1 Year 2 week 4 of January Home school lessons, beginning Monday 25/1/21 Monday 25 th January 2021 English This week’s English is all about Folktales. Go through the Folktale information PowerPoint to learn all about Folktales. We are concentrating on the folktale The Pixies of Withypool. A pixie is a supernatural being in folktales and children's stories, they usually look like tiny humans, with pointed ears and a pointed hat. A bit like a fairy- think Tinkerbell! Read the first page of the story The Pixies of Withypool together (it is on the next page). Let your child read the story with your help. Stop at the sentence ending ‘‘they were just there when she woke in the morning’. Talk about the following questions. You might like to write or draw some of the answers in your book/ notebook. What animals did Sally keep on her farm? After Farmer Abraham died, Sally “didn’t have too much time for grieving.” What do you think ‘grieving’ means? Why didn’t she have much time for grieving? At what time of year did Farmer Abraham catch the fever and die? At what time of year did Sally fall ill? What were the two main jobs that needed to be done at harvest time? What did Sally use apples for? Why couldn’t the farmhands help her with the harvest? “Oh dear, oh dear! I am ruined!” moaned Sally as she lay ill. What do you think ‘ruined’ means? Sally wants to know who is helping her with the work. What do you think she will do next?

English - st-edmunds-rc.oxon.sch.uk

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Year 2 week 4 of January Home school lessons, beginning Monday 25/1/21

Monday 25th January 2021


This week’s English is all about Folktales. Go through the Folktale information PowerPoint to

learn all about Folktales.

We are concentrating on the folktale The Pixies of Withypool. A pixie is a supernatural being in

folktales and children's stories, they usually look like tiny humans, with pointed ears and a

pointed hat. A bit like a fairy- think Tinkerbell!

Read the first page of the story The Pixies of Withypool together (it is on the next page). Let your

child read the story with your help.

Stop at the sentence ending ‘‘they were just there when she woke in the morning’.

Talk about the following questions. You might like to write or draw some of the answers in your

book/ notebook.

• What animals did Sally keep on her farm?

• After Farmer Abraham died, Sally “didn’t have too much time for grieving.” What do you

think ‘grieving’ means?

• Why didn’t she have much time for grieving?

• At what time of year did Farmer Abraham catch the fever and die?

• At what time of year did Sally fall ill?

• What were the two main jobs that needed to be done at harvest time?

• What did Sally use apples for?

• Why couldn’t the farmhands help her with the harvest?

• “Oh dear, oh dear! I am ruined!” moaned Sally as she lay ill. What do you think ‘ruined’


• Sally wants to know who is helping her with the work. What do you think she will do


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The Pixies of Withypool – A Somerset Folktale

Waterhouse Farm was close to the little village of Withypool in a beautiful stretch of

countryside called Exmoor in the county of Somerset. The farm was close to the River

Barle and belonged to Farmer Abraham and his wife Sally.

They had no children but kept many animals: chickens and ducks, sheep and pigs and

goats. It was a big farm with many fields where they grew corn, and a big orchard of

apple trees.

Now sadly, one cold winter, old Farmer Abraham caught the fever and died, leaving

Sally all alone. She missed Abraham badly, but because she still had the animals to

look after, the corn to harvest and the apples to pick, she didn’t have too much time

for grieving.

She managed the work, although it wasn’t easy, until one day she herself fell ill with

the fever. This came at a very bad time of year – harvest time. This was the time of

year when she had to thresh the corn and pick the apples to make cider.

Now she did have a couple of farm hands who helped her at the busiest times of year,

but unfortunately, they caught the fever as well! Whatever was she to do? Sally and

the farm hands were all too ill to work. The fever had made them so weak that all

they could do was take to their beds.

“Oh dear, oh dear! I am ruined!” moaned Sally as she tossed and turned in her bed.

“Who will gather the harvest in? I will have to give up the farm. It is all too much.”

But the next morning, when Sally was feeling well enough to get up, she discovered

something wonderful. Ten bags of corn were piled up neatly by the back door of the

farm, along with ten tubs of shiny red apples.

Sally could hardly believe it. Who had done this? The farmhands said it wasn’t them.

To Sally’s amazement this went on for several days. Whoever was doing the

harvesting seemed to be working at night because there were no bags of corn or tubs

of apples when she went to bed – they were just there when she woke in the morning.

STOP HERE ON DAY 1. There are some questions for you to think about, on the previous page.

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Monday Maths


Please hold down the control key (CTRL) and click on the link above to access the Oak Academy

lesson. Our new topic is measurement- capacity and volume.

It is lesson 1 today.

In this lesson we are comparing capacity.

First start with the video and answer the questions on a piece of paper or into your notebook, you

will be able to mark them at the end. Below is the worksheet they refer to on the video. Finally

complete the end of lesson quiz.

