English Elements 3 Vocabulary list unit by unit Vocabulary list for English Elements 3 – in alphabetical order, section by section within each unit. Extensive vocabulary practice and recycling of vocabulary items previously introduced provided through sample sentences and collocations. An ideal source of material for practice such as: – gap-fill – matching – transfer –… English Elements 3 – Vocabulary list www.hueber.de – English Elements – Copyright 2001 Max Hueber Verlag 1

English Elements 3 – Vocabulary list English Elements 3 ... · Vocabulary list unit by unit Vocabulary list for English Elements 3 – in alphabetical order, section by section

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English Elements 3Vocabulary list unit by unitVocabulary list for English Elements 3 – in alphabetical order, section by section within each unit.

Extensive vocabulary practice and recycling of vocabulary items previously introduced provided through sample sentencesand collocations.

An ideal source of material for practice such as:– gap-fill– matching– transfer– …

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Unit 1

1introduce [≤IntrE¡dju2s] May I ~ myself? vorstellenpossible [¡pÄsIbl] Is that ~? möglich, machbarremember [rI¡membE] ~ your word bank. sich erinnern, denken analready [C2l¡redi] I ~ know Silke. schonagain [E¡Gen] Nice to see you ~. wiedersize [saIz] What’s your shoe ~? Größepet [pet] I have one ~. Haustieranything else [≤enI0IN ¡els] Do you need ~? noch etwasdifferent [¡dIfrEnt] This word has ~ meanings. unterschiedlich, -eget to know [≤Get tE ¡nEÜ] ~ the other people in the class. kennen lernenwhole [hEÜl] Talk to the ~ class. gesamt

2complete [kEm¡pli2t] ~ this sentence. vervollständigendaughter [¡dC2tE] He’s got a ~. Tochtershort [∫C2t] I write ~ e-mails. kurzexplain [Ik¡spleIn] Can you ~ this word? erklären

3queue [kju2] Do you stand in a ~? Schlangepush in [pÜ∫ ¡In] Please don’t ~. vordrängeln

4reason [¡ri2zn] He has a good ~ for learning. Grundpenfriend [¡penfrend] I write to my ~ every week. Brieffreundsurvey [¡s‰2veI] I’m doing a ~. Umfragejust [d3Vst] ~ for fun! nur, bloßquestionnaire [≤kwest∫E¡neE] Look at the ~. Fragebogenbrain [breIn] I want to train my ~. Gehirnaccording to [E¡kC2dIN tÜ] Stand in order ~ your names. laut /gemäßcounter [¡kaÜntE] Tresenpour [pC2] gießen, einschenkenfunnies [¡fVniz] ~ is American English for ‘cartoons’. Cartoon, Witzzeichnungtights [taIts] Strümpfehitch [hIt∫] She’s ~ing up her skirt. Hochziehenstockings [¡stÄkINz] Strümpfe

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5Best wishes! [best ¡wI∫Iz] Viele Grüße!Lots of love! [≤lÄts Ev ¡lVv] Herzliche Grüße!

6leisure [¡le3E] There are ~ activities. Freizeitoffer [¡ÄfE] What do they ~? anbietenparticular [pE¡tIkjÜlE] Do you want any ~ course? besondere, -nincrease [In¡kri2s] Your speaking skills can ~. (sich) erhöhenknowledge [¡nÄlId3] How is your ~ of English? Kenntnisseconfidence [¡kÄnfIdEns] We can give you ~ in speaking. Selbstvertrauenskill [skIl] You have good listening ~s. Fähigkeit, -enclimbing [¡klaImIN] One of the sports is ~. Kletternprevious [¡pri2viEs] Do I need any ~ experience? vorherige, vorhergegangeneshirt [∫‰2t] You need an old ~ for painting. Hemdequipment [I¡kwIpmEnt] What ~ do I need? Ausrüstungboots [bu2ts] Bring some ~ for walking. Stiefelshoe [∫u2] You need good ~s. Schuhtrousers [¡traÜzEz] Hoseflat [flæt] You need ~ shoes. flachclothing [¡klEÜ∂IN] What ~ do I need? Kleidung

7accommodation [E≤kÄmE¡deI∫n] What types of ~ are there? Unterkunftavailable [E¡veIlEbl] Here’s a list of ~ hotels. verfügbar, zur Verfügung stehenshare [∫eE] We ~ the rooms in the house. teilenprovide [prE¡vaId] We ~ bed linen. zur Verfügung stellen, bereit stellencomfortable [¡kVmfEtEbl] Bring ~ clothes. bequemown [EÜn] They have their ~ bedrooms. eigenebedroom [¡bedrÜm] Schlafzimmerfull-board [≤fÜl¡bC2d] This hotel offers ~. Vollpensionhalf-board [≤hÅ2f¡bC2d] This host family offers ~. Halbpensionfacilities [fE¡sIlEtiz] There are washing ~. Einrichtungen, Möglichkeitenlaundry [¡lC2ndri] You can do your ~. Wäschelinen [¡lInIn] There is new ~ every week. Bettwäschehost family [¡hEÜst ≤fæmIli] He is staying with a ~. Gastfamilieencourage [In¡kVrIdZ] We ~ you to learn. unterstützen /ermutigenjoin in [≤d3CIn ¡In] ~ with family life. beteiligen / mitmachenresponsible [rI¡spÄnsEbl] You are ~ for your shopping. verantwortlich

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cooking [¡kÜkIN] You can do your own ~. kochencleaning [¡kli2nIN] You should do your own ~. putzen, reinigenliving room [¡lIvIN rÜm] This is a big ~. Wohnzimmerdifficulties [¡dIfIkEltiz] Are you having any ~? Schwierigkeitenbathroom [¡bÅ20rÜm] Badezimmerself-catering [self¡keItErIN] I would like ~ accommodation. Selbstverpflegung choice [t∫CIs] You have a ~ of hotels. Auswahlchoose [t∫u2z] Which course would you ~? wählen, auswählenhousework [¡haÜsw‰2k] There is a lot of ~. Hausarbeit

8improve [Im¡pru2v] You can ~ your English. verbessernoutside [aÜt¡saId] You can do activities ~. draußennever [¡nevE] I ~ forget my books. niemalsadverts [¡ædv‰2ts] Look at the ~ in the newspaper. Annoncenfavourite [¡feIvrIt] In the evening I play my ~ CD. Lieblings-forget [fE¡Get] Don’t ~ to take your Word Bank. vergessenhabit [¡hæbIt] What are your learning ~s? Gewohnheit, -en

9below [bI¡lEÜ] Look at the words ~. unten, unter, unterhalbBless you! [¡bles jÜ] Gesundheit!instead of [In¡sted Ev] Say ‘Bless you’ ~ ‘Gesundheit’. anstelle vonstrange [streInd3] I had a ~ feeling. komisch /merkwürdigdivorced [dI¡vC2st] He is ~. geschiedensimilar [¡sImIlE] The words have ~ meanings. ähnlich, -eattend [E¡tend] I ~ an English course. teilnehmen an

Unit 2

1pay compliments He paid her a compliment. Komplimente machen

[≤peI ¡kÄmplImEnts]

flat [flæt] You’ve got a great ~. Wohnungsuit [su2t] That jacket ~s you. passen together [tE¡Ge∂E] Work ~ in groups. zusammenexpression [Ik¡spre∫n] Find the right ~. Ausdruck

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2hop [hÄp] You can ~ or run. hüpfenskip [skIp] You can ~ or run. hüpfen / springenindoor [In¡dC2] drinnenoutdoor [aÜt¡dC2] draußenprefer [prI¡f‰2] I ~ badminton. vorziehen

3ever [¡evE] Have you ~ been to Spain? jemalsgym [d3Im] Have you been to a ~? Fitnesszentrumtrack [træk] You’re on the right ~. Spur, Wegfill in [fIl ¡In] ~ the missing words. ausfüllen, eintragenshow [∫EÜ] Let me ~ you around. zeigenspend [spend] How did you ~ your weekend? verbringensea [si2] He swam in the ~. Meerrace [reIs] He ran in a ~. Rennenabseil [¡æbseIl] I had agreed to ~ down. abseilenmountain [¡maÜntIn] Bergtake [teIk] It ~s me 10 minutes. brauchenlift [lIft] Take the ~ up one floor. Aufzugrewards [rI¡wC2dz] ~ are essential. Belohnung, -encompletely [kEm¡pli2tli] You are ~ wrong. total, vollständiglazy [¡leIzi] That was a ~ weekend. faul

