1 ¤ SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 1 JJ 2007 Enhanced Reporting in SAP All-In-One Contents: § Overview on enhanced reporting in SAP All-in-One § Creating Infosets and Infoset queries based on existing reports § Connect Infoset queries with POWER Lists In this chapter you will learn more about how reporting is enhanced in SAP All-in-One. You will see what Infosets and their Infoset Queries are and how you can connect them with POWER Lists to improve reporting. Finally, this chapter will also explain, how a user can slice and dice reporting data using the Business Explorer.

Enhanced Reporting in SAP All-In-One · PDF file§Overview on enhanced reporting in SAP All-in-One ... As a first step in the sequence, the Infoset and the Infoset Query will be generated

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SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 1JJ 2007

Enhanced Reporting in SAP All-In-One

Contents:Overview on enhanced reporting in SAP All-in-One

Creating Infosets and Infoset queriesbased on existing reports

Connect Infoset queries with POWER Lists

In this chapter you will learn more about how reporting is enhanced in SAP All-in-One.

You will see what Infosets and their Infoset Queries are and how you can connect them with POWERLists to improve reporting.

Finally, this chapter will also explain, how a user can slice and dice reporting data using the BusinessExplorer.


SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 2JJ 2007

Enhanced Reporting in SAP All-In-One

At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to:Explain the enhanced reporting concept ofSAP All-in-One in general

Use provided SAP Tools to improve existing reporting

Understand, where SAP Tools can help you and wheremanual steps are required

Enhance your Roles in PFCG with reporting POWER Lists


At the end of this chapter you will be able to explain the enhanced reporting concept of SAP All-In-One

You will be able to use the tools provided by SAP to improve existing reports in the backend system andto decide where manual action needs to take place for report improvements.

This chapter will also enable you to enhance your PFCG roles, adding POWER Lists for reporting to it.

Finally, you’re able to use the BEx Analyzer as data analysis tool.


SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 3JJ 2007

Enhanced Reporting in SAP All-in-One

Data Analysis starts with POWER lists

POWER list can be personalized by each user

Business Explorer (BEx) Analyzer

Direct visualization of charts within POWER list

Easy integration of ALV Reports in new concept

As you already know, with SAP All-in-One and the SAP NetWeaver Business Client a new navigationand interaction paradigm is introduced. One of the main UI elements to support this new paradigm is thePOWER List. While navigating through the system you will find many POWER Lists connected to thenavigation panel.The POWER Lists are not only used to show up business objects related to the navigation structure. Alsoin the reporting area, SAP has started to consequently make use of this UI element. Assumed that usermuch quicker get familiar with the POWER List as it is used in many areas, the user will be able toleverage the system capabilities in a much broader fashion.With this, the user immediately receives all benefits of the POWER List including its personalizationcapability. On top, the POWER Lists offers some more functionality, if it is defined a pure reportingPOWER List. In this case, the personalization also allows to add graphics like pie-, bar- or other charts tothe list.In all POWER Lists, no matter whether they are pure reporting lists or work item lists like a view on salesorders, it always provide the capability to export the shown data to the Business Explorer Analyzer (BEx).This enables the user to slice and dice the given data, aggregate it and finally put it into charts. As BExexport is part of every POWER List, it becomes clear, that reporting is not only limited to those listsdefined for pure reporting. Also a list on billing documents, open sales orders and so on can be seen asreporting and therefore further analyzed using the BEx Analyzer.POWER Lists indicated as pure report lists are based on a specific WDK. We will come to this lateragain. This WDK requires a specific basis to rely on, which is the so called Infoset Query and itsunderlying Infoset. With other words, in SAP All-in-One, the Infoset became the technical basis for thatwhat SAP calls streamlined reporting. If Infosets do not exist for a specific reporting requirement, thereare several options to make such an Infoset and its query available.

– Creating a new Infoset from scratch– Generating an Infoset based on an existing ALV report. This is supported by SAP tools, specifically

designed to generate Infoset and Infoset Query.– Manually create a new Infoset and Infoset Query based on existing information from other reports

like Drill-Down reports.


SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 4JJ 2007

Manually created Infosets & Infoset Queries based on other data providers

Technical View on Reporting

DB Tables

Tool generated Infosets & Infoset Queries based on ALV reports



Infoset Queries

LIS / VIS / AIS Database

Drill-Down Reporting

ABAP Reports using ALV




Infoset Queries

Manualsteps required

As said, within SAP All-in-One reporting can be streamlined by using the POWER Lists as starting pointfor data review and the BEx Analyzer for further analysis. Both based on an Infoset environment.However, historically, most of the reports are available as ALV reports or Drill-Down Reports based on aspecific reporting environment like the LIS Database.

