Accurate Energy Attribution and Accounting for Multi-core Systems Sebi Ryffel , Thanos Stathopoulos , Dustin McIntire , William J. Kaiser , and Lothar Thiele Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland [email protected], [email protected] UCLA, Department of Electrical Engineering [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Abstract This paper presents a novel energy attribution and ac- counting architecture for multi-core systems that can provide accurate, per-process energy information of indi- vidual hardware components. We introduce a hardware- assisted direct energy measurement system that inte- grates seamlessly with the host platform and provides detailed energy information of multiple hardware ele- ments at millisecond-scale time resolution. We also in- troduce a performance counter based behavioral model that provides indirect information on the proportional en- ergy consumption of concurrently executing processes in the system. We fuse the direct and indirect measurement information into a low-overhead kernel-based energy ap- portion and accounting software system that provides unprecedented visibility of per-process CPU and RAM energy consumption information on multi-core systems. Through experimentation we show that our energy ap- portioning system achieves an accuracy of at least 96% while impacting CPU performance by less than 0.6%. 1 Introduction The ever-increasing energy requirements of modern computing devices, from mobile and embedded systems to large data centers, present significant research and technical challenges. In data centers in particular, ris- ing energy costs have resulted in hardware replacement cycles of two years or less, as it is more cost effective to acquire newer, more energy efficient systems than main- taining older ones [23]. According to recent studies [16], electricity use associated with servers has doubled be- tween 2000 and 2005 and is expected to rise by up to 76% by 2010. It is therefore paramount that computing platforms across all application domains consider energy efficiency as a primary design objective. In addition to advances in hardware and low-power CMOS technology, a critical step in achieving higher energy efficiency is the development of a deep under- standing of the runtime energy consumption of individual system entities, including hardware and software compo- nents. By obtaining detailed, runtime information about energy consumption of system entities and by determin- ing the energy consumption contribution of individual entities further operating system and application energy optimizations can be achieved. Detailed runtime energy profiling of applications can be used to identify subop- timal behaviors and thereby improve the energy usage. Moreover, runtime application energy information can be used for auditing and accounting purposes. For in- stance, a service provider could potentially charge clients by energy usage, in addition to computational resource usage and network bandwidth usage. Therefore, the goal is to develop an energy measurement and accounting sys- tem that can accurately determine the contribution of in- dividual processes to the energy consumption of individ- ual hardware components such as CPU or main memory. This paper introduces an energy attribution and ac- counting architecture for multi-core systems. Using a combination of detailed, hardware-assisted energy mea- surements and indirect energy measurement models, our system provides the first (to the best of our knowledge) runtime, low-overhead, integrated energy monitoring of individual processes executing concurrently on a multi- core platform. Our work focuses on the computational subsystem, including CPUs and main memory that to- gether can account for 30-50% of a server’s total energy consumption [12, 23]. In addition to its paramount im- portance in the overall server functionality, the computa- tional subsystem indirectly influences the power required for cooling, planar, and other components that make up the remaining energy consumption of a server. Several different mechanisms exist that attempt to de- termine a system’s energy consumption. Options include ACPI battery state [1] for mobile systems, external mea- surements [8] or energy estimation [5, 20]. In contrast to prior work, we introduce the RunTime Direct Energy

Energy Attribution and Accounting for Multi-core Systemspages.cs.wisc.edu/~ramak/rawork/RTDEMS.pdf · 2012. 1. 24. · Accurate Energy Attribution and Accounting for Multi-core Systems

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Page 1: Energy Attribution and Accounting for Multi-core Systemspages.cs.wisc.edu/~ramak/rawork/RTDEMS.pdf · 2012. 1. 24. · Accurate Energy Attribution and Accounting for Multi-core Systems

Accurate Energy Attribution and Accounting for Multi-core Systems

Sebi Ryffel†, Thanos Stathopoulos‡, Dustin McIntire‡, William J. Kaiser‡, and Lothar Thiele†

†Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, [email protected], [email protected]

‡UCLA, Department of Electrical [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

AbstractThis paper presents a novel energy attribution and ac-counting architecture for multi-core systems that canprovide accurate, per-process energy information of indi-vidual hardware components. We introduce a hardware-assisted direct energy measurement system that inte-grates seamlessly with the host platform and providesdetailed energy information of multiple hardware ele-ments at millisecond-scale time resolution. We also in-troduce a performance counter based behavioral modelthat provides indirect information on the proportional en-ergy consumption of concurrently executing processes inthe system. We fuse the direct and indirect measurementinformation into a low-overhead kernel-based energy ap-portion and accounting software system that providesunprecedented visibility of per-process CPU and RAMenergy consumption information on multi-core systems.Through experimentation we show that our energy ap-portioning system achieves an accuracy of at least 96%while impacting CPU performance by less than 0.6%.

1 Introduction

The ever-increasing energy requirements of moderncomputing devices, from mobile and embedded systemsto large data centers, present significant research andtechnical challenges. In data centers in particular, ris-ing energy costs have resulted in hardware replacementcycles of two years or less, as it is more cost effective toacquire newer, more energy efficient systems than main-taining older ones [23]. According to recent studies [16],electricity use associated with servers has doubled be-tween 2000 and 2005 and is expected to rise by up to76% by 2010. It is therefore paramount that computingplatforms across all application domains consider energyefficiency as a primary design objective.

In addition to advances in hardware and low-powerCMOS technology, a critical step in achieving higher

energy efficiency is the development of a deep under-standing of the runtime energy consumption of individualsystem entities, including hardware and software compo-nents. By obtaining detailed, runtime information aboutenergy consumption of system entities and by determin-ing the energy consumption contribution of individualentities further operating system and application energyoptimizations can be achieved. Detailed runtime energyprofiling of applications can be used to identify subop-timal behaviors and thereby improve the energy usage.Moreover, runtime application energy information canbe used for auditing and accounting purposes. For in-stance, a service provider could potentially charge clientsby energy usage, in addition to computational resourceusage and network bandwidth usage. Therefore, the goalis to develop an energy measurement and accounting sys-tem that can accurately determine the contribution of in-dividual processes to the energy consumption of individ-ual hardware components such as CPU or main memory.

