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Paper Screening Test for TGT English (Haryana) 

Held on 20/12/2015 

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. In each Qr thtloUowi)a question a D.it2r 1M:senteng isbolcL~ are given Iltern.tivC5 12the bgl4R!rt which "*umprove the 5('flteOCLth.rn: theC'9~nathe. :

L He may have aged when I last sawhim.

a)' Since I saw himfiJi, Sin6C'l-1Ut.uw him

~ ·:Before .I last-saw himd) -No ClOliUtiOIt required

2. The floor of1bc baD was ro"el'fti by a

CarpeL. a) Coveted withb) Covered uponc) Covered ind) No correction required

3. J will not go till he Irrlves.a)· Till he has arrivedb) Untit he arrives..,d) No correction required

4. There is an endless runnine of trafficon Delhi-Ghaziabad road.

a) heaviness'b) river

cl lIt'fearnd) No correction required

Choose the cOJTeCt wacHo[ the~passa~e -

Aboul 60 percenl of the human body iswater! [f you could (S) out a human bein!! like

a lemon you would obtain abou.t.SO litt.rs of(6) .." ..-Tbi'l ,_~ter, ~hic.h is DOt liA.cocnrrtOI.~te&_' bCcaaIe'''' of t~.:MJl1 cr" ill cfismh·es. is

necessUy to ~ life of~ (7) about agallon of it is in the blood vessels and is (8)' _

circulating by the heart. Th.is liquid. bathes all thecdls uf the body in a (9) stream. The: water

also acts as a conductnr of heat throu,h the body.

5.a) .on:bj wrenchc) p"'''d) squeeze


6.,j juice

h) pulpc) water

d) liquid7.

a) H~man being·b) m,o

c) body

d) physique

8.a) kept

b) '""'"c) go,d) being

9.a) steady

b) constant

c) mixed

d) regular

.QJoose the COJT«\ wWC! •

10. Who wrote: "Keep right on to the end

of the road"

a) Milton

b) Chaucer

c) Shakespeare

d) Sir Harry Lau~er

11. 'Silent Woman' is a play ti)"a) Ben Jonson

b) Marlowe

c) Lyly

d) Shakespeare

12. Mayako\ls!,-y was the famous poel of

aJ RUSsia •

b) Francec) Italyd) Austria

13. The word 'strength' is derived from'-strcngthu' which is

a) A Latin word

0) An old English word

c) An halian word

d) A French word

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14. The real name of SaId_is

a) George Orwell

b) J..l.H. Munm

c} The Duked) Samuel Butler

20.I. penufJousII. afOuentiii. euphemi~tic ­

iv. euphoril.:


b. feeling. tiptop


d. inoffensive

IS. Who said "I only know how to work at

one poem at a time, stitch by stitch" :4a) Nis.Jl'd~.eb~l- ~ - -b) A.K.Ramanujamc) Shiv K_ Kumar

d) Arun Kolalkar

Wltich of lht- following is correct

a) i.-c, ii.-b, iii.-d. i\·.-a

b) i.-b, ii.~a, iii.-d. i\'.-<:

c) i.-c. ii.-a, iii.--d. i\-.-b

d) i.-b:. ii.-d, iii.-c. iV.-a

Which oClbe following is correct sequence

Match the words and meaning -

.Choose the word Ihat most closcJ,Vjts each other

21. In the pnssage, the author opines that

. a) Militllry training is mure

important than generation


") Military-training should

precede college educaliOIl

since it builds up onc's mental

a~d physical abilities.q Military training is. as

irnponant a.~ general trainiD~.

d). Military training must: be

included in the curricula ofschools and college.o;_

!hi!! !\C;tion comprises of questionbased upon 8 hriefpassage. The

candidate is required to i!naJy.~ tht;

contents of 'he pa!>sage and then 31Jl>.....er

Ole question that f911ow-In most western countries.

it is reqWm:llhat e~ry yOWlg man.

when his educ:ation il> COmpIeIC.

