about ‘tat’: THE Ascension Times is published online every month. Our mission is to impart knowledge that is positive and truthful, and that will assist people to live in more gentle and harmonious ways. We are not affiliated to any religious, political or philosophical association but do impart knowledge directly from The Ascended Masters via Bridge to Freedom and St Germain Press material. Our ethos is one of sharing and co- operation. We therefore actively encourage you to reproduce and share the information in this publication, as we adopt a “copy-left” policy. We do however ask that all material be referenced and the information not changed in any way. EnquiriEs: Coral McCallum 021 701 9961, [email protected] or Anthea Torr at anthea@ theascensiontimes.com • Fax: 021 701 8765 Address: P. O. Box 39277, Capricorn Square, 7948. Web: www.theascensiontimes.com ADVERTISING: Anya Rowley 021 783 2679 or 084 723 4419, fax 086 569 4086 or e-mail [email protected] ACCOUNTS: Des Du Plooy 021 785 4694 or [email protected] DESIGNER: Fiona Crooks ([email protected]) AS YOU CHANGE YOURSELF, YOU CHANGE THE WORLD! ISSUE 17: JUNE/JULY 2011 NUTS ABOUT HEALTH An ‘I AM’ decree for your home “I AM” consciously charging my home with the Pure Electronic Energy from God – filling my home with God’s Love, Healing, Harmony and Peace — keeping out anything that is not in accordance with the Will of God! — St Germain Press. 2 14 ROCKET REVIVAL 10 WONDROUS ENERGY 6

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Page 1: energy An ‘I AM’ decree for your hometheascensiontimes.com/new/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/tat17.pdf · Law of Transmutation (the Violet Transmuting Flame of Mercy and Compassion)

about ‘tat’: The Ascension Times is published online every month. Our mission is to impart knowledge that is positive and truthful, and that will assist people to live in more gentle and harmonious ways. We are not affiliated to any religious, political or philosophical association but do impart knowledge directly from The Ascended Masters via Bridge to Freedom and St Germain Press material. Our ethos is one of sharing and co-operation. We therefore actively encourage you to reproduce and share the information in this publication, as we adopt a “copy-left” policy. We do however ask that all material be referenced and the information not changed in any way.

EnquiriEs: Coral McCallum 021 701 9961, [email protected] or Anthea Torr at [email protected] • Fax: 021 701 8765 • Address: P. O. Box 39277, Capricorn Square, 7948. •Web: www.theascensiontimes.com

Advertising: Anya Rowley 021 783 2679 or 084 723 4419, fax 086 569 4086 or e-mail [email protected] Accounts: Des Du Plooy 021 785 4694 or [email protected]: Fiona Crooks ([email protected])

As you chAnge yourself, you chAnge the world! issue 17: june/july 2011



An ‘I AM’ decree for your home

“i AM” consciously charging my home with the Pure Electronic Energy from God – filling my home with God’s Love, Healing, Harmony and Peace —keeping out anything that is not in accordance with the will of god! — St Germain Press.


rocket revivAl




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ALKALIZING raw food is energy efficient and kind and gentle to all on the planet.

A raw foodist is someone who eats 75-100% live, nutrition-ally-dense organic uncooked and unprocessed food (and drinks pure, live water — find a source of water from a natural spring if you can!), enjoying delicious meals that opti-mise their health by alkalising their bodies. At this rate, your elimina-tion system can get rid of toxins created through cooking.

When you eat more cooked food, you consume acidic toxins faster than your body can eliminate them so they back up, disrupting your body’s delicate acid/alkaline balance, which is a major cause of excess weight and disease. Heating food above 118°F causes chemical

changes that create acidic toxins, including carcinogens, mutagens and free-radicals associated with diseases like diabetes, arthritis, heart disease and cancer. Cooking also destroys the live enzymes that aid digestion and health.

Your body is like an alkaline battery, running on electrons. All life-giving chemical reactions only happen when electrons or energy flows between atoms. Cooking or processing causes food to lose electrons, which is the source of the energy your body needs. Healthy substances “contribute” electrons/energy, and are called alkalising or “reducing”. Unhealthy ones steal electrons/energy; they are acidic or “oxidising” (which means to burn up, rust, break down or decay).

Your body is designed to be

alkaline, like the battery! Because the pH scale is logarythmic even a fraction of a point can create huge changes to health! The most impor-tant processes in your body work within a very narrow pH range. For example, if the pH of your blood falls to the low end of its normal range (~7.35-7.45), a .10 differ-ence, it could reduce oxygen levels in your blood by as much as 300%!

A raw food diet is one of the easiest and most economical ways to live. Raw foodists eat mostly organic food, which is 80% to 300% more nutritionally dense and loaded with available electrons/en-ergy. Because there is more nutri-tion in raw food, you will be less hungry and therefore eat less.

Raw, live food and water is the ultimate health care plan!

2 ‘tat’ rEciPEs• delicious rAw food reciPes

Bless, love and thank all the beloved Elementals that brought it into form — blessing and loving your food is one of the most important things we can do for All life, including ours!

add these ‘ascension times’ recipes to your file and always try to make them with organic ingredients.

a nut Paté that’s simply delicious1 C almonds, soaked 12 hours 1 C sunflower seeds, soaked 6-8 hours and rinsed 1/4 C sesame seeds, soaked 8 hours and rinsed 1 red bell pepper, finely chopped 3 stalks celery, finely chopped 1 stem of leek, finely chopped 1-2 tsp. powdered kelp 1-2 T Bragg Liquid Aminos or organic soya sauce to taste 2 T lemon juice

USING an Oscar or Champion juicer to process almonds, sunflow-er seeds, sesame seeds using the solid plate. Add red bell pepper, celery, leek, lemon juice, kelp, Bragg and mix well.

Squash or zucchinilemonolive oilgarlicbasiloregano

MIx lemon, oil and spices together. Slice zucchini lengthwise, into flat thin “ba-con” strips. Marinate squash in lemon oil. Dehydrate at low temperature. Roll nut paté. Pin roll with toothpick.

tAsty Zucchini rolls

Alkalizing raw food: a key to good health

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HELA, Beloved Master: Why is it that so many earnest spiritually-minded men and women suffer financial lack and physical distress? Should not these men and women be among the manifest examples of opulence and health?

