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NIM. TE.161752






Advisor I: Drs. Habibudin Ritonga, MA

Advisor II: Dr. Muhammad Taridi, M.Pd

Adress: Faculty of Education and Teacher Treining The State Islamic University

of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Jambi, 25 Januari 2021

The Dear of Faculty and Teacher Training

The State Islamic University of SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi




Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

After reading and making some necessary correction, we agree that thesis

entitle “The Correlaton between Students’ Speaking Anxiety and Student

Speaking Skill of The Eleventh Grade at The Islamic Senior High School Al

Ihsaniyah Sarang Burung Muaro Jambi” arranged by M Gilang Ramadani,.

TE161752, English Education Study is approved for thesis deferences as Partial

Fulfillment of Requirements to Obtain Undergraduate (SI) Degree in English

Education study.

Thus we submit it in order to be received well. Appreciated your attention.

May this thesis be of a great benefits to the religion and national.


Advisor I Advisor II

Drs. Habibudin Ritonga, MA Dr. Muhammad Taridi, M.Pd

NIP.195906121987031003 NIP.19640106201421002





In the name of ALLAH SWT the most gracious and te most merciful, who has

given researcher mercy and blessing, health and ability to finish the thesis. The

researcher dedicates this thesis to:

1. My beloved parents, my father Hanapi and my mother Saniah. thankyou

for supporting every step that I have been taken, thankyou for believing

and praying for your Son to be success person and make you proud of me

someday. To my older sister Niana Julia, thankyou for the prayers and

support that my sister always gives for me.

2. My classmate, sisters and brothers PBI A 2016 and my brother in family

of boarding house, that I can’t mention it one by one 4 years being

together with you all.

3. All my closest friends M Ishak, M Marwan, Giat gemintang, Cici rizki,

Nopi windi, Raihan assiddiqy and my family who always listens to my

crazy ideas, rise me up when I’m torning down.

My allah always love bless them all, Aamiin.





Alhamdulillah, Firstly, In the name of Allah, the most gracious and

merciful, the lord of universe. Because of His blessings, the researcher could

finish this thesis as one of the requirement for S1 degree in English Education

Programme of Education and Teacher Training Faculty of the State Islamic

University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Secondly, peace amd salutation always be given to our prophet

Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darknesss into the lightness.

The researcher realize that this thesis would have not completed without the

help, advice and guidance from many people. Therefore, in this opportunity the

researcher would like to express thanks and gratitude to following parties for their


1. Prof. Dr. H. Suaidi Asy’ari, MA., Ph.D Rector of the State Islamic

University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Dr. Hj. Fadilah, M.Pd, as Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher

Training of the State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin


3. Wahyuni Fitria, M.Pd as the chief of English Education Programme.

4. Drs. Habibudin Ritonga, as my first advisor and Dr. Muhammad Taridi,

M.Pd as my second advisor.

5. All lecturers at the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of The

State Islamic University of Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

6. English teacher at Islamic senior High school Al - Ihsaniyah that had help

me to finish this research.

It is expected that this thesis will give contribution to the Students of English

Education Programme that will be English teacher in the future. Then, the

researcher realized that this thesis is still far from being perfect. For that reason,




Name : M Gilang Ramadani

Study Program : English Education Study Program

Title : The Correlation between Students’ Speaking Anxiety

and Speaking skill Of the eleventh grade at the Islamic senior high school Al

Ihsniyah Sarang Burung Muaro Jambi.

The aim of this research is to find out the correlation between students’

speaking Anxeity and Speaking skill. The researcher used correlational research

design. In this study, the researcher uses convenience sampling. There were only

12 students. It means that is this research only has 12 students as sample. The

techniques of collecting data used the test and questionnaire. Researcher used a

questionnaire to determine the level of students’ speaking anxiety. Forthemore,

to determine the level of speaking skill of the students. Reseacher used test. To

analyze the data, researchers used product moment correlation. The result of the

data analysis are r (0,267), By checking the product moment 𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 . For N 10 at

significant level 0.5%, obtained 𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 . (0.267 < 0.4973) ) which mean the

correlation result are convincing or no significant. Thus the decision is not

accepted alternative hypothesis which means there no significant correlation

between students’ speaking anxiety and students speaking skill.

Keywords: students’ speaking Anxiety, students speaking skill



Nama : M Gilang Ramadani

Program Studi : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul :Hubugan antara kecemasan berbicara siswa dengan

kemampuan berbicara siswa di Madrasah Aliyah Al

Ihsaniyah sarang burung Muaro Jambi

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubugan antara kecemasan

berbica siswa dengan kemampuan berbicara siswa. Peneliti menggunakan metode

penelitian korelational. Pada penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan Convenience

Sampling. Hanya 12 siswa. Itu artinya dalam penelitian ini hanya ada 12 orang

siswa sebagai sample. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan test dan

pertanyaan. Peneliti menggunakan pertanyaan untuk menentukan level dari

kecemasan siswa. Untuk selanjutnya, untuk menetukan level dari kemampuan

berbicara siswa peneliti menggunakan test. Untuk menganalisa data peneliti

menggunakan korelasi product moment . hasil dari data analisis adalah r (0,267),

dengan memeriksa table product moment untuk N10 pada tingkat signifikan

0.5%, di peroleh 𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 (0.267 < 0.4973) yang berarti hasil korelasinya

menyakinkan atau tidak signifikan. Dengan demikian keputusan hipotesis

alternatif tidak di terima atau tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara

kecemasan berbicara siswa dengan kemampuan berbicara mereka.

Kata kunci: kecemasan berbicara siswa, kemampuan berbicara siswa.



NOTA DINAS ................................................................................................ i

ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT ............................................................ ii

DEDICATION ............................................................................................... iii

MOTTO ......................................................................................................... iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. v

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................... vii

ABSTRAK ...................................................................................................... viii

TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................. ix


A. The Background of Study ............................................................... 1

B. Identification of the Problem ........................................................... 3

C. Limitation of the Problem ............................................................... 3

D. Formulation of the Problem ............................................................ 4

E. Objectives of the Research .............................................................. 4

F. The significant of the study ............................................................. 4


A. Anxiety .......................................................................................... 5


1. Anxiety of Symtoms ................................................................... 6

2. Types of Anxiety ........................................................................ 7

3. The causes of Anxiety ................................................................ 8

4. Managing Anxiety ...................................................................... 8

B. Speaking skill ................................................................................. 10

C. The previous studies ....................................................................... 12

D. Hypothesis ...................................................................................... 13


A. Place and time of the research ......................................................... 14

B. Design of the research ..................................................................... 14

C. Population and sample research....................................................... 15

D. Variable of the research .................................................................. 16

E. Technique and instrument of collectiing the data ............................. 16

1. Speaking test .............................................................................. 16

2. Questionnaire ............................................................................. 21

F. Validity ........................................................................................... 24

1. Validity for Speaking Test ............................................................ 24

2. Validity for Questionnaire ............................................................ 24

G. Techique of Analysis the Data......................................................... 25

H. Statistical Hypotesis ........................................................................ 27


A. Research findings ............................................................................ 28

1. Descriptive Analysis for speaking anxiety..................................... 28


2. The descriptive statistic for speaking skill ..................................... 29

3. Statistical Analysis ....................................................................... 31

B. Interpretation .................................................................................. 38


A. Conclusion ...................................................................................... 40

B. Suggestions ..................................................................................... 40






Table 1 Research design........................................................................... 14

Table 2 Speaking rubric ........................................................................... 17

Table 3 Scores criterion ........................................................................... 20

Table 4 questionnaire Items of Speaking Anxiety ..................................... 21

Table 5 Speaking anxiety scale following oetting’s scale ......................... 23

Table 6 the classification of student’s score .............................................. 25

Table 7 Intepretation of product moment score ........................................ 26

Table 8 Description of anaysis of students’ speaking anxiety ................... 29

Table 9 descriptive Analysis of students speaking skill ............................ 30

Table 10 frequency distribution speaking anxiety ..................................... 32

Table 11 frequency distribution speaking skill ......................................... 35

Table 12 correlation test speaking anxiety and speaking skill ................... 37



Appendix 1 : Intrument of collecting data questionnaire

Appendix 2 : The result of rater for speaking

Appendix 3 : The result rsearch of Questinnaire

Appendix 4 : Description of anaysis of students’ speaking anxiety

Appendix 5 : Descriptive Analysis of students speaking skill

Appendix 6 : Frequency distribution sepaking anxiety

Appendix 7 : Frequency distribution speaking skill

Appendix 8 : Correlation test speaking anxiety and speaking skill.

