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In this manual you will find the stories of the Spor youth after the program and how they decided to take action after this experience that changed their lives in a positive way and now help their communities, working, the development of Guatemala.

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3rd Spor Generation Guatemala - Tanzania

I will begin by telling you about my family, we are 10 people in total, each

of my brothers are already married and with their families and my parents

live on their own, therefore we no longer live together, but when we all lived

together something we enjoyed doing as a family was cooking, especially

on Sundays we used to cook seafood since we all enjoy them. Even now,

we meet for a nice lunch every once in a while, and have fun. The family

dynamic has been always good, we have always been good with each


I started to study kinder garden when

my parents worked as principals of an

orphanage in Villa Nueva, Guatemala

City. Then my parents finished their

work at this orphanage and went to

live in the neighboring town of San

Miguel Petapa, that’s when I study

middle school. The year after finishing

high school, I started at the University

of San Carlos studying advertising for 3


When I was in elementary school,

the last thing I liked was that it

was very quiet and introverted, I

do not really like the idea of

being with other 25 children in a

classroom five days a week, but

then time pasted and began to

socialize better and liking school,

as is normal in any child. What I

liked about the school were the

years in high school and university

years, where I met most of the

people I consider my real friends

until today.

The university, in particular, opened my mind

and gave me other views on the global reality

in which we live, I met very interesting people,

who were engaged in different activities and

very passionate about life.

I do not think I can say how far I have come

academically, as one is always growing

intellectually if you taken the time to read,

study, research and practice; so I think every

day we learn new things that are forming us,

and not necessarily are learned from a

university or a school.

It was in my college years, when through a

conversation online with a friend from the

University where she, who did her internship at

Fundated, told me about the open call for a

cultural exchange program that she was

helping to promote in college. She asked me to

help her with reviewing the design she

had already done editing, when I saw

the details for the open call, it caught

my attention, at that time I was

precisely looking to travel and do

something different in my life.

What motivated me to show up, first,

was my desires, to travel, and then my

desire to want to grow professionally in

the subjects that interested me at the

time, like: environment awareness,

Recycling, and Art.

I’ve showed up with more questions

than expectations, Fundated’s staff

always gave me confidence and

security, I knew they were a serious

organization because of what my

friend had told me about them.

At the same time, I was thrilled with the idea of traveling to Africa, I was

going to the other side of the planet, I couldn’t imagine how it could be, I

just wanted to make things right and go.

My arrival at Spor was 2 ½ months before the selection of participants that

would travel took place, so since I arrived we were always 3 participants.

But when I was selected to go, I was very happy, we’ve done it, we were

much closer to the trip.

As a participant in the program I always tried to give the best of me, the

Spor program requires for you to be professional in what you do, that’s way

my one expectative was to make a good turnout, Fundated supported me

a lot to develop the project that I ran in Tanzania and that motivated me

much more to give my best.

What I did and learned it was a

lot, because I met people, I

learned a third language (Swahili),

I met tribes and people of African

like the Masai and the Kipare, I

was in two continents (Europe and

Africa), I lived in a community

northern Tanzania which was

amazing, there I lived with a local

family, knowing their daily lives,

worked in a primary school where I

developed my art project and

recycling, made friends, I tried

new food, dancing, playing

drums, etc.

Earn the courage to continue

doing what I love to do, and what

is important for me to do for

myself, for the community, for the

country, and the world I live in.

Gain a lot of personal experience,

as well as a professional facilitator.

Won a more open and positive

mindset, a bigger picture and

realize that anything is possible.

I lost my fear of trying new things

and lost fear of continuing to


Imagine that you get the opportunity to share some of what you love to do,

in a country across the world for 5 months, interacting with a portion of the

diverse African culture and learning a language never even heard to

mention before in your lifetime. That definitely changes your view of what

life, people and the world are.

This happened to me during and

after the trip. I felt that the world

was smaller, but my ideas, my

desire to live, to share, to learn,

and to travel only grew. As we say

in Guate (short for “Guatemala”):

one thing leads to another; After

that project I continued studying

topics that I like, I have

participated in courses, workshops,

etc. Studying and facilitating some

issues related to the environment,

as well.