GURU, Beloved Chela: Truly such individuals should be the manifest example of all that is beautiful, good, and perfect, not only for their own happiness, security and well being, but because such people represent us in the world of form. Those who rest smugly and complacently in their own willful pursuits of pleasure use just such an argument to discredit the earnest ones on the path. The words, “If thou be the Christ, come down from the cross,” have been echoed through the centuries, in one form or another by many spiritually sightless sons and daughters of men. One day, in the distant future, such a challenge will echo through their own consciousnesses as well!

To answer completely WHY such apparent contradictions between affirmed faith and works exist, would require a volume of written words. However, for the comfort of the dear ones who writhe self-consciously upon their respective crosses and feel self-condemnation for such affirmations of limitation, I shall enumerate a few reasons as follows:

Firstly, each man who sets his feet upon the spiritual path must begin just where he is, not where he would like to be. Professions of faith, offers of service, and acceptance of service, do not change the heritage of personal karma any more than application for a position in the world of form, and acceptance by the employer, change the qualifications of the applicant.

The Master, like the employer, accepts the candidate for service upon reasonable confirmation that a certain qualified momentum of talent is available for use in a given position. The master, like the employer, must rely upon the candidate, himself, to live up to his own greatest light, and then, through voluntary study and application, raise himself to greater efficacy in the endeavour at hand.

The candidate for spiritual knowledge is, by the very reason of his present interest in spiritual study, usually one who has devoted a goodly part of his energies, through the centuries, to developing spiritual powers, often to the neglect of his physical well being, as well as his financial security. The Law, being wholly impersonal, only releases through the consciousness that which is held in mind, thought and feelings. If man has not contemplated beauty, opulence, and the various gifts of plenty in this world, there is no mould, no form, no channel through which primal life may flow to externalise these gifts in his experience.

Thus such an one must learn to balance his abstract devotions with practical mastery of the creative process of molding out of thought beautiful designs, and energising them with feeling, bringing them into form as ways and means of increasing the individual ability to

serve the cause and the Master. Even in our octave, we must design and form that which we desire before it is precipitated into our hands and use.

Secondly, the student upon the path immediately comes under an accelerated action of the law of cause and effect. The energy returning to each one (which he has sent out in previous embodiments as causes of imperfect nature) must be returned to such an one to be purified, transmuted and returned to God in the same perfect expression with which it was received from him. Thus, such students have much more to “handle” as their energies return, than mankind at large, whose returning energies

are held in abeyance, in mercy, until they learn the Law of Transmutation (the Violet Transmuting Flame of Mercy and Compassion).

Otherwise, they would be overwhelmed by the karmic retribution and no spiritual advancement could be made in that Earth life. The Cosmic Law is that no soul can receive more destructive karma back into his experience in one life than his developed consciousness can transmute and master. Let all who read take heart thereby, for no student is allowed by the Karmic Board to receive into his experience any appearance which he cannot

‘Each man who sets his

feet upon the spiritual path must begin

where he is.’

sPirituAl/Ascension MAtters 3• teAchings froM the Ascended MAsters • the very interesting history of eArth • chAnneling

THE GURU AND THE CHELAby the Ascended MAster kuthuMi.


ascended Master Kuthumi ... ‘the candidate must live up to his highest light’.

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by his own light transmute at the very time it is received. Therefore, in the experiences of life, rejoice that the Law has felt your consciousness developed enough to receive calmly, and transmute perfectly, any shadows that appear, temporarily, upon the screen of your life.

THIRDLY, EVERY STUDENT IS A PART OF THE MASS KARMA OF THE RACE, THE NATION, THE PLANET, THE EVOLUTION TO WHICH HE BELONGS. The conscious students volunteer to accept the added service of dissolving much of this mass karma along with their own, even as Jesus assumed and transmuted much of the karma of the world through his experience at Calgary.

FOURTHLY, STRONG INDIVIDUALS, FURTHER, SOMETIMES VOLUNTEER, IN A COSMIC MOMENT, TO STAND AS A SPIRITUAL GUARD AROUND CERTAIN DEDICATED LIFESTREAMS. They screen out the directed energies, visible and invisible, that would seek to destroy the heart centre of such movements. Thus, beloved Joseph and Mary assumed much karma acting as a guard around the sensitive energies of the pure consciousness of Jesus. Let no man look at another in judgment, for that one might well be working out the karma that would otherwise weigh


AND WELL BEING OF THE INDIVIDUALS IN THE WORLD IS BUILT ON GOOD ENDEAVOURS IN THE PAST, TRUE, BUT IT HAS NO ASSURANCE OF PERMANENCE UNTIL THE CONSCIOUSNESS CAN CREATE AND SUSTAIN SUCH CONDITIONS AT WILL. Those born to great affluence or physical perfection have earned that luxury and perfection, but while it is an unconscious enjoyment born of no conscious knowledge of the Law of Precipitation, Healing and Peace, it is as fleeting as the sunshine that plays on the grateful man, but which at a passing cloud is gone, the man, unable to re-create the sun, being merely an unconscious receiver of a benefit enjoyed but fleetingly.

The individuals who have placed their feet upon the spiritual path will find no security, happiness nor permanent peace in being the unconscious recipients of the “gifts of Dame Fortune”. They must become conscious of the powers of creation in the mental body, the powers of animation in the feeling body, and the powers of externalisation through the coupling of practical, dedicated, channeled physical energies through the flesh. Then no outer person, place, condition nor circumstance will

affect their tranquillity, security and peace. It is such training that often withholds temporary “surcease”, because the outer consciousness is so easy assuaged when it has received its desire and unless the Law, itself, is mastered, no further effort would be forthcoming by the individual until the gift so given was exhausted. Then the consciousness violently begins again the spasmodic endeavor to re-create a condition of ease in which to slumber on.

SIXTHLY, THE SOUL OF THE AVERAGE INDIVIDUAL SPENDS A GOOD HUNDRED TO ONE THOUSAND YEARS IN THE OCTAVES OF LIGHT BETWEEN EMBODIMENTS. This allows the individual to gather much reserve energy in the emotional and mental bodies to work out much accumulation of discord in the etheric body, and to return to Earth life “refreshed in spirit”.

Those who are engaged in the spiritual “push of the hour” have sacrificed this sojourn in the heavenly realms and its consequent reprieve from the vicissitudes of earthly experience, some of them re-embodying within a year after laying down the previous earth garment, a few even abandoning one body before its dissolution and accepting another. This sacrifice often is apparent in seeming lack of physical energies, as well as nervous tensions. All of these factors are the results of conscious sacrifice upon the part of individuals who are looked upon by the very beneficiaries of their selflessness with scorn and question. Be unconcerned, for we were so treated before you. • This extract was taken from The Bridge to Freedom Journal 2, p44–47.