This paper introduces an energy attribution and ac-counting architecture for multi-core systems. Using acombination of detailed, hardware-assisted energy mea-surements and indirect energy measurement models, oursystem provides the first (to the best of our knowledge)runtime, low-overhead, integrated energy monitoring ofindividual processes executing concurrently on a multi-core platform. Our work focuses on the computationalsubsystem, including CPUs and main memory that to-gether can account for 30-50% of a server’s total energyconsumption [12, 23]. In addition to its paramount im-portance in the overall server functionality, the computa-tional subsystem indirectly influences the power requiredfor cooling, planar, and other components that make upthe remaining energy consumption of a server.

Several different mechanisms exist that attempt to de-termine a system’s energy consumption. Options includeACPI battery state [1] for mobile systems, external mea-surements [8] or energy estimation [5, 20]. In contrastto prior work, we introduce the RunTime Direct Energy

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Measurement System (RTDEMS), a high-resolution en-ergy measurement system that provides energy values forindividual hardware components such as CPU, SDRAM,motherboard, video card, hard drive and so on. RT-DEMS is integrated with the host platform, thereby al-lowing the host platform’s operating system immediateand direct access to energy data. We argue that direct en-ergy measurements such as those provided by RTDEMSare necessary, albeit insufficient to determine per-processenergy attribution. We consequently introduce an in-direct energy measurement model that is based on per-formance counters to determine the proportional contri-bution of individual processes to the total energy con-sumption of a hardware component. By asynchronouslycombining data from RTDEMS and the indirect energymeasurement model into a kernel-space software sys-tem, we demonstrate through experimentation that wecan attribute energy consumption to concurrently execut-ing processes with at least 96% accuracy, while inducingless than 0.6% of CPU overhead.

The primary contribution of this paper is the introduc-tion and experimental verification of a novel per-processenergy attribution and accounting architecture for multi-core platforms. Additional key contributions include:

• The introduction of the runtime direct energymeasurement system that provides accurate high-resolution energy information on a per-hardwarecomponent basis with negligible overhead (Sec-tion 2).

• An experimental analysis of the energy appor-tioning problem in multi-core systems, usingRTDEMS-obtained data (Section 3).

• A performance-counter based indirect energy mea-surement model approach as a proposed solution tothe energy apportioning problem that includes ex-perimental data for several applications (Section 4).

• A low-overhead kernel-based software system thatcombines data from RTDEMS and the performancecounter behavioral model to provide per-process en-ergy information for arbitrary processes (Section 5).

We have used our system to attribute energy consump-tion to several applications on a multi-core platform andpresent our results in Section 6. We present related workin Section 7 and conclude the paper in Section 8.

2 The Runtime Direct Energy Measure-ment System

In this Section, we provide an overview of direct energymeasuring techniques and also describe our detailed real-time direct energy measurement system. Using empiri-cal information and experimental results, we argue that adetailed direct energy measurement system is necessary

in order to attribute proportional energy consumption tohardware and software activities.

2.1 Direct energy measurement systemoverview

The direct energy measurement system is a critical ele-ment of our overall architecture, as it provides the nec-essary information regarding energy consumption. Asour goal is to attribute energy consumption to individualhardware and software entities at runtime, the direct en-ergy measurement system needs to satisfy the followingrequirements:

• Resolution. To resolve energy consumption of indi-vidual entities, the measurement system must pro-vide high resolution information in both the spa-tial (for hardware) and temporal (for software) do-mains.

• Cost. The measurement system needs to operatewith the lowest possible overhead—in terms of en-ergy and resource consumption—as it is intended tobe used in production systems.

• Integration. The measurement system needs to beintegrated with the system-under-measurement soas to provide the necessary information in the fastestand most resource-efficient way possible.

Traditional energy measurement solutions in mobile,desktop as well as server class systems rely on externalmeasurements, such as oscilloscope sampling or otherdata acquisition systems [3, 2, 10, 11, 8]. For batterypowered systems internal devices such as commercial“fuel gauge” or simpler voltage monitoring solutions arecommon [6, 21, 18]. However, none of those devices ineither category satisfies all three aforementioned require-ments. External devices typically satisfy the resolutionrequirement but do not meet either the cost or integrationrequirements, while internal devices meet the latter butdo not meet the resolution requirement.

In order to attain the resolution, cost and integra-tion goals, we implemented the Runtime Direct En-ergy Measurement System (RTDEMS). RTDEMS is theadaption of the embedded low power energy-aware pro-cessing (LEAP) project [19, 24] to desktop and server-class systems. RTDEMS differs from previous desktop-class energy measurement approaches such as Power-Scope [11] in that it provides both real-time power con-sumption information and a standard application execu-tion environment on the same platform. As a result, RT-DEMS eliminates the need for synchronization betweenthe device under test and an external power measure-ment unit. Moreover, RTDEMS provides power infor-mation of individual subsystems, such as CPU, GPU andRAM, through direct measurement, thereby enabling ac-


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curate assessments of software and hardware effects onthe power behavior of individual components.

2.2 RTDEMS DesignThe RTDEMS implementation used in our experimentsis hosted on an Intel R© CoreTM 2 Quad CPU Q66002.4GHz with 2×4MB of shared L2 cache and 4GB of1066MHz DDR2 SDRAM. Data acquisition and sam-pling is performed by a NI PCI-6225 data acquisition(DAQ) card capable of acquiring 250kSamples/s at 16-bit resolution. In order to measure the energy consump-tion of individual subsystems, we inserted 0.01Ω sensingresistors in all the DC outputs of the power supply—3.3,5 and 12V rails. Components that are powered throughthe motherboard such as SDRAM DIMMs are placed onriser cards in order to gain access to the voltage pins.Power measurements are obtained by first deriving thecurrent flowing over the sensing resistors through volt-age measurements across the resistors and then multiply-ing with the measured voltage on the DC power connec-tor. The DAQ card autonomously samples the voltagesat the specified frequency and stores them in its buffer.A Linux driver initiates an interrupt-based DMA trans-fer of the buffer’s content to main (kernel) memory. ALinux kernel module was implemented in order to con-vert the measured voltage values to energy and exportthem through the proc filesystem, thereby enabling in-tegration with both kernel- and userspace applications.Figure 1 presents a summary of the RTDEMS energymeasurement system.

Figure 1: The RTDEMS measurement system hardware dia-gram.

