiv Shakt i ColonY,Shastri Nagar,Ja ipur ,

Sub: Environment i\4anagernent PIan for Prop6sed Affordable [lor::'ing project of

Majestic Real Mart Pvt. Ltd. at village Kalwara, opp. Mahapura , Tehsil Sanganer,

JaiPur, Rajasthan.

Sir,This has reference to your application dated l8,5,ll seeking environmental elearanees for the abovs

pro.ject under Environment tn4anag**rnt .pfan Hoiincation ?006, fhe proposal has been appraised es per

prescribed procedure in t-r'rt f igr'tt oT provisions under the Environment Management Plan Notification 2006 on

the basis of the mandatory documents encloJO *itft the application viz' the questionnaire' Environment

Management pran, Environment Manag,ement ptun uno additionar clarifications furnished in response to the

observation of the State Level Expert Committee Rajasthan, in its meeting held on 23124'2'12'

2. Brief detai ls of the Proiect:

Jaipur, oatea: l'iJ 4 i''i,lY ?'iqD

t t . r No. in the l i s t o f

Schedule / Category:v27. n28,I t z s , n 3 0 , l l 3 l , & l l 3 2

Khasra No. - toos, toos. 1t23, t t24,Vi l laee Ka l Mahapura , Tehsi l SanLocation of Projcct

Sunendered for road wideni

Net Plot Size

1.8+ 1.8=3.60Floor Area Ratio9923.98 Sq.m. (27 '44%32074.92 Sq.m. (0.886

Pernrissible Height

r Prol.it Cost Rs. ZQICI-]g9!tl L4 KLD Sourc€: Cround Water + treated water'

Water Requirement &

lol2 KVA conte.t.d io4JYVNL Lt9'

N"r.r- ProDor",t p,.ovislon oi'CSR activit ies (Rs. 2l lacs) has been showed separately.

Capital Cost7. I Env i ronment Management

Cround Water Recharge

Dual PlumbiSirtdr Energy Util ization

Efficient Liehtin

Monitoring of Air, Water,Noise & SoilInsulation oflWalls & roof

Gr\Del l \SEIAA"SEAC\(EC Fi les)SEIAA\SEIAA EC secv from l \4ar ?0 I ? doc

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ambu lancc l l l r a C t l ve r n tnc t t l

clispensary (i,c. l l 's- 21 lacs) 6

Nni.: - a,r agrecd by thc P.P. lettcr nil dt.25.07.201I' in reply to qucry potnt noCSR Act iv i t ies

bs and other small Plants'

(2) l-andscape plan rncluding -native

variet ies of tree wil l be prepared to be

imolemented.(3) Paiks and gardens wil l be developed in thc project area'

iai Plantat ion *i l l b. don. along intcmal roads'

isi In publ ic arcas lawns wil l bc dcpressed to absorb excess runoff '

Creen Be l t P lan ta t ion

The SEAC Rajasthan af ler due considerat ions of the re levant documents subrni t ied by the proJect

proponent and addi t ional c lar i f icat ions/documents furn ished to i t have recommended for Envi ronmental

Clearance with ceftain ri ie rf. i i".t. SEAC, Rajasthan has also reported that violation of the E'nvironment

Impact Assessment Not idcat ion,2006 has been done by star t ing construct ion by get t ing envi ronmental

c learance.The proponent has submit ted a wr i t ten commitment in accordance wi th MoEF' Of f ice

Memorandum No. j - l t0 l3 l4 l /2006- lA. l l ( l ) dated 16,11.10 that the company wi l lnot take any v io lat ion

of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 in future. The SEIAA Rajasthan after considering the proposal

and recommendatrons or tne spRc Rajasthan hereby accord Environmental clearance to the project as

;;; i l ;r;"isions of Environmental lmpact Asiessment Notif ication 2006 and its subsequent

amendmen ts , sub jec t t os t r i c t con rp l i anceo f the te r l nsandcond i t i onsas fo l l ows :

l t

l l l




"Consen t toEs tab l i sh "sha l l beob ta ined f romRPCBbe fo res ta r to fanycons t ruc t i onworka t thes i t e 'The pp shall obtain a,,No objection ceJificate for height clearance for the envisaged level from the

