Prepared by: Woodard & Curran October 2011 WATERBORO, ME Energy Chapter Comprehensive Plan Prepared for: Town of Waterboro 20/20 Master Plan Committee “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.” “That’s been one of my mantras – focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex; you have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.” – Steve Jobs

energy Chapter Comprehensive Plan - WaterboroThe Massachusetts Smart Growth/Smart Energy Toolkit provides helpful descriptions of the most prominent renewable energy technologies and

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Page 1: energy Chapter Comprehensive Plan - WaterboroThe Massachusetts Smart Growth/Smart Energy Toolkit provides helpful descriptions of the most prominent renewable energy technologies and

Prepared by: Woodard & CurranOctober 2011

WaterbOrO, Me

energy ChapterComprehensive Plan

Prepared for:town of Waterboro20/20 Master Plan Committee

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”

“That’s been one of my mantras – focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex; you have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.”

– Steve Jobs

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Town of Waterboro – 224643.00 i October 2011DRAFT Waterboro Energy Chapter November 2011.Doc



1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 1-1

1.1 Town Of Waterboro 20/20 Master Plan Committee........................................................................1-11.2 Overview of Energy Considerations ...............................................................................................1-3

1.2.1 Renewable and Alternative Energy ................................................................................................1-31.2.2 Renewable Energy: Defined...........................................................................................................1-3

1.3 Energy Management Plan Benefits ................................................................................................1-5

2. EXISTING CONDITIONS ................................................................................................................... 2-1

2.1 Community Overview.....................................................................................................................2-12.2 Waterboro Energy Use...................................................................................................................2-1

2.2.1 Energy Spending............................................................................................................................2-22.3 Community Energy Efforts to Date ................................................................................................2-3

2.3.1 Energy Chapter – Waterboro Comprehensive Plan .......................................................................2-32.3.2 Energy Efficiency Coordinator - Maine Energy Education Program and RSU #57.........................2-32.3.3 Energy Audit – 2011.......................................................................................................................2-42.3.4 Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Program.......................................................................2-4

2.4 Potential Future Projects ................................................................................................................2-52.5 Key Municipal Issues & Trends ......................................................................................................2-6

2.5.1 Some of the Issues.........................................................................................................................2-62.5.2 What Are Other Communities Doing? ............................................................................................2-7

2.6 State & Regional Energy Planning .................................................................................................2-72.6.1 York County....................................................................................................................................2-72.6.2 State of Maine Comprehensive Energy Plan (2008-2009) .............................................................2-72.6.3 Charting Maine’s Future – Grow Smart Maine & Brookings Institute Report (2006) ......................2-92.6.4 Regional Vision - Southern Maine Regional Planning Agency (SMRPC).....................................2-102.6.5 Maine Downtown Center – Green Downtown Program................................................................2-10

3. ENERGY STRATEGIES..................................................................................................................... 3-1


Appendix A: Glossary of Terms

Appendix B: Supporting Documents

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The Energy Chapter of Waterboro’s ComprehensivePlan was developed by Woodard & Curran incollaboration with the Town of Waterboro’s(Waterboro) Town Planner and 20/20 Master PlanCommittee. This project was funded through theEnergy Efficiency & Conservation Block GrantProgram that was secured by the Town ofWaterboro. The purpose of the plan is to helpWaterboro better understand, manage and improveits energy practices and incorporate energyefficiency, conservation and education into everyfacet of the community in accordance with acommon vision and set of goals. This plan alsoserves as an action plan to focus Town stakeholderson important energy initiatives and opportunities forconsideration.

The main goals of this plan are to:

Project Goals:

Support the Town of Waterboro as it seeks to better understand the environmental andeconomic development implications of the energy discussion including potentialrenewable energy opportunities,

Understand municipal energy usage and what opportunities exist to reduce it,

Educate residents and businesses about energy conservation opportunities, and

Provide resources for resident and municipal use that will serve to guide additionalthinking and decision making in the future.


In August 2010, the Town of Waterboro 20/20 Master Plan Committee adopted a vision statement whichis to:

Waterboro 20/20 Master Plan Committee Vision

“Provide a series of action plans to achieve and shape the future growth of Waterboro through aproactive, inclusive community effort that continuously improves and protects our quality of life by

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reaching a balance between economic development, environmental sustainability and communitylivability, in order to provide a legacy for our future generations.”

Having a dedicated energy chapter of the master plan aligns directly with this vision and incorporatesquality of living, economic development, sustainability and community engagement. This plan isintended to be action oriented and community inclusive to strive toward proactive energy management.This specific vision of this energy chapter is to support the 20/20 Committee Vision by:

Providing energy management related actions to support future growth by proactive energymanagement strategies centered around energy awareness and vigilant pursuit of fundingopportunities.

The 20/20 Master Plan Committee may want to discuss an additional vision and goals that pertain morespecifically to Energy and the role it will play in the future in Waterboro. Questions to consider include:

How important is it for Waterboro to reduce itsoverall energy consumption, energy costs andenvironmental impacts? Why or why not?

In what way are local residents currently beinginformed and educated about energy?

Where do you see Waterboro being in 5, 10, 20years with regards to the energy discussion andassociated initiatives?

Does the Energy discussion tie in well to othermunicipal initiatives? Which ones and why?

Development of this chapter has initiated the community engagement process by gaining input fromselect stakeholders and community representatives. In October 2011, one on one interviews or phonediscussions were completed with the following Waterboro residents to provide input to this chapter.

Town of Waterboro Residents Interviewed

Steve Evald, Raven Hill Orchards Leo Binette, Lakeside Market Inc.Vice President of Waterboro

Association of Businesses

William Winkel, William B.Winkel Builders

Todd Abbott, RSD Graphics Bob Powers, FormerSuperintendent of Schools

Tracy Ogden, GeothermalDrilling of New England,

Waterboro property owner andVice President of New England

Geothermal ProfessionalAssociation

Tom Ursia, Town Planner

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1.2.1 Renewable and Alternative Energy

Renewable energies are those that are derived naturally and cannot be exhausted (as opposed to fossilfuels which will eventually be exhausted). Renewable energy can be obtained from the sun (solarenergy), water (hydropower), wind (wind turbines), biomass (wood chips or pellets), or from the earth(geothermal). Alternative energy is alternatives to fossil fuels such as biodiesel, ethanol, or cogeneration.The use of renewable and/or alternative energies can achieve multiple benefits for the Town as follows:

Reduce reliance and price volatility of fossilfuels – Having alternatives to fossil fuels canhelp Waterboro diversity its energy portfolioand therefore manage the risk associated withvolatile energy prices.

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions –Traditional fossil fuels emit greenhousesgasses. Greenhouse gases are known to bedamaging to the environment.

Demonstrate a commitment to being “green”– The use of renewable or alternative fuelswill reduce the Town’s overall carbonfootprint, or greenhouse gases emitted as aresult of Town operations. A lower overallcarbon footprint is an important “greening”measure many municipalities are working on.

1.2.2 Renewable Energy: Defined

The Massachusetts Smart Growth/Smart Energy Toolkit provides helpful descriptions of the mostprominent renewable energy technologies and techniques. The descriptions below have been utilized fromthis resource and modified slightly.

SOLARSunlight, or solar energy, can be used directly for heating and lighting buildings, generating electricity,heating hot water, and a variety of commercial and industrial uses. Solar photovoltaic systems (PVcells/panels) use solar energy to produce electricity and are easily installed on homes, buildings, orproperty. A PV system can eliminate or reduce the amount of electricity purchased from a utility, andexcess power can be fed back into the grid reducing the property owner's energy bill. Incentives andgrants are available to reduce installation costs.

WINDWind, caused by the heating and cooling of the Earth's surface and atmosphere, is flowing energy. Whenthis kinetic energy is harnessed by turbines, wind power is created to generate pollution-free electricity ormechanical power. As both a coastal and mountainous state, Maine has plentiful opportunities to expandwind energy production, both on- and off-shore. Many Maine communities can capitalize on windresources developing small-scale, on-site local generation as well as commercial-scale wind turbines,contributing to the power grid as well as reducing energy costs.

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BIOMASSBiomass energy is produced from organic matter: plants, food waste, manure, wood, and agriculturalcrops that can be burned or converted to gas for heating or power generation. Biomass can be used toproduce electricity, transportation fuels, or chemicals as well as for heating and cooling. Maine has greatpotential for biomass energy. As a densely forested state a vibrant agricultural economy biomass fuelsupply can be readily obtained. In addition, if forests are managed sustainably, such that new treessequester as much carbon as is emitted through the burning of biomass, no net greenhouse gas emissionswill result.

FUEL CELLSA fuel cell uses the chemical energy of hydrogen to efficiently and cleanly produce electricity, with waterand heat as by-products. Fuel cells are unique in terms of the variety of potential applications; they canprovide both stationary and portable power for systems as large as a utility power plant, or an automobile,and as small as a laptop computer. Fuel cells produce much smaller quantities of greenhouse gases andnone of the air pollutants that create smog and cause health problems.

BIOFUELSBiofuels can be generally defined as solid, liquid, or gas fuels consisting of, or derived from biomass,which is most often used in the form of a liquid or gas transportation or heating fuel such as ethanol orbiodiesel. In the U.S., agricultural products specifically grown for biofuel production include corn andsoybeans.

Ethanol is an alcohol, made by fermenting any biomasshigh in carbohydrates through a process similar to beerbrewing. Ethanol is made from starches and sugars,however, new technologies are being developed toenable production from cellulose and hemicellulose;fibrous material that makes up the bulk of most plantmatter. Currently, ethanol is primarily used as ablending agent with gasoline to increase octane and cutdown carbon monoxide and other smog-causingemissions.

Biodiesel is made by combining alcohol with vegetable oil, animal fat, or recycled cooking grease. Itis usually used as an additive (typically 5-20 percent) to diesel fuel or heating oil to reducegreenhouse gas emissions.

GEOTHERMALGeothermal energy is energy from the heat of the Earth,which can be tapped for a variety of uses, includingelectric power production and the heating and cooling ofbuildings. Geothermal energy in Maine is primarily usedfor the heating and cooling of buildings. Geothermalenergy is accessed by drilling wells into the ground.

