English Oral Communicati on Chen Jing Associate Professor of Zhen gzhou Institute of Aeronaut ical Industry Management

English Oral Communication Chen Jing Associate Professor of Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management

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English Oral Communication

Chen Jing Associate Professor of Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Man


Public Speaking

Learning Outcomes Define public speaking and public speaking

anxiety. Explain how to approach public speaking sy

stematically. Explain why conducting a thorough self-anal

ysis facilitates the speech making process Analyze your audience and tailor your speec

h to them

Explain how the nature of the occasion influences a speech

Identify criteria for topic selection Narrow your topic and formulate a thesis sta



Part I Warming-up Part II Understanding the power of public speaki

ng Part III Analyzing the anxieties of public speakin

g and mastering the skills to reduce them Part IV Group Work Part V Assignment

Teaching Methodology

Question- Answering Definition giving Example listing Video watching Group discussion Critical thinking

Part I Warming up


Watch a short video and think

inspiring powerful moving motivating encouraging persuasive informative ......

Imagine that now you are one of those listeners of the speech ,what feelings do you have? And what would you do after listening that speech?

What means of communication do you usually take in your daily life?


To meet face-to-face

To text

To tweet

To post an update on Facebook

Talk via cell and telephone

communicate by art

Questions? Have you ever had some experiences to have given a speech to public or a large audience? How was that ? If you have another chance to do it again? What modifications or changes you will make?

Level I Question

What is public speaking?

It is the act of preparing, staging, and delivering a presenation to an audience

The public speech-another means of opening minds, sharing information, and advocating for ideas.

Public speaking is like a form of currency, it provides access to the marketplace of ideas.

Questions and answers Q: Do you think public speaking is important? A: Yes. Q: Why do you think it is of great importance? A:

Tips: •Public speakers are in demand.

• Many venues seek speaker these days .

Level 2 Ouestions :

Part II

The Power of Public Speaking

Corporate meetings Trade shows

Educational conferences Political rallies

Town meeting Your classroom

In the united states , there are more than 20,000 different ways of earning a living ,and effective speech is essential to every one.

Public peech in daily life One of your classmate is seriously ill and need t

reatment. The medical expense however, is beyond what your classmate and his family can afford. At a regular meeting at the Student's Union , you stand up and deliver a sincere and moving speech,urging a drive for your classmate. Many students began to reach out their hands to help and your classments receives treatment he needs.

Do you think it is difficult for you ? Why? And how difficult it is? What are the differences between conversation and public speaking?

Let' s think

Level 2 Questions: Would you please make a comparison betwe

en conversation and public speaking?


1. Organizing your thoughts logically.

2. Taloring your messages to the audience

How pearl are formed?

your uncle--a major in science your niece-- a 9 year old girl

Your answer will be like this

To your uncle:" When any irritant, say a grain of sand gets inside the oyster's shell, the oyster automatically secretes a substance called nacre,which is most calcium carbonate. The nacre accumulates around the irritant core to form the pearl."

to your niece:"Imagine that you are an oyster on the ocean floor,a grain of sand gets inside your shell and makes you uncomfortable, so you decide to cover it up. the covering builds up around the grain of the sand to make a pearl."

3. Telling a story for a maximum impact

4. Adapting to a listener's feedback

Differences between public speaking and conversation

Public speaking is more highly structured Public speaking requires more formal langu

age Requires a different method of delivering Public speaking is difficult or challenging, b

ut it is necessary for every person throughout their life.

Part III

What are the anxieties when one is asked to give a public speech? How shall we reduce the anxieties?

Let’ imagine

If you are invited to make a public speech? How would you feel?

We fear it more than we fear bee stings, accidents, heights or our own death.


Screaming Nerved

1.Why do you feel feared? Some people fear stuttering. Others fear saying the wrong things Or putting their audience to sleep.2. Will you really be able to gather the courage to stand and speak before an audience? How to overcome whatever anxiety you feel?

understanding its sources.Learning to cope with your fearsUsing strategies to handle both the physical and mental symptoms of anxietyPreparing and rehearsing thoroughly.

What Should be the Sources of Public Speaking Anxiety

Fear of failure Fear of unknown Fear of being judged Fear of consequences

Learning to cope with your fears:controlling your anxiety

to design and rehearse your presentation carefully.

To recognize the actual bodily sensations and thoughts that accompany and support your feelings of nervousness.

Make a list of the physical symptoms and fear-related thoughts that you and others in your class identified.

make a list of physical symptoms of fear

Rapid or irregular heartbeat Stomach knots Shaking hands, arms, or legs Dry mouth Stiff neck Lump in the throat Nausea dizziness

Techniques to overcome both physical and mental symptoms Deep-muscle

relaxation Thought-stopping Visualization Other techniques

1.Humor2.Looking for a friendly face and talk to that person for a moment or two early in the speech3.Using charts, graphs and other visuals to help you organize the material4. Rehearsing the speech aloud, standing in front of an imaginary audience and “talking through” the material again and again.

No matter how you choose to deal with it, fear is a natural response to public speaking and can probably never be eliminated completely. But you do need to learn to cope with fear; only in this way ,will you be able to deliver a successful, well-received presentation.


Part IV Group Work

Devide a sheet of paper into 2 columns, lable one column "characteristics of effective public speaker", label the other " characeristics of ineffective public speaker"

Part V Homework

Video watching

Prepare a public speech in your neighborhood about how to support the idea of "he for she movement "to improve women's social status in your own family?

Systematical Speaking process

First landing :Topic selection and audience anlysis(5 steps)

Second landing’: speech development, support and organization

Third landing: presentation practice and delivery

Forth landing: post-presentation analysis

Analyze yourself

Review your life: your biography Consider the moment Search the news Use technology

Analyze your audience

A pitfall for many speakers—speaking to please themselves and neglecting the needs and interests of their audience.

It is important to consider what your listeners are thinking about, what their needs and hopes are. Unfortunately, it is most often overlooked.

Who are they? What are they like? Age , gender, family

orientation, religion, cultural background, occupation, socioeconomic status, educational level, additional factors.

What do they care about?

What is the magic bullet of speech making? Listen to and view masters of speech

making such as Winston Churchill and Martin Luther King Jr.

Embody both style and substance that leadership and communication go hand-in hand.

Be likable.

Consider the occasion

Date and time: when and how long? Location and participants: where and who? Type of occasion: why and how many?

Select your Subject Area

Is the topic worthwhile? Is the topic appropriate? Is the topic interesting? Is sufficient research material available?

1.Narrow the topic and clarify your purpose

2.Formulate a purpose statement and behavioral objectives

Two general objectives when they prepare to deliver a speech:

1. Aim to inform listeners to share new information or insights with the audience.

2. To persuade listeners to convince audience members to believe in or do something.

Notice that in actual speaking situations, the purpose is not always so clear. Persuasive speeches usually contain informative material and informative speeches may sometimes include elements of persuasion.

3.Formulate the thesis statement Effective thesis statement fulfills three

guidelines:1. It is a single sentence that conveys the essence

of your speech.

2. It focuses the attention of the audience members on what they should know, do or feel after experiencing your speech.

3. It supports the specific purpose.