4 sPirituAl/Ascension MAtters• teAchings froM the Ascended MAsters • the very interesting history of eArth • chAnneling

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sPirituAl/Ascension MAtters 5• teAchings froM the Ascended MAsters • the very interesting history of eArth • chAnneling

IF we read these every day and start to live our lives ac-cording to these great laws, we shall have a life that is so

filled with joy, happiness, abundance, kindess and every good thing, that we will never again be plagued with all the discordant mis-creations of this world — we will become a beacon of LIGHT, wherever we are, spreading that hap-piness and joy to all life on this planet — START TODAY!1.Be conscious ever that you aspire to the full expression of God, and devote all your being and service to that end, as expressed so ably in the First Com-mandment. 2. Learn the lesson of harmlessness — neither by word, nor thought, nor feeling, inflict evil upon any part of life. Know that action and physical violence is but the lesser part of the sin of harm-ful expression.3. Stir not a brother’s sea of emotion, thoughtlessly or deliberately, knowing that the storm in which thou placeth his spirit, will sooner or later flow upon the banks of thine own lifestream. Rather, bring tranquillity to life, and be, as the psalmist so ably puts it, “oil on the trou-bled water”.4. Disassociate thyself from the per-sonal delusion. Let self-justification never reveal that thou dost love the self

more than the harmony of the universe. If thou art right, there is no need to acclaim it. If thou art wrong, pray for forgiveness. Watching the self, thou wilt find the rising tides of indignation among the more subtle shadows on the path of right, called “self-righteousness”.5. Walk gently through the universe, knowing that the body is a temple in which dwelleth the Holy Spirit, that bringeth peace and illumination to life, everywhere. Keep thy temple always in a respectful and cleanly manner, as befitting the habitation of the Spirit of Truth. Respect and honor, in gently dignity, all other temples, knowing that oft-times, within a crude exterior burns a great light.6. In the presence of nature, absorb the beauties and gifts of her kingdom, in gentle gratitude. Do not desecrate her by vile thoughts or emotions. Or by physi-cal acts, that despoil her virgin beauty. 7. Do not form nor offer opinions unless invited to do so, and then only after prayer and silent invocation for guidance.8. Speak when God chooseth to say something through thee. At other times remain peacefully silent.9. Make the ritual of thy living, the observance of God’s rules, so unobtru-sive, that no man shall know that thou aspireth to godliness, lest the force of his

outer will might be pitted against thee, or lest thine service become impinged with pride.10. Let thy heart be a song of gratitude, that the Most High has given, unto thy keeping, the Spirit of Life, which through thee, chooseth to widen the borders of his kingdom.11. Be alert always to use thy faculties and the gifts loaned unto thee, by the Father of all life, in a manner to extend his kingdom.12. Claim nothing for thyself, neither powers nor principality, any more than thou claimest the air thou breathest or the sun, using them freely, but knowing the God-ownership of all.13. In speech and action be gentle, but with the dignity that always accompa-nies the presence of the living God that is within the temple.14. Constantly place all the faculties of thy being, and all the inner unfoldment of thy nature, at the feet of the God-power, endeavoring to manifest perfec-tion through one in distress.15.Let thy watchword be GENTLE-NESS, HUMILITY, AND LOV-ING SERVICE, but do not allow the impression of humility to be mistaken for lethargy, for the servant of the Lord, like the sun in the heavens, is eternally vigilant, and constantly outpouring the gifts of his particular keeping.

code oF conduct For A disciple oF the holy spirit

mAhA chohAn — Bridge to Freedom

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6 sPirituAl/Ascension MAtters• teAchings froM the Ascended MAsters • the very interesting history of eArth • chAnneling

AM the Sacred Fire Master Presence that gives blessings, thanks and love to everything in Creation and that forever prevents anything but perfection.”

The wondrous Energy of the I AM Presence flows forth wholly Pure and Perfect until it touches

the top of your head — the only reason why mankind does not have Perfection is because the moment this wondrous Energy touches the top of your head It is clothed with the feeling that is in your feeling world. If that feeling is discordant then it charges that quality of feeling in your world to produce failure and limitations for you.

Do not allow anything to come in (to your world) that would start discord of any kind.

I say to everyone who has seemed to have financial struggle or has seemed to have difficulties: Dear People, do you realise that you stand on the eve of the greatest prosperity the World has ever known — and which will become permanent as humanity becomes harmonised enough? The Law of your Life, of all beings in manifested form, is the greatest Release of the Powers of the “Presence” which is the supply of everything required through the Power of Divine Love and Harmony. Then mankind is not trying to take away from somebody else, because they know then that they will always have plenty; and the desire and fear lest their human form may want for something, is dissolved. Try to feel that your “Presence” that projected these human forms, when given SUFFICIENT attention is the Power that will care for the body and keep it healthy, harmonious and supplied if the feelings are kept steady, calm, and harmonious enough to naturally let the Powers flow through.

YOU MUST GIVE IN ORDER TO RECEIVE YOUR FREEDOM! There are many ways in which mankind can give. If they have not money supply to give, then they can give kindness, blessings, and the Call to Life, which is sometimes quite as important — that is the feeling of release within the individuals, Blessed Ones.

Now let Me try to release everyone from the feeling of financial fear — YOUR PRESENCE IS YOUR TREASURE HOUSE. Its Wisdom is the governing Authority of your individual world if you let It have a chance to do it! But if your fear is too great, it acts within your feeling world and constantly clothes the Stream of Energy as it goes forth, holding sustained that fear. Every time a thought or feeling comes of financial limitations say: “Mighty Victorious I AM Presence, I know this is not true! Take that feeling/thought out of me and replace it by Your Strength, Courage and Assurance that You


But Dear Ones, do you not see that it does not matter how many thousands of people have proven this Law; every one of you has to prove the Law to yourself in order to be free, and it is so easy.

Your Mighty I AM Presence must become the Governing Intelligence of your world and release the Power of Its Energy and Activity, and from Its Treasure House release everything your Precious Hearts require to flood your world with money or with whatever else you require.

