English - Class Xii (Sa-2) - Question Paper

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  • 8/13/2019 English - Class Xii (Sa-2) - Question Paper






    ENGLISH CORE (301)

    Class- XII Time- 3HRS

    Marks- 100


    1. Read the following passage carefully.[12]1.We become brave by doing brave acts, observed Aristotle in the Nicomachean Ethics.Dispositions of character, virtues and vices, are progressively fixed in us through practice.

    Thus by being habituated to despise things that are terrible and to stand our ground against

    them we become brave, and it is when we have become so that we shall be most able to

    stand our guard against them

    2. Standing ground against threatening things is not to be confused with fearlessness,

    however. Being afraid is a perfectly appropriate emotion when confronted with fearful

    things. The great American novelist Herman Melville makes the Aristoelian point beautifully

    in a telling passage in Moby Dick, where Starbuck, the chief mate of the Pequod, first

    addresses the crew. I will have no man in my boat, said Starbuck, who is not afraid of a

    whale. By this, he seemed to mean, not only that the most reliable and useful courage was

    that which arises from the fair estimation of the encountered peril, but that an utterly

    fearless man is a far more dangerous comrade than a coward.

    3. The brave person I not who is never afraid. That is rather the description of a rash or

    reckless person, someone who may do more harm than help in an emergency, It is hard to

    educate such a person, on the spot. The coward, on the other hand, the one who

    characteristically lacks confidence and is disposed to be overly fearful, may yet be

    susceptible to encouragement of example.

    4. The infectious nature of strikingly courageous behavior on the part of one person can

    inspire-and also in part shame- a whole group. That was one key to the kind of courage

    inspired by Horatius at the bridge in ancient Rome and by Henry V at Agincourt . It was one

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    key to the kind of courage displayed by those who silently suffered abuse when they joined

    ranks with Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr., in acts of non-violent protest directed at

    rousing the public conscience against injustice.

    5. Another key to their success, of course, was reason: practical reason delivered with the

    kind of eloquence that is informed by a real command of ones cultural heritage and that

    steels the will to take intelligent action. The mere inclination to do the right thing is not in

    itself enough. We have to know what the right thing to do is. We need wisdom- often the

    wisdom of a wise leader- to give our courage a determinate form, to give it intelligent

    direction. And we need the will, the motivating power that inspiring leaders can sometimes

    help us discover within ourselves, even when we are unable to find it readily on our own.

    6. If Aristotle is right- and I think that he is- then courage is a settled disposition to feel

    appropriate degrees of fear and confidence in challenging situations (what is appropriatevarying a good deal with the particular circumstances). It is alsoa settled disposition to stand

    ones ground, to advance or to retreat as wisdom dictates. Before such dispositions become

    settled, however, they need to be established in the first place. And that means practice,

    which in turn means facing fears and taking stands in advance of any settled disposition to

    do so: acting brave when we dont really feel brave.

    7. Fear of the dark is almost universal among young children, and it provides relatively safe

    opportunities for first lessons in courage. In families, older siblings are greatly assisted in

    cultivating their own dispositions in this respect by putting up a brave front before their

    younger brothers or sisters. You see? Theres really nothing to be afraid of. This excellent

    practice, and a fine place to begin. Occasions for being brave on behalf of othersfor

    standing by them in challenging circumstance_ are occasions for becoming brave ourselves;

    that is for learning how to handle our own confidence and fear, for figuring out the right

    thing to do, and for mustering the will to do it.

    8. So. Daring to do what is not good and beautiful for all is far more insidious than not daring

    to do something for a right cause. Naturally, bravery well nurtured and backed by moral

    courage alone is exemplary, and so, should be performed.

    1. a) Based on your reading of the passage, answer the following questions. (9)

    1. Explain: We become brave by doing brave acts (1)

    2. When is being afraid an appropriate emotion? (1)

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    3.How is a brave person different from a :

    a) reckless person (1)

    b) a coward? (1)

    4. What was special about the courage that Gandhiji or Horatius had? (1)

    5.The mere inclination to do the right thing is not enough What else is required for success?