4charity [¡t∫ærEti] This was a ~ race. Wohltätigkeits-raise money for [≤reIz ¡mVni] He ~d money for charity. Geld sammeln, aufbringenmatch [mæt∫] ~ the correct words. zuordnennose [nEÜz] She had a red ~. NaseBoxing Day [¡bÄksIN deI] He went swimming on ~. Zweiter Weihnachtsfeiertagroof [ru2f] Look at the ~. Dachcrowd [kraÜd] There was a ~ of 3,000 people. Menschenmengecheer [t∫IE] They came to ~ us. zujubeln / anfeuernacross [E¡krÄs] We ran ~ the sand. übercrazy [¡kreIzi] Was I ~? verrücktenjoy [In¡d3CI] I ~ sports. genießenterrible [¡terIbl] I looked ~. schrecklichsmile [smaIl] She had a ~ on her fce. Lächelncelebrate [¡selIbreIt] We went to the pub to ~. feiern

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something [¡sVm0IN] etwaswear [weE] I had to ~ the red nose the whole day. tragen, aufsetzencollect [kE¡lekt] I ~ lots of money. sammelnfestivity [fes¡tIvEti] Which ~ do you prefer? Feier / FestivitätEaster [¡i2stE] OsternWedding Day [¡wedIN ≤deI] What happened on your ~? Hochzeitstagparachute jump [¡pærE∫u2t ≤d3Vmp] Have you ever done a ~? Fallschirmsprunghelicopter [¡helIkÄptE] Have you ever flown in a ~? Hubschrauberspend money on [spend ¡mVni] Geld ausgeben fürdonate money to [dEÜ¡neIt] Geld stiften, spendendecide [dI¡saId] ~ which is correct. entscheiden

5pronunciation [prE≤nVnsI¡eI∫n] Remember the ~. Aussprache

6careful [¡keEfÜl] Be ~ with the tenses. vorsichtigoysters [¡CIstEz] Have you ever eaten ~ ? AusternGreek [Gri2k] Crete is a ~ island. griechischisland [¡aIlEnd] He’s been to a Greek ~. Inselago [E¡GEÜ] That was three years ~. vorreport [rI¡pC2t] ~ back to the class. berichten

7description [dI¡skrIp∫n] Read the class ~. Beschreibungget up [≤Get ¡Vp] He ~s up at 8.00 am. aufstehenhate [heIt] She ~s rain. hassenintroduction [≤IntrE¡dVk∫n] This is a good ~. Einführungmember [¡membE] Are you a ~ of a club? Mitgliedspecific [spE¡sIfIk] They have ~ needs. bestimmteexercise [¡eksEsaIz] ~ is good for you. etwa: Bewegung tut gut.needs [ni2dz] They have special exercise ~. Bedarf /Bedürfnissecare [keE] There is personal ~. Betreuungearly [¡‰2li] She goes to bed ~. frühearly bird [¡‰2lib‰2d] Are you an ~? Frühaufsteherworkout [¡w‰2kaÜt] This is the best time to ~. trainierensleepy [¡sli2pi] This brings your ~ body to life. schläfrigbody [¡bÄdi] This exercises your ~. Körperbreathing [¡bri2∂IN] Yoga helps you with correct ~. Atmen

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harmonise [¡hÅ2mEnaIz] Yoga ~s mind and body. harmonisieren, ausgleichenmind [maInd] Yoga relaxes your ~. Geistrelieve [rI¡li2v] Yoga can ~ stress. lindern, abbauensafe [seIf] This is a ~ sport. sicherresistance [rI¡zIstEns] You have the ~ of the water. Widerstandspinning [¡spInIN] Rad fahren im Fitnesszentrumwhatever [wÄt¡evE] You can cycle ~ the weather. egal was, was auch immerstationary [¡steI∫Enri] You can ride on ~ bikes. feststehendsupport [sE¡pC2t] The supervisor will ~ you. unterstützengentle [¡d3entl] Yoga is a ~ sport. sanftexercise [¡eksEsaIz] Yoga ~ s breathing. übendescribe [dI¡skraIb] ~ a sport. beschreibenguess [Ges] Can you ~ the answer? raten

8department [dI¡pÅ2tmEnt] Which ~ do you work for? Abteilungmarketing [¡mÅ2kEtIN] This is the ~ team. Werbung, Werbe-sales [seIlz] She is the ~ manager. Vertrieb-environment [In¡vaIrEnmEnt] You can work in a different ~. Umgebungworkplace [¡w‰2kpleIs] Where is your ~? Arbeitsplatzpostal code [¡pEÜstl kEÜd] What is your ~? Postleitzahlrepeat [rI¡pi2t] Can you ~ that, please? wiederholenballoon ride [bE¡lu2n raId] I want to go on a ~. Ballonfahrtincentive [In¡sentIv] Anreiz, Ansporndownload [¡daÜnlEÜd] You can ~ from the internet. etwas runterladenflight [flaIt] I want to book a ~. Flug

9suggestion [sE¡d3est∫n] Can you make a ~? Vorschlagtired [¡taIEd] I’m always ~. müdecouch potato [≤kaÜt∫ pE¡teItEÜ] Are you afraid of becoming a ~? jmd., die/der gern auf dem Sofa sitzt,

um zu entspannen (evtl. dabei isst undFernseh schaut)

crisps [krIsps] Some people like eating ~. Kartoffelchipsadventurous [Ed¡vent∫ErEs] I want to do something ~. abenteuerlichgive up [≤GIv ¡Vp] He’s ~ing up smoking. aufgeben

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Unit 3

1traveller’s companion Reisebegleiter[≤trævElEz kEm¡pænjEn]

petrol tank [¡petrEl ≤tæNk] Benzintankbonnet [¡bÄnIt] Motorhaubewindscreen [¡wInskri2n] Windschutzscheibeheadlights [¡hedlaIts] Scheinwerfertyre [¡taIE] Reifenindicators [¡IndIkeItEz] Blinkerwing [wIN] Kotflügelrear lights [rIE ¡laIts] Rücklichtersteering wheel [¡stIErIN wi2l] Lenkradboot [bu2t] Kofferraummirror [¡mIrE] Spiegeltrail [treIl] Pfadlonely [¡lEÜnli] einsamsuccessful [sEk¡sesfÜl] The books were very ~. Erfolgreichguide book [¡GaId bÜk] They wrote a ~. (Reise-)führerprofit [¡prÄfIt] The books made a large ~. Gewinnvan [væn] They drove in a ~. Lieferwagentrek [trek] I want to ~ in Nepal. trecken, wandernhitchhike [¡hIt∫haIk] They ~d across Europe. per Anhalter reisenfascinated [¡fæsIneItId] fasziniertjourney [¡d3‰2ni] Their ~ lasted one year. Reisetypewriter [¡taIpraItE] She wrote it on a ~. Schreibmaschinedraw [drC2] Can you ~? zeichnenmap [mæp] They drew their own ~. (Land-)kartediagram [¡daIEGræm] They drew their own ~. Diagrammsavings [¡seIvINz] Ersparnisseprinting [¡prIntIN] The ~ costs were high. Druck-realise [¡rIElaIz] He ~d he could start a business. bemerkensince 1986 [sIns] seit 1986produce [prE¡dju2s] produzierenfor over 30 years [≤0‰2ti ¡jIEz] seit über 30 Jahrenwell-known [≤wel¡nEÜn] bekanntwell-researched [≤welrI¡s‰2t∫t] The books are ~. gründlich recherchiertup-to-date [≤VptE¡deIt] aktuell

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independent travellers ~ love their guide books. Individualreisende[≤IndIpendEnt ¡trævElEz]

phrase books [¡freIz bÜks] They produce ~. Sprachführersomething [¡sVm0IN] (irgend)etwastravels [¡trævElz] Reisen

2triplets [¡trIplEts] Drillingebusy [¡bIzi] He’s ~. Beschäftigttall [tC2l] She is very ~. großdissatisfied [≤dI¡sætIsfaId] She is more ~. Unzufriedensmart [smÅ2t] schlau, flott, schickserious [¡sIEriEs] He has become more serious. ernsthaft

3enquire [In¡kwaIE] nachfragenequipped [I¡kwIpt] ausgestattetdishwasher [¡dI∫wÄ∫E] Is there a ~ in the kitchen? Geschirrspülerdrier [¡draIE] The kitchen has a ~. Trocknerfreezer [¡fri2zE] There’s a ~ in the kitchen. Tiefkühltruheshower [¡∫aÜE] Each bathroom has a ~. Duschefireplace [¡faIEpleIs] Have you got a cottage with a ~? Kamin request [rI¡kwest] Please send us your booking ~. Anfragebalcony [¡bælkEni] Every bedroom has a ~. Balkonbooking [¡bÜkIN] I’d like to make a firm ~. Buchungadvance [Ed¡vÅ2ns] You should book in ~ . im vorausconfirmation [≤kÄnfE¡meI∫n] Please send us a written ~. Bestätigungdeposit [dI¡pÄzIt] Please send us a ~. Anzahlung