Remember, that in your supply, your Treasure House is your limitless supply — the Treasure House of your “Presence”. Call

to it and it will govern the conditions of persons, places and actions of the outer world. You cannot do it

yet, Beloved Ones; but as you call to the Presence remembering that It is your Treasure House, while It does not hold so much coined gold for you, yet It is the Intelligence, the Power that

regulates all out here that is in form, to bring it into use. SINCE THE PRESENCE OF LIFE

A Wondrous Energythis article summarises points made in the poignant

teachings of ascended Master Bob — the “i aM Discourses” (vol Xii, saint germain Press).

‘Your I AM Presence must be your Governing


‘the Wondrous i aM Presence flows forth Pure and Perfect until it touches the top of your head.’


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sPirituAl/Ascension MAtters 7• teAchings froM the Ascended MAsters • the very interesting history of eArth • chAnneling

IS THE OWNER OF ALL, YOU ARE BUT THE CUSTODIAN. Then if It wishes to shift from one to the other, the I AM Presence being your Treasure House will govern conditions, persons and events to bring your Supply forth. Then you are not deprived of anything

Don’t allow the appearance world to cause you to longer criticize, judge, condemn, or have any opinion whatsoever.

Whenever there is an appearance of something that needs correction, say: “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence sweep into that and correct it!”

When you know the Glory of your Victory (ascension or even a constructive ‘earthly’ goal) is absolutely certain…the only thing required is your love, gratitude, and harmony within your feeling world; and the very Light of Life will carry you forward.

Dear People, please take these things: Pour forth eternal gratitude to Life; then to the Great Cosmic Beings, the Legion of Light, the Great Ascended Masters, for that service and amplification of every effort to bring about this Perfection which is needed.

No appearance in the world can limit you of affect you, except if you feed your Life into it by your attention

Whenever anything irritating causes you to want to say something unkind (or feel something unkind) remember: it is the claw of the sinister force’s hold on you — through your own human creation — that wants to deprive you of your Light and Freedom! JUST REMEMBER THAT, AND YOU WILL HAVE NO DIFFICULTY IN GOVERNING IT.

When you see it is that thing that wants to deprive you of your freedom, then you always have the Power and Strength to say to that thing, “Be silent! You have no power! Get out and be thou dissolved!”

Beloved Ones, only as mankind realises that the Energy of Life should come only down to the dividing point between the Divine and the human — from your heart area down you are human; from your heart area up you are Divine. If you yield to human desires, you drive the energy down, which means dragging yourself into more human limitations. If you return that energy as it comes forth, back to the Presence of Life, the energy itself will lift you one day into your Ascension, your forever freedom from human qualities and limitations. IT IS NOT A MATTER OF MORAL OR IMMORAL ACTIVITY (i.e. sex) — IT IS BUT THE ACTION OF ENERGY, OF LIFE. If it goes down it is humanely qualified, for it does not go back to the Presence. If it is Divinely qualified, it produces Divine order, Divine Justice in the life of the individual.

Please do not look upon your world of action in the human octave again — not once — as labour, as difficult, or as problems. Look upon it as an opportunity to compel you to call forth and release from your “Presence” Its greatest Power, Intelligence, Energy, and Activity to take Dominion over the condition that confronts you.

The race consciousness is that you are an old man or old lady when you have reached sixty or seventy years, yet that Life that beats your Heart is just as young as It was at sixteen. Then your power of qualification is what has made

that appearance, is it not?You who have the appearance of age, how quickly you

could change and transform it, too, if you would charge your Mighty I AM Presence to hold that Youth, Beauty and Perfection in your physical form forever until you make your Ascension.

You can have oh, such perfectly beautiful bodies and faces at your age now, by calling forth the constant charge of currents of Life to keep Its Almighty Perfection flowing into your bodies.

Each morning as you awaken and start forth, say: “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, project Your Mighty Radiance of Light before me and harmonize everything I touch this day!” — then see how quickly you will find that Light taking its Dominion in your world of action; and things that might have seemed to appeared to be unpleasant, you will find smiling back at you.

As you give forth, so you shall receive. If you pour out love, kindness and blessing — it will flow back to you. And notice, usually from those who once sent you the opposite.

Don’t think for one moment you must make yourself a doormat for any human being! Do not ever be prevented from pouring forth the great majestic outpouring of love and kindness to every person, place, condition and thing; FOR IN THAT IS THE GREAT STREAM OF LIGHT WHICH BRINGS BACK TO YOU ITS GIFTS OF BEAUTY SUPPLY AND PERFECTION.

There are a great many people who do not give sufficient feeling into their call for the use of the Violet Fire.

Remember, you can call for the Ascended Master feeling just before you use it!

FEELING AND VISUALISATION IS KEY!Think of the Activity of your Mighty I AM Presence: It

never, for one minute, has a single thought or feeling except just pouring forth Its Love and Blessings to you and through you. If there is too much disturbance, It just withholds the energy and then you feel all wrung out.

It is not the condition or the thing or the seeming problem that deprives you — it is just yourself that deprives you!

Suppose, students, you failed a thousand times in the beginning of your Applications — why would that be any reason to discontinue? You have gone though thousands of centuries building the very thing that has put you in such limitation!

When a seeming appearance attempts to limit you, say: “Mighty Light go forth! Sweep into this human quality and dissolve it! Shatter it! Silence this thing that is driving at me the falsehood of human creation!”

You are not harmonizing individuals or individualizations of God — you are simply silencing and dissolving those qualities that disturb you.

When a condition exists, if you do not know what is going on, you don’t see the need for its correction;

you do not see or know how it is creating such havoc in your life

Call to your Mighty I AM Presence to produce your Tube of Light and insist on this with firm determination. You cannot afford to

let any discordant feeling come into your feeling

‘The Presence pours

forth its love and blessings to you.’

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8 sPirituAl/Ascension MAtters• teAchings froM the Ascended MAsters • the very interesting history of eArth • chAnneling

world — if you achieve this, your Tube of Light will become so invincible that not a single discordant thing can enter.

Refuse acceptance of every discordant limiting thing; and say to those things: “You have no power!” — even if you have to do so a million times. One day it will smash down all resistance and seeming limitations.

And believe it or not, Dear Ones, as long as you will stand steadfastly by your Presence of Light and make your Application, be it humble or great, then I tell you, that Power shall release to give you every Assistance and all the Courage and Strength that is possible for your achievement. Please do not ever doubt it again, if you have before.

