Getting Started..........................................................................3 Installing and Playing Poseidon................................................................4 Poseidon Adventure Editor........................................................................5 The Atlantean City..................................................................7 Husbandry..................................................................................................7 Cattle...................................................................................................7 Deer......................................................................................................8 Oranges................................................................................................8 Industry......................................................................................................8 Orichalc................................................................................................9 Black Marble........................................................................................9 Science......................................................................................................10 Scholars..............................................................................................10 Astronomers......................................................................................10 Inventors............................................................................................11 Curators.............................................................................................12 Science Information...........................................................................12 Hippodrome and Crosswalk....................................................................13 Military.....................................................................................................15 Atlantean Army.................................................................................15 Atlantean Navy: Frigates..................................................................15 Towers................................................................................................18 Chariot Factory.................................................................................18 Atlanteans in the World..........................................................................19 Other Things to Note...............................................................................19 Mythology and Pyramids.......................................................21 Gods..........................................................................................................21 Monsters and Heroes...............................................................................23 Sending Heroes on Quests.......................................................................24 Hercules and Jason in Atlantis...............................................................25 Apollo in Atlantis.....................................................................................25 Citadel of Poseidon...................................................................................26 Pyramids..................................................................................................26 Pyramid Types...................................................................................27 Halting Construction...............................................................................28 A Guide to the Atlantean World..................................16-17 Table of Contents

ents Getting Started3 The Atlantean City

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Page 1: ents Getting Started3 The Atlantean City

Getting Started..........................................................................3Installing and Playing Poseidon................................................................4Poseidon Adventure Editor........................................................................5

The Atlantean City..................................................................7Husbandry..................................................................................................7


Industry......................................................................................................8Orichalc................................................................................................9Black Marble........................................................................................9

Science......................................................................................................10Scholars..............................................................................................10Astronomers......................................................................................10Inventors............................................................................................11Curators.............................................................................................12Science Information...........................................................................12

Hippodrome and Crosswalk....................................................................13Military.....................................................................................................15

Atlantean Army.................................................................................15Atlantean Navy: Frigates..................................................................15Towers................................................................................................18Chariot Factory.................................................................................18

Atlanteans in the World..........................................................................19Other Things to Note...............................................................................19

Mythology and Pyramids.......................................................21Gods..........................................................................................................21Monsters and Heroes...............................................................................23Sending Heroes on Quests.......................................................................24Hercules and Jason in Atlantis...............................................................25Apollo in Atlantis.....................................................................................25Citadel of Poseidon...................................................................................26Pyramids..................................................................................................26

Pyramid Types...................................................................................27Halting Construction...............................................................................28

A Guide to the Atlantean World..................................16-17

Table of Contents

Page 2: ents Getting Started3 The Atlantean City

Getting Started

After the great Titanomachy, when Zeus andhis brothers ousted their forebears frompower, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades divided the

world among them. Poseidon was granted the sea,and he set about to survey his new kingdom.

In the middle of the great ocean was a beautiful land,inhabited by an equally beautiful woman namedCleito. Poseidon soon claimed the land and thewoman as his own, and took steps to ensure thatCleito would always be safe. He dug three massive,circular trenches around the hill that she called home,and filled the trenches with water. He made sure thatthe center of the land had everything that Cleito couldever want.

Soon, Cleito bore the god five sets of twin sons, andPoseidon named the land Atlantis in honor of his eld-est child, Atlas. Soon, Atlantis was well-populated,and civilization thrived. Science reigned supreme,and Atlanteans dedicated themselves to peace by hon-oring a sacred pact made with the gods, theSymphonia Ithikos. As long as the Atlanteans neverattacked another people, except in self-defense, thegods would never set foot upon the continent ofAtlantis in anger. Atlanteans took their knowledgeand ideas to far off lands, spreading what they knewto others in the world.

But, the Atlantean golden age couldn’t last. ThoughAtlantis had been blessed with abundant resources,these resources had become depleted over the thou-sands of years that people had lived there. Plus, theland itself seemed to be angry, and natural disasterafter natural disaster disrupted Atlantis. Accustomedto their luxurious lifestyles, Atlanteans began expect-ing others to give them what they could no longer pro-vide for themselves. They reasoned that since theAtlanteans had done so much for other peoples, cer-tainly these peoples should give something back.Soon, their high demands on others led to war, in

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5Getting Started

You should also read the README file located in thePoseidon directory. Any last-minute changes made tothe game will be described there.

PPoosseeiiddoonn AAddvveennttuurree EEddiittoorrPoseidon comes with a full adventure editor, whichallows you to create your own adventures. Detailedinstructions on how to use the editor can be found onthe Poseidon CD in a file entitled, Poseidon AdventureEditor.pdf.


direct violation of the Symphonia Ithikos. Peace onAtlantis was shattered.

