Abductin noun The action or an instance of forcibly taking someone away against their will. They organized the abduction of mr. Cordes on his way to the airport Mereka mengorganisir penculikan mr. Cordes dalam perjalanan ke bandara Abstract Adjective Existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence Abstract concepts such as love or beauty Konsep-konsep abstrak seperti cinta atau keindahan Accumulate Verb Gather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of Investigators have yet to accumulate enough evidence Peneliti belum mengumpulkan cukup bukti Accuracy noun The quality or state of being correct or precise We have confidence in the accuracy of the statistics Kami memiliki keyakinan dalam akurasi statistik Accuse verb Charge (someone) with an offense or crime He accused marin the food was dropped Dia menuduh marin yang menjatuhkan makanan


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Page 1: English

Abductin noun The action or an instance of forcibly taking someone away

against their will.

They organized the abduction of mr. Cordes on his way to the


Mereka mengorganisir penculikan mr. Cordes dalam perjalanan

ke bandara

Abstract Adjective Existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical

or concrete existence

Abstract concepts such as love or beauty

Konsep-konsep abstrak seperti cinta atau keindahan

Accumulate Verb Gather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of

Investigators have yet to accumulate enough evidence

Peneliti belum mengumpulkan cukup bukti

Accuracy noun The quality or state of being correct or precise

We have confidence in the accuracy of the statistics

Kami memiliki keyakinan dalam akurasi statistik

Accuse verb Charge (someone) with an offense or crime

He accused marin the food was dropped

Dia menuduh marin yang menjatuhkan makanan itu

Acquire verb Buy or obtain (an object or asset) for oneself.

Late paid taxes will acquire sanctions

Telat membayar pajak akan memperoleh sanksi

Acquisition noun An asset or object bought or obtained, typically by a library or


Acquisition polls won by sms while ahmad yani

Perolehan poling sms sementara dimenangkan oleh ahmad yani

Adapt verb Make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose; modify.

Hospitals have had to be adapted for modern medical practice

Rumah sakit harus disesuaikan untuk praktek medis modern

Addictive Adjective (Of a substance, thing, or activity) causing or likely to cause

someone to become addicted to it.

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A highly addictive drug

Obat yang sangat adiktif

Adjust verb Alter or move (something) slightly in order to achieve the

desired fit, appearance, or result.

Marin adjust teaching schedule this afternoon

Marin menyesuaikan jadwal mengajarnya sore tadi

Adolescent Adjective (Of a young person) in the process of developing from a child

into an adult.

Pregnancy and childbirth before adolescence is very dangerous

Kehamilan dan melahirkan sebelum remaja sangat


Advent noun

Adversely adj minus, negative

This type allergic rhinitis is caused when the body reacts

adversely to allergens such as pollen, spores and weeds

Jenis alergi rhinitis terjadi ketika tubuh bereaksi negative

terhadap allergen seperti serbuk sari, spora dan gulma

Advocate noun A person who publicly supports or recommends a particular

cause or policy

He was an untiring advocate of economic reform

Ia adalah seorang advokat tak kenal lelah dari reformasi


Affection Noun A gentle feeling of fondness or liking

Affection to the goods should not be excessive

Kasih sayang terhadap barang tidak boleh berlebihan

Affluence noun The state of having a great deal of money; wealth.

A sign of affluence for the people of his country are not

experiencing poverty

Tanda kemakmuran bagi rakyat negaranya tidak mengalami


Aggravate verb Make (a problem, injury, or offense) worse or more serious

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Military action would only aggravate the situation

Aksi militer hanya akan memperburuk situasi

Agnostic Adjective Of or relating to agnostics or agnosticism

Terminology agnostic is a person who has a view that the

presence or absence of God can not be known

Terminologi agnostik adalah orang yang memiliki pandangan

bahwa ada atau tidaknya Tuhan tidak dapat diketahui

Allegedly adverb Used to convey that something is claimed to be the case or

have taken place, although there is no proof

He allegedly stealing mangoes this afternoon

Ia diduga mencuri mangga sore tadi

Allegiance noun Loyalty or commitment of a subordinate to a superior or of

an individual to a group or cause.

Those wishing to receive citizenship must swear allegiance to

the republic

Mereka yang ingin menerima kewarganegaraan harus

bersumpah setia kepada republik

Allocate verb Distribute (resources or duties) for a particular purpose.

The authorities allocated 50,000 places to refugees

Pemerintah dialokasikan 50.000 tempat untuk pengungsi

Amateurish Adjective Unskillful; inept

The editing is choppy and amateurish

Hasil editnya kurang baik

Amend verb Make minor changes in (a text) in order to make it fairer, more

accurate, or more up-to-date

The rule was amended to apply only to nonmembers

Aturan itu diubah hanya berlaku untuk nonanggota

Ambiguous Adjective (Of language) open to more than one interpretation; having a

double meaning

The question is very ambiguous

Pertanyaanya sangat ambigu

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Analyze Verb Examine methodically and in detail the constitution or structure

of (something, especially information), typically for purposes

of explanation and interpretation.

We need to analyze our results more clearly

Kita perlu menganalisis hasil kami lebih jelas

Ancestral adjective Of, belonging to, inherited from, or denoting an ancestor or


The family's ancestral home

Rumah leluhur keluarga

Anesthesia Noun Insensitivity to pain, especially as artificially induced by the

administration of gases or the injection of drugs before surgical


do this afternoon oprasi patient should be given anesthesia

Untuk melakukan oprasi sore ini sebaiknya pasien diberi


Anomaly noun Something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or


There are a number of anomalies in the present system

Ada sejumlah anomali dalam sistem ini

Anticipate verb Regard as probable; expect or predict.

He anticipated his work in order not to late tonight

Dia antisipasi pekerjaannya agar tidak lembur malam ini

Antipathy noun A deep-seated feeling of dislike; aversion.

His fundamental antipathy to capitalism

Antipati mendasar kapitalisme

Apex noun A system of reduced fares for scheduled airline flights and

railroad journeys that must be booked and paid for before a

certain period in advance of departure

The living room extends right up into the apex of the roof

Ruang tamu memanjang sampai ke puncak atap

Apprehend verb Arrest (someone) for a crime

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A warrant was issued but he has not been apprehended

Surat perintah dikeluarkan tetapi ia belum ditangkap

Arbitrary adjective Based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any

reason or system

That person acted arbitrarily

Orang itu bertindak sewenang-wenang

Arrogantly adverb

Artillery Noun Large-caliber guns used in warfare on land

Tanks and heavy artillery

Tank dan artileri berat

Ascertain Verb Make sure

An attempt to ascertain the cause of the accident

Upaya untuk memastikan penyebab kecelakaan

Assail Verb Make a concerted or violent attack on.

The Scots army assailed Edward's army from the rear

Tentara Skotlandia diserang tentara Edward dari belakang

Assess Verb Evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of.

Asset Noun A useful or valuable thing, person, or quality.

The document is an important asset for the company

Dokumen itu adalah aset penting bagi perusahaan

Assimilate Verb take in (information, ideas, or culture) and understand fully.

e.g : Marie tried to assimilate the week's events

Associate Noun a partner or colleague in business or at work.

e.g : he arranged for a close associate to take control of the institute

Verb connect (someone or something) with something else in one's mind

e.g : I associated wealth with freedom

Adj joined or connected with an organization or business

e.g : an associate company

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AstrologicalAdj relating to or concerned with astrology

e.g : Astrological chart

Grafik astrolody

Atheist Noun a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or


e.g : he is a committed atheist

Augment Verb make (something) greater by adding to it; increase.

e.g : he augmented his summer income by painting houses

Noun a vowel prefixed to past tenses of verbs in Greek and other Indo-

European languages

e.g : her secretarial work helped to augment her husband's income

pekerjaan sekretaris nya membantu untuk menambah penghasilan suaminya

Authority Noun the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce


e.g : He is an authority on medieval heraldry and a professor of history at the Sorbonne.

Dia adalah otoritas pada lambang abad pertengahan dan seorang profesor sejarah di


Battle Noun a sustained fight between large, organized armed forces.

e.g : the battle over the future shape of Europe

pertempuran atas bentuk masa depan Eropa

Verb fight or struggle tenaciously to achieve or resist something.

e.g : He has been battling the disease, and receiving chemotherapy and other treatment,

ever since.