Then I found the Permaculture at Lake Atitlan and that allowed me to

complete my submergens in the world of agriculture, appropriate

technologies, ancestral knowledge and seeking to live a minimalist way

and a lot more conscious. My family has always supported me, I think the

trip helped to reinforce their confidence in me.

Now picture me as a seed. You could say that before the trip I was like a

seed ready to begin to germinate, but the seed had no soil or water

enough to start the next process towards a more full and free life. I was

really itching to travel anywhere outside, I didn’t knew where I wanted to

go, or how, or with who, just wanted to travel and explore the world, this

was what my intuition told me I had to do to take the next step and then

achieve greater things. It was at that moment when life crossed my path

with Fundated and its amazing people. Fundated was for me as the soil

and water in perfect amounts so that the seed may germinate and begin

another stage of development and growth.

Since my return I have

had the opportunity to

participate as facilitator

in some departments of

Guatemala, always try to

find spaces to share what

I do. One of the most

interesting projects, and I

think in my opinion, that

contributes to the

national community in

the projects which I

participated after being

in SPOR, has been

studying and working with Permaculture Institute on Lake Atitlan, where we

promote the native plants and native seeds, share workshops on organic

farming, appropriate technologies, nutrition, agro-ecology, and seed bank,

among others; this with farmers across the country. I have also worked as

program coordinator to develop school gardens in 19 schools around Lake

Atitlan with over 500 local children.

I can define the changes provoked in me the Spor program

as a metamorphosis.


4th Spor Generation Guatemala - Norway

My family formed by my father,

mother and younger sister who is

now 2 children and husband. My

dad works in construction and

agriculture, my mother has a

business in the market Patzún, my

sister is a music teacher.

On weekends we all stay at home

together since because of our

different activities we’re away from

home during the week; we are a very close family.

Lately my family has been growing in number with the new members, after

the exchange experience we’ve been blessed to have youth from the

program as part of the family, my new brothers and nephews both

Norwegian and Tanzanian, as well; we are now a large family.

I studied my primary and basic in the town of Patzún, Chimaltenango; the

class that I really liked my primary class was math and I did not like was the

kind of English and now that I like

When I was 15 years old I left my

community and migrate to the city

to study to be a teacher, in 1999

obtained the degree in Household

Education Teacher, I loved this

profession where I also had the

opportunity to obtain a specialty in

the area of Food which provides

me the opportunity to work in the

hotel area. This profession has

given me the opportunity to

actively work in the social

community development area,

which has opened several opportunities to keep on learning, and each day

has a new opportunity to keep my academic studies, preparing myself to

continue the contribution to the emerging of my country. Parallel to my

studies in becoming a teacher, I had the opportunity to study to business

administration courses where they gave me the opportunity to participate

in different activities being one of the unforgettable one, participating in

conferences and Entrepreneurs forums in Mexico, my first experience

outside Guatemala.

The involvement in the development area

has helped me grow personally as well,

and see firsthand the needs that families

from different communities and been able

to help them somehow.

In 2005 I found out about the Spor program

through the radio ads in Patzún and

experiences of the first participants who

had returned from their exchange. What

motivated my dream to visit other

countries and travel the world and

different cultures, was after my experience

in Mexico, it completely changed my

perspective, however feared to risk

because at that time had been working

for an NGO in Chimaltenango, five years

longer, participating in Spor involved great

risk of losing my job if I did not qualify.

Were mixed feelings, much joy to know

that my dream of meeting a new culture

would be done while actually much fear

of the unknown. I imagine a great

challenge being away from home and

family, but also something interesting to

help me keep growing. My participation

was fantastic, definitely a great blessing of

God, I had the privilege of working in 3

places: in a volunteer organization

learning and assisting in the care of people with social and health

problems. In a school as assistant head teacher and also supporting the

municipality of Rjukan, and also had the privilege of participating in the

making of traditional costumes of Norway for a very famous work Maris

Pelet. Gain new experiences, many friends, and especially a fantastika


I lost the fear of communicating and as days went by hiba my fears losing

and gaining blessings.

Definitely the Spor program has been

one of the significant bases various

changes and achievements in my life as

my family and my community, with the

blessing of the creator've managed to

get involved in various development

programs for my community and my

country. My personal and professional

growth has changed significantly.