Appendix 9 : Significant table

Appendix 10 : Documentation




A. The Background of the Study

Emotions are important in the classroom since it has impact on

speaking. They influence learners‟ ability to process information and to

accurately understand what they encounter. Brown states that emotions

affect learning in the most fundamental way because they are the

foundation of the learning strategies and techniques. In other words,

emotional state can encourage or discourage learning. For example,

students learn and perform more successfully when they feel secure,

happy, and excited about the subject matter. Emotions have the potential

to energize students‟ thinking and also have the potential to interfere with

speaking. Negative emotions such anger, anxiety, and sadness have the

potential to distract students‟ learning efforts.

English Languagein Indonesia is a foreign language, where they learn

English in differnt majors for different purpose in learning English, they

should be able to understand and master four skills of the language such

as speaking, reading, writing and listening. Stuudents of university,

especially in English department should be interested in those skills.

When the students learn English as a Foreign Language, they have some

difficulties to be develop their ability in all of the skills, on of the skill is


According to nunan “Speaking is one of a key aspect of learning a

second of foreign language ( 2000, p, 39)”. Speaking is a productive skill,

the student have to be able to speak orally. Stated by riggenback and

lazaraton ( citid in Widianti & Cahyono, 2006:269 ) language learners are

considered successfull if they can communicate effectively in language.

In the context of speaking English, beimg able to communicate to friends

and even communicate with foreigner, that is the goal of many English



Anxiety is one of the factors that can distrub students to develop their

achievement in speaking. According to arnold and brown’s ( 1999 , p. 8 )

conclution that Anxiety is quite possible the effective factor that most

pervasilery obstructs the learning process ( 2005 : 198 ). Feeling

anxidious can make them stuck in the middle of the conversation and

cannot deliver the topic of the conversation.

The main reason was because anxeity itself is a complex matter since

it involved psychological condition of the learners. Communication

apprehension, described as “ type of shyness characterized by fear of or

anxiety about communicating with people” (Horwitz et al., 1986,p. 127),

is experienced by anxious indviduals in social interaction.

Anxidious students feel unvomfortable when communcating in the L2

and the inability to express oneself may lead to frustation since their

konwledge of the new language is limited and they cannot control the

situation (Horwitz et al., 1986).

Oral comunication consists of listening and speaking, and since the

language classroom puts an emphasis on interactions, speaking is

considered as one of the most anxiety provoking activities. Research has

shown that communication apprehesion is common among anxious

students (Young, 1990).

Based on the pre observation in Islamic Senior High school Al

Ihsaniyah Sarang Burung Muaro Jambi on The Eleven Grade. There are

some students have some difficulties to follow English class. It is because

they have some problems, one of them is Anxiety as long as reseacher

follow the english class particularity speaking class, the researcher found

more students in speaking class feeling Anxious when they perform

infront of the class and do a conversation.

The students show sympotms of Anxiety in the class such as showed


the carelesseness, avoid the conversation, low in verbal production and

lack of voluntering of the class. According to oxford ( cited in fetty, 2010

), lack of verbal production and lack of the voluntering the class are the

syimptoms of anxiety.

When the student cannot follow the study it well, the aim of the lesson

can not be delivered succesfully. So, it is very important for the

researcher to know what kind of cause student’s anxienty in speaking

class. By knowing the student’s anxiety we can help them to reduce their

anxienty and help them to increase their anxiety in speaking class. Based

on the explanation above the resarcher interest to take a researcher entitle

is “The correlation between students’ speaking anxiety and speaking


B. Identification of the Research

Based on the explanation above, the researcher identified the problems

as follow :

1. The students feel nervous when to speak English

2. The students is not active and interested learn English

3. The students are afraid of being a laughing stock

C. Limitation of the Research

To avoid misunderstanding upon what the researcher has explained.

The problem in this research is limited on sthe correlation between

speaking anxiety and speaking skill at the Eleven grade Islamic senior high

school Al Ihsaniyah Sarang burung muaro jambi.


D. Formulation of the Research

Based on the backgroud of the study, the resarcher formulates the

problem, as follows:

1. Is there any significant correlation between students’ speaking anxiety

and student speaking skill?

E. Objectives of the research

The objectives of the study is to find out whether or not there is not any

significant correlation between students’ speaking anxiety and student

speaking skill?

F. The significant of the study

The result of this research is expected to give important contributions

for the lectures, the students, and the other researcher.

1. The Teacher

Though this study , the lectures will be able to increase speaking

better, to know the cause of students’ anxiety to speak English and how to

help students to anticipate and control their anxiety when the speak

english in class.

2. The students

Though this study, the student will know how to control and dicrease

their anxiety when to speak english in class.

3. Other reseachers

The result of the study can be used as a reference for other researcher

to conduct a further research dealing with teacher’s activity in supporting

students learning. They migh study about students’ speaking anxiety as

teaching materials in teaching other language skills.




A. Anxiety

According to Ansari ( 2015 ) “ anxiety is a negative way to present

human feeling” , As we know the Anxiety is a negative feeling that

someone having in certain time, when student have anxiety or feel anxious,

they will show it like tramble, worry the other ways / negative ways to said

they are anxious.

In the dictionary of pychology, chaplin defines anxiety as feeling a

mixture of fear and aprehension contain about upcoming flavors without

special cause such fears.

According to Syah Muhibbin ( 1999:165 ) anxiety can happen with two

factor that is Internal student and external student:

1. Student internal factors, namely things or circumstances that arise from

within the student himself.

2. External factor students, namely things or circumstances that come from

outside themselves students.

There are several definitions of anxiety which are found by the writer.

According to Carlson and Buskist, anxiety is “a sense of apprehension or

doom that is accompanied by certain physiological reactions, such as

accelerated heart rate, sweaty palms, and tightness in the stomach.”

Futhermore, anxiety arises as a response to a particular situation. Passer

and Smith define anxiety as a state of tension and apprehension as a natural

response to perceived threat.It means that people are naturally feels anxious

when they are threatened. While according to Ormrod anxiety is a feeling

of uneasiness and apprehension concerning a situation with an uncertain


Although anxiety and fear sounds similar, both are actually different.

Halgin and Witbourne describe the difference between fear and anxiety,

fear is a natural alarm response to a dangerous situation while anxiety is


more future-oriented, a feeling of apprehension and uneasiness about the

possibilityof something terrible might happen. Futhermore, According to

Barlow, as cited in Passer and Snith, Anxiety responses consist of

emotional component, feeling of tension; cognitive component, worry;

physiological responses, increased heart rate and blood pressure; and

behavioral responses avoidance of certainsituations.