HYDROThe force of flowing water moving downstream createsenergy that can be harnessed and turned into electricity.This is called hydroelectric power or hydropower.

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Hydropower is produced for mechanical power or electricity generation. Often stored and controlled bydams, hydropower is created when the kinetic energy of moving water (rivers, waterfalls) is converted byturbines and generators into electricity, which is then fed into the electrical grid to be accessed by homes,businesses, and industry.

LANDFILL GAS RECOVERYGarbage that is "thrown away" is often buried in a landfill where it breaks down or decomposes creatingbiomass and methane gas. This gas can seep through the ground and into the atmosphere, contributing togreenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts. However, when the gas is captured in aclosed system, it can be used to create electricity. Essentially, the gas is collected, purged of any water,and then filtered to remove waste particles. It is then fed through pipes to a generator that burns the gas tocreate electricity.

OCEAN/TIDALThe kinetic energy created by the ocean's waves and tides can be harnessed to produce mechanical energyor electricity. This form of hydropower relies on the ebb and flow of tides, which is utilized to turnturbines, generating power. Tidal power takes two principle forms; one method requires largeinfrastructure (essentially huge dams called "barrages") to take advantage of the highs and lows of thetides, the other, tidal stream systems, capitalize on the energy of waves.


In recent years, many local and state governments have begun to understand the benefits of energyplanning. In addition to providing guidance for making future decisions, engaging local citizens and keystakeholders throughout the process is an effective way to raise awareness about important issues.According to the Energy Planning and Implementation Guidebook for Vermont Communities (April2011), there are nine main benefits of developing and following an Energy Plan which also ring true forcommunities in Maine. They include:

Municipal Cost Savings – increasing energy efficiency and conservation at municipal facilitiesand in operations can reduce fuel and utility bills. over the long term – well beyond the costs ofthe initial investment and, local renewable energy generation, if used to power municipalfacilities, can reduce fuel and utility bills.

Increased Revenues - Renewable energy facilities may result in substantial revenues formunicipalities and offset municipal property taxes.

A Strong Economy - For most communities today, 70-80% of money spent on energy leavestown, going to utilities, oil companies, and state and federal taxes. By investing in energyefficiency or local renewable energy projects, a larger portion of that money will remain in thecommunity, stimulating the local economy. In addition, energy efficiency and renewable energyinvestments create local employment both directly and indirectly.

Greater Energy Independence & Security - Reduced reliance on external energy sources cansafeguard residents and businesses from worldwide energy price shocks and supply shortages. Itcan also serve to ready communities and residents for a world with dwindling oil supplies.

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Local Influence Over Energy Facility Siting - Having a clear plan is the principal tool formunicipalities to influence the development of energy facilities and their location.

More Efficient Communities - Energyplanning, especially if integrated with land useand transportation plans, will result in morecompact and efficient use of land, leading totransportation options and shorter travel timesand lower operating costs for businesses andresidents.

Healthier Communities - Reduced energy usecan lead to improved local air quality andassociated health benefits. Efficient land useand transportation planning can also promotewalking and cycling opportunities, thuspromoting healthier lifestyles and reducinglevels of obesity and related ailments.

A Clean Environment - Energy efficiencyand renewable energy result in reducedgreenhouse gas emissions, improved airquality, and healthier ecosystems.

Regional Coordination & Collaboration- Because many energy issues transcendmunicipal – as well as state and national –boundaries, the process of preparing anenergy plan is an opportunity to considerlocal needs, opportunities, and challengesin a broader context.

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The Town of Waterboro is located in northwestern York County approximately ten miles from Sanford,fifteen miles from Saco/Biddeford and 25 miles from the Greater Portland area. Historically, Waterborohas been identified as a lumbering and agricultural community while today, there is a strong seasonaldevelopment and vacation economy that is present. Waterboro is also known as a bedroom communitywhere more affordable housing can be found for people who then commute to the regions more urbanlabor markets.

One of the most recent and telling pieces of information regarding how Waterboro has changed in the pastdecade is the recent Census data release. According to the 2010 Census, Waterboro is one of Maine’s 10fastest growing municipalities. Between 2000 and 2010, the community’s population increased by 24%.

Table 1: Waterboro Population Growth

1990 2000 2010

Waterboro Population4,510 6,214 7,693

York County164,587 186,742 197,131

Source: 2010 Census Redistricting Data [P.L.94-171] Summary Files - U.S. Census

Table 2: Waterboro Population Change

1990 - 2000 2000 - 2010 1990 - 2010

Waterboro1,704 1,479 3,183

Waterboro % Change38% 24% 71%

Source: 2010 Census Redistricting Data [P.L.94-171] Summary Files -U.S. Census

Waterboro has an opportunity to outline how this growth is being currently managed and how it wouldlike it to be handled in the future. Energy use and energy opportunities play a role in this discussion,particularly if decisions are made to consider energy use, efficiency, conservation and renewable energyopportunities as they relate to economic development in the future.


Developing an understanding of existing conditions is key to any plan that will guide a communityforward regarding a specific project or initiative. In 2011, Waterboro took a step forward towardsunderstanding its energy use by hiring a consultant to conduct an Energy Audit of municipal buildings.The plan focused on gathering and evaluating available information related to local energy supply anduse.

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2.2.1 Energy Spending

According to the 2009/2010 Expense Detail in the Waterboro Annual Report, the Town had thefollowing expenditures related to Energy costs:

09/10 Budget 09/10 Debits 09/10 Credits UnexpendedBalance

Municipal Buildings – Utilities; Budget: $43,000

Electricity $33,000 $31,136.79 0 $1,863.21

Heat $10,000 $14,326.11 0 -$4,326.11

Total/Remainder $45,462.90 0 -$2,462.90

Library – Utilities; Budget: $6,000.00

Electricity $2,000 $1,381.88 0 $618.12

Heat $4,000 $2,662.97 0 $1,337.03

Total/Remainder $4,044.85 0 $1,955.15

Parks & Recreation – Utilities; Budget: $950

Electricity $950 $1,654.94 0 -$704.94

Public Safety – Utilities; Budget: $29,440

Electricity $14,400 $10,938.94 0 $3,461.06

Heat $15,040 $8,405.78 0 $6,634.22

Total/Remainder $19,344.72 0 $10,095.28

Health & Sanitation – Utilities; Budget $4,350

Electricity $4,350 $5,698.73 0 -$1,348.73

Heat 0 $311.13 0 -$311.13

Total/Remainder $6,009.86 -$1,659.86

Public Works – Utilities; Budget: $800

Electricity $800.00 0 0 $800.00

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09/10 Budget 09/10 Debits 09/10 Credits UnexpendedBalance

Total/Remainder $252.38 0 $547.62

General Assistance – Utilities; Budget:$19,500

Electricity $6,000 $10,929.66 0 -$4,929.66

Heat $13,500 $8,575.10 0 $4,924.90

Total/Remainder $19,500 $19,504.76 0 $4.76


$104,040 $96,274.41 0 $7,765.59

*Note: This information is representative of some of the community’s energy costs. The purpose is tobegin quantifying how much is being spent on electricity and heat on an annual basis.


2.3.1 Energy Chapter – Waterboro Comprehensive Plan

The Town of Waterboro has recognized theimportance of developing an energy action plan as acritical foundation for energy grant funding, planningof future capital investments and economicdevelopments in the future. Toward that end, in the fallof 2011, the community hired Woodard & Curran towork with Town Staff and local residents to developthis Energy Chapter of Waterboro’s ComprehensivePlan update.

2.3.2 Energy Efficiency Coordinator - Maine Energy Education Program and RSU #57

In the fall of 2011, the Maine Energy Education Program and RSU #57 (Massabesic High School whichis located in Waterboro) advertised for hiring an Energy Efficiency Coordinator whose responsibility is tohelp develop a culture of conservation throughout the school district. According to the job description,this is a professional energy management position involving the implementation, promotion andcommunication of the Schools for Energy Efficiency program. The Energy Efficiency Coordinator willwork with school district personnel and occasionally students to successfully promote and communicateenergy efficiency.

The Schools for Energy Efficiency program is a holistic, behavior-based program that involves entireschool districts in being more energy efficient. The focus is on enabling a large number of people to dosmall things everyday to make a difference for program participants.

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RSU #57 has approximately 3,500 students and the schools in the district range in size fromapproximately 200 to over 700 students at the elementary level. The middle school has approximately 825students and the high school as over 1,200 students.

2.3.3 Energy Audit – 2011

Lassel Architects completed an Energy Audit Report in April 2011 for the Town of Waterboro. The workfocused on Old Town Hall, Town Hall Annex, the Library and South Fire Station. The purpose of thestudy was to review existing conditions of the building envelopes, assess indoor air quality and provide abroad overview of heating, ventilation, electrical systems and plumbing fixtures for opportunities inenergy conservation, improved comfort and indoor health and safety.

The report provided the following data:

Old Town Hall Town Hall Annex Library South FireStation

Average AnnualOil Consumption

2,020 gallons 2,852 gallons* 1,050 gallons 1,205 gallons

AverageElectrical Use


2.3 kWh/SF/Year 4.5 kWh/SF/Year 3.24kWh/SF/Year

* Requires energy assessment/recommendation implementation since these numbers appear to be highusage according to the Audit report.

The report provided a long list of projects that could be completed and showed the many opportunitiesWaterboro has to save money thought energy efficiency. It was noted in the report that each buildingprovides numerous opportunities to conserve energy from a heating, cooling and electrical usagestandpoint. To date, Waterboro has only implemented two of the recommendations and has focused onthe replacement of windows and improved insulation at the public library.

2.3.4 Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Program

In September 2010, the Town of Waterboro adopted theProperty Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Ordinance. As ofSeptember 2011, William B. Winkel Builders in Waterboro,has now completed 36 PACE projects locally. Under thePACE program, a home first has to go through an energyaudit and an application process with Efficiency Maine. Theloan money is available under a federal program known asProperty Assessed Clean Energy, or PACE, which isdesigned to help people make their homes more energyefficient.

Of the local energy audits completed by William B. WinkelBuilders, six of those were preformed at homes inWaterboro. Four of the homes have implementedweatherization projects that were recommended by the audit.