In Fundated I opened the doors to the

educational sector in training children

and young people within the

communities they support. On issues

such as Leadership, Entrepreneurship,

community development and values.

It was in the same NGO for which I work,

before the exchange, where the

opportunity to return to work there again

gave; I decided to take this opportunity, however, this time was different,

the position allowed me to get involved as an honorary member of that

institution prior recognition of the work he had done, and still currently

underway in communities. It was two years after being elected an honorary

member when I give vice president of the board,

since which actively exercised for two years. Today I

was re-elected as Treasurer of the Foundation

which has over 50 years experience at national and

international level.

On the other hand, I personally looked for

opportunities where it can provide support to the

needy around me. In this work I have managed to

develop and implement projects for housing

construction, health and education with the

support of the above organizations and support of

my family and close friends. These experiences

have also made me enterprising and continue to achieve my dreams.


5th Spor Generation Guatemala - Tanzania

My family and I have always lived together in Totonicapan’s down town. At

least as far as my older siblings were single, who currently live each one on

their own with their families. I’m the third of four brothers. My dad worked a

lifetime in the hardware store, the business that he inherited from my

grandfather. Currently he sells contruction materials. My mom works with

him. Actually I have a conservative family, with ideals, beliefs and lifestyles

that involve being middle class and Guatemalan, but that has not stopped

us, although sometimes is difficult, and openness of mind to the

contemporary dynamics.

A very important person in my house is my nana, pillar of operation inside

our home. K’che woman who raised us; my younger brother and me since

childhood and who have absorbed very important life lessons. She’s my

mom’s best friend and for me is like my second mother. My older brother is

a doctor and he lives in the capital, is father of two sons; the second of my

brothers works with my father in the business and he’s also married and has

two children. the youngest is going to college and he still lives at home.

I studied primary education in a little school of Totonicapan. Later I finished

primary, and I started secondary education in a private school in

Quetzaltenango, because my parents always thought that education

outside Totonicapan is better, I don’t know how true or not it could be. I

had the opportunity to go directly to college after high school at my 17

years in 2008.

I’m one of the minorities of Guatemalans who have the opportunity to

access into private education. I decided to study literature, even against all

o the bad wishes upon the little field of work that would mean in the future; I

think it was a spontaneous decision and somewhat naive but always

authentic because I felt attracted to reading and culture.

Since childhood i was surrounding myself with books, this was weird

because there were not many in my house. My parents and aunts

supported me and that was enough. I lived in Guatemala city for five years

to study at college. I also once dreamed of being a writer. shortly after

entering college I realized that even, to my knowledge, there is no course

that will teach one to write, is a personal work that requires dedication, but

certainly having studied Literature made me

have a broader and more critical vision of my

reality, which has me now working in cultural

platforms. I graduated this 2014.

I knew about SPOR Program one day walking at

the college and thanks to a poster that had

some pictures of the two previous phases of

SPOR who had been in Tanzania. I was closing

curricula, and immediately wrote an email and

called. They told me a date and hour for a

briefing, I went, met FUNDATED and I stayed.

I was curious and i had nothing to lose by

finding out. I think what caught my attention

was the fact that it was a cultural exchange

between young people related to community

work, which I had never participated but it had

always been very close to live in Totonicapan.

And the fact that it was in Africa made it

interesting. People often think that these

opportunities are only directed towards northern

countries . When I arrived there were only three

participants. I immediately went to a pre-

selected group who remained together until

almost the end of it. I knew it would be full of

learning process, but I thought it of an easier

way. Actually it is a challenging process,

especially when you faced with your own fears.

That doesn’t mean it isn’t fun and you never fills

of friends. but it isn’t easy.

I went through a preparatory course, exchange and work to return that led

me to face and overcome many personal walls and work with close

contact with other people in Guatemala and Tanzania. I think that’s the

most valuable thing because I learned to

form a community wherever I go. The

exchange was a flood of intense

experiences that left me teaching me

how different people can connect and I

can be kind of agent that contributes to

generation theses meeting, so necessary

in a present and a fragmented and unjust

society like mine. Personally it helped me

to mature in many facets of my life.

