1.Promijenit cemo namjestaj u toj sobi , obecavam. We are going to change the furniture in that room, I promise. 2.Jack me uvijek nesto pita dok razgovaram s drugim ucenicima. Jack is always asking me something while I'm talking with other students. 3.Zamolili su me da im odgodim test za narednu sedmicu. They asked me to postpone the test for next week. 4.Tom je sjedio u jednom uglu i citao knjigu. Rekao sam mu da tako ustvari cita na slaboj svjetlosti. Tom was sitting in a corner and reading a book. I told him that he was in fact reading in weak light. 5.Do sada nisam shvatio tu teoriju. I didn't understand the theory until now. 6.Da li je ikad napustio restoran bez placanja racuna? Has he ever left the restaurant without paying the check? 7.Tetak je izasao napolje prije nego sto smo mi stigli kuci. Our uncle went outside before we got home. 8.Koliko dugo znas novog asistenta? How long have you known the new assistant? 9.Kisa pada vec nekoliko dana bez prestanka. The rain has been falling continuously for the last couple of days/it's raining cats and dogs. 10.Jesi li siguran da necemo imati predzadnji cas? Are you sure that we arn't going to have the second last class? 11.Budni smo vec dva sata, zar ne?

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1.Promijenit cemo namjestaj u toj sobi , obecavam.We are going to change the furniture in that room, I promise.2.Jack me uvijek nesto pita dok razgovaram s drugim ucenicima.Jack is always asking me something while I'm talking with other students.3.Zamolili su me da im odgodim test za narednu sedmicu.They asked me to postpone the test for next week.4.Tom je sjedio u jednom uglu i citao knjigu. Rekao sam mu da tako ustvari cita na slaboj svjetlosti. Tom was sitting in a corner and reading a book. I told him that he was in fact reading in weak light.5.Do sada nisam shvatio tu teoriju.I didn't understand the theory until now.6.Da li je ikad napustio restoran bez placanja racuna?Has he ever left the restaurant without paying the check?7.Tetak je izasao napolje prije nego sto smo mi stigli kuci.Our uncle went outside before we got home.8.Koliko dugo znas novog asistenta?How long have you known the new assistant?9.Kisa pada vec nekoliko dana bez prestanka.The rain has been falling continuously for the last couple of days/it's raining cats and dogs.10.Jesi li siguran da necemo imati predzadnji cas?Are you sure that we arn't going to have the second last class?11.Budni smo vec dva sata, zar ne? We've been awake for the last two hours, haven't we?12.Hoces li ti rezervisati mjesta ili da to ja uradim? Are you going to reserve the spots, or should I do it?

13.Jucer sam procitao nou tvoju zalbu i dosta je dobro napisana. I read your complaint yesterday and it was very nicely written.14.Hocemo li posjetiti te slapove ili ne?Are we going to visit the falls or not?15.Ako ovako nastavi potrosit ce sav svoj novac prije kraja mjeseca.If he continues like this, he will spend all of his money before the end of the month.16.Svi su zavrsili svoje govore dok ti stignes na konferenciju.Everyone would have finished their speeches while you came to the conference. - Recenica nema smisla...A kamoli normalnog vremena.17. Autobus harmonika je kasnio 5 minuta ali je ipak primio vecinu putnika.The harmonica bus was 5 minutes late, but nevertheless it picked up most of the passengers.18.Zar nije cudo sto mi ovako raspravljamo o necemu sto je davno odgodjeno?Isn't it strange that we are discussing about something that was delayed a while ago?19.Braca cu se penjala na planinu kad je iznenada pocela padati kisa.The brothers were climbing the mountain when it began raining suddenly.20.Svi se pitaju zasto je on postupio kao sto je postupio.Everyone is wondering why he acted the way he did.21.Lokalna radio stanica nece emitovati program u naredna 3 sata.The local radio station isn't going to emit program in the next three houres.22.Nekad smo imali obicaj gledati tu seriju svakog dana.We used to watch that TV series every day.23.Ne znam sta su ti rekli, ali ja sumnjam da je to tacno, poznavajuci njih i njihove prethodne lazi.I don't know what they had told you,but I doubted that was correct, knowing them and their previous lies.24.Da li si ikada igrao domine?Have you ever played dominoes?25.To vrijeme gradimo tako sto koristimo in eke pomocne glagole.That tense is formed by using some auxiliary verbs.26.Telefon zvoni. Hoces lid a se ona javi?The phone is ringing.Would you like her to pick it up?27.Sta je radio prije nego sto je dosao na ovo radno mjesto?What has he been doing,before he came to this position.28.Popodne lansiraju novu raketu. Planiras li ici gledati spektakl?They are launching the rocket this afternoon. Are you coming to see the spectacle?29.Ocekujem d ace djeca vecerati u to vrijeme ili mozda gledati crtane filmove.I expect that the children will be having dinner at that time, or perhaps they will be watching cartoons.30.Ona je glavni biblioteka tamo, nju cu pitati za roman.She's the main librarian there. I will ask her about the novel.31.Vise ne koristim ovaj telefonski broj.I don't use this number anymore/I haven't been using this phone number anymore.32.Zar nisi posjetio taj kafic sinoc?Didn't you already visit that cafe last night.