4check-in [¡t∫ekIn] ~ is after three o’clock. sich anmeldencheck-out [¡t∫ekaÜt] ~ is before ten o’clock. sich abmeldencancel [¡kænsl] Don’t forget to ~ in time. stornierenrequire [rI¡kwaIE] We ~ written confirmation. benötigenreservation [≤rezE¡veI∫n] Please make a ~. Reservierungcancellation [≤kænsE¡leI∫n] ~ must be 7 days before. Stornierungarrival [E¡raIvl] Please pay on ~. Ankunftfailure [¡feIljE] ~ to cancel means loss of deposit. Versäumnis, Nichtbeachtungloss [lÄs] This will mean ~ of your deposit. Verlust

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utensil [ju2¡tEnsl] They have all the cooking ~s. Utensilienstove [stEÜv] There’s a ~ in the kitchen. Herdpillows [¡pIlEÜz] Each bed has ~. Kopfkissenlodge cabin [lÄd3 ¡kæbIn] Blockhausview [vju2] From there you can enjoy a fantastic ~. Aussichtvary [¡veEri] sich unterscheiden, abweichen voninclude [In¡klu2d] beinhaltenmicrowave [¡maIkrEÜweIv] The kitchen has a ~. Mikrowellewooden [¡wÜdn] There are lots of ~ chairs in the lodge cabin. Holz-receipt [rI¡si2t] On ~ of your booking. nach Erhaltunusual [Vn¡ju23l] ungewöhnlich

5personal space [≤p‰2snl ¡speIs] hier: der Platz, den man sich in Abstand

zu anderen (unbekannten) Menschenwünscht

breathe [bri2∂] atmenneck [nek] You’re breathing down my ~. Halstoe [tEÜ] You’re standing on my ~. Zehexperience [Ik¡spIEriEns] What’s you’re ~? Erfahrung

6vast [vÅ2st] riesig, weit

7somewhere [¡sVmweE] (irgend)woanybody [¡enIbÄdi] (irgend)jemand,

niemand, keineranything [¡enI0IN] (irgend)etwassomebody [¡sVmbEdi] (irgend)jemandanywhere [¡enIweE] (irgend)woumbrella [Vm¡brelE] Regenschirm

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Unit 4

1hurry [¡hVri] Do you have ‘~ sickness’? Eile, Hektiksickness [¡sIknEs] Do you have ‘hurry ~’? Krankheitsuffer from [¡sVfE frEm] I ~ from stress. leidenforever [fE¡revE] Are you ~ apologising? immer, ewigexcuse [Ik¡skju2z] Do you ~ yourself for being late? entschuldigen

2nothing [¡nV0IN] nichtsfight [faIt] Kampfspeed up [spi2d ¡Vp] beschleunigenlaptop [¡læptÄp] Laptopremote control [rI≤mEÜt kEn¡trEÜl] Fernbedienungboost [bu2st] This can ~ your energy. aufputschencellular phone (U.S.) [≤seljÜlE ¡fEÜn] Mobiltelefon, Handyworker [¡w‰2kE] Arbeiter overtime [¡EÜvEtaIm] Do you do ~? Überstundendiary [¡daIEri] Write a ~. Tagebuchoptional [¡Äp∫Enl] wahlweise, freiwilligpersonal mission statement persönliche Zielsetzung[≤p‰2snl ¡mI∫n ≤steItmEnt]

goal planning [¡GEÜl ≤plænIN] Zielplanungunemployed [≤VnIm¡plCId] He is ~. arbeitslossuggestion [sE¡d3est∫En] Can you make any ~s? Vorschlagheading [¡hedIN] Look at the ~s. Titel, Überschriftbreak [breIk] He has a ~ every day. Pauseflexitime [¡fleksItaIm] Their company has ~. Gleitzeitcanteen [kæn¡ti2n] Do you eat in the ~? Kantineday off [deI ¡Äf] She takes a ~ every month. freier Tagmanage [¡mænId3] Do you ~ your time well? zurecht kommen

3do’s & don’ts [≤du2z n ¡dEÜnts] The ~ of time-management. was man tun und nicht tun will/solladvice [Ed¡vaIs] Can you give me some ~? Rat(-schlag)must [mVst] You ~ be at work on time müssenmustn’t [¡mVsnt] You ~ smoke in the office. nicht dürfenallow [E¡laÜ] It is not ~ed to smoke here. erlauben

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understanding [≤VndE¡stændIN] Thank you for your ~. Verständnisdriving licence [¡draIvIN ≤laIsEns] Have you got a ~? Führerschein

4regulations [≤reGjE¡leI∫nz] These are the new company ~. Vorschriftenmemo(randum) [≤memE¡rændEm] Read this ~. Mitteilungtravel expenses [¡trævl Ik≤spensIz] Don’t forget your ~. Reisekostenremind [rI¡maInd] Just a quick note to ~ you. erinnernreply [rI¡plaI] ~ to her e-mail. beantworten, erwidernholiday entitlement How many days ~ do you have? Urlaubstage[¡hÄlIdeI In≤taItlmEnt]

5although [C2l¡∂EÜ] ~ it was raining, she went out. obwohlvacation [veI¡keI∫n] Where are you going for your ~? Urlaubpersonnel department Personalabteilung[p‰2sE¡nel dIpÅ2tmEnt]

curriculum vitae [≤kErIkjElEm ¡vi2taI] Lebenslaufenterprise (U.S.) [¡entEpraIz] This is a large ~. Firmarésumé [¡rezju2meI] Lebenslaufco-worker [≤kEÜ¡w‰2kE] Kollege, Kollegin

6salary [¡sælEri] He has a high ~. Gehaltopportunity [≤ÄpE¡tju2nEti] This project is a good ~ for me. Gelegenheitad [æd] Look at this ~ . Annonceapply [E¡plaI] Please ~ in writing. bewerbenpromotion [prE¡mEÜ∫n] There are chances of ~. Beförderungsecure [sI¡kjÜE] This is a ~ position. sicherbranch [brÅ2nt∫] This is the biggest ~ office. Filialelatest [¡leItEst] neueste, -r, -swork tools [¡w‰2k tu2lz] I work with the latest ~. Werkzeugworse [w‰2s] This is ~ than before. schlimmerworst [w‰2st] This is the ~ job I’ve had. schlimmste, -r, -sbetter [¡betE] This job is ~ than the last one. besserbest [best] This is the ~ department. der, die, das Beste

7snack counter [¡snæk ≤kaÜntE] Regal mit Süßigkeiten

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drawer [¡drC2E] What’s in your office ~? Schubladepen [pen] Kugelschreiberpencil [¡pensl] Bleistiftready-made meals [≤redImeId ¡mi2lz] Fertiggerichteprefer [prI¡f‰2] I ~ tea to coffee. vorziehenbiscuits [¡bIskIts] Kekseherbal tea [≤h‰2bl ¡ti2] Kräuterteeboredom [¡bC2dEm] ~ is one reason for eating. Langeweilesell-by date [¡selbaI≤deIt] This food is past its ~. Verfallsdatumrotting [¡rÄtIN] There’s ~ food in the cupboard. verfaultunrefrigerated [≤VnrI¡frId3EreItId] ungekühltmouldy [¡mEÜldi] verschimmeltodd [Äd] They have ~ eating habits. komisch / seltsamonion [¡VnjEn] Zwiebellink [lINk] verbinden

8secret [¡si2krIt] What are your ~ eating habits? Geheimdislike [dIs¡laIk] What do you ~? nicht mögencan’t stand [≤kÅ2nt ¡stænd] nicht ausstehen könnenjam [d3æm] Do you like ~? Marmeladesparkling wine [≤spÅ2klIN ¡waIn] Drink ~ to boost your energy. Sektdunk [dVNk] eintunkenduring [¡djÜErIN] währendmunch [mVnt∫] Do you ~ biscuits in your break? mampfen

9battle [¡bætl] kämpfenhorrible [¡hÄrIbl] schrecklichthumb [0Vm] Daumencomb [kEÜm] Kamm