Dia telah berjuang melawan penyakit, dan menerima kemoterapi dan pengobatan


Berate Verb scold or criticize (someone) angrily.

e.g : his mother came out and berated me

Ibunya keluar dan memarahi saya

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Biased Adj unfairly prejudiced for or against someone or something

e.g : we will not tolerate this biased media coverage

Kita tidak akan mentolerir cakupan media yang bias

Bitterly Adj to defined how

e.g : this food is very bitterly

Makanan ini sangat pahit

Bond Noun an agreement with legal force, in particular.

e.g : Marriage as a legal bond may become outdated, but I doubt it.

Pernikahan sebagai ikatan suatu hokum akan menjadi using, tapi saya ragu dengan

hal itu

Verb join or be joined securely to something else, typically by means of an

adhesive substance, heat, or pressure.

e.g : press the material to bond the layers together

menekan beberapa material untuk oblogasi lapisan-lapisan

Bribery Noun the giving or offering of a bribe

e.g : This could lead to bribery and kickbacks directed against key U.S. military leaders

and soldiers.

Hal ini bisa mengakibatkan suap dan suap yang ditujukan terhadap para pemimpin

kunci militer AS dan tentara.

Bulk Noun the mass or magnitude of something large.

e.g : The first time he is confronted with the sheer bulk of the super size meal, Spurlock is

genuinely amazed.

Pertama kali ia dihadapkan dengan sebagian besar semata-mata ukuran makanan

super, Spurlock adalah benar-benar keren

Verb be or seem to be of great size or importance.

e.g : territorial questions bulked large in diplomatic relations

Burden Noun the main theme or gist of a speech, book, or argument.

e.g : the burden of his views

Beban pandangannya

Verb load heavily.

e.g : she walked forward burdened with a wooden box

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Dia berjalan kedepan dibebani dengan kotak kayu

Bureaucratic Adj relating to the business of running an organization, or government.

e.g : well-established bureaucratic procedures

prosedur birokrasi

Candidate Noun a person who applies for a job or is nominated for election

e.g : candidates applying for this position should be computer-literate

Calon yang menginginkan posisi ini harus bisa computer

Capricious Adj given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior

e.g : He can be so sweet sometimes, he's just very capricious and whimsical.

Dia bisa begitu manis kadang-kadang, dia hanya sangat berubah-ubah dan aneh

Cartel Noun an association of manufacturers or suppliers with the purpose of

maintaining prices at a high level and restricting competition.

e.g : the Colombian drug cartels

kartel narkoba Colombia

Cast Noun an act of throwing something forcefully.

e.g : he grabbed a spear for a third cast

Dia meraih tombak untuk pemain ke tiga

Verb throw (something) forcefully in a specified direction.

e.g : lemmings cast themselves off the cliff

melemparkan dari tebing

Catastrophic Adj involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering

e.g : a catastrophic earthquake

bencana gempa bumi

Cause Noun a person or thing that gives rise to an action, phenomenon, or


e.g : the cause of the accident is not clear

Penyebab kecalakaan tidak jelas

Verb make (something, typically something bad) happen.

e.g : this disease can cause blindness

penyakit ini dapat menyebabkan kebutaan

Cease Verb his disease can cause blindness

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e.g : the hostilities had ceased and normal life was resumed

permusuhan telah berhenti dan kehidupan normal kembali

Charismatic Adj exercising a compelling charm that inspires devotion in others.

e.g : a charismatic leader

pemimpin yang berkarisma

Noun an adherent of the charismatic movement.

e.g : Center stage is now occupied by Pentecostals, charismatics , evangelicals,

fundamentalists, conservative Baptists and Lutherans, and select Roman Catholic writers

and movements.

Panggung kini ditempati oleh pentakosta, karismatik, evangelis, fundamentalis,

konservatif Baptis dan Lutheran dan penulis Katolik Roma dan gerakannya.

Circulate Verb move or cause to move continuously or freely through a closed

system or area

e.g : antibodies circulate in the bloodstream

antibody beredar dalam aliran darah

Civil Adj courteous and polite

e.g : we tried to be civil to him

Kami mencoba untuk menjadi sipil untuk dia

Clique Noun a small group of people, with shared interests or other features in

common, who spend time together and do not readily allow others to join them.

e.g : Kellin always had these mixed up schemes to try and pull her into the popular clique


Kellin selalu punya camputan skema untuk mencoba dan menariknya ke dalam

kelompok populer.

Coalition Noun an alliance for combined action, especially a temporary alliance of

political parties forming a government or of states.

e.g : a coalition of conservatives and disaffected Democrats

koalisi konservatif dan democrat tidak puas

Coerce Verb persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or


e.g : they were coerced into silence

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Mereka dipaksa diam

Cohesion Noun the action or fact of forming a united whole

e.g : the work at present lacks cohesion

Pekerjaan saat ini tidak memiliki kepaduan

Coincide Verb occur at or during the same time

e.g : publication is timed to coincide with a major exhibition

Publikasi ini bertepatan dengan pemeran besar

Collapse Noun an instance of a structure falling down or in.

e.g : the collapse of a railroad bridge

Runtuhnya jembatan kereta api

Verb (of a structure) fall down or in; give way

e.g : the roof collapsed on top of me

atap runtuh diatas saya

Collide Verb hit with force when moving.

e.g : she collided with someone

dia bertabrakan dengan seseorang

CombustionNoun the process of burning something.

e.g : the combustion of fossil fuels

Pembakaran bahan bakar fosil

Commodity Noun a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought

and sold, such as copper or coffee.

e.g : Exports of primary commodities and the import of finished products are not

favourable for any country

Ekspor komoditas primer dan impor produk jadi tidak menguntungkan bagi negara


Compensate Verb give (someone) something, typically money, in recognition of

loss, suffering, or injury incurred; recompense

e.g : payments were made to farmers to compensate them for cuts in subsidies

pembayaran dilakukan kepada petani untuk mengimbangi mereka untuk pemotongan


Complex Adj consisting of many different and connected parts

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e.g : a complex network of water channels

Jaringan kompleks saluran air

Noun a group of similar buildings or facilities on the same site.

e.g : a new apartment complex

Komplek apartement baru

Verb make (an atom or compound) form a complex with another.

e.g : the DNA was complexed with the nuclear extrac

DNA yang kompleks dengan ekstrak nuklir

Complication Noun a circumstance that complicates something; a difficulty

e.g : there is a complication concerning ownership of the site

Ada komplikasi mengenai kepemilikan situs

Component Adj constituting part of a larger whole; constituent.

e.g : light passed through a prism breaks up into its component colors

cahaya melewati sebuah prisma memecah jadi warna komponennya

Noun a part or element of a larger whole, especially a part of a machine or


e.g : some stereo components

suatu komponen stereo

Compress Noun a pad of absorbent material pressed onto part of the body to relieve

inflammation or stop bleeding

e.g : a cold compress

kompres dingin

Verb flatten by pressure; squeeze; press.

e.g : the skirt can be folded and compressed into a small bag

rok bisa dilipat dan dipadatkan menjadi sebuah tas kecil

Concentrated Adj (of a substance or solution) present in a high proportion relative to

other substances; having had water or other diluting agent removed or reduced.

e.g : Further investigation of mechanisms of atypical liver necrosis after concentrated

acetic acid ingestion is needed.

Diperlukan penyelidikan lebih lanjut mekanisme nekrosis hati atipikal setelah

konsumsi asam asetat pekat.

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Condemn Verb express complete disapproval of, typically in public; censure.

e.g : fair-minded people declined to condemn her on mere suspicion

Banyak orang berpikiran adil menolak untuk menghukum karena dia hanya dicurigai.

Confide verb tell somebody secrets and personal information that you do not

want others person to know

E.g. Confide a secret to a person

Mempercayakan sebuah rahasia pada seseorang

Conflict noun struggle, fight or serious disagreement

E.g. The main cause of their conflict was about money

Pangkal perselisihan mereka adalah tentang uang

Connotation noun idea or quality suggested by a word in addition to its main

meaning: negative

E.g. This expression has a negative connotation.

Ungkapan ini memiliki konotasi negatif.

Conquest noun conquering

E.g. The conquest of a country

Penaklukan sebuah negara

Consciously adv aware of something;intentional mske a~effort

E.g. You would never do anything consciously

Kau tak akan pernah sadar

Consequence noun result or effect: the political~s of the decision

E.g. The consequence of the fall was a broken leg.

Akibat dari jatuh adalah patah kaki.

Constraint noun thing that limits or retricts something, or your freedom to do

something: one of the ~ s on the project will be the money

available; strict control over the way you behave.

E.g. The witness tetified under constraint.