Resolution: RTDEMS requires sufficient measure-ment resolution—sampling frequency—to capture theenergy used within each scheduler tick in order to resolveper-process energy information. Modern multitaskingsystems run several processes pseudo-concurrently, byexecuting one runnable process after the other for a short

time slice. For our Linux system this time slice is 3.3ms;thereby, the currently executing task is usually changedat the end of such a time slice. Therefore, assuming thatthe maximum frequency of energy information that weare interested in is 300Hz, we require a sampling fre-quency of at least 600Hz, based on the Nyquist criterion.

In addition to measuring the energy used within eachscheduler tick, measurement resolution must be suffi-cient to accurately capture the power dissipation profileof the CPU as well as SDRAM. Because the CPU supplyvoltage is constantly 12V , the frequency spectrum of thepower dissipation profile is defined by the current signal.We used an oscilloscope to measure the current of theCPU and SDRAM channels at high frequency—5MSa/s.The power spectral density of the CPU current signal isshown in Figure 2. 99% of the CPU energy signal iscontained within the first 500Hz—therefore a samplingfrequency of at least 1KHz can recreate the signal andthus adequately meet both resolution requirements.

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 1000010−7










d PS


Frequency [Hz]

Figure 2: Power spectral density of the CPU current signal.

Overhead: The RTDEMS energy measurement sys-tem utilizes the main CPU to process power information.The process of data acquisition, conversion and storagecan adversely affect the CPU performance and thus vio-late the cost requirement. The performance overhead isdirectly related to the sampling rate, as more samples re-sult in larger amounts of data that need to be transferredto the CPU and processed. At the same time, a verylow sampling rate will violate the resolution require-ment, since it will provide insufficient information onthe temporal domain. A set of experiments was therebyconducted to ascertain the overhead-resolution trade-off.The impact of sampling rate on CPU performance wasdetermined by having all CPUs execute a constant work-load and subsequently measuring the completion time.As Figure 3 shows, the minimum sampling frequency of


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1KHz that is required to meet the resolution requirementresults in a CPU overhead of less than 0.7%. It must benoted that the data acquisition overhead depends on theCPU speed—a faster CPU will result in less overhead,thereby allowing for higher sampling rates. Ultimatelyhowever, the best approach to practically eliminate theresource overhead would be to integrate the data acquisi-tion system on the motherboard—thereby eliminating thePCI bus transactions—and perform the data conversionsand energy accumulation in hardware—thereby eliminat-ing any dependence on the main CPU. In the embed-ded systems space, the LEAP2 energy-aware system [24]adopted a similar approach.

As a result, we have chosen 1kHz as the operationalsampling frequency for RTDEMS since it meets both theresolution and overhead requirements.








0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000





Sampling frequency [Hz]

95% Confidence intervalCPU overhead

Figure 3: CPU overhead of RTDEMS as a function of samplingfrequency, when sampling 11 channels concurrently.

3 Per-Process Energy Apportioning

The RTDEMS energy measurement system can accu-rately measure the energy expenditure on individualhardware components, such as the CPU, SDRAM, moth-erboard, hard drives and video card. It is reasonable thento consider whether an energy measurement system withhigh spatial and temporal fidelity is sufficient to attributeenergy consumption to individual software entities suchas processes. As mentioned in Section 1 we will focuson the energy attribution of the computational subsystemcomponents, i.e. the CPU and SDRAM.

In a single-core system, only one process is execut-ing in the CPU at any point in time. With a samplingresolution higher than the scheduler tick—so as to deter-mine which process was executing at any point in time—attributing energy for synchronous operations (i.e. CPUand SDRAM energy) is trivial; all the energy is chargedto the currently running process, which could be the idlethread or the kernel itself [24]. We therefore argue that ina single-core architecture, the ability to measure energy

consumption of individual hardware components cou-pled with a sampling rate that is higher than the processtime slice is indeed sufficient for energy attribution.

Figure 4 presents an example of energy attribution in asingle-core machine. For this example, we used a simplememory access benchmark that stored data sequentiallyto a 512MB array—a large enough size so as to defeat allcaches—and subsequently read back the stored data. Thetest process started at t = 2sec and ended at t = 8sec.To simulate a single-core architecture, we executed thetest program only on one of the four CPU cores of ourtest machine—CPU1. In addition to power informationon the CPU, SDRAM and motherboard, Figure 4 alsoplots the CPU utilization of the four cores, as reportedby the operating system. Using CPU utilization informa-tion, it is clear that the increase in power on all channelscan be attributed to CPU1. However, this test also indi-cates that even though the CPU utilization is at a constant100%, different components have fundamentally differ-ent power levels that also fluctuate over time, depend-ing on their usage. Moreover, we note that even thoughthe power state of the CPU doesn’t change, the powerconsumption is not constant but varies by a significantamount, depending on the executing program’s function-ality. Consequently attributing CPU energy consumptionsolely based on the CPU utilization can lead to erroneousresults [5].

In a multi-core system, per-process energy attributionis not straightforward. As the system includes multipleCPUs and CPU cores, several processes can be execut-ing at the same time. Moreover, main memory accessis now shared between multiple CPUs. Resolving per-process CPU energy consumption can be accomplishedthrough augmenting the RTDEMS measurement systemwith per-CPU core measurement capabilities, assumingthat CPU manufacturers can provide interfaces to suchinformation. In the case of main memory (as well asL2 cache) such a technical solution would be infeasible,as it is a shared resource. For accurate per-process en-ergy attribution of memory access, one solution wouldbe to create a measurement system that tracks all mem-ory transactions that occur on the memory bus and thencorrelate them with individual processes. Even thoughsuch a system is technically feasible, albeit with exten-sive motherboard modifications, it would generate vastamounts of data and incur very high overhead, as indi-vidual memory accesses in modern systems occur in theorder of nanoseconds.

We therefore conclude that direct energy measure-ments, such as those provided by RTDEMS or similarsystems, although necessary, are by themselves insuffi-cient to resolve the per-process energy attribution prob-lem in multi-core systems and that additional, indirectenergy information is required. One obvious approach


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to the attribution problem is to use a utilization metric,such as CPU utilization as the indirect measurement andthen attribute energy in proportion to the utilization met-ric, which is essentially process execution time.

