Energy Work Basics Energy Work involves stimulation and movement of the nonphysical energy within a person. We all have a nonphysical aspect which is described as an energy body that is integrated with our physical bodies while awake in the physical. The energy that it is composed of can be influenced and controlled, in order to bring about change in one's body; our nonphysical and the physical aspects influence each other greatly, often explained as one mirroring the other. If someone has a sore throat, their throat chakra (energy center in the throat area) will reflect that by exhibiting a sort of energy blockage there. If one has a digestive issue, the lower chakras may lack energy. This case can be altered for any circumstance. Something that helps the physical body to recover from an ailment is to correct the problem from the other side; through improving the amount/quality of the energy in the location which correlates with the problem. This is the concept that all energetic healing practices are based on, though they might explain it in their own way. But aside from healing purposes, energy work is the basis for all spiritual development. As a person meditates more and enters altered states more, their energy or vibration, as some would explain it, is raised according to their overall level of consciousness. The benefit to energy work is that through it you work directly with energy. The way this is done is through: Tactile Imaging – moving one's sense of touch through the body. This stimulates the physical body and the energy body. Example: Hold your hands up in front of you, palms facing, about a foot apart. Feel your hands and only your hands, completely ignoring sensation in all other parts of your body. Feel for the slightest changes in temperature and air movement. In doing this you might begin to feel energy sensations in your hands (tingling, pressure, cooling or warming, etc) – any sensation you feel is normal. Whether or not you literally feel the sensation of the energy is unimportant; in any case, you are energetically stimulating the location of your awareness.

Energy Work involves stimulation and movement of …blogs.bu.edu/hallb/files/2012/04/EW-Basics.pdfEnergy Work Basics Energy Work involves stimulation and movement of the nonphysical

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Energy Work Basics

Energy Work involves stimulation and movement of the nonphysical energy

within a person. We all have a nonphysical aspect which is described as an energy

body that is integrated with our physical bodies while awake in the physical. The

energy that it is composed of can be influenced and controlled, in order to bring

about change in one's body; our nonphysical and the physical aspects influence

each other greatly, often explained as one mirroring the other. If someone has a

sore throat, their throat chakra (energy center in the throat area) will reflect that

by exhibiting a sort of energy blockage there. If one has a digestive issue, the

lower chakras may lack energy. This case can be altered for any circumstance.

Something that helps the physical body to recover from an ailment is to

correct the problem from the other side; through improving the amount/quality of

the energy in the location which correlates with the problem. This is the concept

that all energetic healing practices are based on, though they might explain it in

their own way.

But aside from healing purposes, energy work is the basis for all spiritual

development. As a person meditates more and enters altered states more, their

energy or vibration, as some would explain it, is raised according to their overall

level of consciousness. The benefit to energy work is that through it you work

directly with energy. The way this is done is through:

• Tactile Imaging – moving one's sense of touch through the body. This stimulates

the physical body and the energy body.

Example: Hold your hands up in front of you, palms facing, about a foot apart.

Feel your hands and only your hands, completely ignoring sensation in all

other parts of your body. Feel for the slightest changes in temperature and

air movement. In doing this you might begin to feel energy sensations in

your hands (tingling, pressure, cooling or warming, etc) – any sensation you

feel is normal. Whether or not you literally feel the sensation of the energy is

unimportant; in any case, you are energetically stimulating the location of

your awareness.

After learning to stimulate a specific area like the hands, one can also move

that energy from one point to another by focusing on the sensation of moving

bodily awareness through areas of the body, for example from hand to elbow,

back and forth. Feeling should be felt through the whole of the arm, not just on

the surface or on one side. A bit of practice with this simple task helps improve

attentional control so that energy can be moved more effectively between any

two points.