Familiarly it granted me the

opportunity to project confidence and

break with traditional schemes that get to

do much damage.

Socially I became involved in social

work and took me to be aware of the

reality of my country.

Academic and professionally I could

implement innovative ways through

education and cultural management my

knowledge, especially when it is believed

that literature doesn’t come from books.

Today I hace a personal project related

to all these issues, which was developed

during my SPOR experience, and I hope

that over the years can I grow and leave

positive footprints in the lives of many


I used to be very insecure and fearful of disapproval from others. Also, I

don’t dare to undertake projects I had in mind. During the exchange I was

gaining confidence in myself. Upon return I noticed a change in how I

relate to others and how I assumed other challenges and changes that

came into my life in a positive way. I broke many personal oxidized

structures, family and my environment while I was in Africa, working in a

school with children artists and having fun. I decided to be myself.

I have been working and learning a lot of the cultural mediation process

and artistic mediation. I currently work in a cultural institution where I am in

charge of the dynamics of approach between art and people, where art

can function as a generator of critical thinking and imagination. I hope to

take the best of these experiences and use it in personal projects

that i have in a future.


16th Spor Generation Guatemala - Norway

I’ll begin by telling you a little about my family and current history. My

mom died when I was one week old, when I was 5 years old my father

remarried and I, since then, lived with my grandparents. Currently I live in

Mixco (in Guatemala city) with one of my sisters, whose name is Ingrid, our

daily activities are working, attending church and studying, on our free

time we enjoy going to the movies or visit our relatives back in Patzún.

I started studying when I was 5 years old; to after

middle school I got my high school degree in

computer science with a commercial

orientation, I thank God that now I’m on the third

semester at the University in order to get a

degree in Business Administration. What I like the

most about studying is meeting new people,

getting to learn new things and sharing time with

my friends.

I heard about the Spor program through people

who were part of this cultural exchange program

at some point, and who also were in charge of a

project called GYPI at FUNDATED. I was

encourage to participate because I saw the

opportunity to fulfill one of my dreams, to travel

abroad and become part of Spor. This was a

platform to show my abilities as a leader and get

enough learning to develop as a professional. As

you can imagine when I knew I was one of the

chosen ones I was joyful, nervous, very positive

and fearful at the same time. During the

preparatory course I always imagined my

passing through would be, despite the obstacles

faced, with enthusiasm and constant.

Spor was the greatest challenge that I got

through, and thanks to this experience I

learned to trust myself and be stronger to

get up after every fall in life. I gained

courage to live and the love of many

people in the host country. It also taught me

not to be afraid to pursue my dreams and

try as many times as necessary to achieve

the objective.

At a personal level, the exchange program, taught me to have a positive

mind in every test of life. Regarding my relationship with my Guatemalan

family I was able to improve the communication with them. In social

aspect, I got better job opportunities. And, academically I strengthened my

desire to not give up my dream of being a great business woman.

The process before, during and after I would describe it as follows:

Before Spor my life was quite

dynamic as part of Youth Power

and Scout, Fundated projects

where we conducted many

activities for the development of

our people, most of the time I

spent it in them. During the

preparatory course my life took a

turn becoming more active

because every second take the

advantage and to give the best of

me and to prove that the work I

was doing was a reflection of my

efforts. Being in Norway I was a

very pleased for the nice

relationship I build with my

Norwegian family, I learned a lot

from each of them. I also faced

challenges every day, because of

the different cultures and

languages, which contributed to

my personal growth. And when I

returned, it was very exciting

experience to share what I

achieved with my family and

friends; I could teach them what I

learned during my volunteer work.

However, I had to face new

challenges on my return, starting

to become further independent,

this exited me a lot.

I deeply appreciate the Spor program because it helped me "Believe in

me" even though others do not, and, at the same time, it was the most

welcome change that I can see in my own life. The program helped me

interact better in society, to be a leader if the situation required it, enrich my

interest in learning to accept and correct my mistakes and put into service

my values.