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Waterboro is at an early state of determining ifand what potential renewable energy projects itmay choose to consider in the future. Section 3discusses in detail a number of strategies that thetown should think about implementing, however,action items will need to be prioritized by TownStaff or a designated committee. The practicaland financial feasibility of each project should betaken into consideration when prioritizing. Inaddition, we have outlined organizations,communities and other entities that it may behelpful to reach out to for future projectdiscussions, or to share ideas and lessons learned.

Southern Maine Regional Planning Commission (SMRPC) – Regional planning commissionof which Waterboro is a member. The Greater Portland Council of Governments completed withthe assistance if ICLEI Energy Use and Emissions Inventory for the Greater Portland region. It isimportant for Waterboro to stay in close contact with SMRPC to keep them informed of ongoingprojects and to be a part of any initiatives that they pursue.

Website: www.smrpc.org

ICLEI - ICLEI is an international association of local governments as well as national andregional local government organizations who have made a commitment to sustainabledevelopment. ICLEI provides technical consulting, training, and information services to buildcapacity, share knowledge, and support local government in the implementation of sustainabledevelopment at the local level. Our basic premise is that locally designed initiatives can providean effective and cost-efficient way to achieve local, national, and global sustainability objectives.

Website: http://www.iclei.org/

Efficiency Maine – Efficiency Maine is a statewide program to promote more efficient use ofelectricity, help Maine residents and businesses reduce energy costs and improve Maine’senvironment. Waterboro should continue to work with Efficiency Maine on projects anddeveloping programs for the community.

Website: http://www.efficiencymaine.com/

Clean Air, Cool Planet – The mission of this organization is to: Solve the global warmingproblem through civic engagement, education and effective policy.

Clean Air-Cool Planet (CA-CP) is the leading organization dedicated solely to finding andpromoting solutions to global warming:

o We partner with companies, campuses, communities and science centers to helpreduce their carbon emissions.

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o We help our partners, their constituents, and other regional opinion leaders andstakeholders understand the impacts of global warming and its best availablesolutions, through comprehensive outreach efforts celebrating commitment,innovation and success in climate action.

o We showcase practical climate solutions that demonstrate the economic opportunitiesand environmental benefits associated with early actions on climate change.

o We propose and recommend the implementation of effective policy solutions aimedat reducing greenhouse gas emissions at the state, regional and national levels.

Website: http://www.cleanair-coolplanet.org/about/index.php


2.5.1 Some of the Issues

Often seen as less obvious but equally important topic, energy planning continues to be an area ofincreased visibility and urgency in communities throughout the United States, including Maine. Currentenergy consumption practices – consuming more energy than necessary, much of which is from highlypolluting fossil fuels like coal and oil - are not sustainable in the long-term. Greenhouse gas emissionswhich continue to point towards global warming, foreign oil dependence including associated nationalsecurity concerns and health related impacts like air pollution all point to the rationale that somethingdifferent must be done.

According to the Municipal Energy Planning Workbook prepared by the University of Wisconsin, thereare three main issues that can help facilitate municipal energy discussion.

Cost – Municipal budgets have been hard hit in the past three years and an energy plan canprovide guidance and a roadmap for navigating the next time the prices for energy start tosubstantially increase – and they will.

Availability – While it’s hard to imagine that gasoline and oil for example will reachunaffordable prices, it is possible. An energy strategy that outlines steps to be taken when and ifavailability of fossil fuels becomes an issue will help a community facilitate how to handle thesituation. Questions like “what retrofits or infrastructure additions would be needed to takeadvantage of a substitute?”

Reliability – Being able to obtain the source of energy that typically is utilized, ensuring thatsources are reliable and that the cost is affordable can be issues. Reducing overall energy use andreducing peak demand and having a plan for how to do this can pay off in spades.

According to the MEP Workbook:

“Municipalities have responsibilities to their citizens. Cost, availability and reliability willimpact everyone. For vulnerable populations who may not be able to afford cost increases theimpact will be more severe. By being proactive with education and assistance with weatherizationand other conservation efforts a municipality may lessen the disruption from future energy supplyor cost issues.”

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2.5.2 What Are Other Communities Doing?

Renewable energy sources, increased energy efficiency and conservation have in recent years begun to bemore seriously pursued. Communities throughout the country have begun to realize that reduced energyuse results in long-term cost savings which thereby allows us to change our energy needs while meetingthem through the use of renewable sources like wind, solar, geothermal and biomass.

Today, communities are having the energy conversation and focusing on some of the followinginitiatives:

Conducting and completing baseline energy assessments regarding use, conducting greenhousegas inventories and individual building assessments to determine level of efficiency;

Creating plans such as this Energy Chapter to address the subject, establish goals and set forthdetailed action items which allow a community to educate residents and demonstrate progress,

Adopting local ordinances for renewable energy siting and other facilities, building codes thatfoster increased efficiency in new and redevelopment projects and growth managementordinances that direct future development to designated areas as part of a larger communitystrategy for sustainability,

Utilizing available funding to help construct and finance construction and retrofitting of homes,businesses and municipal buildings and facilities,

Purchasing fuel-efficient municipal vehicles that directly reduce fossil fuel consumption andreduce air pollution and spotlight increased use of public transportation, carpooling, bicycling andwalking,

Making energy policy recommendations that facilitate citizen-level actions, decisions, regulationsand land use policies that lead to energy market shifts towards competitive, healthy and safeenergy alternatives.


2.6.1 York County

According to Efficiency Maine, since 2006, nearly 450 energy improvement projects have beencompleted by York County businesses. These businesses have received more than $2.7 million infinancial incentives and are saving more than $33 million over the life of the projects. These businessesare across York County, and include companies like Poland Springs, Tom’s of Maine, Pratt & Whitney,General Dynamics and Corning Incorporated.

2.6.2 State of Maine Comprehensive Energy Plan (2008-2009)

The Governor’s Office of Energy Independence and Security in accordance with Public Law 656,developed a Comprehensive Energy Action Plan for the State of Maine. The overarching commitment ofthis document is that it will help to advance the principles, the programs and the integrated plansnecessary to secure a safe, clean and affordable energy future for Maine citizens. Ten key principles that

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focus on the areas of energy, economic development and environment serve as guidance for developingand achieving long-term goals. The principles include:

1. Competitively priced energy is vital to the state’s economy and the wellbeing of our citizens.Maine should strive to provide energy to all its citizens at the lowest possible cost to promoteeconomic development and to retain jobs;

2. Maine should increase its energy independence, security, service quality and reliabilitythrough greater reliance on cost-effective energy efficiency, conservation, demandmanagement and distributed resources in all energy using sectors;

3. Maine’s energy policy ultimately relies on the health of competitive markets;

4. When barriers prevent the effective operation of energy markets or when these markets donot take the long-term societal and environmental impacts of energy decisions into account,the State should look to other tools to achieve its goals, including: regulation, education,taxation policies, subsidies and leadership by example;

5. An adequate and reliable energy delivery infrastructure is critical to economic growth and tocontinued expansion of competitive energy markets;

6. Maine should continue to support indigenous renewable energy resources in all energy usingsectors to ensure that Maine participates in an effective manner in national and internationalefforts to promote energy security, independence, diversity and long-term sustainability;

7. State policies should seek to minimize the unnecessary environmental and public healthimpacts of energy production, distribution and use;

8. State Government should lead by example and action in its energy procurement,infrastructure and usage practices and policies;

9. Maine people should have access to adequate information on the costs, environmental andother impacts of their own energy choices to ensure that they can make more informeddecisions; and

10. Active interagency coordination on state, regional and federal energy policies offers manyopportunities to make more economically efficient, environmentally responsible and energysecure decisions regarding the use of State energy resources.

Accordingly, the critical action items in thisPlan revolve around six overarching andinterconnected strategies with accompanyinggoals, objectives and implementationmeasures:

Strengthening Energy Efficiency,Conservation and Weatherization

Fostering Renewable Energy

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The Plan recommends pursuing the following goals to achieve improvements in fosteringrenewable energy in the State:

o Encourage Maine’s businesses and residences to invest in distributed renewablegeneration of energy.

o Continue to advance Maine’s position as a leader in responsible wind powerdevelopment and maximize the tangible benefits Maine people receive.

o Work with State agencies, the Governor’s Ocean Energy Task Force, MaineMaritime Academy (MMA) and private developers to promote tidal power inMaine.

o Seek to develop on-site clean, renewable energy projects at appropriate statefacilities.

o Work with public and private schools across the state to facilitate energyalternative demonstration projects.

o Support research at the University of Maine to create cellulosic ethanol frompaper making waste.

o Increase the use of bio-fuels and alternative energy in state-occupied buildings.o Encourage the development of ethanol-blend fueling stations.o Increase the development and use of cogeneration and tri-generation in the State

of Maine.o Encourage the strategic location and development of industrial and district

heating energy generation clusters.o Assist the University of Maine and other colleges with the use of biomass/bio-

fuel cogeneration and tri-generation energy systemo Increase the generation of renewable power into the State of Maine’s electricity


Improving Transportation and Fuel Efficiencies Upgrading Electricity and Natural Gas Services, Transmission Systems and Transmission Infrastructures State of Maine Leading by Example Energy Emergency Preparedness and Response

2.6.3 Charting Maine’s Future – Grow Smart Maine & Brookings Institute Report (2006)

In 2006, GrowSmart Maine, in conjunction with the Brookings Institution, produced Charting Maine’sFuture, an in-depth examination of Maine’s strength and weaknesses in a changing world. This reportlooked closely at the various regions of Maine all which have their own unique characteristics. The Townof Waterboro is in the identified Southern Maine region (York and Cumberland Counties). The reportidentifies a number of recommendations. Two of the recommendations have specific relevance to thisparticular project, they are:

Optimism about Maine's future. Maine is poised for a renewal — if we act now. The new economy favors Maine. Our population is growing again. The economy is diversifying. The Maine 'brand' is gaining in value.

Sustainable growth won't happen unless we fix some of the problems we face. Our state's economic development work is unfocused.

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Good, new jobs are just taking root. Our work force isn't ready for tomorrow's jobs. We tax and spend too much. We're squandering our small-town landscape.

