Energy Work with Pendulums, Crystals, and Reiki Excerpts from GenX Reiki Instructional Manual developed by: Lynn Marie Gravatt Divine Hands Healing 2013

Energy Work with Pendulums, Crystals, and · PDF fileEnergy Work with Pendulums, Crystals, and Reiki ... I maybe had heard of an aura, ... about reiki was a freelance writer and reiki

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Page 1: Energy Work with Pendulums, Crystals, and · PDF fileEnergy Work with Pendulums, Crystals, and Reiki ... I maybe had heard of an aura, ... about reiki was a freelance writer and reiki

Energy Work with Pendulums,

Crystals, and ReikiExcerpts from GenX Reiki Instructional Manual

developed by:

Lynn Marie Gravatt

Divine Hands Healing 2013

Page 2: Energy Work with Pendulums, Crystals, and · PDF fileEnergy Work with Pendulums, Crystals, and Reiki ... I maybe had heard of an aura, ... about reiki was a freelance writer and reiki

About this Free E-BookThe material contained in this document is taken from the “GenX Reiki Instructional Manual” that i recently wrote and compiled to accompany individuals that i will be initiating as practitioners of reiki. This will be a huge honor and a milestone in my life. The writing of this document has taken on the feel of a research paper and writing it brought back memories of writing my graduate thesis in graduate school! As with all research papers i have received information and quotes from other sources. As a way of formally siting these sources without using the formal notation structure i was trained to use, i have decided to site my sources by changing the font in which quoted text appears. I feel this breaks up the monotony of reading such a long document, and makes the handout itself more visually appealing. A complete source list is found at the end of this document.

In addition, before you enter the world of Energy Work, possibly for the first time, i would like to comment on the use of the word “i” throughout this document. In American schools, early in the education system, we are taught a simple grammar rule that whenever we use the word “I” in a sentence we should capitalize it. I followed this rule for most of my life, throughout my schooling, and i took into corporate world and used it when i wrote scholarly papers for conferences and journal publications.

Then, sometime around 2009, around the time my journey into energy work and spirituality began, i just stopped capitalizing the “i” when i wrote. For me, it was an unconscious choice. It was just something that i noticed happening when i typed. Even though my hands had been trained to do so, i no longer capitalized the i. For a short time i tried to correct this and it led to a lot of additional time editing documents. In the end, i decided to just let it be. As i witnessed the small, but obvious, change in my writing style, i began to contemplate what could have been the cause of the switch.

A)er some thought i determined it was some sort of switch in my subconscious. Many people on a spiritual journey, at one point or another, come into contact with their own divinity, even if just for a few seconds. During these moments one starts to experience herself as something much greater than the physical self we have come to talk about as “I”, always with a capital. When one experiences their divinity they become aware of who “I” really is, the God-self, the energy that flows through the small “i”. All knowing. All everything. For me, i think my subconscious felt that once i really experienced myself with a capital “I” it no longer felt appropriate for the everyday i to be capitalized... at the very least, this is what i imagine happened on some level of my being. I supposed another possibility is that one day i just became lazy and no longer felt like reaching out to the shi) key!

Regardless of the reason why, i feel called to share this story because throughout this text you will notice that i have not capitalized the word “i” unless it appears at the beginning of a sentence, cuz that’s just good grammar ;-). While reading this document some people will not even notice the change, while others will notice right away. Some may even find it bothersome. At first it may look strange but i am confident that with time you will get used to it. Please know that i appreciate your understanding of my choice to write in this manner. I am following my inner guidance and, once again, it has guided me away from the norm.

Finally, i would like to take a moment to thank all of the countless teachers who guided me into and through my journey into energy work. Specifically, a huge thank you to Jasmine Miller for creating the “Woman’s Spiritual Pursuit” on meetup.com. This weekly gathering really was my entry in the spiritual world. In many ways i owe everything i know to this group. Seeds were planted, and small bits of information were shared. I took these seeds of knowledge, fostered them, and with experience and time, they grew to the point where i can now share them! I would also like to thank Becca Campbell, also from the meetup, for being the first person to introduce me to the art of reiki. Thank you Mystery woman from Reiki Doorways for my Usui Levels 1 and 2 Initiations, Rose De Dan from Wild Reiki and Shamanic healing for my Usui Level 3 Initiation, and Effie Blasini from Energetically Divine for my introduction and initiations into Kundalini Reiki. I am forever grateful to you for passing these gi)s onto me.


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Table of Contents

1.0 Reiki 4My Reiki Story 4Chakras and the subtle body 15Scanning for Sensations 17

2.0 Pendulums 19About Pendulums 19Choosing your pendulum 20Calibrating Your Pendulum 20How to use a pendulum 20Types of questions to Ask 21Uses of a Pendulum 21Common causes of an inaccurate response 22Using Pendulums in a Healing Session 23

3.0 Crystals 25About Crystals 25Choosing your crystals 25Cleansing your crystals 26Programming your crystals 28Crystals and the Chakras 29Crystals and the Physical Body 31Crystals Grids 32

Final Words on Crystals 33

4.0 In Closing 35 Just the Beginning 35GenX Reiki Course Outline 36References 39Appendix 39


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1.0 Reiki

My Reiki Story

My Introduction to ReikiI think reiki, pendulums, and crystals are fabulous tools for personal growth and self-discovery and i hope one day they will all be mainstream again. I appreciate that currently, in 2013, these topics are still relatively undiscussed. In our mainstream modern society spirituality is o)en limited to what goes on inside a church. Words like divinity are not used to describe ourself, only something much greater than, and outside ourself. Though these words, and through my story, i hope i will inspired you to see that although these practices are different, they can be fun an excited. Although working with energy can sometime be fun, like playing a game, it can also be sacred. Many of these energy practices date back to ancient advanced civilizations and beyond. For a time this information was lost and used by only those who sought out the information. These people were o)en called witches and heretics. The power that these people were able to exert was not easily understood by the uninformed and it was easier to outcast these people rather than learn from them. At times in my journey i have felt like the outcast, the good witch, dabbling in practices that seem strange to my friends and family. Doing thing that children do, like collecting rocks and talking to bugs. Communicate with entities i can’t see, i can only ‘sense’, calling them spirit guides an giving them funny names. I have been experiencing my process as a creative process. An unfolding which i never expected.

I first encountered Reiki in the spring of 2009 while working as an engineer in Seattle, WA. A few months before, i experienced what i would call a spiritual awakening a)er which, i found myself on a quest for some answers. I found myself on the popular activities website meetup.com. I’ll be honest, at the time i had no clue what i was looking for but i knew it was “spiritual” in nature. On the site i found a group call “A Woman’s Spiritual Pursuit” and it appealed to me immediately. I don’t remember exactly what the description for the group was but i think it mention that we would be learning and talking about things like: Auras, Chakras, Energy Work, Tarot, etc. I don’t even know if Reiki was listed. At the time i knew next to nothing about any of these things. I maybe had heard of an aura, but had no experience sensing what one would be, or seeing one. I had never really put any real thought into the idea of an aura. I had never heard of a chakra, and i was skeptical about tarot. I showed up at my first meet-up and the topic of discussion was numerology. I loved it because... well, the proof was in the pudding! I was able to look at my numerology chart, which is said to act as a map of one’s life, and it was clear. My chart perfectly described the course of my life up until that point. It very clearly marked the changes at age 30 that i was currently experiencing.

I decided to go back to the meet-up each week. Each week was a different topic. I remember one of the weeks early on we got photos of our aura taken. The class started with a little chakra mediation, which was completely new to me. We sat in a circle and put our hands over each one of our chakras, one by one. While focusing on an individual chakra we imagined a color and made a sound like Om, but a different sound for each chakra. I remember feeling a little uncomfortable. My main discomfort was making sounds. Weird sounds that i didn’t understand, LAM, HAM, RAM! But, i did it anyway because something intuitively told me there was something to it. At the time i was not able to sense energy like i can now. When i would try to ‘feel’ a chakra in my body, of even ‘see’ a color in my mind, i couldn’t do it. In short, i spent most of the mediation thinking about how weird this all was. But i did it. :-)

As the weeks went on a small little group formed and we all bonded a little. The meetups got less formal and became weekly tea time with like minded women. Each week a different woman would share her gi)s. Eventually we got around to Reiki, another thing i had never heard of. The woman who taught me about reiki was a freelance writer and reiki master. She was around my age, mid 30’s. She had a nice little house with her husband just outside of Seattle in Burien, WA. One weekend she invited us over for a reiki demo. We all arrived, had some tea, chatted a bit, and then she started explaining to us the basics of


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reiki. She had one of us sit with our palms out and she sent us reiki from a foot away and asked if we could feel any sensations. I remember feeling something... a little tickle maybe? But i was also not convinced. Maybe just thinking about my hands was creating the sensation; or, maybe there was no sensation but my mind was creating it because i felt like i should feel something... confusing huh? Regardless of the what or how, i ‘thought’ i felt something. Then she did a little reiki on each one of us. I think she could tell i was a thinker so she suggested she reiki my head. I agreed. She hovered her hands a few inches above my head and started doing reiki. I don’t remember feeling anything but she described what she felt. She said “if feels like ping pong balls”, meaning that i had a lot of thoughts constantly going back and forth. I could totally see that, so i laughed. When i laughed she said it was like squiggly waves. I was open to it. I didn’t think she was lying to me about what she felt, and what she was saying intuitively made sense to me (although at the time i didn’t use words like intuitively ;-). So, i decided to be open to it and just see what, if anything, would happen.

Something happened. Like i said, i don’t recall feeling much that day but i definitely noticed something the the next day at work! At the time i was an engineer with Boeing, working in research and technology. Most of what we worked on were technologies for the future, that would be implemented 5-15 years from then. We worked with a lot of universities because those types of institution work with these kinds of relatively undeveloped technologies. During this particular meeting there were a few people in town from Texas A&M University. A few professors and some graduate students, plus us Boeing engineers. Lots of PhD’s and Master’s degrees. Intellectuals. I’ll be honest and tell you that by this time i had more or less checked out of my engineering job.... or i was at least on my way towards checking out, even if i didn’t know it at the time. I loved the people i worked with, and more importantly, i loved their passion for the work we were doing. Unfortunately, i didn’t have the passion. With the exception of me, the people (men) in this meeting had a lot of passion for the topic at hand. I think is was carbon-fiber panels.

It was a fairly informal meeting. More of a brainstorming session i would say. One guy at the white erase board, others throwing out ideas. This was where i started to feel something that i easily attributed to the reiki. It’s difficult to describe in words, but i started to ‘sense’ the energy in the room. All the ideas, boom, boom, boom. The feeling was a bit overwhelming... and amusing. I was interested in it. I had absolutely no real interest in the actual topic of the meeting. I felt like i was standing outside the meeting really observing the transfer back and forth of knowledge AKA thought AKA energy. I also remember ‘seeing’ a lot of ego. One guy gives an idea and another guy has to dissect, analyze, and question the idea... and give his better idea. I feel like i sat in this more ‘energetically aware state’ for about 20 minutes before finally i just excused myself and went to the bathroom. I got a drink of water, wandered the hall, and thought about what i just experienced. I had a smile on my face. Amused would be the best description of how i felt. A)er a few minutes i went back in and finished sitting through the meeting (it was a short one, probably only an hour and a half in total). I was anxious to talk to my reiki friend about my experience. Luckily she was on facebook when i got back to my desk and we chatted a bit. See agreed that my experience was normal and that the reiki was opening me up to a greater awareness of energy.

A)er that experience i went back to my reiki friend’s house, where she had a little healing room, and i received a full reiki session. I just laid on the table and she went over all the different parts of my body. Again, i don’t really think i felt very much, maybe a little warm or tingling at times. At times throughout the session she would tell me what she felt. She said she felt a lot more when she was doing reiki on the le) side of my body than the right. She explained that the right side is the masculine/thinking side and it is more likely to resist the reiki energy. I remember she said is was like the right side was saying “Hey, what is this? I don’t know about this...” At this time i was already having thoughts that i wanted to be attuned to reiki. I’m not totally sure why. If i had to describe my thoughts around getting initiated into reiki i guess they would have been along the lines of “Well, i had reiki and i definitely felt something that seemed interesting to me. Something that excited me! Historically, it is used for healing and can only be used for good. Anyone can be attuned to reiki. Why wouldn’t i want to learn reiki!!” Now i can also say my spirit was called to it, but i wouldn’t have used those words at the time.


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My Usui Reiki Level 1 InitiationThe next step in my reiki journey was to find a reiki master to attune me. By the summer of 2009 i had found one, on meetup.com! I put the word reiki in the search option and up popped a meetup called “Reiki Doorways”. As it turned out, the following week there was an information session about Reiki Level 1. There were about 4 of us that showed up. The woman covered the basics of reiki, did a little reiki demo, and then offered us all the attunement. It seemed oddly simple to me. I expected there to be more of a process, but there wasn’t. Anyone who wanted the initiation could receive it, and she was doing reiki level 1 for free. She explained it was because she really valued the power and benefits of reiki and she wanted it to be available to anyone willing to show up.