As the Atlanteans fell further and further into deprav-ity, the gods took notice. Incensed that the Atlanteanswere ignoring the Symphonia Ithikos and had wastedeverything that the gods had given to them, the godsstruck the Atlanteans down, dispatching their home tothe bottom of the sea.

The reins of leadership are yours as you guide yourcities during the soaring heights of Atlantean civiliza-tion and the harrowing depths of its decline.

IInnssttaalllliinngg aanndd PPllaayyiinngg PPoosseeiiddoonnTo install Poseidon, place the Poseidon CD-ROM inyour CD-ROM drive. The Autoplay function shouldstart, and directions for installing Poseidon shouldappear. If Autoplay does not work on your computer,double-click the “My Computer” icon, then double-click the letter that represents the CD-ROM drive youwould like to use. The directions for installingPoseidon should appear.

After Poseidon is installed, you must have thePoseidon CD inserted in your CD-ROM drive toplay. The game will not start if the CD is not inthe drive, nor will it start from the Zeus CD.

After you start the game, the “Choose Game” screenappears. To play Poseidon, click the “Play Poseidon”button, then choose a leader name. Click on“Adventures,” and pick one from the list that appears.Click the button next to “Play this Adventure,” andyou are on your way!

If you want to play the original Zeus adventures, orany adventure that was created with the ZeusAdventure Editor, click on the “Play Zeus” button.While you are playing an adventure — whether it beZeus or Poseidon — you can load any saved adventureby selecting “Load Adventure” from the File Menu.

Getting Started

Page 4: ents Getting Started3 The Atlantean City

The Atlantean City

There is much to see in the Atlantean city.Scientists wander the streets, spreading newsof their latest discoveries. Cattle graze in

bucolic pastures, and orange trees, laden with fruit,add a note of sweetness to Atlantean life. Mightyfrigates sail the seas, protecting the Atlanteans fromharm. The wonders of an Atlantean city are almosttoo numerous to list; it is truly a remarkable place.

HHuussbbaannddrryyThe Greeks and Atlanteans domesticate cattle and usethem as a source of meat. They also hunt deer formeat and grow oranges. To begin harvesting thesefoods, first select the Husbandry Tab.

CattleCattle are raised for the tasty meat that they provide.To place cattle in a meadow, you must first build aCorral. After selecting the Husbandry Tab, click the“Herding” button and then select “Corral” from the listprovided. Place the Corral in your city, and be sure tobuild it along a road. Once the Corral is in place, putsome cattle in a meadow by again clicking the“Herding” button and then selecting “Cattle” from thelist. Some of the cattle are bulls, which watch over theherd to make sure that no wolves attack it. The restof the cattle are used for food. All cattle can be takenby priests for sacrifices.

Once cattle are fully grown, a rancher brings themback to the Corral to butcher them for meat. Whenenough meat is ready, a deliveryman brings it to aGranary, or to a Pier or Trading Post if you are export-ing the food.

You don’t need to worry about replacing slaughteredanimals yourself. Calves are born at the Corral andput out to pasture with the other cattle once they areold enough. You will, however, have to replace anycattle that is sacrificed to a god.


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The Atlantean City 9The Atlantean City

OrichalcOrichalc is a rare metal generally found only onAtlantis. If you see red metallic nuggets strewn insome rock, you can probably harvest orichalc.

To retrieve this metal from the earth, first build aRefinery by selecting the Industry Tab and clickingthe “Raw Materials” button. Choose “Refinery” fromthe list, and build the structure in your city, makingsure that you place the building along a road. Oncesome of your citizens start working at the Refinery,metallurgists emerge from the building and maketheir way to the orichalc deposit. After they have col-lected enough ore, they bring it back to the Refinery,where it is processed for use. When a load of orichalcis ready, a deliveryman looks for a place to bring themetal. He’ll first look for a Tower or Frigate Wharf that needs it. If he can’t find one of these buildings,he’ll bring the good to a Trading Post or Pier if you areexporting the item, or to a Storehouse.

Keep in mind that artisans at a construction site cannever receive orichalc directly from a Refinery.Artisans must receive their supply of the metal from aStorehouse or trade facility.

Black MarbleBlack marble is a sturdy construction material that isharvested from a black marble quarry. A black mar-ble quarry looks like a flat, dark gray rock lying justunderneath some grass.

To remove black marble from the ground, build aBlack Marble Workshop. Select the Industry Tab,then click the “Raw Materials” button. Choose “BlackMarble Workshop” from the list and place the buildingin your city. Be sure to build the Workshop along aroad. Once the Workshop has some workers, it sendsout a stonecutter to chisel out a large block of blackmarble. It is brought back to the Workshop, wheremore stonecutters break the block down into usableslabs. Once a slab is ready, a deliveryman brings it toa Storehouse, or to a Pier or Trading Post if you are


DeerIn some lands, deer frolic in the fields. To use thesedeer for food, build a Hunting Lodge along a road. Tobuild a Hunting Lodge, select the Husbandry Tab,then click on the “Land and Sea” button. Select“Hunting Lodge” from the list, and place the buildingin your city. Once the Hunting Lodge has employees,hunters seek out the deer and bring them back to theLodge where they are prepared for consumption.When some meat is ready, a deliveryman brings it toa Granary, or to a Pier or Trading Post if you areexporting the item.