After the cultural exchange program I

decided to be part of the working field,

so I began the search for a job; In 2012,

after three months of searching, I

managed to be on the staff of an NGO

whose focus is in sponsorship programs,

my first placement was as a social

developer, focusing 90% of my work on

field work with families of the

beneficiaries, making important briefings

on the program and moderating

workshops on child rights and

obligations, and a reforestation project

for the protection and livelihoods of the

environment, among other social

problems. The remaining 10% of my work

was administrative approach, as a

correspondent, photograph, filing and


A year wet by working in such a prestigious foundation, they trusted me to

lead the correspondent unit. This post is mostly administrative as it focuses

on creating a source of communication between the beneficiary and the

sponsor; I thank God that I still have today, under my responsibility, that


This experience has varied greatly from what I’ve been previously involved,

and I've learned a lot from families who I thought was going to teach them,

when in reality was them who made me thir student; I am proud because I

know that part of my education was given at Fundated, which created an

opportunity for me to get ahead in life. I am delighted to be Spor because

each of us in living a large footprint wherever we go.


20th Spor Generation Guatemala - Norway

It is a pleasure for me to start this story telling you

about my family. We are eight people in my

family. My dad, my mom, my two older brothers,

a sister in law, my two nephews, and I.

My dad is a bricklayer, my mom is a housewife,

and my older brother is married. He has two

children who I love very much. My second

brother is an electrician and my sister in law is a

housewife too. I am the youngest of the family; I

am a middle school teacher and I actually work

as a teacher. We’re a very close family.

Even though we’ve had our problems, we’re very

supportive of each other. We don’t get out a lot but when we do I get very

happy. One of the activities I really like doing, and my family and I yearn for,

is when we go to the coast. We have relatives in the south coast of

Guatemala and every New Year’s celebration we go there to visit them.

We have a lot of fun because we go to the beach, share with the whole

family, and spend a lot of time together. We also do a lot of things that we

keep in our hearts.

Regarding my studies; I began to study when I was six years old but in that

year my mother took me out of school. My mother said that she did it

because I used to cry a lot at school and I used to bother my brother who

was studying there too. That’s what I’ve been told, but the next year I

started the elementary school for six years. After the elementary school I

started the secondary school for

three more years. I finished the

junior high school and the next

year I was supposed to start the

high school but the bad

conditions that my family and I

were living was really sad. My

parents couldn’t afford paying

for my studies. That was in 2009.

So, I decided to work and save

some money to continue my

studies the year after that.

Since I was a child, I used to dream that I was going to be a teacher, and I

used to work in a school with a lot of children so it wasn’t hard to choose

what I wanted to become because I knew what I wanted. One of my

dreams started to come true. It wasn’t easy; it was really hard, not only for

me, but also for my parents because they were still supporting me to

achieve my dream, which was to was to become a teacher. The years

went by and in 2012 my dream came true. I did it, I became a teacher. The

last day of high school was very good because I got my diploma where it

stated my new profession.

I got to know the Spor program because in 2008 I was part of one of

FUNDATED’s youth program. In that year one of the Spor generations that

was in Norway came to this program to tell us about their experience and

all the things they did there. Since that moment I told myself that I wanted

that, I wanted to go there too, It sounded very interesting, and I don’t know

how I would get there, but I knew I was going to do it. That was how I got to

know the program. I had the motivation since then, because they said that

the experience changes your life, you see your life in a different way, and

you are not the same person. So I told my parents about this new chance

to grow as a person and they said: “Yes, go ahead, do it! We will support

you and everything that you want to do, you have our permission!”

My expectations were lower of all what the program really is. I never

thought it was going to be so difficult to go to Norway and being one of the

four finalists. When I saw a lot of young people looking for the same

opportunity as me, I told myself: “this must not be simple, Raúl, put a lot of

effort and fight for your spot, help the others but help yourself too” and I did

it like that. I made a promise to myself: I was going to be one of the finalists.

I was really nervous when Fundatd started to say the names of those who

were going to be the new generation of Spor, because I was the second to

last to be called. So, when they said: “Congratulation guys, you are the pre-

selected group who will start with the preparatory course to select the final

group” I almost jump of happiness but I didn’t. I was just happy and grateful

with God.