Saksi itu memberikan kesaksian di bawah paksaan.

Contamination noun make something dirty or impure:~d food [U]

E.g. Animals get killed due to water contamination.

Para binatang terbunuh karena pencemaran air.

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Contemplate verb thing carefully about something; consider doing something:~

visiting London; look at something thoughtfully: ~ a picture.

E.g. How can you contemplate such a thing ?

Bagaimana kamu bisa memikirkan hal seperti itu?

Contemptuous adj feeling or showing contempt.

E.g. You allow yourself to be contemptuous

Anda membiarkan diri anda menjadi terhina

Contest verb take part in and try to win a competition , ect an election ; fight;


E.g. A contest free for all competitors

Pertandingan gratis untuk semua pesaing

Context noun situation in which an even happen

E.g. Also i did no write articles like this context

Dan juga aku tidak menulis artikel seperti konteks ini

Contrary adj opposite ; quite different ; ~to what you believe

E.g. Prove the contrary of a statement

Membuktikan yang sebaliknya dari sebuah pernyataan

Convey verb ~(to) make feelings, ideas, etc known to somebody : she~ ed

her fears to her friend.

E.g. Word fail to convey my feelings

Kata-kata tidak dapat mengungkapkan perasaan saya

Convict noun person who has been convicted and sen to prison

E.g. Convict an offender of a crime

Menghukum pelaku kejahatan

Core noun usually hard centre of some fruits, eg the apple; central or the

most important part of anything.

E.g. The very core of a matter

Inti suatu masalah

Corrode verb be destroyed or destroy something slowly, esp by chemical

action: acid~s metal.

E.g. Acid caused the pipes to corrode

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Asam menyebabkan pipa-pipa menjadi berkarat

Counter noun flat surface where goods are shown, item sold, etc in a shop, bank etc.

E.g. I do the reception og the guests at the counter

Saya melakukan penerimaan tamu di meja

Counter verb ~(with) respond to an attack, etc with an opposing view, etc: his arguments with her own opinion.

E.g. Nail a lie to the counter

Membongkarnya pada publik

Cremation noun (act of) cremating somebody

E.g. The cremation of a dead body

Pembakaran mayat

Cultivation noun grow plants and crops

E.g. Reading is good for emotional cultivation.

Membaca itu baik untuk mematangkan emosi

Cure verb ~(of) bring somebody back to health : ~d of a serious illness.

E.g. How did you cure your acne ?

Bagaimana caramu menyembuhkan jerawatmu?

Curriculum noun subjects included in a course of study or taught in a school, college, etc

E.g. Today we have “sports club” in the school curriculum

Hari ini kita memiliki “klum olahraga” di kurikulum sekolah

Cynically adv in a cynic

E.g. She is cynical about politics

Dia sinis terhadap politik

De facto adv in fact, or in effect, whether by right or not.

Adv denoting someone or something that is such in fact

E.g. The court will also protect a child of a de facto relationship in the same way.

Pengadilan juga akan melindungi anak dari hubungan de facto

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dengan cara yang sama.

Decipher verb succeed in finding the meaning of something is difficult to read ~ a code

E.g. Can you decipher what this says?

Bisakah anda menguraikan maksdu kata-kata ini?

Decline noun gradual and continuous loss of quality, importance, power, etc : a~ in a population

E.g. We hope that prices would decline

Kami berharap harga-harga akan turun

Decrepit adj very old and not in good condition

E.g. His illness has made him decrepit

Penyakitnya membuatnya terlihat renta

Degrade verb show or treat somebody in a way that makes them seem unworthy of respect : this poster ~s women

E.g. Medicine can degrade over time

Obat dapat rusak seiring waktu

Deify noun god or goddess

E.g. Deify the leader of a sect

Mendewakan pemimpin sebuah sekte

Delinquency noun bad or criminal behaviour, usually of young people

E.g. Congress has made juvenile delinquency controversial

Kongres membuat kenakalan remaja menjadi masalah kontroversial

Denominator noun number below the line in a fraction

E.g. We do not, however, want one which is the lowest common denominator

Kami, bagaimanapun juga, tidak ingin disebut sebagai satu yang terendah

Denote verb be a sign of something: red ~s danger

E.g. A quick pulse often denotes fever

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Denyut nadi yang cepat seringkali menandakan demam

Deny verb say that something is not true; refuse to give something asked for or needed by somebody

E.g. I want to deny that the time left is so long

Saya ingin menyanglal bahwa waktu yang tersisa begitu lama

Depict verb show an image of somebody/something in a picture; describe something in words

E.g. The landscapes depict an ideal world

Lanscape itu menggambarkan sebuah dunia ideal

Deplete verb reduce something by a large amount: Our supplies are badly~d.

E.g. About half of the world's rivers are severely depleted and polluted.

Sekitar setengah dari sungai di dunia yang terkuras dan tercemar.

Derive verb derive something from something (formal) get something from something:~plesure from something derive from something| be derived from something develop from something: words~d from Latin

E.g. these English words derive from Greek

Kata dalam bahasa Inggris ini berasal dari Yunani

Descendant noun person or animal that is descended from another

E.g.she's a descendant of Charles Darwin

dia keturunan Charles Darwin

Despise verb dislike and have no respect for somebody/something

E.g. It is only the ignorant who despise education

Hanya orang dungu yang membenci pendidikan

Despondent adj sad, without hope

E.g. I was so embarrassed by myself, but I was also really despondent .

Aku sangat malu, tapi aku juga benar-benar sedih.

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Detain verb keep somebody in an official place, eg a police station, and prevent them from leaving; (formal) delay somebody.

E.g. This question need not detain us

Pertanyaan ini tidak perlu menghambat kita

Detection noun discernment, discovery, capture, sensing, detecting, catching

E.g. the detection rate for murder is over 90 percent

tingkat deteksi untuk pembunuhan adalah lebih dari 90 persen

Deviate verb ~from turn away from what is usual, accepted

E.g. Do not deviate from the truth

Jangan menyimpang dari kenyataan

Devise Verb arrange by systematic planning and united effortExample :Devise a plan to take over the director's office.(Menyusun rencana untuk mengambil alih kantor direktur)

Devotion Noun feelings of ardent loveExample :Their devotion to each other was beautiful.(Pengabdian mereka satu dengan yang lain sangat indah)

Dilemma Noun state of uncertainty or perplexity especially as requiring a choice between equally unfavorable optionsExample : he felt dilemma because ultimately unfinished task(Dia merasa dilemma karena tugas akhirnya belum selesai)

Dimension Noun the magnitude of something in a particular direction (especially length or width or height)Example:The demension of that ship was very huge(Demesi dari kapal itu sangat besar)

Verb indicate the dimensions

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Example:These techniques permit us to dimension the human heart.(Teknik ini memungkinkan kita untuk dimensi hati manusia.)

Diminish Verb decrease in size, extent, or rangeExample :Every sweater or jacket will diminish after washing(Semua sweater atau jaket akan menyusut setelah dicuci)

Discretely Adverb Separately; disjunctively.(adverb)Example :Discretely oil and water layers because it can not interfere with each other(Lapisan air dan minyak terpisah karena tidak dapat saling campur)

Discriminate Adjective marked by the ability to see or make fine distinctionsExample:She got discriminate in her office(Dia mendapat diskriminasi di kantornya)

Disease Noun an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning(noun.state)Example:He was got verdict to a skin disease for a long time(Dia divonis terkena penyakit kulit sejak lama)

Dispose of Verb deal with or settle(verb.social)Example:He dispose of new project(Dia menyepakati sebuah proyek baru)

Distill Verb extract by the process of distillationTerjemahan(verb.change)Example :Distill the essence of this compound.(Menyaring ekstrak dari senyawa ini)

Distinctly Adverb clear to the mind; with distinct mental discernment(adv.all)Example:The case was easy to solve because it has a distinctly hint(Kasus itu mudah untuk dipecahkan karena memiliki petunjuk yang jelas)

Distort Verb make false by mutilation or addition; as of a message

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or story(verb.communication)Example:he was not liked by friends in his office because he like distort the facts(dia tidak disukai oleh teman-teman di kantornya karena suka membolak balikan fakta)

Diverse Adjective Different; unlike; dissimilar; distinct; separate.(adjective)Example:Every people have diverse talents.(Setiap orang memiliki kemampuan yang berbeda)

Adverb In different directions; diversely.(adverb)Example:They have diverse opinion(Mereka memiliki pendapat yang berbeda)