The Hunting Lodge will automatically send out theright kind of hunters for the prey in your city. If bothdeer and boar live in the city, the same Hunting Lodgewill send out both deer hunters and boar hunters.

OrangesTenders from an Orange Tenders’ Lodge see to it thatoranges grow to be big, juicy and succulent. To buildan Orange Tenders’ Lodge, select the Husbandry Tab,then click the “Orchards” button. Choose “OrangeTenders’ Lodge” from the list, and place the buildingin your city, making sure to build the structure alonga road. Then, plant some Orange Trees by clickingthe “Orchards” button again and choosing “OrangeTree.” Orange Trees must be placed in a meadow,which is denoted by purple tufts. After the OrangeTenders’ Lodge has employees, the tenders cultivatethe fruit until it is ripe. Then, they pick the oranges,bring them back to the Orange Tenders’ Lodge andprepare them for storage in a Granary. Once enoughoranges are ready, a deliveryman brings them to aGranary, or to a Pier or Trading Post if you are export-ing the food.

IInndduussttrryyIn Atlantis, orichalc and black marble are used in theconstruction of beautiful Pyramids. Orichalc is alsoused to fortify Towers and Frigates.

OrangeTenders’ Lodge

Hunting Lodge


Black MarbleWorkshop

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The Atlantean City 11The Atlantean City

you have the Science Tab selected, then click the“Astronomy” button. Choose “Observatory,” and placethe building along a road. When an astronomer spotssomething new in the heavens, he’ll leave theObservatory to tell people in the surrounding neigh-borhood of his latest discovery.

Make sure that you can trace a road from theObservatory to the University; if the Astronomer can’tget from the University to the Observatory by a road,he’ll never leave the University.

Astronomers are roaming walkers sometimes and des-tination walkers at other times. When an astronomeris going from a University to an Observatory, he is adestination walker and ignores Roadblocks. If anastronomer leaves from an Observatory, he is a roam-ing walker and turns around when he runs into aRoadblock.

InventorsInventors keep Atlantis on the cutting edge of newtechnology. They receive their training at anInventors’ Workshop. Once an inventor understandshow to turn his ideas into products, he leaves theInventors’ Workshop and goes to work at aLaboratory. The inventor works on new products atthe Laboratory, and when he invents somethingunique, he wanders the city’s streets telling the citi-zens in the housing he passes all about his new gadg-et.

To build an Inventors’ Workshop, select the ScienceTab, then click the “Technology” button. Pick“Inventors’ Workshop,” and place the building along aroad. Then, build a Laboratory by selecting“Laboratory” from the list. Make sure that the inven-tor can walk on a road from the Inventors’ Workshopto the Laboratory. Otherwise, the inventor will betrapped in the Workshop.

When an inventor leaves the Laboratory to tell theworld about his latest invention, he is a roaming walk-er and turns around when he meets a Roadblock.


exporting the good. If artisans need black marble fora construction project, they will get the supply from aStorehouse or trade facility. Artisans never receiveblack marble directly from a Black Marble Workshop.

SScciieenncceeAtlanteans value science above all other pursuits.Rather than entertain themselves with dramas, philo-sophical ideas and athletics, they thrill to uncoverpreviously unknown facts and to study the worldaround them. In fact, Atlanteans will not improvetheir homes until they receive scientific instruction.They learn the sciences from scholars, astronomers,inventors and curators.

ScholarsScholars become wise by studying the books in aBibliotheke. Once they have learned some fascinatingfacts, the scholars wander the city, sharing theirknowledge with the population. To build aBibliotheke, select the Science Tab and click the“Bibliotheke” button. Place the Bibliotheke along aroad. Scholars begin their studies when theBibliotheke has workers.

Scholars are roaming walkers and turn around if theyrun into a Roadblock.

AstronomersAstronomers look to the skies to learn more about lifeon earth. But, before they can track the stars from anObservatory, they must first receive instruction at aUniversity.

To build a University, select the Science Tab and clickthe “Astronomy” button. Choose “University” from thelist provided and place the building in your city. Makesure to place it along a road so that it can functionproperly.

After the astronomer completes his studies at theUniversity, he makes his way to an Observatory towatch the skies. To build an Observatory, make sure



Science Tab

For more informa-tion on walkers,consult the firstchapter of the Zeusmanual.




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The Atlantean City 13The Atlantean City

Inventors” or “Show Curators”). When you click one ofthese buttons, most of the city’s buildings temporarilyflatten, and most of the city’s residents disappear. Forexample, if you choose “Show Scholars,” only thescholars, Bibliothekes, houses and, if you have one inyour city, Hercules’ Hall will appear. Columns in frontof the city’s houses and Hercules’ Hall show howrecently a scholar has passed by to educate the resi-dents. The taller the column, the more recently thescientist has passed.