Dear Hearts, you might as well face yourself and your world. The Great Divine Director and Great Ones — and they know — have said to the students if they would forget everything else they have studied, they would have their freedom very quickly. This sounds like dictatorship — but Dear Ones, Our Love is so great that when We see and know what will produce your happiness, Freedom, Supply and perfection, do you blame Us if We put it to you in plain Truth? It is not that We are trying to deprive you of anything, but give you everything. This application of Saint Germain’s will produce it if you do not allow other things to come in and intrude.

I want you to feel deeply that your Application brings forth the Power of Light which knows no opposite and only asks the harmony of your feeling world to let It come forth and build and build with great rapidity, until all of a sudden that Great Power becomes so Great that It just flows forth and your whole world becomes one of happiness and harmony.

If something suddenly looms up in front of you that seems terrifying, say, “Hold on just a minute, you are outside of my world, “and then call instantly to your Mighty I AM Presence and the Ascended Masters to dissolve and consume that thing, cause, effect, and record, no matter where it comes from.

You see mankind is so impatient to see some great marvellous Manifestation that they sometimes forget that they are looking for the Manifestation instead of the Light. Don’t worry about the Manifestation, Beloved Ones, IT WILL COME fast enough and be great enough when you have GIVEN SUFFICIENT TO YOUR I AM PRESENCE AND THE LIGHT.

Remember, Beloved Ones, that there is no longer a battle of Life. There is no longer battle of intellect and the Heart in your acknowledgement of the I AM Presence. The heart has its dominion because that is where the Light of all the World is anchored in the human form! Just feel it. Rejoice with all your Heart, and just let it do its perfect work. Oh, don’t ever feel rebellious to Life because you have not yet been liberated from limitations — that would just close the chapter for you; but with all rejoicing in the Heart just say to those APPEARANCES, even though you haven’t a dime in your pocket: “Oh you human creation, you have scared me for the last time! Run along. You have no power here! Mighty I AM Presence take command

of this body. Do your perfect work through it. TAKE OUT ALL FEELINGS OF LIMITATIONS. Send it forth directed by Your Mighty Directing Intelligence, by Your Activity; and give it the Power of Life.”

Obedience is the greatest thing in the Universe. Don’t feel that you can take the reigns and do anything discordant or impure in the world without paying the penalty. You will pay it — and a thousand times more quickly today than you would have 50 years ago, because the Cosmic Light is taking dominion on Earth.

That is why I say today, be humble before this great Presence of Life, first your own Mighty I AM Presence and then the Ascended Beings.

You can no more prevent the record of what your intense FEELING is than anything in the world, because it is there. No change of intellect will prevent it. Now take these two illustrations: suppose you release an intense feeling, then you make the Call through the intellect without being backed up by the

feeling, to erase that. That feeling, because of its greater intensity — and being your powerhouse — would remain there, coming back to you full circle and charged with increasing intensity, in spite of your Call because the intellect alone will not erase it; it must record the feeling released and the Power of the Presence. That brings forth that Power of the Presence that does erase it.

You can become so wonderful because your light is great; but don’t have secret motives, don’t criticize or have an opinion about each other. Go on and on and on and remember — your own requirement is to cleanse, purify, and perfect yourself and your world so that you may pour forth that Great Radiation and Blessing to all you contact.

Astrology puts the suggestion into mankind of limitations — that there is something outside of you that is more powerful than the Life within you. This is the greatest falsehood ever uttered, and the person who claims that a number can affect you is uttering another great falsehood! Saint Germain said that astrology is responsible for more indirect murders than any one thing today.

My Dear Ones, I tell you that this one point, if you really comprehend it, will set you free positively: AN APPEARANCE IN THE OUTER WORLD CANNOT TOUCH YOU, CANNOT REACH YOU — EXCEPT WHEN, BY YOUR ATTENTION, YOU FEED YOUR OWN LIFE CURRENT OF ENERGY INTO IT! The power of your attention is the authority in your world — and where your attention rests, energy is sure to follow.

Therefore I say to you beloved people, there is nothing in the World that should ever discourage you. Suppose your Application has not produced all you would desire? Good Heavens! You were centuries and centuries accumulating it; and when you are being set free in a few months or a few years at most, is there anyone who would not have the courage to go on until the Final Victory arrives?

Be fearless before mankind. You have nothing to be ashamed of in your Understanding of the Mighty Laws of Life, the

‘Be humble before this great presence of life.’

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sPirituAl/Ascension MAtters 9• teAchings froM the Ascended MAsters • the very interesting history of eArth • chAnneling

Mighty I AM Presence that you are. Do not be afraid that your Power of Light cannot silence all destructive forces about you — it can! So call it forth with determination and perseverance.

Do not try to let your outer human concepts judge what could be done for you. Please do not do it! Go on in your Mighty Adoration or Call to your Presence to pour its Mighty Perfection and Dominion in and through you, and then be patient. There is not any two of you alike in your feeling world — even your accumulation is not the same. No two people are alike and no two have the same requirements. Therefore DO NOT THINK YOU HAVE TO DO WHAT SOMEONE ELSE DOES, BUT FORGET EVERYTHING ELSE EXCEPT THE GLORY OF YOUR MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE AND ITS MIGHTY PERFECT ACTION THROUGH YOU. Then its Radiance will pour forth to give you such a Blessing to those you contact, you could not imagine it! Then you are allowing the Powers of Life — Perfection — to act untouched by your qualification, your judgment, or your human concepts of what It should do!.

You cannot afford to have an unkind feeling about a person, place, condition or thing if you want to go forward quickly into the Light.

Mankind has charged the word “work” with all kinds of exhaustion. It is not true. That which you have called work is a service to Life; and once you dismiss from your mind the idea of work, the feeling of work, then the Powers of Life will flow forth and renew you constantly and you will never feel that exhaustion.

As you call forth Perfection through your attention to your Mighty I AM Presence, and then directly to the expansion of the Points of Light within the cells of your body. You will find a trinity of action taking place which brings the results so much more quickly within the entire human form, the intellect, and the feeling world of the individual.

When you understand that you can release from your I AM Presence a Ray of Light focused with Its mighty Power as definitely as a hydraulic pressure to enter your world, go before you, and clear from your pathway every human quality, every seeming obstruction from any source whatsoever — then you are dealing with a Power of Life that knows no obstruction in any way. Therefore, your opportunity, Beloved Children, is the greatest in all the embodiments in which you have lived. All that is accomplished through your Call to your Presence is eternally sustained and never has to be redone!