Divination Noun successful conjecture by unusual insight or good luck(noun.communication)Example:Today's weather about forecast was spot(Ramalan mengenai cuaca hari ini sangat tepat)

Domesticate Verb adapt (a wild plant or unclaimed land) to the environment(verb.change)Example :Tiger was domesticate after being arrested yesterday(Macan itu dijinakkan setelah ditangkap kemarin)

Dynamic Adjective characterized by action or forcefulness or force of personality(adj.all)

Example:A dynamic market will rapidly progress(Sebuah pasar yang dinamis akan cepat mengalami kemajuan)

Ecclesiastical Adjective of or associated with a church (especially a Christian Church)(adj.pert)Example:The organization was very spiritual because of the principle of ecclesiastical(Organisasi itu sangat rohani karena menganut prinsip gerejawi)

Election Noun a vote to select the winner of a position or political office (noun.act)Example:The results of the election will be announced tonight.(Hasil pemilu akan diumumkan malam ini)

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Elementally Adverb According to elements; literally; as, the words, "Take, eat; this is my body," elementally understood.Example:The whole elements are grouped in elementally(Seluruh elemen-elemen itu dikelompokkan dalam elementally)

Elite Noun a group or class of persons enjoying superior intellectual or social or economic status(noun.group)Example:High-level officials have elite lifestyle(Para pejabat tinggi memiliki gaya hidup yang elit)

Adjective satellite

elected as the best(adj.all)Example:The elite colleges are being opened registration for new students(Perguruan tinggi elit itu sedang membuka pendaftaran bagi mahasiswa baru)

Emission Noun the act of emitting; causing to flow forth(noun.act)Example:Sun emission ultraviolet light that can be thermal power(Matahari memancarkan sinar ultraviolet yang dapat menjadi tenaga panas)

Engender Verb call forth(verb.creation)Example :The incident engender serious problems(Kejadian itu menimbulkan masalah yang cukup serius)

Enterprising Adjective marked by imagination, initiative, and readiness to undertake new projects(adj.all)Example:An enterprising young man likely to go far.(Seorang pria muda yang giat mungkin untuk pergi jauh)


Adjective of or relating to an entrepreneur(adj.pert)Example:A trader must have the entrepreneurial risk(Seorang pedagang pasti memilki resiko kewirausahaan)

Equity Noun the difference between the market value of a property and the claims held against it(noun.possession)Example:Equity must be enforced in order to public welfare(Keadilan harus ditegakkan supaya masyarakat

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sejahtera)Erode Verb become ground down or deteriorate(verb.change)

Example :Her confidence eroded.(Kepercayaan dirinya terkikis)

Erudite Adjective Characterized by extensive reading or knowledge; well instructed; learned.(adjective)Example:An erudite professor to have a lot of experience in experimenting(Seorang profesor ilmiah memilki banyak pengalaman dalam bereksperimen)

Eruption Noun the sudden occurrence of a violent discharge of steam and volcanic material(noun.event)Example:Merapi eruption caused dust rain(Letusan gunung merapi menyebabkan hujan debu)

Esthetically Adverb in a tasteful wayTerjemahan(adv.all)Example:This building is aesthetically very pleasing.(Gedung ini bersifat estetis sangat menyenangkan)

Evade Verb avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues)(verb.communication)Example:They tend to evade their responsibilities.(Mereka cenderung untuk menghindari tanggung jawab mereka)

Evidence Noun your basis for belief or disbelief; knowledge on which to base belief(noun.cognition)Example:The evidence that smoking causes lung cancer is very compelling.(Bukti menunjukkan bahwa merokok dalam waktu yang lama dapat menyebabkan kanker paru-paru)

Evolve Verb undergo development or evolution(verb.change)Example:Modern man evolved a long time ago.(Manusia modern berevolusi dalam jangka waktu yang lama)

Exalt Verb heighten or intensify(verb.emotion)Example:These paintings exalt the imagination.

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(Lukisan ini menggunakan imajinasi yang tinggi)

Exclusive Adjective excluding much or all; especially all but a particular group or minority(adj.all)Example:He have dinner in an exclusive restaurants Dia makan malam di sebuah restoran eksklusif

Noun a news report that is reported first by one news organization(noun.communication)Example:The news was discussed exclusive in the media(Berita itu dibahas secara eksklusif di media massa)

Adjective satellite

not divided or shared with others(adj.all)Example:They have exclusive use of the machine.(Mereka memiliki hak eksklusif dalam menggunakan mesin).

Exotic Adjective introduced from a foreign country; not native; extraneous; foreign; as, an exotic plant; an exotic term or word.Example:Exotic plants in a greenhouse.(tanaman yang eksostis di rumah kaca)

adjective satellite

being or from or characteristic of another place or part of the worldHer skin was very exotic(kulit wanita itu sangat eksotik)

Expeditiously Adverb with efficiency; in an efficient mannerExample :The research data should be collected expeditiously(data riset itu harus dikumpulkan secepatnya)

Exploit Noun a notable achievementExample :Police exploit the prisoners who violate rules(Polisi mengeksploitasi para tahanan yang melanggar aturan)

Verb use or manipulate to one's advantageExample:He exploit the new taxation system(Dia mengeksploitasi sistem pajak yang baru)

Exponentially Adverb in an exponential mannerExample:Inflation is growing exponentially.(inflasi tumbuh secara eksponen)

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Extinction Noun no longer active; extinguishedExample:The extinction of the volcano.(Kepunahan gunung berapi)

Extract Noun a solution obtained by steeping or soaking a substance (usually in water)Example:Today students do research on tea leaf extract(Siswa saat ini melakukan penelitian tentang ekstrak daun teh)

Famine Noun an acute insufficiencyExample:Due to natural disasters that occurred many people who suffer from famine(Akibat bencana alam yang terjadi banyak masyarakat yang menderita kelaparan)

Fatally Adverb with fatal consequences or implicationsExample:He was fatally ill equipped for the climb.(Dia mengalami sakit yang fatal saat pendakian)

Feasibly Adverb in a practicable manner; so as to be feasibleExample:Research on the products to be standardized so as to be feasibly to circulate(Penelitian mengenai produk itu harus di standarisasi sehingga layak untuk di edarkan)

Feature Noun a prominent attribute or aspect of somethingExample:The map showed roads and other features.(Peta menunjukkan jalan dan lokasi lainnya)

Verb have as a featureExample:This restaurant features the most famous chefs in France.(Restoran ini memiliki koki terkenal di Perancis)

Fertilize verb We fertilize the soil every 6 months

Kami memupuk tanah stiap 6 bulan

Flood verbI was laughing so hard and so emotional that my mask was

flooding,because I was crying underwater.

Saya tertawa keras dan begitu emosional sehingga masker

saya kebanjiran,karena saya menangis dibawah air

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Fluctuate verb We will only live in the part of the multiverse, in the

part of this big set of fluctuate particle,where life is


Kita hanya dapat hidup pada bagian dari alam semsta

ganda,pada bagian dari kelompok partikel yang bergejolak

ini,dmana kehidupan dapat dimungkinkan.

Folklore noun The time is the 1920s, and Hurston the character is in town

to collect local folklore .

Pada tahun 1920, dan Hurston tokoh di kota yang

mengumpulkan cerita rakyat setempat.

Forensics noun The book detailed the advances in crime detection and

forensics since the beginning of the century.

Buku yang menjelaskan kemajuan dalam deteksi kejahatan

dan forensik sejak awal abad ini.