Figure 4: CPU, SDRAM and motherboard power over time fora single 512MB memory read & write test.

The following example illustrates why such an ap-proach is not always correct. We conducted three exper-iments using our memory access benchmark with arraysizes of 32KB for the first, 512MB for the second and4MB for the third experiment. In each experiment, fouridentical memory access benchmarks were started in se-quence (one per core), with a 2-second delay betweeneach instantiation. In the first experiment, shown in Fig-ure 5 the processes access their CPU’s L1 cache only, asan array size of 32KB fits into the L1 cache. Consideringthat the four processes run independently of each otherand on different cores but are executing the same code,attributing energy based on CPU utilization and dividingthe total energy provided by RTDEMS equally is a rea-sonable apportion method.

In the second experiment, shown in Figure 6 all cachesare defeated, since the array size is 512MB. When thefirst task is started it quickly fills the L2 cache and afterthat point the CPU is primarily stalled waiting for mem-ory (maximum write performance of Intel Core2 Quad isless than 2bytes per CPU cycle). When the second taskis started, power consumption does not increase (com-pared to Figure 5)—the two cores are now waiting forthe same shared resource. Power consumption increaseswhen the third task is started since that task, unlike thefirst two, is executed on the previously idle second dual-core chip. This example showcases that even though alltasks perform exactly the same operations, they have dif-ferent runtimes, indicating that they execute at a differentrate. It is therefore not clear if they use the same amountof energy. The apportion problem has no obvious solu-tion unlike the first experiment.

In the third experiment, shown in Figure 7, the arraysize of the memory benchmark is 4MB—equal to the

size of the L2 cache. When the first task is started, itsmemory space fits in L2 cache. Power consumption ofSDRAM increases, which indicates that the CPU proac-tively write cache lines to main memory. As soon as thesecond task is started, the combined memory footprintof both tasks’ data does not fit into L2 cache anymore,as L2 is shared between the two cores of a CPU. In-creased access to main memory is indicated by a powerincrease in the SDRAM channel. The third task’s datafits into the L2 cache on the second chip. Therefore itexecutes much faster than the two previous tasks that areconstrained by main memory access. The net result isan increase in total CPU power until the fourth task isstarted, which forces the third task to main memory. Inthis experiment, the addition of a new task can lead toeither an increase or a decrease in the total CPU powerconsumption. Even though all cores execute the samecode, each individual task’s behavior is different and de-pendent on all other running tasks. As a result, in thisexample, CPU-utilization-based apportion leads to erro-neous results.

Figure 5: CPU, SDRAM and motherboard power over time forfour 32KB memory read & write tests.

Figure 6: CPU, SDRAM and motherboard power over time forfour 512MB memory read &write tests.

The aforementioned examples showcase that a simple


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Figure 7: CPU, SDRAM and motherboard power over time forfour 4MB memory red & write tests.

energy apportion solution that attributes proportional en-ergy consumption based on CPU utilization an executiontime can lead to significant errors in multi-core systems.Using such a method, the third task in Figure 7 would becharged for main memory access, while in fact it does notaccess main memory. Another potential solution wouldbe to profile each application individually. However, asillustrated in the examples above, the energy consump-tion of a task depends on the behavior of all other run-ning tasks in the system. Therefore, a more complicatedindirect measurement methodology is needed.

4 Indirect Energy Measurement Model

In Section 3, we argued that direct energy measurementsare a necessary but insufficient condition for determin-ing the energy used by individual processes and tasks inmulti-core platforms. For this purpose, we introducedthe concept of indirect energy measurements. The indi-rect energy measurement system needs to meet the fol-lowing requirements:

• The values measured should reflect a task’s energybehavior.

• Appropriate models have to be defined, which allowbehavioral comparisons of different tasks. Conse-quently, variables and models have to be found forall tasks running on a system.

• The comparison of different tasks should result in a“fair” energy apportion scheme.

We define a fair energy apportion as one that appor-tions the total energy in proportion to the amount of en-ergy that would have been saved if the task would nothave been executed. Given a set of tasks that uses totalenergy Etotal, if task a is removed, the remaining tasksuse energy Ea. A fair apportion method would chargethe energy cost Ecost,a to a task a as shown in Equation 1.

Ecost,a =(Etotal − Ea)∑j

(Etotal − Ej

) ∗ Etotal (1)

As a consequence, a’s energy cost depends on all othertasks executed concurrently, that might or might not beunder a’s control. We argue that this is fair for the fol-lowing reasons. First, tasks should be charged for theenergy consumption they cause, which depends on theother tasks and can result in either energy benefits orsavings (see Section 3). Also, application developersshould be encouraged to write efficient code and not berewarded for inefficient and suboptimal multi-threadedprogramming.

In this Section, we will present an indirect energy mea-surement model which is well suited for the apportion ofSDRAM as well as CPU energy.

4.1 Performance counter behavioral modelMost modern processors, whether embedded, desktopor server-class, contain a performance measurement unit(PMU) which is capable of counting a variety of differentprocessor related events. Performance counters are typi-cally used to profile applications and optimize their per-formance. In the energy estimation domain, Bellosa etal. used performance counters to predict CPU tempera-ture for dynamic thermal management [5]. They proposea linear, event-based model to estimate the energy con-sumed by a single-core CPU. They show that the CPU’senergy consumption E can be modeled as a sum of eventcounts ci multiplied by event energy ei, as in Equation 2.

Eest =∑


ci ∗ ei (2)

We argue that performance counters are suitable indi-rect indicators for energy apportion. Performance coun-ters are available on most modern processors and canbe accessed without incurring significant overhead. Ad-ditionally, performance events can be counted for eachcore separately and can therefore measure the behaviorof each core individually, thus providing the additionalvisibility that our direct measurement system lacks. Fi-nally, previous work has shown performance events to begood indicators for energy usage [5, 20, 17, 13]. We notethat, unlike Bellosa et al., we do not use performancecounters to estimate total energy consumption as our RT-DEMS measurement system provides us with direct andaccurate measurements. Rather, after acquiring the totalenergy consumption through RTDEMS, we use perfor-mance counters to solve the energy apportion problem.We also extend prior work by using performance coun-ters as indicators for SDRAM energy consumption, inaddition to CPU energy consumption.


