English for Specific Purpose Esp

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  • 8/22/2019 English for Specific Purpose Esp



  • 8/22/2019 English for Specific Purpose Esp


    Need Analysis The first questions:

    Why do learners need to learn English?

    What is the difference between ESP or general English?

    Why do we mean by needs?

    What does Need Analysis mean?

  • 8/22/2019 English for Specific Purpose Esp


    Why do learners need to learn English?

    There are many reasons;

    Communicate with people Get access to knowledge

    Push your career forward

    Get satisfaction

    And so on

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    What is the difference between ESP or

    general English?

    In theory ;NOTHING,

    In practice ;A GREAT DEAL

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    Why do we mean by needs?

    Target Needs :What the learner needs to do in

    the target situation

    Learning Needs:What the learner needs to do

    in order to learn

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    What does Need Analysis mean?Definitions: Need Analysis is the process of identifying and evaluating

    needs in a community or other defined population of

    people. The identification of needs is a process ofdescribing problems of a target population and possiblesolutions to these problems.

    A gap between what is and what should be.(Witkin et al., 1995)

    A gap between real and ideal that is both acknowledgedby community values and potentially amenable tochange.(Reviere, 1996, p. 5)

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    Target Needs




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    Necessities The type of need determined by the demands of the

    target situation, that is, what the learner has to knowin order to function effectively in the target situation

    For example:A businessman needs to understandbusiness letters, or communicate effectively at sales


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    Lacks To indentify necessities alone is not enough since the

    concern in ESP is with the needs of particular learners.We also need to know what the learner knows already,so that we can decide which of the necessities thelearner lacks.

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    Wantsa need does not exist independent of a person.

    It is people who built their images of their needs

    on the basis of data relating to themselves and

    their environment(As Richterich (1984 p. 29) comments)

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    Need analysis focuses on the future, or

    what should be done, rather than on

    what was done as is the focus of most

    program evaluations. Some people use

    the related term needs assessment

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    STEPS and EXAMPLES:The focus here is entirely on gap or need analysis.

    The following steps are suggestions from McKillip, 1998.

    1- First, you identify the audience and purposes for theanalysis

    2- Second, you fully describe the target population and

    service environment.3- The third step is need identification where descriptions of

    the problems (beyond the general level noted in step 1) andpossible solutions are generated. This is where you

    illustrate the gaps between expected/ideal and actualoutcomes. You want to gather information from more thanone level of target, although you should focus on theprimary targets.

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    4- The fourth step is called needs assessment by McKillip(1998). This is the time to evaluate the identifiedneeds. Which are the most important? Do any of the

    needs conflict with other needs? Is there consistentagreement across levels of target groups about therelevance and importance of the needs?

    5- Finally, you communicate your results to the audienceidentified in the first step.

  • 8/22/2019 English for Specific Purpose Esp


    Process of Developing a New ESP


    In evaluating an ESP program and determining the

    language needs of the students, needs assessment is

    not the first and last thing to do. There are other steps

    as well.

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  • 8/22/2019 English for Specific Purpose Esp


    Step I is to conduct the Needs Assessment. Needs

    assessment can prove two types of information.

    The first gives information on their current level on

    ESP, and the second elicits information on what to

    achieve in ESP in the future work domain.

    This kind of assessment is really crucial in an ESP

    courses, as many language problems emerge as a result

    of teachers not paying attention to learners needs

    and ignoring students as a source of basic information.

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    On the other hand, in step I, the tools and techniquesof needs assessment is alsoimportant, therefore it is

    necessary to mention some of them;



    Analysis of statistics, records

    Suggestion box

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    Step II

    In this step the language teachers have a clearpicture of what to teach, how to teach, and when

    to teach.Nunan (1988) maintains that following seems to form the objective of a course

    1. Students will learn that.....................

    2. Students will be aware of....................

    3. Students will develop.....................

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    Step III

    Here teachers should determine which aspects of ESPlearning will be included, integrated and used in thesyllabus to meet the students needs and expectation.

    The course may focus on the cultural things or

    technical areas or vocabulary part of the intendedtarget language.

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    Step IV

    Once the content of the ESP course is determined, thenext step is to decide on which materials best meet theneeds of the learners.

    This is also very important in implementing the

    objectives of an ESP course.

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    Step V

    In this step in order for the course to go smoothly andmake the student understand the subject areas givenin an ESP material, activities are given in an order.

    This order may be deductiveor inductive.

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    Step VI

    After giving the students the course according to the

    result of needs assessment, one needs to reevaluate

    the students at the end of the course so that s/he can

    see whether the students have reached the intended

    level or not.

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    If they have not reached

    If they have not reached the intended level, the

    assessment starts from Step II again,with the

    formulation of goals and objectives.

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    If they have reached

    If they have reached the intended level, the details of

    the curriculum is formulated and the process ends.

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  • 8/22/2019 English for Specific Purpose Esp