From the definition explained above, it can be concluded that anxiety

is a feeling of being threatened, of apprehension, tension, and worry as a

response to a particular situation or something that might happen in the


Based on the definition above, the researcher synthesized that

conclusion of anxiety is worry of fear include to negative feeling that can

make student poor in foreign language and always worry bout the thing

are not yet happen like friends will laugh them, its mean they have low


1. Anxiety Symtoms

According to oxford 1994 ( often in fetty 2010 ) explain some anxiety

symtoms that are:

a. Genaral avoidence : forgeted the answer, cut the class, come late,

entering the class without preparation, look of verbal production, lack

of participation in the class, showed the uncaptable to answer the

simple question

b. Physical actions : worried or nervous, play hair or clothes, touch the

thing in worry, stammer, uncaptable to produce the sound or intonation

from the target language although have repeatedly

c. Physical symtoms : compain headched, weary, fool a painful or tense

and can not explain it

d. Another symtomps like overstudying, demant the perfection, social

carelessness, avoid the conversation, less of eyecontact, respon


monosilable, or nothing respond, keeping image, over laugh and make

a joke, over competitif and judge themself.

2. Types of Anxiety

There are types of anxiety that may exist in students. According to

spielberg (in Syszka 2017 :55), there are three types of anxiety: trait

anxaity, state anxiety, and situation-specific anxiety.

a. Trait anxiety

Trait anxiety is an anxiety that tends to be faced by individuals and is

conidered threatening spielberg (in Szyszka 2017:55). In other words,

trait anxiety aries in behavior of each individual’s experience. In this

situation, people tend to experience anxiety more easily. Besides, a

person can be aggresive, passive, or avoid unwanted situations, even

escape from similar situations.

b. State anxiety

On the other hand, state anxiety is a fealing of worry which is an

emotional response that can occur at the specifield time speilberg (in

Szyszka 2017:55). In other words, state anxiety is an anxiety that exists in

individuals that effects the intensity of anxiety. While the reaction

experienced by a person depens on the individual’s fealings about

something dangerous. Besides, state anxiety can appear at certain times

which arise if individual feels threatened.

c. Situations specific Anxiety

According to Mccroskey (in Szyszka 2017:56) a specific of anxiety is

a person’s level of anxiety when facing a threatening situation at a certain

time and place. Public speaking, tests and foreign language learning

belong to these specific situations, in which repeated state of anxiety may

solidify into situation-specific anxiety.


3. The causes of Anxiety

According to Price 1991, identified to speak target language is fornt of

their peers, making erros in pronounciation, not being able to

communicate effectively and diffuculty of their language classes as the

greatest sources of anxiety. And price additional two personality variables

- desire for perfectionism and fear of public speaking - contributed to

students anxiety in foreign language classes.

According to Hilesson 1996, evaluation by peers and teachers, self

consciouness about pronounciation, difficulty entering into conversation,

comprehension ability, and fear of missing important information created

anxiety. And according to Meihua Liu, the causes of the students anxiety

in oral English lesson is low profiency, lack of practice, personality, fear

of making mistakes and being laughed at the competition, and lack of

confidence. Low self estimations of ability may have also contributed to


4. Managing Anxiety

According to Kondo and Ying-Ling (2004:265), five straregies can be

use by students for reducing their to perform in fornt of the class namely:

preparation, relaxation, positive thingking, peer seeking and resignation.

a. Preparation

First strategy is preparation. According to kondo and Ying-Ling

(2004:265), this strategy can make students reduce their anxiety. For

example, study hard, try to make a good summary of notes or refeat the

material to be delivered. Also, preparations made by students before

performing in front of class especially in deliverd presentation, greatly

affect the success that will be achieved. Therefore, the more good

preparation the students do, the more likely to feel anxious reduce.


b. Relaxition

Second strategy is relaxion, the aim of this strategy for reducing

somatic anxiety symtoms. Making relax the body by doing something.

For example, take a deep breath and try to calm down. Therefore, to

reduce anxiety when performing in front of the class students should be

more relaxed. According to Tseng (2012:84), there are several ways to

feel relaxed can be done as follows: First, sit comfortably and straight in

classroom seat. Second, before or during class take long and slow breaths,

hold it for four or five seconds and release it slowly. Third, exercise can

make relaxation and turns nervous energy into positive energy thought a

calming release og breath. Moreover, doing these activities very helpful

for students to reduce their anxiety when speak in front of the class.

c. Positive Thinking

Third strategy is positive thinking. This strategy is intended to delivert

attention from stressful situations to positive and pleasant thoughts, and

bring relief to anxious tudents. This can be done by reducing the

cognitive processes that enderlie student anxiety, that everything will be

fine. For example, imaging yourself give a great performence, trying to

enjoy the tension.

d. Peer Seeking

Fourth srategy is peer seeking. This strategy is carred out by students

to look for other students who seem to experience the same difficulties.

According to kondo and Ying-Ling (2004:265) students who realize that

other people experience the same problem can function as an emotional

source with social comparison, can reduce student anxiety. In other

words, this strategy is done by students to reduce anxiety by finding

friends who seem to have same diffuclty when performing in front of the

class. And hole to help each other to reduce anxiety.


e. Resignation

The last strategy is resignation. This strategy is a strategy by students

yo reduce anxiety by doing nothing, students who use this strategy tend to

run away from problems this is in line with his opinion By Kondo and

Ying-Ling (2004) that the strategy of resignation seems to aim at

minimizing the impact of anxiety by refusing to face problems. For

example, students give up more easily or even choose to sleep in class.

B. Speaking skills

According to richards and renandya, speaking is on of thr four

elements of communication, where communication is the output modality

and learning is the input modality of language acquisition. Richards and

Reynanda comment that “As a human being, a person always need

communication to express his idea to do everything; more over as

students or learners, they have to speak with their teacher as long in

learning process to express their idea” (2002 cited in fatemi: 2008).

According to Kartika Sari Dewi, “speaking is one of the four English

skill which have to be mastered by students. Although the students may

be good at writing, reading, and listening, it will be useless if they cannot

use the language to communicate” ( 2013: 139 ).

Based on the definitions of speaking above, the writer can summarize

that speaking is the capability of using language, a skill to share someone

ideas, information, suggestion and feeling to another people orally.

In addition, according to brown (2000, p.141), there are five types of

speaking :

2. Imitative

A learners imitative a word, a phrase, or possibly a sentence. Imitation

of this kind is purely phonetic level of oral production, a number of

prosodic, lexical, and grammatical properties of language may be

included in the criterion performance.


3. Intensive

A second type of speaking goes one step beyonf imitative. This type is

designed to practice some phonological or grammatical aspects of


4. Extensive (monologue)

This type is include speeches, oral presentations, and story telling,

during which the oppurtunity for oral interaction from listeners os either

highly limitied (perhaps to nonverbal responsive) or ruled out altogether.

5. Responsive

This type only about short replies to teacher or students initated

questions or comments. This stimulus of the conversation is almost

always a spoken promt, with perhaps only one or two follow-up questions

or retors.

6. Interactive

The difference between responsive and interactive speaking is in the

length and complexity of the interaction, which sometimes includes multi

exchage and/or mltipe participants.

Therefore, that develop learners speaking skill are an importance part

of a language, penny ur write about four characteristics for a successfull

speaking activity:

a. Learners talk a lot

b. Participation is even

c. Motivation is high

d. Language is of an acceptable level ( penny ur :2011 )


C. The previous studies

The researcher also have found some relevant studies, at first Azwar

Fadlan (2017 entitled “Factor Causing Language Anxiety of EFL

Students in Classroom presentation”. The subject of his study were six

students majoring in English who conducted a presentation seminar. They

are selected by using purposive sampling. Based on his result, there were

there types of anxiety experienced by the students when doing a

presentation using English, namely anxiety related to positive (facilitative

anxiety), anxiety related to negative or destructive (debilitative anxiety)

and anxiety which was not related. The researcher called it as non-

effecting anxiety. In his research, he also found some factors causing the

students feel anxious in speaking ability, they divided into two main

factors, namely internal and external factors, but in his reserach found

only internal factors, namely fear of making mistakes, fear of facing

questions from participants, fear of failing the exam, inability to use the

appropriate vocabulary when explaining the presentation material, fear of

being the center of antetion or lack of self-confidence, inadequate in using

English proficiently, lack of preparation and practice, poor of

pronouncation, inferior feelings, and lack of presentation. The different

with my research is the design and Azwar Fadlan study more focus in

classroom presentation.