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Both CPU and SDRAM are complex systems that con-tain numerous subsystems. Several of those subsystemscan be shared among running processes at any point intime. For example, our Intel R© CoreTM 2 Quad CPUconsists of two separate dual-core CPUs with 4MB ofL2 cache each. Therefore, depending on which coretwo processes are executing, they either have access toa shared 4MB L2 cache, or to two individual 4MB L2caches. We use models to estimate the tasks’ energy be-havior relative to each other and do not try to model ab-solute CPU energy consumption, which would requireto model all subsystems and inter-task dependencies. Itis sufficient to learn the event model for the single-corecase as this provides an apt approximation of Etotal −Ea

for Equation 1.

Ecost,a =Eest,a∑j Eest,j

∗ Emeasured (3)

Equation 3 shows how we apply performance eventbased models for fair multi-core energy apportion. Thetotal measured energy Emeasured is apportioned among aset of tasks. The energy cost Ecost,a charged to a task acan be calculated by dividing total energy Emeasured pro-portional to Eest,a, which is the energy the task’s behav-ior would have cost in single-core operation. As a conse-quence, additional costs as well as energy savings result-ing from running tasks on a multi-core system, are splitequally among the tasks.

We defined Emeasured as the energy cost caused by therunning tasks. For that reason, we subtract the dc partfrom all energy and power measurements. We think, thisis a “fair” policy.

4.2 Model learning

In order to learn and test our model, we use a variety ofdifferent microbenchmarks and actual applications typi-cally found on desktop or server systems. Microbench-marks include burnMMX and burnP6, a memory andCPU stress test from the cpuburn package, mem, our ownmemory access test capable of accessing memory in var-ious ways (Section 3), qsieve integer factorization andlinpackc. Applications include sort, md5sum, multime-dia encoders (mm), lame (mp3) and oggenc (ogg vorbis),imagemagick (immck), compilation of the Linux kernelusing gcc, the web browsers firefox and epiphany andthe webservers apache and thttpd. As shown in Figures 8and 9 these applications have very different characteris-tics, both in terms of power and in terms of performanceevents.
























r [w]



Figure 8: Average CPU and SDRAM power usage of differentapplications.


























d av


e ev

ent r



t rat



Memory read event rateMemory write event rate

Prefetch ratio

TLB miss ratioBranch mispred. ratio

Figure 9: Normalized performance event rates and event ratiosof different applications.

4.2.1 Performance event selection

Performance measuring units can track dozens of differ-ent events, albeit only few at the same time. For instance,the Intel R© CoreTM 2 CPU used on the RTDEMS is capa-ble of counting well over 100 different events. However,for each core, only five different events can be measuredsimultaneously and three of those are predefined and can-not be changed. As a result, we need to select two eventsthat, together with the three predefined events can consti-tute a reasonable set of indirect measurement indicatorsfor energy consumption.

One approach to this selection problem is to write mi-cro benchmarks that cause a limited set of PMU events,thus facilitating the calculation of event energies ei forall possible events. Then, events with the highest energycontribution ei ∗ ci (Equation 2) can be chosen. How-ever this approach is not optimal as event energies are notconstant but depend on both the running application andthe model. In general, a PMU event can be caused by aset of different hardware events (subevents) with differ-ent energy costs. For example, subevents for the PMU


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event Memory Read include random reads within thesame row, random reads that induce a row change, andburst reads. The relative frequencies of those subeventsand subsequently the average cost of a PMU event de-pend on the application. Similarly, many PMU eventsare not independent of each other. For example, transla-tion lookaside buffer (TLB) misses are for most applica-tions highly correlated with memory reads. A model notcounting TLB misses will likely include their cost intothe cost of memory reads.

Our event selection methodology consists of the fol-lowing steps. First, we manually prune the search spaceof events that are not likely to have an impact on powerconsumption. Second, we gather model learning and testdata. Because running a test multiple times always re-sults in the same total event count, it is sufficient to runeach test as many times as required to get the total countsfor all events and total energy. Finally, we systematicallybuild models for SDRAM and CPU energy and comparetheir performance.

For our system, we found through exhaustive searchof the reduced search space that the events for ‘lines readinto the last-level cache’, ‘modified lines evicted fromthe last-level cache’ and ‘instructions retired’ are wellsuited to model SDRAM as well as CPU energy.

4.2.2 Event energy learning

After having selected the appropriate PMU events, theirevent energies ei must be learned. As mentioned in Sec-tion 4.2.1, event energies vary slightly between applica-tions. For example, when reading an 512MB buffer se-quentially the energy cost of reading a cache line is 52nJ.When reading the same buffer randomly, the cost rises to69nJ.

Using time series of energy and event data as opposedto total values for event energy learning provides moredata points and makes several variables independent evenif there is only limited training data available per applica-tion. It is therefore possible to learn the event weights foran application with few tests. Overlearning becomes anissue when an application’s counts for certain events aretoo low to have a measurable impact on power or whentwo counters are highly correlated. For these events,the application’s costs are set to those from the genericmodel. We thus ensure that each application’s model isvalid even if the application changes its behavior in thefuture. Table 1 shows the event energies estimated withthis method.

Figure 10 shows the R2 value of the single-core en-ergy estimation for both SDRAM and CPU using threeevent counters only. The performance of the model isvery good for all test applications, even for very com-plex programs like Firefox or a complete Linux kernel

Application SDRAM Model CPU ModelMemoryReads





generic 56 63 2.1 121 273apache 66 67 3.1 241 266browsers 59 63 2.5 128 252burnMMX 55 59 2.1 120 264burnP6 55 64 2.0 124 277gcc 57 64 3.2 98 296immck 56 63 1.9 151 264lame 57 62 2.6 95 265linpack 55 63 1.9 134 233md5sum 56 63 2.3 116 269memtest∗ 52 61 1.6 113 265memtest† 69 85 2.0 185 325qsieve 56 64 2.6 98 272sort 68 55 2.4 159 215thttpd 63 72 2.6 162 387

Table 1: Event energies in nJ for different applications.∗ sequential read/write, † random read/write

compilation. An increase in the number of PMU coun-ters and energy-relevant performance events would leadto improved model performance.










sortmm generic







el p



ce, R





Figure 10: Single-core energy estimation performance.

