XSEED Summative Assessment – Test 1 © XSEED Education English | Grade 8 1 8 English, Test 1

English, Test 1tischool.org/Xseed2017/14Sep2017/QuestionPaper/Std_VIII_Qp_Eng.… · air fresh and fragrant. By the way, why are you cementing your garden, Mr Naidu? Mr Naidu: I shall

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Page 1: English, Test 1tischool.org/Xseed2017/14Sep2017/QuestionPaper/Std_VIII_Qp_Eng.… · air fresh and fragrant. By the way, why are you cementing your garden, Mr Naidu? Mr Naidu: I shall

XSEED Summative Assessment – Test 1

© XSEED Education English | Grade 8


8 English, Test 1

Page 2: English, Test 1tischool.org/Xseed2017/14Sep2017/QuestionPaper/Std_VIII_Qp_Eng.… · air fresh and fragrant. By the way, why are you cementing your garden, Mr Naidu? Mr Naidu: I shall

XSEED Summative Assessment – Test 1

© XSEED Education English | Grade 8


NAME: __________________________________________ GRADE: _______ SECTION: _______

PART I – Short Answer Questions 30 Marks

1. Choose the correct words from the help box to fill in the blanks.

A. My grandmother joined a group which believes in all religions.

B. After my friend bought the ticket for me, I was to go to the museum

with her.

C. Lansdowne is a quiet, uncrowded and little hill station in


D. The pile of garbage outside the colony was ! The smell became

unbearable for the residents.

E. The man at the restaurant ate so fast that he almost on his last

mouthful of food.

F. I keep around with broken toys and trying to fix them.

G. My sister’s room is with so many things that I keep tripping over

them whenever I walk in!

H. The wicked man beat the street dogs . He was sent to jail by the

animal welfare services.

2. Choose the correct options from the help box to make the given sentences meaningful.

A. The poor slave was his wicked master.

in addition to at the mercy of in honour of succeed in life

to solve the problem of water shortage I would study when I got back home

compelled unmercifully cluttered choked

tinkering reeking spiritual quaint



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XSEED Summative Assessment – Test 1

© XSEED Education English | Grade 8


B. I was allowed to go to the birthday party on the understanding that


C. The marching band put up a brilliant performance

the foreign visitors.

D. My father worked hard in order to .

E. He plays the sitar skilfully the tabla

and other instruments.

F. As soon as Mr Sairam joined the municipal corporation, he had two more wells dug in

the area .

3. Read the conversation between two neighbours. Answer the questions in complete sentences.

A. Based on the conversation, write one character trait of Mr Naidu. Support your answer with an example from the conversation.

B. Based on the conversation, write one character trait of Mr Nair. Support your answer with an example from the conversation.

Mr Naidu: I was wondering why there are so many flowers and plants in your garden. Don’t they attract insects?

Mr Nair: Well, I feel that plants make a place green and beautiful. They also keep the air fresh and fragrant. By the way, why are you cementing your garden, Mr Naidu?

Mr Naidu: I shall be buying a new car very soon. I will park it right here.

Mr Nair: Oh, you’re buying another car! I see. Well, enjoy your car while I admire my garden.


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XSEED Summative Assessment – Test 1

© XSEED Education English | Grade 8


4. Change the given sentences as instructed. A. From Active to Passive Voice:

a. Shilpa baked a chocolate cake as a surprise for her mother.

b. The fighter pilot flew a high-powered jet 45,000 feet above sea level.

B. From Passive to Active Voice:

a. The house was ransacked by a gang of thieves.

b. I was called inside by my mother to eat dinner immediately.

5. Change the given sentences as instructed. A. From Direct to Indirect Speech:

a. The school principal said, “Thank you students, for this wonderful performance.”

b. Father asked me, “Please get me a glass of water.”

B. From Indirect to Direct Speech:

a. Mother said that she needed to go to the market the next day.

b. Amrita exclaimed that she had read an exciting story the day before.



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XSEED Summative Assessment – Test 1

© XSEED Education English | Grade 8


6. Underline the GERUND in each sentence. Write if it functions as a SUBJECT or an OBJECT in the given space.

A. Writing poetry is one of my hobbies.

B. Skipping is a good exercise.

C. I enjoy cooking with my mother.

D. Amit likes playing on the team.

7. Look at the pictures and answer the question. A. Write what each picture is an example of: Dramatic, Situational OR Verbal Irony.





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XSEED Summative Assessment – Test 1

© XSEED Education English | Grade 8



B. Write a NEW example of any one type of irony.

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XSEED Summative Assessment – Test 1

© XSEED Education English | Grade 8


PART II – Long Answer Questions 30 Marks

8. Read the given texts and answer the questions.

Biography Informational Text

MV Singh was born on 12 February 1943 in Gangini village, near Allahabad. When he was 5 years old, his eldest brother was already a commercial pilot. MV’s dream of becoming a fighter pilot came true when he was selected to join the National Defence Academy. It was a proud day for him and his family when he was commissioned as an Indian Air Force fighter pilot on 10 November 1962.

In 1965, India went to war with Pakistan. While bombing the military bases in Pakistan, his Hunter aircraft was shot down by an anti-aircraft missile on 8 September 1965. He was injured and kept as a prisoner of war in the Rawalpindi Jail.

Seven months later, he returned safely and resumed working. He trained pilots and retired as an Air Commodore (Director Projects, IAF Headquarters) in 1994. He feels proud to have served his country.