The attunement process was a sort of mediation i guess. We each sat in a chair and she had us sit up straight, close our eyes, open our palms, and relax. Then she did the initiation which was somewhat ritualistic, but also the “process” she had been taught i suppose. She moved around our bodies, made symbols in the air, blew into the back of our necks. Yes, it was a little strange, but i was open to it. Again, i found it more interesting and intriguing than weird. I felt a call to it. Our eyes were supposed to be closed but i peaked a little! About a half hour later it was official, i was a practitioner of reiki. We were sent home with a 4 page Reiki 1 packet with hand positions and instructed to practice. I practiced here and there. A little on myself. A little on my dog. I saw things happening too. Things i lightly call “reiki miracles”.

Reiki Miracles #1My first Reiki Miracle happened with my dog. He had what is termed “leash aggression”. Whenever i would take him on a walk he would bark and be growly and try to pick fights with other dogs. I remember one morning i woke up and as i laid in bed getting ready to get out of bed i decided to reiki my dog. I laid in bed with him for just 5 to 10 minutes doing reiki on him with no thought or expectation of what the result would be. I just knew it was good for him! A)er i finished i pulled myself out of bed and we went on our morning walk. It was amazing! I remember walking my dog and at one point another dog walked right next us. Usually this would have sent my dog into a barking hysteria but not this time. On this morning we just walked right by the other dog with no reaction what so ever. I was totally amazed and certain it was because of the reiki! I was officially a believer!

My Usui Reiki Level 2 InitiationSomewhere between two weeks and a month a)er i received my Reiki 1 Initiation, i returned to Reiki Doorways to receive my Reiki Level 2. My level 2 initiation was an a)ernoon class on a weekend. This time i was the only student. What sticks out to me most about this was her demonstration of distance reiki. She explained that the distance symbol used in Reiki means “no past, no present, no future”. What that means, is that time is a linear construct of the human mind and doesn’t really exist in the world of reiki. You can send reiki to the past, to specific points in time where traumas occurred. You can also send it to the future to things like job interviews, performances, etc. In my opinion of how the world works, things that happened in what we call our past, are currently also happening Now, in other realms of existence. It works like the “butterfly effect”. As we heal events that happened in the past, which are also happening Now, we heal ourself, now. It is a complicated concept to grasp mentally. It must be experienced to be fully understood, and even then, there is much that cannot be understood.

On this day, my reiki teacher told me to imagine a time in the past that i would like to send healing energy to. She didn’t specify what it had to be. At the time i was working with some pretty heavy energies in my personal life and i decided to use the distance reiki to work on things i was already working on. I had her send the distance reiki back to myself when i was around 6 years old, when i had first experienced some sexual trauma at the hands of a boy a few years older than me. At times i would have described the experiences i was sending distance reiki to as simply innocent childhood explorations


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gone a little too far. At this point in my life i was in a non-judgmental place of exploring how i felt about it, and considering the ways in which it had effected me and my development. I don’t know that i would have labeled it as a ‘trauma’ as much as experiences that shaped the course of my life, and were worthy of some love and attention.

As my teacher sent me distance reiki she asked me to imagine the time in my life that i wanted to send healing energy to. She may have instructed me to imagine the situation happening differently, but i honestly can’t remember. I do know that at that point in time i was horrible at visualization, i can tell you that it still isn’t my strong point. Even though i was sensing things enough for me to know i liked reiki, i still didn’t ‘get it’ or have any idea how it all worked. So, while i was supposed to be imaging this healing happening i’m sure my mind was wandering. Thinking things like “this is kinda weird”, “i wonder how much longer this meditation will be”, etc. What was present was my hearts sincere intention to receive healing, even if my mind was distracted and wandering. :-)

I believe the session and visualization lasted about 10 minutes a)er which, she asked me how i felt. I sat with it for a few seconds, felt my body, and determined that i did feel something. Something different with regards to my experience. Maybe it was just a small shi) in my attitude and perception. I would say i felt better, but at the same time i was aware that maybe i only felt better because i “thought” i should feel better, because i had just received reiki! Either way, a)er i received the healing and a bit more instructions, i received my Level 2 Reiki Initiation. I was sent home with a 15ish page packet of information and told to practice.

Practice i did, for about 2 years! Over the next two years i practiced reiki pretty much only on myself and on animals, but i was doing so fairly regularly. I definitely was seeing physical results as well. Strangely, o)en i would come in contact with large, strange looking bugs who were nearing the end of their life. They would be turned on their backs, tired from struggling to flip over and carry-on, or die. I would o)en find myself flipping them over and performing reiki on them to help them gain their strength. Sometimes it was clear they weren’t going to make it and i would use the reiki more to bless their spirits before they passed on. Then i would put it in a so), out of the way place. Some of these events were very strange and memorable.

Reiki Miracles #2One time, while living at a retreat center in Hawaii, i came across a large caterpillar who was being attacked to death by some sort of army of ants! It was kind of an odd, and horrible, thing to see this large plump beautiful caterpillar wiggling to save it’s life while a swarm of ants tired to devour it! I decided to intervene. I cleared the ants away and picked up the caterpillar. It was a pale green, almost white, and it was not able to hold itself up. I started to administer reiki and immediately color returned to the little creature. I could see the blood start to flow more inside it’s little body, and eventually it was strong enough to stand on it’s own. I think the reiki help heal it on a physical level and also, i imagine there was some sort of shock involved with being attacked by an army of ants! I suspect the reiki also would help relieve this stress, which would then allow the physical healing to happen.

Over this time period i also witnessed ‘mini-miracle’ healings on myself. Whenever i would be sick or have an injury (pulled muscle, cut, etc) i would do reiki on it throughout the course of my healing. In my experience, everything healed faster then i would expect it to when i was using reiki. A pulled muscle that would normally take a week and a half to heal would be back to normal in 4 days. The duration and severity of my seasonal colds, etc decreased dramatically when i did reiki. In fact, i was starting to trust it enough to start practicing on other people.

When i returned from Hawaii in the summer of 2011 i started thinking more and more about getting my Level 3 and Master reiki attunements. As i began to casually seek out a person to attune me to the next level i found that what people were asking was out of my price range, and o)en the Master level training


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required an ongoing long-term commitment to study with that Reiki Master. However, in divine timing, found the person who would attune me to Ushi Level 3.

My Usui Reiki Level 3 Initiation Just before meeting my Level 3 Reiki Master i had made a new friend who was into a lot of the things i was, namely Reiki. She was also a level 2 who was looking for her next attunement and she had actually found a woman named Rose De Dan who ran Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing in Seattle, Wa. It just so happen that she was offering a Level 3 attunement in the next few weeks so, a)er scoping out the Wild Reiki website, my friend i and decided to do it together!

Here i would like to note that o)en the Level 3 and the Master attunement are given at the same time. For me, the fact that this initiation was only doing the level 3, without the master training, was exactly what i wanted. I was ready to receive more reiki energy but i didn’t necessarily feel like i needed the ability to attune others... yet... it was also more affordable because it didn’t include the Master Initiation.

My Level 3 Usui Attunement was much like my first two. It was about a three hour a)ernoon session. I believe there were four of us. We all did a guided meditation, Rose discussed the Master symbol we would be getting, and then one by one we each received the attunement. It was a beautiful ceremony, a)er which, i was sent on my way with a certificate and a few pages of written material.

My Self Healing with ReikiSoon a)er i got my level 3 initiation my life started to take a turn for the “more spiritual”. About a month or so a)er the attunement i decided to go on a 7 day silent mediation retreat at “Cloud Mountain Retreat Center” just south of Seattle, WA. A)er the mediation retreat i found myself living and volunteering at the meditation center. I spent two months doing very regular mediation and practicing reiki on myself. I should note that by this time i had developed of love of crystals and had started using them on myself with my reiki. In November of 2011 i found myself heading to Peru with a Medicine Woman and a 7 foot drum for a Workshop called Igniting the Rainbow. It was a 10 day “Soul Illumination” course. I had met the presenter, White Eagle, while i was in Hawaii. She has come to the retreat center i was volunteering at for a drum making workshop that i was lucky to get to participate in. I felt/feel a definite kinship to White Eagle.

I would described the course i took in Peru as a course in shamanic healing. We learned various techniques of indigenous people, worked with drums, visited and held ceremonies at sacred sites. It was a very transformation course where i learned lots of techniques, mostly by observation, replication, then a little altercation. When i returned to the states i found that many of the things i learned were working their way into my reiki practice. I was now using a feather wand and smudging more. When i did a reiki circle i more intentionally called in the 4 directions, o)en times reciting things i had learned about the energies of each direction. I mixed what seemed like more ‘shamanic practices’ with my more ‘zen’ practice of reiki. I began to call what i did “Shamanic Reiki Healing”, and i started reaching out more and performing reiki on other people.

Soon a)er returning from Peru, in the beginning of 2012, i found myself living in Portland, OR. There, i was trying to come back into balance a)er traveling for the previous twelve months. This is where i made my first attempts to create a living as an artist and healer, without the comforts of a Boeing Engineer salary. I had my heart set on a career as a professional dancer but i was making a salary by working a handful of small artsy jobs. Teaching Nia. Performing burlesque. Selling my photography and jewelry. Other freelance photography. At this point in time i was still not confident enough with my reiki to start advertising and charging money so i started doing it with friends as a trade. I had friends who were fresh out of yoga training and massage school and were in a similar place of developing skills and confidence in their healing gi)s. I started giving reiki to a massage therapist once a week and i would receive a massage. I have to be honest, at time i felt like it wasn’t an even trade because massage is


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definitely more physically taxing then reiki; but, my friend was experiencing the benefits of my work just as equally as i was experiencing the benefits of her work. This is when i started to really understand the value of Reiki.

Worlds Collide: Dance and ReikiAround this time two parts of my world collided: my dance world and my reiki world. On a personal level these two worlds mixed from the beginning. From my first initiation i was ALWAYS doing reiki on myself while i danced, before i danced, a)er i danced! I use reiki from a physical stand point by directing it at certain muscles that are tight or sore. Reiki by nature is for relaxation and stress reduction so that applies to the muscles and tendons as well as One’s well-being. I move A LOT of energy via reiki when i dance. O)en my dance workouts, from my perspective, are movement and music based shamanic healings. I also use reiki as a means to invite spirits to use my body as a vessel to dance through. Every dance for me is spiritual because i am calling in larger energies to dance with me, and i feel their presence! I attribute that, in part, to the reiki!

While living in Portland, in February of 2012, i went to Salt Lake City to audition for “So You Think You Can Dance”, a popular American dance talent TV show. I arrived at the audition with my crystals and my story; which I felt like i was on a mission from the stars to tell! As soon as i told the producers my story about how i used to be an engineer and now i was being guided by spirits from the Pleiades, their eyes lit up. That’s entertainment! I called my type of dance “Alien Space Dance” because it was a mix of many genres and inspirations, and it couldn’t be put into a box. As soon as they heard my story they started lining me up for the extra producer and host interviews. I will say though, i made it through the first 2 rounds if the audition without “my story”. I’m not sure what the producers saw in me that compelled them to give me a golden ticket. While at the time my dance was good, i don’t know that is was outstanding. I’m not totally sure why i made it through. Without labeling it as good or bad, i think my movement was different, and i was different. I had a buzz cut hair style and was wearing bright pink and blue leggings and a tank top. I had a little bindy on my forehead. It might have been my movement or my look, or it might have been my reiki!

Although i didn’t discuss reiki, i was doing A LOT of reiki on myself throughout the two days of auditions and filming. As i said, i felt like i had gone there on a mission and i did not go unprepared! I was scared, nervous, excited, everything when i went to Salk Lake City because i KNEW without a doubt that i was going to be featured on the TV show, i just had no clue how it would come to be and that shook me to the core. I used reiki to maintain my balance and center so that i could just keep moving forward, step by step. I knew some of the things i was speaking to the producers about seemed outrageous. Spirt Guides with silly name entering my body and dancing through me. I knew it sounded nuts, but i also knew it was my experience that i was meant to share with a wide audience. It took a tremendous amount of courage to put myself out there and i can honestly say i was only able to do it because of all the reiki i was giving myself to maintain my center. Before leaving for the trip i went to my local crystal shop and bought 3 different kinds of Tigers Eye (creativity, self confidence, grounding). During the two days in Salt Lake City i was constantly doing reiki on myself and the stones, calling on my guides to guide me. To give me the words, give me the movements, to give me the strength.

