English-Speaking United Methodist Church of Vienna November 2017 Connecting Your Passion with God’s Mission By Doreen Ighama Thinking of the stewardship campaign usually brings up the thought of financial giving. But we need to understand the fact that God has not only blessed us financially. In the Bible Jesus talks about the parable of the talents: you all know that story in Matthew 25:14-30 where a matter goes on a journey and calls his servants to entrust each of them with talents. In this story we all know that a talent was the currency in that time. And it was worth very much (more than 15 years of salary of a laborer). But looking at the other meaning of talent (maybe used more in or nowadays times) then you talk about a gift. It therefore also emphasizes the gifts God has given us. That's why talents given to us by God don't only apply to financial blessing but also to gifts, he had bestowed unto us. Looking again at the story parable with this the perspective of talent as a gift we see that we as God's stewards can enlarge God's property or kingdom not only financially. Let us look at the word. In 1 Peter 4:10 it says “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.“ Reading this it is not only important to hear the word but to make it part of our will. To incorporate the message behind the word and to acknowledge, accept and know that God is speaking to each and every one of us. After incorporating the word into our will we need to take action. That doesn't mean we have to go and donate all our money… no! It meant to give in proportion to our abilities. It means to invest ourselves. We are God's riches…we are special to God. That's why we should show and spread God's love, mercy and grace according to our abilities and our talents. The talent can of course be money but it can also be assisting the church. That assistance can be in a ministry as singing, lay reading, ushering and so on. But it can also be in the act of cleaning, preparing the coffee and tea for fellowship time or just by lending a hand when needed. Then also you are using your talent and the gift God had given you. Usually we consider our talent as something we are passionate about, something we can do really well, something we are good at. But every talent (money or gift) needs to be nurtured and taken care of. That includes the church and doing God's work. So let us connect our passion with God's mission and act upon our promise to God and one another to faithfully participate in the ministries of the church by our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness. Doreen Ighama is ESUMC’s lay representa- tive to annual (regional) conference and serves an ex-officio member of the church council, finance committee, and staff-parish relations committee.

English Speaking United Methodist Church of Vienna · 2017-11-09 · English-Speaking United Methodist Church of Vienna November 2017 Connecting Your Passion with God’s Mission

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Page 1: English Speaking United Methodist Church of Vienna · 2017-11-09 · English-Speaking United Methodist Church of Vienna November 2017 Connecting Your Passion with God’s Mission


United Methodist Church of Vienna November 2017

Connecting Your Passion with God’s Mission By Doreen Ighama Thinking of the stewardship campaign usually brings up the thought of financial giving. But we need to understand the fact that God has not only blessed us financially. In the Bible Jesus talks about the parable of the talents: you all know that story in Matthew 25:14-30 where a matter goes on a journey and calls his servants to entrust each of them with talents. In this story we all know that a talent was the currency in that time. And it was worth very much (more than 15 years of salary of a laborer). But looking at the other meaning of talent (maybe used more in or nowadays times) then you talk about a gift. It therefore also emphasizes the gifts God has given us. That's why talents given to us by God don't only apply to financial blessing but also to gifts, he had bestowed unto us. Looking again at the story parable with this the perspective of talent as a gift we see that we as God's stewards can enlarge God's property or kingdom not only financially. Let us look at the word. In 1 Peter 4:10 it says “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.“ Reading this it is not only important to hear the word but to make it part of our will. To incorporate the message behind the word and to acknowledge, accept and know that God is speaking to each and every one of us. After incorporating the word into our will we need to take action. That doesn't mean we have to go and donate all our money… no! It meant to give in proportion to our abilities. It means to invest ourselves. We are God's riches…we are special to God. That's why we should show and spread God's love, mercy and grace according to our abilities and our talents. The talent can of course be money but it can also be assisting

the church. That assistance can be in a ministry as singing, lay reading, ushering and so on. But it can also be in the act of cleaning, preparing the coffee and tea for fellowship time or just by lending a hand when needed. Then also you are using your talent and the gift God had given you. Usually we consider our talent as something we are passionate about, something we can do really well, something we are good at. But every talent (money or gift) needs to be nurtured and taken care of. That includes the church and doing God's work. So let us connect our passion with God's mission and

act upon our promise to God and one another to faithfully participate in the ministries of the church by our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness. Doreen Ighama is ESUMC’s lay representa-tive to annual (regional) conference and serves an ex-officio member of the church council, finance committee, and staff-parish relations committee.