The thoughts that I had about been responsible and an attitude of a fighter

allowed be to not be confident all the time and always prove more and

better things of what I showed them the day before, without fear of being


I think my participation was good in different ways:


I remember this before I left Norway: “My country is

waiting for me, as well as my family and friends. They

hope to see a change in my life”. Of course I have

changed in some aspects but I continue to be the

same Raul, humble, who fights every day to live my

present, and get a new future. Another thing that

changed in me

was in focusing

on what I really

want, not being

a person who

thinks only

himself, but also

in others.

First of all, this process made

me more responsible, to see

beyond of what I had in front

of me, to be more conscious,

to say what’s on my mind, to

speak freely, and many things

that were the beginning of a

new life as a person.

Second, the five months in Norway I

learned to be myself, not to leave

aside my principles, my values and

everything I learned at home

because I was representing not only

my country, but myself, my family

and my town too. Every day was an

opportunity to learn something.

Third, on my return to Guatemala I work as a

volunteer at Fundated’s project as a teacher. The

project was about “learning disabilities”. I learned

a lot from this project because the project

focused on kids and I love to work with kids so I

really enjoyed it after what I experienced during

the exchange

After all my exchange I found out what I now want to study at the

university. I also learned to live my present, learn from the past and wait for

the good and bad things that the future will bring to my life.

On previews years, at one of Fundated’s youth programs, they helped me

in some aspects of my life by teaching me to “Take decisions, resolve

conflicts, feel first, think about what I want to do and/or say, before acting”

these aspects were very important for my life.

All what I learned in the preparatory course helped me the moment I

placed a foot in the airport on my way to Norway. The biggest challenge

was the language because I didn’t know how to speak English, I didn’t

know how to hold a conversation, I just knew some sentences, expressions

and vocabulary. I was a little bit afraid and nervous when we arrived to

Holland, because not that many people spoke Spanish.

We got to emigration and police officers were asking a lot of questions that

I couldn’t understand on that moment. So I think that was the worst

moment I ever lived in my life. I didn’t know how to answer, not even my

friends, so I used my body language because that was the only solution I

could see at that moment. Fortunately we understood each other. What I

can see on this is that I learned to find an immediate solution, to know that

there is, always, a solution for every single thing in daily life, in one way or


The challenge I encounter with the

language barrier was the same when I

arrived to Norway. The time went by and

every day I used to learn a new word so

as you can see now, I couldn´t write all of

what I have written here. That was

another, very important, thing I learned.

When I came back to Guatemala, the

motivation to change my life and help

others was strong. I worked as a volunteer

helping special need kids; I realized that I love to work with kids but with

people my own age too.

After my exchange, Fundated gave me the opportunity to work with them

in the project I worked during my volunteer work, a tutoring center. I see this

work as something that I really enjoy doing because as I said before: I love

to work with kids and this project helps many children in my home town,

Patzún, to improve their school average. If I help kids with special needs it

means that I am supporting the schools to be more developed in Patzún.

I can say that the program was an opportunity to believe in myself, to know

that if I want something I have to fight for it until I get it, to know that there is

nothing that stops me to achieve my dreams. Everything is possible

because God is always with me.




By Mario Julio Salazar

Managing Director of FUNDATED

In Guatemala’s society, the

opportunities where youth can be

involved on the way to the social

development that the country needs,

has been practically null. The

national history has been marked by

different situations that diminish that

youth can be a link side on the main

decision in their family and


Social phenomenon such as

paternalism, that has been instilled

generationally, has had likewise a

predominant role in all actions that

limiting the actions of the

Guatemalan youth. It isn’t easy to

understand in consequence, that the

dreams are not reached in


FUNDATED, was raised to take

advantage of the spaces that could

be given to go changing those social

paradigms that discriminate and at

the same time exclude the energy

that youth can give in the search of

solutions of the main communitarian

problems that, at the same time, are

limiting their opportunities of a better

quality of life that the offered by a

failed State, such as the Guatemalan


In this line of thought, the exchange

program SPOR, and specifically in the

preparatory course that the

Guatemalan youth have before they

begin their cultural exchange to

Norway and Tanzania, was proposed

to be able to be a personal growth

space, encouraging in each

participant the necessary motivation

to be active agents of the changes

needed .