Fortify verb the whole town was heavily fortified

seluruh kota itu dijaga ketat

Fossilize verb the hard parts of the body are readily fossilized

fosil adalah bagian tubuh yang keras

Fringe verb a rich robe of gold, fringed with black velvet

Jubah kaya emas, dibatasi dengan beludru hitam

Gala noun a black-tie gala that begins with a cocktail reception

gala hitam-dasi yang diawali dengan resepsi koktail

Gap noun he came through the gap in the hedge

dia datang melalui celah di pagar

Generation noun methods of electricity generation

metode pembangkit listrik

Grotesque adjective grotesque facial distortions

distorsi wajah aneh

Guilty adjective the police will soon discover who the guilty party

polisi akan segera menemukan siapa pihak yang bersalah

Gut noun a painful stabbing feeling in his gut

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perasaan menusuk menyakitkan di perutnya

Haggle verb the two sides are haggling over television rights

kedua belah pihak tawar-menawar atas hak televisi

Haunt verb a gray lady who haunts the chape

seorang wanita abu-abu yang menghantui Chape

Hazardous adjective we work in hazardous conditions

kita bekerja dalam kondisi berbahaya

Hedonistic adjective a hedonistic existence of drink, drugs, and parties

keberadaan hedonistik minuman, obat-obatan, dan pesta

Hierarchy noun The most important thing in the election of the

chairman was not professional competence in the field, but

activity within the Party and a sufficiently high status in

the political hierarchy

Yang paling penting dalam pemilihan ketua itu tidak

kompetensi profesional di lapangan, tetapi aktivitas di

dalam Partai dan status yang cukup tinggi dalam hirarki


Hilarious adjective a hilarious dialogue from characters we never meet again

dialog lucu dari karakter kita tidak pernah bertemu lagi

Horror noun children screamed in horror

anak menjerit ketakutan

Humiliation noun they suffered the humiliation of losing in the opening


mereka menderita penghinaan di babak pembukaan

Hypothesize verb it was reasonable to hypothesize a viral causality

itu masuk akal untuk berhipotesis sebuah kausalitas virus

Illiterate adjective his parents were illiterate

orang tuanya buta huruf

Impact noun there was the sound of a third impact

ada suara dampak ketiga

Impair verb drug use that impairs job performance

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penggunaan narkoba yang merusak prestasi kerja

Implant noun a silicone breast implant

implan payudara silikon

Implement verb the regulations implement a 1954 treaty

peraturan menerapkan perjanjian 1954

Implicate verb police claims implicated him in many more killings

polisi mengklain dia terlibat dalam banyak pembunuhan

Implicitly adverb She implicitly suggested that he was responsible for the


dia secara implisit menyatakan bahwa ia bertanggung

jawab atas kesalahan

Impoverish verb they discourage investment and impoverish their people

mereka menghambat investasi dan memiskinkan rakyat

Improvisation noun He learned to play the piano by ear, developing a talent for


Dia belajar bermain piano melalui pendengaran telinga,

dan mengembangkan bakatnya untuk improvisasi

In common adjective salt and pepper are the two most common seasonings

garam dan merica adalah dua bumbu yang paling umum

Inaugurate verb he inaugurated a new policy of trade and exploration

dia meresmikan kebijakan baru tentang perdagangan dan


Incentive noun there is no incentive for customers to conserve water

tidak ada insentif bagi pelanggan untuk menghemat air

Incompetent adjective a forgetful and utterly incompetent assistant

asisten pelupa dan benar-benar tidak kompeten

Indisputable adjective a far from indisputable fact

jauh dari fakta yang tak terbantahkan

Industrious adjectives He struck me as being particularly hardworking,

energetic and industrious

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Dia memukulku sebagai pekerja sangat keras, energik dan


Inference noun In which case it remains unreasonable to base inductive

inferences on evidence described in those terms

Dalam hal ini tetap tidak masuk akal untuk mendasarkan

kesimpulan induktif bukti yang dijelaskan dalam istilah-


Infinitesimal noun These two concepts, infinitesimals and infinite quantities,

however, were stirring great philosophical dilemmas.

Kedua konsep, infinitesimals dan jumlah yang tak terbatas,

bagaimanapun dilema filosofis besar

Inflation noun policies aimed at controlling inflation

kebijakan yang ditujukan untuk mengendalikan inflasi

Ingenious adjective he was ingenious enough to overcome the limited budget

dia cukup cerdik untuk mengatasi keterbatasan anggaran

Inherent Adjective Existing in something as a permanent

Mountain has inherent dangers

Gunung memiliki bahaya yang terkandung

Inheritance Noun A special or individual possession

The house was the result of a family inheritance

Rumah itu hasil dari pewarisan keluarga

Inhibit Verb Hinder, restrain, or prevent (an action or process

Cold inhibits plant growth

Dingin menghambat pertumbuhan tanaman

Inject Verb Drive or force (a liquid, especially a drug or vaccine)

into a person or animal's body with a syringe or

similar device.

Innovative Verb Of a product, idea, etc.) Featuring new methods; advanced and original

Pharmacy Gunadarma strategize to make the latest


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Apotek Gunadarma menyusun strategi untuk membuat

inovativ terbaru

Inquiry Noun An act of asking for information.

Inscription Noun Words inscribed, as on a monument or in a book.

In the museum there is an inscription of the colonial


Di museum terdapat prasasti peninggalan masa penjajahan

Installation Noun He action or process of installing someone or

something, or of being installed

Installation of education gives the news next year all

schools free

Instalasi pendidikan memberikan kabar tahun depan

sekolah gratis

Integrity Noun The state of being whole and undivided.

The government must have high integrity to his people

Pemerintah harus memiliki integritas tinggi untuk r


Intensify Verb Become or make more intense.

Police began to intensify custody

Polisi mulai mengintensifkan penjagaannya

Intentionally Adverb Deliberately; on purpose.

I didn't do it intentionally

Aku tidak sengaja melakukannya

Interdict Verb Noun An authoritative prohibition.

Interdict to turn right

Larangan untuk belok ke kanan

Intermediary Noun A person who acts as a link between people in order to

try to bring about an agreement or reconciliation; a


Intermediaries between lenders and borrowers

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Perantara antara pemberi pinjaman dan peminjam

Intervene Verb Fearless; adventurous (often used for rhetorical or

humorous effect).

Our intrepid reporter

Kami reporter pemberani

Invasive Adjective (Especially of plants or a disease) tending to spread

prolifically and undesirably or harmfully

Invoke Verb Cite or appeal to (someone or something) as an

authority for an action or in support of an argument.

Irrigation Noun The water is used for irrigation of rice fields

Air itu digunakan untuk irigasi sawah

Jointly Adverb With another person or people; together

A report prepared jointly by Harvard and Yale universities

Laporan yang disusun bersama oleh Harvard dan Yale


Juxtapose Verb Place or deal with close together for contrasting effect.

Black and white photo was juxtaposed with the original


Foto hitam putih itu disandingkan dengan gambar aslinya

Kin Noun One's family and relations

He is expected to make a payment to his wife's kin

Ia diharapkan untuk melakukan pembayaran ke kerabat


Lease Noun A contract by which one party conveys land, property,

services, etc., to another for a specified time, usually

in return for a periodic payment.

Miran open a business renting out the washer

Miran membuka usaha menyewakan mesin cuci

Legitimate adj legal

A govermant cannot be considered truly legimate unless it

is democratically elected.

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Suatu pemerintahan tidak dapat dianggap benar – benar

sah kecuali terpilih secara demokratif

Laibilty noun obligation

The company has admitted liability for the accident, and is

paying all medical costs

Perusahaan telah mengakui kewajibannya terhadap kecelakaan

itu dan membayar semua biaya medis

Longitude noun angular distance

Greenwich was arbitrarily established in 1889 as longitude 0


Grenwich sewenang – wenang didirikan pada tahubn 1889

pada garis bujur 0 derajat.

Loyal Adjective Giving or showing firm and constant support or

allegiance to a person or institution

He remained loyal to the government

Ia tetap setia kepada pemerintah

Luxury Noun The state of great comfort and extravagant living

He lived a life of luxury

Dia hidup mewah

Maintenance Noun The process of maintaining or preserving someone or

something, or the state of being maintained.

Maintenance is needed so that the fruit does not rot

meliharaan sangat dibutuhkan agar buah tidak busuk

Manipulation noun handling

Theor manipulation are very injurious for the

performance of company profits

Manipulasi mereka sangat merugikan kinerja dari keuntungan


Marginal adjective fringy, pheriperal, bare, narrow

The math is pretty simple. Low commodity prices push out

marginal produces

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Dalam pelajaran matematika yang cukup sederhana komoditas

harga yang rendah mendorong keluarnya produsen yang keci

Maximize Verb Make as large or great as possible.

The company was aiming to maximize profits

Perusahaan ini bertujuan untuk memaksimalkan keuntungan

Mediate Verb Intervene between people in a dispute in order

to bring about an agreement or reconciliation.