You can see all your scientists and science buildings atone time by clicking the “Show All Science” button.

HHiippppooddrroommee aanndd CCrroosssswwaallkkThe people of Atlantis do indulge themselves in moreidle entertainment. They love to watch horses race ata Hippodrome. Each city can have only one Hippo-drome, and it can be as large or as small as you want.

To begin Hippodrome construction, select theAdministration Tab and click the “Hippodrome” but-ton. Hold the red block that appears over a clear pieceof land. As you hold the block over the land, yourchoices for the type of segment cycle through. Whenyou see the section you want to build, click to place thesegment. When you are ready to add to the track, clickthe “Hippodrome” button again. Move the block thatappears so that it is adjacent to one of the ends of theexisting Hippodrome. You must build new sections ofHippodrome onto the ends of sections already built.As you hold the cursor in place, your choices will againcycle through. When the segment you want to buildappears, click to build it. A Hippodrome is completewhen it is a closed loop.

If you are placing straight sections of Hippodrome, youcan click the mouse button and drag the cursor untilyou have all the straight sections you want.

A Hippodrome does not necessarily have to be an oval.As long as the Hippodrome is a complete circuit, it canbe any shape you want.


When an inventor is making his way from theInventors’ Workshop to the Laboratory, he is a desti-nation walker and ignores Roadblocks.

CuratorsCurators receive training at a University and thenwork at a Museum. Each city can have only oneMuseum.

To build a Museum, select the Science Tab and clickthe “Museum” button. Make sure to build theMuseum along a road. See the section onAstronomers, above, to learn how to build aUniversity.

After the curator completes his studies, he goes fromthe University to the Museum. Make sure that thecurator can walk on a road from the University to theMuseum. After the curator arrives at the Museumand prepares an exhibit, he’ll leave the Museum and

tell the people in the nearby houses of the latestdisplays.

When a curator is going from a University to theMuseum, he is a destination walker and ignoresRoadblocks. The curators that leave from the Museumare roaming walkers and turn around when theyencounter a Roadblock.

Science InformationYou have several means at your disposal to keep trackof scientific activity. When you click the Science Tab,a brief report appears. Each scientific pursuit is list-ed, along with an estimate of how much instructionyour citizens have received in each of the types of sci-ence. For more information, click the small magnify-ing glass. Specific information regarding the numberof science facilities in your city appears.

To keep track of scientific activity in the neighbor-hoods, use the science reports. You can keep track ofa single type of scientist, or all scientists. To check aparticular type of scientist, click the appropriate but-ton (“Show Scholars,” “Show Astronomers,” “Show


Hippodromes do nothave to be a simpleoval. They can beany shape youwant, as long asyou close the loop.

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The Atlantean City 15The Atlantean City14

After the Hippodrome is complete, a handler from theHippodrome must retrieve some horses from a HorseRanch before races can begin. He must be able to walkon a road from the Hippodrome to the Horse Ranch.Once the handler returns to the track with enoughhorses, the races will start. To find out how manyhorses the Hippodrome needs, right-click on it.

The larger a Hippodrome is, the more horses raceupon it, and the more horses the handler will have toretrieve. If the Hippodrome is large enough, your cit-izens will attend the races and spend money makingwagers and ordering snacks. If you continue to makethe Hippodrome larger, you’ll become more popularwith the residents of your city, and word of the fan-tastic races will spread around the world. Soon, peo-ple from all over the world will come to yourHippodrome and spend money. The Hippodrome willgenerate more revenue, and you’ll become more popu-lar with your own citizens and other leaders of theworld.

As fun as building a Hippodrome is, be careful not tocrowd out your people. Remember, horses don’t work.

A Hippodrome provides exciting action for the citizensof Atlantis and the world, but it can also provide a lotof city design questions. Luckily, you can useCrosswalks to bridge over large Hippodromes.Crosswalks can be built over straight sections ofHippodrome only. To build a Crosswalk, select the

Administration Tab and click the “Hippodrome” but-ton. Select “Crosswalk,” then find a straight section oftrack that has empty land or a road on both sides of it.When you’ve picked a suitable spot, you’ll see a greenghost of the Crosswalk. Click the mouse button to setthe Crosswalk in place. Any citizen can use theCrosswalk to get across the Hippodrome.

Because of structural considerations, Crosswalks can-not be built adjacent to each other.

Hippodromes and Crosswalks may only be built onAtlantis or its colonies.

MMiilliittaarryyThough generally peaceful, Atlanteans do fight if theneed arises. The Atlantean military is made up ofarchers, which come from the city’s common housing,spearmen and charioteers from elite housing, andfrigates.

Atlantean ArmyAll members of the Atlantean army can ably defendtheir city’s borders. Spearmen and Charioteer compa-nies can also be sent abroad to engage in battles inother cities. The Atlantean army uses the same tac-tics as their Greek counterparts.