AirPor ls Author i tY of India '

No Mob i l e t ower sha l l be i ns ta l l ed '

Rs156 Iacs as "ufirur "ort

and Rs. 2g lacsas recuning cost for Environr:rental pollution control

and moni tor ing shal l be kept by the PP and sui table moni tor ing provis ions wi l l be made in the

accounts.As agreed part of corporate social responsibility' the.PP shall earmark an investment of Rs 2l

lacs as capital cost for providing a full fledged ambulance for a Govemment dispensary' as

agreed in letter no, ni l at.zs.ol.zol l . The expenditure on these activit ies shall be reflected in

tlie books of account when presented for auditing of accounts'

For conservation of electricity and to reduce energy lisses the management shall ensure.that the elecfrical

vol tage is s tepped down f rom 33 KV to l l KVlnd d is t r ibuted at th is level and f ina l ly brought to 440

li i l t shall obrain approval of drawings of laying electrical l ines from the concerned SE of RRVPNL/

JVVNL.l 'he PP shal l iu l l t i l l the requi rements of energy regulatory.commlsslon '

Feasibil iry of underground wiring may be examined and followed'

Open land may be earmarked for laying 132 kV line'

Road width and bench should be adequate for easy movement of f ire fighting vehicles.

The Drains should be of adequate capacity and be l ined ti l l the final disposal points'

provision shall be made lor the housing of r;onstruction labor within the site with all necessary

infrastructure and facil i t ies such as fuel f6r cooking, mobile toilets, mobile STP, safe drinking rvater'

medical health care, crdche etc, The housing may UJin the form 'f temporary structures to be removed

after the completion of the project'

All required sanitary and hygienic measures shall be in place before starting constructic)n activit ies' The

saie d isposat of wasie wate i ana sol id waste generated dur ingthe Construct ion phase shal l be ensured'

Adequaie drinking water faci l i t ies shallbe provided for construction workers at the site'provisions shall be made for the supply of fuel (kerosene or cooking gas); utensils such as pressure

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cookers etc. to the laborers.Ai l the laborers.n!ug.O for construct ion shal l be screened for health and adequately treated before

engaging them to work at the site'n'oi a-isinfection of waste water, appropriate tertiary treatment may be given'

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All the topsoil excavated during the construction shall be stored for use in horliculture/landscape

development within the project site'

Disposal of muck during construction phase shall not create any adverse effect on the neighbortng

communities and be disposed taking the necessary precautions for general safety and hcalth aspects of the

people, only in approved sites with the approval of competent authorlty'

Soil and ground water samples wil l bs iested to ascerlain that, there is no threat to the ground water

q"riity iif..ching of heavy rnetals and other toxic contaminants'Construction spoils, including bituminous material and other hazardous materials must not be allowed to

contaminate water courses and the dump sites for such material must be secured so that they do not leach

into the ground water.The diesel generaror sets to be used during the construction phase shall be low-sulphur-diesel type and

shall confornr to Environment (Protection) nulcs for air and noise emission standards'

Vehicles hired for brir;;;;;;;;i l;;;; material and laborers'Jo the site shall be in good csnditions and

shall confbrm to uppfi.ite air and noise emission standards and shall be operated during non'

xTyi:pn?':::*tLl,il, shail conform ro residentiar standards both during dav and night. rncremenrar

pol lut ion loads on the ambient air and noise qual i ty shal l be closely monitored during construct ion phase'

Fly ash shal l be ur.O urUuifJ ing mater ial in ih, "onst 'uct ion

as per the provisions of Fly Ash not i f icat ion

of September, lggg and arnended as on August, 2003 (The above condit ion is appl icable only i f the

pro. lect is within 100 krn of Thermal Power Stat ion) '

heaay ml*ea concrete shal l be used in bui lding construct ion'

Storm water control unJ i,, ,.-ur. as per CGWA and BIS standards for various "ppll:iti:.1:,...,

Water demand during construction shall be r.Or..J by the use of pre-mixed concrete' curing agents and

i'j,rJ ::*ffi lt,i l i;, requiremenr sha, not exceed s l 1.4 KLD. rhe pp shar obtain prior permission fiom

