English Portfolio Unit 1

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English Portfolio ............................................................................................................................ 1

Index.............................................................................................................................................. 2

Learning Process ........................................................................................................................... 3

Literary Words .............................................................................................................................. 4

Academic Words ........................................................................................................................... 5

Scanned Documents ..................................................................................................................... 6

Final Test……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……… 14

Presentation…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15

Reflective Essay..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...16

Sentences……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .17

Resume of Readings…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 18

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Page 5:

Characterization: Refers to the author’s attempt to create or

develop what a character say, think and does.

Setting: Is the time and place of a story’s action.

Figurative Language: Is a writing that the reader isn’t supposed

to take literally. Giving a nonhuman subject human


Page 35:

Allegory: Is a story or tale with two or more levels of meaning. -

A literal level and one more symbolic level. The events, setting

and characters are symbols for ideas and qualities.

Narrative Poem: Tells a story. The poet narrates a story much

like an author of a novel or short story.

Irony: Include a surprise ending or use words to suggest

something quite different from their usual meanings.

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Page 6:

External: On the outside.

Example: The external appearance of the castle showed that it needed

too much repairs.

Interact: Talk to other people and work together with them.

Example: I really like to interact with my classmates.

Perspective: A way of thinking about something.

Example: She needs to see the things with a new perspective.

Project: A carefully planned piece of work.

Example: Four our final project we have to do a very complete research.

Visualize: Form a picture of someone or something in your mind.

Example: I visualize many things at the time.

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Environment: The situations, things, and people that affect the way in

which people live.

Example: The plant needs a little change from the environment where is


Factors: One of several things that cause or influence a situation.

Example: They are many factors that we need to include in our project.

Individual: One person separate from others.

Example: I really don’t like individual homework.

Respond: React or answer.

Example: She responds my questions by the way she looked at me.

Unique: Different from all others.

Example: Each of us is unique, no one is like us, they just have similar


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Analyze: Examine something in detail in order to understand it.

Example: Please don’t analyze everything; we don’t have time for that.

Concept: An idea or thought.

Example: I understand the concept of many words of the vocabulary.

Conclude: Reach a decision based on facts or logic.

Example: Based on the sentence, can you conclude the moral of the


Occur: Happen; take place.

Example: By the way, many things can occur, if you don’t take care

about you.

Precisely: Exactly.

Example: I know precisely what you are talking about.

Schedule: Plan; list of times and events.

Example: The schedule makes my life more organized.

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Adaptable: Able to adjust.

Example: My snake wasn’t adapted to the cold weather.

Analytical: Able to use logic.

Example: If you want to be a doctor you need to be able to use

analytical logic.

Function: Purpose; action that a thing performs.

Example: The body has many organs that have different functions.

Logical: Able to use reason.

Example: My friend is a very logical problem solver.

Process: A series of actions.

Example: Every system has a process to complete their functions.

React: Change in response to a message or stimulus.

Example: The brain reacts because they respond to every message send

by our body.

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Spectacles: Eye glasses.

Vex/ vexed: To irritate.

Lick you: Punishment.

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Wart: A small, rough growth resembling a cauliflower or a solid


Congregation: Local church, a Christian organization.

Slate: A thin piece or plate of this rock or a similar material,

used especially for roofing or as a writing surface.

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Tick: An insect.

Chamber: A room.

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My friend Mariel is a very nice girl whenever she wants to be,

she is always trying to make things look perfect, and making

persons take or think the same as she does, but this can be

kind of stressful. Also when we are going to school, she is

always asking me to tell her what were the homework for the

week and what she needs to studying. Can she be more

stressful? No one wants to hurt and tell her that she needs to

be calm.

We are good friends. Also she can do Manu things at the time

like talking with me and using her phone, but she can't be

patient, she doesn’t listen to me, she just talks about the guy

he likes.

My friend Mariel doesn’t live with her mom, just with her dad.

They got divorced. She said that she doesn’t Miss her mom, but

I think she really misses her. She was the one who made

Mariel’s lunch early in the morning. Now Mariel does all the

things in her house. She is like the mother of the house.

She is my best friend do I need to help her and give her some

tips to avoid getting stressed all the time.

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I learned many things about the brain that I didn’t know it, that is too

important to know about our body and how it works. Also the simple, the

compound, and compound complex sentences, they are important

because we need to know what it’s a dependent clause and a

independent clause and how they are classified.

I liked when we were reading in class the book of Tom Sawyer, because

for me it is better to read in class, we discuss about the book, what

happened in that chapter and learn new vocabulary words.

I think that we should do things outside or doing more homework in


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Use the conjunctions yet or but. Use a comma before the conjuction.


The house had a lot of reapairs, but it still looked like a cattle.

That show contrast use even though, although, though. Use a comma

after the dependent clause when it begins the sentence.

They have one independent clause and one or more dependent



Although the house had a lot of repairs, it looed like a cattle.

Have more than one indeoendent clause, as well as one or more

dependent clauses.


Because the brain is a complicated organ, scientis do not understand

everthing about it, but they are discovering more information all the time.

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Criss Cross:

It’s about a teenager who meets an elderly woman with health

problems. So she needed someone assistance because of her ill.


It’s about a guy, who was in love with a girl that wanted a chocolate

that cost a dime, but he just had a nickel and an orange, he made a

trade because he doesn’t have money enough.

Managing Stress:

It’s about stress and learns how to deal with it, also is to look at the list of

the things that stress you out, many things that we think that are good,

they also are the ones that cause stress.

The Phantom Tollbooth:

It’s about a guy who gets lost in a place named Doldrums, there were the

Lethargarians the ones that the only thing that they do is take a nap all the


Your Brain and Nervous System:

It’s a science article about the parts of the brain, why they are important

in everyday life, how it works, the intelligence, learning and memory, the

forebrain, the midbrain and hindbrain.

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