In particular, with regard to sustainable growth, Waterboro has an opportunity to directly address some ofthe issues noted above by: focusing on certain economic development initiatives that relate to energy,ensuring that where possible, energy initiatives create jobs, recognizing energy projects that can generaterevenue and focusing energy initiatives to specific areas of Waterboro so as to direct the growth and notreact to it.

2.6.4 Regional Vision - Southern Maine Regional Planning Agency (SMRPC)

In 2004, SMRPC completed a Regional Vision document for its 39 town area which has experiencedtremendous growth and change over time. According to the report, “growth in the Southern Maine regionhas been driven largely by wealth from outside the region, with many new residents either commuting tojobs in Portland, Portsmouth or even Massachusetts, or coming from out of state to retirement or vacationhomes.” Much of the discussion involved regionalization and growth.

Key findings of the regional vision document included:

The focus in communities and for SMRPC needs to be on practical matters that can demonstrablysave towns money.

All 10 towns already have largely met their capital needs for the time being, so it will be manyyears down the road before major joint purchases will be possible.

This is a purely voluntary effort—towns are reluctant to be forced into regionalism. Existing regional purchasing programs run by SMRPC are popular and should continue. Towns feel very strongly about maintaining local control over planning and land use decisions,

and would not be receptive to letting land use decisions be made at the regional level.

2.6.5 Maine Downtown Center – Green Downtown Program

The Maine Downtown Center Green Downtown program was launched in 2009 and follows eight keyprinciples:

Reduce, reuse, recycle – preserve and fully usebuildings, reduce waste,

Healthy Communities - Active options, centralizedsocial needs, local foods,

Green Canopy – Street trees, plantings Green Energy - Alternative sources: passive/active

solar, heat pumps, attic fans, wind Urban Living – Upper floor living, walkable

neighborhoods Stormwater Planning – Capturing, cleaning and

reusing runoff Transit – Public alternatives to private autos Active Transportation – Walking, trails, bicycles,

shared autos

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The program is designed to accomplish two primary goals: strengthen the link between the natural andbuilt environment in Maine’s historic downtowns to make them more environmentally responsive andecologically conscious and strengthen Maine’s downtowns by building local leadership and communitycapacity to support sustainable green initiatives. The Maine Downtown Center is available for consultingwith communities about how to launch a Green Downtown Program.

Website: http://www.mdf.org/mdc_green_downtowns.php

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Energy strategies are identified and described in this section along with recommendations of specificactions that can be taken by the Town to make progress toward implementing each strategy.

1. Organize a Town Governing Body Headed by a Designated Energy Coordinator to LeadEnergy Initiatives.

Waterboro realizes the importance of efficientenergy management in today’s economy andunderstands that recognizing energy managementbenefits takes effort and discipline. Any successfulinitiative needs a champion that can developpriorities, move initiatives forward, implement tasksand be the spokesperson for the overall effort. Inorder for Waterboro to be serious about and makeprogress toward improved energy management, theytown needs to designate and ask for leadership froman energy coordinator.

This coordinator should not act alone, but in collaboration with a governing body that can provideguidance and ensure that energy related initiatives fit within the overall plan for the community. Wesuggest this position may be part-time or added as an additional responsibility of an existing staffmember. We anticipate the position can be justified based on savings achieved from implementing moreefficient energy management practices. Several actions that could be incorporated into the energycoordinator position are outlined below after.


Certified Building Energy & Sustainability Technician. Invest in the Energy Coordinator oralternate Town energy representative becoming a Certified Building Energy & SustainabilityTechnician. The Association of Energy Engineers of which Waterboro is an active memberoffers a Certified Building Energy & Sustainability Technician program that provides targetedtraining on how to reduce energy usage in operations and best maintenance practices. Checkliststo guide the evaluation process are provided as well as strategies to make the business case forequipment upgrades. The training can be achieved by attending a 40 hour course and passing anexamination at its conclusion. Having someone with this certification available to the Towncould help the Town achieve efficiencies in its buildings as well as support local homeowners andbusinesses with implementable strategies.

Communicate the Town’s energy objectives, plans and successes. In order to raise the overallenergy awareness of the community, frequent and consistent communication is necessarythrough a variety of media. One of the many goals of these communications should be to fostercommunity engagement and understanding about energy. Communications could consist ofpublications in the local newspaper, informational sessions regarding energy use, a portion of the

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Town web site dedicated to energy initiatives, and communications via social media such asFacebook and Twitter to reach the younger generation.

Coordinate with the School’s New Energy Efficiency Coordinator. We understand the schoolsystem recently hired an Energy Efficiency Coordinator, which represents an opportunity forcoordination and collaboration. The Town energy manager should work closely with the schoolenergy manager to partner in specific initiatives, share resources, and ideas.

Provide education on energy conservation and renewable energy choices and opportunities. Inorder to decrease our dependency on foreign oil, energy conservation and renewable energyalternatives need to be explored and implemented. Making different energy choices is very hardto accomplish if people don’t understand what to do differently. Having the Town take aleadership role in providing education on energy conservation and renewable energy will be animportant means to engage the community and foster change.

Develop mechanisms to monitor funding opportunities. Locating and securing funding at themunicipal and individual home owner levels is a challenge as there are numerous, rapidlychanging programs available. The energy coordinator should work collaboratively with the Townenergy governing body to identify and secure available funding. When opportunities areidentified, the Town may want to secure contracting with a grant writer or make this an importantcriterion for the energy coordinator position. The ability to secure additional funding will allowWaterboro to become more energy efficient, as well as may provide a mechanism to fundadditional conservation activities through cost savings.


Kennebunk, ME - The local Energy Committee is very active. For example, when the schooldistrict receives an energy bill, they offer considerations for how to reduce the fees. They alsodecided to try to find a role for students in helping to address the energy conservation problemand in 2007, by working with a group of students, a solar thermal panel was installed atKennebunk High School.

Scarborough, ME - In June 2011, Scarborough approved an Energy Plan which will serve toguide the Town toward and energy management system that is financially and environmentallysustainable. The very first recommended strategy is to establish an Energy Office.

Falmouth, ME – The 2010 Falmouth Climate Action Plan recommended creating an EnergyCommittee who will be charged with implementing the plan.

New Gloucester, ME – The New Gloucester Energy Efficiency Workgroup has set measurablegoals for the community that are in support of its overall mission to reduce energy use andgreenhouse gas emissions. The plan focuses on municipal government and it includes strategiesthat support town-wide renewable energy and transportation alternatives.

Goals:o Reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions of municipal buildings 25% by 2015.o Reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions of municipal vehicles 5% by 2015.o Reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions of municipal street lights 20% by 2015.o Support transportation alternatives, such as car pooling and public transportation.o Support energy alternatives, including wind power and more sustainable fuels.o Educate citizens about reducing energy use and greenhouse gas emissions.

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2. Increase Energy Awareness in the Town.

The role of the energy coordinator andTown energy governing body suggestedpreviously will be important in raising theoverall energy awareness in the Town ofWaterboro. However, there are other moreeasily implementable actions the Town cantake immediately to start the process ofraising awareness and making energy morevisible.


Start with Town Buildings. Town buildings offer an easy opportunity to reach out the public andlead by example. Advertising the Town’s commitment to energy conservation can be easilyrelayed by including signage near light switches to conserve energy and posters advertisingenergy conservation tips, workshops, vision and goals.

Create energy guidelines for Town building use. These guidelines could consist of items suchas the last person in the building or in a department to be responsible for turning off lights, andshutting down equipment etc. The guidelines could also be applied to developing practicesaround when the building is occupied after hours such as for night cleaning or other Town relatedactivities to ensure the building is properly closed down from an energy usage standpoint whennot occupied.

Sponsor an Energy Conservation Award. An energy conservation award is a great means togenerate energy publicity in a positive way. The award could be given by the Town energygoverning body to a Town business or resident that has demonstrated energy conservationpractices or has implemented renewable energy alternatives. The award should be given at leastannually and include a plaque to be publically displayed, an award ceremony, and press aroundthe award.

Host “green” public events. “Green” public events are a means of bringing and disseminatingimportant energy and sustainability related information to the community. Waterboro couldcommit to developing and promoting “green events” for the public and communicating eventssponsored by other organizations within Waterboro or surrounding communities. Waterboroshould reach out to the public to encourage members of the community to contact members of theenergy governing body or energy coordinator if there are events community members would liketo be involved in or topics they would like to learn more about.

Select and utilize a computer-based tool to inventory and track greenhouse gas emissions andenergy use. The purpose of utilizing a computer-based tool is to help communities establishbaseline information regarding energy consumption and then provide the ability to analyze theenergy savings from various implementation strategies. The most commonly used tools are:

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o The Clean Air Climate Protection software program available through membership inICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability - USA (formerly the International Councilfor Local Environmental Initiatives);

o The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) developed an ENERGY STARPortfolio Manager and an associated benchmarking starter kit to quickly and easilyprioritize energy efficiency projects in buildings, measure progress, and verify/reportresults;

o The Small Town Carbon Calculator (STOCC) developed by Clean Air-Cool Planet inconjunction with Carbon Solutions New England and the University of New Hampshire

These tools help communities with data management and information retention as well as to helpestablish baseline information regarding energy consumption and to analyze the energy savingsfrom various implementation strategies.


The focus included sustainable living and agriculture.

Scarborough, ME – This community as a part of its Energy Plan is focusing on measuringsuccess and showing improvement for increasing efficiency and setting benchmarks. Being ableto show clear metrics will be helpful in educating the public and showing areas of improvement.

3. Explore the potential for using or generating renewable or alternative energy.

We are all aware of the U.S. dependence on fossilfuels and the challenges associated with the use ofthis limited and costly resource. Finding alternativesto fossil fuels demonstrates both fiscal andenvironmental responsibility and can lead to long-term cost savings. Looking closely at renewableenergy is a great opportunity for the Town to chartthe course in how a business or individual homeowner might consider alternatives to fossil fuel use,while potentially achieving cost savings for theTown at the same time.