A)er filming i returned to Portland and went about my life. To be honest, at this point in my life i was quiet miserable despite a tremendous amount of faith in the path i was following. It was then that i really started intentionally working with the Law of Attraction and the teachings of Abraham Hicks. My life was chaotic and unstable and i was unhappy about it. I was experiencing poverty unlike i had ever experienced before. I just kept moving forward with faith and as much optimism as i could muster. I moved forward with the belief that even though i couldn’t change the current circumstances i my life, i could change my thoughts about them. I actively started seeking happiness, it brought more change! In the summer of 2012 i was seeking employment and got a got a short-term job living and working at a sustainable community and hot springs outside Portland. Breitenbush Hotsprings. There i had another powerful experience with reiki.


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Reiki Miracles #3While living at the hotsprings i was doing a lot of energy work on myself. Almost daily i would bathe naked in the the hotsprings, in water that hadn’t been to the surface of the earth in 20 thousand years! I would sit in the tub with my crystals and do a mediation while i performed reiki on myself. I had been traveling and living a few months here, a few months there, for a few years now, and i was tiring of it. I was seeking some stability in my life so i was working a lot with my first and second chakras. One day, while teaching Nia at Breitenbush, i ‘injured’ my back very badly. I put the word injured in quotes because from the beginning i knew i was experiencing some sort of healing. I was doing an extremely safe and simple move when all of a sudden my back went completely out. I felt this tingling in my lower back, between my 1st and 2nd chakra, and the next thing i knew i was slumped over. I couldn’t straighten my back, i couldn’t even walk! I couldn’t remember a time where i had felt such physical pain! With help i made my way to my little winnebago i was living in and i didn’t leave for about 2 days because i couldn’t move. The first night it was so painful i didn’t know if i would be able to get out of bed to use the bathroom. Luckily friends stopped by and brought me food. While i laid there in bed for 2 days, pretty much unable to move, i did a lot of reiki on myself. It’s hard to say how much, pretty much when i would think about it or feel pain. I guess if i wasn’t sleeping, i was doing reiki. I was probably even doing reiki in my sleep! During this first two days i was also applying a lot of holistic creams and essential oils to the injured part of my lower back. Lots of arnica and tigers balm. By day three i was up and moving around, by day four i was pretty much back to normal, and by day 5 it was like nothing had ever happened. I was completely amazed by the short amount of time in which i had gone from completely immobile to fully functioning. I deemed it a miracle and attributed the speed of healing to reiki and the use of natural, holistic creams!

My appearance on “So You Think You Can Dance” aired on TV in the US around the same time i was working at Breitenbush. It was interesting. I thought the producers did a nice job of portraying my story, although i was not happy with the way that i danced. Despite my best efforts i felt i fell short of accomplishing my mission. I was featured but during my dance i was not able to access the spirit that moves me. I danced ok, but i did not meet my expectations. Despite my own judgments, there was an outpouring of people from all over the United States who contacted me through my website and facebook, who touched my heart with their positive responses. Many said things like :

“Thank you so much for getting in front of so many people and speaking your truth. I too have spirit guides and feel a connection to other places, such as the Pleiades. It was so nice to see someone like me talking about what i also believe!”

One of the people who reached out to me a)er the show’s airing has become a close “facebook friend”. A friend who feels like a sister from the stars! She is also an intuitive and a healer. One day, a)er corresponding regularly via facebook for a few months, and receiving a phone reading by her, i read a post that she was offering Kundalini Reiki Initiations. I was immediately intrigued. One thing i liked about this Reiki model was that the set of initiations came with a Master Level which meant i would be able to initiate others into the practice of reiki. I was also intrigued when i read, in the manual for Kundalini Reiki, that a Level 1 was the energy equivalent of a Usui level 3. This meant i would be getting more energy to work with. A)er sitting with the possibility for a week or more, i contacted my friend to receive the initiation. She had come into my life though such a sacred set of events that it was a no-brainer that she had brought me the art of Kundalini Reiki for a reason.

My Kundalini Reiki InitiationsBefore the initiations took place my teacher sent me the “Kundalini Reiki Manual” by Paul Crick. Right away i was excited about what i was reading about Kundalini Reiki. Although the information i received contained almost no information on the actual practice of reiki, it gave information about a whole bunch of extra initiations for an assortment of specific healings. I read that i would be initiated to do ‘DNA


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Reiki’ which “is reputed to strengthen the ability to heal DNA strands (our blue print). It can be used to go in and heal negative inherited genetics and diseases”. And ‘Birth Trauma Reiki’ which is used to heal any traumas associated with birth. Let’s face it, no matter how you look at it, the experience of going from a warm, dark, liquid womb environment, to the bright, light hospital environment has to be a bit of a shock for every human! Reading about these types of specific healings resonated with and excited me right away. Although i was taught the traditional methods of 100% letting the reiki flow where it is needed, i really liked the idea of adding a little specific intent to my reiki. A little “Law of Attraction” if you will, still always with the intent that it is for the highest good. Despite the more “intentional/situational” healing methods, Kundalini Reiki still stresses that all healing go to the highest good for the recipient. I was really exited about this new “up graded” reiki energy. I was looking forward to mixing it with the Usui reiki energy i had already been working with for three years.

I received all of my Kundalini Reiki Initiations over the course of three weeks, one per week, in the summer of 2012. I immediately put the new energy to work and i immediately was sensing it’s power. At the time i was still mostly just doing reiki on myself but i was also actively seeking out trades with other healers. I had a trade going with a massage therapist as well as a trade with a rolfer. Through my trade with the rolfer, i will call him John, i was truly able to see what it meant to watch reiki going only towards one’s highest good. The reiki practitioner cannot control outcomes that don’t serve one’s highest good. I will share this story now.

The Will of ReikiAround the time i met John i was really starting to own my power as a healer. I was living in my hometown in Dakota County, Minnesota a)er two years of traveling all over the United States developing my spiritual practice. 6 months in Hawaii, 3 month at the Buddhist retreat center, 3 weeks in Peru with a medicine woman, 6 months in the city integrating and practicing, 2 months at some Native American hot springs, 3 months in Sedona with crystals and energy vortices. This journey brought me back to my hometown which i began to appreciate as a hotbed of Native American energy. I was attending monthly Lakota sweat lodges and dancing regularly.

I started doing a weekly trade with John. I would drive to his house (which was like 45 mins away) where he had a massage table in his basement and each week i would receive a Rolfing session and i would give him one of my “Shamanic Reiki Crystal Healings” . Before i worked on him i would always ask him what was going on in his life, what he wanted to work on, etc. This would help me choose what stones to put where. It would also o)en lead to an intuitive hit about what area to work on more intensely. One topic that came up from the beginning was a relationship John was involved in. Here’s the story: John was dating a married woman and he had cheated on her with her best friend. John reveled more about this story each week. For example, i didn’t find out the woman was married until a)er working on him for about 4 weeks. At first the story was just that he was in love with some one and he had done a bonehead thing and slept with someone else and he wanted her trust back.

I truly believed he was a good guy who had done a bonehead thing. I focused more of the healing during these times on his 2nd Chakra. As weeks went on their relationship progressed and he began to confess that he truly was in love with this woman. Then i would focus on his Sacral Chakra and his Heart Chakra. Then the next session i find out that the women is married. He tells me all about the husband and describes their marriage as loveless, that they are only together for the kids, and that she doesn’t really love her husband. He also admits there is lack of trust in their relationship because he cheated. This is when i offered some reiki for her. In general, John’s Rolfing session were a bit longer than my reiki sessions so i thought a distance reiki session for his girlfriend was a nice addition to the trade. I wanted to see this messy love triangle heal itself because i sensed that all parties were good people with good intentions. I suggested to John that i send a distance reiki session to his girlfriend where we would focus on trust and forgiveness. I told him to offer her the service and if she accepted i could do the session. I got an email from her a few days later. Here is our correspondence:


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TO: LynnFROM: AmyLynn this is my email address.

TO: AmyFROM: LynnHi Amy! Sorry i didn't get back to you yesterday, i had a busy day!

Yes, as i told John, i would love to do some distance reiki on you!  He may have told you we are doing a trade and my sessions tend to be slightly shorter than his. Since you two are in a relationship, any healing you get will indirectly effect him, and you!  yay!

I don't know a whole lot about your situation but from what i do know, i would like to have the intention be to help you with trust and forgiveness.  Does that sound good to you?  If you would like to focus on something else i can do that, or if you have something in addition to those things, i can do that too.  Just let me know!

For distance reiki i send it to a specific time and place, which is why i’m writing to get your address!  I know it sounds strange that it would work this way but i look at it this way:  I am sending you energy, and the more information the energy has, the more effectively it can arrive and do it's work!

So, assuming i hear back from you today, i will send the reiki tonight and i will schedule it to arrive at 3am while you are sleeping.  You don't have to do anything but for maximum benefit it would be great for you to set an intention/say a little "prayer" before bed to the effect of "i would like to openly receive the reiki healing to help increase my ability to trust and forgive"… or however you want to word it based on what you e-mail me back about what intention you would like me to send!

Thanks!  I look forward to working with you!


TO: LynnFROM: AmyYes,  trust and forgive is correct. I will be in S. Paul tonight at [this address], St Paul MN 55106.

TO: AmyFROM: Lynnall sent, to arrive at 3am.  I used 3 stones:

Mango calcite is a stone for forgiveness, for releasing the past and allowing trauma to heal. It helps to relieve anxiety, fear and grief and brings new feelings of self worth. A very gentle healing crystal that is good for any nervous conditions.         

Rhodochrosite for heart healing, it sheds its sweet light into any densities in the heart, cutting through old, pent-up emotions.  As Rhodochrosite helps to surface these, it holds


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your hand and brings in the forgiveness vibration.  This helps you to see the higher love and lessons in each situation, which is the key to healing and releasing.  Rhodochrosite then helps to gently mend any holes or damage to the energetic areas where the release occurred, normally in region of the heart through the solar plexus chakras. 

Labradorite banishes fears and insecurities, and strengthens faith in the self and trust in the universe…. i currently don’t have any stones specifically for trust in another but i chose labradorite because trust in self and universe lend similar qualities. In general, gaining trust in your self and your decision to continue with this relationship is ultimately the energy you are seeking anyway.  <3

Sleep well, hopefully you will notice some subtle changes over the next week or 2!  Best of luck!

xoxo,Lynnp.s.   for a little extra boost, if you were to buy yourself a piece of Mango Calcite or Rhodochrosite and carry/wear it, it would most definitely help!  I am new to Minneapolis and am not familiar with any crystal shops here but i know there are a few.

So, that was that. Distance reiki was sent. John and I had planned to take a week off from our trade because we had conflicting schedules the following week, so it was 2 weeks before i spoke to him again. When i next contacted him it was actually to see if he would write me a little testimonial because i was getting ready and gaining the confidence to start offering my reiki as a means of creating my livelihood. The correspondence did not go as i expected! Via a text message exchange:

Lynn Gravatt: 6pm tonight?

John:The distant healing I had asked you to do for Amy, which I had gotten approval from her, was to be a specific intention. The sole purpose was to heal the rift between me and her. Plus the last time we worked together I asked for you to work only on low back and right leg nerve issue. My belief is in both cases you choose to act on your feelings and beliefs and go wider in your approaches. To begin with Amy the next morning said her feelings for her husband had completely changed, but her issue with me was not. Now she has forgiven him and not me. So we will not be working together again.

Lynn Gravatt:John, i sent out what was for your highest good. What i sent out was forgiveness and trust. I didn't not specify where she would choose to send it as i am not able to control her highest will. I am not surprised by this. You have a higher purpose.

John:If you could not do as requested you should have told me. Do purport to know my path, who do you think you are God. As stated earlier, we will not be working together ever again. Your job is to listen and do as asked or explain not possible. I consulted with two other highly skilled Reiki masters who said you were out of line. Goodbye.


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Lynn Gravatt:I did as requested John, i said i would work on her trust and forgiveness. I think you should consult with these reiki masters again as you must have mis-explained what i did. ANY reiki master knows that we cannot control the outcome of where the energy goes. I am not in the business and altering energy at the will of others, if i was than THAT would make me god. That is a form of witchcraft and that is not reiki. I simply send the energy out as a channel without attachment to the outcome. You asked me for healing and that always means the universe will use the energy for you highest good, which is what i assume you would want! :-) Believe me Dan "i" did nothing, this is what you highest self asked for. I'm sorry you can't see that right now. I suggest you sit on this and reconsider finishing up with me, for your benefit. As for your leg, you may recall me spending extra time in that area, and then i just continued up chakras the same as i always do.