Another previous study by Fitri Romadhon (2016), entitled “An

analysis of students’ speaking anxiety at the eleven-grade students of

Islamic Senior high School 1 Olak Kemang Jambi”. This research use

descriptive qualitative. She found factor students speaking anxiety in

Senior High School 1 Olak Kemang are low of profiency, lack of

preparation, lack of practice, fear making mistake, incomprehensible

input, memory, and personality. She also found the students strategies to

deal with their speaking anxiety namly: physical strategy, phychological

strategy, and behavioral strategy. The different with my research is Fitri


Romadhon use qualitative to find the problem and her research is focus in

Senior High School.

Last, Suci Nurul Fajri (2019), under the titled “ Students’ Anxiety In

Classroom Presentation At English Education Department Of Uin Sulthan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi”. This research use descriptive qualitative. She

found factor students sepaking anxiety in English Depatment Uin Sulthan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi are also lack of comfidence, lack of vocabulary,

lack of grammar, poor pronounciation, fear of being laughed, fear of

making mistakes, fear of negative evaluation, and lack of preparation.

The different with my research is she also use qualitative descriptive and

the researcher found the data from six grade students.

D. Hypothesis

Hypothesis is defined as a prediction about the result of reserach. It

can be the direction of the expected relationship between two or more

variables. There are two type of hypothesis, namely null hypothesis and

alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis (Ho) states that there is no

difference between the outcome of experimental and control group. The

alternative hypothesis (H1) tries opposite the hypothesis null (Hatch &

Farhady, 1982, pp. 3-4). Therefore, the hypothesis of the reserach are as


1. (Ha) = there is a correlation between students’ speaking anxiety and

students’ speaking skill

2. (Ho) = there is a no correlation between students’ speaking anxiety and

student’ speaking skill




A. Place and time of the research

The research will be conducted at eleven grade in Islamic senior high

school Al Ihsaniyah sarang burung muaro jambi. The location of the

School is at Jl. H. Abdul ghafar No.Rt.09, sarang burung, kec. Jambi luar

kota, kabupaten Muaro jambi, Jambi. The reason why researcher choose

this school is because the students there experience anxiety when they

speak English, so this researcher are know students’ speaking anxiety

toward their speaking skill. This research was used to be done in 5

meetings because the student already know about the teaching materials.

B. Design of the research

The research is a quantitative research, because the researcher tried to

discribe and test the relationship, it also presented the findings in a

numerical form, and analyze though the use of statistics. Quantitative

researchis an objective and information about the world (Walpole, 2006).

The research design used by the researcher is correlation study; it is an

experimental study which will test the correlation between two

variables.The researcher builds hypothesis to be proved.

The researcher analyzed the research using astatistic formula to find out

the correlation between students’ speaking anxiety and speaking skill.

These research has two kind of variables. The dependent variables is

speaking anxiety (X) while independent variable is speaking skill (Y). The

design can be illustrated such as below:

(𝑋) (𝑌)

Figure 3.1 research design



X : Students’ anxiety

Y : Speaking skill

The figure above is the design used by the writer way to conducting this


C. Population and Sample research

1. Population

According to Sugiyono (2011, p.80) says that population is

generalization area consist of object or subject that has a qualifily and

specific which is decided by reseracher to observe and put the conclusion

of it. Moreover, according to Sukardi (2003), population can be such as

teachers, learners, curriculum, facilitations, school organisation, and others.

The population in this research is Eleven grade Islamic senior high school

Al Ihsaniyah Muaro jambi with two class with population 30 students.

2. Sample

Sample is a group of people, thing, or place where the data collecting.

According to Mcmilan and Schumacher (2010, p.129) sample is the group

of individuals from whom data are collected. Moreover, the sample can be

selected from a large group of person, identifies the population, or can

simply refer to the group of subject from whom data are collected

(McMilan & Schumacher, 2010, p.129).

In this study, the researcher uses convenience sampling. According to

Sukardi (2012), convenience sampling is the technique of sampling that

accidental happened. The researcher only choose the samples from

everyone who meet accidentaly at a place, time or a choosen way.

Convenience sampling is a type of nonprobability sampling in which


people are sampled simply because they are “convenient sources of data for

reseachers. The researcher took class XI as sample. There are 30 students.

Mentioned before, there was a schools’ long day off due to the corona

pandemic, it caused the researcher hard to get the result. There were only

12 students who can be called or send the video as the result . It means that

is this research only has 12 students as sample.

D. Variable of the research

Variable is the focus in any reserach. Without knowing what variables

are involved, what the variables refer and what the role of variable in the

research project cannot be conducted. In the fact resesarch always starts

with variables (Adnan Latief, 2015:10). There were two variables in this

research, namely independent variable and dependent variable:

1. Independent variable

Sukardi (2003:179) stated that independent variable is usually the

variable that manipulated systematically. In this research, the independent

variable is Students speaking skill

2. Dependent variable

“Dependent variable or sometime-called criterion variable is variable

which is measured as the effect of the manipulation or treatment of the

independet variable” (Sukardi, 2003:179). It means that the dependent

variable is the result of the effect of treatment, which conducted in the

experimental group. While in this study, the students’ bring about speaking

anxiety became the dependent variable.

E. Techique and Instrument of collecting the data

Technique of colecting the data in this research are as follows:

1. Speaking Test

According Any and friends (1985) “A test is a set of stimuli presented to

the individual in the order to elicit responses on the basis of the which a


score can be assigned numerial”. (Sukardi 2011, p. 138).

According to richards and renandya, speaking is on of the four

elements of communication, where communication is the output modality

and learning is the input modality of language acquisition. Richards and

Reynanda comment that “As a human being, a person always need

communication to express his idea to do everything; more over as

students or learners, they have to speak with their teacher as long in

learning process to express their idea” (2002 cited in fatemi: 2008).

Primary data collecting techique in the this reserach is to use speaking

test. Reseachers will give orders to the students to speak the language of

Britain in front of the class will the given topic. This technique will infer

what cause that often lead students anxious to speak English in front of the


To get the data of the students’ speaking skill, the reseacher used a

rubric of speaking. In the rubric of speaking, there are five aspects that

were assessed : (1) Grammar, (2) Pronounciation, (3) Vocabulary, (4)

Fluency and (5) Comprehension. Each aspect was assessed based on four

qualifications. The maximal score for all 5 speaking aspects skills in the

rubrics is 20. In this research the researcher used rubrics of speaking by

screiber, (2010,p. 4).

Table 3.2

Speaking Rubric

Aspect Needs










Student was

difficult to

understand and

had a hard time

Student was

able to

express their

ideas and


was able

to express



was able





their ideas and


because of





but often



ies with



structure and


ideas and



well but


with their



is able to





ideas and


with ease

in proper







Students was

difficult to


queit in


unclear in


Student was


unclear with


on at times,


generally is




was good

and did








was very

clear and

easy to









words to

express his/her

ideas properly,

which hindered

the students in


Student was

Able to



words but

was lacking,




and cannot

expand on







learned in

class, in




for the







e usage



y words

learned in



of class.