As you give one mighty decree for a certain thing; know that it is finished. And as you go on to another, it is finished

There is no one from a 10-year-old child on up who does not know and have the definite prompting if he is about to make a mistake; but because of the outer desires being strong, he often overrules the Inner prompting and will not give obedience to it. YOU MUST DO THIS CONSTANTLY — STAND PORTER AT THE DOOR OF YOUR THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS! It is only by practice, guarding, watching, and calling your powerful Discrimination into action, which is your Higher Mental Body, that It can stand guard over you and do the things for you which are necessary.

Blessed Ones, please do not accept your first impulse after your Call as being correct — wait a little and see whether you are having that direction from your Presence or not. Just because you call for it, does not mean you always get it instantly!

Few yet understand what magnificent opportunity there is in allowing their I AM Presence to pour Its

Radiance through them everywhere they move to bless mankind with Its Blessings

And shall I say something to you that is almost startling? How do you think it is that individuals sometimes turn aside from this work, this Great Light? Shall I share the secret of the reason for it? SELF-JUSTIFICATION! It is one of the most dangerous things in human qualities. Self-justification is based in self-pity and seeks human sympathy — human sympathy agrees with imperfection! These energies are subtle, but lethal as a poison. GUARD YOURSELVES AGAINST SELF-PITY AND SELF-JUSTIFICATION.

There are three activities of Life when once held in their Purity and Perfection that will produce immediately any given result your attention is fixed on. Few yet understand the infinite power of their attention, and yet every one of you who has held your attention fast, unwavering to the presence has felt and had the immediate results:

Keep your attention on/ connection to your own Mighty I AM Presence.

Keep the Violet Consuming Flame in action at all times (do this, and ask for this consciously: “Mighty I AM Presence, enfold me this entire day in the Violet Transmuting Fire. Let its intensity increase exponentially with every passing second. Keep me sealed, even in moments of unconsciousness of it, in the Mighty Victorious Violet Transmuting Flame”.

Call for the eternally sustained Tube of Light drawn for your protection.

Oh, My dear Ones, the day when all human prejudice goes down and the great outpouring of loving kindliness and helpfulness comes forth from mankind, then how quickly will all conditions of the outer world be transmuted and mankind will stand in the Supremacy of Life.

I lovingly and consciously command my Mighty I AM Presence to pour its Radiance through me to bless Ascended Master Bob and you, my chela friend, with Its unlimited Blessings eternally sustained and forever expanding.• Summarised by Iwan Jooste Cape Town June 2010.

‘Allow your I AM Presence to pour its radiance into you.’

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10 eAr thly MAtters• gArdening tiPs• grow your own veg • coMPosting • cAring for fruit trees

Rocket’s huge

revivalOnce used extensively in roman and Medieval times, for medicinal and culinary uses, rocket is making a popular

comeback to the kitchen — although few know its worth as a curative herb, writes MarGarEt rOBErts in her book,

‘Edible and Medicinal Flowers’.

OCKET has recently undergone a huge revival in popularity, although it has been cultivated since the Middle Ages. It is native to the Mediterranean area and was first prized by the Romans, who used the pungent-tasting leaves

lavishly in their banquets and chewed the seeds, believing that their hot, biting taste would give them vigour and energy. Fascinatingly, rocket plants have germinated after the excavation of Roman courtyard gardens, as the seeds became exposed after centuries of lying dormant. Rocket is still a tremendously popular herb in Italy, and perhaps it is the Italians with their culinary flair who in recent times have reintroduced it to the rest of the world.

Medicinal usesInterestingly, the seeds have been used through the centuries to treat bruises and sprains. Crushed seeds were spread on top of a warmed, folded bandage (warmed by wringing it out in hot water) and held against the skin without allowing the seeds to touch the skin. Crushed petals were also used to treat skin blemishes by pounding them into a pulp and spreading the softened mixture over the area, squeezing the juice so it covered the blemish completely.

Some ancient herbals record that rocket was eaten in Elizabethan times before a whipping to alleviate the pain, and with its very high vitamin and mineral content, including potassium and silica, it is possible that there are some painkilling components in the leaves, although scientific research has yet to verify this. In medieval times, rocket flowers and green seeds were crushed with honey and taken a little at a time as a cough syrup. In some ancient herbal recipes sage and parsley were included in the pungent mixture. To make the cough syrup, mix equal quantities of flowers, leaves and honey, crush and pound to a paste. Take one teaspoon at a time. Chew it well and then swallow half a glass of water to wash it all down.

Medieval monks were not allowed to grow rocket in the cloister

gardens as it was considered to be a dangerous aphrodisiac! No longer regarded a sexual stimulant, rocket is nevertheless considered to be an invigorating tonic herb in Europe and doctors still prescribe it for those who are overtired and anxious. To make a tea use a quarter cup rocket flowers and a quarter cup fresh parsley and pour over this 1 cup boiling water. Stand 5 minutes, strain and sprinkle with a quarter teaspoon cayenne pepper and sip slowly.

cultivationRocket is a fast-growing annual and once you have it in the garden it will reseed itself vigorously, often two or three times during the summer. It demands little attention, growing quickly and easily and thriving in well-composted soil in full sun, but also does well in rocky places with poor soil and scant moisture.

• Recipes for Mushroom and Rocket Soup and Potato and Ham Frittata with Rocket appear in Margaret Roberts’ “Edible and Medicinal Flowers”, published and distributed by Random House Struik.


rocket ... its seeds are used to treat bruises and sprains and the plant made an invigorat-

ing tonic, prescribed for anxiety.

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sPirituAl/Ascension MAtters 11• teAchings froM the Ascended MAsters • the very interesting history of eArth • chAnneling

THE first requisite to hearing and feeling the keynote of the master is the control of the energy in the aura

and bringing it into a semblance of quietude. Here music is the natural medium by which the general hurly-burly of daily living can be stilled. The development of musical therapy is one of the main activities of the ceremonial ray for the future, but meanwhile until the greater numbers come to understand the activity in the near future, we must endeavor to quiet the inner bodies of the students, particularly after they come from the outer world where they are engaged in creating and dissolving myriad shadow forms in the questionable task of making a living.

