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ENGR_4328_Brian Ly_UHD Sustainable Community Garden_SRC Poster

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  1. 1. Brian Ly, Steven Bennett, Jose Vega, Freddy Lara Department of Computer Science and Engineering Technology Introduction Sustainable gardening is becoming a higher priority in many agricultural processes. These methods are based on ideas that conservation and sustainability are necessary for the continuation of efficient crop development that is safe for the environment and the consumers. The ideas behind these efforts are based on past experiences and predicted future needs. Water conservation and energy consumption are some of the more important issues that must be addressed In this UHD Sustainable Garden Project, solar panels are used to power all electronic components necessary to control the automated watering process. The Arduino platform of programmable controllers is used as the control system. The project significance and impact is to support the UHD Community Garden which will provide vegetables and fruits that will be prioritized for UHD community members in need. This project will allow our team the opportunity to present our knowledge gained in the courses of the CIET Program. Results Physical System Figure 7 (Clockwise from top) Solar panel assembly, control panel layout, view from remote monitoring lab, microcontroller LCD, battery enclosure with charge controller. Conclusion This project allowed the students to focus on many of the topics discussed and practiced throughout our learning experience. There are several components involved in the design of the system focusing on the optimization and sustainability of the UHD Community Garden. This system controls the soil moisture content for several different zones independently and provides instantaneous readability as well as archiving all of the measurement data for future review and analysis. This system operates on renewable energy sources with zero carbon emissions while substantially reducing water consumption. Methods and Materials Problem formulation The control strategy will be a two position control utilizing hysteresis or dead band to produce a range above and below set point. Below is a diagram of a feedback loop that represents the control sequence for this project. Figure 2 Function block diagram of control sequence. Components Layout of Control System Figure 3 Component diagram of control system Irrigation Water Pipe and Electrical Conduit Layout Figure 4 Garden piping and conduit construction drawing. Objective The objective of this project is to implement a system that can measure soil moisture and temperature from the garden, analyze the obtained data, and apply the required amount of water needed for plants in the garden. Our system will be self-sustained and environmentally friendly. Testing Figure 5(L) and 6(R) Arduino code and bench testing We used LEDs as indicators to represent the microcontroller energizing the outputs under predetermined conditions. Results The solar system performs flawlessly, providing power for the UHD garden components with additional energy for any future needs. We are able to read temperature and humidity from all required 8 zones. Irrigation valves opened and closed properly according to the predetermined condition We are able to monitor the system from the remote location in N703. We are able to save data for future analysis. Figure 8 Arduino IDE serial print of data. Acknowledgements We sincerely thank Mr. Bruce Hunter and Mr. Minh Le for their generous help over the duration of the project. A very special thanks to our Professor Dr. Vassilios Tzouanas for his encouragement, guidance, and great leadership for the CIET program. Initial UHD Sustainable Garden Layout Figure 1 Location of garden