Being a “Factory of reachable

dreams” it ceased to be a utopia to

become a reality. The process of

breaking the paradigm of “the youth

is the tomorrow of a nation”, for the

one of “the youth is the present of a

country” hasn’t been easy.

Guatemala has been characterized

for being a nation that limits the

dreams, because simply and merely,

these cannot become true in a

polarized, exclusionary and repressed

society. However, in the exercise of

the SPOR preparatory course, this is

nothing but a fallacy.

Being an entrepreneur derives from

being a dreamer. Every young person

dreams with a personal development

on an integrated way. In that way of

continual growth, is not put aside the

premise that also are growing, at the

same time, the people, closer to the

one who dream with be a successful

person in life. The family and the

community are reached by the

success or failure that a young person

experience in his/her life, something

that many times is transmitted from

generation to generation, becoming

it even a community culture or


The awakening of entrepreneurship

on the Guatemalan participants of

SPOR is a main objective to

FUNDATED. On many years on the

exercise of this principle, it have been

reached (and developing) different

vocations that generate, at the same

time, that other people are

beneficiated by the experience of

participating in a cultural exchange

to countries like Norway and


The SPOR experiences of each

participant doesn’t end when they

return to Guatemala, far from that, is

in that moment that the experience

reached the maximum level putting

to the service of the community

where the participant belongs, all

that amount of knowledge acquired

living in a culture and society totally

different to the own.

This “social devolution process” that

the Guatemalan participants do in

favor of “Their own” is accompanied

by a backup based in the trust of

being an entrepreneur for materialize

his/her dreams on realities.

Objectively, these realities are

transformed on own

organizations/enterprises that each

participant was created during the

preparatory course, and made work

during his/her exchange and reach

the initial maturity for developing

social projects in communities that

have a lack of solutions to its main

problematic in an innovative, binding

and participative way to all the level

of his/her society.

We can quote many generations of

the Guatemalan SPOR participants,

but we will focus on the most recent.

The new phase of the Cultural

Exchange Program (Phase 24), carries

in their luggage 8 new organizations

that goes from nonprofit entities that

want to attend, with no lucrative

expectations, the lack of education

and health in their communities; to

small lucrative enterprises with high

Corporate Social Responsibility that

want to generate employment that

helps to create all those opportunities

in, that their own country has vetoed,

respecting all resource available,

mainly, the natural resources

exploited during the last years.

Going from “youth vs.

entrepreneurship” to “youth and

entrepreneurship” is not more than to

have the will to want to make a

change, to want to make that all the

dreams be a reality and transformed

in development opportunities in favor

of many and not just one or a few.

The SPOR Exchange Program is by

itself a dream made into a reality that

has transformed the life of many

people in 3 countries. Before

examples like this, is impossible not

wanting to tell a young person that

the entrepreneur is not the way to

change but that is the change that

opens the ways!



“Being a recognized organization, that promotes development of our

customers national and international level, as well as promoting progress of

communities living in poverty in our country through recyclables and care

of the environment "


We are a Guatemalan organization lucrative nature that provides

consulting services, counseling and training, to contribute to improved

competitiveness of the administrative processes of our customers to

achievesatisfy their needs"


• Respect: Be tolerant with our customers and partners.

• Responsibility: We promote good practice in our work.

• Commitment: We met our work to the satisfaction of our customers.

• Honesty: We work with the truth.

• Timeliness: We deliver the work in due time.


Create a portfolio of businesses of new and existing customers, providing

effective customer service to achieve the objectives of the companies. As

well as awareness of businesses working with policies for environmental



Use tools and efficient techniques innovative in the administrative

area for the development of our clients.

Provide personalized service for each customer exceeding

customer expectations.

Having a corporate social responsibility contributing to

environmental protection.



Being the best organization in the Guatemalan territory, covering the

largest percentage of seniors within our various projects, being primarily

responsible for the reintegration and respect the elderly in society.


Caring for the elderly with professional ethics where the values of the

organization are translated into daily work, so the development is ongoing,

constructive, involving other institutions can learn more about these people

and contribute to its insertion.








Cover addition to the basic needs of housing, health and nutrition, other

personal and occupational therapy, psychology, counseling and

motivational workshops to improve the quality of life of the beneficiary.


Providing access to the sites of care of the elderly.

