Krakow; 29 –11–2005 Energy Agency Zoetermeer Energy Agency Zoetermeer Presented by: Harry Meerwijk Harry Meerwijk

Energy Agency Zoetermeer

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Energy Agency Zoetermeer. Presented by: Harry Meerwijk. Index Presentation. EAZ Keep in touch with the European Commission Know all about the European sides in your own working field Compare activities with European initiatives Find the right partner Start in time (examples) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Energy Agency Zoetermeer

Krakow; 29 –11–2005

Energy Agency ZoetermeerEnergy Agency Zoetermeer

Presented by: Harry MeerwijkHarry Meerwijk

Page 2: Energy Agency Zoetermeer

Krakow; 29 –11–2005

Index PresentationIndex Presentation• EAZ• Keep in touch with the European Commission• Know all about the European sides in your own working field• Compare activities with European initiatives• Find the right partner• Start in time (examples)• Creating a team to prepare the proposal • Understand the deeper meaning of the European rules

involved. • Keep to the rules and procedures• Take care of decision making

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Krakow; 29 –11–2005

Energy Agency ZoetermeerEnergy Agency Zoetermeer

• EAZ is a foundation• The Board is represented by “Consumers”,

“Rabobank”, Building corporation “De Goede Woning”, “Eneco-energy”, “Siemens” and the “Community of Zoetermeer”

• EAZ coordinates several projects. • EAZ realizes the climate policy of the community.

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Keep in touch with the EC.Keep in touch with the EC.

• Attend meetings in Brussels (My first visit to Brussels)

• Read newsletters (Managenergy,official European bulletins,


• Membership of international organisation(s) (Like Energie-


• Get to know national Organisations advising the EU

• (like EG-Liaison, SenterNovem in the Netherlands)

• Get to know your national members of European Parliament.

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Know the European legislation, Know the European legislation, directives, subsidies, in your own directives, subsidies, in your own

working field.working field. • Keep informed about all the “rules” from Brussels.

(Not the most inspiring job, but it can be very important for the financing of projects. In Zoetermeer we have a regular meeting with all the people involved in European activities)

• Know the possibilities and periods when you can enter a proposal for subsidie

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Krakow; 29 –11–2005

Compare actual and future Compare actual and future activities, policy and plans with the activities, policy and plans with the

European initiatives and funding European initiatives and funding schemes.schemes.

It is easier when you apply for European funding for actual or future activities then to “invent” a project just because there is a possibility for European funding.

Starting the Energy Agency Zoetermeer; Already Climate policy in Zoetermeer• Finance; There was not really a need to create a Dutch association of

Energy Agencies.• BELIEF; The board of the energy agency is already a kind of energy

community• Encourage; There already was a plan to make a sustainable business

area• RUSE; The importance of working together with new member states

was already recognised in Zoetermeer )

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Find the right partners and/or Find the right partners and/or make friends with these partners.make friends with these partners.

Like in a relationship, you have to keep your promisesses and

go along with each-other for quite a long time.

• AZ; Tampere, Belfast, Zoetermeer• FINANCE; International partners not known, dutch

partners had to be convinced after entering a proposal• BELIEF; Still has to start, but international workshops

and meetings are foreseen abundantly• RUSE; Heart of the project is international sharing of

knowledge and experience. Knowing the partners is almost essential

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Start in time!Start in time!

Schedules of the EU are not flexible, deadlines are deadlines!

• EAZ; Started only 2 months before the deadline: Hectic preparations

• FINANCE; No problems

• BELIEF; Mails from the coordinator (example)• RUSE; More mails from the coordinator)

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Mails from the coordinator BELIEFMails from the coordinator BELIEF

• Email example 1: Intermediate Financial Report (asking to send files)

• Email example 2: BELIEF negotiation DOCUMENTS TO PROVIDE URGENTLY!

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Create a team to prepare the Create a team to prepare the proposalproposal

You just need enough time to create a proposal. An appropriate

number of hours have to be planned.

• EAZ; We did not plan the hours properly, so we had to hire an expert to help us

• FINANCE; Most of the work was done by the coordinator. Disadvantage is that you are not really involved in the content of the proposal

• BELIEF; Start in March 2005. Hours were planned to work on the proposal.

• RUSE; No problems with planning of the hours)

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Understand the deeper meaning, Understand the deeper meaning, the spirit of the European rules the spirit of the European rules

involvedinvolved.. Not only the text of the rule, but also the deeper meaning is important.

• (EAZ; The EU wanted to create independent local energy management agencies, not just a new municipal department.

• FINANCE; The EU was overwhelmed with small proposals and projects. The EU wants to create one association of energy agencies in each country, so they can manage proposals and projects more easily.

• BELIEF; The EU is trying to involve as many stakeholders as possible to reduce the CO2 emission

• RUSE; New and future member states are an important target

group for the European Commission)

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Keep to the rulesKeep to the rules

Don’t think that you can “manipulate” the rules of the EU.

Be obedient.

• Follow the instructions of the EU at all times

• If possible, let your proposal screen by a national advisor

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Don’t be afraid of bureaucratic Don’t be afraid of bureaucratic proceduresprocedures

Sometimes the forms and procedures can drive you crazy;

Don’t give up and just continue filling in everything that is

asked for!

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Take care of decision making Take care of decision making and signatures in timeand signatures in time

• Often, at the last moment, the decision and the signature of the board or the mayor is needed.

• This always takes time. Be aware of that.

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