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Unit 5

1commute [kE¡mju2t] Do you ~ to work? pendelnconvenient [kEn¡vi2niEnt] Working at home is very ~. bequemefficient [I¡fI∫nt] This process is ~. effizientreliable [rI¡laIEbl] This system is very ~. zuverlässigexpensive [Ik¡spensIv] A car can be ~. teuertime-consuming [¡taIm kEn≤sju2mIN] Commuting by tram is very ~. zeitaufwendigtraffic jam [¡træfIk d3æm] There are a lot of ~s. Stau personally [¡p‰2snEli] Well, ~ I think it’s not OK. persönlichtelecommuter [¡telIkE≤mju2tE] jmd., der/die zu Hause am Bildschirm

arbeitet und nicht pendelt (nur die Daten„pendeln“)

time-saving [¡taIm ≤seIvIN] zeitsparendaccount manager Buchhalter[E¡kaÜnt ≤mænId3E]

inefficient [≤InI¡fI∫nt] Some colleagues are ~. ineffizientbusiness trip [¡bIznIs trIp] He went on a ~. Geschäftsreiselevel [¡levl] My productivity ~ is better. Niveauskyrocket [¡skaIrÄkIt] in die Höhe schießendrop [drÄp] sinken, fallen lassensnowy [¡snEÜi] The streets are ~. schneereichuncomfortable [Vn¡kVmfEtEbl] unbequemunreliable [≤VnrI¡laIEbl] The system is ~. unzuverlässigdisciplined [¡dIsIplInd] She is very ~. diszipliniertdisadvantage [≤dIsEd¡vÅ2ntId3] What is the ~? Nachteilhire [¡haIE] mietenisolation [≤aIsE¡leI∫n] Vereinsamungown [EÜn] eigenegrow [GrEÜ] wachsendecrease [dI¡kri2s] sinken

2digital camera [≤dId3Itl ¡kæmrE] digitaler Photoapparattransfer [træns¡f‰2] Could I ~ my calls to your phone? durchstellentext message [¡tekst ≤mesId3] Send a ~ on your mobile. Textnachricht am Telefon (SMS)surf [s‰2f] You can ~ the internet. surfenoil [CIl] Don’t forget to check the ~! Öl

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power cut [¡paÜE kVt] There was a ~. Stromausfall weight [weIt] I want to lose ~. Gewichtcrash diet [¡kræ∫ ≤daIEt] ~s are not good for you. Radikaldiät

3keep up [ki2p ¡Vp] ~ with the electronic age! mithaltenup-to-date [≤VptE¡deIt] The equipment is ~. auf dem neuesten Standfamiliarise [fE¡mIliEraIz] ~ yourself with the internet. vertraut machenelectronic organiser Do you use an ~? elektronischer Kalender[≤IlektrÄnIk ¡C2GEnaIzE]

e-commerce [¡i2 ≤kÄm‰2s] elektronischer Handelsoftware [¡sÄftweE] This is modern ~. Softwareredistribute [≤ri2dI¡strIbju2t] ~ the papers. umverteilenowner [¡EÜnE] Find the ~. Besitzerexhibition [≤eksI¡bI∫n] I’m going to the new art ~. Ausstellung

4look forward to [¡fC2wEd] I ~ meeting you. sich freuen aufBest regards! [≤best rI¡GÅ2dz] Viele Grüße!price list [¡praIs lIst] Could you send me a ~? Preislisterequest [rI¡kwest] wünschen, bitten umreply [rI¡plaI] Please ~ to my e-mail. antwortenemployer [Im¡plCIE] Arbeitgeberemployee [Im¡plCIi2] Arbeitnehmerrather [¡rÅ2∂E] They send e-mails ~ than letters. lieber als

5predictions [prI¡dIk∫nz] ~ for the future. Vorhersagemillennium [mI¡leniEm] Jahrtausendagree [E¡Gri2] Do you ~? einverstanden seindisagree [≤dIsE¡Gri2] Do you ~? nicht einverstanden seinnobody [¡nEÜbÄdi] niemandtrue [tru2] That could be ~. wahrsure [∫ÜE] I’m not so ~. sichererror [¡erE] Learn to live with ~s. Fehler

6hazards [¡hæzEdz] Risiken, Gefahrenturn off [t‰2n ¡Äf] ~ the computer. ausschalten

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save [seIv] Don’t forget to ~. speichernprinter [¡prIntE] The ~ is broken. Druckerpassword [¡pÅ2sw‰2d] Don’t forget your ~. Kennwort crash [kræ∫] My computer ~ed yesterday. hier: abstürzendisc [dIsk] Don’t lose your ~. Diskette

7abbreviation [E≤bri2vi¡eI∫n] What’s this ~? Abkürzungcheap [t∫i2p] You can get ~ flights. billigadvantage [Ed¡vÅ2ntId3] What’s the ~? Vorteil

8permission [pE¡mI∫n] Ask for ~. Erlaubniscollect [kE¡lekt] I have to ~ the children. abholenrefuse [rI¡fju2z] Accept or ~. ablehnenmay [meI] dürfenborrow [¡bÄrEÜ] Could I ~ your car? leihenof course [Ev ¡kC2s] natürlichfine [faIn] That’s ~ by me. in Ordnung.

9stress [stres] Betonungdevelop [dI¡velEp] entwickelnconnect [kE¡nekt] verbinden

10Little Red Riding Hood Rotkäppchen[≤lItl red ¡raIdIN hÜd]

ears [IEz] Ohreneyes [aIz] Augentaste [teIst] schmeckencoat [kEÜt] Mantelteeth [ti20] Zähnehead [hed] Kopfface [feIs] Gesicht

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Unit 6

1rush [rV∫] I have to ~ every day. hetzenswitch off [swIt∫ ¡Äf] It helps me to ~. abschaltencope with stress [≤kEÜp wI0 ¡stres] How do you ~? Stress bewältigencalm [kÅ2m] ruhigtension [¡ten∫n] She suffers from ~ headaches. Spannungs-backache [¡bækeIk] He gets ~s. Rückenschmerzenmind [maInd] It relaxes your ~. Geistexhausted [IG¡zC2stId] I felt ~. erschöpftdizzy [¡dIzi] Do you sometimes feel ~? schwindliglet off steam [sti2m] I play squash to ~. Dampf ablassencouple [¡kVpl] ein Paarwonderful [¡wVndEfÜl] You feel ~. wunderbarwell-being [wel¡bi2IN] It’s a feeling of ~. Wohlergehenmental [¡mentl] geistig, mentaltranquillity [≤træN¡kwIlEti] You have the feeling of ~. Ruhe und Gelassenheitrefreshed [rI¡fre∫t] He felt ~. erfrischtpressure [¡pre∫E] Druckmuscles [¡mVslz] It relaxes your ~. Muskelnhead-to-toe [≤hed tE ¡tEÜ] It’s a ~ massage. Kopf bis Fuß (wörtl.: Zehe)massage [¡mæsÅ2d3] He has a ~ every week. Massagepowerful [¡paÜEfÜl] It is a ~ treatment. kräftigtreatment [¡tri2tmEnt] It’s a good ~. Behandlungcause [kC2z] It can ~ side effects verursachenside-effects [¡saId I≤fekts] This treatment has ~. Nebenwirkungen

2postpone [pEs¡pEÜn] Don’t ~ booking. verschiebenimagine [I¡mæd3In] ~ looking this good in 20 years! sich vorstellenhealthy [¡hel0i] Stay ~. gesundcontinue [kEn¡tInju2] weiterführen

3timetable [¡taImteIbl] Make a ~. Zeitplanstretching exercises We start with ~. Dehnübungen[¡stret∫IN ≤eksEsaIzIs]

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4trouble [¡trVbl] Ärgerclose contact [≤klEÜs ¡kÄntækt] You have ~ with him. enger Kontaktarrangement [E¡reInd3mEnt] Verabredungpsychiatrist [saI¡kaIEtrIst] Psychiaterdates [deIts] Verabredungenflat [flæt] Wohnungfiancee [fi¡Å2nseI] He has a ~. Verlobtecelebrity party [sE¡lebrEti ≤pÅ2ti] Prominentenpartymasseur [mæ¡s‰2] He has a ~. Masseurfacial [¡feI∫l] At the club you can have a ~. Gesichtsbehandlungfruit juice [¡fru2t d3u2s] He likes to drink ~. Obstsaftadvisor [Ed¡vaIzE] She is a good ~ . Beratershares [∫eEz] He buys lots of ~. Aktien, Anteileinvest [In¡vest] investierenhairdresser [¡heEdresE] He has an appointment at his ~. Friseurdye [daI] He is ~ing his hair blonde. färbenharbour [¡hÅ2bE] The boat leaves the ~ at 6.00. Hafenrelatives [¡relEtIvz] I’m visiting my ~. VerwandteCyprus [¡saIprEs] I’m flying to ~. Zypernironic humour [aI≤rÄnIk ¡hju2mE] The British like ~. ironischer Humor