Speech is very

slow, stumbing,

nervous, and

uncertain with


except from

short or



Difficult for a

listener to


speech is

slow and


hesistant and



may be lelf


but the

student is

able to


Speech is

mostly is


but with





ss caused




g and




speech is








close to

that of a






Student had



the topics that

were being




grasped the

topics that

were being



was able



nd the


that were




was able



nd to all

of the


on in the


that were



d with


Table 3.3

Scores criterion

NO Score Categorized

1 55-60 Needs improvement

2 65-70 Satisfactory

3 75-80 Good

4 85-100 Excellent

Guideliness for Assessment SPEAKING

1. Total maximum score per student : 20

2. Value of students is obtained by dividing the total value of the

acquistion with sum maximum score 20 multiplied by 100

3. Student got a score of 12, then its value is 12/20 x 100 = 60


2. Questionnaire

Questionnaire is a structured technique for data collection that consists

of series of questions, written that respondent aswer. In other definition

questionnaire is a schedule containing various items on which

information is sought from respondents.

Questionnaire is a tool to collect data, a questionnaire is a list of

questions, which is often mentionated is general by the name of

questionnaire. The questions contained in the questionnare, of the

questinnaire is quite detailed and complete ( Arinda:2014 ).

Questionnaire is a technique of the data collection is done by provid.

Data from questionnaire were collected to measure level of anxiety

experienced by students in the English classroom and the questionnaire

adopted from Riki Nur Wahyu (2011). For the make sure this

questionnaire is good for the students in Al-Ihsaniyah sarang burung

muaro jambi the researcher give the questions with two language in

English and Indonesian so the students is more undestand with the

questions and can give the answers.

Table 3.4

Questionnaire Items of Speaking Anxiety

NO Statement SA A NA D SD

1 I hesistate to speak English

because i do not know the

correct wording, either in

wording (grammar),

vocabulary (vocabbulary),

and his pronunciation


2 I often ridiculed or at

friend laugh when trying to


speak English.

3 I like the teacher

reprimanded for wrong in

speaking English properly,

so Ichose silence.

4 I am embarrassed to speak


5 I have a friend who could

talk English so I used to

speak English.

6 I always gerogi when

speak English.

7 I doubt speak English

because I reraly learn /

practice speaking in

English .

8 I love English Lessons

9 I think being able to speak

English is so important.

10 I want to be able to speak

English properly.

11 I did not hesistate to speak

English although I do not

speak English properly.

12 I think the other students

of his better English than I


13 I’m afraid of the risk of

error speaking English.

14 I feel so confident when I


use English in front of

other Students.

15 I’ll try a more casual/rilex

to speak English

16 I want private English to

speak English in front of

other students.

17 I like to read about

dialogue or conversation in


18 I like to ask friends if there

is any unfamiliar English


19 I like to listen to dialogue

or conversation in English

either on TV or on cassette

20 I was a quiet student.

In order to analyze the data, the reseacher counted the data manually

following the oetting’s scale (1983). After the score, the researcher

categorized them into four levels : Relaxed, middly anxious, anxious, and

very anxious. To be more specific, the participant chosen were the

students who gained higher speaking anxiety score.

Table 3.5

Speaking anxiety scale following oetting’s scale


91-100 Very anxious

81-90 Anxious

71-80 Middly Anxious

60-70 Relaxed

(source : Oetting’s Scale (1983) as cited by afni zulaika (2012)


Moreover, the factors of language anxiety in speaking English were

investigated though the questionanaire. There were categorized factors of

language anxiety is communication apprehension.

F. Validity

1. Validity For Speaking Test

Validity is the extent to which a test measure what is supposed to

measure. Brown (2001) sated that are three types of validation, there are

content validity, face validity and construct validity. In this research, the

researcher uses content validity. Before the researcher implemented the

research instrument, it was analyzed or checked for its validity. In this

research, For the test the researcher use speaking test and questionnaire

because in the title researcher research about anxiety and speaking. In the

speaking test don’t take from the curiculum because the researcher use

Introduction self for the students as test that is from researcher experience

because the researcher have to teach the students before and the teacher in

the school tell to researcher to teach about Introduction self and not to

focus on curiculum when researcher have to teach students for PPL

because of lack of and low English skill that the students have for the

Elevent Grade Al-Ihsaniyah they still cannot introduction their self when

the researcher have teach them for the first time. So the researcher use

introduction self as material for speaking test because them now already

know how to introduction them self.

2. Validity For Questionnaire

The questionnaire about students speaking anxiety adopted by Rifki

Nur Wahyu (2011). The researcher applied checklist item in which

researcher formed by gave five options SA (Strongly Agree) 5 A (Agree)

4 NA (Neither Agree Not Disagree) 3 DS (Disagree) 2 SD (Strongly

disagree) 1 For each statement. The questionnaire consist of 20 close

items, students only put a tick (√) in each item questions. For the


questions can appendix 1. The researcher also has Five categories of

students’ questionnaire. The category is very anxious, anxious, midly

anxious, relaxed. For the Speaking Anxiety scale can be seen in table 3.5

or page 23.

G. Technique of Analysis the Data

In order to conduct a good arrangement, the researcher use a statistic

formula to find relation between students’ speaking anxiety and student

speaking skill

1. Calculating the student’s correct answer

Value = Number of the right answer

The total number of the testx 100

Table 3.6

The classification of student’s score (Anas Sudjiono, 2016)

Product Moment Interpretation

80 – 100 Excellent

66 – 79 Good

56 – 65 Average

46 – 55 Poor

0 – 45 Fail

2. Product moment correlation Analysis

In obtaining the result of the research, the researcher use analysis

technique by Karl Pearson, therefore is often called by Pearson

correlation tecnique. The analysis is to find out the correlation between

students’ speaking anxiety and student speaking skill. The researcher uses

the correlation formula by Pearson product moment correlation formula


(Syofiyan Siregar, 2012). The formula that will be used is:

𝑟𝑥𝑦 𝑁∑𝑋𝑌−(∑𝑋)(∑𝑌


Rxy = The correlation between students’ speaking anxiety and

student speaking skill

N = The number of Respondents

X = The students score of speaking anxiety

Y = The students score of speaking skill

∑X = The sum of Speaking anxiety score

∑Y = The sum of Speaking skill score

∑X2 = The sum of squares of speaking anxiety score

∑Y2 = The sum of squares of speaking skill score

(∑𝑋)2 = The squares of the sum of speaking anxiety scores

(∑𝑌)2 = The squares of the sum of speaking skill scores

∑XY = Total number of speaking anxiety and speaking skill scores.

Table 3.7

Interpretation of Product moment score

Cooffecient of Correlation “r” Interpretation

0.00 – 0.20 The correlation is neglected

0.20 – 0.40 The correlation is week


0.40 – 0.70 The correlation is strong enough

0.70 – 0.90 The correlation is strong

0.90 – 1.00 The correlation is very strong

Interpretation of product moment score, adapted from Burns and Grove, page:


H. Statistical Hypotesis

1. H1 : 𝑟𝑜 > 𝑟𝑡 = If 𝑟𝑜 value is higher than 𝑟𝑡 , Ha is accepted. Itmeans

that there is correlation between students’ speaking anxiety and

students’ speaking skill.

2. H0 : 𝑟𝑜<𝑟𝑡 value is lower than 𝑟𝑡 Ho is accepted. It mean that there

is no correlation between students’ speaking anxiety and speaking





a. Research Findings

There are three kinds of research finding in this study (1) The

descriptive statistics for students’ anxiety (2) the result of students’

speaking skill, (3) statistical analysis.