If it makes you feel any better, the same thing happened to me! I was working on the heart of my beloved, with the intention for her highest good and a few days later she dumped me and left me broken hearted. I had to trust that is was for the benefit of us both. Reiki is very powerful. <3

A)er this text correspondence i sent John a final email where i shared with him the e-mail correspondence between me and his girlfriend. I explained crystals i used, and i again explained that all the healing went toward the highest good, with no intention on my part to bend the will of the healing. Unfortunately, i never heard from John again. As a healer himself i suspect on some level that he knows that the end of this relationship was in his best interested, and i also think on some level he knows that i did nothing to intentionally bring about the demise of a relationship with a person he was in love with. Apparently this women was destined to be with the father of her children, to whom she is married. That’s not the worse thing in the world. There is someone out there who is available for John.

I tell this story because i think it serves as a very important reminder of the power of reiki. As someone who has a desire to attain enlightenment, i am always reaching for the highest good, knowing that it is possible i have no concept of what that looks like. The path brings about challenges, i trust the the reiki allows me to remain centered and balanced enough to handle it all, and i trust that the challenging situation came about as a result of my seeking higher vibrations. In some cases reiki will create more chaos in your life, while at the same time creating a sense of well-being in you, so that you are better equipped to handle the chaos. However, i wish to stress that chaos will not be the case for everyone, or even the majority. For those already in a happy and loving relationships, working a job they enjoy, satisfied with life, reiki will only serve to strengthen the bond and open the heart even more to deeper levels of intimacy with your loved ones.

A)er my experience with John, even though the outcome was unexpected and not what the receiver desired, i was even more convinced of the power of reiki and my ability to channel it without attachment. From my outside perspective it seemed clear that then situation was resolving itself for the highest good of all involved. I also knew in my heart that i did nothing to control the unfolding, and that everything was happening of it’s own accord. It is an interesting point to come to as a healer. I began to really understand that i was just a vehicle for the energy to travel trough. Further removing ‘myself’ from my reiki practice served to build my confidence, which strengthened my reiki, which allowed me to let go even more.

During this time in Minnesota i was first starting to put together my “official” healing practice. I put services on my website and starting doing a little more distance reiki healing on others. I was also doing a lot of work on myself and seeking clarify on what my next step in life was. Soon my clarity came via a call to Peru! I decided to move to Peru and pursue dance and healing. My idea was that i would be able to do chakra balances and reiki healings on the tourists in preparation for their trip to the sacred site, Machu Picchu. I felt like it would be an experience that would benefit the traveler immensely, and it would financially support me while i pursue my dance.


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I ended up opening a small little healing room in Pisac, Peru where i practiced reiki for about a month before attending a 10 Day Vipassana meditation this October of 2013. I entered the meditation seeking clarity on my life purpose. When i le) the meditation i had my clarity. I met a woman who channeled a message to me that i should move to Bogota, Columbia to further pursue my dance career. It is hard to describe how spirit works but all i can say is that once the women spoke the words i knew it was what i had to do.

I returned to Pisac just as my monthly lease was about to end and i decided not to renew. I knew i was going to be leaving the area in just a few months and i felt called to move more out into nature for a month to gain more clarity and prepare for my next giant leap into the unknown. As soon as i got to Calca in November, this GenX Reiki course started to take shape and i realized that my time in calca was to be spent in nature without the internet, but still on my computer writing this document and creating what i am honored and excited to share.

Reiki has been a huge part of my evolution into healing and i am honored to share my story. I hope you have found it interesting and I hope some of my first hand accounts have opened your eyes to the tremendous healing powers of Reiki. It is my hope that all humans strive to attain their highest good and highest happiness. I feel that reiki is a powerful tool to aid in that attainment. It facilitates change while increasing peace and well-being. Thus, i hope one day we will all be practitioners of Reiki, it is the ultimate form of self-healing. I hope these writings serve as a guide for the entry into your own journey of self-healing.

Chakras and the subtle bodyThe body contains numerous chakras, but there are 7 main ones that create the channel through which energy travels. This channel is o)en referred to as the Kundalini. F i g u r e 1 shows the locations of the kundalini energy channel and the seven main chakras in the body.

Figure 1: Locations of Kundalini Energy Channel and Seven Main Chakras

Each chakra houses different energies and serves a different purpose. For more in depth information about each of the chakras, I recommend a beginning chakra book. I found entering the words “chakras for beginners” in the Amazon search box brings forth many options. These short books o)en includes extensive coverage of each chakra as well as meditations and exercises for healing. For the scope of this manual, i have include a brief description of each of the seven main chakras below.


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The Root (1st) ChakraThe Root chakra is about being physically there and feeling at home in situations. If it is open, you feel grounded, stable, and secure. You don’t unnecessarily distrust people. You feel present in the here and now and connected to your physical body. You feel you have sufficient territory. If you tend to be fearful or nervous, your Root chakra is probably under-active. You easily feel unwelcome. If this chakra is over-active, you may be very materialistic and greedy. You’re probably obsessed with being secure and resist change. Color: red. Keywords: Potency, grounding. Sound: LAM.

The Sacral (2nd) ChakraThe Sacral chakra is about feeling and sexuality. When it is open, your feelings flow freely and are expressed without being over-emotional. You are open to intimacy and you can be passionate and lively. You have no problems dealing with your sexuality. If you tend to be stiff and unemotional or have a “poker face,” the Sacral Chakra is under-active. You’re not very open to people. If this chakra is over-active, you tend to be emotional all the time. You’ll feel emotionally attached to people and you can be very sexual. This chakra is also the source of creative energy. Color: orange. Keywords: Stability, trust, sexuality, addictions, creativity . Sound: VAM.

The Solar Plexus (3rd) Chakra The Solar plexus chakra (also referred to as the Navel Chakra) is about asserting yourself in a group. When it is open, you feel in control and you have sufficient self esteem. When the Navel chakra is under-active, you tend to be passive and indecisive. You’re probably timid and don’t get what you want. If this chakra is over-active, you are domineering and probably even aggressive. This chakra holds your sense of self. Color: yellow. Keywords: Wholeness, energy, self-esteem . Sound: RAM.

The Heart (4th) ChakraThe Heart chakra is about love, kindness and affection. When it is open, you are compassionate and friendly, and you work at harmonious relationships. When your Heart chakra is under-active, you are cold and distant. If this chakra is over-active, you are suffocating people with your love and your love probably has quite selfish reasons. Color: green or pink. Keywords: Balance, love. Sound: YAM.

The Throat (5th) ChakraThe Throat chakra is about self-expression and talking. When it is open, you have no problems expressing yourself, and you might be doing so as an artist. When this chakra is under-active, you tend not to speak much, and you probably are introverted and shy. Not speaking the truth may block this chakra. If this chakra is over-active, you tend to speak too much, usually to domineer and keep people at a distance. You’re a bad listener if this is the case. Color: light blue. Keywords: Expression, will, speech. Sound: HAM.

The Third Eye (6th) ChakraThe Third Eye chakra is about insight and visualization. When it is open, you have a good intuition. You may tend to fantasize. If it is under-active, you’re not very good at thinking for yourself, and you may tend to rely on authorities. You may be rigid in your thinking, relying on beliefs too much. You might even get confused easily. If this chakra is over-active, you may live in a world of fantasy too much. In excessive cases hallucinations are possible. Color: indigo blue. Keywords: Intuition, vision, spirit guides. Sound: KSHAM.

The Crown (7th) ChakraThe Crown chakra is about wisdom and being one with the world. When this chakra is open, you are unprejudiced and quite aware of the world and yourself. If it is under-active, you’re not very aware of spirituality. You’re probably quite rigid in your thinking. If this chakra is over-active, you are probably intellectualizing things too much. You may be addicted to spirituality and are probably ignoring your bodily needs. Color: violet or white. Keywords: Inspiration, divinity. Sound: OM.


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Scanning for SensationsReiki is a very difficult thing to describe. It must be experienced to truly be appreciated. Most o)en, but not always, when a person comes into reiki energy they can physically feel something. A tingling, a warming or cooling of the area, a buzzing or vibrating. It is different for everyone and there is no right or wrong feeling.

If you are reading this, chances are you have experienced, or are soon about to experience Reiki. If this is not the case and you have no current plans to receive reiki, i suggest you contact me right away at [email protected]! :-) I would love to be the one who introduces you to this wonderful healing modality! You can also visit my website at www.divinedeflame.com/reikioffering so learn more about my distance and in-person healings. Until then, here are some exercises that will help prepare your body for when you do receive reiki!

For those reading who are about to receive reiki for the 1st, or the 100th time, this will help you prepare your body as well! It is the powerful practice of scanning your body. My description of this technique comes from my background as a Nia and Nia 5 stages instructor as from my experience with Vipassana mediation, which centers around a body scanning technique... it also comes from my Spirit Guides. <3

1. Sit in a chair or lie down, which ever is most appropriate. Close your eyes and take 3 deeps breaths. Inhale. Exhale. Clear your mind of any outside thoughts and focus on relaxing your body. During the inhale, imagine all of your muscles and cells expanding. During on the exhale imagine all of the lower vibrational energies and body tension being released with your breath. Allow your out breath to carry away any tension. Feel your body relaxing. Releasing resistance.

2. Move your attention to the crown of your head. Imagine the top of your head opening, just a little, to allow in loving, healing energy intended for your highest good. When you imagine this, what does it feel like? Do you feel a physical sensation? If so, where do you feel it? Perhaps near the top of your head? Perhaps in your heart area? Perhaps on your pinky toe? There is no right or wrong answer or place to feel something.

If you don’t feel a sensation, that is not a problem. What are you thinking about? Has your mind wandered? If so, simply observe the thought without judgement and bring your attention to the crown of your head and imagine what it feels like to allow loving and healing energy into your being.

If you are feeling a sensation in your crown area, any sensation, label the magnitude/intensity of the sensation 1 through 10. 1 would mean you are feeling just the slightest bit of sensation, 10 would mean you are feeling a very intense sensation. You may be labeling this intense sensation as positive or negative but pay no attention to that. Simply observe the magnitude of the physical feeling. Don’t over think this. Ask your self the question “what number am a feeling” and the first number that comes to your mind, that is your number. Allow your intuition, your higher self, to guide this exploration into your physical body.

3. We will now repeat this exercise throughout the body and down the chakra system. I will speak out an area of body and you will send your attention to that area. Become aware of any physical sensations you feel in that part of the body. Note the precise location of the sensation that calls your attention. Label the magnitude of the sensation from 1 to 10.

4. Place your attention on the area around your 6th Chakra, your 3rd eye. The area in between your browns. Your ears. Your eyes. Your Nose. Your Sinuses. Find a sensation in this area that calls to your attention. Focus your attention around the sensation in this area. Label the magnitude of the sensation from 1 to 10.


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5. Place your attention on the area around your 5th Chakra, your throat. Below your ears. Your Lips. Your Teeth. Your throat. The back of your neck. Your shoulders. Find a sensation in this area that calls to your attention. Focus your attention around the sensation in this area. Label the magnitude of the sensation from 1 to 10.

6. Place your attention on the area around your 4th Chakra, your heart. Your upper back. Your collar bones. Your chest. Your lungs. Your arms. Your hands. Find a sensation in this area that calls to your attention. Focus your attention around the sensation in this area. Label the magnitude of the sensation from 1 to 10.

7. Place your attention on the area around your 3rd Chakra, your solar plexus. The area just above your naval. Your mid back. The right and the le) side. Your internal organs. Your stomach. Find a sensation in this area that calls to your attention. Focus your attention around the sensation in this area. Label the magnitude of the sensation from 1 to 10.

8. Place your attention on the area around your 2nd Chakra, your sacral area. About and inch below your navel. Your lower back. Your digestive tract. Your hips. Your reproductive organs. Your reproductive external parts. Find a sensation in this area that calls to your attention. Focus your attention around the sensation in this area. Label the magnitude of the sensation from 1 to 10.

9. Place your attention on the area around your 1st Chakra, your root. The area just outside your body, in between your legs. Your thighs. Your Knees. Your calfs. The soles of your feet. Find a sensation in this area that calls to your attention. Focus your attention around the sensation in this area. Label the magnitude of the sensation from 1 to 10.

10. Now relax. Quickly run through your list of noted sensations and congratulate yourself for taking the time to take note of how your body is feeling. Without judging a sensation as positive or negative, take note of the sensation that pops out at you the most. Simply take note. Ask your higher self if there is any wisdom to take away from the noted sensation. It is possible as soon as you contemplate the question there will be clear explanation. It is also likely that an explanation or further insight will come to you in the next few days. A sensation could be a result of something mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual in nature.

11. Take three deep breaths and thank yourself for taking the time to feel your body. Thank your guides for any body wisdom you received, and thank them for all the wisdom you will receive as a result of this meditation.

If you are doing this meditation in the presence of a reiki practitioner, now is a good time to experiencing receiving reiki. Before you receive reiki, take note of the sensation you you felt during the body scan mediation that most sticks out to you. Ask your self if this feels like an areas that you would like to receive reiki on.