To mediate fights Mr. Jono call the police

Untuk menengahi perkelahian Pak Jono memanggil polisi

Medium Adj about halfway between two extremes of size or another quality; average.

e.g : John is six feet tall, of medium build

tinggi john enam kaki, dari gedung yang sedang

Noun an agency or means of doing something

e.g : using the latest technology as a medium for job creation

menggunakan teknologi terbaru sebagai media untuk penciptaan lapangan kerja

Merchant Noun a person or company involved in wholesale trade, especially one

dealing with foreign countries or supplying merchandise to a particular trade

e.g : the area's leading timber merchant

Daerah tersebut adalah daerah pedagang kayu terkemukaa

Adj of or relating to merchants, trade, or commerce

e.g : the growth of the merchant classes

Pertumbuhan pada kelas pedagang

Merit Noun the quality of being particularly good or worthy, especially so as to

deserve praise or reward.

e.g : composers of outstanding meri

Komposer luar biasa

Verba deserve or be worthy of (something, especially reward, punishment, or


e.g : the results have been encouraging enough to merit further investigation

hasilnya telah cukup mendorong untuk mendapat pemeriksaan lebih lanjut

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Migration Noun seasonal movement of animals from one region to another

e.g : this butterfly's annual migration across North America

migrasi tahunan kupu-kupu di Amerika Utara

Milieu Noun a person's social environment.

e.g : he grew up in a military milieu

ia dibesarkan dalam lingkungan militer

Minimum Adj smallest or lowest

e.g : this can be done with the minimum amount of effort

ini dapat dilakukan dengan jumlah minimum usaha

Noun the least or smallest amount or quantity possible, attainable, or required.

e.g : technical difficulties have been kept to a minimum

kesulitan teknis telah tetap ke minimum

Misconceotion Noun a view or opinion that is incorrect because it is based on faulty

thinking or understanding

e.g : public misconceptions about AIDS remain high

kesalahpahaman masyarakat tentang AIDS tetap tinggi

Mobilize Verb (of a country or its government) prepare and organize (troops) for

active service.

e.g : the government mobilize regular forces, reservists, and militia

pemerintah memobilisasi pasukan reguler, cadangan, dan milisi

Modify verb make partial or minor changes to (something), typically so as to

improve it or to make it less extreme

e.g : she may be prepared to modify her views

dia mungkin siap untuk merubahi pandangannya

Net Adj (of an amount, value, or price) remaining after a deduction, such as tax or a

discount, has been made.

e.g : net earnings per share rose

Laba bersih per saham naik

Noun a length of open-meshed material made of twine, cord, rope, or

something similar, used typically for catching fish or other animals.

e.g : He fished with a golden net drawn by cords woven of purple and scarlet threads.

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Dia memancing dengan jaring emas ditarik oleh tali anyaman benang ungu dan


Verb catch or land (a fish or other animal) with a net

e.g : They might catch the fish or net the bird but not consume it

Mereka mungkin menangkap ikan atau menjaring burung tapi tidak


NobilityNoun the quality of being noble in character, mind, birth, or rank

e.g : Such a limitation requires a strong breed of man, however, with a quality of

character and nobility of soul

Pembatasan tersebut memerlukan jenis kuat manusia, namun, dengan kualitas

karakter dan bangsawan jiwa

Notion Noun a conception of or belief about something.

e.g : children have different notions about the roles of their parents

anak memiliki pengertian yang berbeda tentang peran orang tua mereka

NucleusNoun the central and most important part of an object, movement, or group,

forming the basis for its activity and growth.

e.g : t he nucleus of a film-producing industry

Obese Adj grossly fat or overweight.

e.g : It is estimated that more than one in five Britons is now classed as obese and three-

quarters are overweight

Diperkirakan bahwa lebih dari satu dari lima warga Inggris kini digolongkan sebagai

obesitas dan tiga perempat kelebihan berat badan

Obnoxious Adj extremely unpleasant.

e.g : I assume he was not aware of the fact that he was in a church and being extremely


Saya menganggap dia tidak menyadari fakta bahwa ia berada di sebuah gereja dan

menjadi sangat menjengkelkan

Obtain Verb get, acquire, or secure (something).

e.g : an opportunity to obtain advanced degrees

kesempatan untuk mendapatkan gelar tinggi

Offense Noun a breach of a law or rule; an illegal act.

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e.g : neither offense violates any federal law

pelanggaran tidak melanggar hukum federal

Oppress Verb keep (someone) in subservience and hardship, especially by the

unjust exercise of authority.

e.g : a system that oppressed working people

sistem yang menindas orang yang bekerja

Overlap Noun a part or amount that overlaps.

e.g : an overlap of about half an inch

tumpang tindih dari sekitar setengah inci

Verb extend over so as to cover partly

e.g : the canopy overlaps the house roof at one end

kanopi tumpang tindih atap rumah di salah satu ujung

Paradigm Noun a typical example or pattern of something; a model.

e.g : there is a new paradigm for public art in this country

ada paradigma baru untuk seni publik di negara ini

Parallel Adj (of lines, planes, surfaces, or objects) side by side and having the same

distance continuously between them.

e.g : parallel lines never meet

garis paralel tidak pernah bertemu

Noun a person or thing that is similar or analogous to another.

e.g : a challenge that has no parallel in peacetime this century

tantangan yang tidak memiliki paralel dalam masa damai abad ini

Parochial Adj of or relating to a church parish.

e.g : the parochial church council

dewan gereja paroki

Passion Noun strong and barely controllable emotion

e.g : a man of impetuous passion

seorang pria dengan gairah terburu-buru

Paternal Adj of or appropriate to a father.

e.g : he reasserted his paternal authority

tegasnya otoritas dari pihak ayah

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Peer Noun a person of the same age, status, or ability as another specified


e.g : he has incurred much criticism from his academic peers

ia telah dikeluarkan karena banyak kritik dari rekan-rekan akademisnya

Per capita Adv or each person; in relation to people taken individually

e.g : the state had fewer banks per capita than elsewhere

negara memiliki sedikit bank per kapita daripada di tempat lain

Permeate Verb spread throughout (something); pervade.

e.g : the aroma of soup permeated the air

aroma sup meresap udara

Persevere Verb continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with

little or no prospect of success.

e.g : his family persevered with his treatment

keluarganya bertahan dengan pengobatannya

Persist Verb continue firmly or obstinately in an opinion or a course of action in

spite of difficulty, opposition, or failure.

e.g : the minority of drivers who persist in drinking

manoritas driver yang bertahan dalam minum

Perspective Noun the art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as

to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each

other when viewed from a particular point.

e.g : a perspective drawing

gambar perspektif

Phantom Noun a ghost.

e.g : a phantom who haunts lonely roads

hantu yang menghantui jalan yang sepi

Phonetic Adj of or relating to speech sounds.

e.g : detailed phonetic information

informasi fonetik rinci

Photosynthesis Noun the process by which green plants and some other

organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water.

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Photosynthesis in plants generally involves the green pigment chlorophyll and generates

oxygen as a byproduct.

e.g : Stomata are involved in two of the most important plant processes, photosynthesis

and transpiration

Stomata terlibat dalam dua yang paling penting proses tanaman, fotosintesis dan


Physical Adj of or relating to the body as opposed to the mind.

e.g : a whole range of physical and mental challenges

berbagai macam tantangan fisik dan mental

Noun a medical examination to determine a person's bodily fitness.

e.g : Planning to treat yourself to a complete physical for the New Year?

Berencana untuk menyiapkan duri untuk fisik lengkap di Tahun Baru

Pious adj having or showing a deep respect for God and religion

E.g. I mean, that sounds rather pious , but that is the way it is.

Maksudku, itu terdengar agak alim, tapi itulah caranya.

Piracy noun crime of attacking ships and stealing from them; act of making

illegal copies of video tapes, CDs, etc

E.g. Well we know it’s not piracy

Baik , kita tau itu bukan pembajakan

Plunge verb (cause somebody or something to) move suddenly forwards

and/or downwards: The car ~d into the river

E.g. Plunge both hands into the water

Mencelupkan kedua tangan ke dalam air

Policy noun plan of action agreed or chosen by a political party, a business,

etc: the Government’s foreign ~ written insurance cotract

E.g. The policy was freely ventilated

Kebijakan baru di salurkan dengan bebas

Poll noun survey of public opinion

E.g. Poll a quarter of votes cast

Memperoleh seperempat dari jumlah suara yang di berikan

Portrayal noun performace, interpretation, characterization

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E.g. a realistic portrayal of war

gambaran realistis dari peperangan

Potent adj powerful: ~ arguments/drugs

E.g. Enviroment is a potent influence on character

Lingkungan sekitar sangat berpengaruh besar terhadap karakter


Precipitation noun (chem) chemical process in which solid matter is separated

from a liquid

E.g. Snow is a type of precipitation

Salju adalah sejenis hujan

Predicament noun difificult or unpleasant situation

E.g. I told him all about predicament at work

Saya memberitahunya semua tentang keadaan yang sulit dalam


Prejudiced verb influence somebody that they have an unfair opinion of

somebody/something; have a harmful effect on something

E.g. His voice prejudiced his audience againts him

Suaranya merugikan sehingga penonton menolaknya

Prestige noun respect or admiration caused by somebody’s success, status, etc

E.g. If i work at prestige company like this

Jika saya bekerja pada sebuah perusahaan ternama seperti ini

Prevailing adj (written) most common ; (of winds) most frequent

E.g. The prevailling wind at this time of year is south

Yang paling sering berangin pada tahun ini adalah negara

bagian selatan

Prevalent adj existing generally; common

E.g. Whooping cough is very prevalent just now

Batuk rejan sangat umum terjadi saat ini

Privileged adj having special rights and advantages: Only a ~ few were invited

E.g. They don’t know how privileged they are

Mereka tak tau betapa beruntung nya mereka

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Procedure noun usual or proper way of doing something