Atlantean Navy: FrigatesThe sleek and powerful frigate is the pride of theAtlantean navy. Frigates are constructed at a FrigateWharf. To build a Frigate Wharf, select the MilitaryTab and click the “Military Workshops” button.Choose “Frigate Wharf” from the list, and a red foot-print of the building appears. Guide the footprint to astraight piece of shoreline. If you have chosen a suit-able location, the red footprint will turn into a greenghost of the building. Click the mouse button to buildthe Frigate Wharf.

To build a frigate, the Wharf workers need a supply ofwood and armor.

Frigate Wharf

For more on militarytactics, consult theZeus manual.

Page 9: ents Getting Started3 The Atlantean City

Inventors’ Workshop





deer hunter





Horse Ranch

retrieves horsesfrom Horse RanchChariot Factory

Wood may also be deliveredfrom a Storehouse or

Trading Facility


Timber Mill

retrieves horse-drawn chariot from

Chariot Factory

chariot vendor




Hunting Lodgemeat

Orange Tree Orange Tenders’Lodge







black marblequarry

Black MarbleWorkshop


orichalc oreRefinery


black marble


TowerFrigate Wharf

Towers and frigatesequipped with orichalccan launch Atlantean




food vendorretrieves food from Granary




Universityinstructs curatorsand astronomers



apprentices inventors

pyramids require arti-sans plus some of thefollowing materials:orichalc, black mar-ble, marble, woodand sculpture.

Pyramids,Hippodromes, FrigateWharves, ChariotFactories, Chariot

Vendors’ Stalls andscience buildings may

only be built onAtlantis or its

colonies. In addition,only Atlantean

Towers may launchAtlantean Fire.

Chariots cannot beimported or exported.

materials forconstruction


handlerretrieves horsesfrom Horse Ranch


Frigate Wharvesalso require


Page 10: ents Getting Started3 The Atlantean City

The Atlantean City 19The Atlantean City

When a horse and chariot are ready, a chariot vendor from an Agora picks them up and brings them back tothe Agora for distribution. To build a ChariotVendor’s Stall, select the Distribution Tab, then clickthe “Agoras” button. Choose “Chariot Vendor” fromthe list provided, and place it on an Agora.

AAttllaanntteeaannss iinn tthhee WWoorrllddThe Atlanteans are peaceful — at least in dealingsamongst themselves. In accordance with theSymphonia Ithikos, and in honor of their ancestor,Poseidon, they regard internal warfare as shamefuland avoid it at all costs. If an Atlantean leader daresattack an Atlantean ally, the repercussions are swiftand often very painful. All Atlantean leaders turntheir backs on the warmongering leader and becomethat leader’s rival. So, as you lead your city, berespectful of your Atlantean allies. If you aren’t, youcould find yourself in dire straits indeed.

Armed with their technology, the Atlanteans are ableto venture much farther afield than their Greek coun-terparts. In their travels, they come upon many dif-ferent peoples, including the Mayans, Egyptians,Phoenicians and Oceanids. Sometimes these peopleare friends, and other times they are enemies. Becareful if the Oceanids attack you. They swim underwater to get to your city, and your frigates are power-less to stop them. If you are fortunate enough to havethe Kraken defending your city, he can attack theOceanids while they are under water.

OOtthheerr TThhiinnggss ttoo NNootteey You can rotate Horse Ranches before placement by

pressing the ‘r’ key.

y There are many new aesthetic structures withwhich to adorn your city.

y Atlanteans build Bridges, rather than WaterCrossings, to span large sections of water. Shipscan pass under them without a problem.


After the frigate has been built, a load of orichalc, ifavailable, is delivered to the Wharf. With the orichalc,workers build an Atlantean Fire launcher. AtlanteanFire sets its target ablaze, and it makes the frigatestronger than ships not equipped with the deadlyweapon.

Atlantean frigates use the same tactics as Greektriremes.

As with your land-based military, you can select morethan one frigate at a time. Begin by selecting a singlefrigate, then “lasso” the other frigates you want toselect by dragging your mouse button. Then, you canissue an order to all of the selected ships. You can alsoassign the fleet to a hotkey by pressing CTRL and 1, 2,3, 4 or 5. To reselect the fleet, simply press the ALTkey and the number that you assigned to it.

TowersAtlanteans also outfit their Towers with orichalc,which will be delivered to the Tower automatically ifthe metal is available. A Tower with orichalc launch-es deadly Atlantean Fire and is stronger than a Towerthat cannot launch Atlantean Fire.

Chariot FactoryThe most elite Atlantean soldiers use chariots.Chariots are made at a Chariot Factory.

To build a Chariot Factory, choose the Military Taband click the “Military Workshops” button. Select“Chariot Factory” from the list, and place the buildingalong a road.