5follower [¡fÄlEÜE] Anhängermiserable [¡mIzErEbl] If you put on weight you feel ~. elendage-old [¡eId3 EÜld] It’s an ~ practice. uraltenvironment [In¡vaIrEnmEnt] Umgebung / Umweltcommon sense [≤kÄmEn ¡sens] It is ~. gesunder Menschenverstandtaste [teIst] Geschmackintuition [≤Intju¡I∫n] Intuitionlogical thinking [≤lÄd3Ikl ¡0INkIN] It is ~. logische Denkweiserecommendations Empfehlungen[≤rekEmEn¡deI∫nz]

reduce [rI¡dju2s] This can ~ stress. reduzierencycle of energy [≤saIkl Ev ¡enEd3i] Energiekreisenter [¡entE] hier: eindringenprevent [prI¡vent] verhindernsink [sINk] Spülbeckeninstead of [In¡stEd Ev] anstatt

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put on weight [weIt] If you eat too much, you will ~. zunehmenshould [∫Üd] sollenought to [¡C2t tE] You ~ do this. sollen

6message [¡mesId3] Please leave a ~. Nachrichtsail [seIl] segeln

7mailbox [¡meIlbÄks] Leave a message on the ~. Mailboxappointment [E¡pCIntmEnt] You have an ~ with him at 6.00. Terminmake it [¡meIk It] schaffen

Unit 7

1novels [¡nÄvlz] They prefer reading ~. Romanepoem [¡pEÜIm] Do you like reading ~s? Gedichthistorical books [hI≤stÄrIkl ¡bÜks] She enjoys reading ~. Geschichtsbücherdetective stories [dI¡tektIv ≤stC2rIz] He enjoys ~. Kriminalgeschichtencrowded [¡kraÜdId] The bus was ~. überfülltbus ride [¡bVs raId] They had free ~s. Busfahrtbrake [breIk] bremsenstare [steE] He was ~ing at something. starrenpistol [¡pIstl] She had a ~. Pistoleunusual [≤Vn¡ju23l] He was an ~ boy. ungewöhnlichreally [¡rIEli] wirklichwizard [¡wIzEd] He was a ~. Zauberermidnight [¡mIdnaIt] It was almost ~. Mitternachtlie [laI] liegentorch [tC2t∫] Taschenlampe

2chain of events [≤t∫eIn Ev I¡vents] Kette von Ereignissenhappen [¡hæpn] What ~ed then? passierensteer [stIE] She was ~ing the boat. steuernneighbour [¡neIbE] Nachbarnsail [seIl] Segel

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together [tE¡Ge∂E] We did the workshop ~. zusammenconfidence [¡kÄnfIdEns] Story-telling can increase your ~. (Selbst-)vertrauennews [nju2z] I always watch the ~. Nachrichtenaccident [¡æksIdEnt] Unfallalarm [E¡lÅ2m] Weckereclipse [I¡klIps] Did you see the ~? Sonnenfinsterniskneel [ni2l] She was ~ing on the grass. knienpinprick [¡pInprIk] It was a ~ in time. Nadelstichdanger [¡deInd3E] He was in ~. Gefahrsuddenly [¡sVdnli] plötzlichfield [fi2ld] I ran across the ~. Feld, Wieserun [rVn] We are ~ing a workshop. leitencatastrophe [kE¡tæstrEfi] Katastrophebasket [¡bÅ2skIt] The balloon had a large ~. Korbrope [rEÜp] Seilneed [ni2d] You ~ to be an extrovert. hier: müssen

3actually [¡ækt∫ÜEli] ~, I met him last week. eigentlichsign [saIn] He had a ~ with my name on it. Schildanyway [¡enIweI] sowiesowell [wel] nununfriendly [≤Vn¡frendli] He wasn’t ~. unfreundlichshy [∫aI] Don’t be ~. schüchtern

4programme [¡prEÜGræm] Which ~s do you prefer? Sendungcomedy [¡kÄmEdi] I like ~ programmes. Komödiedocumentary [≤dÄkjE¡mentEri] I prefer ~ programmes. Reportagesoap opera [¡sEÜp ≤ÄprE] I hate ~s! Seifenoperchat [t∫æt] I’ve got tickets for the ~ show. Talkshowcommercials [kE¡m‰2∫lz] He hates the ~. Werbungsunny [¡sVni] Tomorrow will be ~. sonnigfactual [¡fækt∫ÜEl] I want some ~ information. sachlich

5show [∫EÜ] We will ~ this on TV. zeigenexhibitionist [≤eksI¡bI∫EnIst] Are you an ~? Exhibitionistsimply [¡sImpli] einfach

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everything [¡evrI0IN] allesgive up [GIv ¡Vp] aufgebenreceive [rI¡si2v] You will ~ 1 million dollars. bekommenactress [¡æktrEs] Schauspielerinactor [¡æktE] He would like to be an ~. Schauspielerviewer [¡vju2E] The ~s can watch everything. Zuschauerself-confidence [self¡kÄnfIdEns] You need lots of ~! Selbstbewußtsein

6invitation [≤InvI¡teI∫n] Thanks for the ~! Einladungpity [¡pIti] That’s a ~! Schade!vegetarian [≤ved3I¡teEriEn] Are you a ~? Vegetarieraccept [Ek¡sept] I ~ your invitation! annehmendecline [dI¡klaIn] ~ the invitation. ablehneninvite [In¡vaIt] einladentrade fair [¡treId feE] Messeflea market [¡fli2 ≤mÅ2kIt] Would you like to go to a ~? Flohmarkthouse-warming [¡haÜswC2mIN] I’m having a ~ party. Einweihungs-art [Å2t] Let’s go to the ~ exhibition. Kunstrock-climbing [¡rÄkklaImIN] Shall we go ~ on Saturday? kletternday trip [deI ¡trIp] They went on a ~. Tagesausflugmountain [¡maÜntIn] Would you like to go the ~s? Bergwildlife [¡waIldlaIf] Tierweltlast [lÅ2st] How long does it ~? dauerninclude [In¡klu2d] beinhaltenafraid [E¡freId] I’m ~ I can’t come. befürchtenpossible [¡pÄsIbl] Would it be ~? möglichdeclination [≤deklI¡neI∫n] Ablehnungafter that [≤Å2ftE ¡∂æt] ~, I met her regularly. danachlovely [¡lVvli] That would be ~. schön

Unit 8

1behaviour [bI¡heIvjE] Verhaltenoffended [E¡fendId] Please don’t be ~! beleidigt

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travel critic [¡trævl ≤krItIk] He’s a ~. kritischer Reiseberichterstatterhumorous [¡hju2mErEs] It’s a ~ way of writing. humorvollhowever [haÜ¡evE] jedochable to [¡eIbl] They aren’t ~ have fun. in der Lage seinfork [fC2k] Gabelqueue [kju2] They don’t know how to ~. Schlange stehenproperly [¡prÄpEli] They can’t eat ~. richtighumour [¡hju2mE] Humordouble-decker [≤dVbl¡dekE] There are still ~ buses in London. Doppeldeckerwindmills [¡wIndmIlz] There are lots of ~ in Holland. Windmühlenupside down [≤VpsaId ¡daÜn] It’s ~. andersherumpeas [pi2z] Do you like eating ~? Erbsenridiculous [rI¡dIkjElEs] It’s ~! lächerlichlet in [let ¡In] eingelassencliché [¡kli2∫eI] Klischee

2knowledge [¡nÄlId3] Test your ~. Wissenexplanation [≤eksplE¡neI∫n] Look at the ~s. Erklärunggifts [GIfts] They bring ~ with them. Geschenkespirits [¡spIrIts] Geistertouch [tVt∫] Don’t ~ it! berührenprotect [prE¡tekt] be-, schützenevil [¡i2vl] bösesoul [sEÜl] It’s the seat of the ~. Seelesacred [¡seIkrId] This is ~. heiligsymbolise [¡sImbElaIz] It ~s freedom. symbolisiertfuneral [¡fju2nErEl] Beerdigungjoy [d3CI] Freudehappiness [¡hæpInEs] This will bring ~. Glück

3ritual [¡rItjuEl] It’s a ~ for them. Ritualobserve [Eb¡z‰2v] achten auf etwas, beobachtengroom [Gru2m] The ~’s parents give presents. Bräutigamprospective [prE¡spektiv] zukünftigbride [braId] Brautparents-in-law [¡peErEnts In ≤lC2] Have you met my ~? Schwiegerelternbride-to-be [≤braId tE ¡bi2] zukünftige Braut