E.g. The modes of procedure are various

Jenis-jenis prosedur itu bervariasi

Process noun series of things that are done in order to achieve something:

We’re in the ~ of selling our house. ; method of doing or

making something, especially one used in industry

E.g. The test process was very simple

Proses ujiannya sangat sederhana

Prognosis noun prognosis

E.g. The prognosis left the patienr shaken

Perkiraan dokter membuat pasien itu terguncang

Proliferation noun rapid increase in number

E.g. Then we have the proliferation of committees

Terdapat peningkatan jumlah komite

Promote verb help somethinf to happrn or develop; advertise a product or

service; move somebody to a higher rank or more senior job

E.g. This is to help promote voting

Ini unruk mempromosikan voting

Proportion noun idea or plan that is suggested , especiallyin business; thing that

you intend to do, task to be a dealt with; (formal) statement that

expesses an opinion

E.g. The proportion of three to one

Perbandingan tiga berbanding satu

Proportionately adv proportinally

E.g. I propotionately similar to a girl, a small girl

Saya persis sama dengan seorang perempuan, seorang

perempuan kecil

Proprietor noun (formal) owner of a business , hotel, etc

E.g. Well, looks like I’m the new proprietor

Baik, saya seperti pemilik perusahaan yang baru

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Prosper verb succeed, especially financially

E.g. Praise youth and it will prosper

Sanjunglah generasi muda, dan mereka akan hidup sejahtera

Prototype noun first design of something , eg of an aircraft , from which others

are developed

E.g. We are planning to launch a prototype

Kita sedang merencanakan untung meluncurkan sebuah naskah

Proximity noun nearness

E.g. Proximity is less important than quality service

Kedekatan kurang penting daripada kualitas servis

Psychic adj of the mind rather than the body

E.g. But we already have our own psychic

Tapi kita telah memiliki cenayang kita sendiri

Rank noun position somebody has in an organization or in society

E.g. A writer of the first rank

Seorang penulis berperingkat pertama

Rate noun measure of the speed and which something happens

E.g. The unemployment rate is falling sharply

Tingkat pengganguran menurun tajam

Ratio - relationship between two amounts

E.g. It’s a simple question of weight ratio

Itu adalah pertanyaan mudah dari perbandingan berat

Realism noun acceptance of the facts of a situation; (in art an literature)

showing of things as they are in real life

E.g. I mean , a country at war doesn’t want realism

Maksud saya,sebuah negara pada peperangan tidak

menginginkan kenyataan tersebut

Rebel noun person who fights againts the government; person who opposes

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E.g. Troops advanced on the rebel forces

Pasukan maju menyerang kelompok pemberontak

Recede verb move gradually away or back; slope backwards

E.g. The flood water began to recede

Banjir mulai surut

Reciprocity noun behave or feel towards somebody in the same way as they

behave or feel towards you

E.g. Reciprocity is part of the mandate

Saling membalas kebaikan merupakan bagian dari amanat

Reconciliation noun reunion, conciliation, reconcilament

E.g. A reconcillitation of religion and science

Rekonsilisasi agama dan sains

Reform verb imprve a system, organization, etc by making changes to it;

(cause somebody to) behave better than before

Noun change or improvement made to a social system, organization,


E.g. The hour has struck for reform

Telah tiba waktunya untuk reformasi

Regulate verb control something by means of rules; control the speed,

pessure, etc in a machine

E.g. Their bodies cannot regulate temperature properly

Tubuh mereka tidak dapat mengatur suhu tubuh dengan baik

Relic Noun an antiquity that has survived from the distant past


In the museum, many historical relics

(Di musium banyak barang peninggalan bersejarah)

Reservoir Noun a large or extra supply of something


The reservoir is a source of water for the

surrounding population

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(Waduk itu merupakan sumber mata air bagi

penduduk disekitarnya)

Residual Adjective relating to or indicating a remainder


The solution is filtered to separate and extract


(Larutan itu disaring untuk memisahkan residul dan


Resign Verb ;Leave (a job, post, or position) voluntarily


The chairman resigned when he was found to have

misappropriated funds.

(ketua mengundurkan diri setelah menemukan

penggunaan dana yang disalahgunakan)

Resist Noun A substance used to prevent a color or mordant from

fixing on those parts to which it has been applied,

either by acting machanically in preventing the

color, etc., from reaching the cloth, or chemically in

changing the color so as to render it incapable of

fixing itself in the fibers.. The pastes prepared for

this purpose are called resist pastes.


Oil and water resist each other and can not be mixed

(Air dan minyak saling tolak menolak dan tidak

dapat tercampur)

Verb withstand the force of something


He resist he offer given to him

(Dia menolak tawaran yang diberikan kepadanya)

Retain Verb hold back within

Example :

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I retain this drug for a long time

(Saya mempertahankan obat ini untuk waktu yang


Retrieve Noun A seeking again; a discovery

Example :

He retrieve back employees who have been long


(Dia menerima kembali karyawan yang telah lama


Verb go for and bring back

Example :

Retrieve the car from the parking garage.

(Mengambil mobil dari garasi)

Reward Noun a recompense for worthy acts or retribution for



Virtue is its own reward.

(Kebajikan adalah prnghargaan untuk diri sendiri)

Verb bestow honor or rewards upon


The scout was rewarded for courageous action.

(Seorang pramuka diberi penghargaan setelah

melakukan tindakan yang berani)

Rigor Noun excessive sternness


The rigors of boot camp

(Kerasnya boot camp)

Rite Noun an established ceremony prescribed by a religion


He attended the rite in church

(Dia menghadiri upacara baptisan di gereja)

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Ritually Adverb in a ceremonial manner


The ritually involves a lot of people

(Ritual itu melibatkan banyak orang)

Roster Noun a list of names


Roster always reported every month

(Urutan nama itu selalu dilaporkan setiap bulannya)

Rotate Verb turn on or around an axis or a center


The lamb roast rotates on a spit over the fire.

(Domba panggang berputar pada panggangan di atas


Sacrifice Noun a loss entailed by giving up or selling something at

less than its value


He had to sell his car at a considerable sacrifice.

(Dia menjual mobilya merupakan sebuah

pengorbanan yang besar)

Verb kill or destroy


The animals were sacrificed after the experiment.

(Hewan-hewan dikorbankan saat eksprimen)

Safeguard Noun a precautionary measure warding off impending

danger or damage or injury etc.


An insurance policy is a good safeguard.

(polis asuransi merupakan perlindungan yang baik)

Verb make safe

Example :

The tool is Safeguard by a safety device to maintain

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(Alat itu dilengkapi oleh alat pengaman untuk

menjaga keamanan)

Saga Noun a narrative telling the adventures of a hero or a

family; originally (12th to 14th centuries) a story of

the families that settled Iceland and their

descendants but now any prose narrative that

resembles such an account

Example :

His father was a fighter who always remembered his

struggle saga

(Ayahnya adalah seorang pejuang yang selalu

dikenang hiyakat perjuangannya)

Scandal Noun disgraceful gossip about the private lives of other


Example :

He made a scandal at the school so punished

(Dia membuat skandal di sekolah sehingga

mendapat hukuman)

Scar Verb mark with a scar


The skin disease scarred his face permanently.