1. Descriptive Analysis for Speaking anxiety

Through desriptive anaysis, the researcher tries to desribe the result

of speaking anxiety questionnaire test that have been given to the 11𝑡ℎ

grade students of Islamic senior high school Al Ihsaniyah. First, the

researcher describes the result of student speaking skill based on

criteria of speaking anxiety score. The researcher counts the

percentage of speaking skill from 12 students at 11𝑡ℎ class. In fact

11𝑡ℎ have 30 student but because the researcher take the research

when pandemic Covid 19 so they have to school online, the researcher

have call and text to all student about the researcher and only 12

students have to send the result so the researcher use the result only 12

students. The 20 of items questionnaire scale speaking anxiety was

employed to investigate the speaking anxiety, it was rated by four-

point-scales, “Relaxed”,”middly anxious”, “anxious”, and “very


The finding showed there are 0 student got very anxidious with

percentage 0%, 1 students get anxious with percentage 8%, 5 students

get middly anxious with percentage 42%, and 6 students get relaxed

with percentage 50%. The distribution of students anxiety is presented

inthr following figure 1


Figure 1

Table 4.1

Description of anaysis of students’ speaking anxiety

Respondents Score

R1 58

R2 80

R3 61

R4 70

R5 70

R6 71

R7 84

R8 63

R9 78

R10 71

R11 76

R12 70

2. The Descriptive Statistis for Speaking skill

Since there are 12 questionnaires which the researcher analyzed,

the researcher also analyzed 12 students speaking skill test, also to get



8% 0%


relaxed middly anxious anxious very anxious


the result the researcher use rater for the speaking skill, fir the rater the

researcher get help by yusnita tanjung as rater and also teacher in

Senior high school Titian Teras.

The findings showed that there are 6 students get need Improvment

with percentage 50%, 3 student get Satisfactory with percentage 25%,

3 students got Good with percentage 25%, and 0 student get Excellent

with percentage 0%. The distribution of speaking skill is presented in

the following figure 2

Figure 2

Table 4.2

Descriptive Analysis of Students Speaking skill

Respondents Score

R1 50

R2 50

R3 50

R4 50

R5 65

R6 60

R7 75





Speaking Test

Excellent Good Satisfactory Need inprovment


R8 80

R9 60

R10 70

R11 50

R12 75

3. Stastical Analysis

a. Normality test

This test is carried out in order to check whether the data is

normality distributed or not. Indicator of the normality test is if that

the significance value higher that 0.05 then data is normality

distributed. Otherwise if the significance value lower than 0.05 then

the data are not normally distributed. The first, the researcher checked

the normality of the data of students’ speaking anxiety. The result of

the normality (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) showed that the significant is

0,166 which is higher than the significance value (0,05). It means that

0,166 > 0,05. The researcher can conclude that the data tested are

normallly disttibuted.

Secondly, the writer also checked the normality of the data of th

students speaking skill. The result of normality of the test by applying

Kolmogorov-Smirnov. The result of the normality (Kolmogorov-

smirnov) showed that the significance is 0,216 which is higher that the

significance level of significance value (0,05), the researcher can

conclude that the data tasted are normally distributed.

b. The score of speaking anxiety

1. Frequency Distribution

a. Determine the highest score (H) and the lowest score (L)

Highest score (H) = 84

Lowest score (L) = 58


b. Determine the range (R)

R = H –L + 1

= 84 – 58 + 1

= 27

c. Determine many classes (K)

BK = 1 + 3.3 Log N

= 1 + 3.3 Log 12

= 1 + 3.3 (1,079)

= 1 + 3,560

= 4,56

= 5

d. Determine the interval (i)

i = 𝑅


i = 27


i = 5,4

i = 5

e. Determine the frequency Distribution Table

Table 4.3

Frequency Distribution Speaking anxiety

No Interval F X FX X 𝒙𝟐 Fx F𝑥2 FKb Fka

1 58-62 2 60 120 2 4 4 8 2 12

2 63-67 1 65 65 1 1 2 1 3 10

3 68-72 5 70 350 0 0 0 0 8 9

4 73-77 1 75 75 -


1 -1 1 9 4


5 78-82 2 80 160 -


4 -4 8 11 3

6 83-87 1 85 85 -


9 -3 9 12 1






= -2


= 27

2. Finding mean (𝑀𝑋)

MX = ∑FX


MX = 855


MX = 71.25

3. Finding median (Mdnx)

Mdnx = L + i (




Mdnx = 72.50 + 5 (6−8


Mdnx = 72.50 + 5 (−2


Mdnx = 72.50 + 5 (-0,4)

Mdnx = 72.50 + -2

Mdnx = 70,5

4. Finding modus (𝑀𝑜𝑥)

𝑀𝑜𝑥 = L + i (𝐹𝑎


𝑀𝑜𝑥 = 72.50 + 5 (1


𝑀𝑜𝑥 =72.50 + 5 (1


𝑀𝑜𝑥 = 72.50 + 5 (0.5)

𝑀𝑜𝑥 = 72.50 + 2.5

𝑀𝑜𝑥 = 75


5. Standar deviation (SDX)

SDX = i √∑𝐹𝑥2

𝑁− (



SDX = 5 √27

12− (



SDX = 5 √2.25 − (0.17)2

SDX = 5 √2.25 − 0.0289

SDX = 5 √2.2211

SDX = 5 (1.45)

SDX = 7.25

c. The score of Speaking test

1. Frequency Distribution

a. Determine the highest score (H) and the lowest score (L)

Higher score (H) = 80

Lowest score (L) = 50

b. Determine the Range (R)

R = H – L + 1

= 80 – 50 + 1

= 30 + 1

= 31

c. Determine many classes (K)

BK = 1 + 3.3 Log N

= 1 + 3.3 Log 12

= 1 + 3.3 (1.079)

= 1 + 3,560

= 4,56

= 5


d. Determine the interval (i)

i = 𝑅


i = 31


i = 6.2

i = 6

e. Determine the Frequency Distribution Table

Table 4.3

Frequency Distribution Speaking skill

No Interval F X FX x 𝑥2 Fx F𝑥2 FKb FKa

1 50 – 55 4 52.5 315 2 4 12 24 4 12

2 56 – 61 2 58.5 117 1 1 2 1 6 8

3 62 – 67 2 64.5 129 0 0 0 0 8 6

4 68 – 73 1 70.5 70.5 -1 1 -1 1 9 4

5 74 – 79 2 76.5 153 -2 4 -4 8 11 3

6 80 – 85 1 82.5 82.5 -3 9 -3 9 12 1


= 12




= 4


= 40

2. Finding the Mean (Mx)

Mx = ∑𝐹𝑋


Mx = 867


Mx= 72.25

3. Finding the Median (Mdnx)

Mdnx = L + i (




Mdnx = 64.5 + 6 (6−8



Mdnx = 64.5 + 6 (−6


Mdnx= 64.5 + 6 (-3)

Mdnx = 64.5 + (-18)

Mdnx = 46,5

4. Finding the Modus (Mox)

Mox = L + i (𝐹𝑎


Mox = 64.5 +6 (2


Mox = 64.5 + 6 (2


Mox = 64.5 + 6 (0.66)

Mox = 64.5 + 3.96

Mox = 68,46

5. Standard Devitation (SDX)

SDX = i √∑𝐹𝑥2

𝑁− (



SDX = 6 √40

12− (



SDX = 6 √3.33 − (0.33)2

SDX = 6 √3.33 − 0.1089

SDX = 6 √3,2211

SDX = 6 (1.78)

SDX = 10.68

d. The Result Correlation Analysis Between Students’ speaking

Anxiety and Speaking Skill.