~haU gi\'c three. four or five ye~

'''' military-lIe.rvices. He goes inlnb;n:ae-k.~isregimented and drilled,

.'ciitki'Si unit in the standing amty

and passes out usually when his

term is ended, an efficient s(lldi~r,

to remain for the rC!>1 of hi~ life

ready at any momenL to join in the

armed defence of his country.

22. MiJililry training is as important as

mental ~raining because

a) Otherwise young men are


a.J1~'tritc, c

b. ""'"c. ple:ls8nt in souna

d. fleeting'.

II. evanescentiii. euphonious

IV. platitudinous

a) i.-c. ii.--d. iii.-b, iv_-a

b) l.4h. ii.-d. iii.-c. iV.-a

c) L-a, ii.-d. iii.-c, iV.-b

d) L-b, ii.-c, ili.-d. iv.-a

16. Caliban is...a character ina) Hamlet

b) Merchnnt of Venice

c) The AdmirablJ: Crichton

d) Tem~t

18. Done in secrele:-

a) Ephemeral

't;) Evanescent

c) Clandestine

d) Silent

17. Words that sound alike:, ~.r' Antonyms--

b) Syno~yn;~-


~) Synchronization


4 •

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~, It is good that every scholar

should also be an efficient

soldier and:be available for the

country's defence.c) One gels a cbance to Jive-in


d) War has become a daily affair.

. 23. Ev~ younll1d,~~to undetgCfmilitiifIJ lAiniog·b«4 '"C!be can

.)-~'."GI:l.jobaAcr soch'lndbing.b),,~iii. ~neraI '.,,~ accading to his


26. Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary is situated in

which stale of Indiaa) Uttur Pradesh

b) f)l2.dhya Prauc,h

c) Haryana

d) _ Rajasthan

27. WIlich distilc! of H3rya~a has lowestJitemcy nile

a) Hisarb) Bhiwani

c) Gurgaon

d) Mewat




'C) JQiII (be army whenever"his

country needs tQ he defended

·in war.

d) Learn and practice discipline.

In Eastern countries like India. military

training of students should be made

compulsory .. ~.:.,...~~.~-

elements in every village or

lown.-b) To make youth serve the

nation during times of war anJ

peace.c) As ic can solve the

unemployment problem by

providing more job.

d) To repress cOmmunal riots.

The author. writing in the early part of

twentieth century, does not seem 10 talk

about the need of military training forwomen because

,·a). Wom~. educatioftw.s a neW"Ihi-h ..

.• -e

b) She thinks women are notphysically strong enough to

-undergo military training.

c) Women lakinli, part in military

service is only a recentp,.benomenon.

d) According to her, womenshould remain indoors.


28. Which part of Haryana altempt

maximum rainfalla) South westb) North west

c) North eastd) South east

29. Maximum number of forests are found

in which district of Hnryana

a) Rohlukb) Hi=

c) Yamuna nagard) Panipat

30. Famous 'Ghoora dance' is orginaziedon the occ:lsion o'f

a) HaJi

b} j3wan month­

e) Marriaged) Birth of baby boy

31. Down the' \ 3) in from FariJ:lb:.IlJ:.llongside ; .it hasBallahhgarll; Palwal. 'Mllthma and Agnl

" a) Nationa!,Highway I· ¥

b) National Highway 2' _.c) Nntional highway 3d) Naliunat Highway 4

32. Men of Haryana commonly used to

wear embroidered long flowing lurta,known as

a) Angf'<lkhab) Kamric) Kamecj

d) Kurta

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33. The (IAF) Indian Air Force operates................ base as a logistics ba$e inFaridabad

a) fuja Man Singhb) Raja Nahar Singhc) Rnja Karan Singhd) None of lhe above

34. Title of'Teen·lal' is commonly given to. .i. be';;l.tB...stI';';JiI,.~~ .

b) 01h0nlram. Devilal. Bhajanl,a1

c) Bansilal. Devilal. Chhofuramd) Bhajanla!. Devita!. Nekiram

35. Famous player of Ha""ana 5aosh

Kumar plJ.Yeda) Judo

b) Cricketc) HandbaHd} Hockey

36. famous writer Sri Vishambhamath

Kaushik wu hom in which place of)laryall.