Page 2: English Speaking United Methodist Church of Vienna · 2017-11-09 · English-Speaking United Methodist Church of Vienna November 2017 Connecting Your Passion with God’s Mission

Let’s Talk Finances! Connecting Your Passion with God’s Mission

#GivingTuesday is Nov. 28 The finance committee is happy to announce that the #GivingTuesday campaign will occur again on Tuesday, November 28th. A matching fund has been established through the generosity of sev-eral donors which means donations will be matched Euro-for-Euro. The finance committee will announce in mid-November the exact amount of the matching fund.

The Sunday offering on Nov. 26th will be dedicat-ed to the #GivingTuesday campaign. Monies can be placed in specially-marked envelopes. Bank transfer can be designed for #GivingTuesday but must be noted in the transfer.

Questions can be directed to finance committee chair Delia Viljoen at viljoen.delia[at]gmail.com.

€ 55,000 , 63%

€ 20,000 , 23%

€ 8,000 , 9%

€ 4,000 , 5% Revenue



Sunday Loose Plate



Other Fundraising

€ 29,100 ,


€11,500 ,

12%€ 13,004 ,


€ 21,050 , 22%

€19,764 ,



Church Building

Office and Admin

Pastoral Expenses

Ministry Programs

Shared Ministry

with Austrian UMC

When you become a member of ESUMC, there is an examination of beliefs as well as a series of commitments you make. The pastor will ask you “will you faithfully participate in ESUMC minis-tries by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service, and your witness?” And you answer, “I will.” In joining this congregation, you commit to making disciples of Jesus Christ for the trans-formation of the world (the mission of the church) and to utilizing your life and resources to sharing the love of God. These commitments are not easy. We look to the Bible, to our tradition, to our pastor, to our church leaders to help us navi-gate how we can employ our lives and our re-sources for the building up of the kingdom of God.

With the launch of the stewardship campaign, the church leadership is once again inviting us to re-flect on how we are supporting the mission of the church and asking us to commit our financial re-source to the 2018 budget. We are projecting to raise over €87,000 in 2017 to use for the church’s mission to make disciples and transform the world. Our congregational budget enables mission by providing a space for worship and Bi-ble study, making sure we have a full-time pastor to lead us, and supporting children’s Sunday School, refugee assistance, and leadership train-ing. Every Euro you give supports the mission of the church.

The overwhelming financial support for our budget comes directly from ESUMC members through congregational pledges and Sunday morning offerings (together 86% of our total revenue). ESUMC members are also extremely generous by making special gifts to the #GivingTuesday initiative. Former church members and sister churches in the U.S. also support the budget through special gifts (marked as other fundraising) and the Giving Tuesday offering. As the Methodist Church in Austria does not participate in the church tax, we depend solely on the generosity of our church members.

Our expenses fall into five categories. The largest expense (31% of budget) is the Sechshauser Street church building; we al-so share the building maintenance costs with the Fünfhaus congregation. We spend 14% of the budget on maintaining a full-time pastor. We contribute nearly €20,000 per year to the Austrian Methodist Church to cover Austria-wide ministries. Another €20,000 is spent on church programs like Sunday School, youth ministries, and mis-sion/social projects. We spend €11,500 per year on office support and other adminis-trative costs.

Page 3: English Speaking United Methodist Church of Vienna · 2017-11-09 · English-Speaking United Methodist Church of Vienna November 2017 Connecting Your Passion with God’s Mission

Looking Ahead in November and Beyond

Families Fellowship Group Announces November and December Events The Families Fellowship group will meet on Satur-day, 18 November from 15:00-18:00 at the home of the Nayomi and Jay Fonseka. The topic of dis-cussion will be based on the book –‘Sacred Par-enting: Chapter 3- The Gold behind the Guilt.’ If you like to read it before the meeting and don’t have a copy of the book, please do see Melissa Scherer.