Based on the data presentation of students’ speaking anxiety

and students speaking skill, the two data will be analyzed in the

calculation of product moment correlation. The first, the


correlation between students’ speaking anxiety and student

speaking skill.

Table 4.4

Correlation test Speaking anxiety and speaking skill.


1 58 50 2900 3364 2500

2 80 65 5200 6400 4225

3 61 50 3050 3721 2500

4 70 50 3500 4900 2500

5 70 65 4550 4900 4225

6 71 60 4260 5041 3600

7 84 75 6300 7056 5625

8 63 80 5040 3969 6400

9 78 60 4680 6084 3600

10 71 70 4970 5041 4900

11 76 50 3800 5776 2500

12 70 75 5250 4900 5625


= 𝟖𝟓𝟐

∑ 𝒀

= 𝟕𝟓𝟎

∑ 𝑿𝒀

= 𝟓𝟑𝟓𝟎𝟎

∑ 𝑿𝟐

= 𝟔𝟏𝟏𝟓𝟐

∑ 𝒀𝟐

= 𝟒𝟖𝟐𝟎𝟎

based on the table above it can be seen that the total score of the indpendent

variable (X) is 852, the total score of the dependent variable (Y) is 750, the sum

of the squares of the score of independent variable (X2) is 61152, the squares of

the score of dependent variable (Y2) is 48200 and the number of multiplication

scores is od the independent and dependent variable is 53500. The complete

calculation can be seen bellow.

rxy = N∑XY−(∑X))+(∑Y)


=12(53500) − (852)(750)

√[12 × 61152 − (852)2][12 × 48200 − (750)2]


=642000 − 639000

√[733824 − 725904][578400 − 562500







= 0.267

The calculate students’ speaking anxiety data and students’ speaking skill

data, the researcher used pearson product movement formula (𝑟𝑥𝑦) to found out

the correlation. From the calculation of the correlation coefficent, it found that

is 𝑟𝑥𝑦 = 0.267.

B. Interpretation

Discussion from the result of the students’ speaking anxiety

questionnaire, it is know that the total score of students speaking

anxiety totaling 12 students amounted to 852 with an average 71.

While students’ speaking skill are known that the total score of

students’ speaking skill outcomes totaling 12 students is 750 with an

averange of 62, 5.

The result of the average speaking anxiety is include in the Good

category. From statistical calculation it can be seen that between

variable X (students’ speaking anxiety ) and variable Y ( student

speaking skill ) is negative with regard to amount of 𝑟𝑥𝑦 obtained by

0.267, if the result are interpreted by matching the 𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 correlation

index numbers based applicable regulations (Sugiyono,2010) the

number 0.4575 is between 0.30 – 0. 499 meaning there is no

correlation between the variable X ( students’ speaking anxiety ) and


variable Y ( students’ speaking skill ).

Furthermore, to find out whether the correlation is significant or

not, then 𝑟𝑥𝑦 is compared with 𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 . Before comparing, first look for

degrees of freedom (df) with the formula df = N – 2 so df = 12 – 2 =

10. By checking the product moment 𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 . For N 10 at significant

level 0.05%, obtained 𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 . (0.267 < 0.4973) which mean the

correlation result are convincing or no significant. Thus the decion is

not accepted alternative hypothesis which means there no significant

correlation between students’ speaking anxiety and students speaking

skill class XI MA Al – Ihsaniyah Sarang Burung Muaro Jambi.

In this research, when this research is developed. The school days

of which is caused by corona virus pandemic that force the treatment

for this research do by online and can be fully. In other words, the

result from treatment of students’ is not maximally increase and in

progress the researcher do maximally to call, text, said to students’ to

do the research question and test but in the end only 12 students can be

call or send to the reseacher the result of the questionnaire and

speaking test so from that data the researcher make a choose to only

use 12 students as sample. The difference achievment is not only

caused by the treatment, but also bu the lack of motivation and attitude

of the students toward English subject.




A. Conclusion

The aim of this research were to find out wheter or not there was a

siginificant of correlation between students’ speaking anxiety and

speaking skill at eleven grade of Islamic Senior High School Al –

Ihsaniyah Sarang Burung Muaro Jambi.

Before comparing, first look for degrees of freedom (df) with the

formula df = N – 2 so df = 12 – 2 = 10. By checking the product

moment 𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 . For N 10 at significant level 0.05%, obtained 𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 .

(0.267 < 0.4575) which mean the correlation result are convincing or

no significant. Thus the decion is not accepted alternative hypothesis

which means there no significant correlation between students’

speaking anxiety and students speaking skill class XI MA Al –

Ihsaniyah Sarang Burung Muaro Jambi.

Based on the results if the analysis of the data obtained, it can be

concluded that there is no significant correlation between student’s

speaking anxiety and speaking skill. Because lack of samples with

only 12 students because the pandemic covid 19 so the students’ is

hard to call or send the result to researcher and the researcher cant

control them because they are lesarn from home. In other words the

insignificant or no significant correlation between speaking anxiety

and speaking skill, there are other variables interefere in the cause and

effect the relationship.

B. Suggestions

Based the result above, there are some suggestion that can be gives:

1. For the teacher

a. The English teacher should choose the most approriate method

in teaching learing process especially in teaching speaking


b. The teacher must make their clss be realxed so the students

doesn’t feel affraid or not relaxed

c. The teacher must see what is make the students’ can be feel

anxiety in the class and can find the solution

2. For future researcher

a. They should prepare the test which has been standardized.

Should be valid by validators

b. The future researcher would like to see the correlation between

speaking anxiety and speaking skill, make sure the sample or the

students can be control or conducive so make sure the

relationship are good.

c. For the reliability the future researcher must us try out before use

the test and in this research the reliability is not reliable because

the researcher not use try out before giving the test and in this

research the researcher also not make sure before reliability the


d. For the validity for speaking test more better future reseacher see

from curiculum before take some material for the test in this

research the researcher use materials from researcher have to

teach the student from PPL because of lack and low English skill

the students have.

3. For the students

a. The students should develop their speaking skill since it is

important skill that very useful in many things

b. The students should make themself like or even better love

English subject because English is one of the door to open the




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(Appendix 1)


Angket sikap siswa

Anda dimohon untuk memberikan pendapat terhadap pernyataan mengenai sikap

anda dalam pembelajaran berbicara (Bahasa Inggris). Angket ini bukan

merupakan tes. Tak ada jawaban yang benar atau salah tentang pernyataan

tersebut. Jawaban anda tidak akan mempengaruhi nilai pelajaran anda. Namun

informasi yang anda berikan akan sangat berharga untuk perbaikan pembelajaran

dalam pembelajaran (Bahasa Inggris). Setelah anda membaca dengan seksama

suatu pernyataan, putuskanlah bagaimana pendapat anda tentang pernyataan itu

dengan menuliskan checklist pada pernyataan yang sesuai dengan pendapat anda,


SS : Sangat Setuju

S : Setuju

NT : Netral

TS : Tidak setuju

STS : Sangat tidak setuju

Selamat bekerja dan jawablah dengan sejujur-jujurnya. Tidak lupa saya ucapkan


NO pernyataan SS S NT TS STS

1 Saya ragu untuk berbicara Bahasa Inggris

karena saya tidak mengetahui susunan

kata yang benar, baik dalam susunan kata

(grammar), kosa kata (vocabulary), dan

cara pengucapan nya (pronounciation).

1 2 3 4 5

2 Saya sering diejek atau di tertawakan

temen ketika mencoba berbicara Bahasa


1 2 3 4 5

3 Saya suka ditegur guru karena salah 1 2 3 4 5

dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris yang

benar, jadi saya memilih diam.

4 Saya malu untuk berbicara Bahasa


1 2 3 4 5

5 Saya mempunyai teman yang bisa di ajak

berbicara Bahasa Inggris. Jadi saya

terbiasa berbicara Bahasa Inggris.