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female [¡fi2meIl] weiblichaunt [Å2nt] Her ~s are coming to the party. Tantecousin [¡kVzn] She’s my ~. Cousine / Cousinwedding reception [¡wedIN rI≤sep∫n] The ~ starts at 3.30. HochzeitsempfangHen Night [¡hen naIt] eine Feier ‚nur‘ mit weiblichen Gästen,

die für die Braut vor der Hochzeit arrang-iert wird

wealth [wel0] Reichtumbracelets [¡breIslEts] She is wearing ~ on her arm. Armreifenappropriate [E¡prEÜpriEt] Find the ~ question tag. angemessen, passend

4change [t∫eInd3] ändern

5consist of [kEn¡sIst] bestehen auswhile [waIl] währendattract [E¡trækt] Indonesia ~s many tourists. anlocken, anziehenmany [¡meni] How ~ cheques do we need? vieleremain [rI¡meIn] It ~s free of tourists. bleibeneducation [≤edjÜ¡keI∫n] They don’t have much ~. Ausbildungfew [fju2] There are only a ~ sizes. wenigeas [æz] dalittle [¡lItl] Bring as ~ luggage as possible. wenigfarmer [¡fÅ2mE] There are lots of ~s. Bauerunfortunately [Vn¡fC2t∫nEtli] leideraverage [¡ævrId3] Durchschnitt-earn [‰2n] verdienenmuch [mVt∫] You don’t need too ~ money. vielshare [∫eE] teilenpaddle [¡pædl] You can ~ in the rivers. paddelnriver [¡rIvE] There are boat trips on the ~. Flußcoast [kEÜst] You can surf off the ~. Küsteluggage [¡lVGIdZ] She has a lot of ~. Gepäcksize [saIz] They only have small ~s. Größe (Kleidung)between [bI¡twi2n] Listen to the conversation ~ the two men. zwischensurprised [s‰2¡praIzd] Are you ~? überraschtrainy [¡reIni] This is the ~ season. regnerisch

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6talker [¡tC2kE] They are not great ~s. Rednerpolite [pE¡laIt] They are very ~. höflichcheck [t∫ek] Can I ~ that, please? prüfenclarify [¡klærIfaI] We need to ~ some points. klärenitinerary [I¡tInErEri] Look at the ~. Reisedaten, Reiseroutecatch [kæt∫] I’m sorry I didn’t ~ that. hier: nicht verstandencontact partner [¡kÄntækt ≤pÅ2tnE] He’s your ~. Ansprechpartnerkey product [¡ki2 ≤prÄdVkt] This is a ~ for this market. Schlüsselproduktsales department [¡seIlz dI≤pÅ2tmEnt] This is the ~. Vertriebsales outlet [¡seIlz ≤aÜtlEt] They will visit the ~. Verkaufsaußenstellesales conditions [¡seIlz kEn≤dI∫nz] They need to talk about the ~. Verkaufsbedingungenstaff [stÅ2f] They have a large ~. Mitarbeiterstab

Unit 9

1mood [mu2d] I was in a bad ~. Laune, Stimmungscent [sent] They created a new ~. Duft, Parfumdelicious [dI¡lI∫Es] The food was ~. köstlichpleasant [¡pleznt] He is a ~ person. angenehmentasty [¡teIsti] The food was ~. schmackhaftmemory [¡memEri] I have a good ~. Gedächtnis, Erinnerungsvermögenspicy [¡spaIsi] The curry was ~. würzigrough [rVf] rauh, hartcompetitive [kEm¡petEtIv] Wettbewerb-powerful [¡paÜEfÜl] The man was ~. kräftig, mächtig

2smell [smel] I can never ~ things. riechensmell [smel] Geruch, Geruchssinnexchange [Iks¡t∫eInd3] We ~d cars. tauschentaste [teIst] It ~s good. schmeckensight [saIt] He has good eye ~. Sehvermögentouch [tVt∫] Tastsinnhearing [¡hIErIN] Hörvermögenline [laIn] Write along the ~. Linie

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Primary School [¡praImEri ≤sku2l] The boy goes to ~. Grundschulecount [kaÜnt] She can ~ till 100. zählenflow [flEÜ] The dress ~s around. fließenfreckle [¡frekl] He has ~s on his face. Sommersprosseginger [¡d3Ind3E] The boy has ~ hair. rötlichriddle [¡rIdl] That was a difficult ~. Rätsel

3realise [¡rIElaIz] I ~d that I was late. bemerkenfood consultant [¡fu2d kEn≤sVltEnt] Ernährungsberater, -inworried [¡wVrId] He looks ~. besorgtbagel [¡beIGl] I ate three ~s kleines, rundes Brötchenbesides [bI¡saIdz] ~ novels, he wrote short stories. abgesehen von, außerdemelse [els] What ~ can you do? nochexercise [¡eksEsaIz] I do my ~s in the morning. Gymnastikincrease [In¡kri2s] The number ~d. zunehmenblood [blVd] ~ is red. Blutflow [flEÜ] Blood ~s through the veins. fließenbrain [breIn] You think with your ~. Gehirnrelease [rI¡li2s] He was ~d. freigeben, entlassenwell-being [wel¡bi2IN] I had a feeling of ~. Wohlergehenworkout [¡w‰2kaÜt] I have a ~ every week. Krafttrainingphysical [¡fIzIkl] I do something ~ everyday. körperlichblock [blÄk] There’s a ~ of flats. Blockelevator [¡elEveItE] We took the ~. Aufzuggentle [¡d3entl] She’s a ~ child. sanftbody [¡bÄdi] Warm-up your ~! Körpergradually [¡Græd3uEli] Warm-up ~! langsam, nach und nachat least [Et ¡li2st] Jog for ~ 30 minutes! mindestenspace [peIs] Increase the ~! Geschwindigkeitheart rate [¡hÅ2t reIt] Bring down your ~! Herzschlagwhether [¡we∂E] ~ it is slow or fast, it does you good. ob

4celebrate [¡selIbreIt] Did you ~ your birthday? feiernnoisy [¡nCIzi] geräuschvoll

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5arrow [¡ærEÜ] Can you draw an ~? Pfeilunpleasant [Vn¡pleznt] Garlic is ~ to smell. unangenehmaniseed [¡ænIsi2d] Anismemories [¡memErIz] Erinnerungen

6discovery [dI¡skVvEri] He made a fantastic ~. Entdeckungresearcher [rI¡s‰2t∫E] He always wanted to be a ~. Forscherconnection [kE¡nek∫n] There is a ~ between the two rooms. Verbindungexperience [Ik¡spIEriEns] What is your personal ~? Erfahrung

7summary [¡sVmEri] I wrote a short ~. Zusammenfassunggist [d3Ist] I understood the ~ of the article. wesentlicheheadline [¡hedlaIn] I only read the ~s. Überschriftartificial [≤Å2tI¡fI∫l] künstlichcreate [kri¡eIt] We ~d a new style. schaffen, entwickelnarrival [E¡raIvl] What time is your ~? Ankunftlounge [laÜnd3] The arrivals ~ was full of people. Warteraumheat [hi2t] We ~ed the room. heizencapsule [¡kæpsju2l] The medicine was in a ~. Kapselspokesperson [¡spEÜksp‰2sn] She was the company ~. Sprecherreduce [rI¡dju2s] You can ~ tension. verringerntension [¡ten∫n] You should reduce ~. Spannungchoice [t∫CIs] They were given a ~. Auswahlleather [¡le∂E] Shoes are made of ~. Lederquality [¡kwÄlEti] It was made of good ~. Qualitätuse [ju2s] The ~ of leather is important. Verwendungextension [Ik¡sten∫n] Erweiterung, Ausdehnungpopularity [≤pÄpjE¡lærEti] They enjoyed the ~. Bekanntheitsgradscientist [¡saIEntIst] He became a ~. Wissenschaftlercut down [kVt ¡daÜn] We ~ on overtime. reduzierenrush hour [¡rV∫ ≤aÜE] The traffic was terrible in the ~. Hauptverkehrszeitaggression [E¡Gre∫n] He was full of ~. Aggressivitätunderground [¡VndEGraÜnd] I take the ~ to work. U-Bahneffective [I¡fektIv] She learns in an ~ way. effektivremind [rI¡maInd] I will ~ you about it. erinnernclaim [kleIm] Scientists ~ that the world temperature is increasing. Anspruch erheben, behaupten

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calm down [kÅ2m ¡daÜn] Calm down! Beruhigen Sie sich!stadium [¡steIdiEm] The ~ was full. Stadiumheal [hi2l] You can ~ most illnesses. heilenpurpose [¡p‰2pEs] What is the ~ of doing that? Zweck

