English I English I Vocabulary Vocabulary Unit 1: Unit 1: Please take out paper and Please take out paper and take notes using the take notes using the Cornell notes Format! Cornell notes Format!

English I Vocabulary Unit 1: Please take out paper and take notes using the Cornell notes Format!

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Page 1: English I Vocabulary Unit 1: Please take out paper and take notes using the Cornell notes Format!

English I VocabularyEnglish I VocabularyUnit 1:Unit 1:

Please take out paper and Please take out paper and take notes using the Cornell take notes using the Cornell

notes Format!notes Format!

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TangibleTangibleTangible is an adjective.

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If you can touch or feel something, it is considered tangible.

If something is solid and can be touched, it is tangible.

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It’s too bad that wall was tangible.

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The kitty was so afraid that its fear was tangible.

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QuarryQuarryQuarry is a noun.

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If you are on a hunt, the quarry is the thing you are hunting.

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Little did the hunting dogs know that their quarry had outsmarted them.

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Bob was happy because after hours of looking for the remote, he finally found his quarry.

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AmenityAmenityAmenity is a noun.

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An amenity is something that brings you comfort or convenience.

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After getting stuck in the rain, Margaret regretted not having the simple amenity of an umbrella.

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You will find every amenity you desire on my yacht.

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CondoneCondoneCondone is a verb.

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If you condone, you forgive or overlook something that is illegal or immoral.

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I cannot condone the way you returned my PSP.

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Sometimes, I can condone graffiti when it is beautiful.

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ScruplesScruplesScruples is a noun.

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Scruples is a feeling of uneasiness you get from doing something wrong.

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The scruples of the witness were tested when she was asked to lie to protect her friend.

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Even though his scruples told him that shoplifting was a bad idea, he did it anyway.

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Imperative is an adjective.

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If something is imperative, it is absolutely necessary.

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It is imperative that a fish has water to survive.

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If you wish to make good grades, it is imperative that you study hard and do your homework.

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ZealousZealousZealous is an adjective.

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If you are zealous, you are extremely enthusiastic.

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When it comes to action figures, you will not find a more zealous person than Brian.

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Rachael is a very zealous performer.

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UncannyUncannyUncanny is an adjective.

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If something is uncanny, it means that it’s so remarkable that it seems supernatural.

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I have to admit, the resemblance between them is uncanny!

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The drill sergeant had an uncanny knack for motivating his troops.

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Disarming is an adjective.

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If you are disarming, others do not find you a suspicious person and see you as someone they can trust and follow. Usually, this is because you are charming.

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Many Americans loved Ronald Reagan because of his disarming personality.

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Molly wasn’t sure if she would get along with Rusty, but she soon found his sense of humor disarming.

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DrollDrollDroll is an adjective.

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If you are droll, you are amusing and comical in an odd way.

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For me, there is nothing funnier than the droll humor of Monty Python.

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DrollDrollAlthough we all respected him, we

found Professor Chamberlain's sense of style very droll.