Consider a demonstration scale solar energy project. While there are several renewable energyalternatives available to the Town, currently funding is best suited to the implementation of solarprojects. The town might explore Maine's Voluntary Renewable Resources Grants, supported bythe state's Voluntary Renewable Resources Fund and administered by the Efficiency Maine, thatprovide funding for small-scale demonstration projects designed to educate communities on thevalue and cost-effectiveness of renewable energy. Maine's Voluntary Renewable Resources Fund,a public benefits fund, was established in 2000 and is supported by contributions made by

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consumers on their electric bills. Applications for Voluntary Renewable Resources Grants areavailable only during specified application periods; funding is made available when a certainamount has been collected as a result of voluntary contributions. In addition, Efficiency Mainewill make funds available from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) tosupplement this grant program. For details see: http://www.maine.gov/mpuc/recovery/

Grants of up to $50,000 are generally available to Maine-based nonprofit organizations (includingcommunity-based nonprofits), electric cooperatives, quasi-municipal corporations and districts,schools, and community action programs. To qualify for grant funding, renewable-energyresources generally must (1) qualify as a small power production facility under Federal EnergyRegulatory Commission rules or (2) must not exceed 100 megawatts in capacity and use one ormore of the following resources to generate electricity: fuel cells, tidal power, solar energy, windenergy, geothermal energy, hydropower, biomass energy, and/or municipal solid waste used in agenerator in conjunction with recycling. There is a 20% cost-share requirement for grant-fundingbut typical solar projects would have a reasonable payback of around 10 years with this type ofgrant and potentially as short at 5 years if SRECs could be captured.

Invite Efficiency Maine to Speak tothe Town about Energy GrantOpportunities. Creating a venue toinvite Efficiency Maine to speak tothe Town residents and otherstakeholders about energyopportunities will both generateenergy awareness and identify realimplementation and fundingoptions. An open dialog should beongoing with Efficiency Maine sothe Town understands new fundingopportunities as they develop.

Invite Ogden Geothermal to Speak to the Town about the Implementation of GeothermalProjects. The Town has a great local resource in Tracy and Tom Ogden who both are propertyowners in Waterboro as well as run their own geothermal company in Massachusetts. In additionto the geothermal implementations they do in their work, the Ogdens are considering ageothermal installation at their Waterboro property. The Ogdens will be great resources ineducating the community on what geothermal energy is, how it works, and potential applicationsfor businesses and residents.

Explore Outreach to Developers to Implement Large Scale Wind. While micro-scale windprojects likely don’t represent a good opportunity for the Town, large scale wind is an option thatcould be examined. The Town could do outreach to developers to potentially identify a partnerthat may like to explore wind implementations in Waterboro. Waterboro should be aware thatthere is generally larger opposition to wind than other renewable projects due to visibility andnoise impacts that make these projects sensitive and potentially controversial. There are alsocertainly wind speeds that must be present for wind to be a viable option as outlined below:


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Saco Energy Initiative, Saco, ME - The City of Saco is committed to reducing its energydependence by obtaining as much of our energy as is practical from renewable energy sources.The Saco Energy Committee was formed in the spring of 2005, and includes a city councilor andfive city personnel. The Committee meets regularly to investigate means of conservation,efficiency and renewable energy. Saco has completed wind and solar projects at its wastewatertreatment plant and taken on the Governor’s Carbon Challenge.http://www.sacomaine.org/news/energy.shtml

Falmouth, ME - Falmouth School Department received a grant of more than $45,200 for a 10.3-kilowatt photo-voltaic panel to be installed at the high school.

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Freeport, ME - In Freeport, the small-scale demonstration project will promote a roof-mountedphoto-voltaic solar electric power array of 10.2 kilowatts. It will consist of 54 modules occupying718 square feet, mounted on the roof of the library meeting room. The project is designed toeducate the community on the cost-effectiveness of harnessing natural resources for cleanelectricity.

4. Increase the energy efficiency of town lighting.

Optimizing town lighting is a known and relatively straight forward approach to achieve immediateenergy efficiencies and cost savings. Taking advantage of LED street lighting and other related productswill be beneficial.


Assess the status of non-building street lights.The town should determine and/or inventory thetypes and locations of non-building lighting thatcurrently exist in Waterboro. Once this informationis known, the town should assess whether certainlighting can be replaced or upgraded with moreenergy efficient products or, alternatively powereddown or even eliminated, provided this does notcause a safety issue.

Phase out conventional street lights and replacewith more energy efficient fixtures. Once theTown has identified the presence and locations ofconventional street lights, it should develop aprogram to systematically replace these lights withnewer, more energy efficient products as budgetsand maintenance schedules will allow.


Poultney, VT – in 2003, the community took the initiative to engage and educate the public tochange out incandescent lightbulbs to energy saving CFLs.

Fort Fairfield, ME – in 2011, Fort Fairfield was able to leverage $58,290 in Energy Efficiencyand Conservation Block Grant funding with a $45,675 lighting incentive from Efficiency Maineto replace 174 streetlights with LED lighting technology.

Saco, ME - in May of 2010, the City received a grant of $85,000 for various energy efficiencygrants in the City. As part of that grant, the City was able to purchase $71,000 worth of LightEmitting Diode (LED) retrofit units for the existing decorative lighting in downtown Main Streetarea. The LED retrofit of the existing metal halide street lighting on Main Street uses about halfthe energy of conventional lighting.

Cape Elizabeth, ME – in 2011, the Alternative Energy Committee, formed in 2007 to look atalternative energy options for both the school and municipal departments, voted to recommend a

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plan to the Town Council that would put light-emitting diode, or LED, lighting and inductionlighting in town parking lots.

Bangor, ME – instituted a Downtown Street Light Replacement with Energy Efficient LightEmitting Diode Technology at a cost of $161,700.

Easthampton, MA – in 2010, funding was received to install energy-efficient LED streetlights.The Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER) awarded the City $174,985 for theproject.

5. Implement energy efficiencies resulting from energy audits to reduce energy expenditures.

Lassel Architects complete an Energy Audit Report in April 2011 for the Town of Waterboro. The workfocused on Old Town Hall, Town Hall Annex, the Library and South Fire Station. The purpose of thestudy was to review existing conditions of the building envelopes, indoor air quality and provide a broadoverview of heating, ventilation, electrical systems as well as plumbing fixtures for opportunities inenergy conservation, improved comfort and indoor health and safety.

Waterboro has many opportunities to save money through energy efficiency and given the potentiallyoverwhelming nature of the long list of projects in the report, it will be helpful to identify a set of projectsfor early implementation. To help with this effort, below is a table that separates the efficiencyopportunities into two categories: #1 that require little or no capital expenditure and #2 those that requirecapital.


Implement Low and No Cost Energy Project on Municipal Buildings. The audit reportidentified several projects that might be early candidates for implementation at low or no cost.We believe this might serve as a catalyst for other more involved projects. One approach toimplementation is a community based effort that can use volunteers or existing staff to completeprojects. It is estimated that these projects can be implemented for less than $1,000 dollars andwill have near immediate energy savings.

Location Project

Old Town Hall Install insulated covers over through-wall AC in Winter

Improve air sealing and insulation

Annex Improve air sealing and insulation

Energy settings on office equipment

Library Cover dirt crawl space with heavy duty vapor barrier

Address insulation concerns

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Location Project

Firehouse (Building is in deteriorated condition and may not warrantany investment. That said some minimal investments in airsealing may still make sense.)

Improve air sealing

General Programmable Thermostats; 60F temperature duringunoccupied times

Implement Energy Star Purchasing Policy

Replace lighting that is only re-lamping

Participate in New England Carbon Challenge

Develop behavioral change to minimize energy use

Focus on Building Envelope. It was noted in the report that each building provides numerousopportunities to conserve energy from a heating, cooling and electrical usage standpoint. Inaddition, Waterboro should make sure that any envelope upgrades should be coordinated by ageneral contractor with air sealing and high efficiency envelopes because standard constructionmethods are not always sufficient to obtain energy savings desired.

Develop funds for improvements that require capital. If funds are to be made available, thecommunity should determine the magnitude of the efforts desired. To maximize funds, projectsshould be structured to target the most attractive projects first in alignment with the total spendingappetite of the community. We suggest an annual budget of $5,000-$10,000 to support projectimplementation. Projects should also be conducted in methodology to ensure that by completingone type of project others are not eliminated. Projects can be made on a revolving basis wheresavings can be returned to conduct additional projects. In that manner, the energy efficiencyproject fund becomes an ongoing or "revolving" financial tool. This money can then be fullyleveraged to support the most energy efficiency projects as possible.

o Revolving Loan fund information – to be added!


Bangor, ME – Utilized $100,900 in Energy Efficient & Community Development Block Grantmoney to fund chimney repairs and boiler upgrades in three municipal buildings.

Eliot, ME – In 2011, this community completed an Energy Audit of municipal buildings.

New Gloucester, ME – According to the Town of New Gloucester website, “the Town of NewGloucester was awarded a $10,000 grant from Efficiency Maine to conduct energy auditing ofmunicipal buildings and to develop a municipal energy efficiency plan. Efficiency Maine has alsoawarded the town a $36,000 fund for energy efficiency improvements to New Gloucestermunicipal buildings based on the energy audit recommendations.”

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6. Utilize the schools and its students to build and implement green programs.

The students are the future leaders of tomorrow. Outreach to the schools and getting students involved isa great approach to perpetuate the message of energy conservation and to harness the energy and talent ofthe Town’s young people. The knowledge gained by the students will stay with them for a lifetime andwill transcend into their homes and community. RSU #57 recognized this potential has advertised anenergy coordinator position for the school system which will take the lead in implementing programs.The Town could build upon this work and partner with the schools in the following ways:


Involve students in volunteeractivities town-wide. Students can beeasily overlooked in the developmentof Town committee and groups.Having student representation in thesegroups will bring the perspective of ayounger generation and harness theircreative energies. One way tooutreach to students beyond outreachcompleted within the school walls isto engage students in Town led orsponsored volunteer activities. Thiswould further perpetuate energyawareness, but could also help theTown accomplish tasks that mightotherwise be understaffed or takelonger to complete.

Consider offering an energy internship at the Town or coordinate an internship with localbusinesses. This is an experience that high schools seniors may be very interested in. It will givethem both real world training working with community stakeholders as well an opportunity toapply what they have learned in school to a real world situation.