As the Infoset is required to use the reporting in the POWER Lists, a first step to take is, to bring existingreports into this Infoset environment. For sure, reports can also build from scratch using Infosets.Nevertheless, using existing reports as basis will accelerate the process of getting new Infosets.

SAP already delivers a set of streamlined reports in SAP All-in-One. However, partners and customersmight require more or other reports. As a result, soon or later, they will start creating own Infosets.

This chapter will focus on how to create Infosets using existing reports. In the case of existing ALVreports, things become relatively easy as SAP offers tools which help generating Infosets based on theexisting ALV reports and their settings. In all other (non-ALV) cases, Infosets need to be createdmanually. Both cases will be described in this chapter.


SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 5JJ 2007

How to Streamline Existing ALV Reports: Concept


Mandatory Steps

Generating Infoset and Infoset Querybased on existing ALV report



Infoset Queries

PrerequisitesExisting ABAP report using ALV

Transaction SQ01 / SQ022To refine Infoset Query

Report WDK_GENERATE_POWL_CUST3To connect Infoset Query with POWER List

POWL_QUERY4To refine the default POWER List query

The concept to streamline an existing ALV report is a sequence of four steps and quite easy to follow.

Note: Again, important at this point is that this concept will only work with ALV reports. In all other cases,manual steps need to be taken.

As a first step in the sequence, the Infoset and the Infoset Query will be generated. For this step, SAPtools are available for generation. At the end of this step, you will have an Infoset, which can be seen asa specific table view on the reporting data in the backend system. Additionally, you will have the InfosetQuery which sits on top of the Infoset and retrieves the data from it.

In a second step, you can improve the Infoset and the Infoset Query with transactions SQ01 and SQ02.In this step, you can reduce the number of columns, the column headers or replace some crypticinformation in the data fields with more valuable information.

The 3rd step connects the new Infoset and the Infoset Query with a POWER List. As a first task, aspecific ABAP program is used, to generate the necessary POWER List configuration (POWL_TYPE,POWL_TYPER, POWL_QUERY, POWL_QUERYR). After his, a new WD element is added to a rolewhich uses a predefined POWER List setup (POWL and WDK_Reporting) and the APPLID which wascreated before.

Finally, step four is used to refine the generated POWER List query. This step includes arrangement ofcolumns, configuration of list with calculations and more.

The following slides will describe this sequence in more detail.


SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 6JJ 2007

Generating Infoset and Infoset Query: Technical Flow

Switch to SAP Menu

Navigate to“List of Customer Line Items”

Start report

Before we start generating the Infoset and the Infoset Query, we first need to find an ALV report we canuse for this practice.

By searching such a report, the first advantage of the streamlined reporting will become visible.

To search a report, we start a SAPGUI connecting our backend system.

Make sure that you switch to the SAP Menu and navigate to Accounting Financial AccountingAccounts Receivable Information System Reports for Accounts Receivable Accounting Start ”Listof Customer Line Items” by double-clicking the item.

As mentioned before, one advantage of the streamlined reporting becomes visible pretty quick whilenavigating to the appropriate report. You need 7 clicks to get to the report and to launch it.


SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 7JJ 2007

Generating Infoset and Infoset Query: Technical Flow

The screen shot on the left shows the criteria maintenance of the report. As you can see, it offers thepossibility to enter a variety of criteria to specify the output of the report. Unfortunately, this also results ina pretty complex screen, even if the customer normally requires just a view of these settings.

If you execute the report (F8), you will see the report itself as shown in the right screenshot. Also hereyou can find a large amount of columns and information. Again, also here the screen becomes quitecomplex, especially for a customer who is interested in parts of the output, only.

What we will do next is to streamline this report, bringing it into a Infoset environment and connecting it toa POWER List. At the end of the practice shown in the upcoming slides, we will see a criteriamaintenance with just the two fields “Customer account” and “Company code”. Additionally, we will see alist which is reduced in fields and will also beautified in several ways.

However, there is one thing you need to know first. First, you need to know whether this is an ALV reportand with this a basis for an automatic generation of the Infoset and the Infoset Query. Second, you needto know the technical name of the report which needs to be specified later in the generator.


SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 8JJ 2007

Generating Infoset and Infoset Query: Technical Flow

Proof point for ALV ReportProgram name of report

The place to get the information you need can be found within the SAPGUI Menu item System Status.

On the left screenshot, you can see the status information which was called within the criteriamaintenance. The “program” field indicates the technical program name of this report. You need toremember this, as it will be a required entry for the generation later.

On the right screenshot, you see the status information which was called within the report. Here, the“program (GUI)” field with the entry SAPLKKBL indicated that this really is a ALV report. If there isanother value than SAPLKKBL in this field, it is not a ALV report and as a result cannot be used as basisfor the generator. In this case, Infoset and Infoset Query needs to be created manually.


SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 9JJ 2007

Generating Infoset and Infoset Query: Technical Flow



As we now have the report’s program name at hand, we can start streamlining the report.

To do this, we need to start transaction SQ_REPORT_INFOSET.

Within this transaction, we can specify a name which will be the name of our Infoset later. After this,press the “Create” button.

In the upcoming window you will be asked about a report name and a structure. The report name isexactly the name we have discovered earlier. In our example it is “RFDEPL00”. The structure is just aname we need at this point. Just freely decide which name you want to use. However, you need to makesure, that the structure is in customer name range, or with other words starts with “Z”. Finally, confirmyour values.


SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 10JJ 2007

Generating Infoset and Infoset Query: Technical Flow

In the following screen you see the generator which we are going to use to generate our new Infoset andInfoset Query based on the given report “RFDEPL00”.

This generator provides three tabs we need to go through step by step. In the first step we will generate astructure which is the basis for the Infoset and the Infoset Query and holds the information about the datastructure beneath the Infoset. As second step we will generate the Infoset itself and finally as third stepthe Infoset Query.

Let’s start with the structure first. The slide shows the actions to take.

By pressing the “Execute” button, the real report gets started. This records the criteria maintenance ofthe report as well as the output. As a result you really need to have to execute the report to see theoutput. However, you don’t need to specify any values in the criteria maintenance. From the output, goback to the initial generator screen.

You’ll see, that the right side of the generator screen now shows the data structure recorded from thereport.


SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 11JJ 2007

Generating Infoset and Infoset Query: Technical Flow

Chance to eliminateunnecessary field

Start generationof structure

From here, we now have the option, to eliminate unnecessary fields to streamline the structure and withthis improve the later performance of the new report. Though, you should consider, that eliminating afield at this point has the performance advantage but also the disadvantage that these fields cannot bere-imported if you decided later that a field is required again. With other words: If you would like to bringfields back, you would need to start the whole procedure from the start.

In addition, you need to know, that this is not the only chance to eliminate fields. We will see later, thatthere is another area, where we can do the same. Nevertheless, we will also discover that fromperformance perspective it is the best to get rid of unnecessary fields as soon as possible.

Knowing these facts, it becomes clear that removing fields should be done quite wisely, deleting thefields where you are pretty sure that these will not be needed later. At the end you want to improveperformance while still having options later.

To remove / eliminate fields, do a right-mouse click on the specific field and choose “Delete Field”.

Before we switch to the next tab strip, we need to generate the new structure for our Infoset based on theimported structure and the fields we have deleted. To do this press the button “generate structure”.


SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 12JJ 2007

Generating Infoset and Infoset Query: Technical Flow

Result after generationof structure

Next activity:Generating Infoset

After the new structure is generated, you can review it. This structure will be the basis for our next steps.

We are now ready to generate the Infoset. Therefore we switch to the tab strip “Infoset”.


SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 13JJ 2007

Generating Infoset and Infoset Query: Technical Flow

As said earlier, our target for this practice is, to limit the criteria maintenance to the two fields “Customeraccount” and “Company code”. Therefore we need to hide all other selections. The Infoset exactly is theplace where this can be done.

By right-mouse click, you can hide the selection in the Infoset. In our case we hide all selections exceptDD_KUNNR and DD_BUKRS as these are the two selections we wanted to keep.

Before we’re going to generate the Infoset based on our entries we would have the chance to maintain acheck class. This would be done to implement a value check or to set default values for the selectionfields. In our exercise we will not do this.


SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 14JJ 2007

Generating Infoset and Infoset Query: Technical Flow

So, we continue with generating the Infoset by pressing the appropriate button.

