Ensuring Code Safety Without Run-time Checks for Real-time Control Systems -Presented by Sumant Kowshik Joint Work With Dinakar Dhurjati and Vikram Adve. University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign Supported by NSF U. Illinois

Ensuring Code Safety Without Run-time Checks for Real-time Control Systems

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Ensuring Code Safety Without Run-time Checks for Real-time Control Systems. -Presented by Sumant Kowshik Joint Work With Dinakar Dhurjati and Vikram Adve. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Supported by NSF U. Illinois. Motivation. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Ensuring Code Safety Without Run-time Checks for Real-time Control Systems

Ensuring Code Safety Without Run-time Checks for Real-time Control Systems -Presented by Sumant KowshikJoint Work With Dinakar Dhurjati and Vikram Adve.

University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignSupported by NSF U. Illinois

Page 2: Ensuring Code Safety Without Run-time Checks for Real-time Control Systems

Reliable online upgrade of control software. Control code upgrade can have Timing errors Logical errors Runtime software faults Violate memory safety.

Bugs or attacks due to memory errors. Platforms with limited address protection Malicious upgrades compromise system and

the framework for reliable upgrade. Insider attacks: SANS/FBI report.


Page 3: Ensuring Code Safety Without Run-time Checks for Real-time Control Systems

Reliable online upgrade of control software. Control code upgrade can have Timing errors Logical errors Runtime software faults Violate memory safety.

Attacks disguised as upgrades. Platforms with limited address protection Malicious upgrades compromise system and

the framework for reliable upgrade. Insider attacks: SANS/FBI report.



Page 4: Ensuring Code Safety Without Run-time Checks for Real-time Control Systems

Motivation II Memory safety: static checking? Avoid run-time overhead Early bug detection

Static checking for general languages difficult. Impose restrictions on the language – Control-C Rationale: Structure of control code Computationally intensive, use dense arrays Simple data structures, dynamic memory. Mostly in C.

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Related work What’s wrong with existing solutions? Java, RT-Java, Ccured, Safe-C etc.

Runtime checks Garbage collection

Current Alternatives Vault [PLDI01], Cyclone[PLDI02]

Target general applications Annotations: cumbersome. Runtime checks.

Complementary techniques Proof carrying code: compiler untrusted. Vault, Engler et al [OSDI00], Wagner et al.

Checking library code.

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Contributions of control-C Targets embedded/control code. 100% static checking to guarantee safety. Easy portability: As close to C as possible. Novel language features Region-based dynamic memory: single

region active at a time. Array sizes, index expressions and loop

bounds affine expressions.

Trade-off : expressiveness for control codes vs. safety checking compiler technology vs. portability.

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Outline of Talk Introduction Context System assumptions Attacks. Language rules Implementation Results

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Catch runtime, logical and timing errors Kicks out the offending controller.

Stack overflow detected.Accesses to a range of reserved addresses Eg. Linux – high gigabyte (1GB of 4GB) reserved

The system


Safety cont.SimplexDecision




Page 9: Ensuring Code Safety Without Run-time Checks for Real-time Control Systems

Unsafe code Fatal memory errors can be due to Variable referencing memory outside the bounds of

its data type. Bad casting, pointer arithmetic, uninitialized pointers Array bounds violation Use of pointer to freed memory.

Example: char killcode[] = “\x55\x89…\xc3\x90”; void controlFunc(float a, float b) { int *ret = (int *)&ret + 2; *ret = killcode; } Jumps in the code to data areas/non-code areas. Calls to unknown functions.

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Control-C – Basic Issues Start with C No syntactic changes, only usage changes. Basic issues. Type safety.

No casts involving pointers. No pointer arithmetic. Scalar pointers need to be initialized

explicitly before being dereferenced or before taking their address.

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Control-C – Dynamic Memory

Problem : Pointers to freed memory.Solution : Region-based memory allocation Define RInit, RFree, RMalloc No explicit free call

Single region active at a time. All local and global scalar pointers dead at region free.

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Example – Region Usage

Illegal Code

…int *p, **t;RInit();p = RMalloc(4 * sizeof(int));RInit(); …RFree();RFree();t = &p;func(**t);

Legal Code

if(cond) { RInit(); t = 4;}else { RInit(); t = 8;}p = RMalloc(t);RFree();

Multiple regions active

Pointer p not dead after RFreePotentially

Page 13: Ensuring Code Safety Without Run-time Checks for Real-time Control Systems

Control-C – Array indexing. Problem : Checking for array bounds Index expression must evaluate to a value

within array bounds Difficulty: Analysis of constraints on symbolic

integer expressions. Solution : Loop bounds affine w.r.t. array size Index expression affine w.r.t loop index

variables or the size of array.

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Example – Legal Array Usageextern M, N;main() { … if (( N > 0) && (N < 5)) { B = (int *)RMalloc(N * 30); intialize(B); C = generate(B, 20); } }

int * generate(int *B, int n) { int *A,i,j,k,; if (B[n] > 0) { A = (int *) RMalloc(5 * B[n] + 10); for (i=M; i < B[n]+M ; ++i) { j = i - M; k = j * 4; A[k] = j ; } … }

Symbolic constant M cancels out

Array sizes not constant.



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Control-C : Aggregate Types

Problem : Analysis of pointers in aggregate types (structs, arrays). Solution : Use of pointers to freed memory Structs or arrays containing pointers must be

allocated dynamically using malloc or alloca. Solution : Initialization Initializing pointers to base of reserved address

range. Thus, we can have arbitrary pointer-

based data structures and arrays.

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Outline of Talk Introduction Context System assumptions Attacks. Language rules Implementation Results

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Implementation LLVM compiler framework http://llvm.cs.uiuc.edu Things gotten for free

Source language independence Type safety (except for cast) Jumps to code locations only. Link-time interprocedural analysis +

separate compilation. SSA.

Page 18: Ensuring Code Safety Without Run-time Checks for Real-time Control Systems

Control-C Compiler Features

Pointers Global dataflow analysis ensuring that

all pointers are initialized Array bounds analysis Interprocedural constraint propagation

for bounds checking. Regions Liveness analysis of pointers upon


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Language expressive enough for control? How easy is it to port from C?

Pointer arithmetic replaced by index variable array traversal Dynamic memory: use regions Unions with pointers need to be split




Pendulum Linux 300

Pendubot Windows 1300

TinyOS Linux 300

Dyn memory



No Yes No

Yes Yes Yes

No Yes Yes




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Results II Restrictions detect all potential attacks? Simplex: Inverted pendulum

Uninitialized pointersPointer arithmeticIllegal castsArray overflow.

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Conclusions and Future Work

Control-C aims at guaranteeing absolute safety using static checking alone The language is close to C and is expressive enough for control/embedded applications Future work Expand the scope of the language Detect illegal system calls/illegal sequences

of system calls Formally verifying that control-C guarantees

memory safety

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