5 The Energy Apportion & AccountingSystem

The purpose of the energy accounting system is to accu-rately account for the energy used by processes within acomputer system. The system also provides runtime per-process energy usage information to the operating sys-tem and to user space programs. The energy accountingsystem builds on the RTDEMS real-time energy mea-surement capability. Consequently, the accounting sys-tem should meet the same requirements regarding reso-lution, cost, and integration stated in Section 2 as well asthe following:

• Modularity. The accounting system and its subsys-tems should be modular components of the operat-ing system.


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• Latency. Per-process accounting requires tight in-tegration with critical code paths of the operat-ing system. Low latency on these critical paths isparamount for the operating system and therefore acrucial requirement for our software architecture.

• Parallelism. The software architecture must be op-timized for multi-core operation.

Figure 11 shows an architectural diagram of the en-ergy accounting system. It is comprised of several Linuxkernel modules together with a small kernel patch thatadds energy information to Linux’s process manage-ment. The system uses real-time energy samples ac-quired by RTDEMS. Energy is ultimately charged toresource containers, our energy cost accumulation datastructures [4, 25]. The core of the system is the en-ergy apportion and accounting component, which asyn-chronously processes the CPU’s activity lists in order toapportion the energy measured using the performancecounter attribution method introduced in Section 4.

5.1 Resource containersAs our energy accounting data structures we use resourcecontainers, a well-known OS abstraction that is used foraccounting usage costs of several shared OS resources.Resource containers separate the concept of a resourceconsuming entity from processes, which allows morefine-grained accounting. Resource containers accumu-late energy values for all hardware components individ-ually. Each process and thread is associated with a re-source container by means of resource binding [4]. Pro-cesses and threads constitute the accounting entities ofour system. When an an accounting entity is active, itsenergy consumption is charged to the respective con-tainer. We utilize dynamic resource binding to allowbinding of any resource container to a process or threadat any time. This makes it possible to implement systemsother than per-process accounting, such as per-activityaccounting [4, 25].

5.2 Per-process accounting subsystemOn a single-core machine, each process would becharged the energy Emeasured measured during the timeslice the process ran uninterruptedly.

On a multi-core machine however, tasks are executedon all n cores independently. The energy apportion al-gorithm apportions energy among up to n tasks that runconcurrently. For that reason, we have to divide the unin-terrupted execution time of a process into segments (timeslices) that do not include any task switches on any CPU.The energy used during those time slices is proportion-ally attributed to concurrently running tasks, through theenergy apportion algorithm. Figure 12 shows two CPUs

running three tasks a, b, and c and the resulting energyapportion time slices ∆ti. For ∆t1, total energy is di-vided among tasks a and b, in ∆t2 among a and c, in∆t3 all energy is charged to c, and so on.

Figure 12: Energy accounting time slicing for three tasks a, band c running on two CPUs.

The energy apportion time slice is in general smallerthan the scheduler time slice since tasks can block or beinterrupted by a high priority task before their schedulertime slice expires. Additionally, while a task a is runninguninterruptedly, a task switch might happen on anotherCPU, leading to segmentation.

For each time the scheduler selects a new task on anyof the cores, the apportion algorithm needs to be exe-cuted, and energy charged accordingly. It is not practi-cally feasible to do the energy apportioning immediatelywhen a task switch is scheduled. The computational loadof the algorithm would lead to a significantly increasedlatency in the scheduler. More importantly, the account-ing would have to be synchronized among the CPUs,which would result in a blocking scheduler and thereforea momentous latency overhead.

The following paragraphs describe the following maincomponents of our architecture depicted in Figure 11:Per-CPU activity logs, model management, task manage-ment and the energy apportion and accounting algorithm.

Per-CPU activity logs: To minimize the latency in thescheduler and to solve the synchronization issue, we in-troduced per-CPU activity logs. The logs keep track ofthe scheduling of tasks, on a per CPU basis. Using per-CPU log information, the expensive apportion computa-tion can be deferred and need not be executed on everycontext switch. In addition, since information is recordedper CPU, log access need not be synchronized.

Our energy apportion algorithm needs the followingdata as input: a) the energy Emeasured as measured bythe RTDEMS, b) the concurrently running tasks amongwhich Emeasured is divided, and c) the model values ci

and ei needed by the apportion algorithm introduced inSection 4.

While Emeasured is provided by the RTDEMS’ energylog, all other data must be stored within the activity logs.Consequently, log entries contain a time stamp, a pointerto the task’s current resource container, a pointer to thetask’s current model information and a memory regionfor each of the task’s energy models. The models utilizethose memory regions to store values ci required in order


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Figure 11: Architectural diagram of the energy accounting software system.

to determine the task’s energy behavior during the timeperiod since the last entry.

Model management: Our system uses application-and device-specific energy models to assess the pro-cesses’ respective energy behavior. Each model is de-fined by an interface consisting of the following fivefunctions:

• put_task() This function initializes the model’smemory area for a task that has just been selectedby the scheduler. For instance, the PMU modeluses this function to store the current, initial per-formance counter values in the memory area. Themodel could also configure the PMU to count dif-ferent events that are better suited to determine theenergy behavior of this application.

• pop_task() This function finalizes an activitylog entry for a task that is removed from the CPU.For example, the PMU model reads the new perfor-mance counter values, subtracts the initial values,and saves the difference in the memory area.

• estimate() This function calculates Eest of agiven activity log entry. For example, the PMUmodel calculates Eest using its application specificevent energies and the performance event countsstored in the entries’ model memory area.

• init(), exit() These functions are calledupon loading and exiting the energy accounting sys-tem in order to initialize and terminate the model.

Task management: In order to enable both per-process accounting and application specific models, weextended Linux’s process data structure task_structto include a pointer to a dynamically allocated data struc-ture ea_data. This structure contains task specific in-formation needed by the energy accounting system suchas a pointer to the task’s current resource container andmodels—one for CPU and one for SDRAM energy.

Dynamic allocation of the energy accounting datastructure enables dynamic binding of the task’s modeland resource container. This feature allows the account-ing system to change the model at any point without dataloss. Because activity log entries contain a pointer to thetask’s currently valid ea_data, entries are always pro-cessed using the right model, even if the task’s modelbinding has changed by the time the accounting threadbecomes active.