As we can see, the generator puts the fields to the left side of the screen, indicating that these are theavailable selections in our Infoset, now.

With this, the Infoset is completed and we can switch to the tab strip “Queries”.


SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 15JJ 2007

Generating Infoset and Infoset Query: Technical Flow

The tab “Queries” is the place, where we can generate the query. At this point, we don’t need much todo, as we can improve the query with convenient tools, later.

We simply need to add a user group which is a technical vehicle used to group the different Infoset.Please make sure that you use the value “/KYK/IS_UG” as other generating tools are based on thisnaming.

Furthermore, we need to specify a name for our query and can add a description as well. After enteringall the required values, press the “Generate Query” button.

In the “Queries of Infoset” section an entry will appear, indicating that the query was generated.

At this point, we can test the query by right-mouse click and “Execute Query”.

You will see the ALV report with the simplified criteria maintenance. For technical reasons, there is a thirdinput field available which will be removed later.

At the current point, we would be able to connect this Infoset Query already to a POWER List.Nevertheless, as we still see the output in a quite complex fashion, the next step of this practice is tosimplify this as well.

The simplification of the output will include changing column headers, reducing the number of columnsand finally changing the output text in some areas to replace current abbreviations like “RV” with morehelpful information.


SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 16JJ 2007

Generating Infoset and Infoset Query: Technical Flow

To simplify the output we need to start transaction SQ01. After the transaction has started, you need tospecify the user group first. With this, the Infoset Queries of this group become visible, including ourquery “QUERYNAME1” we have generated recently.

First thing we are going to do is, reducing the number of columns used in the report output. To do so, weneed to maintain the Infoset Query. You can reach the maintenance via the button “Infoset Query”. Makesure to have your query selected, first.


SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 17JJ 2007

Generating Infoset and Infoset Query: Technical Flow

In the next screen you can expand the folder “field group for generated Infoset”.

You will see a list of the field groups (columns) used in the Infoset query. The column “Output” can beused to deselect the columns which shouldn’t be shown in the report later. As said in the beginning whilegenerating the structure, this is the other option to “remove” columns. The advantage here is, that yousimply need to select a field again to bring it back to screen if needed. The disadvantage is, thattechnically all columns are still there and being processed in the backend system which influences theperformance.

Remove all unnecessary columns and make sure to have at least one measurement value still available.As an example, you might leave “Amount in local currency” selected.

By pressing the “save” button, a pop-up will arise. Just confirm this pop-up.


SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 18JJ 2007

Generating Infoset and Infoset Query: Technical Flow

Let’s see, how the last action has changed the output of our report. If you go back to the main screen,you will be able to execute the report via right-mouse click Execute Execute.

The report will be started as normal. You will see the criteria maintenance first. Execute the report andyou will see the output which includes the columns we have selected before, only.

With this we really have simplified the output a lot. However, if look closer to the column headers we see,that some headers have no meaningful naming. As one example you will see the column “Name 1” whichis representing the customer name.

As next step, we will change this column header name to “Customer Name”.


SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 19JJ 2007

Generating Infoset and Infoset Query: Technical Flow

As a rule of thumb, we can say that text changes normally require changes at the Infoset level.

Before we navigate to the Infoset level, there is one step we need to perform first, which is updating thetext fields. One advantage of using the Infosets is, that we have the option to re-check the names givenfor the single columns against the data dictionary. As the fields are based on data elements and datadomains, the Infoset can be checked against the naming information given in the data dictionary.

To perform this update, you need to select “More functions” “Update text fields” in the SAPGUI menu.After starting the update a window comes up showing a log of the update activity. By confirming thiswindow, you will come back to the initial screen.

As said, to change the text in the column header, we need to maintain the Infoset itself. Therefore wechoose “Infoset” in the “Environment” menu of the SAPGUI menu bar.


SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 20JJ 2007

Generating Infoset and Infoset Query: Technical Flow

In the initial screen of the Infosets, select your Infoset and press the “Change” button.

After expanding the “structure of generated Infoset” tree, you will see the list of all columns in thestructure. By selecting the “Name 1” field, you have the chance to maintain a new name for the long textas well as the column header.

We’re just changing the name to “Customer Name” and press the “save” button to proceed. Confirm thetwo upcoming questions with “yes”.

It’s time to review the report’s output again. Therefore we need to go back to the query overview whichcan be accessed via “Environment” “Queries” in the SAPGUI menu bar.


SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 21JJ 2007

Generating Infoset and Infoset Query: Technical Flow

As we can see now, the column name for the output of the customer name is now set correctly. Again,we could improve the output adding more meaningful names to the columns.

By reviewing the result in the screenshot we still see room for improvement. Some columns likedocument type show up data using abbreviations like “RV” . More helpful would be to have a real text like“Billing Document Transfer” in this fields.

So, as next step, we’re going to improve the output of these fields.


SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 22JJ 2007

Generating Infoset and Infoset Query: Technical Flow

To change the output from abbreviations to some text we need to go back to the Infoset Query level.Select your query and press the “Infoset Query” button.

If you look closer at the icons in front of the field names, you will recognize that some icons have anadditional “T” symbol. This indicates all the fields, where the check against the data dictionary weperformed earlier put additional text to the field.

As the field “document type” is also marked with a “T” we select the entry do a right-mouse clickOutput. We see that this field is currently set to “Only Value”. We’re changing this to “text” to replace thevalue (RV) with a more meaningful text.

Press the “save” button and commit the upcoming window to leave the screen.


SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 23JJ 2007

Generating Infoset and Infoset Query: Technical Flow

For the last time, let’s review the output of the report. The document type shows a more helpful text now.

To summarize the things we did:

– We have reduced the number of columns in the Infoset Query.

– We have changed the name of the column header on Infoset level.

– We changed the output from value to text in the Infoset Query to get rid of the abbreviations.


SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 24JJ 2007

Generating Infoset and Infoset Query: Technical Flow





What we finally need to do is to add the new Infoset to a POWER List. For this task a program isavailable, which generates all necessary entries to the POWER Lists framework including the APPLIDwe need to use later.

To start the program, start transaction SE38 and launch program “WDK_GENERATE_POWL_CUST”.

In the initial screen you just need to specify the Infoset Query you have recently generated. Execute thegenerator.

A log file appears showing all single tasks which were taken.


SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 25JJ 2007

Generating Infoset and Infoset Query: Technical Flow

TransactionSE38 “/KYK/IS_POWL”

TransactionSE38 “/KYK/IS_POWL”

To test the settings in the POWER List framework, start transaction and launch program“/KYK/IS_POWL”.

Note, this program was developed to test the settings done by the generator only. You will not be able totest POWER Lists which are not based on an Infoset Query.

In the initial screen, again specify the Infoset Query and execute the program.

The MS Internet Explorer will come up, showing the POWER List with the reporting we have generatedas Infoset.


SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 26JJ 2007

Generating Infoset and Infoset Query: Technical Flow

The POWER List is working fine and we can add it to our role, now. As already described in chapter 5,you can put your new reporting POWER List into your role.

Please be aware that POWER Lists based on Infoset Queries require an additional parameter to be set.This parameter is “WDCONIGURATIONID” which needs to be set to “WDK_REPORTING”.


SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 27JJ 2007


Data viewer for Reporting: Business Explorer Analyzer

Get Data



Infoset Queries

This part of the presentation will be detailed later…


SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 28JJ 2007

SAP Roles (Part II): Unit Summary

You are now able to:Explain the enhanced reporting concept ofSAP All-in-One in general

Use provided SAP Tools to improve existing reporting

Understand, where SAP Tools can help you and wheremanual steps are required

Enhance your Roles in PFCG with reporting POWER Lists


With this, we have reached the end of this chapter.

You should be able now, to leverage the new concepts and tools for reporting in SAP All-in-One.


SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 29JJ 2007

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SAP AG 2007, SAP All-in-One: UE Workshop 30JJ 2007

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JAVASCRIPT® ist eine eingetragene Marke der Sun Microsystems, Inc., verwendet unter der Lizenz der von Netscape entwickelten und implementierten Technologie.

MaxDB ist eine Marke von MySQL AB, Schweden.

SAP, R/3, mySAP, mySAP.com, xApps, xApp, SAP NetWeaver, und weitere im Text erwähnte SAP-Produkte und -Dienstleistungen sowie die entsprechenden Logos sind Markenoder eingetragene Marken der SAP AG in Deutschland und anderen Ländern weltweit. Alle anderen Namen von Produkten und Dienstleistungen sind Marken der jeweiligen Firmen.Die Angaben im Text sind unverbindlich und dienen lediglich zu Informationszwecken. Produkte können länderspezifische Unterschiede aufweisen.

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