(penyakit kulit menyebabkan luka diwajahnya

secara permanen)

Secular Adjective not concerned with or devoted to religion


He sang secular songs during his birthday party

(Dia menyanyikan lagu sekuler pada saat pesta

ulang tahunnya)

Seep Verb pass gradually or leak through or as if through small


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Rainwater seeps into the ground early and therefore

did not cause flooding

(Air hujan meresap ke dalam tanah sehigga tidak

menyebabkan banjir)

Seize Verb take hold of; grab


The sales clerk quickly seized the money on the


(Petugas penjualan cepat menyita uang di meja)



Verb Take action to introduce his/her self


Who self-perpetuating today is the legislature

(Yang memperkenalkan diri saat ini adalah


Sentiment Noun tender, romantic, or nostalgic feeling or emotion


He sentiment by not getting a good service

(Dia sentimen karena tidak mendapat pelayanan

yang baik)

Sequence Noun serial arrangement in which things follow in logical

order or a recurrent pattern


The sequence of names was alphabetical.

(Urutan nama berdasarkan abjad)

Verb determine the order of constituents in


They sequenced the human genome.

(Mereka mengurutkan genom manusia)

Severely Adverb to a severe or serious degree

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A severely impaired heart.

(sesuatu sangat mengganggu jantung)

Shame Noun a state of dishonor


One mistake brought shame to all his family.

(Satu kesalahan saja membuat malu seluruh anggota


Verb compel through a sense of shame


She shamed him into making amends.

(Dia mempermalukannya karena membuat


Shrink Verb reduce in size; reduce physically


Hot water will shrink the sweater

(Air panas akan menyusutkan ukuran sweater)

Shuttle Noun badminton equipment consisting of a ball of cork or

rubber with a crown of feathers


The store sells a shuttle that is usually used in the


(Toko itu menjual shuttle yang biasanya digunakan

dalam olimpiade)

Sibling Noun a person's brother or sister

Example :

He is my sibling from my grandmother

(Dia adalah saudara saya dari nenek saya)

Simulation Noun (computer science) the technique of representing the

real world by a computer program


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A simulation should imitate the internal processes

and not merely the results of the thing being


(Suatu simulasi harus meniru proses internal dan

bukan hanya hasil dari hal yang ditinjau)

Skit Adjective like to say something funny


Stand- up comedy is an event that likes to show skit

(Stand up comedy merupakan acara yang suka

menampilkan lelucon)

Smuggle Verb import or export without paying customs duties


She smuggled cigarettes across the border.

(Dia menyelundupkan rokok di seberang


Solar Adjective relating to or derived from the sun or utilizing the

energies of the sun


The car uses the solar energy coming from the sun

(Mobil itu menggunakan tenaga solar yang berasal

dari matahari)

Sole Adjective Being or acting without another; single; individual;



He is sole left-handed pupils in school

(Dia satu satunya murid yang bertangan kidal di


Noun the underside of footwear or a golf club


He repair the sole were damaged because of being a


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(Dia memperbaiki sol sepatunya yang rusak karena

terinjak paku)

Solidarity Noun a union of interests or purposes or sympathies

among members of a group


Interfaith seminars reflect inter-religious solidarity

(Seminar lintas agama mencerminkan solidaritas

antar umat beragama)

Source Noun the place where something begins, where it springs

into being


Pittsburgh is the source of the Ohio River.

(Pittsburgh adalah sumber Sungai Ohio )

Verb get (a product) from another country or business


She sourced a supply of carpet.

(Dia mencari sumber dari karpet)

Spectrum noun the left or the right of the political spectrum

kiri atau kanan spektrum politik

Stable noun When the patient's condition is stable , he or she is

transferred to the transplantation unit.

Ketika kondisi pasien stabil, ia dipindahkan ke unit


Status quo noun they have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo

mereka memiliki kepentingan dalam mempertahankan

status quo

Stigmatize verb the institution was stigmatized as a last resort for the


Lembaga itu stigma sebagai upaya terakhir untuk miskin

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Strategic adjective the company should take strategic actions to cope with

fundamental changes in the environment

perusahaan harus mengambil langkah strategis untuk

mengatasi perubahan mendasar dalam lingkungan

Striking noun substantial damage was caused by the striking of a

submerged object

kerusakan besar yang mencolok disebabkan dari benda


Structure verb the game is structured so that there are five ways to win

permainan terstruktur sehingga ada lima cara untuk


Subsidy verb they disdain government subsidy

mereka meremehkan subsidi pemerintah

Subtly noun For years, undercover surveillance was the domain of

warring couples and the old DHSS.

Selama bertahun-tahun, pengawasan menyamar adalah

domain dari berperang pasangan dan DHSS tua.

Survive verb against all odds the a child survived

melawan segala rintangan seorang anak selamat

Suspect noun the police have arrested a suspect

polisi telah menangkap seorang tersangka

Suspend noun The traders have been forced to temporarily suspend

trading as they do not want any more clients to fall into

this black hole.

Para pedagang terpaksa menangguhkan perdagangan sementara karena mereka

tidak ingin ada lebih banyak klien untuk jatuh ke dalam lubang hitam ini.

Suspicious adjective

he was suspicious of her motives

dia mencurigai motif nya

Symbolic noun

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The destruction of both wall and statue is symbolic of breaking free from

oppression, and the elation on the faces of the people was the same.

Penghancuran kedua dinding dan patung adalah simbol dari melanggar bebas dari

penindasan, dan kegembiraan di wajah orang-orang itu sama.

Tangible verb

the atmosphere of neglect and abandonment was almost tangible

suasana kelalaian dan pengabaian hampir nyata

Terminal noun

The zinc and the copper are the anode and cathode terminals of your potato


Seng dan tembaga adalah anoda dan katoda terminal baterai kentang

Tolerate verb

a regime unwilling to tolerate dissent

rezim tidak mau mentolerir perbedaan pendapat

Trend noun

an upward trend in sales and profit margins

tren kenaikan penjualan dan margin keuntungan

Trigger verb

an allergy can be triggered by stress or overwork

alergi bisa dipicu oleh stres atau terlalu banyak pekerjaan

Unleash verb

we unleashed the dog and carried it down to our car

kita melepaskan anjing dan membawanya ke mobil kami

Unmask verb

the trial unmasked him as a complete charlatan

sidang membuka kedok dia sebagai penipu lengkap

Vanish verb

Mary vanished without a trace

Mary menghilang tanpa jejak

Vanity noun

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Upon examining the rest of the drawers, she realized it was more of a vanity than

a desk

Setelah memeriksa sisa laci, dia menyadari itu lebih dari kesombongan dari meja

Vein noun

The thoracic duct was identified, lying between the right azygous vein and the

descending aorta just in front of the spine.

Saluran toraks diidentifikasi, yang terletak di antara vena azygous kanan dan

aorta turun hanya di depan tulang belakang.

Verdict noun

the jury returned a verdict of ‘not guilty.’

juri kembali vonis 'tidak bersalah

Versus verb

More detailed studies are needed on the costs of rural versus urban car usage.

Studi yang lebih rinci diperlukan pada biaya pedesaan dibandingkan penggunaan

mobil perkotaan.

Vestige noun

he waited patiently, but without a vestige of sympathy

ia menunggu dengan sabar, tapi tanpa sisa simpati

Villainy noun

Corruption and villainy takes place in every section of society and that was a

crucial part of the novel.

Korupsi dan kejahatan terjadi di setiap bagian dari masyarakat dan itu adalah

bagian penting dari novel.

Violation noun

He said a definite message had been sent out that no human rights violation

would be tolerated.

Dia mengatakan pesan yang pasti telah dikirim bahwa tidak ada pelanggaran hak

asasi manusia akan ditoleransi.

Vitriolic noun

vitriolic attacks on the politicians

serangan pedas pada politisi

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Vulnerable noun

These are among the most vulnerable , fragile and threatened habitats in Britain.

ini adalah salah satu yang paling rentan, rapuh dan terancam habitat di Inggris.

Wiling noun

A lady of kind and gentle disposition, she was always ready and willing to lend

help and encouragement and was a top class neighbour and friend.

Seorang wanita dari baik dan lembut disposisi, dia selalu siap dan bersedia untuk

meminjamkan bantuan dan dorongan dan kelas tetangga atas dan teman.


police are appealing for witnesses to the accident

Polisi yang menarik bagi saksi untuk kecelakaan

Working class verb

The least likely to reach a later retirement age are from the manual working

class .

Yang paling mungkin untuk mencapai usia pensiun nanti berasal dari kelas

pekerja manual.

Wound noun

He had sustained fractures to his skull, pelvis, and lower back, chest wounds and

a broken arm

Dia telah mengalami patah tulang di tengkoraknya, panggul, dan punggung

bawah, luka dada dan lengan yang patah

Zeal noun

The youngest boy had the unreasonable zeal of a brainwashed psychopath.

Anak bungsu memiliki semangat yang tidak masuk akal dari psikopat dicuci otak.