8absolutely [≤æbsE¡lu2tli] He is ~ mad. wirklich, vollkommencrazy [¡kreIzi] She is really ~. verrücktcompletely [kEm¡pli2tli] völligmad [mæd] She is completely ~. verrücktincredibly [In¡kredIbli] He is ~ nice. unglaublichgreat [GreIt] The musical was ~. großartig

9problem-solving [¡prÄblEm ≤sÄlvIN] Problemlösungchange [t∫eInd3] She can ~ the colour. wechselnhuman [¡hju2mEn] We are all ~ beings. menschlichresources [rI¡sC2sIz] He’s the human ~ manager. Ressourcencustomer [¡kVstEmE] We had many ~s. Kundelow [lEÜ] The morale was ~. niedrigemployee [Im¡plCIi2] We have a new ~. Mitarbeiterbored [bC2d] We are never ~. gelangweiltbreak [breIk] What time is your ~? Pausesuggestion [sE¡d3est∫n] She had a good ~. Vorschlagworking environment There’s a good ~. Arbeitsklima[¡w‰2kIN In≤vaIrEnmEnt]

Unit 10

1waste [weIst] Don’t ~ your time! verschwendenpuzzle [¡pVzl] This is a good ~. Rätselclue [klu2] The ~s were easy. Hinweisacross [E¡krÄs] I know all the words ~. waagerecht

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2yourself [jE¡self] You need time for ~. dich selbstnowadays [¡naÜEdeIz] This is a problem ~. heutzutagepress [pres] He’s ~ed for time. unter Zeitdruck stehencomplain [kEm¡pleIn] He always ~s. beschwerenbusy [¡bIzi] I have a ~ life. beschäftigtproper [¡prÄpE] This is the ~ way. richtigtake care [≤teIk ¡keE] She takes care of the boy. aufpassen aufthemselves [∂Em¡selvz] They don’t have time for ~. sich selbstenough [I¡nVf] I have ~ time. genugquestionnaire [≤kwest∫E¡neE] I hate ~s. Fragebogenhealthy [¡hel0i] I eat ~ food. gesundfix [fIks] He ~es things in the house. in Ordnung bringenenjoy [In¡d3CI] I can ~ life. genießenlucky [¡lVki] You are ~. Glück habenrelax [rI¡læks] I can ~ with music. entspannentoo many [tu2 ¡meni] zu vielesave [seIv] Did you ~ enough money? sparenworry [¡wVri] I ~ about you. sich Sorgen machenvegetables [¡ved3tEblz] I only eat ~. Gemüse

3describe [dI¡skraIb] Can you ~ the room? beschreibenmistake [mI¡steIk] I always make ~s in maths. Fehlersilly [¡sIli] She is very ~. albernchance [t∫Å2ns] She has many ~s. Chancetrip [trIp] We took a ~ to Lucerne. Ausflugclimb [klaIm] She ~ed Mount Everest. besteigen, kletternriver [¡rIvE] The Thames is a ~ in England. Flußsunset [¡sVnset] I watched the ~. Sonnenuntergangbean [bi2n] ~s are healthy. Bohnesensible [¡sensEbl] He’s a ~ boy. vernünftigbare-foot [¡beEfÜt] The children played ~ed. barfusspick [pIk] I’d ~ more daisies. pflückendaisy [¡deIzi] I picked a ~. Gänseblümchenclause [klC2z] A ~ is a part of a sentence. Satzteilhighlight [¡haIlaIt] ~ the nouns in green! markierenstrategy [¡strætEd3i] Highlighting is a good ~. Strategie

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emphasize [¡emfEsaIz] You can ~ that word. betonencircle [¡s‰2kl] ~ all the adjectives! einkreisen

4imagine [I¡mæd3In] Can you ~ the situation? sich vorstellennote [nEÜt] He always takes ~s in English. Notizeninvisible [In¡vIzEbl] I read a story about an ~ man. unsichtbarfrightened [¡fraItEnd] I’m ~ in the dark. sich fürchtenget lost [Get ¡lÄst] She got lost in the city. sich verlaufenpleased [pli2zd] The teacher was ~. erfreutangry [¡æNGri] He was ~. verärgertembarrassed [Im¡bærEst] The girl was ~. verlegendisappointed [¡dIsEpCIntId] The mother was ~. enttäuscht

5furniture [¡f‰2nIt∫E] We bought new ~ for the house. Möbelemu [¡i2mu] I saw an ~ in the zoo. Emuwoollen [¡wÜlEn] I wore a ~ coat. aus Wollemonkey [¡mVNki] The ~s are in the zoo. Affe

6fairy tale [¡feEri ≤teIl] Märchengrant [GrÅ2nt] The man was ~ed three wishes. gewähren

7personal [¡p‰2snl] Don’t ask too many ~ questions. persönlichservice [¡s‰2vIs] The ~ in the hotel was very good. Servicemajority [mE¡d3ÄrEtI] The ~ were males. Mehrheitcook [kÜk] My father is an excellent ~. Kochlaundry [¡lC2ndri] I have no time for the ~. Wäschegardener [¡GÅ2dnE] He hired a ~. Gärtnernecessary [¡nesEsri] It’s ~ to arrive before nine. nötig, notwendigdesirable [dI¡zaIrEbl] Peace is ~. wünschenswertavailable [E¡veIlEbl] zur Verfügung stehendog walker [¡dÄG ≤wC2kE] He earns money as a ~. jmd., der/die Hunde ausführtnanny [¡næni] She still remembers her ~. Kindermädcheninterior designer [In≤tIEriE dI¡zaInE] She became an ~. Innenarchitektbutler [¡bVtlE] James is her ~. Butlerdaily chores [≤deIli ¡t∫C2z] She has no time for the ~. Hausarbeit

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firm [f‰2m] She hired a ~ to clean her house. Firmaoutside [aÜt¡saId] She went ~. außen, draußenplant [plÅ2nt] We ~ed some flowers. Pflanzenlawn [lC2n] He cut the ~. Rasenwrap [ræp] She likes to ~ presents. einpackenhire [¡haIE] She ~d a baby-sitter einstellendecorate [¡dekEreIt] He wanted to ~ the house. streichen/tapeziereneconomist [I¡kÄnEmIst] She became an ~. Betriebswirtpoverty [¡pÄvEti] They live in ~. Armutincome [¡INkVm] I spend all my ~. Einkommenmention [¡men∫n] She ~ed that she was married. erwähnenrecommend [≤rekE¡mend] She ~ed her son for the job. empfehlen

8business [¡bIznIs] He’s in the hotel ~. Geschäftresponse [rI¡spÄns] He gave no ~. Antwortsnap [snæp] Don’t ~ your fingers. schnippenintroduce [≤IntrE¡dju2s] He was ~d to the president. vorstellenshake [∫eIk] They always ~ their hands. schüttelncheek [t∫i2k] He kissed her on her ~. Wangebow [baÜ] verbeugenknowledge [¡nÄlId3] He has no ~ of Chinese. Wissenconditional [kEn¡dI∫Enl] ~ sentences are difficult. hier: Bedingungs-

Unit 11

1shape [∫eIp] The ~ of an orange is round. Formsize [saIz] What is your shoe ~? Größesteel [sti2l] The door is made of ~. Stahlwrought iron [≤rC2t ¡aIEn] The window is made of ~. Schmiedeeisenplain [plein] The dress is ~. einfachrustic [¡rVstIk] The gate is ~. rustikalmaterial [mE¡tIEriEl] Wood is a ~. Rohstofflabel [¡leIbl] The dress has a ~. Etikettdraw [drC2] She can ~ well. zeichnendrawing [¡drC2IN] She sold her ~s. Zeichnung

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behind [bI¡haInd] She hid ~ the door. hinterchoose [t∫u2z] I can never ~. wählen