Spellings: Today it is time for your spelling test. Ask someone in your house to test you on last

week’s words. They were:

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Monday RE

Before we start, please watch the most recent Gospel Worship provided by Mark 10 Mission. You

can access their website by control and click on this link:


We are continuing to work on the topic Revelation.

Write ‘New Testament’ in the centre of a piece of paper. Around the words draw and label pictures

of any stories you know about Jesus or stories that he told.

The New


The New Testament is the

second part of the Christian

Bible, it records the life and

teachings of Christ and his

earliest followers. It includes

the four Gospels, the Acts of

the Apostles, twenty-one

Epistles by St Paul and

others, and the book of


Next watch the Parable of the Lost Coin or read about it in a Bible if you have one at home (Luke

15: 8-10)

Parable of the Lost Coin

Now, draw a purse.

Put a coin under the paper where the purse is and rub with a pencil to put the coin in the purse.

Repeat to fill the purse.

Put the coin under the paper, outside the purse, and rub again.

This represents the ‘lost coin’.

Write around it all the people who need our prayers, particularly those who get forgotten about,

looked over or ‘lost’.

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Tuesday 26th January 2021


Re-read the first page of the story The Pixies of Withypool then carry on and read the rest of the story


One night, on the night of the first full moon of August, Sally (who was now fully

recovered from the fever) decided to stay up to see what was happening. She hid

in some bushes between the orchard and the corn field. At midnight, to her great

surprise, ten little pixies appeared and began to cut and thresh the corn and pick

the apples. As Sally watched them in secret, she noticed something else. The

pixies had no clothes on – not a single shred! They were completely naked!

“Oh, poor wee things!” said Sally to herself. “They are doing all this for me and

they are too poor even to buy clothes for themselves. I shall make some clothes

for them.”

And so, Sally, who was a very good needlewoman, did exactly that. She sewed ten

neat little jackets and ten neat pairs of trousers. She even made them

underclothes. Then she made ten little pairs of shoes from soft goat’s leather.

She busied herself all day and, just before nightfall, she laid the clothes out

under the apple trees where the pixies would see them.

In the morning, the clothes were gone. But this time there were no bags of corn

and no apples! Sally never saw the pixies again after that. Maybe they were

embarrassed at having been seen; maybe they felt they didn’t need to work now

that they had fine clothes; or maybe it was just that their work was done.

Now that Sally and the farm hands were better, they carried on working without

the pixies’ help. In time Sally married Old Farmer George, a widower from the

next farm, and they all managed quite happily till the ends of their days. But they

never forgot what the little naked pixies had done to help them on those late

summer nights, many years ago.

Talk about the following questions. You might like to write or draw some of the answers in your book.

• When Sally finds the bags of corn and the tubs of apples outside the back door, who did she

think had done it?

• When Sally stayed up to see who was doing the work, she was very surprised. What were the

two surprises?

• Once she had got over the shock of seeing ten naked pixies, what were her feelings for her

secret helpers?

• She decided to make some clothes for them. What were her two reasons for doing this?

• “Sally never saw the pixies again after that.” We don’t know why not, although some possible

reasons are given. Why do you think she never saw the pixies again?

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Tuesday Spellings

These are your new spellings. Over the week I will be setting activities for you to complete. Today

go through the Spelling PowerPoint and then read through the new words. Keep practising them

the way you normally do. You will do a spelling test on these words next Monday.

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Tuesday Maths


Please hold down the control key (CTRL) and click on the link above to access the Oak Academy

lesson. It is lesson 2 today.

In this lesson we will compare capacities by measuring in non-standard units.

First complete the introductory quiz and the watch the video and complete the independent task

below. Finally try the quiz.

Please note:

For this task you will need a glass/cup, water and 4 other different containers.

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Tuesday’s Computing

Today’s computing lesson has been set as a ‘To do’ on Purple Mash. You will be able to access it

today and tomorrow, then I will have time to go through them after that.

The lesson is called Air Traffic Control. It is another way to try coding. Remember you learnt a

couple of weeks ago that computer programs are made using a special language called code.

Coding is used so that the computer understands what to do.

Now you can have a go yourself. Once you have logged onto Purple Mash and the ‘To do’ you

should see this screen. There are 4 challenges for you to try. Each challenge has a video and a

hint to help.

Click on the first challenge box :

This is

what the

video and

hint box

look like:

Have fun

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Wednesday 27th January 2021



Here are five sentences from the story, but all capital letters, commas, full-stops, exclamation

marks and question marks are missing!

Can you write them out correctly?

You can check if you have got them right by looking back at the story when you have had a go.

1. sally and the farm hands were all too ill to work

2. who had done this

3. to sally’s amazement this went on for several days

4. the farm was close to the river barle and belonged to

farmer abraham and his wife sally

5. who will gather the harvest in

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Wednesday’s Spellings activity:

Today’s activity is to use your spelling words in a sentence. For example:

Mrs Boodell was patting her lovely dog Floki.