    6. How does fear of the dark in children provide opportunities for lessons in courage for

    elders? (2)

    1.b) find words from the passage which mean the opposite of each of the following: (1x3=3)

    1. depress (para4)

    2. appropriate (para6)

    3. safe (para7)

    2. Read the following passage carefully. (8)

    1. The topic of thought is one area of Psychology and many observers have considered this

    aspect in connection with robots and computers; some of the old worries about artificial

    intelligence were closely linked to the question of whether computers could think. The first

    massive electronic computers, capable of rapid computation and little or no creative activity,

    were soon dubbed electronic brains. A reaction to this terminology quickly followed. To put

    them in their place, computers were called high- speed idiots, an effort to protect human

    vanity. But not everyone realized the implications of the high-speed idiots tag. It has not

    been pointed out often enough that even the human idiot is one of the most intelligent, it

    was already a remarkable state of affairs.

    2. One consequence of speculation about the possibility of computer thought was that we

    were forced to examine with new care the idea of thought in general. It soon became clear

    that we are not sure what we meant by such terms as thought in general. It soon became

    clear that we are not sure what we meant by such terms as thought and thinking. We tend to

    assume that human beings think, some more than others, though we often call people

    thoughtless or unthinking. Dreams cause a problem, partly because

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    they usually happen outside our control. They are obviously some type of mental experience

    but, are they a type of thinking? And the question of non-human life forms adds further

    problems. Many of us would maintain that some of the higher animals- dogs, cats, apes and

    so on, are capable of at least, basic thought, but what about fish and insects? It is certainly

    true that the higher mammals show complex brain activity, when tested with the

    appropriate equipment. If thinking is demonstrated by evident electrical activity in the brain,

    then many animal species are capable of thought. Once we have formulated clear ideas on

    what thought in biological creatures is, it will be easier to discuss the thought in artifacts.

    And what is true of thought is also true of the many other mental processes. One of the

    immense benefits of Artificial Intelligence, research is that we are being forced to scrutinize

    with new rigour, the working of the human mind.

    3. It is already car that machines have superior mental abilities to many life forms. No fern or

    oak tree can play chess as well as even the simplest digital computer nor can frogs weld car

    bodies as well as robots. The three fingered mechanical manipulator is cleverer in some ways

    than the three toed sloth. It seems that, viewed in terms of intellect, the computer should be

    set well above plants and most animals. Only the higher animals can, it seems, compete with

    computers with regard to intellect-and even then with diminishing success (Examples of this

    are in the games of backgammon and chess). Some of the worlds best players are now


    (a)On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it, in points only,using recognizable abbreviations (minimum 4), wherever necessary. Supply a suitable

    title to it. (5)

    (b)Make a summary of the above passage in about 80 words. (3)SECTION-B ADVANCED WRITING SKILLS (35 MARKS)

    3. There is an exhibition of handicrafts items at Dilli Haat, Delhi. Prepare a poster invitingthe people to see the exhibition. Give a suitable title to your poster. (5)


    You want to sell a hybrid pair of milch cows. Draft an advertisement giving suitable details

    to be published in the column Livestock in a newspaper. (5)

    4. Your school organized an Orientation Programme for the parents of the stressed outStudents of class XII. Write a report in ab10-125 words giving details of the programme

    for the school magazine. You are the school captain. (10)

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    Your school has organized an exhibition-cum sale of the items made by the students in

    their work experience classes. You had an excellent and overwhelming response from the

    parents and visitors. The proceeds of the sale have been donated by your school in a

    function to Helpline India., an organization for supporting the orphans. Write a report

    to be published in your school news letter.5. Reena Ghai is a personal assistant to the G. M. in a private company. She comes across an

    advertisement for a lady secretary in a reputed multi-national company, offering

    attractive package. Since her qualifications and experience match the required ones, she

    writes a letter of application in response to it. Write her letter in not more than 150

    words. (10)