Hanson Elementary School, Lebanon, ME - Clair Ledue and Susan Devito’s excelenvironmental classes received funding for the installation of 19 occupancy sensors that willautomatically turn off lights when rooms are not in use. Students will also be consulting withlocal middle and high school students on other ideas for improving the environmental friendlinessof their respective schools.

Lincoln Academy, Newcastle, ME - The Climate Change Action Club received funding topurchase and install new high efficiency hand dryers, replacing aged models with higher energyconsumption. Lincoln Academy offered to match the distributed funds to further improve theschool’s efficiency.

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Lincoln Middle School, Portland, ME – Several science classes were awarded grant money forthe installation and purchase of new high efficiency hand dryers. The team carried out extensiveresearch and after a performing a cost/benefit analysis, decided to purchase the Dyson Airblade,which uses less electricity per use than any other hand dryer on the market and will result in adecreased use of paper towels. The science classes have also received matched funding fromKIDS Consortium for additional dryers.

Oak Hill Middle School, Sabattus, ME - Students were awarded money for implementation oftheir multi-pronged energy efficiency project. The students looked at the school’s energy usageand where it could be improved and after extensive research and data analysis found thatinstallation of motion sensors, CFLs for task lighting (to reduce the overhead light use) andimproving the weatherization would be the best fixes for improving school-wide energyefficiency.

7. Examine opportunities to optimize energy purchasing practices. Find cheaper energy.

There may be opportunities for Waterboro to optimize its current energy purchasing by integrating energypurchases and understanding how pricing is completed by its suppliers. Aggregation of purchasing powerwithin and outside of the Town can enable market leveraging. A proactive approach to energy purchasingwill also allow Waterboro to both understand its energy purchasing and develop strategies to becomemore efficient and proactive in its practices.


Partner with surrounding communities for bulk energy purchases. The collective purchasingpower of multiple entities is typically greater than with any single entity. The Town couldexplore opportunities to work with other surrounding communities regarding potential jointenergy purchases.

Examine electric and fuel oil supply agreements. Waterboro should review its existing supplyagreements to ensure it is getting the best purchasing agreement possible.


South Portland, ME – The City has considered buying electricity on the wholesale market to cutits electricity bills and possibly those of residential and commercial customers. The concept callsfor the city to form a nonprofit energy supply company, called South Portland Energy, whichwould be able to get cheaper rates because it would buy power in bulk. A conservative estimatefor savings on electricity – which is separate from the transmission and delivery of power –- is 10to 20 percent. The savings could be passed on to users or go into a fund for projects.

York Hospital, York, ME - York Hospital purchases 100 percent of its electricity from Mainerenewable sources as part of a commitment to creating environmentally healthy surroundings forpatients, staff and communities. While the state of Maine requires 30 percent of the energy sold inthe state to come from renewable sources, York Hospital has raised the bar by going to 100percent, becoming the first hospital in the state to set such a precedent.

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8. Foster the creation of a new village area and highlight energy efficiency and conservation.

The Town of Waterboro currently does not have a clearlyidentifiable village area. Lakeside Market, a communitybusiness leader in energy conservation is located in anarea that could be identified as downtown with furtherdevelopment. Targeted village efforts create jobs, makesplaces more attractive live, promotes energy efficiencyand helps to preserve open space. Development could beencouraged in this area and employ the followingconcepts outlined in the actions below:


Work with the Maine Downtown Center to Launch a Green Village Program in Waterboro.The Maine Downtown Center is a resource that can be utilized to help Waterboro start a programthat would help achieve in part, energy independence and efficiency goals as they relate to thepotential creation of a downtown or defined mixed use village area. One of the key principles ofthis program is Green Energy.

Ensure that this Energy Chapter is consistent with the new Village planning chapter of theComprehensive Plan. Typically, the land use section of a Master Plan inventories existingconditions and provides recommendations for future development and conservation in acommunity. In addition, it may include specific mention of water resources and planning forlocation and protection of future sources. Renewable Energy should be an additionalconsideration for this evaluation.

Adopt regulatory requirements that will foster the appropriate location and design standardsfor renewable energy projects. The Town of Waterboro has an opportunity to be proactive withregards to planning for renewable energy projects. Having a general idea of where they could belocated in town along with appropriate regulatory guidelines and/or design guidelines could helpprotect the community against any controversial issues.

Incorporate LEED building standards into new downtown development codes. The Townshould try to be as proactive as possible in recruiting new businesses to Town so thatdevelopment doesn’t just happen without being well thought out. To ensure the downtown hub ispossible, LEED building principals can be incorporated and may well be an attractive designconcept to developers or energy conscious businesses.

Develop Town infrastructure to support a downtown area. If the Town wants to attractbusinesses to the downtown area it should consider creating infrastructure to support growth. TheTown needs to evaluate how it currently prioritizes and implements infrastructure improvements.


Kennebunk, ME – Kennebunk is working with the Maine Downtown Center utilizing their GreenDowntown approach which focuses on the Main Street design principles, building recycling,energy efficiency and a healthy, walkable downtown with trail and transit connections. (SeeAppendix B for a recent presentation about this collaborative effort.)

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9. Support the individual homeowners in becoming more energy efficient.

Waterboro realizes that its most important assets are the people that live in the community and fullysupporting its home and business owners in their energy efficiency and management efforts is criticallyimportant. There are numerous energy incentive programs from a number of entities available toindividual homeowners, however often these programs are hard to locate or unclear in what thehomeowner must do to take advantage of them. Providing support associated with these programs andother energy and sustainability guidance to the individual homeowners will not only reduce home andbusiness owner’s individual energy costs, but will generate energy efficiency awareness that can beperpetuated throughout the community.


Provide education targeted toward homeowners. In order to help support homeowners in gettingtheir homes more energy efficient, the multiple benefits of doing so must be demonstrated. Ifhomeowners can see a return on investment and real cost savings, implementing these measureswill be more palatable. The specific education targeted to homeowners should be charge of theenergy coordinator and can include invited guests to speak to homeowner audiences and targetedcommunications and recommendations trough a variety of media. Once suggested invited guestis Bill Winkel an independent contractor and Waterboro resident who has completed severalhome energy audits in Waterboro, several of which have implemented weatherization projectsrecommended by the audit.

Continue to help homeowners obtain PACE loans. – In September 2010, the Town ofWaterboro adopted the Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Ordinance. As of September2011, William B. Winkel Builders in Waterboro, has now completed 36 PACE projects locally.Under the PACE program, a home first has to go through an energy audit and an applicationprocess with Efficiency Maine. The loan money is available under a federal program known asProperty Assessed Clean Energy, or PACE, which is designed to help people make their homesmore energy efficient.

Communicate town strategies that could be adopted at the individual homeowner level. As theTown develops and implements strategies resulting from the pervious energy audits conducted itshould look for means to communicate these measures to Town residents and outline how thesecould be applied at the homeowner level. For example, the Town has plans to update thewindows and insulation in the public library. These plans should be communicated with benefitsoutlined so that homeowners could understand and implement these strategies.


Saco, ME – This community participates in the PACE program which was launched byEfficiency Maine to offer homeowners a new way to finance energy efficiency upgrades to theirhomes. These loans provide a way for homeowners to borrow funds at a competitive interest rateto make energy improvements, such as installing a new energy-efficient heating system,weatherizing a home with insulation and air sealing, and replacing inefficient appliances andlighting.

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Save Like a Mainer Program – Efficiency Maine launched in October its new energy efficiencyawareness program - Save Like a Mainer Program. Featured throughout the multi-mediacampaign are Maine residents, municipalities and businesses that have realized energy savingsusing Efficiency Maine programs. The campaign encourages Mainers to explore energy-savinginvestment opportunities through Efficiency Maine to assist them in saving money on heating,electricity and fossil fuels through efficient and cost-effective uses of energy laid out inEfficiency Maine’s strategic three-year plan. The new awareness campaign is integral toEfficiency Maine’s implementation of that plan and achieving the more than $472 million in netbenefits it will deliver to Maine’s consumers and the local economy.

10. Support businesses in becoming more energy efficient.

Supporting local businesses in energy efficiency and conservation is a very visible way to engagestakeholders and communicate energy management practices. The local businesses in and of themselvescan act as demonstration projects for the community. The actions recommended below are similar tothose for homeowners, but may be larger in scale.


Provide education targeted toward businesses. If businesses can see a return on investment andreal cost savings, implementing these measures will be more palatable. The specific educationtargeted to businesses should be charge of the energy coordinator and can include invited gueststo speak to business owner audiences and targeted communications and recommendations trougha variety of media. Once suggested invited guest is the owner and contractors involved inimprovements completed at Lakeside Market.

Communicate town strategies that could be adopted at the individual business owner level. Asthe Town develops and implements strategies resulting from the pervious energy auditsconducted it should look for means to communicate these measures to Town business owners andoutline how these could be applied at the business owner level. For example, the Town has plansto update the windows and insulation in the public library. These plans should be communicatedwith benefits outlined so that business owners could understand and implement these strategies.


Windham Millworks, Windham, ME – Founded in 1957, the business focuses on architecturalmillwork and cabinetry, moldings, and laminated panels. When its 25 year-old wood-fired boilerbegan breaking down constantly, through a $65,000 Rural Development grant, they funded 25percent of the cost to install a bio-mass boiler system that is fueled by the waste wood producedas a by-product of the business. (See Appendix B)

Blue Spruce Farm, Bridgeport, VT - A dairy housing and milking operation with 1,200 dairycows who in an effort to sustain their farm business and maximize their revenue potential, beganto explore diversification opportunities on the farm. Recognizing the energy potential in thefarm’s abundant manure assets, the farm developed a partnership with their local utility company,CVPS, which fostered the development of “Cow Power” electricity generation on the farm. And

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construct an anaerobic digester system that would convert dairy manure into electricity. (SeeAppendix B)

Lyman Morse Boatbuilding, Thomaston, ME – In June 2006, Lyman Morse began researchingand designing a large, energy efficient building for large yacht construction, storage, and service.They included a solar roof, propane boilers, Structured Integrated Panels, waterless urinals and T-8 lighting fixtures.