Wednesday’s Maths


Please hold down the control key (CTRL) and click on the link above to access the Oak Academy

lesson. It is lesson 3 today.

In this lesson we will learn how to compare different volumes

First complete the introductory quiz, next watch the video and complete the task below. Finally

take the end of task quiz.

Please note:

For this task you will need 1 glass, water and 1 larger container.

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Wednesday Science

Using the Microhabitats PowerPoint look at some of today’s key vocabulary and a number of

common minibeasts. While you are going through the PowerPoint think about the following:

Do all minibeasts like living in the same microhabitats?

This is what you are going to investigate. You will do this by finding two different

microhabitats in the local environment and counting the different minibeasts you find there.

Look at your map from the last science lesson, can you see any possible microhabitats?

Once you have identified two different microhabitats, draw them on your own Microhabitats

Enquiry-Location Activity Sheet, and write a sentence to describe the habitat using the word

bank for support.

Then go and look around your microhabitat and count up the number of each minibeast you

find there, recording the number on the Microhabitats Enquiry-Survey Activity Sheet.

The two sheets you need are the following pages.

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Thursday 28th January 2021


The folktale we have been reading is written in the past tense. Please watch the mini lesson

below with your child to help them understand the difference between present and past tense.

Remind them that verbs are doing /action words and suffixes are letters that you add to the end

of a word to change its meaning.


The sentences below are written in the present tense. Read them together. Can you say them in

the past tense? Re-write them using the past tense as they would appear in the story – the words

in bold will change.

They have no children but keep many animals.

They are completely naked!

The farmhands say it wasn’t them.

She manages the work, although it isn’t easy.

Sally moans as she tosses and turns in her bed.

Once you have finished your writing watch this song to help you remember past and present

tense and introduce future tense:


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Thursday’s spelling practise

Complete the wordsearch to help learn your spellings.

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Thursday’s Maths


Please hold down the control key (CTRL) and click on the link above to access the Oak

Academy lesson. It is lesson 4 today.

In this lesson we will apply our understanding of halves and quarters to capacity.

First, try the introductory task, then watch the video and answer the questions on a

piece of paper or in your exercise/note book. The worksheet is below, you will be able

to mark it at the end. Finally, you will have another quiz to complete before you are


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Thursday- Topic (History)

Today you are going to start by looking at different rooms inside castles and think what they

were used for. Look through the Inside a Castle PowerPoint.

You would have seen that inside castles they hung shields and on these shields were coats of


In the past when knights were fighting, they couldn’t always see who it was they were

fighting. The knights wanted to make sure they didn’t fight and hurt any members of their

own family/army and they therefore decided to paint pictures and symbols onto their shields

so that all members of the same family would have the same pictures on their shield.

This meant the knights could tell which knights belonged to their family/ army, and they knew

not to fight them, and we call the pictures and symbols the knights put on their shield, a coat

of arms.

Today I would like you to design your very own coat of arms on the shield template on the

next page.

You all belong to a family and all families are special and different. Close your eyes and think

about your family. Think about the different members of their family and what you like to do

with them. Maybe you could include a picture of this on your coat of arms. For example, if you

like going to the park, you could draw the park. Knights often included pictures of animals on

their coat of arms. If you have any pets you may like to include these on their family coat of

arms, or even your favourite animal.

I have included some examples of different coats of arms below:

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Friday 29th January 2021


Today I would like you to draw a picture of the ten little pixies - with their new clothes on!

Give each pixie a name.

Choose one of your pixies and write a little bit about them. You could say whether they are well-behaved

or not; how old they are; what they like and what they don’t like; and so on.

You might like to write a story about this pixie to share with us next week when we have our Teams


I have included some pictures of pixies incase you are unsure of what a pixie is meant to look like:

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Friday’s spelling practise.

Practise your spellings and handwriting by completing the sheet below. Don’t forget to make

your tall letters stretch above the others and your long letters go below the line. I have included

a right- handed sheet first and then the left -handed sheet. Use the one you need to.


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Left- handed :

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Friday’s Maths


Please hold down the control key (CTRL) and click on the link above to access the Oak

Academy lesson. It is lesson 5 today.

In this lesson we will learn that a litre is a standard unit of measure.

First you will need to complete the online quiz and check your results. Then watch the

video and complete an investigation. You will need a few items to complete the

investigation. See below. Finally, you will have another quiz to complete before you

are finished.

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Friday -Topic (History)

Start with a ‘One minute challenge’ – With your adult or sibling try to come up with as many names of the

type of people that might have lived in castles in the past (you have one minute).

Look through the Castle Roles PowerPoint and together discuss who lived in castles and what their jobs


Now look through the Castle Job Advert PowerPoint which goes into more detail about what skills would

have been needed to do those jobs. Choose a job you think you would have been able to do or would have

liked to have done and imagine you are applying for that job at the castle. You need to fill in an application

form, trying to persuade the Castle’s owners to give you a job.