There are a number of people who aspire to get into the Armed Forces. However, joining the service in the Indian Army, Indian Air Force or the Indian Navy is no easy task.

First, all the aspirants are made to go through a series of tests to see if they will be able to cope with the hardships of life in the military. Those who are selected undergo rigorous physical and mental training. The strict training enables them to cope with stressful situations that can arise during wars.

The Indian Armed Forces have four principal tasks that they must fulfil: ensure that the territorial integrity of India is always maintained; defend the country if it is ever attacked by a foreign nation; support the civilian community whenever there are natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes; and finally, participate in UN peacekeeping operations.

A. Write whether True or False.

a. Armed Forces Personnel are never trained.

b. The India-Pakistan war took place in 1965.

c. It was MV Singh’s dream to become a commercial pilot.

d. It is the duty of the Armed Forces to protect the nation.

B. Write any 1 SIMILARITY between a biography and an informational text.


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XSEED Summative Assessment – Test 1

© XSEED Education English | Grade 8


C. Write any 1 DIFFERENCE between a biography and an informational text.

D. Make notes to summarise the informational text. An example has been done for you.

Aspirants for the Indian Armed Forces go through a series of tests in order to get selected.



E. Paraphrase the given excerpt from the biography. Write it in four sentences in your own words.

MV Singh was born on 12 February 1943 in Gangini village, near Allahabad. When he was 5 years old, his eldest brother was already a commercial pilot. MV’s dream of becoming a fighter pilot came true when he was selected to join the National Defence Academy. It was a proud day for him and his family when he was commissioned as an Indian Air Force fighter pilot on 10 November 1962.

In 1965, India went to war with Pakistan. While bombing the military bases in Pakistan, his Hunter aircraft was shot down by an anti-aircraft missile on 8 September 1965. He was injured and kept as a prisoner of war in the Rawalpindi Jail.

Page 9: English, Test 1tischool.org/Xseed2017/14Sep2017/QuestionPaper/Std_VIII_Qp_Eng.… · air fresh and fragrant. By the way, why are you cementing your garden, Mr Naidu? Mr Naidu: I shall

XSEED Summative Assessment – Test 1

© XSEED Education English | Grade 8


9. Read the poem and answer the questions in complete sentences.

Twenty Years Later

Why does it bother me now to know?

You left alone. O Heart, why do I feel hollow?

Her chipped china cups on the empty table,

Accusingly told me she hadn’t been too able.

I searched among her many things for a sign,

As silent as space they stood in a straight line.

Twenty years had gone by while she waited,

Twenty years, and my anger had not abated.

My face like a mask; a cold stone was my heart,

I saw too late just how long we’d been apart.

Why does it bother me now to know?

You left alone. O Heart, why do I feel hollow?

A. How does the poet feel in the empty house? Give reason for your answer.

B. Write 1 example for each figure of speech from the poem. Also, explain their meanings. An example has been done for you.

Figure of Speech Example from the Poem Meaning in the Poem

Simile my face like a mask I had no expression on my face.

a. Simile


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XSEED Summative Assessment – Test 1

© XSEED Education English | Grade 8


b. Metaphor

c. Personification

C. Stanzas 1 and 6 are the same. What is the effect of this repetition? Answer in 2–3 sentences.

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XSEED Summative Assessment – Test 1

© XSEED Education English | Grade 8


10. Read the story and answer the questions in complete sentences.

A. What does Ivy’s parting note, “Don’t bother looking for me!” tell you about her character? Answer in complete sentence(s).

A Stranger Visited

It was a freezing cold night. Old man Arthur hurried out of his cottage and brought in some logs from the wooden shed. He quickly built up a fire in the fireplace and soon the cottage was filled with warmth. “How long will I be able to take care of myself?” he asked aloud.

He was sitting in his rocking chair, lost in thought, when an urgent knocking surprised him. Out in the cold stood a middle-aged woman. “Please Sir, I need shelter. I seem to have lost my way. I would be so grateful.” The old man bustled around, made the stranger comfortable and gave her a mug of hot soup. “What brings you here?” he asked.

Sipping her soup, the stranger said, “I am looking for my father. My mother refused to tell me his name, but on the day she died, she told me that he used to live in this village. I have come a long way and I don’t know where to begin my search!”

Arthur froze. Ivy, his wife, had left him 45 years ago with their daughter who had been 10 at the time. She had wanted a better life in the city. “Don’t bother looking for me!” Ivy’s parting note to Arthur had said.


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XSEED Summative Assessment – Test 1

© XSEED Education English | Grade 8


B. What do you think is the main problem in the story? Answer in complete sentence(s).

C. Write a suitable ending to this story in 5–6 sentences.


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XSEED Summative Assessment – Test 1

© XSEED Education English | Grade 8


Score Report

Name: ________________________________________________________________________

Roll No.: _______________ Grade: _______________ Section: _______________

To be filled in by the teacher:


Part I

Short Answer


1. Keywords and Their Meanings 4

2. Using Prepositional Phrases 3

3. Character Traits 5

4. Active and Passive Voice 5

5. Direct and Indirect Speech 4

6. Gerunds 4

7. Irony: Verbal, Dramatic and Situational 5


Part II

Long Answer


8. Biography and Informational Text: True or False; Differences and Similarity Between 2 Non Fiction Texts; Note-Making, Paraphrasing a Biography


9. Poem Comprehension: Character and Events; Simile, Metaphor & Personification; Effect of Repetition


10. Story Comprehension: Character Motivations and Traits, Problem and Solution; Logically Concluding an Open Ended Story