To make a chariot, the workers at the Chariot Factoryneed a supply of wood. They also need a horse, whichis trained to pull the chariot. The Chariot Factoryreceives shipments of wood from a Timber Mill,Storehouse or trading facility. When the ChariotFactory needs horses, the Factory sends a hostler to aHorse Ranch to pick up some horses and bring themback to the Chariot Factory.

Chariot Factory

Page 11: ents Getting Started3 The Atlantean City

Mythology and Pyramids

It is no surprise that the gods take such a largeinterest in Atlantean goings-on. Not only are thegods intrigued by the beautiful land filled with

amazing creatures, they also have a sacred pact withthe Atlanteans, the Symphonia Ithikos.

The Atlanteans honor the gods just as the Greeks do— with Sanctuaries. But, the Atlanteans are remark-ably expressive and have come up with new buildingsto display the full flower of Atlantean craftsmanship.

GGooddssHera, Queen of Heaven, and Atlas, Bearer of theWorld, join the pantheon of gods. Like the other Greekgods, if Hera and Atlas befriend you, the benefits aremany. If they choose to oppose you, then watch out!

When Atlas and Hera are friendly toward you, youmay be able to build Sanctuaries in their honor. TheSanctuaries are:

Orchard of Hera. When you complete theOrchard of Hera, two stands of Orange Treessprout up in front of her Sanctuary. These OrangeTrees can be harvested by a tender from anOrange Tenders’ Lodge. When she is out andabout in your city, she just might sanctify yourCorrals and Orange Tenders’ Lodges. While sanc-tified, these buildings produce more food thanusual.

Hera is also the only deity who can stand up toZeus and send him packing. If Zeus attacks a citythat worships Hera, she will make sure that Zeuscauses no damage. She also increase your popula-tion by making your citizens more fertile. Theygive birth to more babies while Hera is in resi-dence.

A prayer to the goddess helps you keep the city’sAgoras stocked. When Hera answers your prayer,

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Mythology and Pyramids 23Mythology and Pyramids

until the curse wears off. Atlas also curses Artisans’Guilds. When cursed, any artisan working on a proj-ect dies, and other artisans, not wanting the samecruel fate to befall them, stay in the Artisans’ Guilduntil the curse ends.

Of course, no god would be caught dead without anattendant monster. Hera’s monster is the Sphinx, andAtlas’ creature is Chimera. There’s more on monstersbelow.

Each god has his or her place in the grand order ofthings, and Hera and Atlas are no different. In orderof strength, here are all the gods you’ll encounter inPoseidon:


Generally speaking, gods higher on the list defeat godslower on the list in a fight. If you worship Aphrodite,however, she will defeat Hephaestus and Ares if theyinvade. If you build the Orchard of Hera, she will dis-patch Zeus should he step foot in your city in a foulmood.

MMoonnsstteerrss aanndd HHeerrooeessThe four monsters joining the group of nasties are theSphinx, Chimera, Echidna and the Harpies.


she helps all the vendors in your city uncover somestock that they did not realize that they had. IfHera notices that your Agoras are running low onsupplies, she may grant this blessing on her own.Hera only helps those Vendors’ Stalls that haveemployees.

Pillar of Atlas. When you complete the Pillar ofAtlas, the great god induces your stonecutters towork more quickly. Artisans’ Guilds also send outmore artisans to construction sites. If Atlas sanc-tifies a Masonry Shop or Black Marble Workshopwhile wandering around your city, then the sanc-tified building will produce more marble thanusual.

If Atlas hears your prayer, he will speed up theconstruction of a Sanctuary or Pyramid. When heresponds to your prayer, he makes his way to aconstruction site. Any materials en route to thesite magically appear, and the construction mate-rials somehow last longer than they should. For ashort time, the artisans continue to work withoutneeding new supplies.

In order for both these Sanctuaries to function proper-ly, priests from the Sanctuary must conduct regularsacrifices. The priests find cattle, sheep and goatsacceptable. They will also take food from a Granary ina pinch.

Dealing with the wrath of these two gods is quite chal-lenging. When she is upset, Hera...well, let’s just saythat she does some interesting things to your people.Hera also kills half the cattle being raised in the cityand destroys the orange crop. To top it off, she con-vinces all the other leaders in the world to think lessof you.

An angry Atlas has a unique bag of tricks, too. WhenAtlas invades, any unfortunate people who cross hispath are turned to stone. He also curses your BlackMarble Workshops and Masonry Shops. Any marbleon the premises is destroyed, and no more is delivered

All gods will acceptcattle, in additionto the regular sheep,goats and food, assacrifice.

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Mythology and Pyramids 25Mythology and Pyramids

HHeerrccuulleess aanndd JJaassoonn iinn AAttllaannttiissHercules always demands the best of whatever a landhas to offer. When he visits Atlantis or its colonies, heinsists on being educated by a variety of scientists. Healso enjoys knowing that he can watch horses race ata Hippodrome.