After practicing a bit with basic movement, energy movement and

stimulation can be applied to any part of the body and incorporated into any

meditative practice; it does help to be in a relaxed mental state when doing

energy work, though can still be beneficial from any state. Most common energy

work practices involve stimulating the 7 main chakras or energy centers in the

human energy body. Here is an image for identifying their positions:

Energy can often be felt especially well by focusing it on, and thereby stimulating,

the chakras. Chakras also have various properties attached to them; the heart

chakra is associated with feelings of compassion and acceptance. If one was to

stimulate the heart chakra through movement of energy, they may better develop

these sorts of attributes. Each chakra has specific ideas like this attached to it.

For energy work concerning the primary chakras, one should always start

with the root. Energy enters mainly from two particular areas: through the crown

and then down to the root chakra, and up through the legs to the root chakra. The

root is where all energy initially travels to, and the healthier a person's energy

body is (the more easier energy flows through it due to practicing consciously

moving it), the more freely energy will be able to move from the root chakra to

the rest of the primary chakras, keeping the entire energy body healthy and

stimulated. The idea is that primarily stimulating the root will cause energy to fill

it and essentially overflow from it, moving up through the rest of the chakras.

To move energy into the body, put your bodily awareness into your feet and

hold it there, feeling them essentially charging up. After that, move that

awareness through the whole of each leg up to the root chakra. After it is there,

break awareness with the root and focus again on the feet, repeating that same

action. You don't want to feel the energy go back down your legs because for this

practice, the goal is to gather and retain energy in the primary chakras. Continue

this practice for a brief period to start – this will give you more energy to work

with as you do other practices. A common addition to this is breath control,

breathing in while energy is moving up the legs (toward the primary chakras), and

out while awareness is being reoriented to the feet. This is the most effective way

to pair any energy practice with breath: IN breath – energy moving into the energy

body; OUT breath – energy leaving the energy body.

It can also be altered to move energy directly from the feet to any other

particular chakra. A common way of imagining it is to think that you are moving a

small ball of concentrated energy through your body. Any part of the energy body

can be stimulated, so don't feel restricted to these specific practices; making up

energy work practices is always a good thing to do.

You can also charge the energy you are working with by imagining that it is

a certain color or texture, perhaps according to a specific element. Water would

be symbolized by blue energy, and might represent a sense of flow to one's life

and acceptance of change or spontaneity. You can take any of these further by

imagining the physical feeling of the element, the sound of it in different contexts,

etc. Fire would be represented by red/orange energy, and could be associated

with heat for healing purposes, the burning away of energy blockages, or deep

relaxation of muscles. Earth could be represented by brown/green/red energy

(whatever you yourself most associate with an element is what will be effective),

and can be used to help keep one grounded in a psychological sense, as well as

renew one's sense of connection with the Earth and nature. Air is most often

represented energetically by white, and often has more of a spiritual component

than the others do.

Here are some illustrations from Robert Bruce's book Energy Work, visually

representing ways of thinking about a few practices:

This energy ball can be moved around both inside and outside the body. You can

move it back and forth between your hands like this, allowing it to go through and

just beyond each hand. You can experiment with the distance between your

hands, the size/intensity of the energy ball, the location you move the energy ball

to (inside or outside the body), etc. You can also sort of play catch with another

person, transferring an energy ball back and forth between the two of you.

Connecting to another person's energy can be done in various other ways, and

can be a useful practice.

This is a kind of energy “circuit” which will often result in stimulation of the throat

and heart chakras. Experimenting with the speed of the awareness action can be


A common occurrence when a chakra is extremely stimulated is something

some refer to as the “strobe” effect. An intense fluttering/tingling/rushing

sensation is felt in a primary chakra. This is normal, and though it may be

startling, it is good to allow it to continue. Still, this only happens upon severe

stimulation. Strobing a chakra can have further effects in terms of spiritual

development, including a sudden improvement in psychic abilities.

Beyond healing by simply improving energy flow, another more physical

explanation concerns blood flow. The awareness action used in energy work

causes increased blood flow to the specific part of the body that is being focused

on. Increased blood flow to glands causes them to operate at their best, and

regulates/improves glad secretions. This is often an extremely powerful remedy

when used to address illnesses and the specific glands which have an influence on


Energy is something that is easy to experiment with, and through

substantial practice with it, it is an effective means of nonphysical development.