Tell the reiki practitioner where you would like to receive reiki. Reiki will be administered for approximately 3-5 minutes. While you are receiving reiki, without over thinking, take note of sensations you are experiencing and note their magnitude, 1 through 10.

A)er the reiki treatment is finished sit for about a minute and then again, send your attention to the part of your body you received reiki on. What is the magnitude of your sensation?

Now consider the quality of the sensation. Do you feel better than before your received reiki? I hope so!

Now that you are all relaxed but energized, let’s move on talk about Pendulums!


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2.0 Pendulums

About PendulumsI first started using a pendulum as a tool to get in touch with my spirit guides. On three separate occasions where i encountered a medium (all three through the Woman’s Spiritual Pursuit Meetup), i asked them about my spirit guides and all three said independently that they sensed two, a man and a little girl. This was enough for me to want to get to know more. A friend suggested a pendulum was a good place to start.

The use of pendulums dates back to the Ancients. They have been used for centuries to find things like water, gold, and oil. What i enjoy most about pendulums is that i can look at them from both a scientific, and a spiritual/intuitive point of view. First the scientific.

“Just as radios pick up information from unseen radio waves, the pendulum is a powerful antenna that sends and receives vibrational information from energy waves emitted by people, places, thoughts and things.

Scientific research indicates that the pendulum responds to electromagnetic energy that radiates from everything on Earth.

Through the millennia, Pendulums have been used to detect everything from water, oil, and gold to nuclear submarines; and with great accuracy. Da Vinci, Einstein, Chemist Robert Boyle, and General George Patton are all names associated with the use of Pendulums.”


Everything is a frequency. Everything is made of different arrangements of atoms and molecules all vibrating at various frequencies. A pendulum has been proven, by scientific observation, to be able to detect subtle frequencies, this includes the frequency of your subconscious. For me, the subconscious is where the scientific/physiological meets the spiritual/intuitive. I think both are important; however, for scope of my GenX Reiki 2 material, we are going to focus on the spiritual and intuitive uses for a pendulum.

A pendulum has many uses. In my Reiki practice i use mine to help determine the status of a person’s charkas (percent open/closed) and to help pick out the crystals i will use in the session. In my personal life i use it o)en to help organize my day, make decisions, and gain clarity.

“ The pendulum can be thought of as an extension of the intuition, since it is used to gain access to

information that exists at the subconscious level of the Inner Being. It could be said that it strengthens or

amplifies the intuition because it converts the subtleties of the intuition into a more obvious form of physical

motion. When you ask a question of the pendulum, it is your own intuition that answers it. The pendulum

merely allows you to physically see what the intuition already knows. As an extension of the intuition, the

pendulum can give you information from the same two sources as the intuition: from your own subconscious

mind; and from your guidance, spirit, or guardian angel.“ http://www.lovesedona.com/08.htm


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Choosing your pendulumChoosing your pendulum, especially your first pendulum, can be a very special occasion! It is when you state to your higher being “yes, i know you are there and i am ready to receive your guidance”. Let’s communicate. When picking out a pendulum visit your local crystal shop or metaphysical store and see if one calls to you. You can hold a few and see if you feel a physical sensation. You may want to pick one made with a specific stone. Rose quartz and clear quartz are o)en popular choices. You may pick your pendulum based solely one what appeals to your eye, You might think one is “pretty” and just want it. If that is the case, trust that impulse. You can learn information about the stone you are called too a)er the fact and use the information to determine a message relevant to your life. You can also make your own pendulum. I have included simple instructions on how to do this in the appendix. You can use this method or can can use it to develop your own creative way to make your own pendulum! I feel taking the time to make your own pendulum is a creative process that can bring you closer to the guides/self you will use it to communicate with. Let the creation process be an act of co-creation with those who have the answers to the questions you seek.

Calibrating Your PendulumIn the past users of pendulums have needed to calibrate their pendulums by asking “show me which direction is yes” and “show me which direction is no”. Some people would get a counterclockwise for yes and a clockwise for no, it could be different for everyone. My guides are telling me to tell you that that is changing. It’s been streamlined and simplified! :-) Chances are, if you are reading this and are interested in the wisdom i am sharing, then a pendulum you use will be front/back for yes and side/side for no... makes sense, it’s like the way we shake our head. yes and no. I encourage you to ask the calibration questions anyway, but you will likely get front/back as yes and side/side as no. If not, i would suggest there are possibly other entities sneaking in and messing with you. This is why is also important to specify before you sit down with your pendulum that you are only allowing in spirits who have your highest good in mind. Once you have names for you guides you can call them directly. Until then you can just call them “my guides” or even “my highest self”. You can always call on well known benevolent spirits like God, Jesus, Archangel Michael, Buddha, or even your passed on Grandmother. Whoever, whatever your Trust... when working with guides, and pendulums, Trust is the key!

How to use a pendulumThere are as many descriptions and directions for how to use a pendulum as there as pendulums themselves! Once you get a pendulum, i recommend spending an hour or so on the internet gathering tips that resonate with you. If you google “pendulum” and “spirit guides”, or some combination of similar key words, a bunch of suggestions will come up. I suggest reading reading 3 or 4 entries to see what resonates with you. You want to take what you like and create your own “pendulum ritual” . There is no right or wrong way use a pendulum, but here is a formula you can use:

~ Sit down in a quiet place and set an intention. Maybe clear the space with some sage or some incense. Talk to yourself/your guides and ask for your wisdom and direction. Here’s a little script:

“Dear spirit guides/highest self, please come to me now and give me your highest wisdom for my highest good. Please tell me the truth about what i ask and eliminate any of my unconscious egoic desires.”

I always add the part about the unconscious desires because the mind is powerful and your mind can most definitely control the pendulum to give it the result you “want”. Also, know that spirit doesn’t care if something is “true” or “not true”. Spirit is only trying to guide you to your highest good; therefore, you


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might ask a question and get an answer that will propel you to act in a certain manner and then a)er you take the action, things may not turn out how you expected. It’s not because the pendulum was wrong, it was that you were supposed to have the experience that the pendulum guided you to have. It requires trust!

~ once you have settled your mind, invited in your guides, and set your intention, ask a simple yes or no question. When first starting out with a pendulum, start with questions you know the answers to like “Is My first name Lynn”, etc. Starting with a few question that you know the answers to will give you confidence when you see the pendulum answer correctly!

~ A)er you ask a question, pay attention to the direction the pendulum swings.

Types of questions to AskI use my pendulum to ask yes or no questions about things going on in my life. John and Micki Baumann word it nicely by saying:

“ It is appropriate to ask a pendulum about things that are within your control, about situations where

you have the right to make a choice, or about things your subconscious already has access to. For

example, it is appropriate to ask whether it would be good for you to marry a particular person, but it not

appropriate for you to ask whether he is going to ask you to marry him, because that is not your right to

choose. In the same way, it is not appropriate to ask if you are going to meet your prince charming today,

because that is not within your control. However, it is appropriate to try to divine other people's motivations

or who they are inside, because you already know this at a subconscious level anyway. For example, it is

appropriate to ask "Can I trust him? Does he want me for a friend, or only for what I can give him?"  “


Take it from me, stick to things you can control. Early on in my use of pendulums i would try to get it to tell me how other people felt about me, what other people were going to do, it never really worked. There are times though when i will use my pendulum to call on the Highest Self of another to gain insights into their highest perspective, and that is appropriate.

Uses of a Pendulum

There are many uses for a pendulum. These included:

~ Making a Choice.~ Determining your probability of success in a situation.~ Determining Nutrition and Health.~ Finding Things.

Making a Choice. This includes discovering how you really feel on a subconscious level, from your higher “source” perspective. You can ask things like:

“Should i got to New York for Christmas?”“Should I look for a new job”“Do i want to have children in the near future”


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Determining your probability of success in a situation. O)en because of our ego and conditioning, we lack the confidence to move forward in life and tackle challenges for fear of failure. Conversely, at times we feel motivated to complete tasks to satisfy our ego even though they may not serve our highest good. Using a pendulum to consult higher wisdom can help save us time and energy by guiding us towards successful endeavors and avoid actions driven by the ego.

“Do I have what it takes to complete this course?” “Will at least 4 people come to my workshop?” “Should i partner with John for this creative project?” Determining Nutrition and Health. Pendulums can be great for sorting out health problems. A series of yes or no questions can potentially lead to the source of chronic health issues. The idea behind this is that you, your highest self, knows everything that is going on inside your body. You know what is good for you and what will lead to a better feeling; emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically.

“ He knows what vitamins he is deficient in, what diseases he has, and why he has those diseases. He knows whether a product he is holding in his hand is toxic, allergenic, or useful and beneficial. He knows why he feels afraid under certain circumstances, and he knows what he needs to work on in order to grow spiritually. All this subconscious information can be made available to the conscious mind by learning to tune in to it with the aid of the pendulum. “ http://www.lovesedona.com/08.htm

You can ask a pendulum questions like:

“Do i have a gluton intolerance” “Should i be taking more vitamin supplements?” “Is the root cause of this dis-ease mental/emotional/physical in nature? “

Finding Things. Pendulums can be used to find everything from buried treasure to missing keys! Pendulums are great to use with maps. To find a lost pet, place the pendulum over a small area of the map and ask “Is Spot here?”. Keep narrowing down till you get a precise location.

“ Part of the knowledge that comes with experience in working with the pendulum is learning to sometimes start with broad questions, and then narrow them down. “

Common cause of an inaccurate response On their website John and Micki Baumann list a number of causes of inaccurate responses. These include:

~ Poor communication. (inaccurate phrasing) The most important thing is how you phrase the question. For example, don't just ask "Is this water good for me"?" Be more accurate: Good in what way? The water may have both good and bad aspects. For example, you may be extremely thirsty, so the water is good for replenishing your body fluids, but the water could be tainted and later give you diarrhea. So state the question more clearly such as "Will this water serve my highest and greatest good?"

~ Asking questions that are too general. Don't ask general questions such as "Is Mary healthy?" Rather ask specific questions such as "Is Mary's diet causing her health problems?"

~ Being tired.

~ Forcing the situation. Using the pendulum even though the time or circumstances may not be right.


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~ Being off Center. Feeling mentally or emotionally out of balance. You need to be in the right frame of mind.

~ Focusing too heavily on the pendulum itself, and not enough on the information inside you.

~ Being too close to high frequency electrical equipment (operate at least 3 ft from a TV or computer screen).

They later goes on to narrow it down to for main causes of inaccurate responses. They say:

~ The number one reason for inaccurate pendulum reading is vague and faulty wording of the question.

~ The number two reason is your psychological state, the thoughts, emotions, feelings, images, desires, hope, wishes, etc. that vibrate in and through your psyche. These things can influence the answer.

~ The third source of pendulum inaccuracy is lack of patience. Approach the pendulum one day at a time. Watch, wait, see and try again.

~ Inaccuracy occurs when there is lack of concentration. Practice focusing on the questions until you are able to concentrate and hold your attention steady during the time you are working with your pendulum.

The most important thing to remember is that pendulum work is a skill, and like all skills, it requires practice and patience. The pendulum is just a tool to access your higher intelligence but YOU ARE the higher intelligence. Treat your pendulum with the same love and respect, and reverence you treat your guides or angles with. Keep it on your alter, charge it, and cleanse it. And most importantly, TRUST yourself and the wisdom it brings. As you work with your pendulum your relationship with it will grow and develop. For a time it is likely that you may find yourself using your pendulum every time you need to make a decision. When you find this happening observe the behavior and recognize that in these times it becomes less of a tool for cultivating intuition and starts becoming a mental-emotional-spiritual crutch. Don’t judge yourself to harshly, i have been there. In these times i still trust what the pendulum says, but i maintain the awareness that the wisdom is within me, without the pendulum. The pendulum cannot predict the future as the future is always changing based on choices you make, and the choices of those in your web of influence make. The pendulum can simply help you explore possibilities based on present events and energetic trends. While getting started, it maybe beneficial to use a Pendulum Chart for clarity. I have included a few in the appendix.

Using Pendulums in a Healing SessionI don’t recommend the use of pendulums throughout the entire course of a healing session. I think it is important to remain connected to the client and constantly picking up and putting down a pendulum can disrupt the flow of a session. I do however think it is appropriate to use a pendulum at the beginning of a session to help assess the clients needs, as well as at the end to determine if the needs were in fact met through the session. I would say i used a pendulum in a healing session for 2 main purposes. 1) To determine the status of the clients 7 main chakras and 2) To help determine which crystals i will use in the healing.