When Jason visits Atlantis, he demands that a fleet offrigates be built in his honor. Right-click on his Hero’sHall to see how many he wants.

AAppoolllloo iinn AAttllaannttiissIf Apollo is worshiped in Atlantis, the god may sancti-fy any Bibliotheke, Laboratory, Observatory or


Sphinx. Known for her difficult riddles, theSphinx is part woman and part lion — a deadlycombination to be sure. When she isn’t wreakinghavoc of her own volition, she follows Hera’sorders.

Chimera. With Typhon as a father and Echidnaas a mother, Chimera’s pedigree is impeccable.Her sense of destruction is also well-refined. She’smore than willing to attack on her own, but alsodoes Atlas’ bidding.

Echidna. The mother of monsters (the Sphinx,Chimera, Cerberus and the Hydra are all her off-spring), Echidna has the face of a nymph but thebody of a serpent. Headstrong, Echidna reports tono one: she always acts on her own.

Harpies. This foursome of fearsome sisters isbent on destruction. No one would dare order theHarpies around, not even a god.

Luckily, a pair of heroes help you fight off these mon-sters. Atalanta, the famed archer, huntress and ath-lete, battles the Sphinx and the Harpies. Bellerophon,the skilled horseman, fights Chimera and Echidna.The heroes come to your city when you have built andoutfitted their Hero’s Halls.

SSeennddiinngg HHeerrooeess oonn QQuueessttssOnly heroes can fulfill the quests that gods issue. Tosend a hero on a quest, you must first convince thehero to come to your city by building the appropriateHero’s Hall. Once the hero has arrived in the city, youcan send him or her on the quest in a variety of ways.You can click the Overview Tab, and click the name ofthe god that issued the quest. Or, you can click on the“Goals” button (the checkmark on the lower left of thecontrol panel), and click the button next to the Quest’sname. Finally, you can right-click on the Hero’s Halland click the “Quest” button to send the hero.

Three Ways to Send a Hero on a Quest

Method One: Choosethe Overview Tab,then click the name ofthe god who issued thequest.

Method two: Click the “Goals” button on the Control Panel, thenclick the “Dispatch Hero” button.

Method three: Right-click on the appropriate Hero’s Hall andclick on the “Dispatch” button.

For more on Apollo,consult the Myth-ology chapter ofyour Zeus manual..

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Mythology and Pyramids 27Mythology and Pyramids

Use the “m” key to help you place the Pyramid. Whenyou press the “m” key, the Pyramid’s footprint isfrozen in place. Then, you can scroll around to see ifthe Pyramid is fitting the way you want it to, or to seeif there are obstructions. You can also rotate aPyramid’s footprint by pressing the “r” key.

Once the Pyramid is placed, construction can begin.Artisans from an Artisans’ Guild proceed to the con-struction site where they await delivery of materials.The materials needed to build a Pyramid differdepending on Pyramid type. See the section onPyramid Types, below, to learn about the differentPyramids.

To keep track of your Pyramid construction projects,click the Aesthetics Tab. Along with all theCommemorative Monuments in your city, you’ll seelisted all the Pyramid projects that you can build alongwith their current statuses. To center your view on aparticular Pyramid, click on its status.

For more details about your Pyramids andCommemorative Monuments, click on the small mag-nifying glass. On the detailed report, you’ll see howfar along each Pyramid project is and what specificproblems the project may be having. You can alsoclick on the name of a Commemorative Monument toview a sample of it in your city.

Pyramid TypesThere are several types of Pyramid that you can build.They are:

Pyramid. The common pyramid comes in fourdifferent sizes: the Modest Pyramid, the Pyramid,the Great Pyramid and the Majestic Pyramid. Toconstruct these pyramids, you’ll need a supply ofmarble (black, white or both), orichalc and wood.

Monument to the Sky. To reach closer to theheavens, Atlanteans build Monuments to the Sky.There are three types: the Small Monument to theSky, the Monument to the Sky and the Grand


Museum that he passes. While sanctified, these insti-tutions send more scientists to wander the streets,telling the residents of the houses that they pass oftheir latest discoveries.

If an angry Apollo invades an Atlantean city, he curs-es all science buildings. No scientists discover any-thing new while the science buildings are cursed.

CCiittaaddeell ooff PPoosseeiiddoonnPoseidon is the father of Atlantis, and whenAtlanteans worship him they build the Citadel ofPoseidon. The Citadel of Poseidon provides the samebenefits as the Promontory of Poseidon, but it is amuch more majestic building, befitting of the god’sstature in Atlantis. The central feature of the Citadelof Poseidon is a gorgeous statue of the god in his ele-ment, surrounded by leaping dolphins and beautifulNereids.

To build the Citadel of Poseidon, you need supplies ofwhite marble, sculpture, wood and orichalc, along withartisans from an Artisans’ Guild.

PPyyrraammiiddssThe Atlanteans’ many technological advances extendto architecture, and they bring this knowledge to thelands they colonize. Their most lofty achievement isthe Pyramid. The Greeks do not build pyramids.