a) Panchkula

b) Roh"kc) Ambalad) Sirsa

37. The Fatehabad dislrict wa,!ll·llrVed outof Hisar district on

a) 15Julyl997b) 15 August 1997c) 15 April 1997d) 15 December 1997

38. Who is present speaker of legislative

assembly of Haryana- -',

a) l3anarsidas Guptab) Kanwar Pal Guljarc) Srietumdra.d) None of lhe above

. 39. Quartzite is metamorphosed from

a) shHleb} sandstonec) limestoned) obsidian


40. The best performan~ in terms ofHuman Development among Asian ",

countries is bye) Chinab) Malaysia.....c) Korea I

d) Pb;Jippi... -

41. The Lok Sabha Secretariat works und('ttlte direcf ~pervision of

e) The speakerb) The president of Indiac) The minister for Parliamentary

affa"irsd) None of the above

42. Which ont of the following reactions is

the main cause of the energy radiation

from the SlIPa) Amon ttae:tion

b) Cbc:miaI n:a:tionc) Fusion reaction~)~(fusion reacti'-Cln

43. WhicbOneOf1beJ'oIIowing matter formllec::cire.afbisfOlilltT .

0) !loAlronb) AJ.:UniuD\

c)Si>ocIelf .-Ti~

k' ~YirusW.m.;1R is an uample of_a} Blbi. II software

b) ~sys1<m

c)._ A.GAit)' utility.

ell Node of the above

45. Who among the following annulled thepanition of Bengal

a) I..cxd Chelmsford

b' LOrd CurzORc) Lord Mintod) Lord Hardiogc

46. How is Harold Plnter well knowll asa) Nobel u.ure3le in literatureb) Leading industrialist in

lelecomnlunicatioD industryc) Film dir«tor in Holl)'wood

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d)' Nuclear-scientist of lhe United


,) 12km/hd) 10 km/h

41. Which o!\e of the folIOwingis the oldes~

Grand Shun of the world

a) French Openb) Awstrulian Open

~) Wimb,ledon

d) .tlS~

a~ l'tf - b MuliIcrjc< /ills, ' .. '•... " .. '0 " .,_ co" .. .. _

~ If f iT.s. Thakur as theC1Ii<fJ-dia' otlDdia (em. T.S. ThakUr'Ai.Il be wbidI ewerJustice of. India?

a) 43rdb) 44thc) 45thd) 46th

49. The prices of scooter 3ftQ 1'1 Inoped arc

in the rutio of 9:5. If a scooter l:OSt.'"