For those who are not officially practicing a formal healing technique, you can still do this with your friend or partner. Make it fun. Don’t take it too seriously to start. Everyone’s chakra’s are a little off balance, so even if the pendulum indicates that all the chakra’s are closed, it’s nothing to freak out about. Obviously the person is next to you and just fine. :-) Or maybe it is a friend who is suffering and looking for guidance, if the person is miserable, it shouldn’t be a surprise that the chakras are closed. Simply sharing time and knowledge are important. If you want to be official and call it a healing session you can also offer massage, particularly massage around the closed chakras. The next section of this document covers crystals as well. You could add to the healing but placing some crystals on the chakra!


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When determining the status of a person’s chakras:

1. Have the person lay on their back and close their eyes. Have them take a few deep breaths and clear their thoughts. Ask them to call in their highest self. You call in your highest self and healing guides (Ascended Reiki Masters, etc).

2. Hold your pendulum over each one of the clients chakras. Ask “ This Amy’s 1st chakra open.”

3. As i ask i like to give the pendulum a light swing in the clockwise direction and let it settle in a directional back/forth or side/side motion from the rotation. If i get a front/back motion, a “YES”, that tells me that the persons chakra is 100% open an healthy. If i get a side /side “NO”, that tells me the clients chakra need some healing. I use the direction of the pendulum swing, over a 90 degree range to determine the magnitude of the openness/closedness of the chakra. For example, a 45 degree swing would suggest the chakra is about half open, a 80 degree swing would suggest it is mostly open.

Shown is a figure that shows the directions. Memorize the directions and corresponding chakra health and run the pendulum directly over the persons chakra. You don’t need a chart! :-)

A)er you know the status of the chakras, if you are a reiki practitioner in a session, i suggest asking the client what they would like to work on during the session. Find out if there is anything going on in their life they would like to highlight, either mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual. O)en the energies in one life represent the energies emitting from the subtle body. If career comes up look for imbalances in the first and third chakras. Stability and Sense of self. If relationships come up they may need work on their 2nd or 4th chakras. Physical ailments such as chronic headaches or eye problems would suggest Third Eye healing would be of benefit. Use your intuition to put together the pieces of the puzzle. You will be able to see if your “mental” intuition matches what the pendulum said before you had knowledge that could bias the pendulum! This is a great way to build confidence in your pendulum as i suspect more o)en that not, you will see a correlation!

You can also use a pendulum to pick out crystals to use during a healing session. The process for using a pendulum to pick out stones is very straight forward.

1) Ask the pendulum to guide you to the stones that will be of most benefit to the clients highest good

2) Slowly guide/hoover the pendulum over your collection of crystals and look for any strong indication of “YES”. If you have a very large collection and some intuitive guesses you can start there. Along with my pendulum i use The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall.

3) Most important, trust your intuition and trust that your guides will guide you to the perfect stones for the highest good of the client.

I’m sure you are all excited to practice aren’t you? If that’s the case, get to it! Go make or buy a pendulum! You might also still just be in the “information collecting” phase of your entry into energy work, if that’s the case, continue reading on about crystals!


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3.0 Crystals

About CrystalsYay! It’s time to write about crystals! I am definitely a crystal girl! I was called to crystals very early on in my spiritual journey. As soon as i began to discover myself and consider the health of my own chakra system i began to intuit that my 2nd and 4th chakras would benefit from healing. At the time i was not sure what that meant but i decided quickly to buy some stones associate with the chakras i wanted to work on. My first stones were small pieces of Jade and Rose Quartz for my heart chakra, and a piece of carnelian for my sacral chakra. Once i had my crystals i went to the internet and googled “chakra meditation”, or something similar to that. I found a short 15 minute meditation that included visualization for each of the chakras. When i would do the meditation, when i got to the 2nd and 4th chakras, i would hold the crystal near the chakra and just imagine it healing. Very simple, but i experienced changes and i trusted the guidance.

Where does this guidance come from? From Mother Earth herself of course! My number 1 recommended source for all things crystal related is The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall. In it, she gives a beautiful description of how crystal form.

“ Crystals were created as the Earth formed, and they have continued to metamorphous as the planet itself has changed. Crystals are the earth’s DNA, a chemical imprint for evolution. They are miniature storehouses, containing the records of the development of Earth over millions of years, and bearing the indelible memory of the powerful forces that shaped it. Some have been subjected to enormous pressure, others grew in chambers deep under-ground, some where laid down in layers, others were dripped into being - all of which affects their properties and the way they function. Whatever form they take, their crystalline structure can absorb, focus, and emit energy, especially on the electromagnetic waveband. “

Choosing your crystalsThe process of selecting your stones has the potential to be a special and ceremonial action. Most medium to large cities have at least one metaphysical store with a generous assortment of stones. I have purchased crystals from all of the US including Seattle, Portland, Salt Lake City, Sedona, and Minneapolis. Crystals are also found in many tourist stop overs in Mexico, the Caribbean, and South America, as well as all over the world. Your collection of crystals can and will tell a story of your evolution as a crystal worker. Each one will tell a story of when and where you acquired it and what inspired it’s acquisition!

There are many means by which one can choose a new stone. These include choosing based on physical body sensations the stone invokes, choosing based on a crystals specific healing properties, or choosing based on a crystals physical appearance.

Healing PropertiesProbably the most common reason you will purchase a stone is if you are looking to use it to heal a specific ailment or quality. Maybe you are interesting in treating chronic headaches, maybe you wish to further develop your intuition, maybe you are seeking greater creativity. Whatever the desire, you would pick a stone known to have the qualities you seek. Most stores that sell crystals will have a selection of books with a index where you can look up a stone related to your needs. Again, i recommend The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall. Doing a little research on the internet before heading out can also give you an idea of the stones that might help you. Finally, o)en these metaphysical stores are staffed by passionate and knowledgeable individuals who will happily recommend a stone to fit your needs!


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Sometimes i have been in a crystal shop and not known what i was looking for until i saw it. O)en the display of crystals has some sort of tag with keywords as to the stones qualities. I can recall times where i read a word on a tag and that was how i knew which type of stone i was going to buy.

Physical AppearanceIt is perfectly appropriate to pick your crystals based purely on what you think is “pretty”. :-) Sometimes you might be draw to a stone by it’s color. Maybe you are working with a specific chakra and want to choose a stone with a color to match. You might be drawn to a stone because of a pattern it contains, or it’s texture. Maybe a particular crystal catches light in a certain way that appeals to you. I find o)en when looking at the physical qualities of a stone, if it makes me feel joyful for happy it is for me. Allow it’s visual vibration to invoke a feeling within you and follow the guidance of that feeling.

Body SensationsLast, but certainly not least, sense the physical sensation your body produces in response to contact with a crystal. I can’t stress this enough in terms of building your ability to sense energy, both yours and that of your surroundings. Even if you pick a stone based on is properties or physical appearance, spend some time right away sensing how the stone makes you feel. Does it create a warmth or tingling sensation in my hands when i hold it? When i hold it does it create a physical sensation in/on a specific part or region of the body? Does it evoke any feelings or emotions?

O)en when i am picking out a new crystal i will have narrowed to down a specific type of stone, o)en based on it’s healing properties, and i will use my body to pick out the exact stone. I will o)en hold a stone in each hand and sense how each feels in my hand. I might do this with 3 or 4 stones, each time picking the one that produces the sensation i like best. Much like the way an eye doctor narrows down a prescription for glasses.

No matter how you come in contact with a specific stone, trust that it has made it’s way to you for a specific reason. Seek out stones that make you feel good and which are aimed at achieving your highest good. Watching your crystal collection grow can be a very fun and rewarding journey. Have fun with it, and let it be special.

Cleansing your crystalsWhenever you get a new crystal it is a good idea to cleanse it to remove any stagnate or negative energies. The journey of a crystal from the Earths crust to your hands o)en takes it into contact with many people, sometimes with more of a profit motive that a healing motive. Just to keep things clean and pure, cleansing a new crystal is a good idea. A)er the first cleanse, it is important to cleanse your stones regularly. You can make it a ritual which will increase their ability to work for you. You could


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cleanse them only 4 times a year at the change of the season. You can cleanse them monthly, perhaps near the full moon, or you can cleanse them before or a)er each use, or a)er a particularity powerful healing or extended use. From the “Magick of Reiki” by Christopher Penczak:

“You cleanse it [a crystal] by raising it’s vibration using techniques that remove unwanted energy. This banishes all unwanted programs and thoughts from the stone, without removing any of the healing energy. “

There are a number of ways to cleanse your crystals. These include: Smoke Smudge, Sun, Moon, Flame, Water, Salt, Earth, and Prayer/Intention. I have used all of these methods and i o)en mix and use many of them at the same time. There have been times where i have soaked my stones in salt water, then dried and smudged them, then set them onto the Earth in the sun, in the rain, or under the full moon! All methods work equally well and the method you use will depend on the given circumstance (note: some crystals fade in the sun, some are water soluble and will dissolve, and some are sensitive to salt. Do some research when choosing your method of cleansing). Smoke is always a safe option.

Smoke Smudge: Pass your stone through the smoke of a sacred herb or incense. I like sage and palo santo. Other things to use are cedar, sweet grass, lavender, cinnamon, cloves, and more. Just like crystals, herbs each have different metaphysical properties so do your research. Not all herbs are protective or cleansing.

Sun or Moon Charge: I consider charging my stones under the full moon or in the sun to be the most powerful means of charging and cleansing. The sun and the moon represent what is “out of this world”. The sun and the moon charge the Earthly crystal with cosmic energy and knowledge. Sometimes on the full moon i will leave my crystals outside for a full 24 hours so they can get charged by both the sun and the moon. It takes next to no time to do. I suggest you use this method whenever you remember. Mark your calendar!

Flame: Pass your stone over a candle flame, not directly in the flame, but just above it. Imagine the flame absorbing any unwanted energies or programs. Be careful not to burn yourself!

Water: I enjoy cleansing my stones in water. It’s like giving a bath to my little babies! If you have access to a stream, river, or clean lake/pond, crystals love Earth’s naturally sourced water. You can also soak them in a bowl of distilled or spring water. Spring water is best. You can also run them under tap water or even cleanse them at a boil. Follow your own guidance and intuition. Again, be sure to check if your crystal is water soluble. Most crystals are totally fine in water, including anything from the popular quartz family: rose, citrine, amethyst, etc.

Salt: Salt, in particular sea salt or epsom salt, has the ability to natural absorb unwanted energies. You can soak them for a sort time in salt water or let them sit in a bowl of dry salt. I recommend discarding the salt a)er each use.

Earth: You can bury your stones or simply just set them on the Earth and allow her to absorb the unwanted energies. If you bury the stones make sure you mark the spot so you don’t lose them!

Keep with cleansing stones: Some stones have the special quality of being a cleansing stone, one example of such a power stone is Carnelian. It has the power to cleanse other stones. When i carry around my crystals i always carry a piece of carnelian so it can constantly impart it’s cleansing powers onto my other crystals.


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Prayer/Intention: You can simply hold the stone in your hands and ask your guides, or whatever other higher power you call in, that the stone be cleansed of all negative energy. You can talk to it, blow on it, kiss it, whatever feels good to you!

Programming your crystalsOnce your crystal has been cleansed, the final step before harnessing the it’s magic and power is to program the crystal. I will admit, this is a relatively new practice for me so i will share information from more knowledgable sources. In The Crystal Bible, Judy Halls says:

“Crystals need to be dedicated to the purpose for which you use them. Dedicate the crystal as soon as you cleanse it. This focuses the energy. Hold the crystal in your hand. Picture light surrounding it. Say out loud “I dedicate this crystal to the highest good of all. May it be used in light and love”

To program your crystal, hold it. Let yourself be open to higher guidance. Consider the purpose for which you wish to use it. Be specific. If you want to attract love, describe exactly what kind of love you are looking for. If you are seeking healing, say precisely for which condition and what you want to happen. When you have formulated your program, attune to the crystal. When you are totally in tune, say out loud:

“I program this crystal for [your purpose]”.

Then put the crystal in a place where you will see it often, or keep it in your pocket. It can be helpful to hold it two or three times a day, or more. You may need to repeat the programing several times”

Christopher Penczak also gives some wonderful recommendations for programming your crystal. He puts the following programs into his crystals. I have began putting these programs to use with my crystals as well.

Act for the Highest GoodThis empowers the crystal to work only for the highest and best healing good, and not force ego intentions on another.

Manifest all your powers as neededThis tells the stone to manifest the healing properties it has, as needed for the highest good, even if you are not consciously aware of them.

Active/Deactivate on commandThe crystal will work with you and activate and deactivate as needed. It sounds strange, but you really can tell the difference between and active and an inactive crystal. The crystals will also deactivate if they are not for the highest good of the recipients. This program is great for Reiki crystal grids.