CGWA before withdrawing ground water through tube wells during construction phase and post

construction /operation phase ofthe proJect'

Separarion of grey."d;i;; *.i., ir,.ir be done by the use of dual plumping line for separation of grey

and black water.Treatment of 100% grey water by decentralized treatment shall be done'

Building plan from ,n.'"o,nf.,.nt Authority ,rtuir ft got approved apd position cleared with reference to

X.iilii.t-j"fi;asures.shall be taken to reduce air and noise po'ution during consrrucrion keeping in mind

:t:r:,Tiilffi;T:i,'iTili"",oro in rhe project borh during consrrucrion and operarion of the project'

Anyhazardouswastegenera ted 'dur ing .on , , * ' , ionp t 'ase"snat tbed isposedof fasperapp l icab le ru lesuni nort, with necessiry authorization of the RPCB'

The approval or il e cori,feient authority shall be obtained for structural safety of the building due to

earrhquake, adequacy of 'fire

fighting equipnrents, etc as per National Building code 2005 including

proteition measures from lightening etc' .R e g u l a r s u p e r v i s i o n o f t l r e - a b o v e a n d o t h e r m e a s u r e s f o r m o n i t o r i n g s h a l l b e i n p l a c e t h r o u g h o u t t h ecoristruction phase, so as to avoid nuisance to the surroundings'

Guidel inesissuedbyconc,rnedMinistryforwaterScarceareasmaybefol lowed'C"rp"tri"g of biodegradable waste shallbe carried out with in the campus'

FAB'sludgJ will be used for composting and compost will be u.sed as manure.

provision of solar water heating lciritting/street lighting etc shall be explored'

Review and revise the requirement of DG set caplcitiJs for l00oh power back up through optimization of

power back up in case of power failure and emergency'"fwo no. full fledged Sewage Treatment plaits of capacity 375 M3lday shall be installed as per

design submitted by the plp. in let ter dt . l9 '01.2012 (Annexure I I I ) ' Treated sewage rvi l l be

r. .ur!d for f lushing and gardening within premises'

During construction phase and post construction / operation ph;se ofthe project, the proponent shall be

responsible for implementation of EIA/EMP. commitment of proponent in this regard sha.ll be submined

to npCS at the time of applying for CTE'

The project proponent ,huti ruintt in letter and spirit, all the commitments given/submitted to the SEAC

office.After construction and handing over of the project, the .Res.ident's

welfare Association

Maintenance Agency shall be rJsponsible for the Bt,q,tplutp implementation' In this regard a

c lause shal l be put by the PP in the Maintenance Agreement '


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An independent expert shal l cer t i$ , the insta l la t ion of the Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) and a repor t in th isregard shall be submitted to the RPCB, before the project is commissioned for operation. Discharge oftreated sewage shall conform to the norms & standards of the Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board.For conservation of electricity and to reduce energy losses the management shall ensure that the electricalvoltage is stepped down from 33 KV to I I KV and distributed at this level and finally brought to 440 volts.Rain Water harvesting (RWH) for roof top run-off and surface run-off, as planned shall be inrplemented.Before recharging the surface run off, pre-treatment must be done to remove suspended mafter, oil andgrease. The Rain Water Harvesting plan shall be as per Gol manualThe solid waste generated shall be properly collected & segregated before disposal to the Ciry Municipal

Facil ity. The in-vessel bio-conversion technique may be used for ggmposting the organic waste.

Any hazardous waste inc luding b iomedical waste shal l be d isposed of as per appl icable Rules & norms wi th

necessary approvals of the Rajasthan State Pol lu t ion Contro l Board.The green belt design along the periphery of the plot shall achieve attenuation factor conforming to the da1'

and n ight noise standards prescr ibed for res ident ia l land use. The open space ins ide the p lot shal l be sui tably

landscaped and covered wi th vegetat ion of ind igenous var iety ,The D. G. sets to be operated with stack height as per RPCB norms.