1 2 3 4 5

6 Saya selalu grogi jika berbicara Bahasa


1 2 3 4 5

7 Saya ragu berbicara Bahasa Inggris

karena saya jarang belajar/latihan

berbicara Bahasa Inggris.

1 2 3 4 5

8 Saya menyukai pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. 1 2 3 4 5

9 Saya pikir bisa berbicara Bahasa Inggris

begitu penting.

1 2 3 4 5

10 Saya ingin bisa berbicara Bahasa Inggris

dengan baik dan benar.

1 2 3 4 5

11 Saya tidak ragu untuk berbicara Bahasa

Inggris, walaupun saya kurang menguasai

Bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar.

1 2 3 4 5

12 Saya pikir siswa lain lebih baik Bahasa

Inggris nya dari pada saya.

1 2 3 4 5

13 Saya takut resiko dari kesalahan dalam

berbicara Bahasa Inggris.

1 2 3 4 5

14 Saya merasa begitu percaya diri ketika

menggunakan Bahasa Inggris di depan

siswa lain.

1 2 3 4 5

15 Saya akan berusaha lebih santai/rilex

untuk berbicara Bahasa Inggris.

1 2 3 4 5

16 Saya ingin private Bahasa Inggris agar 1 2 3 4 5

bisa berbicara Bahasa Inggris di depan

siswa lain.

17 Saya suka membaca tentang dialog-

dialog/percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris.

1 2 3 4 5

18 Saya suka bertanya kepada teman jika

ada pembicaraan Bahasa Inggris yang

tidak diketahui.

1 2 3 4 5

19 Saya suka mendengarkan

dialog/percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris,

baik di TV atau kaset.

1 2 3 4 5

20 Saya memang siswa pendiam. 1 2 3 4 5

(appendix 2)

Data Distribution the Student Ability of English Speaking of Eleven one of Islamic Senior High school Al Ihsaniyah Sarang Burung

Muaro Jambi

By M Gilang Ramadani

The result of Rater

No Name Scoring Rubric speaking Test by Rater Score

Grammar Vocabullary Pronounciation Fluency Comprehension

1 Amelia 2 2 2 2 2 50

2 Alvin Gulo 1 3 3 3 3 65

3 Asmaul Husna 2 2 2 2 2 50

4 Della Puspita 2 2 2 2 2 50

5 Imel Dwi Yanti 3 3 3 3 1 65

6 M Sohdi 2 2 3 3 2 60

7 Nafsiatul Kamilah 3 3 3 3 3 75

8 Nurjanah 3 3 3 3 4 80

9 Nurjannah 2 2 2 3 3 60

10 Nurhasanah 3 3 2 3 3 70

11 Sulistia Ningsih 2 2 2 2 2 50

12 Sri Harmini 3 3 3 3 3 75


Yustina tanjung

(appendix 3)

The Result Research of Questionnaire

No Name Number Questions Total

score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1


11 1




14 15 1






19 20

1 Amelia 2 3 2 1 2 4 3 5 5 5 4 3 1 5 3 5 2 1 1 1 58

2 Alvin Gulo 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 3 2 5 2 5 5 4 4 5 80

3 Asmaul Husna 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 2 3 4 3 3 61

4 Della Puspita 4 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 5 5 4 3 2 3 4 3 5 4 5 5 70

5 Imel Dwi Yanti 3 3 2 3 2 4 3 5 4 5 4 4 3 2 4 3 5 4 4 3 70

6 M Sohdi 4 2 3 4 2 4 4 3 5 4 4 5 4 2 4 3 3 3 3 5 71

7 Nafsiatul Kamilah 4 5 4 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 4 3 3 5 3 4 5 4 5 84

8 Nurjanah 2 3 2 1 2 4 3 5 5 5 4 3 2 2 5 2 4 5 1 3 63

9 Nurjannah 5 4 4 2 2 4 4 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 4 4 5 4 5 5 78

10 Nurhasanah 5 4 4 2 2 4 4 4 5 2 4 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 5 71

11 Sulistia Ningsih 4 3 4 4 1 4 3 3 4 5 5 4 4 2 4 4 5 3 5 5 76

12 Sri Harmini 2 3 3 4 3 5 4 5 3 4 3 3 5 2 3 5 3 4 2 4 70

(appendix 4)

Description of anaysis of students’ speaking anxiety

Respondents Score

R1 58

R2 80

R3 61

R4 70

R5 70

R6 71

R7 84

R8 63

R9 78

R10 71

R11 76

R12 70

(appendix 5)

Descriptive Analysis of Students Speaking skill

Respondents Score

R1 50

R2 50

R3 50

R4 50

R5 65

R6 60

R7 75

R8 80

R9 60

R10 70

R11 50

R12 75

(appendix 6)

Frequency Distribution Speaking anxiety

No Interval F X FX X 𝒙𝟐 Fx F𝑥2 FKb Fka

1 58-62 2 60 120 2 4 4 8 2 12

2 63-67 1 65 65 1 1 2 1 3 10

3 68-72 5 70 350 0 0 0 0 8 9

4 73-77 1 75 75 -1 1 -1 1 9 4

5 78-82 2 80 160 -2 4 -4 8 11 3

6 83-87 1 85 85 -3 9 -3 9 12 1






= -2


= 27

(appendix 7)

Frequency Distribution Speaking skill

No Interval F X FX x 𝑥2 Fx F𝑥2 FKb FKa

1 50 – 55 4 52.5 315 2 4 12 24 4 12

2 56 – 61 2 58.5 117 1 1 2 1 6 8

3 62 – 67 2 64.5 129 0 0 0 0 8 6

4 68 – 73 1 70.5 70.5 -1 1 -1 1 9 4

5 74 – 79 2 76.5 153 -2 4 -4 8 11 3

6 80 – 85 1 82.5 82.5 -3 9 -3 9 12 1

∑N =




∑Fx =


∑F𝑥2 =


(appendix 8)

Correlation test Speaking anxiety and speaking skill.


1 58 50 2900 3364 2500

2 80 65 5200 6400 4225

3 61 50 3050 3721 2500

4 70 50 3500 4900 2500

5 70 65 4550 4900 4225

6 71 60 4260 5041 3600

7 84 75 6300 7056 5625

8 63 80 5040 3969 6400

9 78 60 4680 6084 3600

10 71 70 4970 5041 4900

11 76 50 3800 5776 2500

12 70 75 5250 4900 5625


= 𝟖𝟓𝟐

∑ 𝒀

= 𝟕𝟓𝟎

∑ 𝑿𝒀

= 𝟓𝟑𝟓𝟎𝟎

∑ 𝑿𝟐

= 𝟔𝟏𝟏𝟓𝟐

∑ 𝒀𝟐

= 𝟒𝟖𝟐𝟎𝟎

(appendix 9)

(appendix 10)



Name : M Gilang Ramadani

Birth Of Date : Salam Buku, 20 Desember 1998

Gender : Male

Home Address : Syekh Maulana Qory, RT. 05, Desa Salam buku,

Kec. Batang masumai, Kab.Merangin

Current Address : Perumahan Arza mandiri 1, RT. 15, Mendalo mas,

Kecamatan Jaluko

Email Address : [email protected]

Contact Number : 0822-6932-4407

Education Experience:

No Graduated Year Education Place

1 2010 SDN 145/XI Salam buku, Batang

masumai, Merangin

2 2013 MTsN Bangko Merangin

3 2016 MAN Bangko Merangin

4 2020 UIN STS JAMBI Jambi

Jambi, Januari 2020


M Gilang Ramadani

TE. 161752