Save Like a Mainer Program – Efficiency Maine launched in October its new energy efficiencyawareness program - Save Like a Mainer Program. Featured throughout the multi-mediacampaign are Maine residents, municipalities and businesses that have realized energy savingsusing Efficiency Maine programs. The campaign encourages Mainers to explore energy-savinginvestment opportunities through Efficiency Maine to assist them in saving money on heating,electricity and fossil fuels through efficient and cost-effective uses of energy laid out inEfficiency Maine’s strategic three-year plan. The new awareness campaign is integral toEfficiency Maine’s implementation of that plan and achieving the more than $472 million in netbenefits it will deliver to Maine’s consumers and the local economy.

11. Develop Relationships With People, Organizations & Programs Who Can Help the Town ofWaterboro

There are numerous resources available to support Town energy management efforts both within andoutside the community. As part of the Town’s outreach activities, many of these resources that may notcurrently be known will be identified. Maintaining relationships with these people, organizations andprograms and engaging them in Waterboro’s efforts could yield endless benefits.


Maintain and utilize a directory of energy resources. In order to keep track of these resourcesand share them with Town stakeholders, the Town should maintain and make available adirectory of energy resources. This should be maintained and continually updated when newinformation becomes available.


The Maine Energy Handbook – Identifies a number of Maine support sources regarding whowould be great to develop additional relationships with. Most of the programs listed are free ofcharge.

1. Clean Air – Cool Planet (CA-CP), www.cleanair-coolplanet.org

CA-CP specialties include: networking opportunities through workshops; aneasy-to-use energy inventory software tool called the Small Town CarbonCalculator (STOCC); a suite of informative trainings, workshops, and webinars;the Maine Energy Handbook to help guide your local effort; and staffedassistance to help your local energy committee.

2. Conservation Law Foundation (CLF), www.clf.org

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CLF works on energy efficiency and sustainable energy policy on a local,regional, and state level, recently working to help towns develop and implementwind ordinances.

3. Department of Energy (DOE), www.energy.gov andww1.eere.energy.gov/wip/eecbg.html

The DOE administers a range of grant programs, including the Energy Efficiencyand Conservation Block Grant program for local governments. Note that someDOE grants are administered by Efficiency Maine. The DOE also hasinformative reports and webinars on energy efficiency for homes, businesses, andgovernments.

4. Efficiency Maine (EM), www.efficiencymaine.com

EM is the first stop to help identify grants and incentives for your Maine localgovernment and community. A representative can help identify which EM grantsand incentives your local effort is eligible to receive. EM also offers training tohelp staff run energy efficient buildings.

5. EmPowerMe Energy Working Group (EWG), http://energy.gpcog.info

EmPowerMe provides models and resources for local energy committees aroundthe state.

6. Environmental Funder’s Network (EFN), www.environmentalfundersnetwork.com

EFN periodically offers grants to Maine organizations, including local energyefforts.

7. EPA Community Energy Challenge (CEC), www.epa.gov/ne/eco/energy/energy-challenge

CEC requires a signed commitment to reduce energy use from your municipality.In return, you will receive access to: recognition, the EPA Portfolio Managersoftware tool, up-to-date information about other municipal energy efforts,trainings and webinars on how to use the EPA Portfolio Manager software tool inyour town, and limited technical assistance.

8. EPA Energy Star, www.energystar.gov

Energy Star offers: a recognition program for highly energy efficient buildings,the EPA Portfolio Manager software tool, useful reports such as the BuildingEnergy Upgrade Guide, and webinars on how to save money through energyefficiency.

9. EPA State and Local Climate and Energy Program (SLCEP), www.epa.gov/slclimat/

SLCEP offers a considerable amount of useful information for local energyefforts, including a highly useful webinar series as well as a website offering:tools and model solutions, reports, and links to previous webinars.

10. Greater Portland Council of Governments (GPCOG), www.gpcog.org

GPCOG offers comprehensive technical assistance and coordination to twenty-five member governments. Annual membership fee and location in GPCOG

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service area required. GPCOG also creates and disseminates models andresources to be used statewide through EmPowerMe, above.

11. ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI), www.icleiusa.org

A $600± annual membership fee is required to receive the software and mostbenefits, including: networking and collaboration between municipalities,example ordinances, recognition as an ICLEI member government, the 2009Clean Air-Climate Protection Software, technical assistance to help use thesoftware, up-to-date information about other municipal energy efforts,information about how local governments work, and a range of reports andwebinars helpful to local energy efforts.

12. Maine.gov/local, www.maine.gov/local

Maine.gov is a website to learn about and connect with other local governmentsin Maine.

13. Maine Association of Nonprofits (MANP), www.nonprofitmaine.org

MANP provides resources and excellent, low cost trainings and written resourcesfor effective nonprofit organization, management, communication, fundraising,and grant writing. A $100 membership fee gives access to online resources andreduces the cost of trainings, which run $25-$150± per session.

14. Maine Clean Communities (MC2), http://mainecleancommunities.gpcog.info/

MC2 works to encourage clean and efficient municipal fleets. They may behelpful to your local energy committee in a number of ways, including: grants,policy support, recognition, model solutions, reports, webinars, and phone-basedtechnical assistance related to clean and efficient municipal fleets.

15. Maine Community Foundation (MCF), www.mcf.org

MCF offers small to mid-sized grants that may be relevant to your local energyeffort, including region- and mission-specific grants.

16. Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Governor’s Carbon Challenge(GCC), www.maine.gov/dep/innovation/gcc

GCC requires a signed commitment to reduce carbon emissions from yourmunicipality. In return, you will receive access to a network of businesses andmunicipalities reducing energy use, recognition, a greenhouse gas inventory tooland reporting form, case studies on active municipalities, and limited technicalassistance.

17. Maine DEP Green Schools Program, www.mainedep.com

DEP Green Schools helps schools start down the energy saving path in a numberof ways, including: mini-grants for student projects to reduce energy use;recognition; school energy audit toolkits; informative reports and webinars; andtechnical assistance for students, teachers, staff, and administrators seeking toreduce energy use in a school.

18. Maine DEP Idle Reduction Program, www.mainedep.com

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DEP Idle Reduction supports student intern projects to reduce idling in a numberof ways, including: mini-grants for intern projects; recognition; energy idlinganalysis toolkits; signs, stickers, and advertising videos to change local idlingpractices; model anti-idling ordinances; informative reports and staff training onsocial marketing; and support for intern projects to change.

19. Maine Department of Transportation (MDOT), www.maine.gov/mdot

Maine DOT works supports municipal transportation initiatives in a number ofways, including: state and federal grants it periodically offers to towns;informative reports, trainings, and webinars on how to reduce communitytransportation fuel use, and technical assistance for community transportationefficiency initiatives.

20. Maine Initiatives, www.maineinitiatives.org

Maine Initiatives offers small to mid-sized grants that may be relevant to yourlocal energy committee.

21. Maine Partners for Cool Communities (MPCC), www.coolmaine.org

MPCC accepts a signed Mayors for Climate Protection Agreement to reduceenergy and carbon emissions from your municipality. In return, your local energycommittee will become part of the MPCC network of municipalities and benefitfrom reports, model solutions, recognition, and limited technical assistance.

22. Maine Power Options (MPO), www.mainepoweroptions.org

MPO staff will work with you to see if their joint purchasing programs, whichcan reduce electricity and fuel oil costs by up to 20%±, may be a good fit withyour municipality.

23. Maine Municipal Association (MMA), www.memun.org

MMA offers the free 2005 “Local Government in Maine” guidebook, casestudies demonstrating lessons learned from municipal energy efficiency efforts,and a suite of members-only resources. Membership fee required.

24. Maine Office of Energy Independence and Security (MOEIS), www.maine.gov/oeis

MOEIS offers important resources and policy documents to help municipalitiesunderstand the state’s energy situation.

25. Maine State Planning Office (MSPO), www.maine.gov/spo

MSPO offers smart-growth planning technical assistance and resources.

26. National Resources Council of Maine (NRCM), www.nrcm.org

NRCM offers policy advice, a network of statewide activists, and a BusinessGuide to Energy Efficiency.

27. New England Grassroots Environment Fund (NEGEF), www.grassrootsfund.org

NEGEF offers small grants ($5000 and lower) for local environmentalmovements. There was a 60% acceptance rate for applications as of 2009.

28. US Green Building Council (USGBC) Local Government Program, www.usgbc.org

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USGBC accepts a signed commitment to green municipal buildings. In returnyou will receive access to resources and recognition.

12. Track and leverage various funding sources for energy efficiency and conservation projects.

There are a number of funding sources available tohomeowners, businesses and municipalities. Thesesources are constantly changing and need to be trackedregularly. This should be one of the primaryresponsibilities of the energy coordinator. When a fund isidentified, it should be communicated to the appropriateparties and leveraged by submitting applications to try tosecure funding.


Maintain a directory of funding resources. In order to keep track of the funding resources andshare them with Town stakeholders, the Town should maintain and make available a directory ofavailable funding resources. This should be maintained and continually updated when newinformation becomes available.

o Efficiency Maine - http://www.efficiencymaine.com/o DSIRE - http://www.dsireusa.org/incentives/index.cfm?State=MEo Governors Office of Energy and Independence – Grants Connector -


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Table: Action Item Summary List

Action For More Info (Page #) Status1. Organize a Town Governing Body Headed by a Designated Energy Coordinator to Lead Energy Initiatives.

Certified Building Energy & Sustainability Technician.

Communicate the Town’s energy objectives, plans andsuccesses.Coordinate with the School’s New Energy EfficiencyCoordinatorProvide education on energy conservation and renewableenergy choices and opportunities.Develop mechanisms to monitor funding opportunities.

2. Increase Energy Awareness in the Town.Start with Town Buildings.Create energy guidelines for Town building use.Sponsor an Energy Conservation Award.Host “green” public events.Select and utilize a computer-based tool to inventory and trackgreenhouse gas emissions and energy use.

3. Explore the potential for using or generating renewable or alternative energy.Consider a demonstration scale solar energy project.Invite Efficiency Maine to speak to the Town about EnergyGrant Opportunities.Invite Ogden Geothermal to speak to the Town about theimplementation of geothermal projects.Explore outreach to developers to implement large scale wind.