Self-CleansingYou can program stones to help cleanse themselves of unwanted energies and programs. This doesn’t mean you don’t have to periodically cleanse your stone through other traditional methods, but it keeps you from having to do it each and every time you use it.


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Programs are fixed for the highest good. This keeps these programs set in the crystal so they cannot be removed by anyone unless it is for the highest good to do so. It’s like pulling the record tab of an old cassette tape. You don’t have to worry about anyone erasing or changing your programs accidentally.

Crystals and the ChakrasThere are 1000’s of crystals each with different metaphysical healing properties. Some are readily available and inexpensive, while some are quiet rare and expensive. However, almost all stones can be related to one of the chakras. Below i will share a comprehensive list of crystals as well as their corresponding chakras. This list is taken from the reference section of Judy Hall’s Crystal Bible.

Crown: Moldavite, Citrine, Quartz, Red Serpentine, Purple Jasper, Clear Tourmaline, Golden Beryl, Lepidolite, Purple Sapphire

Brow/Third Eye: Apophyllite, Sodalite, Moldavite, Azurite, Herkimer, Diamond, Lapis Lazuli, Garnet, Purple Fluorite, Kunzite, Lepidolite, Malachite with Azurite, Royal Sapphire, Electric Blue Obsidian, Azeztulite, Atacamite

Throat: Azurite, Turquoise, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Blue Topaz, Blue Tourmaline, Amber, Kunzite, Lepidolite, Blue Obsidian, Petalite

Higher Heart: Dioptase, Kunzite

Heart: Rose Quartz, Green Quartz, Aventurine, Kunzite, Variscite, Muscovite, Red Calcite, Rhodonite, Watermelon Tourmaline, Pink Tourmaline, Green Tourmaline, Peridot, Apophyllite, Lepidolite, Morganite, Pink Danburite, Ruby, Chrysocolla, Green Sapphire

Solar Plexus: Malachite, Jasper, Tiger’s Eye, Citrine, Yellow Tourmaline, Golden Beryl, Rhodochrosite, Smithsonite

Sacral: Blue Jasper, Red Jasper, Orange Carnelian, Topaz, Orange Calcite, Citrine

Root: Azurite, Bloodstone, Chrysocolla, Obsidian, Golden Yellow Topaz, Black Tourmaline, Carnelian, Citrine, Red Jasper, Smokey Quartz

Earth: Boji Stone, Fire Agate, Brown Jasper, Smoky Quartz, Cuprite, Hematite, Mahogany Obsidian, Tourmaline, Rhodonite

Some of the stones listed above are readily available and inexpensive while other are quiet rare and expensive. Fortunately, some of the most powerful stones happen to be the most common and inexpensive.

Below i describe 7 very common stones, one corresponding to each of the 7 main chakras and the earth chakra. When picking out your first few stones, if you don’t know where to start, this short list is a good place. You could use a pendulum to choose!


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Hematite - Earth Chakra: Effective at grounding and protecting. Harmonizes mind, body, and spirit.  Used during out of body experiences, it protects the soul and grounds it back in the body.  Has strong yang element, balances meridians.  Beneficial for legal situations.  Supports timid woman, boosts self-esteem, will power, confidence.  Stimulates concentration and focus.  Connection to blood, anemia, kidney.  Stimulates absorption of iron and formation of red blood cells. Treats anxiety and insomnia.  Not for use with inflammation or for long periods of time.

Red Jasper - Root (1st) Chakra: Jasper is known as the “Supreme Nurturer”.  Sustains during times of stress.  Aligns chakras.  Facilitates shamanic journeys and dream recall. Clears electromagnetic and environmental pollution, including radiation, and aids in dowsing.  Courage, quick thinking.  Prolongs sexual pleasure.  Supports circulatory, digestive, and sexual organs.

Carnelian - Sacral (2nd) Chakra: A stone of ambition and drive. Excellent career stone, helpful in making choices and decisions.  Self Motivator.  Most powerful ACTION stone for focusing, realization and self-actualization.    Stimulates analytical capabilities and precision.    Activates and energizes personal power, revealing or discovering hidden talents by stimulating your curiosity and inquisitiveness.    Long revered for its healing, spiritual, and creative qualities. Is a survivor’s stone. Protects the user from all negative emotions. Wonderful protective energy over rage, resentment, bad tempers, and anger in self and from others.

Citrine - Solar Plexus (3rd) Chakra: Powerful cleanser and regenerator.  Warming, energizing, highly creative.  Absorbs, grounds negative energy.  Cleanses chakras, especially solar plexus and navel.  Cleanses, balances subtle body.  Stone of abundance.  Raises self esteem.  Assists in overcoming depression, fears, and phobias. Promotes joy.  Imparts energy and invigoration to the physical body.  Detoxifies blood, balances thyroid.  Helpful for menstrual problems/menopause systems like hot flashes.  Balances Hormones.

Rose Quartz - Heart (4th) Chakra: Stone of unconditional love and infinite peace.  Most important crystal for heart chakra.  Attracts love.  Place by bed to draw love toward you. Draws off negative energy and replaces with loving vibe. Releases unexpressed emotions,  Encourages self-forgiveness, acceptance, self-trust, and self-worth.  Good for chest and lung problems, kidneys, vertigo, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and dementia.  Smooths complexion.

Amethyst - Throat (5th) Chakra: A powerful and protective stone with high spiritual vibration. Transmutes energy into love. Supports sobriety. Good for overcoming addictions and other blockages. Helps one feel less scattered, more focused. Enhances memory and motivation. Balances highs and lows. Dispels anger, fear, anxiety. Promotes love of the divine. Encourages selflessness and spiritual wisdom. Boosts production of hormones. Stimulates throat and crown chakras. Should not be used with paranoia or schizophrenia.


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Sodalite - Third Eye (6th) Chakra: Unites logic with intuition.  Instils drive toward truth and idealism.  Powerful in group work, brings solidarity of purpose.  Stimulates trust and companionship between group members.  Eliminates mental confusion. Stimulates release of old mental conditioning.  Brings shadow qualities to the surface without being judged.  Balances metabolism.  Combats radiation damage and insomnia.   Treats throat, vocal cords.  Boosts immune system.

Clear Quartz - Crown (7th) Chakra: Quartz is the most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet because of it’s unique crystalline form. Absorbs, stores, releases, and regulates energy. Works at a vibrational level attuned to the specific energy requirements of the person needing healing or undertaking spiritual work. Master Healer. Stimulates immune system, brings body into balance. Harmonizes all chakras, aligns the subtle body.

Crystals and the Physical Body

Crystal have the ability to heal on all levels: mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical. On the physical level, certain stones vibrate well with certain body parts. Below is a list from The Crystal Bible that gives numerous parts of the body and the associated stones. This list can be a great reference for your work!

Brain: Amber, Green Tourmaline, Dark Blue Tourmaline, Beryl, Blue Lace AgateEar: Amber, Red-black and snowflake Obsidian, Celestite, Rhodonite, Orange CalciteEye: Aquamarine, Beryl, Chalcedony, Chrysoprase, Sapphire, Charoite, Dark Blue Tourmaline, Celestite, Blue Fluorite, Fire Agate, Cat’s Eye, Orange CalciteTeeth: Aquamarine, Rutilated Quartz, FluoriteNeck: Aquamarine, Quartz Shoulders: SeleniteMuscle Tissue: Cuprite, Magnetite, DanburiteLungs: Beryl, Pink Tourmaline, Peridot, Rhodonite, Amber, Dioptase, Kunzite, Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Rhodochrosite, Sardonyx, Blue Tourmaline, Chrysocolla, Emerald, MorganiteSpleen: Amber, Aquamarine, Azurite, Bloodstone, Chalcedony, Red ObsidianStomach: Green Fluorite, Fire Agate, BerylIntestines: Beryl, Peridot, Celestite, Green FluoriteAppendix: ChrysoliteArms: Malachite, JadeiteProstate Gland: ChrysopraseTestes: Jadeite, Topaz, Carnelian, VarisciteHands: Moldavite, Aquamarine, MoonstoneSkeletal System: Amazonite, Azurite, Chrysocolla, Calcite, Cuprite, Fluorite, Dendritic Agate, Purple Fluorite, Sardonyx, Iron PyriteNervous System/Neurological Tissue: Amber, Green Jade, Lapis Lazuli, Green Tourmaline, Dendritic Agate


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Bone Marrow: Purple FluoritePineal Gland: Gem RhodonitePituitary Gland: PietersiteJaw: AquamarineThroat: Aquamarine, Beryl, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Tourmaline, Amber, Green JasperThyroid: Amber, Aquamarine, Azurite, Blue Tourmaline, CitrineThymus: Aventurine, Blue TourmalineHeart: Cuprite, Rose Quartz, Charoite, Rhodonite, Garnet, Dioptase

Liver : Aquamarine, Beryl, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Red Jasper, Charoite, DanburiteGallbladder: Carnelian, Jasper, Topaz, Calcite, Citrine, Yellow Quartz, Tiger’s Eye Chalcedony, DanburiteKidneys: Aquamarine, Beryl, Bloodstone, Hematite, Jadeite, Nephrite, Rose Quartz, Citrine, Orange Calcite, Smokey Quartz, Amber, MuscovitePancreas: Ted Tourmaline, Blue Lace Agate, ChrysocollaSpine: Garnet, Tourmaline, Labradorite, BerylFallopian Tubes: ChrysopraseFemale Reproductive System: Carnelian, Moonstone, Chrysoprase, Amber, Topaz, UnakiteBladder: Topaz, Japer, Amber, Orange CalciteCirculatory System and Blood: Amethyst, Bloodstone, Chalcedony, Cuprite, Hematite, Red JasperVeins: Variscite, Pyrolusite, Snowflake ObsidianKnees: Azurite, JadeiteJoints: Calcite, Azurite, Rhodonite, MagnetiteSkin: Azurite, Brown Jasper, Green JasperFeet: Onyx, Smokey Quartz, ApophylliteEndocrine System: Amber, Amethyst, Yellow Jasper, Pink Tourmaline, Fire AgateImmune System: Amethyst, Black Tourmaline, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, TurquoiseDigestive Tract: Chrysocolla, Red Jade, Green JasperMetabolism: Amethyst, Sodalite, PyrolusiteBack: Malachite, Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli Lower Back: CarnelianCapillaries: Dendritic Agate

Crystals GridsThe final topic we will discuss with regards to crystals is Crystal Grids. I have to be honest, these are relatively new to me but i am enjoying developing this skill and using them with my distance reiki. There are many different ways to arrange a crystal grid. During my research i found instructions that said to use 6 crystals, i read instructions that said to use 8, and when i made my first one i felt called to use 7! The point is, there is no right or wrong way to make a crystal grid. Regardless of how you choose to arrange your crystals, the general process is the same. These are instruction for using a crystal grid to self heal. In you are attuned to reiki this could be used to send distance reiki to another person.

1) Take the crystals you will use to form your grid and arrange them on a hard surface.. It is best to use quartz-crystal points, or other pointed crystals. Arrange them with any points facing towards the center.


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2) In the center of the arrangement place something that will connect you with what it is you are wanting to heal in your life. You can write your intention on a piece of paper. If it is a relationship with another you could put a photograph of him/her into the center. Feel free to put all your intentions into the grid, you can have a whole list!

3) Take a moment to center yourself and invite in your guides and spirits. Say a prayer that healing and be sent for your highest good. Moving in a clockwise direction, activate each one of your stones. You can do this by simply spending a little time with each crystal and imagining it activating. Give it the instructions to activate. You can go around the circle more than one. Thanks the crystals for their service!

4) Envision the center of the gird filling with healing light and filling and going off to your highest self. Imagine all of your intentions coming true.

The grid will continue to send positive energy to your intentions for as long as appropriate. You can reactivate and resend daily.

Use your intuition to determine what crystals to include in your crystal grid. The crystals may change depending on how your intentions evolve. To the right is a picture that shows a crystal grid that i made for a recent distance reiki session. You can see i have 7 points in my grid, one for each of the chakras. Each arm of the grid starts with a small piece of pointed quarts. Behind each quartz i have what are call “chupas”. They are Andean chakra healing stones. Each stone has points on it what represent the chakras. One stone has just one point, the next has 2, etc. The final chupa has 7 points. The points also represent the sacred mountains (apus) in the region. Finally, behind the chupas i have placed a stone with healing properties for each of the chakras. All of the energy points inward. In the center of this healing grid i have a large piece of Chrysocolla, which was a new stone i had just purchased and was charging. The center of the grid is also where you would put your intentions or a name or photos if you were doing distance reiki with the grid.

The chakra grid i described above is just one type of crystal grid, as i mentioned before, there are 100’s of different ways to make a crystal grid. If the concept of a crystal grid calls to, i suggest going a little research on the topic. Your search will most likely reveal a method that calls to and excites you. Go with that. Or, do no research at all and just make a gird! Your highest self knows the way!