The second requisite to hearing and feeling the keynote of the master is in purifying and dissolving these very shadows that form the garments of the self and which change with every passing day. Here we have the beginning of the use of the sacred fire.

The violet consuming flame is a purifying agent that I have developed through centuries of time by endowing the sacred fire with the quality of dissolving forms, patterns and nuclei of a binding nature. Through experimentation with it, I have found its efficacy, and my faith in it to make its action instantaneous, when I draw it forth for any given purpose. I used to think of the sacred fire and draw it into my consciousness as you draw a concentrated sunbeam by a magnifying lens.

Then I would just love it as the activity of God, visualising and seeing it clearly in my mind and feeling it alive within me. I would endow that sacred fire with all the power of God, speaking to it without words, knowing that it was the master element in every sphere of activity. The longer I loved it, the more of it I drew, until the Divine Director told me that I looked like a great yellow sun reclining against the base of a friendly oak tree.

This flame would intelligently ask me what I willed that it should do. This began the beautiful experience in directing the sacred fire consciously. You will remember I say that many activities seem automatic but none really are, all being the result of self-conscious direction by intelligence.

I used to direct the sacred fire towards people I loved with a blessing, a conviction of strength, of hope, of courage, and much later they would tell me how on a certain day or at a certain hour when things seemed dark a new lightness appeared. Of course I kept my part of the activity to myself, for a blessing given is to be given freely.

At the same time I was dedicated to the cause of freedom, so as my teacher developed in me this deep love for the sacred fire I began to think how I might specifically and permanently endow the sacred fire with a particular quality which might be an assistance to those who would choose to use it to free themselves from the chains and limitations of their own creation, and thus the violet consuming flame was born one morning before the sun had reached the horizon and only the rosy glow of his coming

heralded the day.Adoring the flame, I endowed it with

the quality of purification and watched it act, dissolving some of the tramp thought-forms that were floating unclaimed thru the atmosphere. It caught them first like a magnet attracts a steel filing and then began a process of dissolving the form into its native elements. When the nuclear center of the form was pierced, it was just like an explosion as the imprisoned light, coated with the substance of impurity, was released from the magnetic centre of that nucleus andn rejoicing, sped back toward the sun for repolarisation.

And I said within me, this is a representative gift for life, and I took it to my teacher who smilingly informed me that although it was not a new use of the sacred fire, it was my privilege to give it to mankind for the first time outside of the retreats and that it would be the privilege of the seventh ray to develop it for the masses.

The cause of freedom must first be established that the full effect of freedom may be felt. There are mighty individuals who have served the cause of freedom for centuries in various activities where mankind desired to have the fruits of freedom and knew instinctively that the fruits came to those who served the cause.

What is the cause of freedom? It has been paraphrased through the centuries wherever men were stirred to valorous action on behalf of country, king or God, and yet if they were asked to define that cause, I guarantee that there are few who could accurately express an understanding of freedom’s cause. What is the cause of freedom? GOD. The God-identity of every man has within it the inherent inbred realisation that freedom and Godliness are one.

The divine fiat of life is expansion, unfoldment, perfection, all of which qualities require freedom in order to manifest. A tightly-closed rosebud requires

freedom to become a full-blown rose. Even the power of Helios requires freedom to shine. An animal, plant, tree or man requires freedom to breathe. There is no such thing as progress or evolution or in fact being without freedom. You might say freedom is God stretching out his arms to increase. Freedom is God in action. The quiescent God sleeping thru the solar night does not taste of nor enjoy the fruits of freedom, but when the first stirring takes place in the cosmic dawn of a solar system or the birth of a bird freedom stirs.

I AM the sun of freedom. It is my great privilege to expand the cause of freedom on the earth plane. It is not a quality which is injected into a lifestream, for love of freedom is as inherent within life as is the love of life itself. Freedom and expansion are one; freedom and activity are one; freedom and God are one and in this new day dedicated to the freedom of the entire planet and this system of worlds you will see the God power stretching forth and bursting the chains of limitation.

‘I am the sun of

freedom’saint germain dictated this passage to g. innocente on

september 26, 1952.

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12 sPirituAl/Ascension MAtters• teAchings froM the Ascended MAsters • the very interesting history of eArth • chAnneling

DEAR Ones, this mighty instruction of the “I AM” has not been the idle imagination of anyone! This is

a great reality, which is going forth in the final effort to save mankind! I, for one, believe firmly that mankind is going to give the response that will make the victory forever complete! I know the human so often forgets, but try to keep this idea firmly in your consciousness, and if you do not do it otherwise, just make a little note of it, and place it in your room, where you can keep yourselves reminded.

Every call you make to your I AM Presence is a power released into your world, for your freedom, for your victory, for your ascension! There is no power in your world or around your world, which can oppose it, but yourself. Whatever step is gained in your call to the I AM Presence, every particle of freedom and victory over limitation, is permanently sustained! You cannot go back in whatever is achieved in your call to the Presence. That is vastly different from anything else ever thought of by mankind!

Mankind in the previous metaphysical understanding could forge ahead for a while, and then something would trip them up, and down they went, and back they went! Not so in this understanding of the Mighty I AM Presence! Everything you gain in your call to your Mighty I AM Presence, becomes an eternal thing in your life and your lifestream, and it is natural! Therefore, you cannot go back! You must hold permanently to whatever is attained! (p104 – 105)

My dear people, would you consider, for a moment, what you could do, by constantly, just twice a day for two or three minutes, calling your Presence to charge your world. Say, “Mighty I AM Presence, charge into my feeling world, the full power of your feeling, so when I issue the decree that all human creation has no power, it charges into my world, instantly, and reaches out with such power, that as far as my own activities are concerned, there is not one thing in human creation, that has power to touch my world or that I can feel it.” You would soon have such a momentum going out that everything that touched your world would have to come into harmony with it!

You see, dear ones, the power is yours! The power is in that stream of life that beats your heart, in every one of you, and you must accept it! You must call it forth into action to have its blessing. It won’t act to sustain life, unless you do call …

Now, dear ones, life will answer you every time! You can so charge your world, with the power of the Mighty I AM Presence, that its great harmony flows out, and compels obedience wherever it moves. It has to do it! Life is the dominion of Earth, when given attention and the opportunity to exercise that power. All humanity’s accumulation and human creation has no power against that God-dominion, or against the individual, once he or she realises that. But if individuals, not knowing the I AM Presence, keep accepting the power of outer appearances to disturb, limit or deprive them, then

the ascended Masters help to release the power of the Mighty i aM Presence.

