ENPI FLEG Regional Activities: WWF’s Progress, Achievements and Impacts Elena Kulikova Director of Forest Programme WWF Russia

ENPI FLEG Regional Activities: WWF’s Progress, Achievements and Impacts

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ENPI FLEG Regional Activities: WWF’s Progress, Achievements and Impacts. Elena Kulikova Director of Forest Programme WWF Russia. Dissemination of E U Timber Regulation T hrough F acilitating High Level D iscussions . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: ENPI FLEG  Regional Activities: WWF’s Progress, Achievements and Impacts

ENPI FLEG Regional Activities:

WWF’s Progress, Achievements andImpacts

Elena KulikovaDirector of Forest Programme

WWF Russia

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Dissemination of EU Timber Regulation Through Facilitating High Level Discussions

• WWF Russia organized a Roundtable meeting in partnership with the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, with the support of the World Bank, on March 26, 2010 in Moscow

• The theme of the Roundtable was on efforts to improve the Russian forest legislation and the EU’s initiatives to combat trade in illegally harvested timber and its processing products

• More than 80 representatives from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova and the European Union participated in the Roundtable discussion.

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A number of following events were devoted to the new EU legislation at the regional level in Russia:

• Regional Forest Forum in Arkhangelsk, April, 2010; • Workshop in Forestry Department of Northwest Federal

District, Saint-Petersburg, April, 2010; • Meeting of Committee for Natural Resources and

Environmental Protection, Council of the Federation, Kostroma, May, 2010, in partnership with the World Bank;

• Parliamentary hearings on development of voluntary forest certification in Russia, Committee for Natural Resources, State Duma, Moscow, May, 2010

• “Interles” Forestry Forum, St. Petersburg, June 2010• International Forum “Forest and Man”, October 2010,

Moscow• International Forest Forum, October 2010, St. Petersburg

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Dissemination of information about new legislation initiatives of the EU on combating illegal logging through facilitating

discussions in the region

Regional level, Arkhangelsk,Regional Forest Forum

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Further work on EU Timber Regulation

• Ministerial Council of Europe and the European parliament: approval EU regulations on wood products on October, 20, 2010

• WWF role: further informing the forest stakeholders on a matter of the European legislation and requirements for suppliers of wood products on the European market

• Decision on organizing the second roundtable in Russia devoted to EU timber regulations in April, 2011– TOR for methodological support of roundtable preparation– Official agreement with Federal Forestry Agency reached

• It is also can be considered as an additional regional event of ENPI FLEG Programme

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Work with Russian authorities and forest industry companies to implement FLEG actions

• Developing and piloting the state system of harvested timber accounting in Russia

• Pilot areas (North-West, Siberia, Far East) for approbation • Weak points in the state system• Existing international experience (Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine)

and experience of corporate business systems (including experience of voluntary forest certification)

• Connection with the new legislation of the European Union demanding verification of legal origin of timber

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State wood accounting system development and piloting Document Storage

(forest user)

1 copy

1 copy back

Interested control bodies

Logging site

(without accounting point)Accountant produce a document

(number of logs, destination)

Document (number of logs, destination)

Data on measurement - back

Accounting point

(logging site, road)• Accountant (measurement,

marking, report on data, document)

• Driver• Software program

Forest managementunit


Accounting point (forest user storage)

• Measurement and marking• Software program

Regional databaseLimited access

District forest management



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Work with Russian authorities and forest industry companies to implement FLEG actions

• NPAC decision on September 15, 2010: proposal to hold an international seminar «Timber origin tracing systems in light of requirements of the European Union legislation»

• Timeline: the seminar will be conducted in March, 2011• Place: Arkhangelsk region which is chosen by Rosleshoz

as a pilot region• Host: IlimGroup company, one of the largest Russian

forest industry companies having its corporate wood tracing system and chosen by FFA for the state system testing

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FLEG Regional Activity in the Caucasus

• WWF Caucasus Programme Office: Regional Workshop on Transboundary Timber Flow: Problem Identification and Capacity Building Needs Assessment in the ENPI-FLEG Region on 17-18 November 2010

• More than 50 people from 7 countries including Turkey representing the states, private sector, NGOs and local communities

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Participants including:• Director General of the State Non-

Commercial Organization (SNCO) “Hayantar” (Armenia)

• Head of the Sector for State Supervision, Cadastre and Registration, Forest Development Department (Azerbaijan)

• Division Director, DG of Forestry, Ministry of Environment and Forestry (Turkey)

• Forest Officer, village Commmunity Forests, Nisporeni district (Moldova)

• Member of Board, The Foresters'

Association (Turkey)

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The Workshop was focused to:

• Assess the current situation with respect to transboundary timber trade in the ENA region

• Identify existing problems / weaknesses in terms of legislation, documentation, procedures and capacities, which create favorable grounds for wood smuggling and other illegal activities

• Elaborate concrete recommendations on how to resolve these problems

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The workshop resulted in specific recommendations including:

• further identifying the nature and scale of the problem• strengthening weaknesses in producer countries’ control

mechanisms • training relevant state officials (e.g. customs)• introducing / strengthening public monitoring by NGOs

and communities• encouraging companies and consumers voluntarily to buy

only legal timber• enhancing international cooperation on the issues

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Next steps:

• Training of state officials

• Promoting responsible wood purchasing policies by private companies and consumers

• Promoting international cooperation at all levels