4. Increase the energy efficiency of town lighting.Assess the status of non-building street lights.Phase out conventional street lights and replace with moreenergy efficient fixtures.

5. Implement energy efficiencies resulting from energy audits to reduce energy expenditures.Implement low and no cost energy projects on Municipalbuildings.Focus on building envelope.Develop funds for improvements that require capital.

6. Utilize the schools and its students to build and implement green programs.

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Action For More Info (Page #) StatusInvolve students in volunteer activities town-wide.Consider offering an energy internship at the Town orcoordinate an internship with local businesses.

7. Examine opportunities to optimize energy purchasing practices. Find cheaper energy.Partner with surrounding communities for bulk energypurchases.Examine electric and fuel oil supply agreements.

8. Foster the creation of a new village area and highlight energy efficiency and conservation.Work with the Maine Downtown Center to launch a GreenVillage program in Waterboro.Ensure that this Energy Chapter is consistent with the newVillage planning chapter of the Comprehensive Plan.Adopt regulatory requirements that will foster the appropriatelocation and design standards for renewable energy projects.Incorporate LEED building standards into new downtowndevelopment codes.Develop Town infrastructure to support a downtown area.

9. Support the individual homeowners in becoming more energy efficient.Provide education targeted toward homeowners.Continue to help homeowners obtain PACE loans.Communicate town strategies that could be adopted at theindividual homeowner level.

10. Support businesses in becoming more energy efficient.Provide education targeted toward businesses.Communicate town strategies that could be adopted at theindividual business owner level.

11. Develop relationships with people, organizations & programs who can help the Town of Waterboro.Maintain and utilize a directory of energy resources.

12. Track and leverage various funding sources for energy efficiency and conservation projects.Maintain a directory of funding sources.

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NOTE: This glossary is a compilation of terms from the EPA Website as well as the Guide to

Purchasing Green Power, published by The Center for Resource-Solutions.

Annual consumption. Annual consumption refers to the amount of electricity used by a consumer in one

year and is typically measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). This information can be acquired from your

electricity bill or by contacting your energy provider.

Carbon dioxide. The burning of fossil fuels releases carbon that has been stored underground for

millions of years into the atmosphere. During the combustion process, the carbon in these fossil fuels is

transformed into carbon dioxide, the predominant gas contributing to the greenhouse effect. Increases in

the emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases, such as methane, due to the burning of fossil fuels and

other human endeavors, accelerate heat-trapping processes in the atmosphere, gradually raising average

temperatures worldwide. Carbon dioxide is absorbed and released at nearly equal rates by natural

processes on the earth, an equilibrium that is disrupted when large amounts of carbon dioxide are released

into the atmosphere by human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels.

Combined heat and power (CHP). Combined heat and power (CHP) is an electricity generation

technology, also known as cogeneration, that recovers waste heat from the electric generation process to

produce simultaneously other forms of useful energy, such as usable heat or steam. On average, two-

thirds of the input energy used to make electricity is lost as waste heat. In contrast, CHP systems are

capable of converting more than 70 percent of the fuel into usable energy.

Commodity electricity. Commodity electricity is generic electricity not associated with a particular

power generation source.

Competitive markets. Until recently, most consumers received generation, transmission, and distribution

services from one local utility company. As a regulated monopoly, the utility was given an exclusive

franchise to provide electricity to consumers in a particular community. Rates were set, and consumers

had little choice but to pay the rate for their area. In recent years, however, many states have restructured

their electricity industry and are now allowing consumers to choose from among competing electricity

suppliers. In states permitting retail competition, sellers of electricity obtain power by contracting with

various generation sources and setting their own price. Consumers in these states have the opportunity to

choose their energy provider and purchase products based on the price or type of power supplied to their

home or business. Some consumers are exercising this choice and switching to accredited "green power"

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resources. In states that have not restructured their electricity markets, consumers interested in purchasing

renewable energy now have the option to participate in green-pricing programs offered by their local


Conventional power. Conventional power is power produced from nonrenewable fuels such as coal, oil,

natural gas, and nuclear fuels. These fuels are a finite resource that cannot be replenished once they have

been extracted and used.

Distributed generation. Distributed generation refers to small, modular, decentralized, grid-connected,

or off-grid energy systems located in or near the place where energy is used.

Electricity supplier. As states restructure their electricity markets, more and more customers will be able

to choose from a range of energy suppliers that market different types of power products, including green

power from renewable energy. Restructured local utilities offer electricity products generated exclusively

from renewable resources or, more frequently, electricity produced from a combination of fossil and

renewable resources. In states without restructured electricity markets, local utilities may offer green-

pricing programs, in which customers may elect to have their utility generate a portion of their power

from renewable sources.

Energy efficiency. Energy efficiency refers to products or systems using less energy to do the same or a

better job than conventional products or systems can. Energy efficiency saves energy, saves money on

utility bills, and helps protect the environment by reducing the amount of electricity (and associated

environmental impacts) that needs to be generated.

Fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are the United States' principal source of electricity. The popularity of these fuels

is due largely to their low cost. Fossil fuels come in three main forms: coal, oil, and natural gas. All three

were formed many hundreds of millions of years ago before the time of the dinosaurs, hence the name

fossil fuels. Because fossil fuels are a finite resource and cannot be replenished once they have been

extracted and burned, they are not considered renewable.

Global climate change. For most of human history, changes in the earth's climate resulted from natural

causes that took place over thousands of years. But today, human activities are beginning to affect our

climate in serious and immediate ways by rapidly adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. These

gases trap heat close to the earth that would otherwise escape into space, intensifying a natural

phenomenon called the greenhouse effect. Over the next century, scientists project that global

temperatures will rise two to six degrees Fahrenheit as a result of rising concentrations of greenhouse

gases. Scientists also believe that this rate of global warming will be unprecedented compared with that of

the past 10,000 years. Global warming could result in a rise in sea levels, changes in patterns of

precipitation, more variable weather, and many other consequences. These changes threaten our health,

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agriculture, water resources, forests, wildlife, and coastal areas. For more information on the science and

impacts of global climate change, visit the EPA's Global Warming Web site


Greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is produced as greenhouse gases allow incoming solar

radiation to pass through the earth's atmosphere, while preventing part of the outgoing infrared radiation

from the earth's surface and lower atmosphere from escaping into outer space. This process occurs

naturally and has kept the earth's temperature about 59 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than it would

otherwise be. Current life on the earth could not be sustained without the natural greenhouse effect.

Greenhouse gases (GHG). Gases in the earth's atmosphere produce the greenhouse effect. Changes in

the concentration of certain greenhouse gases, due to human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels,

increase the risk of global climate change. Greenhouse gases include water vapor, carbon dioxide,

methane, nitrous oxide, halogenated fluorocarbons, ozone, perfluorinate carbons, and hydrofluorocarbons.

Green power. Electricity that is generated from renewable energy sources is often marketed as "green

power," a term that implies a smaller environmental impact from electricity generation. The resources that

qualify as green power vary depending on the state or organization.

Green power marketers. Energy suppliers operating in states that permit retail competition in the

electricity markets are usually referred to as green power marketers. This term can also include utilities

that offer green power options under what are typically referred to as green-pricing programs.

Green power products. Green power products refer to electricity generated exclusively from renewable

resources or from a combination of fossil and renewable resources.

Green pricing. Green pricing is an optional service offered by regulated utilities to allow customers to

support a greater level of utility investment in renewable energy by paying a premium on their electric

bill. Usually green pricing is offered in areas that do not allow retail competition.

Interval meter. An interval meter is an electricity meter that measures a facility's energy usage in short

increments (typically 15 minutes). These meters are useful for determining electricity demand patterns

and participating in real-time pricing programs.

Kilowatt-hour (kWh). A kilowatt-hour is the basic unit for measuring the generation and consumption of

electrical energy. A megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity is equal to 1,000 kilowatt-hours. A kilowatt and

a megawatt are units of generation capacity.

LED (Light Emitting Diode). A semiconductor light source used for lighting. They are small and result

in lower energy consumption and longer lifetime functioning.

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Low-impact hydropower. Low-impact hydropower is hydroelectric power generated with fewer

environmental impacts, by meeting criteria such as minimum river flows, water quality, fish passage, and

watershed protection. These hydropower facilities often operate in a "run of the river" mode, in which

little or no water is stored in a reservoir.

Net metering. Net metering is a method of crediting customers for electricity that they generate on-site.

Customers generating their own electricity offset what they would have purchased from their utility. If

they generate more than they use in a billing period, their electric meter turns backward to indicate their

net excess generation. Depending on the individual state or utility rules, the net excess generation may be

credited to their account (in many cases at the retail price), carried over to a future billing period, or


New renewable generation. New renewable generation facilities are those built in the recent past or will

be built to meet the growing market demand for green power. For Green-e certification, new generation

must have come online since the late 1990s (depending on the region; see the Green-e Web site for more


On-site renewable generation. On-site renewable generation refers to electricity generated by renewable

resources using a system or device located at the site where the power is used.

Peak demand. Peak demand is the maximum power consumption for a facility, measured over a short

time period such as 15 minutes or an hour.

Power marketer. A power marketer is an entity that buys and sells power generated by others. A green

power marketer is an electricity supplier that offers a green power product.

Renewable electricity. Renewable electricity is power generated from renewable resources and delivered

through the power grid to end users.

Renewable energy certificate (REC). A renewable energy certificate (REC), also known as a green tag

or tradable renewable certificate, represents the environmental, social, and other positive attributes of

power generated by renewable resources. For example, RECs may represent the emissions avoided by

renewable power generation compared with those of conventional sources. RECs can be purchased

separately from electricity service.

Renewable energy resources. Renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, geothermal,

hydropower, and various forms of biomass, are continuously replenished on the earth. Some

definitions also include municipal solid waste as a renewable resource.

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The Maine Energy Handbook – A Resource for Municipalities on Energy Efficiency andSustainable Energy, September 2010 (GPCOG, EMPOWERME, Cool Air, Clean Planet)

Economic Vitality for the Villages of Kennebunk, February 2011 (Maine Downtown Center) Energy Efficiency Coordinator Advertisement Two Renewable Energy Success Stories, The Maine Community Exchange Charting Maine’s Future, Brookings Institution Metropolitan Policy Program