Rs.4200 more than a moped, firid the

Jlri"'~~~'a} Rs.5250b) Rs.50520) Rs.5053d) Rs.5060

50. The -smallest number of four digits.

which is a perfect square is

a) 1000

b) 1016

e} 1024d) 1036

51. 8+6x2-9 ..13+7x3-9

•a) ~..u,l5

-liJ"'qi 1'N21d) . None of these

52. A boat goes 24 km upstream and 28 km

downstream, ill 6 h. Il goes 30 km

upstream and 21 km downstream in 6 h

and 30 min. The speed of the boat instill water,is

a) 8 kmIh

b) 9 km/h

53. If A is to the south of Band C is to the

east of B, in what direction is A with

respect to C :-

a) NWb) SW

c) NE

d) :iE

54. India's largest commercial bank is·

a1 State Bank of Indiab) JCrCI

c) Punjab National Bank

d) Bank of Baroda

,55. In a certain code DELl:tI 15 written as

I-hELD. How MADRAS is written


c) ~RDAM


56. Find the odd one

a) potatoh) tomato

c) lady finger

d) cueumbe(

57. Choose the option which is SAME 10

the meaning of given word


a) looking

b) adhering

c) warching

d) examine

58: Choose' the option which is OPPOSiTEin the meaning of given v,'ord


a) arrest,

b) free

c) reliefd) wrap

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59 iil~w~~

at -sn¥<1't*'Wl ..MI

1:1) 3'ift~'iJ'~1

c) iI<t"fI'lcm~'8~

dJ ~t..rn ..{"",

60. m", _.) "I~!I

•b) <fOO•c) 'IT'It

d) ¢*~~

C . 0 low' s ~, Chtxzg: the

oppqsite.<aritonvrnsifu.!he m~ioltQ the givenword -


a) presence

b) $lIt'Plusc) scarcityd) richness

62. NAJVEa) cunning.

b) sophisticatedc) wealthyd) compliCll~d

63. ONERO!J53) complex

b) eas),.c) . plain

d) straigh: forward

64. COMPLY11) dis3gret

b) refuse.ct agreed) deny:



Iv the rOU9wlng gueSjion.5s un idiomaticexpftSSlon! a p[9vcrb bas been e:h-cnJollowcd bvIQme alteOUltlVe<i. Choose the one whichfmit

tlJPrysg the m,1anin2 ofJhe Riven jdiom/proverb••

65. To cross s";\'Ords

al To fight

b) To ddcndc)· fa killd) To rob

66. Hobson's choicl:a) Feeling of in."Ccurilyb) Accepi or leave Ihe offer'c1 Feeling of strength

d) Ex(:etlent choke

6i. A lady's mana) A wOOWI.tailorbl' A Io::uer ofwoiMinompanyd' A GUIll' a'Orking as prr a bdy's

dim:lionsd) ". tirlud husband

68.. Hacpon.) To comment

b} T~ criticise .

c) 'j 'To.:kr;epon talking

d)-cT..1it~~pOa i!JSultiN;. ':

ft---'=se Loisli-' - -i.Jrs69' .-- iIU iII-Q . :

a) 61-.',:b) &boobc) IOboohlit· 12 hook>

70. AJexallrler~f)urnaswa.\;

a) A French writer

b) An English writer

c) A Qrman writer

d) An American writer

? 1, Oldesl canal of Haryana is

a) Bhiwani cann!

b) Jawahar lOll canal

c) Ea."tem Yamuna canal

d' Western Yamuna can:U

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Which ~mal has betn drawn at 1.he

Okhln btrral!'e-frol1l the YamuJO",at 'Curgaon canal,b) Jawahar lal canalc) WCMem Yamuna canal

d) Eastern Yamun~ canal

From _which- airbase;. • r _Ibe~and'~nown' bylmta.._s 01' the· ',AdVatK;.ed Flying,TniJiD& So 'u:J11 root'J*t 10 -Ille 1947­~Qp<l.ri_

a) Faridabad Air Force basehl Ambala Air Force ba~e

c) Panchkula Air Force b:l~

d) None of the above



c) Baji R<to nd) Narain Rao

Recently Cabinet Committee onEconomic Affairs (CCEA) hasapproved 10 per cent disinvestment inwhich public sector undertlJking?

a) Steel India limitedb) ~harnl Heavy Electricalc) -Coal India Limitedd) Neyveli Lignite Coqxlrouion


Arrange the following word in correctsequence to m:lk.e it a meaningful

sentence :-

74. Where is 'Srikrishna Museum' situated

in Haryanaa) ~ipal

~) Rohtak

c) Fari~abad

d) ,Kur,uk.s,hetra

75. Which cit)" li::;.s on the railway line ofBarhinda and Rewari

a) New DelhiI:t) Rohtakc) Bhiwanid) Chandigarh

76. In which district of 1Iaryana•• Saraswoti

Sugar Mill' fs sit\Ultedoj Rohtakb) Yamunanagarc) Faridabadd) Pampa!

77. The area. of Agroha passed und~

Musliot zule--;after thf. .dd~ of' "'hien1"Uk':r-in. -the Scxo'-'" bank of TaraioII 192).

~ Prithvi Raj Ib) ,Prithvi Raj lJc) Prithvi Raj 111d) Prithvi Raj VI

78. The last Peshwa who became Britishpensioner and lived for about 30years atBithur near Kanpur was

a) Madhav Rao I_b) Madhav Rao NlJrain


A. typeB. not

C he

D. nf


F. my


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