Incremental pol lu t ion loads on the ambient a i r qual i ty noise and water qual i ty shal l be per iodical ly

moni tored af ter comrniss ioning of the pro ject '

Fixtures for showers, toilet f lushing and drinking shall be of low flow either by use of aerators of pressure

reducing devices or sensor based control,Use of glass may be reduced by up to 40Yo to reduce the electricify consumption and load in air-

conditioning. If necessary, use high quality double glass with special reflective coating windows

Roof shall meet prescriptive requirement as per Energy Conservation Building Code by using appropriate

thermal insulat ion mater ia l to fu l f i l l requi rement .

Opaque wal ls shal l meet prescr ipt ive requi rement as per Energy Conservat ion Bui ld ing Code for a l l a i r -

conditioned spaces, whereas, for non- air-conditioned spaces, by use of appropriate thermal insulation

mater ia l to fu l f i l l the requi rement .Appl icat ion of so lar energy shal l be incorporated for i l luminat ion of cornmon areas, l ight ing fbr gardens

a, i j s t rect l ight ing in adt j i t ion to prov is ion fcr sc lar ' ,vater heat ing. , \ [1r$1i r ] s) 's tem or fu l ly so lar system for

a portion of the apartments shall be provided.

Tiaffic congestion near the entry and exit points flom the roads adjoining the proposed project site must be

avoided. Park ing shal l be fu l ly in ternal ized and no publ ic space shal l be ut i l ized.

A Report on thJenergy conservation measures confirming to energy conservation norms finalize by Bureau

of Energy Efficiency shall be prepared incorporating details about building materials & technology, R & U

Factors etc. Quantif energy saving measures,Proper system ofchannelizing excess storm water shall be provided'

The power factor shall be maintained near unity.

Treei and shrubs of local species shall be planted to allow habitat for birds with appropriate distance flom

the boundary.potl,althia tongfolia(Ashok), Ca.s.sia Jistula (Amaltas) and Ficas infectoria (Pilkhan) shall be planted (total

800 numbers) .Re-cycled water to match standards for cooling water system.

Adequate measures shall be taken to prevent odor {iom solid waste processing and STP


4 .

'fhe environmental safeguards contained in Form l-A shall be implemented in letterand spirit.Six monthly compliance reports shall be submitted to Ministry of Environment and Forest, Golt. ofIndia, Regionul df f ic. , Vinistry of Environment & Forests, F.O(CZ), Kendriya Bhawan, 5'n Floor,

Sector 'H' , Al iganj, Lucknow, SEIAA, Rajasthan and Rajasthan State Pol lut ion Control Board.Officials of the RPCB, who would be monitoring the implementation of environmental safeguards,shal l be given ful l cooperat ion faci l i t ies and documents/data by the PP during their inspect ion. Acomplete set of all the documents subnrifted to SEIAA, Rajasthan shall be fbrwarded to the DoE,

Rajasthan and Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board.In case of any change(s) in the scope of the project, the PP requires a fresh appraisalby SEIAA/SEAC,Ra.jasthan.1-he SEIAA/SEAC, Rajasthan reserves the right to add additional safeguard measures subsequently, iffound necessary, and to take action including revoking of the envirohmental clearance under the


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6 .

9 .

provis ions of the l lnv i ronment (Protect ion) Act-1986, to ensure ef fect ive implementat ion of the

suggested safbguard measures in a time bound and satisfactory manlrer'

All the other statutory clearances such as the approvals for storag-e of diesel from the Chief Controller

of Explos ives, F i re Oepartment , Civ i l Av iat ion Department , Forest Conservat ion Act ' 1980 and

wi ld l i ie (protect ion) Act , l912 etc. shal l be obta ined, as may be appl icable, by PP f rorn the competent

autnonty.The pp shal lensure adver l is i l tg in at least two localnews papers widely c i rcu lated in the region, one of

which shal l be in vernacular language that , the pro ject has been accorded envi ronmental c learance and

copies of the c learance let ters a le a ia i lab le wi t t r SEInn, Rajasthan and t l ie Rajasthan State Pol lu t ion