Dynamic allocation necessitates the inclusion of a ref-erence counter, which indicates if ea_data is still be-ing referenced by either a task or an activity log entry.As soon as the reference counter becomes zero, the datastructure can be freed.

Besides augmenting the process data structuretask_struct, we created an interface to Linux’s pro-cess management that allows us to manage per-processenergy data. When a process or thread is created,changed or exits, its ea_data structure must be up-dated. In order to not violate the modularity require-ment by including this functionality into Linux’s processmanagement, we defined an interface, through which theenergy accounting system can register callbacks for the


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following events:

• fork() and exit(): Create or delete ea_data.• exec(): Reevaluate the task’s model and possibly

choose new application specific models.• switch(): The scheduler is about to switch to an-

other task. Insert new entry into activity log.

In addition, the process management makes per-process energy information accessible from user spaceusing the process file system by reading the file/proc/<pid>/ea.

Energy apportion and accounting: Our design al-lows to defer the apportion and accounting algorithm andexecute it in a dedicated kernel thread. This thread runsperiodically or on demand on any CPU, preferably anidle one. The apportion and accounting algorithm worksas follows:

1. Get activity log entries for the next time slice ∆tfrom each CPU.

2. For each resource (CPU, SDRAM)(a) Get Emeasured for ∆t from the RTDEMS’ en-

ergy log.(b) Get Eest of each entry by executing the

estimate() function of the model whichis referenced by the entries’ ea_data refer-ence.

(c) Charge each entry’s resource container ac-cording to the apportion rule introduced inSection 3.

Since all CPUs create activity log entries indepen-dently, the entries in general do not correspond to thesame time slice. To apportion the energy of a time slice∆t, the entries have to be of the same length. Therefore,the length of the time slice is defined in step 1 by theshortest entry. All longer entries are split into an entry ofsize ∆t plus the remainder of their own time slice. We as-sume that the behavior of a task is approximately uniformduring a time slice, such that model values can be dividedup linearly among the parts. Because activity log entriescreated by the scheduler have an arbitrary length, a timerinserts new entries at a frequency for which the aboveassumption is reasonable—20Hz in our implementation.

As a consequence of deferring energy accounting, theresource containers are updated with a delay. The max-imum delay is limited by the period at which the ac-counting thread is run. Each resource container countsthe number of its activity log entries, that are not yet ac-counted for. If the count is zero, a resource container’senergy values are up-to-date.

5.3 Tracing subsystemIn addition to the energy accounting system, we also im-plemented a tracing subsystem that provides an interfacefor monitoring and accurate energy measuring of tasks.This subsystem acquires values such as measured energyEmeasured, energy used by individual CPUs, model valuesci, and model data ei and makes them available as timeseries data. Values can be traced continuously or onlywhen a given process is active. The tracing subsystem isused by our model learning tools and also enables appli-cation developers to analyze the energy consumption ofa single application.

The tracing subsystem consists of two modules: the ar-biter module and the sampler module. The arbiter mod-ule acquires and aggregates data that is subsequently pro-vided to multiple clients. Whenever the accounting algo-rithm processes a set of activity log entries, it informsthe arbiter which aggregates and distributes the samplesto its clients’ sample queues. Because this causes an ad-ditional overhead for the accounting algorithm, we de-signed the tracing subsystem as optional kernel modules,which should only be activated when their functionalityis necessary. The sampler module exports the tracing in-terface and the samples to user space using the processfile system.

6 Evaluation

In this section, we present an experimental evaluation ofthe accuracy of the apportion algorithm and demonstratethe functionality of our system using typical desktop ap-plications. In addition, we investigate the impact of oursystem on CPU resources.

6.1 Per-process energy apportion accuracyThe main part of the energy apportion algorithm is theset of performance event models introduced in Section 4.In order to ascertain the accuracy of these models, wewould need to compare the results to those obtained byan a priori accurate measurement system. However, asmentioned in Section 3, without extensive motherboardand CPU modifications, we cannot measure the energyconsumption of individual CPU cores or the percentageof SDRAM energy usage caused by a particular process.As a result, the correct solution of the apportion problem(i.e. ground truth) is in the general case not known.

In order to test the accuracy of the apportion algorithmwe therefore designed experiments for which we are ableto assert a particular apportion. We then compare the as-serted values with the solution found by our online al-gorithm. We chose a sequential memory access bench-mark as our test program, as it allows us to test SDRAM


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as well as CPU energy apportioning, by controlling thenumber of memory accesses. We also chose a memorybuffer of 512MB in order to minimize the impact of theCPU’s cache management, which is beyond our control.

By executing two instances of the memory bench-mark, A and B concurrently on two different cores andby controlling the number of accesses over the mem-ory buffer, we assert the energy apportioning to be pro-portional to the number of memory accesses performedby the two processes. For example, if process A ac-cesses the memory buffer once while process B accessesit twice, we assert that the correct memory energy attri-bution would be 33% for process A and 66% for pro-cess B. We note that this assertion holds for our bench-mark because the type and locality of memory accessesis the same for both processes, as opposed to arbitraryprocesses and tasks, where neither type nor locality canbe known in advance.

Figure 13 depicts the result of our experiments for bothCPU and SDRAM energy attribution. The x-axis depictsthe asserted value of process A as a percentage of thetotal energy value of A + B, i.e. EA

EA+EB, while the y-

axis shows the equivalent measured result from our en-ergy apportioning system. An ideal energy apportioningsystem would have a y-axis value that would match thecorresponding x-axis value. As seen in Figure 13, ourenergy apportioning system is very accurate, with a max-imum deviation of up to 4% of the equivalent assertedvalues. The accuracy achieved in this experiment makesit reasonable to assume that our system provides the cor-rect apportion for arbitrary applications.







0 20 40 60 80 100



d ap


on [%


Asserted apportion [%]


Figure 13: Asserted and measured CPU and SDRAM energyapportion of two tasks a and b.