Their December event will be a day trip to Mariazell on Friday, December 8 (a national holi-day). Highlights of the trip include a visit to the famous Pirker Lebkuchen bakery exhibition, Lanternewanderung and the Mariazell Christmas market. If you are interested in joining us, please let Melissa know at familyscherer[at]yahoo.com. Group Examines Women of the Bible The Wednesday evening Bible study is currently studying women of the Bible. The study includes close examination of Deborah the judge, Abigail the wise one, Mary Magdalene the apostle, and the Samaritan women at the well. Pastor Matthew leads the study. The Bible study is open and eve-ryone is welcome to attend. The group meets on Wednesday evenings in the fellowship area from 18:30-20:30. The Bible study begins with a light supper.

2017 Advent and Christmas Services Dec. 10—Children’s Christmas Play Dec. 17—Service of Lessons and Carols Dec. 24—Two Christmas Eve Services at

11:15 and 18:00

Waermestube Program Begins in Dec. The joint ESUMC-Fünfhaus Wärmestube (daytime winter shelter) begins in December. Look to the bulletin for more information. If you would like to help, please see Pastor Matthew.

No Fellowship Breakfast in Dec. The Fellowship Breakfast group will be on break during December and January. They will resume their meetings in February.

All Saints’ Sunday is Nov. 5th ESUMC will celebrate All Saints’ Sunday on Sunday, November 5th. You are invited to bring a candle to light during the service to remember those who have died.

Women’s Group Event on Nov. 18 The ESUMC women’s group will meet on Saturday, October 21st from 18:00-20:00 in the fellowship area at the church. We'll share a meal, then spend some time getting to know each other and talking about how we can pray for each other. Please bring a dish to share and be ready to get to know other women at our church. If you need child care, please let Rachel Allen know so that a sitter can be arranged: allenrachelf[at]gmail.com.

Confirmation Sunday is Nov. 26 Six ESUMC youths will be confirmed on Sunday, Nov. 26. The students have been in confirmation classes led by Pastor Matthew. The students have covered topics on basic Christian beliefs, church history, structure of our congregation, Methodist theology, and much more. Superintendent Stefan Schröckenfuchs will confirm the youth. A special reception will follow the service.

Teachers Needed! We are looking for new Sunday School teachers and assistants. If you are interested in helping, please contact Tinu Aganga-Williams at atinukeaganga_williams[at]hotmail.com.

Calling All Children to Sing The children’s choir is looking for any children that like to sing. If your child is aged 6 or older and is interested in participating in the children or youth choirs, please let Deborah Koll-Petty know at kolpe[at]gmx.at.

Anglican Church Bazaar is December 9 The Christ Church Vienna bazaar is Saturday, De-cember 9th from 10:30-16:00 at Radetzkystraße 2, 1030 Vienna.

Special Film Screening Planned for Nov. 19th

The Vacation Bible School is hosting a special film screening of the Hollywood blockbuster film “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” on Sunday, November 19th at 13:30 (after choir rehearsals). The film is based on the popular book by British Christian apologist C.S. Lewis.

The film is rated PG. A parents’ guide to the film is available to assist parents in understanding scary or provocative content.

Pizza and popcorn will be served. Donations will be accepted.

See Jackalie Blue for more information.

Do you have something you want published in the church

newsletter? Email the church office at office[at]esumc.at.

Page 4: English Speaking United Methodist Church of Vienna · 2017-11-09 · English-Speaking United Methodist Church of Vienna November 2017 Connecting Your Passion with God’s Mission

English-Speaking United Methodist Church of Vienna

Sechshauser Strasse 56, 1150 Wien • office[at]esumc.at • +43 1 895 81 75 • www.esumc.at

Reverend Matthew A. Laferty • +43 664 466 94 75 mobile • matthew.laferty[at]emk.at

Donations accepted at www.esumc.at/give • IBAN: AT23 1200 0006 2016 1208/BIC Code: BKAUATWW



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Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise. Give thanks to him, bless his name. Psalm 100:4