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Final Words on CrystalsCrystals became an integral part of my healing early on in my journey into becoming a healer. They are beautiful manifestations of the Earth’s magnificent power, and they are abundant. Two nights ago i created the crystal grid shown in the previous section. It contained all the crystals that i use to do the bulk of my healing work. I le) the grid in the yard over night to charge, cleanse, and send distance reiki. The chupas and my main set of chakra stones that i have collected throughout my first few years as a energy worker/healer. Today, on Thanksgiving of 2013, i went out to the garden on to discover that all of my crystals have been stolen.

I was very surprised at my reaction to this. I was/am completely calm. There is a sense of loss, some sadness, and yes, a few tears. However, through witnessing my calm reaction i was able to discover that i have not identified myself as a healer through the crystals, and that feel good! The crystals are fabulous tools, and the contain great healing powers, but they are a dime a dozen. Rose Quartz, Citrine, Amethyst, all of these stones are readily available and easily replaced... kind of... I appreciate that these particular stones have been loved and charged by me throughout some difficult times in my life. They hold a part of my story. I feel they have been a tremendous source of my personal healing. It is easy for me to feel attached to these particular stones; however, the one things i have learned throughout my travels and struggles is that the key to true happiness is non-attachment.

The fact is that the crystals that carried me into my role as a healer (and i do believe they carried me) are now gone and there is absolutely nothing i can do about it. Any negative emotion is completely futile because it will not change the situation. All i can do is find the bright side, and i did. I am about to enter a new phase of my life. One where i step into and own my power and an Energy Healer. I know so much more than i knew when i bought those crystals. My practices are more advanced. My intentions are more sincere. I am a much more pure channel. I am now choosing to take the loss of my first set of crystals as an invitation to congratulate myself on a job well done. It’s time for an upgrade! As i said, none of the crystals that have gone missing are of the rare sort (except for 1 self-healing harlequin fire quartz... AND i got it in Salk Lake City during my audition.. ACK... ATTACHMENT! ;-) . They will be easily replaced. I will get to experience the powerful process of once again, one by one, picking out the particular crystals that calls to me. New energies, and i really do expect them to be more powerful than the ones i was working with before. This time when i get a new crystal i will put more time, love, and intention into the cleansing and programming process. Each crystal will have it’s own ceremony as an introduction into my family! And then... and then maybe one day those crystals will also leave my hands, and i will repeat the process.

I believe that all energy flows where it is needed most, and so, to the individual(s) who are now in possession of my first set of healing crystals... even though you likely speak spanish and will never read this, i hope the crystals serve you well. If you keep them, i hope they bring you all of the healing energy that they are filled with. I hope they heal your all your chakras and bring you peace and balance, so in the future you will not feel the need to take what does not belong to you. If you send up selling them for cash, i hope that money brings you and your family the sense of stability you are seeking. I know what it is like to feel desperate, to feel like you don’t have enough, to feel like the only way to be provided for it to take from others. It is a horrible place to be and i would not wish it on you or anyone else. I hope these crystals help release those fears. Love and forgiveness to you.


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4.0 In Closing

just the beginningSo, how did you enjoy your journey into Energy Work? I hope you found it informational and enjoyable. Please know that the information provided on these pages is just a small introduction into a wide and wonderful world of energy work. Reiki, pendulums, and crystals are just three subsections of practices that are available that will aid in your personal evolution. Below is a short reference list of works sited on these pages. I invite you to use these books as the next phase in your journey. Within each of these books is a whole other list of books they used. The river of knowledge on these topics runs deep, and i encourage you to go deeper. Thank you so much for reading and letting me be a part of your personal exploration!

I assume if you made it all the way through this text, you like what you read. Which means you like what i wrote :-). If that is the case, please share this material. This is meant to be a free document to introduce people to information that new (and ancient) and different (and totally normal). By all means, copy and resend! Share with you friends. However, i hope you don’t mind if i take the opportunity to ride your coat tails and plug myself a bit!

If you are reading this and are curious about learning more about reiki or shamanic energy work, or if you would like to receive reiki or a shamanic healing, please don’t hesitate to contact me! The most wonderful thing about energy work is that there really is not space or time. When sent by a person with the proper training and intention, energy work can be just as powerful when sent from a distance as it is in person. All of my distance reiki sessions include a minimum of a clear and insightful email correspondence before and a)er a session. I also offer sessions via appointments on skype. This is a “real-time, face-to-face” distance reiki session. For in-person sessions see my website to find out where i am! I expect to be be in Bogota, Columbia until June of 2014. A)er that is still a mystery that reveals itself one step at a time. If you wish to follow my journey into the creative, though healing, dance, poetry, stories, photography, music, recipes, and more, visit my website!

Lynn Marie [email protected]


Divine Hands Healing, 2013

As i’ve said, this material was originally compiled to accompany my GenX Reiki Instructional Manual. Reiki is for everyone. Anyone can practice reiki. You can practice reiki. You can see from my story that when i first got my level 1 initiation i did not consider myself a healer, and at the time i had no intention of becoming a healer. I just liked working with energy and i wanted to use it to heal myself! If you have a similar interest in energy and have desire to learn and practice more Reiki, you can do so via my online/distance reiki course! Throughout this course initiates receive up to 3 levels of reiki initiations (including the Master Level), one on one skype practicum sessions, the complete and comprehensive GenX Reiki Instructional Manual (over 100 pages of information), official certificates of completion, and 24 hour online access to all of the information contained in the manual, along with a whole host of online/downloadable instructional videos. On the following page i have included the outline of the full course for your consideration. More information is available at:



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GenX Reiki Course Outline

1.0 GenX Reiki 1 3

1.1 Introduction to GenX Reiki 3 About the GenX Reiki Manual

GenX Reiki: The Marriage of Usui Reiki and Kundalini Reiki My Reiki Story

1.2 Fundamentals of Usui Reiki 16 Reiki Origins The Five Principles of Reiki The Three Pillars of Reiki Gassho Reiji -Ho Chiryo

1.3 The Evolution of Reiki ~ Kundalini Reiki 22 Kundalini Reiki Origins What is Kundalini? Chakras and the Kundalini Channel Scanning for Sensations Kundalini Reiki 1 Initiation

1.4 Gen-X Reiki Level 1 Healing Techniques 28 Basic In-Person Healing/Cleansing Techniques In person Healing Cleansing a Room/House/Space Situational/Qualities Healing Advanced In-Person Healing Techniques Usui Techniques Usui Hand Positions

The Heart, The Liver, De-toxification, Intestinal Parasite, Chronic High Blood Pressure, Asthma, Obesity, Broken Bones, Flu virus, half body

1.5 Final Words on Gen-X Reiki Level 1 36

GenX Reiki 1 Course and Initiation ~ $30

INCLUDES: Access to GenX Reiki Manual information above, both in print and online. Level 1 Kundalini Reiki Initiation. Official certificate of completion. Post Initiation Skype Sessions. Lifetime e-mail support. Online /downloadable instructional videos.

*additional 1-on-1 skype training available at a rate of $15/hr. Each session tailored to your needs and scheduled at your convenience. You will be receiving distance reiki from me during these sessions as well.


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2.0 GenX Reiki 2 37

2.1 Kundalini Reiki Level 2 37 Kundalini Reiki 2 Initiation Kundalini Reiki Meditation

2.2 Distance Reiki 40 Distance Reiki Techniques Chord Cutting Ways to send Distance Reiki Surrogate, Self Surrogate, Visualization, symbols, Beaming, Intnetion/Prayer, Crystal Grid Options GenX Reiki Distance Symbol

2.3 Pendulums 46About Pendulums Choosing Your pendulumCalibrating Your PendulumHow to use a pendulumTypes of questions to AskUses of a PendulumCommon Causes of an Inaccurate ResponseTypes of questions to Ask

2.4 Crystals 52About CrystalsChoosing your crystalsCleansing your crystalsCharging your crystalsCrystals and the ChakrasCrystals and the Physical BodyCrystals Grids

2.5 Reiki Guides 62

2.6 Reiki Symbols 70 History of Reiki Symbols GenX Reiki Selected Symbols Cho Ku Rei, AngelWings, Ho Ka O ili ili, Male Female, Grounding, Abundance, Zonar, Harth, Halu, Serpent of Fire, Len Sp My, Yod, Perfect love and Trust, Gnosa, Anti-Cancer New GenX Reiki Symbols Distance Symbol, Pleiadian Call, Acturian Call, Sirian Call

2.7 Final Words on Gen-X Reiki Level 2 83

GenX Reiki 2 Course and Initiation ~ $60 (LEVELS 1 & 2 ~ $75)

INCLUDES: Access to GenX Reiki Manual information above, both in print and online. Level 2 Kundalini Reiki Initiation. Official certificate of completion. Post Initiation Skype Sessions. Lifetime e-mail support. Online /downloadable instructional videos.

*additional 1-on-1 skype training available at a rate of $15/hr. Each session tailored to your needs and scheduled at your convenience. You will be receiving distance reiki from me during these sessions as well.


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3.0 GenX Reiki 3 84

3.1 Kundalini Level 3 (Master) Kundalini Reiki 3 Initiation Extra Initiations

3.2 GenX Level 3 Healing Techniques Reiki Shamanism Reiki and the Natural World Moon Manifestation Reiki

3.3 Reiki and the Creative Arts Dance, Music, Writing, Visual

3.4 Giving Genx-Kundalini Reiki Initiations

3.5 Final words on GenX Reiki 3

The material for Level 3 is currently being written and will be complete in December 2013. I expect 30 pages , or more, of material on the topics listed above.

GenX Reiki 3 Course and Initiation ~ $90 (LEVELS 1, 2, & 3 ~ $150)

INCLUDES: Access to GenX Reiki Manual information above, both in print and online. Level 3 Kundalini Reiki Initiation. Official certificate of completion. Post Initiation Skype Sessions. Lifetime e-mail support. Online /downloadable instructional videos.

*additional 1-on-1 skype training available at a rate of $15/hr. Each session tailored to your needs and scheduled at your convenience. You will be receiving distance reiki from me during these sessions as well.


Thank you again for allowing me to share this information with you. No matter where you are at in your journey into self healing, and no matter where you are going, it has been my pleasure to give you a small peak inside the world of Energy Work! I hope you found in light and fun, but at the same time, sacred and interesting! May you use this information for your highest good, so that you may be free and happy, for the benefit of all beings. Blessings.


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1. Hall, Judy. “The Crystal Bible”. Godsfield Press. Hampshire, UK. 2003.

2. Penczak, Christopher. “The Magick of Reiki”. Llewellyn Publications. Minneapolis, MN. 2004

3. Website: http://crystal-cure.com/article-pendulum.html

4. Website: http://www.lovesedona.com/08.htm

Appendix How to Make a Pendulum Pendulum Chart 1 - Chakra Chart Pendulum Chart 2 - Yes/No Chart


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How to Make a PendulumWhat You Will NeedTo make yourself the perfect pendulum you will only need 3 things. a chain, wire, and crystals!

A ChainThe chain of your pendulum can be made out of any number of things. Metal chain link, yarn, leather. Any thing that dangles and can carry the weight of the pendulum. I recommend using about 20 inches of material. It will be doubled up so your pendulum will hang about 10 inches.

WireAny type of wire will do. I suggest using copper because is it a wonderful conductor of electricity! It also happens to be readily available and very

inexpensive. In the states i bought my wire at a cra) stores like JoAnns and Micheal’s. 10 feet costs around $3. You will only need about 2.5 inches for you pendulum.

CrystalsYou will need crystals beads, any will do! I recommend smaller ones. The chips work really well. Cra) stores like Jo Anns and Micheals carry a wide assortment of crystal chips. A whole strand is only about $3. You will only need 5-8 crystals. Since you need so few, if you can, i suggest finding a smaller local bead store and picking out the specific stone. A small rose quartz bead, for example, would cost around 20 cents. You could get all your crystals for around a buck!

How to Make a Pendulum

Step 1: Bend one end of your wire so that the crystal beads won’t be able to fall off. You want the end to be kind of a point. Spirals work nice, be creative, use your imagination!

Step 2: Arrange your bead on the wire anyway you choose. Consult your guides. Use intention. Make it meaningful to you. You can see that one i show in the picture has a large stone that sticks out to the side. That seems like an odd thing to do on a pendulum doesn’t it? Do we want it to be balanced? I say, if you trust enough the power of the spirit working pendulum will balance that out perfectly! Follow your intuition.

Step 3: Bend one more loop at the other end of the wire and string you chain through it. Attach how appropriate You can see with the leather i simply tie a loop knot near the end. This would work well with string or yarn as well. If you use metal chain you can likely just link it directly to the pendulum loop!

Step 4: Start getting to know your higher self! Ask it a question!


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