2impression [Im¡pre∫n] She left a good ~. Eindruckpersonality [≤p‰2sE¡nælEti] He has a good ~. Persönlichkeitguess [Ges] Can you ~ the meaning? ratenbright [braIt] The room is ~. hellfashionable [¡fæ∫nEbl] They like ~ clothes. modischcoloured [¡kVlEd] It’s all ~. buntgateway [¡GeItweI] He passed through the ~ . Torpopular [¡pÄpjElE] Yellow is a ~ colour. beliebtpolish [¡pÄlI∫] She likes to ~ her car. polierenwooden [¡wÜdn] I like ~ doors. aus Holztreat [tri2t] I ~ him nicely. behandelnpeel [pi2l] The paint will ~ in the sun. abblätterncrack [kræk] The paint will ~ in the sun. rissig werdenfresh [fre∫] The paint is ~. frischcoat [kEÜt] The door needs a ~ of paint. hier: Anstrichcare [keE] Choose your colour with ~! Umsichtsmart [smÅ2t] It looks ~. schickpale [peIl] Pink is a ~ colour. blaßdirty [¡d‰2ti] The children are always ~. schmutzigparticularly [pE¡tIkjElEli] You find crime ~ in cities. insbesonderedark [dÅ2k] Her new dress is ~ blue. dunkelsophisticated [sE¡fIstIkeItId] Blue is a ~ colour. elegantconsider [kEn¡sIdE] He’s ~ed to be a genius. betrachtencheerful [¡t∫IEfÜl] The girl is ~. fröhlichgenerally [¡d3enrEli] ~, I like to be alone. im Allgemeinenprotect [prE¡tekt] They ~ their house. schützenprivacy [¡prIvEsi] ~ is very important. Privatsphäreblinds [blaIndz] We have ~ in the windows. Rollocurtain [¡k‰2tn] The ~s are green. Gardinenfrosted [¡frÄstId] The glass is ~. mattiert

3oval [¡EÜvl] ovaloblong [¡ÄblÄN] The drawing is ~. rechteckigsquare [skweE] The box is ~. quadratisch

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object [¡Äbd3Ikt] What’s the name of the ~? Gegenstandwater melon [¡wC2tE ≤melEn] A ~ is red on the inside. Wassermelone

4pressure cooker [¡pre∫E ≤kÜkE] Dampfdruckkochtopfshaver [¡∫eIvE] Rasierapparatdetergent [dI¡t‰2d3nt] Reinigungsmittelrolling pin [¡rEÜlIN ≤pIn] Nudelrollevacuum cleaner [¡vækju2m ≤kli2nE] Staubsaugerstuff [stVf] I hate that ~. Zeugabove [E¡bVv] The lamp was ~ the door. über, oberhalbscales [skeIlz] Waagecooker [¡kÜkE] We bought a new ~. Herdplug [plVG] Steckersieve [sIv] Sieblovers [¡lVvEz] Romeo and Julia were ~. Liebendebroom [bru2m] Besenglue [Glu2] Klebstoffgrater [¡GreItE] Reibe lie [laI] I ~ in bed. liegentramp [træmp] I saw a ~ at the station. Landstreicherchew [t∫u2] He is always ~ing. kauenwax [wæks] Wachstrap [træp] They tried to ~ him. einfangenlight [laIt] leichtpensioner [¡pen∫EnE] He just became a ~. Rentnerearth [‰20] We live on the ~. Erdesimilar [¡sImElE] This poem is ~ to yours. ähnlich

5limit [¡lImIt] You must set the ~. Grenzeoutdoor [¡aÜtdC2] Football is an ~ activity. im Freienframe [freIm] The ~ is made of wood. Rahmentake off [teIk ¡Äf] The plane takes off soon. startenconsist of [kEn¡sIst Ev] It ~s of many words. bestehen aus

6suitcase [¡su2tkeIs] The ~ was heavy. Kofferbelow [bI¡lEÜ] Choose a word from ~! unten, unterhalb

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7latest [¡leItIst] This was their ~ product. neueste, -r, -scardboard [¡kÅ2dbC2d] Pappedelivery [dI¡lIvri] Lieferungrectangular [≤rek¡tæNGjElE] It had a ~ shape. rechteckigstriped [straIpt] The box was ~. gestreiftdot [dÄt] The box has blue ~s. Punktestar [stÅ2] The box had orange ~s. Sternweights & measurements Gewichte & Maße[≤weIts n ¡me3EmEnts]

Unit 12

1global [¡GlEÜbl] English is a ~ language. globalmap [mæp] Malta is on the ~. Landkartemother tongue [≤mV∂E ¡tVN] German is my ~. Muttersprache

2extract [¡ekstrækt] Read this short ~! Auszugmillion [¡mIljEn] She has a ~ dollars. Millionbillion [¡bIliEn] One ~ people speak English. Milliardesign [saIn] You can see many road ~s. Schildadvertisements [Ed¡v‰2tIsmEnts] Werbeanzeigenpopulation [≤pÄpjE¡leI∫n] The ~ of the world is growing. Bevölkerungfluent [¡flu2Ent] They are ~ in English. fließendnative speaker [≤neItIv ¡spi2kE] There are many ~s of English. Muttersprachlerofficial [E¡fI∫l] English is the ~ language. offiziellgovernment [¡GVvnmEnt] English is the language of the ~. Regierungmedia [¡mi2diE] Medieneducation [≤ed3Ü¡keI∫n] In Germany ~ is free. Schulbildungcommerce [¡kÄmEs] Austria’s ~ is growing. Handelfurthermore [≤f‰2∂E¡mC2] ~, English is easy to learn außerdemwidely [¡waIdli] weit verbreitetincrease [In¡kri2s] The number is ~ing. zunehmenreplace [≤ri2¡pleIs] English has ~d French. ersetzen

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main [meIn] English is the ~ language. Haupt-former [¡fC2mE] Algeria is a ~ French colony. ehemaligcolony [¡kÄlEni] Malta was a British ~ . Kolonie

4tick [tIk] ~ the correct answer! Häkchen setzenartificial [≤Å2tI¡fI∫l] Esperanto is an ~ language. künstlichinvent [In¡vent] It was ~ed in 1958. erfindenpeace [pi2s] It brings about ~. Friedenslow down [slEÜ ¡daÜn] He needs to ~ . langsam werdengrowth [GrEÜ0] The ~ of English is amazing. Wachstumduring [¡djÜErIN] I met him ~ the conference. währendannual [¡ænjuEl] It’s an ~ conference. jährlichscore [skC2] You ~ one point. erzielendisregard [≤dIsrI¡GÅ2d] ~ what is not important! ignorierenconstruction [kEn¡strVk∫n] Notice the passive ~. Satzbaupublish [¡pVblI∫] The book was ~ed. herausgeben, veröffentlichenworld-wide [w‰2ld¡waId] You can buy the book ~. weltweitcensus [¡sensEs] The ~ was world-wide. Volkszählungpronounce [prE¡naÜns] English is difficult to ~. aussprechen

5useful [¡ju2sfÜl] It’s ~ to speak Spanish. nützlichaspect [¡æspekt] The story has different ~. Aspekt

6bar [bÅ2] The ~ has just opened. Barallow [E¡laÜ] Smoking is not ~ed. erlaubenserve [s‰2v] Lunch is ~d at one o’clock. auftragentow away [≤tEÜ E¡weI] The car was ~ed. abschleppenunderline [≤VndE¡laIn] ~ all the verb forms! unterstreichenrephrase [≤ri2¡freIz] ~ your sentences! anders ausdrückenreduce [rI¡dju2s] ~ speed! reduzierenfeed [fi2d] Don’t ~ the animals! fütternkeep off [ki2p ¡Äf] ~ the grass! nicht betretenmind the gap [≤maInd ∂E ¡Gæp] Mind the gap! Ansage in der U-Bahn: ‘Beachten Sie den

Abstand zwischen Zug und Bahnsteig!’lean out [li2n ¡aÜt] Don’t ~ of the window. hinauslehnenbeware [bI¡weE] ~ of the dog! Vorsicht, bissiger Hund!

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tidy [¡taIdi] Keep Malta tidy! sauberpath [pÅ20] Keep to the ~. Pfad, Weg

7socially [¡sEÜ∫Eli] gesellschaftlichmysterious [mI¡stIEriEs] He is a ~ person. rätselhaftexpression [Ik¡spre∫n] I like that ~. Ausdruckcommon [¡kÄmEn] It’s ~ly used. gewöhnlichtake care [teIk ¡keE] ~! Pass’ gut auf dich auf!cheers [t∫IEz] ~! Prost!without [wI¡∂aÜt] I like tea ~ milk. ohnepolite [pE¡laIt] She is very ~ . höflichmeal [mi2l] I had a good ~. Essen, Mahlzeit

8managing director He is the ~ of Shell. Geschäftsführer[≤mænId3IN dI¡rektE]

speech [spi2t∫] He gave a ~. Redehire [¡haIE] We ~d a new worker. einstellenworking conditions We have good ~. Arbeitsverhältnisse[¡w‰2kIN kEn¡dI∫nz]

wage [weId3] He has a high ~. Lohnchildcare [¡t∫aIldkeE] We need ~ in the company. Kinderbetreuungmarket [¡mÅ2kIt] We produce for the world ~. Marktlook forward to [≤lÜk ¡fC2wEd] I ~ seeing you. sich freuen aufexpand [Ik¡spænd] The company is ~ing. expandierensuccessful [sEk¡sesfEl] The company is ~. erfolgreich

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