To build a Pyramid, select the Aesthetics Tab and thenclick the “Pyramid” button. The Pyramid’s footprintappears. Guide the footprint to the area where youwould like to place the Pyramid. If the footprint isgreen, click to set the Pyramid in place. If the foot-print is red, then you’ll need to find another spot orclear away the obstructions.

You’ll notice that the footprint has a square jutting outfrom one of its sides. This square becomes a plank,which must be connected to a road for construction tobegin.

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29Mythology and Pyramids

to call off work. The artisans finish up their currenttask, but then go home or find another constructionproject that needs their services. To restart construc-tion, right-click on the construction site again andclick the “Resume Construction” button.


Monument to the Sky. The tops of these monu-ments are left flat and finished with beautiful tile.To build these monuments, you’ll need a supply ofmarble (black, white or both), orichalc and wood.

Shrine. Shrines are built to a specific god andcome in three sizes, ranging from minor to major.A sculpture or statue of the god honored by theshrine is placed at the peak. To build a Major orMinor Shrine, you’ll need a supply of marble(black, white or both), orichalc, wood and sculp-ture. To build a Shrine, you’ll need marble,orichalc and wood.

Pyramid of the Pantheon. The Pyramid of thePantheon honors all the gods. To build thisPyramid, you’ll need some marble (black, white orboth), orichalc, wood and sculpture.

Altar of Olympus. The Altar of Olympus is a joyto gaze upon. To build the Altar of Olympus, you’llneed supplies of marble (white, black or both),wood and orichalc.

Temple of Olympus. The beautiful Temple ofOlympus reaches towards the gods’ home. Tobuild the temple, you’ll need supplies of marble(black, white or both), wood and orichalc.

Observatory Kosmika. The ObservatoryKosmika celebrates Atlantean dedication to study-ing the skies. You’ll need marble (white, black orboth), wood and orichalc to build it.

Museum Atlantika. Only the best exhibits aredisplayed at the Museum Atlantika. The MuseumAtlantika requires marble (white, black or both),wood and orichalc.

HHaallttiinngg CCoonnssttrruuccttiioonnIf you would like to stop artisans from working on aPyramid or Sanctuary, right-click the constructionsite. Click the button that reads “Halt Construction”

Mythology and Pyramids

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Orichalc 9, 18Overview Tab 24

P-RPhoenicians 19Poseidon 26Pyramid 22, 27, 28Pyramid of the Pantheon 28Pyramid Types 27-28Pyramids 26-28Quests 24Refinery 9Roadblock 10, 11, 12

SSacrifice 22Sanctuary 28Scholar 10Science 10-13Science Ta 12-13Science Tab 10, 11Selecting frigates 18Show Astronomers 12-13Show Curators 13Show Inventors 12-13Show Scholars 12-13Shrine 28Spearmen 15Sphinx 23, 24Stonecutter 9-10Symphonia Ithikos 3, 19

T-WTemple of Olympus 28Tender 8Timber Mill 18Tower 9Towers 18University 10-11, 12Water Crossing 19Wood 18

AAdministration Tab 13Adventure Editor 5Aesthetic Structures 19Aesthetics Tab 26Agora 19, 22Altar of Olympus 28Apollo 25-26Archers 15Artisans 27Artisans’ Guild 22, 23, 27Astronomer 10-11Atalanta 24Atlantean army 15Atlas 21, 22-23

BBellerophon 24Bibliotheke 10, 25-26Black Marble 9-10Black Marble Quarry 9Black Marble Workshop 9-10, 22Bridge 19

CCattle 7, 22Chariot 18-19Chariot Factory 18Chariot Vendor 19Chariot Vendor’s Stall 19Charioteer 15Chimera 23, 24Citadel of Poseidon 26Commemorative Monuments 27Corral 7, 21Crosswalk 14-15Curator 12

D-GDeer 8Echidna 24Egyptians 19Frigate 15-18Frigate Tactics 18

Frigate Wharf 9, 15-18“Goals” Button 24God Rankings 23Gods 21-23

HHalting Construction 28-29Harpies 24Hera 21, 22Hercules 25Hero’s Hall 24Hippodrome 13-15Horse 14, 18Horse Ranch 14, 18, 19Hostler 18Hunters 8Hunting Lodge 8Husbandry 7-8Husbandry Tab 7, 8

I-MIndustry 8-10Industry Tab 9Inventor 11-12Inventors’ Workshop 11-12Jason 25Laboratory 11-12, 25-26Masonry Shop 22Mayans 19Meadow 7, 8Meat 7, 8Metallurgist 9Military 15-19Military Tab 15Monument to the Sky 27Museum 12, 26Museum Atlantika 28

OObservatory 10-11, 25-26Observatory Kosmika 28Oceanids 19Orange Tenders’ Lodge 8, 21Orange Tree 8, 21Oranges 8
