English Literary Peice Charles

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  • 8/2/2019 English Literary Peice Charles


    Fahema Ali


    Word Count: 1,028 words

    A crime scene always attracts an audience. The detective was the main attraction. His

    distinct fashion sense caused a bit of a stir among the women. He was wearing a slick

    tailor made leather over coat which flowed down to his knees complete with a sharp,

    fitted three piece grey suit.He was questioning a young couple who appeared to be in their mid-twenties, they

    were groomed, well dressed and eloquently spoken.

    They appeared quite nervous and agitated and the young womans posture was

    particularly tense throughout the interrogation.

    After the questioning the detective leaned against his car looking over his notes. He

    established the jewellery store robber was alone, he had a gun and used it as a weapon

    on the store manager who died on scene.

    The young couple were practically untouched and more than a little frightened.

    He looked around at the scene before him, there were some uniformed police officers

    questioning the last remaining witnesses, it was late and he could begin to see peoplemove away and return to the safety of their own homes. He watched as the young lady

    he questioned followed the officer to be dropped to her home, he noticed how

    although very fashionably dressed she was carrying a blood red, bulky and box-like

    Filofax. It was an odd and out-dated thing to carry he thought but he let it slide as he

    saw his partner Leo headed towards him.

    Hey Mal! his partner called out from a distance.

    Leo, how you doin? he greeted.

    Mal and Leo exchanged pleasantries as they got into the blue Mustang to return to the

    office. The drive was short and they reached a relatively small red brick building and

    parked along the sidewalk.

    The office itself was cramped with desks that were stacked with orange files. It was

    the late shift and most of the officers were out on call. Mal headed straight for his

    desk with Leo close behind.

    Leo closed his eyes leaned back and sighed, Its been a long day.

    They stayed long enough to write a report before ending their shift and then headed

    out for a couple of beers.

    The file dropped on Leos the desk with a deciding thump, Whats this? Leo asked

    as he briefly looked up before returning to his work.

    We have a new assignment on top of the robbery from yesterday. Mal looks around

    at the other officers as he says these newbies arent picking up on the slack and itfallen on us. He doesnt wait and heads straight to the car with Leo joining him

    shortly afterwards. The car door slams shut as Mal does a U-turn. The car tyre

    screeched as he sped down the high way.

    Alright Mal I get it. Youre jealous the little pretty lady came home with me and not

    you. He laughs to himself as he reads over the file notes.

    Vic is a female found dead by neighbour in her apartment. It appears to be

    homicide. Mal went over it just as they reached the modern spiral building.

    The elevator pinged as they reached the 7th

    floor of the 10 storey block. The interior

    resembled a hotel with plush red carpet and gold wall-papering, potted plants and

    artworks were assembled up and down the hall which added to the number of luxuriesthe expensive building appeared to have.

  • 8/2/2019 English Literary Peice Charles


    Fahema Ali


    The door to the left of the elevator was open and buzzing with activity, officials

    wearing blue gloves and shoe covers swarmed the apartment.

    Mal and Leo put on the same and walked into a blood bath.

    Red splattered all over the wooden floor it looked almost identical to the red carpet

    out in the foyer, the blinds closed and shattered furniture splayed across the room.

    A dead and naked body lay face down in the middle of the room.

    Thats not the only one theres another in the bedroom a naked female though, the

    coroner piped up as he inspected the male and he pointed in the direction of the


    Ill stay here you go check on the other one Leo offered.

    The bedroom was small a female body again lay face down half of her on the bed and

    her bottom half across the floor. Her hair and legs drenched red with blood her back

    was the only thing that remained a porcelain white and without a speckle of a mark.

    He sighed as he turned away.

    Have you identified either vic yet? Leo was asking the coroner as Mal reachedthem.

    Just identified them about an hour ago their pictures are in the file, the female is

    Jennifer Matthews and this young man is Stanley Matthews, married young and no

    children but inherited loads of daddys money. The coroner stood up his knees

    clicked and he stretched like a cat just woken up. Heres the file, He handed it Leo

    and without a word he headed off to the bedroom.

    hmm pretty Leo mumbled to himself here take a look Mal Leo handed the folder

    to a distracted Mal, he opened the file.

    He sighed.

    This is them. The couple for the jewellery store. He looked up at Leo, who held up

    a plastic bag with a bloody piece of paper inside.

    Well clearly someone wasnt happy and decided to kill them.

    Why not use it on the couple? he questioned to himself.