Actively involve the beneficiary according to his abilities, in our

various daily activities.

Create bonding for possible reintegration with family.

Discover manual activities hat benefit can perform, with the canal so

you can generate a substantial income for their benefit.

Relate other institutions and/or educational establishments with our

organization so they can collaborate and donate voluntarily in our

various projects attention.

FUNDAJU Youth Development Foundation of Guatemala


Is Being an organization that implements development projects for young

people, and creating opportunities for social reintegration


we are an nonprofit organization formed by young people committed with

our country to generate changes against marginalization, discrimination

and violence, through projects of education, arts and sports.









Create various youth movements through social, educational, artistic and

sportsprojects for the reintegration of youth into society.


Motivate young people to participate in leading art, education and

sportprojects to diverse communities.

Encourage young people in communities to get involved in social

reintegration projects.

Consolidate art, sports and education projects in different




Be the best organization in the rural area of Guatemalan territory in

constant development in terms of handicrafts, crafts and traditional fabrics

that provides the opportunity for economic and social development of

women and youth.


Constantly working with disadvantaged women and youth giving to show

the potential of each in crafts, crafts and traditional fabrics achieving their

economic and social reintegration


- Responsibility

- Solidarity

- Perseverance

- Appreciation

- Honesty


Establish methods of teaching women and rural youth learning in a work

activity for the benefit of each.


- Create opportunities for access to a market so they can sell everything


- Facilitate learning via a job where they can achieve personal growth.

- Create space where they can express something from them and

Guatemala in their creations.



be the space of work that promotes personal fulfillment and development

of our employees, innovating design in all its possibilities, allowing to be

recognized as a, solid and professional human quality and ethical principles

that provides services and products of excellence to their customers.


Be a company who sees to help people through training in different areas

of design, where each person can obtain new knowledge and skills that will

open new job opportunities and at the same time, achieve and maintain

leadership in our company’s market promoting innovation in all its



• Responsibility

• Harmony

• Commitment

• Innovation


May the employees achieve to implement the necessary knowledge at

the moment of publicizing their potential as an employment opportunity

and achieve to implement them in their daily lives.


• Apply all the tools, the rules and security measures for the

development of our product.

• Provide job opportunities for outstanding young in the preparatory


• Provide opportunities in the area of design through training to

young people.



In 2017, being a company recognized within Centralamerica advisory resolution

and analysis of business problems and / or individuals in all those areas

corresponding to the numbers.


We are dedicated to advising and consulting on problems commonly have

businesses and individuals that can be solved through proper use of numbers in

general through sessions where the specific needs of each client are addressed.








Provide advice and consultancy to customers on common problems through

proper use of numbers.


1. Analyze the problem of venture through observation and counting


2. Design a mathematical model through which one can resolve the different

situations presented by the client personalized and creative way.

3. Evaluate the solutions with the client to determine the most viable through

presentations and reports.



Being the institution with the highest academic recognition and trust

nationwide training based on our values and our only form of education

that sets you apart.


All children of our institution are taught with passion and love, working to

make them competitive and enterprising young people whose training is

based on values and principles that help them achieve wholeness in every

area of your life.


• Love: For all you do for most small.

• Passion: For achieve and defend their dreams.

• Respect: for themselves and for others.

• Equality: Because everyone is equal no one worth more or less.

• Solidarity: Leaning all so you have an equal.

• Dedication: To keep the value and meaning having your goal.


Encourage children; in a dynamic way; with passion, dedication and love

we can make each of our goals, prioritizing respect for others.


• To instill core values for the institution.

• Show that they are able to achieve all that is proposed with the


• Indicate that they must uphold their dreams face of adversity.

• Provide dynamic and creative classes.



Being a professional organization nationally recognized for providing the

necessary tools and resources that help the development of

communication and education.


To train professionals of high human quality that affects the various fields of

communication and education in the rural population.


• Responsibility

• Excellence

• Respect

• Passion

• Service


Provide the population processes that enable people to have growth in

communication and education.


• Provide advice in conducting social, cultural and political events.

• Educate people about the importance of education through


• Provide a service that builds trust and customer satisfaction.

• Be available twenty four hours a day for any services required.