Gain victory over limitationHere are some xcerpts from the ‘i aM’ Discourses, by beloved Mighty victory.

‘Every call you make to your i aM Presence is a power released for your freedom!’

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sPirituAl/Ascension MAtters 13• teAchings froM the Ascended MAsters • the very interesting history of eArth • chAnneling

they are giving power to the appearance. The appearance, by itself, could not!

Remember what the messenger has said so often, recently, as to why it is so necessary, to keep your attention off discordant, limiting things! WHEN YOUR ATTENTION, YOUR VISION IS FIXED UPON SOME DISCORDANT OR LIMITING THING IN THE OUTER WORLD, YOUR LIFE, THROUGH YOUR ATTENTION, FEEDING INTO THAT, BRINGS IT RIGHT BACK INTO YOUR WORLD FOR ACTION! Then, don’t you see how, unless you withdraw your attention from limiting discordant things and discordant people, you will bring back the very things into your world, which your attention accepts! That is why the old statement so long given is so true and powerful, “WHERE YOUR ATTENTION RESTS, THERE YOU ARE, AND WHAT YOUR ATTENTION IS UPON, YOU BECOME.” There never was a truer saying in the wide world, because the very force of life compels it. If you want to give your attention to things, you must expect to handle them, because you invite them to come into your world and act!

You see, dear ones, there is no use fooling yourselves — may I use your expression, kidding yourselves, that such and such is not true, just because you do not want to believe it, or you do not want it to be true in your world, because the Law acts unerringly! IF YOU FEED YOUR LIFE INTO SOMETHING LIMITING OR DISTURBING, YOU MUST EXPECT TO HAVE IT ACT! Since the messenger understood that, the moment something out here is the slightest bit discordant or limiting, he says, “Hold on! Don’t you accept that into my world here! Mighty I AM Presence see that it is cut off.” Then, it does not feed back through the attention.

You can govern all such things and can look upon a thing without accepting it, but you have to be CONSCIOUSLY AWARE OF IT.

That is why mankind has believed God would act for them independently! Well, God does not do it! You are given free will and YOU DECREE HOW THE CURRENTS OF ENERGY AND YOUR LIFE ARE GOING TO ACT IN YOUR WORLD! Unless you understand that and control it, you won’t have your freedom!

Now, beloved ones, just one more word before I go. I know the conditions which exist in your world today, and the mass pressure of mankind which affects a great many people, but you do not have to let it in! You, in the knowledge of your Mighty I AM Presence, do not have to be deprived of the money you require to use! Your I AM Presence is the treasure house for you and your world, and when you call to your Presence — and you will hear this repeated a number of times in this class — when you call to your Mighty I AM Presence for your money supply, remember that your I AM Presence is your treasure house! Now that is not imagination! Your I AM Presence is your treasure house, just as tangible as if it held a chest of gold visible in your hands before you! (p107-113)

Think of your power of qualification in the words that you use by the hour, and be very careful, beloved ones, that you do not joke with the Law! It might choose to joke with you! It is not quite safe! You see, you are responsible for every vibratory action, which you send forth into your world of action. You do not quite understand that, but you cannot speak a word, you cannot feel a feeling, that you do not send forth a vibratory action into your world of action. If you understood and would send forth the Ascended Masters’ words of power, which are in those books, in your mighty “I AM” decrees and stand by them, soon you would see the outpicturing of the perfection of their qualities, which is in their words!

Oh, please won’t you remember to not even say, “I can’t, I am broke I am a failure.” Oh, please do not ever say those words again! You are being

false to life when you use those terms! I am very serious just now, beloved ones. You are untrue to life when you let your lips or your feelings utter those words, “I am sick, I am unhappy, I am broke, I am helpless, I am the victim of circumstances.” Oh, my dear people, what makes a discordant circumstance? Your denial of the I AM Powers of Life!

Beloved ones, I plead with you, be careful of your words and the vibratory action, which goes out from your feeling world. When you see or realise that your feeling is the powerhouse for you and your worlds, if you charge that feeling with discord and limitation, how can you hope to have harmony, happiness and the victory of life?

Since this service has been rendered, tonight, I am prompting you on these things, and won’t you be

kind enough please, to stand guard and be alert to your words and feelings? Oh, if you would only do it for

thirty days, you would see the reason why I plead with you, thus you would allow us to give you the assistance which life wants you to have. Then, you would come into sufficient mastery so quickly, that you would not require our assistance, but today you do require it, very much!

I do so deeply appreciate your love and kindness in this audience tonight, that has made it possible for me to render this service, which you cannot quite even imagine tonight! I ask every one of you, in the days to come, to watch your feeling and watch your conditions, and see if you will not come back to me, within six months, and tell me of my victory acting in you.


‘You decree how the currents of energy and your life are going to act in your world!’

‘Discordance means that you are denying the i aM Powers of


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gAining Freedom

through the soil For liFe

initiAteThe Ascension Times is delighted to promote this lunch.

Soil for Life is a wonderful organisation that has done much to help people learn to grow their own food — a step that gives people the freedom we are all in search of.

If you can, support this lunch, and try always to eat vegetar-ian (it takes one acre to feed a vegetarian and 20 acres to feed a meat eater, not to mention the excessive use of water and and all cruelty that goes with meat eating) it is kinder and gentler to all life on this planet — VeGAN and RAW is the most kind and gentle of all the diets, so give it a try, and you won’t look back! There are loads of reci-pes on this website for your raw feast — www.theascensiontimes.com

14 eAr thly MAtters• gArdening tiPs• grow your own veg • coMPosting • cAring for fruit trees

host A lunchsavE thE WorLD

EAT for the Earth is about good food, good friends and good fun, all for a good cause. And win great prizes at the same time!

Host or attend an Eat for the Earth lunch and all the money you raise will go to Soil For Life, an NGO that teaches people in underprivileged areas how to build soil and grow vegetables so families can sit down to fresh, nutritious and free food all year round. By creating green, growing spaces in otherwise unfriendly and life-less areas, Soil For Life encourages a healthier way of life, food security, commu-nity development and plays a part in greening SA’s townships one home at a time.

The Eat for the Earth website makes it easy to register your lunch, and easy for your guests to donate to Soil For Life online. Just log on to: http://www.eatfortheearth.com/

WorLD EnvironMEnt DaY 5 june