    You are Brijesh Sehgal of 23, Nehru Apartments, Kalkaji, New Delhi. You had booked a

    room in Hotel Sagar, Lake Area, Udaipur for three days in April. Now you have decided to

    postpone your visit to mid- June along with three friends. Write a letter to the Manager o

    the Hotel intimating him about the cancellation. Make a booking for mid- June with a

    request that the advance sent earlier should be adjusted against the new booking. (10)

    6. Write an article in about 200 words on Life a slave to modern gadgets. (10)OR

    You are Mani. Many of your friends are getting expensive gifts from their parents but not

    the attention and time of their parents. Write an article to be published in a leading daily

    urging all parents to give their time and moral support to their children, especially the

    adolescent. Also stress on how a secure home atmosphere plays a key role in promoting

    success in life. (200 words) (10)


    7. Read the following extracts and answer any one of the following. (3)a) A roadside stand that too pathetically pled,

    It would not be fair to say for a dole of bread,But for some of the money, the cash, whose flow supports

    The flower of the cities from sinking and withering faint.

    1. What isnt fair according to the poet? (1)2. Whose desire does the roadside stand represent? (1)3. Identify and explain the imagery used in the lines. (1)

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    b) They do not fear the men beneath the tree;They pace in sleek chivalric certainty.

    1.Identify the they and contrast them with their creator. (2)2.Explain the thought inherent in the words sleek chivalric certainty (1)

    8. Answer any three of the following in about 30-40 words. 2x3=61. How does the poet express the idea that nothing can surpass the bounteous gifts of

    nature or have the same effect on mans spirit?

    2. How can the idea of war and the vanquished be negated according to Pablo Neruda.3. The poet suggests that the children of the slums are caught in a web from which there is

    no escape. What prompts him to think so?

    4. What were fears of the poet as a child? What prompts them to resurface at this point inher life?

    9. Answer any three of the following in about 30-40 words. 2x3=61. Why does Eco say that at that point at the age of22, I understood scholarly books should

    be written the way I had. Describe hisway.

    2. Why and when did Asokmitran sense that a dark chamber of his mind was lit up withhazy illumination?

    3. What has destroyed the ability of Firozabads youth to dream and take the initiative?4. Why did the vagabond stare at Edla in boundless amazement?10.Answer the following in about 125-150 words. (10)a) Sophies personality is a slave of her imagination. Justify on the basis of your reading of

    the story Going Places


    b) Often the test of courage is not to die but to live. Comment with reference to the lessonDeep Water

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    11.Read the following and answer the question that follows: (5)Gandhi never contended himself with large political or economic solutions. He saw the

    cultural and social backwardness in the Champaran villages and wanted to do something

    about it immediately.

    Rabindranath Tagores prayer to the almighty was for a nation:Where the mind is without fear and

    The head is held high

    Where knowledge is free

    Where the world has not been broken up into fragments

    By narrow domestic walls

    After reading this lesson and the quoted poem of Tagore you begin reflecting on the truth

    of the modern day India. The difference that exists in the attitude of the great leaders of

    the yore, their dreams and aspirations for India and Indians and the current day leaders

    and their actions, their attitude towards the Indian multitude,is mind-boggling. Write an

    article in about 100 words for a national magazine expressing your feelings on the lack of

    sincerity of the current generation of leaders towards fellow Indians and stress the fact

    that the only solution to this problem lies with the youth who have to model themselves

    after the selfless leaders of the yore.

    12.Answer any one of the following about 125-150 words. (7)a) At one point in the story Derry says: It ate my face up. It ate me up. In the latter half he

    says: if I dont go back there, Ill never go back anywhere in the world. Between these

    two statements Derry has travelled a long distance. Agree/Disagree. (7)


    b) What is one of the most hotly contested environmental debates of our times? Why is theAntarctica a crucial element in the debate? (7)

    13.Answer the following in 30 -40 words. 2x4=81. What were the two crucial occurrences on the 7thday after the POW had washed up on

    Sadaos doorstep.2. But now we are both looking.. What does this refer to ? Explain briefly.3. How was the tiger king provided with the hundredth tiger? What was its fate?4. In what way did Jack justify the mothers action of hitting the wizard.