Contro l Board and may a lso be seen on the websi te of the Board at www'rpcb'n ic ' in ' The

advert isement shal l be made wi th in 7(seven) days f rom the date of issue of the envi ronmental c learance

and a copy sha; also be forwarded to the SE]AA, Rajasthan and Regional Office, Jeipur(S) of the

Board.These st ipulat ions would a lso be enforced amongst the others. under the provis ions of water

(prevent ion and Contro l of Pol lu t ion) Act , 1974, th; Ai r (Prevent ion and Contro l of Pol lu t ion) Act '

lgg l . rhe Envi ronment (Protect ion) Act , 1986, the Publ ic L iabi l i ty ( insurance) Act , l99 l and EIA

Not i f icat ion '06.Under the provis ions of Envi ronment (Protect ion) Act '

proponent , i f i t was founcl that construct ion of the1986, legal act ion shal l be in i t ia ted against the

nroiect has been star ted wi thout obta in ing

Copy to fo l lo* ' ing for in format ion and necessary act ion:

l . Secretary, Mrnrst ry of Envi |onment and Forest , Govt ' o f India, Paryavaran Bhavan' cGO Cornplex ' Lodi r i

Road, New Delh i . The sEAc, Rajasthan has observed t t rat s igni f icant construct ion rvork of the

p roposed p ro jec l has been co r rp le ted and recommended fo r l ega l ac t i on aga ins t t he p roponen t f o r

v i o la t i on o f Env i ronnen t (p ro tec t i on ) Ac t , 1986 . Hence , l ega l ac t i on may be s ta r ted aga ins t t he

2. li,lll[ilj; Secrerary, Environment Department, Rajasthan, Jaipur. The SEAc, Rajasthan has observed

that s igni f icant construct ion work of t l re proposei pro ject has been completed and recontmended for

legat act ion against the proponent for v io lat ion of Envi ronment (Protect ion) Act ' 1986' Hence, legal

ac t i on may be s ta r ted aga ins t t hc p roponen t '

3 . Smt. Alka Kala, Chairmui ] . Sgtne, , 'na jasthan, 69-4, Baja j Nagar Enclave ' Ja ipur

4. Shr i Mot i Lal Dainra, Menrber , sErAA, Rajasthan,4Sl9, Mot iPath, Mansarovar , Ja ipur '

5. Member Secretary, Rajasthan State pollution Conirol Board, Jaipur for information & necessary action and

to d isplay th is sanct ion on rhe websi re of the Rajasthan State Pol lu t io i r Contro l Board, Ja ipur ' The SEAC'

Ra jas than has obsc rved tha t s i gn i l i can t cons t ruc t i on wo rk o f t he p roposed p ro jec t has been

completed and recornlnenclec l for legal act ion against the proponent for v io lat i< ln of Envi rot tntent

(pro iect ion) Act , 1986. Hence, legal act ion may be star ted against the proponent '

6. Secretary, SEAC Ra.iasthan.7. The ccF, Regional oftlce, Ministry of Environment & Forests, R'O(CZ), Kendriya Bhawan' 5'h Floor'

Sector 'H ' , A l inan j , Lucknou ' -226 020 ' nL- . . ^ - , ' '8. lA- Divis ion, Monltor ing Cel l , MoEF, Paryavaran Bhavan, CGO Corrrplex, Lodhi Road' Nerv Delhi-

, l I0003., y'*:;;; 'Ornrr' (flepartmental Website), Department of Environment, Govemment of Rajasthan, Jaipur withv"

t t . r .quert ,o r$touO the copy of this environmental c learance on the website ',4>-

envi ronmental c learance,

10. Envi ronment c learance is subject

Coa Founda t i on Vs . Un ion o f

app l i cab le t o t h i s P ro lec t '

to f lna l order of the Honb, le Supreme Court of In . - ] i l r i r , the maner of

India in Wri t Pet i t ion(Civ i l ) No' 460 of the year 2004 as may be

Yours f l i thful ly,

( d -(Sankati ia Prasad)Member SecretarySEIAA Rajasthan


M.S. SBIAA (Rajasthan)

G \ D e l l \ S E I A A - S E A C \ ( E C F i l e s ) S E I A A \ S E I A A E C s e c y l i o n M a r 2 0 1 2 d o c