6.2 CPU OverheadAs mentioned in Section 2 and 5, our energy accountingsystem needs to operate with the lowest possible over-head. In Section 2 we investigated the RTDEMS over-

head in terms of CPU resources. However RTDEMS-induced overhead is only part of the energy accountingsystem’s overhead. In addition, overhead is caused bythe insertion of entries into the activity logs and subse-quent processing by the apportion and accounting thread.As a consequence, the overhead is expected to dependon the scheduler’s task switching activity. Whenever thetracing subsystem described in Section 5.3 is active, theaccounting thread is required to supply the arbiter withtime series data, thus creating additional overhead.

In order to determine the overhead of our system onCPU resources, we measured the CPU time spent withinthe energy accounting system. This was determined us-ing the processor’s time stamp counter which providesnanosecond time resolution with minimal CPU impact.To quantify the impact of scheduling activity, we imple-mented a microbenchmark that periodically performs aCPU-bound computation and then causes a task switchby yielding the processor. The task switching frequencycan thus be controlled by modifying the duration of theCPU-bound computation. Each task switch leads to anadditional entry in the per-CPU activity log as describedin Section 5.2. The CPU overhead depends on the rateof modifications (insertions and deletions) on the per-CPU activity log. Therefore, increased scheduling activ-ity (task switching frequency) is expected to incur higheroverhead.

We conducted experiments using two tasks per CPU,variable task activity periods, and by enabling and dis-abling the tracing subsystem. Figure 14 shows the CPUoverhead of the energy apportion system. We note thateven at very high task switching frequencies of 300Hzthe impact on the CPU is less than 0.45% and is re-duced to less than 0.2% at switching frequencies of 10Hzor less. On the other hand, the activation of the trac-ing subsystem results in a relatively substantial overheadof 0.6% at high task switching frequencies. Acquisi-tion of time series data is a relatively expensive operationthereby justifying our design decision to implement thetracing subsystem as an optional module.

6.3 Application apportioningTable 2 shows the result of the apportion system for fourconcurrently running applications. Our application setincludes the apache web server, a gcc compilation ofparts of the boost library, sorting a 128MB file of 100-byte length random integers and an image blurring pro-cess. The applications have different runtimes and—as expected—different energy footprints which are re-flected in the resulting energy apportion.

Our experimental results demonstrate that our energyattribution and accounting system has achieved its de-sign goals of providing integrated and accurate—96%


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0 50 100 150 200 250 300





Task switching frequency [Hz]

95% Confidence intervalTracing subsystem active95% Confidence interval

Tracing subsystem inactive

Figure 14: CPU overhead of the energy apportioning and ac-counting system as a function of task switching frequency.

Application CPU [J] SDRAM [J] Runtime [sec]apache 66.8 2.8 14.9gcc 105.0 4.3 19.2sort, 128MB 169.8 5.5 20.0image blur 97.2 0.6 10.3

Table 2: CPU and SDRAM energy apportion for four concur-rently running applications.

of optimal—per-process energy accounting of individualhardware components, incurring only up to 0.6% of CPUoverhead.

7 Related Work

Prior work on energy measurement for server sys-tems typically focuses on global server power consump-tion surveys, such as Binachini et al. [7] and Koomeyet al. [16]. External power measurements have been usedby Chase et al. [8] to optimize the energy consumptionof a hosting center by dynamically resizing the server setof a cluster. As explained in Section 2 external measure-ments are not suitable for per-process accounting as theydo not meet the integration and resolution requirements.

An alternative approach to determine a server’s energyconsumption is through estimation techniques. ECOSys-tem [27] and Rivoire et al. [22] use a power state basedmodel and associate a fixed power consumption to eachstate. Kansal et al. [15] propose a similar model for ap-plication energy profiling. Using a per-component uti-lization based approach, Mantis [10] learns and predictsthe power consumption of a server system for differentworkloads. Our work does not rely on estimation tech-niques, as our RTDEMS system provides us with directenergy measurements at high temporal and spatial reso-lution.

Bellosa et al. [5, 20] introduced linear performanceevent based models for CPU energy estimation and uti-lized them for dynamic thermal management. Our en-ergy behavior models and methods of energy apportion-

ing among tasks are based on this work. Our system ex-tend this previous work by providing application specificmodels for accurate apportioning and also extends thePMU models to include main memory energy consump-tion.

Isci et al. [13] used performance counters to esti-mate the energy consumption of processor subsystemsfrom power external measurements. Similarly, Lewiset al. [17] proposed a method to calculate per-componentenergy from AC power measurements. Alternatives toperformance event based models are SimplePower [26],an instruction level emulator and energy estimator, orregulator switching cycles based energy models as pro-posed by Dutta et al. [9]. However, those systems donot provide per-task resolution and thus cannot be easilyadopted to solve the multi-core energy attribution prob-lem.

Resource containers [4] are a well-known operatingsystem abstraction. They have been proposed and imple-mented for FreeBSD [4] and for Linux [25]. In addition,Jones et al. [14] designed a modular resource manage-ment for the Rialto operating system. Our system buildsupon previous work by providing the first implementa-tion of resource containers for multi-core systems andby solving the energy apportion problem.

8 Conclusion

This paper introduces a new energy attribution softwarearchitecture that augments the operating system of amulti-core platform with runtime per-process energy us-age information. Our system utilizes runtime direct en-ergy measurements that provide accurate per-componentenergy usage information at millisecond-scale resolu-tion. We argue that per-process energy accounting ona multi-core or multi-processor platform necessitates theuse of indirect energy measurements. As a solution tothis energy apportion problem we introduce performancecounter based energy behavior models. We experimen-tally demonstrate that our models exhibit high energy es-timation accuracy for single-core experiments with bothmicrobenchmarks and actual applications, thereby pro-viding an apt measure for the apportion of both CPU aswell as SDRAM energy.

We fuse the direct and indirect portions of our systemin a combined energy apportion and accounting softwaresystem, designed as a low-overhead modular componentof the Linux operating system. Our experiments demon-strate that our energy apportioning system can success-fully provide per-process energy consumption with over96% accuracy, while impacting CPU performance byless than 0.6%.

In the future we plan to extend our system to accountenergy usage of other components such as hard drives


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and network cards, which requires the design and imple-mentation of suitable energy models. Furthermore, weaim to replace the initial calibration phase necessary formodel learning with an online model learning system.We designed our system with future expansion to alter-native accounting systems like per-activity accounting inmind. We also intend to build on our resource containerimplementation and provide a more powerful interfacefor container manipulation to userspace applications.

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